Puslinch Township Real Estate News






Auction Sale


To be sold by auction, at the farm of Mr. Joseph Dory, on the Plains of Puslinch, on Monday, the first of February, all his


Farming stock,


Consisting of 1 span of horses, 1 set of double harness, 5 cows, 4 of which are in calf, 2 heifers, 2 three-year-old steers, 2 spring heifer calves, 4 good hogs, 17 sheep, 1 fanning mill, 2 ploughs, and sundry other articles too numerous to be described.


Sale to commence at 11 o’ clock.


Terms: — Under £1, cash: and for all sums above that amount, credit will be given until 1st January, 1848, on approved endorsed notes.




Also, an excellent

Farm for Sale


Consisting of 62½ acres, 40 of which are cleared, with excellent log house, barn, stables, and other necessary out-houses.


Terms: — One half down at time of sale, and the remainder in two years.


Puslinch, 20th January 1847.



from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Auction Sale


To be sold by auction on the 10th of February on the farm of Mr. David Anderson, 10th Concession, Plains of Puslinch, his


Farming Stock


Consisting of 1 span of horses, 1 sleigh, 1 yoke working oxen, 1 yoke of steers, 5 years old, 1 yoke of steers, 4 years old, 1 steer and 1 heifer, 3 years old, 1 yoke of steers, 2 years old, 2 cows in calf, 2 heifers, 1 year old, 20 pigs, 10 sheep, and sundry other articles too numerous to describe.


Sale to commence at 11 o’ clock.


Terms: — One pound and under, cash — above that amount, credit will be given until 1st of February 1848, on approved, endorsed notes.


Anthony Stephens, Auctioneer

Puslinch, 4th February 1847.



from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Saw Mill and Farm to Let,


For a term of three years or more.  There are about fifty acres of land cleared, and the sawmill is in good working order, with about 300 saw logs now lying near, to be cut on shares.  Rent moderate, and one-half to be taken in labour on the farm, if wished.  Further particulars may be known on application to Thomas Arkell, Lots 7 and 8, in the 9th Concession of Puslinch, better known as the Plains.


Puslinch, March 25th 1847.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper








The subscriber will receive horses and horned cattle on the first of June, to pasture on her farm, consisting of 54 acres of clover and grassland, with a creek of water.

Apply to Mrs. McWilliams, Puslinch.


Sarah McWilliams

May 20th 1847.



from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






The following Lands are for Sale




South half of Lot 27, Gore of Puslinch, 93 acres.

South half of Lot 13, 5th Concession, 100 acres


Enquire of

Thomas Saunders

Clerk of the Peace

Guelph, 29th June 1847.



from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Farm for Sale


The undersigned offers for sale his farm of 107 acres, 84 of which are cleared and under cultivation, with requisite buildings, being Lot No. 5, Tenth Concession of Puslinch, and about 5 miles from Guelph.


Lewis King

July 14th 1847.




from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Auction Sale


To be sold by auction on the 12th day of October next, on that part of the farm belonging to Mr. Yeomans, on the west side of the Speed River, in the Township of Puslinch, adjoining Col. Saunder’s farm, about half a mile from the Waterloo Road and three miles from Guelph.


A Lot of Land

Containing from 40 to 50 acres, 30 of which are cleared.


Also a quantity of superior farming stock, for particulars of which see the hand bills.


Terms — 15 months credit will be given on approved, endorsed notes, for all sums above two pounds; under that amount, cash.


Sale to commence at 10 o’ clock, a.m.


For further information apply to Mr. Yeomans on the farm or to


Anthony Stephens

Auctioneer, Notary Public, &c.

Guelph, August 30th 1847.




from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Farms for Sale


The undersigned offer for sale lots 3 and 4 in the 10th concession of Puslinch, comprising 200 acres of land, of which about 80 are in a good state of cultivation, and well fenced.  The Eramosa River runs through the whole, besides numerous springs.  There is a good house and requisite buildings on each lot and the whole will be offered on favourable terms.


Robert and Walter Cook

October 21st 1847.




from the Guelph Mercury newspaper







Mill Property

For Sale


To be sold and immediate possession given, that extremely valuable Steam Saw Mill property, situate on the Brock Road, in the Township of Puslinch, and within 15 miles of the Town of Dundas.  The lot on which the mill is erected contains one hundred acres of excellent land and is admirably wooded for sawmill purposes, the pine timber being abundant and of the best quality.  For superiority of machinery, abundance of wood and water, and ready access to the best lumber market, the above is unsurpassed, and well merits the attention of persons desirous of investing capital in one of the most rapidly increasing branches of business in Canada.


Apply to Cruikshank & Weir, on the premises,


 to Messrs. John Gartshore & Co., Dundas Foundry.


March 17th 1848.




from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Valuable Property For Sale

By Order of the Executors


To be sold by auction, on Friday, 1st of September 1848, all the dry goods, groceries, crockery, stock, and other effects of the late John MacFarlane, on the premises at Aberfoyle, in the Township of Puslinch.


Amongst the stock will be found an excellent saddle horse, single wagon, harness, horse, cart, and harness, saddle, bridle, hay, one-horse sleigh, &c. &c.




Also, at the same time, if not previously disposed of, the store, dwelling house, and other buildings, lately occupied by the deceased, covering about one acre of land.  This stand is situate on the Brock Road, about six miles from Guelph, at which a good store business has been doing for some time past.


Terms:— Purchases under £1 5s., cash, over that sum credit will be given to the first of February 1849.  For the freehold property accommodation will be given, particulars of which will be announced at the time of sale.


Sale to commence at nine o’ clock precisely.  Punctual attendance is requested, as the whole is intended to be sold in one day and without the least reserve.


A. Stephens,





To Debtors and Creditors


All persons who have any claims against the estate of the late John MacFarlane, of Aberfoyle, Township of Puslinch, deceased, are requested to render their account on or before the 2nd day of September next, to the executors of the said estate and effects; and all persons who are indebted the said estate are requested to pay in their respective accounts to the executors, on or before the 2nd of September next, or they will be placed in the hands of the legal authorities for collection.


Duncan MacFarlane

John Cockburn

John Hammersley



Dated at Puslinch, July 28th 1848.





from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Puslinch Plains


To be sold by auction on Friday the 16th of November, on the premises of Mr. Henry Scott, Lot 14, 10th Concession of Puslinch, the following farm stock, namely:


2 brood mares, 1 yearling colt, 1 yoke of oxen, 3 cows in milk, 1 year old heifer, 2 steer calves, 17 ewes and lambs, 1 double wagon, 1 double sleigh, 1 double set of harness, and 1 four-horse thrashing machine.


Terms — 15 months credit on all sums over £1, on giving endorsed notes.


Sale to commence at 11 o’ clock.


Puslinch, October 26th 1849.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Farm For Sale


To be sold, the west half of lot 2 in the 10th concession of the Township of Puslinch, comprising 100 acres, of which 70 are cleared and in good cultivation.  The farm is situated on the York Road, about 4 miles from Guelph.  For terms, which are liberal, apply to:


Daniel Cummins


Puslinch, 6th, April 1850.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Farm for Sale


The subscriber wishes to sell or let an excellent farm, being part of lot No. 6 in the 8th concession, Puslinch, consisting of 56 acres, 35 of which are improved, with:

Log house, barn, &c;


Fronting the Dundas Road and situated about 3 miles from Guelph.  About 11 acres are sown in fall wheat; and the stock, &c, on the farm may be taken at a valuation.  Terms liberal.


Applications to be made to Peter Byrn on the premises or to:


John Smith,

Land Agent, Guelph.


Puslinch, September 21st 1850.





from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Store to be Sold or Let


To be sold or let, an excellent country store, on the Brock Road, 7 miles from Guelph, now doing a

Good and Safe Business


The capital required will be moderate as the terms will be made easy to a good customer.  The stock is, at present, low and may be taken at a valuation.


For particulars apply to:


Mr. K. McKenzie,



or at the Advertiser Office, Guelph.

Puslinch, November 20th 1850.


*Hamilton Spectator to copy for a month and charge this office.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Store to Let


To let, that large and commodious Store situated on the Brock Road, about six miles from Guelph, and lately occupied by R. B. Morrison & Co.  There is an excellent cellar and many other conveniences attached to the premises.


Apply to the subscriber, on the place,

James McMeekin

Puslinch, April 6th 1852.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Tavern for Sale


To be sold, with immediate possession, if required, that large and well-built house known as the “Traveller’s Home”, situate about three miles from the Town of Guelph, on the Brock Road.  There are 10 rooms in the house, including one 26 feet wide and fifty feet long.  The building is recently erected of frame, in a substantial manner, with barn, shed, and other buildings, and well adapted for a tavern or a tavern and store combined.


Apply to Mr. Kueneman on the premises or at the office of this paper.


Puslinch, 19th October, 1852.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Executors’ Notice


All persons indebted to the estate of the late John Linderman of the Township of Puslinch are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those to whom the estate is indebted are requested to present their respective demands within three months.


William Leslie

John Marshall



Puslinch, 5th May 1853.




Valuable Property for Sale


Being Lots No. 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36, front of the 10th Concession of the Township of Puslinch, comprising five hundred acres of good land, being the property of the late John Linderman, with one hundred acres of improvements, a large tract of excellent pine timber, two water-power sawmills in full operation, which are now rented at an annual rent of one hundred and fifty pounds, excellent barns, sheds, and several other outbuildings.  Also, an excellent young orchard on the premises.  This property would be a profitable investment for any person of capital as the demand for lumber is rapidly increasing.


For further particulars apply to the undersigned.


William Leslie

John Marshall



Puslinch, May 5th 1853.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Two Farms for Sale


To be sold by private contract, Lot No. 6 in the 8th Concession of the Township of Puslinch, comprising 56¾ acres, and situate three miles from Guelph.




Lot No. 7, in the 8th Concession of the Township of Puslinch, comprising 50 acres.


The lands are well cultivated, having fall and spring wheat, oat, and pea crops, with a quantity of good grassland.  There is part of a stone house, two log houses, and two frame barns on the land.


The above will be sold together or separate and further particulars may be obtained on application to Mr. John Harris at the Advertiser Office or from the proprietor,


Peter Byrne

Puslinch, May 18th 1853.




from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Farm for Sale

May 31st 1853.


The subscriber offers for sale a desirable farm, being Lot 14 in the 9th Concession of Puslinch, about 5 miles from Guelph, and one and one half miles from Farnham Plains, comprising 100 acres, fifty-five of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation.  There is a dwelling house, barn, and offices on the premises.  Price moderate and terms liberal.  Also...


Several town lots in Guelph for sale.


Robert Thompson

Guelph, May 31st 1853.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper








To be Sold on Saturday, 1st of October 1853.

At Lot No. 4, 10th Concession, Puslinch

The following valuable property, belonging to Mr. Couling.


Viz.: — 2 yoke of oxen, 4 cows in calf, 2 colts, rising three years old, 2 colts, rising two years old, yoke of steers, three years old, 2 breeding sows and store pigs, a quantity of young cattle, superior Ploughs, Harrows, Drags, 1 new wagon, “Patent Skenes”, sleighs, harness, a general assortment of useful implements, and about 20 well-bred sheep.


Also, 2,000 cedar stakes, and a quantity of oat and wheat straw, &c, &c.


Terms: — £3 and under, Cash; over that amount, 15 months credit on approved endorsed notes.


Sale to commence at 12 o’ clock, noon.


W. S. G. Knowles, Auctioneer

September 14th 1853.



from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Farm for Sale


For sale in the Township of Puslinch, a farm of about 60 acres of excellent land, being part of Lot one in the Seventh Concession of Puslinch.  The land abuts the road leading from Guelph to Dundas and is within two miles of the former place.


For particulars, apply at the Advertiser office, Guelph, or to the subscriber at Richmond P.O., near Paris.


James Carter

26th March 1854.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Farm to Rent


The undersigned will be prepared to receive offers for renting the clearing on the front halves of Lots 23 and 24 of Tenth Concession of Puslinch, comprising 130 acres, with suitable house and buildings thereon.  The land is in good cultivation and presents a desirable opportunity for a man of enterprise and industry.


Apply to:

John McEdwards,

Donald Campbell,



Puslinch, June 15th 1854.




from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Farm to Let


To be let, on favourable terms, East Half of Lot No. 22, in the 10th Concession of the Township of Puslinch, comprising 100 acres, 80 of which are in a good state of cultivation, with about 12 acres of Fall Wheat.  Good dwelling-house, a good frame barn and sheds, and other suitable buildings on the farm.


For further particulars, enquire of

James McRobbie,

on the premises

Puslinch, December 5th 1854.




from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Farm for Sale


Within one mile of Guelph, on the Dundas Road, containing 50 acres, 43 of which are cleared, and the remainder covered with excellent firewood, unculled.  A never-failing creek runs through the centre of the Lot.


The buildings consist of a substantial brick cottage, 40 feet by 36 feet, well finished, and a very good barn and stabling.  The orchard of choice young fruit trees is just coming into bearing.


For particulars, apply to Mr. Francis Marriott, proprietor, on the premises.


Guelph, 26th December 1854.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






For Sale

Steam Saw Mill

With 372 acres of land


The subscriber offers for sale his Steam Saw Mill, situate on Lot 36, Gore of Puslinch, with 372 acres of land attached.  The mill is in thorough repair and capable of sawing 100,000 feet of lumber per month.


There are now in the yard over 1,000 first quality Pine Saw Logs, and on the land Pine Timber of excellent quality to supply several years’ sawing.


The subscriber would also dispose of his Steam Saw Mill on Lot 22, 1st Concession Puslinch, with the supply of Saw Logs and Timber.


Charles Mickle


Puslinch, 29th Jan 1855.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Farm for Sale


An excellent farm, beautifully situated 4 miles from the Town of Guelph, by the Waterloo Road, being part of lots No. 12 and 13, on the 5th Concession of Puslinch, near the Saw Mill lately occupied by Mr. Duncan McLaren, consisting of 134 acres, about 70 cleared, well fenced, and in good working order, with 21 acres of fall wheat.  Between springs, two never failing creeks, and the River Speed, there is water in every field.


The buildings are good, consisting of a frame barn, 60 feet by 35 feet, and comfortable stabling underneath for horses, cattle, &c., also a frame cottage with five apartments.


For further particulars, apply on the farms to:


Thomas and John Steel

Puslinch, 6th of February 1855.



from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Farm for Sale


Lot 19, Fourth Concession of Puslinch, containing 100 acres, 80 acres cleared and fenced, and dwelling-house and out-houses erected thereon, one mile from the Brock Road and five from Guelph.  There is twenty acres of fall wheat in the ground.


Time will be given for part of the purchase money.


Apply to the subscriber on the premises.


James Allan


Puslinch, February 23rd 1855.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper








To be sold by auction on Tuesday, the 10th of April 1855, on the farm of Mr. James McRobbie, Lot 22, 10th Concession of Puslinch, the following:


Farm Stock



One mare in foal, 1 colt, 3 years old, 1yearling, ditto, 4 cows, 4 heifers, 2 years old; 3 do. 1 year old; 1 steer, 1 year old; 11 sheep, 1 ram, 1 Yorkshire boar, 1 do. Sow, both took first prize at the Township show, 1 wagon, 1 sleigh, 3 ploughs, 1 double harrow, 1 fanning mill, 1 straw cutter, 1 double set of harness, 1 good riding saddle, and other articles too numerous to mention.


Terms — All sums under £1, cash; over that amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing approved notes.


Puslinch, March 8th 1855.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Land for Sale


A frame house having spacious apartments up and downstairs, with two chimneys, a store, and other accommodations, and one square acre of land, situated on the junction of Farnham Plains Road and the Brock Road.  Farnham Plains Road is the most travelled road that meets the Brock Road from Guelph till near Dundas.  Its eligibility for a store is very apparent, the like of which has been kept there for some years past.  The site is well adapted as a wagon maker, blacksmith, or other mechanic stand.


Apply to Mr. John Harres, Guelph, Mr. Geo. Sunley, Guelph, or to the subscriber at his residence in Peel.


Patrick Dunphy


Applications by letter to be paid

June 6th 1855.



from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






For Sale


A house and lot in the Village of Morriston, No. 16, the property of the late George Diemert.  For particulars, apply to the Executor, George Weltzer, Rockwood, Puslinch.




To Debtors and Creditors


Persons having claims against the deceased or being indebted to him are requested to effect a settlement within a month prior to this date.


George Weltzer

September 19th 1855.





House and Lot for Sale


There will be sold by public auction on Saturday, the 18th of December next, on the premises, Lot No. 16 in the Village of Morriston, comprising one fourth of an acre of land, on which is erected a frame house one and a half stories high, quite new, the property of the late George Diemert.


Terms — One half cash, and the other half in ten months from the day of the sale.


Sale to commence at one o’ clock.


George Weltzer



Puslinch, 14th of November 1855.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Timber for Sale


About twelve acres of most excellent hardwood timber for sale, being chiefly maple and beech.  To parties desirous of having a good supply of firewood this is a rare opportunity as the timber is situated on the side of a road that is good at all seasons and within three miles of the town.


For further particulars apply to the subscriber on the premises.


W. G. G. Lowry,

Springfield Farm, Puslinch.

October 8th 1855.



from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Farm for Sale


The undersigned offers for sale a very valuable farm, being parts of Lots 15 and 16 in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Puslinch, comprising 100 acres of prime farm land in an excellent state of cultivation, good fences, a large farm barn, a young orchard of 100 trees, good garden, and the whole in a very desirable state for immediate occupation.  There are about 70 acres cleared, a never failing stream runs the length of the land, and a fine spring adjacent to the house.


Terms liberal — for further particulars apply to the owner.


C. Glendinning


Guelph, November 15th 1855.

Herald and Mercury to copy




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Puslinch Plains!


W. S. G. Knowles will sell by public auction on Thursday January 10th 1856, on the premises of Mr. Robert Cook, Puslinch Plains, 4 miles from Guelph, the following valuable live and dead farming stock, viz.: —


1 span of buggy horses, 3 years old, 1 span of mares in foal, 1 foal, 5 milch cows, all in calf, 2 yoke of steers, rising three years old, 2 fat oxen, if not previously sold, 10 ewes and 1 ram, 2 wagons, 1 thrashing machine and various other articles.


Sale to commence at 11 o’ clock

Terms: — cash

Puslinch, December 3rd 1855.



from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Farm for Sale, or to Let


The subscriber offers his farm for sale, which is Lot No. 2, 10th Concession, Township of Puslinch.  There is on the farm a good log house and other buildings and 12 acres of Fall Wheat in the ground and 20 acres seeded down.  Terms made known upon application to:


Alex. Hamilton, Proprietor

Puslinch, June 6th 1857.



from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Valuable Farms for Sale


The subscriber offers for sale his two farms in Puslinch, seven miles from Guelph, being the north half of Lot 11, in the 2nd Concession of said Township, containing 100 acres of land, of which there are 60 cleared and well fenced.  There is a good log house and frame barn on the lot, and a very valuable orchard of nearly 150 trees, with garden, &c. 


Also, the south half of lot 10, in the 3rd Concession, containing 100 acres, about 45 of which are cleared.  A never failing creek runs through this lot, which corners on the other one.


Price for the Two Lots $6000,


Two thousand of which can remain until the end of four years, the balance to be paid previous to that time, in such manner as may be agreed on.  For further particulars, apply to:

C. P. P. Hutchinson

Guelph, February 15th 1862.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Farm for Sale


For sale, a farm of 80 acres, about 40 of which are cleared, the rest good cedar and pine, situated on the

Brock Road


 About 2 miles from Guelph, being Lots No. 4 and 5, 7th Concession, Puslinch.  There is a good dwelling house and well on the premises.  Also a good orchard of about 4 acres.  For terms and further particulars, call on the proprietor,


Michael Hohenadel

Guelph, June 25th 1864.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Pasture to Rent

June 1st 1865.


The undersigned is prepared to take in a number of cattle to pasture for the season on the most reasonable terms.


Jas. Cunningham

Lots No. 9 and 10, 4th Concession, Puslinch


Plenty of Water on the Premises




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Valuable Farm for Sale

In Puslinch


For sale, that splendid farm known as the McKenzie Farm, situated partly in the 7th concession of Puslinch, containing 384½ acres, 270 of which are cleared and in the highest state of cultivation and are enclosed with cedar rail fences.  The balance of the land is timbered with the choicest beech and maple hardwood, with sufficient cedar and pine for fencing and building purposes.  There are a number of never-failing creeks running through the land, which makes it valuable either for stock raising or grain.


The orchard is one of the best in the county, both as regards quantity and quality of fruit, there being over 400 trees, all grafted and of the best quality of pears, English cherries, plums, apples, and grape vines.


The buildings comprise two commodious dwelling houses, 1 bank barn, 4 other barns, stables, sheds, driving shed, root houses, and all other necessary buildings for a first-class farm.  There are two soft-water pumps and one hard-water pump.


The land will be sold in one or two separate farms to suit purchasers.  It is situated in the middle of the township, 6½ miles south of Guelph, 2 miles from Aberfoyle village, and convenient to post office, grist mills, etcetera.


Terms: A good bargain will be given as the proprietor is leaving the country.  A considerable amount of the purchase money may remain on the mortgage, as may suit purchaser.  Title indisputable.  For further particulars, apply on the premises, or if by letter, post-paid to:


Kenneth McKenzie

Aberfoyle P.O.


from the Galt Evening Reporter newspaper, circa January 26th 1870.






Credit Sale in Puslinch

April 17th 1872.


There will be sold by Public Auction on Friday, the 26th day of April 1872, on Lot No. 24, Gore of Puslinch, near Crieff, the following stock, et cetera, the property of the undersigned:


1 span excellent working horses, 1 breeding mare in foal, 7 milch cows, calved and in calf, 1 yoke, 3 years old past, steers, 2 heifers, 2 years old past, 2 one-year old heifers, 1 grade bull 2 years old, a number of sheep, 10 young pigs and 1 breeding sow, 1 wagon, 2 sleighs, 1 cart, 1 screw stump machine, 2 ploughs, 1 pair harrows, 1 fanning mill, 2 grain cradles, pitchforks, dung forks, scythes, and many other articles too numerous to mention. 


Terms of sale — $5 and under, cash; over that amount, twelve months credit on furnishing approved endorsed notes.  Sale to commence at 11 o’ clock a.m., sharp.


Thos. Ingram


Dunc MacDonald



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Desirable Property for Sale in Puslinch

April 17th 1872.


The north part of Lot No. 4, on the 1st Concession, containing 19 acres, on which there is a good orchard and piece of bush and stable.  Also, the Island on the lake containing 7 acres, and ¼ of an acre off a corner of Lot No. 4 in the 4th Concession, formerly used as school ground.  For terms apply to:


Mrs. Z. Pembroke

Lot 18, Concession 17, Minto,

Drew P.O.


from the Hespeler Herald newspaper






Farm for Sale or Rent

March 5th 1875.


Lot No. 34, in the 8th Concession, Township of Puslinch, containing 100 acres, about 80 cleared, balance well timbered.  There are two good dwelling houses and a good bank barn with stable attached.  It is situated on the Brock Road and adjoins the village of Morriston, within 9 miles of Guelph and 17 of Hamilton.  The farm will be rented or sold in one parcel or divided into 50 acres each, to suit parties.  Terms, half cash, and balance secured by mortgage.  Apply to David Dickson, the proprietor, Clifford Post Office or to Wm. Leslie, Esq., Puslinch Post Office.




from the Guelph Advertiser newspaper






Farm for Sale in the Township of Puslinch

October 9th 1876.


Beaston Hills, the property of the late E. F. Heath, Esq., comprising about 173 acres.  The property is within four and a half miles of the town of Guelph, which is one of the best markets west of Toronto.  On the farm, there is a substantial house, well finished, suitable outbuildings, 2 good bearing orchards of fruit trees, six springs of water running through the farm, which have never failed in the driest season, and the Speed River runs the whole length of the farm on one side.  There are about 60 acres of woodland, forty of which is dry cedar swamp, the best in the County of Wellington, and very saleable in that section for fencing or post purposes.  The whole will be sold in one lot, on reasonable terms, which will be made known by applying to Mr. C. Heath, on the premises or to A. Hadden, Guelph.






For Sale

An Excellent Farm

October 9th 1876.


Being Lot 16, on the 4th Concession, of Puslinch, four and a half miles from the Town of Guelph, and known as one of the best farms in the Township, containing 100 acres, 90 cleared, in a high state of cultivation, free from stumps and stones, well fenced with cedar rails, 10 acres covered with hardwood and cedar timber, an excellent orchard and garden.  A frame house, nearly new, with 11 rooms, good cellar, outbuildings, and a plentiful supply of hard and soft water.  The barn and sheds are frame and in good repair.  Terms of payment very liberal.  For further particulars apply to R. F. Maddock on the premises, Box 103, Guelph P.O. or to:


Thompson & Jackson,

Land Agents, Guelph.







October 28th 1876.


Being 150 acres in the Township of Puslinch, composed of the rear parts of Lots 18 and 19, in the 9th Concession.  The farm is all well fenced with cedar rails, over 100 acres under cultivation, 10 acres of good hardwood and about 30 acres in mixed wood, cedar, pine, hemlock, and other first class building timber, barn 50 x 22, cellar, and horse stables 50 x 22, house story and a half, 32 x 32, kitchen attached, good well near house, and springs handy for stock, farm is situated within 2½ miles of the village of Aberfoyle and about 8 miles from Guelph.  This is an opportunity not often offered to secure a good farm very cheap and on reasonable terms.






First Class Farm

in Puslinch

November 13th 1876.


Being front half of Lot 22, in the 9th Concession, 100 acres, 80 under first class cultivation, balance hardwood timber, yielding 45 to 50 cords per acre, 8 miles from Guelph, the best market town in Canada, and 6 miles from the Ontario Model Farm, 7 acres under fall wheat, 22 seeded down for hay, and 30 acres ready ploughed for spring crops.  Buildings are unsurpassed for convenience and durability, consisting of frame dwelling house 1½ storeys high, 9 rooms, 36 x 24, driving shed 30 x 20, stable has a cement floor in form of a basin paved on top and intended to carry off all drippings into a cistern for liquid manure.  Fences are first class, a picket one being constructed along the entire front of the lot, along which is also planted and now in the seventh year of their growth, maple shade trees.  There are two orchards on the property, one of ¾ acres, bearing for a number of years, and the other of 6 acres, young healthy trees and bearing.  The above will be sold at a great bargain, and is deserving the attention of parties in want of a capital farm in an excellent neighbourhood, close to market, school, post office, et cetera.  Title indisputable, immediate possession.  For further particulars apply to:


F. J. Chadwick,

Estate Agent,

Herald Block,







Farm for Sale, on favourable terms.

September 12th 1878.


Being Lot 30, Front half of the 7th Concession of the township of Puslinch, containing 100 acres of first class land in a good state of cultivation, and having thereon a two-storey stone house with stone woodshed attached, a large bank barn with stone stabling underneath, and hard and soft water convenient to the premises.  Also, there is a good orchard in full bearing and ten acres of hardwood bush.  The farm is one mile from Morriston Post and Telegraph office, and nine miles from Guelph, and conveniently situated for school or churches. 


For terms and further particulars, apply to

Andrew Stahl, Morriston P.O., County of Wellington.






Farm for Sale

January 10th 1881.


Being Lots 3 and 4 in the 10th Concession of the Township of Puslinch, containing 200 acres, 75 acres under cultivation, 30 acres of lowland have been cleared off and seeded and will make an excellent meadow and pasture, a fine young orchard, barn 50 x 70, and all the necessary stables and sheds, roughcast house, eight rooms, Venetian blinds, kitchen, stone cellar under whole house, hard and soft water, and never failing spring near barn.  The above farm is situated about four miles from Guelph, and ¾ of a mile from the Arkell Post Office, where there is a store, hotel, blacksmith shop, et cetera.  The above will be sold on easy terms, and can be taken either 100 or 200 acres.  For further particulars apply to F. J. Chadwick, Real Estate Agent, Guelph, or to Wm. Hockett, on the premises, or to E. M. Chadwick, Barrister, Toronto.






Credit Sale

Of Horses, Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters, etcetera.




The undersigned has been instructed by Mr. Jacob N. Cober to sell by public auction at his late waggon shop, lot 2, concession 3, Township of Puslinch, near Kribs’ Mills, 1½ miles from Hespeler,

On Friday October 26th,


At 12 o’clock noon sharp, the following property, viz.: 6 new lumber waggons, 1 old lumber wagon, 2 one horse waggons, 1 Democrat waggon, 1 new Portland cutter, 3 second-hand cutters, 1 double cutter, nearly new, 3 new bob sleighs, 1 wood-work of bob sleigh, 4 new long sleighs, 3 new poles for Democrat waggons, 1 Democrat gear with wheels and pole, ironed:

2 large box stoves, 1 small ditto, 1 heavy sewing machine, 3 new field rollers, 1 folding-seat buggy, 4 second-hand buggies, 1 new top buggy, 1 new waggon box with spring seat and shelvings, a lot of team whiffletrees, ironed.

1 horse rising 5 years old, 1 “Royal George” colt rising 4 years old, if not previously sold.

Terms: Sums of $10.00 and under, cash: over that amount, 12 months credit will be given on approved joint notes or 8 per cent off for cash.


James Taylor, Auctioneer.


Hespeler, October 11th 1883.

from the Galt Evening Reporter newspaper






Farm for Sale

Tuesday January 2nd 1884.


Lot 30, Front 8th Concession, Puslinch, 88 acres more or less.  This property is in the village of Morriston, well fenced, good supply of water, white brick dwelling, bank barn---new, driving house, and a fine orchard.  Apply on the premises to Solomon Stahl, Morriston P.O.


from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Farm for Sale

February 12th 1884.


Consisting of 150 acres, being Lot 14, Concession 3, Puslinch, about 110 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation.  The balance is well timbered with hardwood, cedar, and pine.  Well fenced and watered, good log house, well finished, log barn with frame stabling and shed 100 feet long, young bearing orchard, near school and churches.  Terms liberal.  Apply on the premises to Patrick Kinsella, or by letter to John Kinsella, Guelph P.O.






Hotel Property for Sale

Tuesday February 12th 1884.



In the village of Morriston, viz.: The Credit Valley Railroad Hotel, centrally located in said village, and lately occupied as such by J. B. Mitchell, and having all the requirements and conveniences necessary for carrying on a large and profitable business.  For terms and further particulars, apply to M. Elliot Jr., Morriston P.O.


Guelph Mercury newspaper






Auction Sale

Of Valuable Real estate in Aberfoyle and Morriston


There will be offered for sale at the Market House, Guelph,

 on Saturday the 28th of January 1889 at 2 o’clock p.m.


No. 1 — That property known as the Aberfoyle Mills, 4 rows built of stone and white brick, water between 8 and 9 months a year, 52 H.P. Corliss engine, manufactured by Inglis and Hunter, capacity from 80 to 100 bbls., one of the best wheat growing sections.  Distance from any other mill, 7 miles, distance from Schaw Station, C.P.R., 3½ miles.  There is also a brick building convenient that may be used for oatmeal kiln, cider, or evaporating purposes.  A good dwelling house opposite the mill, store-house, stables, and sheds.  There is about 48 acres of land, more or less, including dam and water courses.


No. 2 — A gore lot adjacent to the Aberfoyle Town Hall, suitable for tradesmen.


No. 3 — Village lots 11 and 12, West side Dundas Street, Aberfoyle, half acre, more or less, on which is a good frame dwelling house and stable, now occupied by Mrs. William McDonald.


No. 4 — A lot about one quarter of an acre, more or less.  Frame house thereon, now occupied by Mr. Joseph Roach.


No. 5 — A lot adjoining No. 4 containing 1½ acres, more or less, suitable for market gardening, the soil being a rich black loam, seven miles from Guelph.


No. 6 — Thirteen acres, more or less, in a good state of cultivation, in the village of Morriston, to which is attached village lot 34, on which is a good barn, 30 feet by 60 feet.


No. 7 — Village lots 20 and 21, quarter of an acre each, on which is a fine orchard.  The best building lots in the village of Morriston.


The above will be offered on the day, hour and at the place mentioned, if not sold previously.


Terms of sale — Ten per cent on day of sale, the balance of half or four-fifths when papers are completed, and the remainder may remain on mortgage at six per cent interest payable half yearly, say for 3 or 5 years.


R. B. Morison, Proprietor.

James Taylor, Auctioneer.




from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






The Morriston Hotel For Sale

April 17th 1893.


As will be seen by advertisement, Mr. Edward Tyrrell offers for sale his well-known and highly popular house, the Morriston Hotel.  This hotel has long been known as one of the best-conducted and most largely patronized houses on the Brock Road, and Mr. Tyrrell is selling solely on account of impaired health.  This is an excellent investment for any man who will keep up the reputation of the house, for there is no better stand in the county than the Morriston Hotel.


Guelph Mercury newspaper





Morriston Hotel For Sale

Tuesday July 25th 1893.


Owing to failing health, this property with fittings, furniture, etcetera, is offered for sale.  Part of purchase money may remain for a good term on mortgage.  This is an old established hostelry on the Brock Road, 8 miles from Guelph, 18 miles from Hamilton.  For further particulars, apply to Andrew Foley, Morriston P.O.


Guelph Mercury newspaper





Auction Sale

Of Farm Stock and Implements

December 20th 1899.


The undersigned has been instructed by Mr. Wm Rae to sell by public auction at his residence, Lots 3 and 4, Gore of Puslinch, on,

Wednesday December 20th 1899.

At one o’ clock p.m. sharp, the following:


Stock — one span general purpose horses, rising four and six years old, colt rising two years old, sired by Citizen, aged mare, 6 milch cows, supposed to be in calf, heifer, three years old, supposed to be in calf, Durham bull, rising two years old, 3heifers, rising two years old, 8 spring calves, 10 ewes, supposed to be in lamb, Leicester ram, 3 ewe lambs, brood sow with litter at foot, 8 pigs, six weeks old, about 40 chickens.


Implements — Binder, Noxon make, horse rake, mower, seed drill, Noxon make, fanning mill, Clinton make, lumber wagon, pair bob sleighs, 2 plows, 2-furrow gang plow, disc harrow, set iron harrows, 2 sets wooden harrows, scuffler, turnip pulper, sheep rack, pig trough, bag truck, set long tug harness, set single harness, pair collars and bridles, and other articles too numerous to mention.


About 400 bushels of turnips.


Terms — $10 and under, cash, over that amount twelve months credit or a discount of 5% per annum for cash.  Turnips, pigs, and chickens, cash.


Above will be sold without reserve as Mr. Rae is giving up farming.


Wm. Rae


Alex. Ames



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Farm for Sale in the Township of Puslinch

January 9th, 1907.


100 acres, lot 26, concession 1, Puslinch, a first-class bank barn and a comfortable house.  About 80 acres cleared, 15 acres hardwood bush, and balance pasture, well watered, adjoining church and school.  Will be sold reasonably to wind up the estate of the late Alex. McIntosh.  Apply to William McIntosh, Crieff P.O.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Desirable Farm for Sale

January 1907.


Being lot 7, concession 2, Puslinch, containing 200 acres more or less, eight miles from Guelph, eight miles from Galt, and three from Hespeler.  This farm is in a high state of cultivation, loamy soil, well fenced.  Large, new bank barn, 70 x 80 ft., with stabling for 40 head of cattle, cement floors throughout, large carriage and implement house, sheep house, large stone silo 12 x 36 ft., orchard, three spring wells, excellent water, spring creek close to barn, large stone house suitable for two families, two cisterns, cellar full size of house, there are 35 acres of hardwood timber, 22 acres of fall wheat, looking well, 70 acres of fall ploughing, 1-2 miles from school, This farm has been well fed with manure and is in good condition.  For further particulars, apply on premises or to Box 112 Hespeler.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Farm for Sale in Puslinch

 January 1907.


150 acres in the Township of Puslinch, lot 3 and part of lot 4, rear of 3rd concession, known as the Pannabaker homestead, 110 acres under cultivation, balance is hardwood timber.  Stone house, bank barn, good orchard, and other necessary outbuildings.  Part of the purchase money could remain on mortgage for a number of years.  For particulars, apply to E. Pannabecker, Hespeler.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Farm for Sale in Puslinch

October 23rd 1907.


Lot 11, Concession 8, 100 acres, more or less, about four miles from the city of Guelph.  On the premises there is a good stone house, new bank barn with good stabling and outbuildings, also a small orchard.  Farm is well watered by two spring wells and a cistern at the house.  15 acres of good hardwood bush and pasture land.  For further particulars, apply to W. Clifford Jackson or to John Hanlon on adjoining farm, or to Guelph P.O.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Has Sold Farm

June 23rd 1910.


Mr. W. A. Dickie, Puslinch, near the Lake, has sold his splendid 200-acre farm to Mr. Geo. Elliott, Ubely, Michigan, for $11,000.  Mr. Elliott takes possession about July 1st.  Mr. Dickie will sell his stock and implements by auction, advertisement of which will be seen in another column.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Auction Sale of 75 Choice Breeding Ewes and Ewe Lambs in Puslinch

November 2nd 1915.


The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. G. A. Hales to sell by public auction on his farm, Lot 3, Concession 8, Township of Puslinch, a half mile south of the O.A.C., on the Brock Road, on Wednesday November 10th, at 1:30 sharp, the following:


Six (6) extra fine Lincoln yearling ewes, 2 pure bred Oxford yearling ewes, 55 choice breeding ewes from 2 to 3 years old, consisting of Grade Leicesters, Oxfords, and Suffolks.  Twelve (12) extra fine ewe lambs, Leicesters and Oxfords.


Any person wishing good breeding ewes or ewe lambs cannot afford to miss this sale, as they are an extra choice lot and in first class condition.


Terms of Sale ─ 6 months credit upon furnishing approved joint notes, 6 per cent per annum off for cash.


James McDonald, Auctioneer.

J. M. Duff, Clerk.







◄ End of Real Estate Listings ►