Minutes of Council Meetings January 1937 ─ December 1939. |
January 4th 1937 A.D. Election Returns |
Neil Black |
Walter Holm |
Polling Subdivision No. 1 |
91 |
59 |
Polling Subdivision No. 2 |
27 |
107 |
Polling Subdivision No. 3 |
34 |
66 |
Polling Subdivision No. 4 |
34 |
40 |
Polling Subdivision No. 5 |
26 |
59 |
Polling Subdivision No. 6 |
13 |
125 |
Polling Subdivision No. 7 |
15 |
47 |
Totals |
240 |
503 |
Pursuant to statute and the declaration of the Returning Officer at the Nomination Meeting, of December 28th, polls were opened at the several subdivisions in the township and the above tabulated summary of votes cast was returned by the respective Deputy Returning Officers. Walter Holm, having received the highest number of votes was duly declared elected, to act as Reeve in the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch for the year 1937 A.D. (signed) Alex Ord ─ Returning Officer |
January 11th 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the The minutes of the December 15th meeting, the Special Meeting, the Nomination Meeting, and of the Election Returns were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Haines and McGill. A large number of communications were read and disposed of. The following resolutions were adopted: |
1. |
That the clerk be instructed to order 9 copies of the Municipal World, and to call for tenders on 2 cords of wood for the Township Hall, as per tenders of previous years. |
2. |
That the applications for Hydro of Chas. H. Haugh, J. M. Cockburn, Ernest Cockburn, Roy Harmer, Ernest Clark, and John Hohenadel be accepted. |
3. |
That the local club receive the free use of the Township Hall to stage a concert and dance in aid of Miss Margaret Armstrong, who was seriously hurt in a sleigh-riding accident. |
4. |
That the Council accept the offer of the Progressive Club to go half and half towards buying new chairs for the Township Hall and that Councillor Haines be appointed to represent the Council on this committee. |
5. |
That the Clerk be instructed to prepare a bylaw, appointing Walter Holm as Relief Officer, his appointment to take effect from this day, the 11th day of January 1937. |
6. |
That John A. McPherson be authorized to attend the annual conference on road construction, to be held in the Foresters’ Hall, 22 College Street, Toronto, on February 22nd and 23rd, and that John A. McPherson and Walter Holm be a committee to attend the Ontario Good Roads Association in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on February 24th and 25th, and that a membership fee of $5.00 be forwarded to the Secretary, Mr. T. J. Mahoney, Court House, Hamilton. |
7. |
That the Treasurer’s bonds be renewed with the Globe Indemnity Insurance Company, James Faskens, agent. |
8. |
That the engineer of municipal roads be consulted before any action is taken in regard to the municipality assuming ownership of a roadway into Mrs. Marion McCuen’s property, part of Lot 36, Rear of the Gore. |
9. |
Mr. Glover, tenant on Lot 25, Front of Concession 9 requested the Council to have a small creek, which drains the above mentioned property, cleaned out and lowered. Councillor Haines and the Road Superintendent were instructed to look into this matter and take whatever action is necessary. |
The following bylaws, appointing the officers of the municipality for the year 1937, were passed and numbered as below: |
Bylaws No. 1, 3, and 5 ─ Assessor, $225.00, School Attendance Officer, and Weed Inspector, $50.00, respectively ─ Duncan McLean |
Bylaw No. 2 ─ member of the Board of Health ─ W. J. Little |
Bylaw No. 4 ─ auditors, $30.00 ─ T. J. Mahon & Gordon McKay |
The customary bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer
to borrow necessary money from the Bank of Toronto, Morriston and the
Dominion Bank, |
Moved by Geo. McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Alex Ord, report to the Public School Inspector |
$3.00 |
C. L. Kearns, attending Division Court |
$4.00 |
M. & G. McLean, stamps & pencil |
$4.05 |
Municipal World, nomination supplies, Ont. blank forms |
$1.50 |
Municipal World, election supplies |
$9.69 |
Wallace Printing Company, notice rē nomination, 2,000 tax notices, & 1,500 ballots |
$22.41 |
A. O. Coulson, relief for Mrs. Woods, P. Doyle, & __ Pharaoh |
$43.25 |
Guelph City Dairy, milk for P. Doyle |
$1.60 |
C. M. MacDonald, relief for P. Sardella, C. McConnell, C. Hood, & F. Marcy |
$93.01 |
Guelph Print Service, 200 copies of the financial statement |
$51.30 |
Bond Hardware Company, supplies for Township Hall |
$3.65 |
Geo. A. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker |
$15.00 |
T. J. Mahoney, Secretary of the Good Roads Assoc., membership fee |
$5.00 |
Duncan McLean, School Attendance Officer fees |
$4.10 |
James E. Faskins, premium on Treasurer’s bond |
$40.00 |
Harvey Sutton, refund on dog tax, assessed in error |
$2.00 |
Geo. Lewis, refund on dog tax assessed in error |
$2.00 |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 1 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$41.66 |
Roy Carter, pay sheet |
$6.40 |
Alex Black, pay sheet |
$2.80 |
Joe Broeckel, pay sheet |
$2.75 |
Frank J. Byrne, pay sheet |
$2.85 |
Albert McKay, pay sheet |
$2.80 |
A. J. Huether, pay sheet |
$3.00 |
T. J. Gilchrist, |
$17.47 |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday February 1st 1937, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) W. Holm ─ Reeve |
February 1st 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the Letters from S. B. Stothers, Agricultural Representative, rē a grant to the provincial ploughing match and the warble fly control campaign, were read, but no definite decision arrived at. Andrew Laing, F. Broeckel, and C. M. MacDonald filed claims for damages to their cars on township roads and the Clerk was instructed to forward the same to the insurance company for its consideration. |
1. |
Tenders for wood for the Township Hall were then opened and the tender of John Coburn, being the lowest, it was moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by Geo. McGill, that the tender for wood, for the Township Hall, of John Coburn, at $8.00 per cord, be accepted. |
2. |
Moved by Geo. McGill, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that a
bylaw, amending Bylaw No. 4─1937, being a bylaw appointing municipal
auditors for the |
3. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Marshall Haines, that a
bylaw, appointing a Relief Officer for the |
4. |
Moved by Geo. McGill, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that a
bylaw, appointing pound-keepers, fence-viewers, and sheep valuators for the |
In Committee of the Whole, Councillor Haines presiding, the bylaws were numbered and the blanks filled in. |
5. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the bylaw, amending Bylaw No. 4─1937, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
6. |
Moved by D.A. Stewart, seconded by Geo. McGill, that the
bylaw, appointing a Relief Officer for the |
7. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the bylaw, appointing pound-keepers, fence-viewers, and sheep valuators, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
8. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by Geo. McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Stewart Hume, election expenses |
$15.00 |
Robt. |
$12.00 |
John Winer, election expenses |
$17.00 |
Duncan McAllister, election expenses |
$15.00 |
Michael Lynch, election expenses |
$15.00 |
Robt. Reeves, election expenses |
$15.00 |
Peter C. McLean, election expenses |
$15.00 |
Alex Ord, registering births, marriages, & deaths |
$9.75 |
G. A. Lewis, lock for door, floor gloss, etc., |
$3.18 |
Municipal World Ltd., Collector’s cash book & subscriptions to Municipal World |
$11.20 |
Remington Rand Ltd., 8 Hughson S., Hamilton, repairs to adding machine |
$1.25 |
W. Alex Nichol, 1 sitting of Division Court |
$4.00 |
James C. Faskins, employee accident insurance, from June 1936 to Dec. 31st 1937 |
$169.43 |
John A. Ord, shelter & fuel, Fred Hamilton |
$18.00 |
Cole Bros., dry goods for C. Pharaoh, |
$5.74 |
James F. Murphy, 200 pounds of flour, for Skerritt family |
$7.50 |
L. J. Philpott, relief for E. Haynes |
$16.08 |
Wilfred Crowder, 1 cord of wood for E. Hanes |
$3.50 |
Palmer Bros., fuel for Pharaoh & P. Doyle |
$20.75 |
A. O. Coulson, relief for C. Pharaoh, A. Pharaoh, W. Swartzenburg, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Cowan, & P. Doyle |
$49.58 |
Frank Murphy, relief for W. Hewer |
$10.50 |
C. M. MacDonald, relief for C. McConnell, C. Hood, F. Marcy, & P. Sardella |
$90.61 |
M. & G. McLean, relief for Mrs. Skerritt |
$7.75 |
Provincial Treasurer, Dept. of Health insulin supplied to Miss H. A. Little |
$1.05 |
D. Smith, 25 steel pipes for culverts, at 55 cents |
$13.75 |
Geo. M. Fox, County Treasurer, interest on county rate |
$45.00 |
An account for C. M. MacDonald for relief supplied to C. Hood, amounting to $21.53 and dated April 1st 1936 was disallowed unless Mr. Black, former Relief Officer, is willing to vouch for it. |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 2 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary & postage |
$41.97 |
Chester Schultz, pay sheet |
$1.60 |
Gordon Gregor, pay sheet |
$1.00 |
Chas. Gregor, pay sheet |
$1.75 |
Cecil Hood, pay sheet |
$3.50 |
P. W. Richardson, pay sheet |
$8.18 |
Robt. Slater, pay sheet |
$5.00 |
Joe Broeckel, pay sheet |
$7.80 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, 1 culvert, 18 feet by 12 inches |
$18.72 |
Roy Carter, pay sheet |
$4.55 |
Walter Cook, pay sheet |
$1.00 |
Frank Glover, pay sheet |
$1.60 |
7. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday March 1st 1937, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
March 1st 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the Messrs. S. B. Stothers, District Representative, Sidney Maltby, and Ernest Cockburn interviewed the Council rē the Warble Fly Control Campaign. Mr. Stothers also requested a grant in aid of the local committee of the provincial ploughing match. He also explained a letter received by the Clerk, dealing with reforestation. Mr. Cockburn also explained to Council that a concert, box social, and dance had been held for the benefit of a local resident, and requested that the committee sponsoring the program be exempt from paying rent for the Township Hall. His request was granted. |
1. |
Moved by George McGill, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that
this Council grant the local committee of the provincial ploughing match the
sum of $25.00, and that the Council hereby agrees to supply Warble Fly powder
for the |
2. |
The auditors presented their annual report to the Council, and it was moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the auditors’ report for 1936, as presented, be accepted. |
3. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that the
hydro application of Alex E. Ramsay, |
4. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by Geo. McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Dr. J. H. King, balance of 1936 account as M.O.H. |
$13.00 |
Can. Office & School Furniture Ltd., 16 double chairs for the Township Hall |
$65.00 |
County Office Supply Company, Assessor’s supplies |
$34.57 |
Toronto Stamp & Stencil Works, 300 dog tags |
$11.64 |
Municipal World Ltd., 500 relief vouchers |
$3.49 |
Neil Black, stationery, stamps, phone, expenses to Toronto, & balance of salary as Relief Officer |
$13.30 |
W. H. Whyte, auditor’s supplies |
$5.20 |
W. H. Whyte, 6 months’ salary as Tax Collector, Sept. ─ Feb. |
$87.50 |
John A. Ord, shelter & fuel rē Fred Hamilton |
$9.00 |
Frank Murphy, relief for W. Hewer |
$5.45 |
Cole Bros., relief for Cecil Pharaoh |
$10.44 |
Guelph City Dairy, relief for P. Doyle, Jan. & Feb. |
$9.50 |
F. L. Stout, relief for A. Pharaoh |
$8.00 |
W. Crowder, wood for E. Haynes |
$3.50 |
M. & G. McLean, relief for Darby and Skerritt family |
$11.90 |
C. M. MacDonald, relief for C. Hood & F. Marcy |
$35.62 |
L. J. Philpott, relief for E. Haynes |
$12.25 |
Mrs. John Huether, relief for Jno. Hood |
$12.50 |
Duncan McLean, postage, stationery, & express |
$5.40 |
Hydro-Electric Power Commission, lights for Hall |
$7.86 |
Gordon McKay, auditor’s salary |
$30.00 |
Lyla M. Lewis, auditor’s salary |
$30.00 |
A. O. Coulson, relief for Mrs. Woods, W. Swartzenburg, A. & C. Pharaoh, and P. Doyle |
$61.72 |
Walter Holm, expenses to conference |
$7.00 |
Miss Florence Walsh, typing auditors’ statement |
$3.00 |
John Coburn, 2 cords of hardwood for Township Hall |
$16.00 |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 3 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$45.83 |
Jno. A. McPherson, expenses to conference |
7.00 |
Jno. A. McPherson, sharpening picks |
$.50 |
Bond Hardware, 2 pair of pruning shears |
$4.00 |
Pioneer Equipment, wheelbarrows & shovels |
$22.68 |
Joe Brockel, pay sheet |
$1.65 |
Roy Carter, pay sheet |
$2.75 |
Bert Huether, pay sheet |
$7.60 |
E. Halter, pay sheet |
$4.00 |
Cecil Hood, pay sheet |
$9.80 |
P. W. Richardson, pay sheet |
$3.20 |
Harry Haugh, planks |
$2.25 |
C. M. MacDonald, blasting material |
$6.65 |
M. Swartzenberger, brushing |
$10.00 |
5. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday April 5th 1937, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
April 5th 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter from the Department of Highways, rē the Workmen’s Compensation Board and accident insurance, was read, and the Clerk was advised to make application to the Board, to be added to Part 1 (one) of the act, as intimated in the letter. A member of the McCaskey Systems, Galt, demonstrated a number of safes to the Council, and it was agreed that the entire Council and Mr. Whyte, Collector, visit their showrooms in Galt for the purpose of selecting a safe suitable for the records of the municipality. |
1. |
Moved by Donald A. Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that a bylaw, providing for the Corporation’s consent to the Bell Telephone Company of Canada, in constructing its lines upon the highways and other public places of the Corporation, and to authorize the Township Road Superintendent to supervise and approve the construction of such lines, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the bylaw, providing for the Corporation’s consent to the Bell Telephone Company of Canada, in constructing its lines upon the highways and other public places of the Corporation, and to authorize the Township Road Superintendent to supervise and approve the construction of such lines, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
3. |
Moved by Geo. McGill, seconded by Donald A. Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Jeffery & Spence, Collector’s bond |
$37.50 |
Geo. M. Fox, County Treasurer, Puslinch share of indigent hospital patients, 1936 |
$97.93 |
Harry Hanlon, 1 sheep killed & 1 injured |
$20.00 |
Alex Tawse, valuating sheep |
$2.20 |
W. H. Whyte, 1 trip to Orangeville, 43 miles, and 1 trip
to |
$7.20 |
A. O. Coulson, relief for A. Pharaoh, P. Doyle, Mrs. Wood, and W. Swartzenberg |
$45.81 |
Paddock Bros., wood for W. Hewer & A. Pharaoh |
$16.00 |
Wilfred Crowder, wood for E. Haynes |
$5.00 |
C. M. Macdonald, relief for C. Hood, F. Marcy, Wm. Mast, C. McConnell, & L. Savery |
$82.00 |
L. J. Philpott, relief for E. Haynes, C. Hood, Chas. McConnell, & L. Savery |
$39.07 |
J. A. McAllister, wood for Mr. Cowan |
$4.00 |
Dixon Dairy Bread Ltd., bread for W. Swartzenberg |
$4.10 |
Dominion Stores, Guelph, relief for Eugene Halter |
$28.60 |
Dominion Stores, |
$44.00 |
L. Spegel, 2 pairs of shoes for C. Pharaoh |
$3.75 |
Guelph City Dairy, 30 pints of milk for P. Doyle |
$3.00 |
James Murphy, flour for the Skerritt family |
$4.00 |
Mrs. J. Huether, relief for J. Hood, C. Hood, L. Savery, & Chas. McConnell |
$26.90 |
F. Mayer, pork for E. Halter |
$2.00 |
Jas. Mason, meat for E. Halter |
$5.68 |
Agnew-Surpass, rubbers for J. Cowan |
$3.00 |
F. Murphy, relief for Wm. Hewer |
$5.00 |
Spiars Bros., relief for C. Pharaoh |
$32.95 |
Cole Bros., relief for C. Pharoah & J. Cowan |
$15.44 |
John T. Wagner, stovepipes, etc. |
$2.85 |
Canada Bread Company, bread for J. Cowan |
$2.50 |
J. A. McGarry, coke for P. Doyle |
$6.33 |
Doughty & McFarlane, flour for C. Pharaoh |
$7.35 |
G. McLean, relief for F. Hamilton & Skerritt family |
$17.50 |
John A. Ord, shelter & fuel for F. Hamilton |
$9.00 |
A. E. Wilson & Company, roads liability insurance |
$175.00 |
Guelph Printing Service, cheque book |
$2.70 |
Geo. A. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker |
$15.00 |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 4 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$45.83 |
C. M. MacDonald, blasting material |
$12.46 |
C. M. MacDonald, lantern and coal oil |
$2.71 |
Roy Carter, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Robt. Slater, pay sheet |
$12.80 |
Thos. Currie, sharpening drills & wedges |
$3.20 |
Chas. Haugh, 2 planks |
$2.00 |
P. A. Snider, |
$13.38 |
Cecil Hood, pay sheet |
$48.30 |
4. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by N. Stewart, that this Council go 50-50 with the Women’s Institute in planting trees along the highway on Coronation Day. |
5. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by N. Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 3rd 1937, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Neil Stewart ─ Acting Reeve |
May 3rd 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter from Lyla M. Lewis, Secretary of the Puslinch Women’s Institute, requesting the Council to have someone plant 5 trees on Coronation Day, was read, and it was arranged that the Reeve and each Councillor plant a tree. In a letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs, rē the appointment of municipal auditors, it was recommended that municipal auditors be appointed to hold office at the pleasure of the Council, as then the auditors can keep their checking going along during the year while the transactions are fresh in everyone’s mind. |
1. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that the Puslinch Council accept the offer of the Department of Highways to tile and fill in the ditch at the intersection of the county road at Aberfoyle, and for the placing of a catch basin, and the Council hereby agrees to raise the sidewalk as specified |
2. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by Geo. McGill, that this Council order 12 12-inch tiles, 10 8-inch tiles, and a number of signs. |
The Clerk was instructed to call for tenders for crushing and delivering gravel for the township roads, tenders to close May 15th at 12 o’ clock noon. |
3. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that the Clerk be instructed to place the bonds of the municipal officials and all of the insurance policies in the municipal safe, in the care of W. H. Whyte, Tax Collector. |
4. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by M. Haines, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Provincial Treasurer, Department of Health, insulin rē H. A. Little |
$1.05 |
Fred Roszell, Secretary of the Puslinch Fire Insurance Company, 2nd instalment |
$5.70 |
Alex Stewart, supplies for Board of Health |
$5.40 |
McCaskey Systems Ltd., 1 steel safe |
$108.10 |
W. H. Whyte, cartage on safe |
$1.78 |
Dominion Stores, Guelph, relief for E. Halter |
$4.00 |
Spiars Bros., relief for C. Pharaoh |
$3.20 |
A. O. Coulson, relief for C. Pharaoh & Mrs. Wood |
$14.04 |
C. M. MacDonald, relief for C. Hood, L. Savery, C. McConnell, & F. Marcy |
$34.40 |
Miss G. McLean, relief for Hamilton & Skerritt families |
$15.83 |
Paddock Bros., wood for A. Pharaoh |
$4.00 |
Wilfred Crowder, wood for E. Haynes |
$5.00 |
Jas. F. Murphy, flour & oatmeal for Skerritt family |
$9.90 |
Clayton Haines, shelter & fuel for Skerritt family |
$9.00 |
Mrs. J. Huether, relief for John Hood |
$10.00 |
City of |
$14.11 |
Andrew Ord, 4 days labour rē toilets |
$8.00 |
Geo. Lewis, 4 days labour rē toilets |
$8.00 |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 5 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$45.83 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, culvert account |
$265.88 |
John Conroy, pay sheet |
$47.00 |
Wm. Gilroy, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
M. Spruhan, pay sheet |
$5.50 |
L. Borthwick, pay sheet |
$.35 |
Jacob Wigood, pay sheet |
$21.35 |
Jas. Porteous, pay sheet |
$16.00 |
Chas. Martin, pay sheet |
$15.00 |
Roy Carter, pay sheet |
$25.00 |
Oliver Hume, pay sheet |
$5.60 |
Orme Sherwood, pay sheet |
$7.60 |
D. McFarlane, pay sheet |
$1.00 |
Chester Schultz, pay sheet |
$26.60 |
Gordon Fielding, pay sheet |
$8.00 |
Jas. McDonald, pay sheet |
$7.00 |
Gordon Gregor, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Malcolm McMillan, pay sheet |
$6.60 |
Ralph Nelson, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Angus McDonald, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Chas. McConnell, pay sheet |
$2.40 |
D. McAllister, pay sheet |
$1.50 |
Frank Byrne, pay sheet |
$11.60 |
Thos. Lynch, pay sheet |
$2.80 |
Donald Bartels, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Chas. Bartels, pay sheet |
$3.55 |
Mrs. L. Murray, 5 yards of gravel at 15 cents per yard |
$.75 |
Robt. Burmaster, pay sheet |
$43.75 |
G. Burmaster, pay sheet |
$3.00 |
Fred Brockel. Pay sheet |
$1.00 |
Roy Leslie, pays sheet |
$1.30 |
Earl Gregor, pay sheet |
$1.30 |
Joe Smith, pay sheet |
$2.80 |
Roy Allan, pay sheet |
$2.80 |
A. Scott, pay sheet |
$16.00 |
Jno. Mast, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Joe Smith, pay sheet |
$3.50 |
Jno. Elliot, pay sheet |
$7.00 |
Wm. Scott, pay sheet |
$23.20 |
R. Gilmour, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
J. G. McLean, pay sheet |
$3.50 |
Donald McDonald, delivering 117 yds. of gravel, at 34¢ per yd. |
$39.78 |
Donald McDonald, delivering 90 yds. of gravel, at 15¢ per yd. |
$13.50 |
D. M. Stewart, truck, 30 hours, at $1.10 per hour |
$33.00 |
Earl Gregor, pay sheet |
$6.00 |
Alex Chisholm, pay sheet |
$6.00 |
D. M. Stewart, trucking wheelbarrows, etc. |
$2.00 |
Calvin Evans, pay sheet |
$1.05 |
Gordon McLean, pay sheet |
$11.00 |
Alex McLean, pay sheet |
$5.65 |
R. Amos, pay sheet |
$3.50 |
James McMillan, pay sheet |
$10.00 |
James O. Black, pay sheet |
$8.00 |
5. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Geo. McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday June 7th 1937, at the hour of 10 o’ clock, as a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll, and at 1:30 p.m., as a General Council. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
May 17th 1937 A.D. Special Meeting The Municipal Council of the A. J. Huether was the only tender on crushing and delivering, and his tender of 58 cents from Sherwin’s pit, and 64¾ cents per yard, plus 8 cents per yard per mile over 4 miles, from all other pits, was accepted. |
Tenders for pit run gravel |
Fred Prior ─ 38 cents per yard, plus 9 cents per mile over 4 miles |
Donald Stewart ─ 36¢ per yd., plus 8¢ per mile over 4 miles |
A. J. Huether ─ 43¾ per yd., plus 8¢ per mile over 4 miles |
The tender of Donald Stewart was accepted. |
For delivering quarry chips |
Fred Prior ─ 24¢ per yd., plus 9¢ per yd. per mile over 4 miles |
Donald Stewart ─ 24¢ per yd., plus 8¢ per yd. per mile over 4 miles |
A. J. Huether ─ 22¾¢ per yd., plus 8¢ per yd. per mile, over 4 miles |
The tender of Donald Stewart was accepted. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
June 7th 1937 A.D. Court of Revision The members of the Puslinch Municipal Council met in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 10 o’ clock a.m. and, after taking the required declaration, were duly constituted a Court of Revision, to hear and determine appeals against the 1937 Assessment Roll. The only appeal before the Court was made by Frank Howitt, appellant for the Jas. Howitt estate, appealing on the grounds that his assessment was too high on Lots 5, 6, & 7, Front of Concession 7. After due consideration, it was moved by Donald A. Stewart, seconded by Marshall Haines, that the appeal of Frank Howitt, appellant for the James Howitt estate, be sustained as regards Lot 5, Front of Concession 7, in that the assessment be lowered from $1500 to $1300, and that the assessment on Lots 6 & 7, Front of Concession, be upheld as assessed at $3500. Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Marshall Haines, that the 1937 Assessment Roll, as revised and amended, be confirmed. (signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
June 7th 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A number of communications were read and disposed of. Mr. Fred Roszell requested a grant in aid of the Puslinch Ploughmen’s Association. |
1. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by Marshall Haines, that
the |
2. |
Moved by Geo. McGill, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that the Clerk be hereby instructed to prepare a bylaw, re-arranging the salary of the Township Clerk, said bylaw to be presented at the next meeting. |
Committees were appointed to
arrange for the 3rd annual picnic, to be held at |
3. |
It was moved and seconded that this Council hereby approve the purchase of a half acre of land from Wallace Currie, Lot 34, Rear Gore, and a small portion from Peter Patterson, Lot 35, Rear Gore, for the sums of $150.00 and $25.00, respectively. Said lands, which are to be used as a gravel pit, shall be measured and more definitely described in an agreement drawn up between the aforementioned parties and the Municipal Council. |
4. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising gravel tenders & Court of Revision |
$16.20 |
Municipal World Ltd., office supplies |
$2.24 |
C. Anderson & Company, 1 flag, 9 feet by 4½ feet |
$12.50 |
C. M. MacDonald, stamps for Assessor & Clerk |
$8.50 |
Duncan McLean, Assessor’s salary 1937 |
$225.00 |
Coronation trees, Council’s share |
$4.50 |
Puslinch Ploughmen’s Association, grant |
$25.00 |
H.E.P.C. (Hydro-Electric Power Commission of |
$8.53 |
Andrew Ord, 2 days’ labour at toilets & levelling lawn |
$4.00 |
G. A. Lewis, 2 days’ labour at toilets & levelling lawn, & 1 galvanized pipe |
$5.15 |
Miss G. McLean, relief rē Hamilton & Skerritt families |
$15.77 |
W. Crowder, ½ cord of wood for E. Haynes |
$2.50 |
Mrs. J. Huether, relief for Jno. Hood |
$2.50 |
L. Coulson, relief for Mrs. Wood & P. Doyle |
$20.01 |
L. J. Philpott, relief for E. Haynes, April & May |
$21.41 |
Clayton Haines, shelter & fuel for Skerritt family |
$9.00 |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 6 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$45.83 |
Jno. A. McPherson, postage & freight on signs |
$.75 |
The Metallic Roofing Company, road signs |
$28.25 |
D. M. Stewart, delivering 300 yds. of gravel, at 36¢ per yd., plus mileage |
$111.00 |
D. J. McLean, pay sheet |
$14.00 |
Jas. O. Black, pay sheet |
$4.00 |
Stewart Hume, pay sheet |
$6.00 |
H. J. Leachman, pay sheet |
$7.00 |
A. Leachman, pay sheet |
$4.00 |
Duncan McFarlane, pay sheet |
$3.80 |
Chester Schultz, pay sheet |
$10.00 |
Stanley Woolsey, pay sheet |
$40.00 |
Duncan McLean Junior, pay sheet |
$3.50 |
Alex McConnell, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
C. M. MacDonald, grease & oil for graders |
$.90 |
Frank J. Byrne, pay sheet |
$6.00 |
Calvin Evans, pay sheet |
$.70 |
Wallace Currie, purchase of gravel pit |
$150.00 |
P. A. Patterson, purchase of gravel pit |
$25.00 |
5. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday July 5th 1937, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
July 5th 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A number of communications were
read and disposed of. The Clerk was
instructed to write to the Clerk of |
1. |
Moved by Donald Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that a bylaw, designating the salary of the Township Clerk, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by N. Stewart, that the bylaw, designating the salary of the Township Clerk, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
The Clerk was instructed to
advertise for tenders for the construction of a concrete culvert, 12 feet by
4 feet, opposite |
3. |
Moved by George McGill, seconded by Donald Stewart, that owing to the fact that the residence on Part Lot 21, rear of the 7th Concession, owned by Eugene Halter, has been destroyed by fire, and as Mr. Halter does not contemplate rebuilding at the present time, therefore be it hereby resolved that the H.E.P.C. of Ontario be requested to permit cancellation of hydro contract No. 1024, on the above mentioned property. |
4. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council grant the Puslinch Agricultural Society the sum of seventy-five dollars. |
5. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Wallace Printing Company, 100 tax notices |
$1.89 |
Guelph Daily Mercury Ltd., advertising |
$3.00 |
Geo. M. Fox, County Treasurer, warble fly powder |
$35.40 |
Alex Ord, 6 months’ salary as Clerk |
$137.50 |
Geo. A. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker |
$15.00 |
W. H. Butler, expenses rē picnic |
$17.85 |
Lloyd Coulson, relief for Mrs. Woods |
$12.00 |
James F. Murphy, relief for Mrs. Skerritt |
$7.25 |
Clayton Haines, rent & fuel for Skerritt family |
$9.00 |
L. J. Philpott, relief for E. Haynes |
$11.08 |
Wilfred Crowder, wood for E. Haynes |
$2.50 |
G. McLean, relief for Skerritt and Hamilton families |
$17.69 |
Puslinch Agricultural Society, grant |
$75.00 |
Duncan McLean, School Attendance Officer fees |
$5.20 |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 7 |
A. J. Huether, delivering 60 yards of crushed gravel |
$34.80 |
Voucher No. 8 |
D. M. Stewart, delivering 407½ yards of gravel, at 36 cents per yard, plus mileage |
$160.10 |
Voucher No. 9 |
A. J. Huether, delivering 130 yds. crushed gravel at 58¢ per yd. |
$75.40 |
Voucher No. 10 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$45.83 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, grader blade |
$5.59 |
Leslie Greer, pay sheet |
$3.00 |
A. Scott, pay sheet |
$14.00 |
Wm. Scott, pay sheet |
$12.00 |
Stewart Elliot, pay sheet |
$12.50 |
Joe Smith, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
D. M. McPherson, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
D. J. McLean, pay sheet |
$18.00 |
Earl Gregor, pay sheet |
$10.00 |
John Clark, pay sheet |
$2.50 |
Alex McLean, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Donald McLean, 254½ yards of gravel, at 15 cents per yard |
$38.18 |
Chester Schultz, pay sheet |
$60.40 |
C. M. MacDonald, brace wire, staples, & oil |
$2.79 |
Thos. Priest, pay sheet |
$2.40 |
Gordon Fielding, pay sheet |
$2.40 |
Stanley Woolsey, pay sheet |
$35.40 |
Wm. Mast, pay sheet |
$15.80 |
Wm. McCuen, pay sheet |
$2.50 |
Ralph Nelson, pay sheet |
$2.10 |
Malcolm McMillan, pay sheet |
$2.50 |
Russell Kerns, pay sheet |
$1.50 |
Stewart Hume, pay sheet |
$21.00 |
Oliver Hume, pay sheet |
$14.50 |
D. M. Stewart, delivering 365 yards of gravel, at 36 cents per yard |
$131.40 |
Joe Brockel, pay sheet |
$1.38 |
Roy Carter, pay sheet |
$33.80 |
David Hume, pay sheet |
$6.00 |
Walter Cook, pay sheet |
$4.00 |
Neil Black, pay sheet |
$.75 |
R. Burmaster, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Jacob Wigood, pay sheet |
$14.00 |
Fred Paddock, pay sheet |
$5.00 |
W. Roszell, pay sheet |
$8.00 |
Jas. Porteous, pay sheet |
$7.50 |
Cecil Wigood, pay sheet |
$7.00 |
A. Crowder, pay sheet |
$4.00 |
Ben Wyse, 30 rods of fence at 70 cents per rod |
$21.00 |
Ben Wyse, bolts for grader |
$.85 |
A. J. Huether, delivering 838 yds. of crushed gravel, at 58¢ per yd. |
$486.04 |
Orme Sherwood, 744 yds. of gravel, at 10¢ per yd. |
$74.40 |
Stanley Woolsey, pay sheet (This entry appears to be crossed out.) |
$15.00 |
6. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Marshall Haines, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday August 2nd 1937, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
August 2nd 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the |
1. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that we send
$5.00, as a membership fee, to the |
2. |
Moved by George McGill, seconded by Donald A. Stewart, that the tender of L. M. Arnott, for the construction of a concrete culvert, 4 feet by 12 feet, opposite Lot 19, Rear of Concession 8, be accepted, as per agreement, for the sum of $365.00, less $55.00 rē the supplying of the gravel. |
3. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Daily Commercial News & Building Record, advertising bridge tenders |
$4.50 |
Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising bridge tenders |
$2.50 |
Caustic Sanitation Ltd., 1 modified water system |
$175.00 |
H. T. Crosbie, making survey & drafting agreements rē gravel pits |
$5.75 |
Wallace Printing Company, 1 Collector’s Roll |
$6.36 |
Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, membership fee |
$5.00 |
W. Crowder, 1 cord of wood for E. Haynes |
$5.00 |
L. E. Coulson, relief for P. Doyle & Mrs. Woods |
$15.00 |
Clayton Haines, rent & fuel for Skerritt family |
$9.00 |
Miss G. McLean, relief for F. Hamilton & Skerritt family |
$7.45 |
Guelph Printing Service, 400 blank cheques & 500 stamped envelopes |
$20.00 |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 11 |
D. Sirrett, 170 yards of gravel at 15 cents per yard |
$25.50 |
Voucher No. 12 |
D. M. Stewart, delivering 742½ yds. of gravel at 36¢ per yd., plus mileage |
$268.50 |
Voucher No. 13 |
A. J. Huether, delivering 304 yds. of crushed gravel at 58¢ per yd. |
$176.32 |
Voucher No. 14 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$45.83 |
Jno. A. McPherson, postage & ink |
$.40 |
Alfred Davidson, pay sheet |
$10.00 |
Frank Byrne, pay sheet |
$8.00 |
Thos. Lynch, pay sheet |
$10.60 |
Joseph Lynch Junior, pay sheet |
$4.00 |
Albert Doyle, pay sheet |
$3.00 |
David McGarr Junior, pay sheet |
$3.00 |
John Conroy, pay sheet |
$13.20 |
M. Spruhan pay sheet |
$17.40 |
Wm. Gilroy, pay sheet |
$9.00 |
Chester Schultz, pay sheet |
$53.00 |
Stanley Woolsey, pay sheet |
$18.00 |
Angus McDonald, pay sheet |
$2.50 |
Malcolm McMillan, pay sheet |
$7.50 |
Wm. Mast, pay sheet |
$8.00 |
Stewart Hume, pay sheet |
$15.00 |
Peter Hume, pay sheet |
$3.00 |
David Hume, pay sheet |
$16.80 |
Jacob Wigood, pay sheet |
$20.80 |
Robt. Kennedy, pay sheet |
$4.50 |
J. Porteous, pay sheet |
$5.00 |
D. M. Stewart, delivering 145 yds. of gravel at 36 cents per yd. |
$52.20 |
Jas. Darby, pay sheet |
$93.60 |
A. J. Huether, delivering 752 yds. crushed gravel at 58¢ per yd. |
$436.16 |
Geo. Ruber, pay sheet |
$6.40 |
D. H. Storey, plank for bridge |
$5.74 |
Albert McKay, pay sheet |
$19.80 |
Roy Carter, pay sheet |
$21.20 |
4. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by M. Haines, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Tuesday September 7th, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
September 7th 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter was read from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, notifying the municipality that, through a decrease in earnings at Puslinch Station, it was the company’s intention to replace the agent with a caretaker. The Clerk was instructed to write to the C.P.R. Company and also to the Board of Railway Commissioners, objecting to the removal of the station agent and the appointing of a caretaker at Puslinch Station. A request from Dr. Lionel
Stevenson, President of the |
1. |
Moved by George McGill, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that
this Council grant the sum of twenty-five dollars to the Humane Society of |
2. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that a bylaw, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for county, school, and municipal purposes for the year 1937 A.D., be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by George McGill, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that the bylaw, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for county, school, and municipal purposes for the year 1937 A.D., be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
4. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Engineering & Contract Record, advertising bridge tenders |
$5.60 |
Leaman Print Shop, 200 copies of Voters’ List |
$52.50 |
Wallace Printing Company Ltd., 100 notices of meeting |
$3.78 |
Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising 1st posting, Voters’ List |
$5.40 |
Provincial Treasurer, Department of Health, insulin rē H. A. Little |
$1.05 |
Donald Ramsay, 1 sheep killed by dogs |
$6.00 |
H. H. Harding, valuating sheep |
$2.20 |
W. H. Whyte, 6 months’ salary as Collector, March to August |
$87.50 |
Duncan McLean, Weed Inspector’s salary, 1937 |
$50.00 |
S. B. Stothers, grant to Provincial Ploughing Match |
$25.00 |
G. McLean, relief for Fred Hamilton |
$6.83 |
L. Coulson, relief for P. Doyle & Mrs. Wood |
$30.00 |
L. J. Philpott, relief for E. Haynes |
$24.82 |
Clayton Haines, fuel & shelter for Skerritt family |
$9.00 |
Wilfred Crowder, 1 cord of wood for E. Haynes |
$5.00 |
F. H. Cooke, Treasurer of Humane Society, grant |
$25.00 |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 15 |
A. J. Huether, delivering 220 yds. of gravel, at 58¢ per yd. |
$127.60 |
Voucher No. 16 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$45.83 |
Jno. A. McPherson, postage & phone |
$.70 |
Fred Blackstone, pay sheet |
$4.20 |
Leslie Greer, delivering tile |
$4.00 |
D. J. McLean, pay sheet |
$7.10 |
John Clark, pay sheet |
$1.40 |
John Peer, pay sheet |
$9.00 |
Roy Carter, pay sheet |
$12.20 |
Geo. Ruber, pay sheet |
$6.60 |
Ralph Carter, pay sheet |
$9.40 |
Chester Schultz, pay sheet |
$59.60 |
Chas. Gregor, pay sheet |
$20.00 |
Lincoln Gregor, pay sheet |
$4.70 |
Edwin Leslie, pay sheet |
$10.00 |
D. M. Stewart, truck drawing stone & dirt |
$6.00 |
D. M. Stewart, delivering 685½ yards of gravel, at 36 cents per yard, plus mileage |
$257.78 |
Geo. Angus, pay sheet |
$4.00 |
Oscar Hood, pay sheet |
$3.50 |
C. M. MacDonald, cement & timber for bridge |
$9.90 |
D. M. McPherson, pay sheet |
$2.10 |
O. Sherwood, 1510 yards of gravel, at 10 cents per yd. |
$151.00 |
Jacob Wigood, pay sheet |
$28.40 |
Robt. Kennedy, pay sheet |
$5.00 |
Mike French, pay sheet |
$4.00 |
A. J. Huether, delivering 316 yds. of crushed gravel, at 64¾¢ per yd. |
$204.61 |
Stewart Hume, pay sheet |
$6.00 |
D. Hume, pay sheet |
$7.00 |
J. I. Tolton, pay sheet |
$6.00 |
H. Turner, pay sheet |
$7.00 |
J. Tolton, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
A. G. Laking, 85 barrels of cement, at $2.50 per barrel |
$212.50 |
5. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Saturday October 2nd, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
October 2nd 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the Mr. McGill and Mr. Thomas, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, were present and explained to the Council the advisability of replacing the Station Agent with a Caretaker Agent, at Puslinch Station. |
1. |
It was moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by George McGill, that the request of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, to replace the Station Agent, at Puslinch Station, with a Caretaker Agent, be granted. |
2. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
W. H. Whyte, travelling expenses rē provincial subsidy |
$5.00 |
Wallace Printing Company, 1,000 stamped envelopes, 800 tax notices |
$42.26 |
Clayton Haines, raking & burning grass on fair grounds |
$4.00 |
Geo. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker |
$15.00 |
L. Coulson, relief for P. Doyle & Mrs. Woods |
$24.00 |
Clayton Haines, shelter & fuel for Skirritt family |
$4.00 |
L. J. Philpott, relief for E. Haynes & Skerritt family |
$16.62 |
Wilfred Crowder, wood for E. Haynes |
$5.00 |
Kathleen Clough, Clerk of the Election Board, 17 Brockville Avenue, Guelph, expenses rē provincial election |
$60.99 |
3. |
Moved by Donald Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 17 |
D. Sirrett, 388 yards of gravel, at 15 cents per yard |
$58.20 |
Voucher No. 18 |
A. J. Huether, delivering 452 yds. of crushed gravel, at 64¾¢ per yd. |
$292.67 |
Voucher No. 19 |
D. M. Stewart, delivering 85 yds. of gravel for bridge, at 52¢ per yd. |
$44.20 |
Voucher No. 20 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$45.83 |
Jno. A. McPherson, telephone |
$.64 |
Burlington Steel Company Ltd., reinforcements for culvert |
$62.47 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, 2 culverts |
$60.26 |
Jacob Wigood, pay sheet |
$34.40 |
Leonard Ord, pay sheet |
$1.00 |
Andrew Ord, pay sheet |
$2.20 |
Oliver Monkhouse, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Chris. McKay, pay sheet |
$.80 |
Leslie Greer, pay sheet |
$10.00 |
Orme Sherwood, balance on gravel |
$5.00 |
Frank Byrne, pay sheet |
$1.00 |
Albert Doyle, pay sheet |
$1.00 |
D. J. McLean, pay sheet |
$23.00 |
Thos. Foley, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
R. T. Amos, pay sheet |
$8.00 |
Harry Dunkie, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Chester Schultz, pay sheet |
$34.00 |
Gordon Fielding, pay sheet |
$12.00 |
Chas. Gregor, pay sheet |
$11.00 |
Angus McDonald, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Oliver Hume, pay sheet |
$12.00 |
D. Sirrett, balance on gravel |
$8.25 |
D. M. Stewart, delivering 815 yards of gravel, at 36 cents per mile, plus mileage |
$298.30 |
King Calcium Products, for tile |
$37.36 |
L. M. Arnott, for building culvert on Rd. 9 |
$312.81 |
Wm. Gilroy, 1068 yards of gravel, at 10 cents per yard |
$106.80 |
4. |
Moved by George McGill, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday November 1st 1937, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
November 1st, 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the |
1. |
Moved by Donald Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1937, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, the bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1937, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
3. |
Moved by George McGill, seconded by Donald Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Municipal World, office supplies |
$2.03 |
Walter Holm, selecting jurors for 1938 |
$4.00 |
Alex Ord, selecting jurors for 1938 |
$4.00 |
Duncan McLean, selecting jurors for 1938 |
$4.00 |
Walter Holm, remuneration as Reeve |
$100.00 |
Geo. McGill, remuneration as Councillor |
$90.00 |
Donald Stewart, remuneration as Councillor |
$90.00 |
Marshall Haines, remuneration as Councillor |
$90.00 |
Neil Stewart, remuneration as Councillor |
$90.00 |
John Walsh, salary as Treasurer, 1937 |
$175.00 |
Alex Ord, balance of salary as Clerk |
$137.50 |
A. Smellie, moving an indigent |
$20.00 |
George Lewis, Caretaker supplies |
$1.60 |
Mrs. H. Bell & D. Lewis, cutting grass at terrace |
$4.00 |
John W. Paddock, 1 sheep killed by dogs |
$10.00 |
Peter Patterson, valuating sheep |
$2.20 |
L. J. Philpott, relief for E. Haynes |
$12.06 |
M. & G. McLean, relief for F. Hamilton, Sept. & Oct. |
$11.76 |
Lloyd Coulson, relief for Mrs. Wood & P. Doyle |
$24.00 |
James F. Murphy, flour for Skerritt family |
$4.00 |
W. Crowder, 1 cord of wood for E. Haynes |
$5.00 |
William Tolton, valuating sheep at Neil Black’s |
$1.60 |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 21 |
A. J. Huether, delivering 752 yds. of crushed gravel at 64¾¢ per yd. |
$486.92 |
Voucher No. 22 |
Jno. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$45.83 |
Jno. A. McPherson, phone & spikes |
$.20 |
King Calcium Products, tile |
$12.63 |
Ben Wyse, repairing chains |
$.60 |
Jacob Wigood, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Fred Paddock, pay sheet |
$2.75 |
Leslie Greer, pay sheet |
$16.00 |
Stewart Hume, pay sheet |
$4.00 |
Oliver Hume, pay sheet |
$6.00 |
Oliver Monkhouse, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
Chester Schultz, pay sheet |
$44.80 |
Gordon Fielding, pay sheet |
$4.00 |
D. J. McLean, pay sheet |
$38.80 |
Donald Simpson, pay sheet |
$34.00 |
D. Buchanan, pay sheet |
$2.40 |
Jas. Martin, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
D. M. Stewart, delivering 1424 yards of gravel at 36¢ per yard, plus mileage |
$515.44 |
Robt. Burmaster, pay sheet |
$7.00 |
Frank Byrne, pay sheet |
$15.40 |
Thos. Lynch, pay sheet |
$6.40 |
Donald McDonald, 939 yards of gravel, at 15 cents per yard |
$140.85 |
Donald McLean, 162½ yards of gravel, at 15 cents per yard |
$24.38 |
A. J. Huether, crushing & delivering 656 yds. of gravel, at 64¾¢ per yd. |
$424.66 |
John Conroy, pay sheet |
$19.20 |
M. Spruhan, pay sheet |
$6.00 |
Wm. Gilroy, 1108 yards of gravel, at 10 cents per yard |
$110.80 |
4. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Marshall Haines, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday November 29th 1937, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
November 29th 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the Letters were read from John F. Beattie, County Clerk, rē Old Age pensioners, from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, rē hydro arrears on Lot 6, Concession 9, and from Mrs. Neil McCormick, Secretary-Treasurer of the Killean Cemetery Board. Councillor George McGill was delegated to investigate the injuring of some sheep, owned by Neil Black, and a claim for damages to sheep, from Neil Black, was laid over until the next meeting. |
1. |
Moved by Donald A. Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Alexander Stewart, supplies for Board of Health |
$6.75 |
Chas. Martin, 8 sheep killed by dogs |
$96.00 |
G. W. Paddock, valuating Martin’ sheep |
$1.90 |
Douglas McLean, 1 lamb killed by dogs |
$9.00 |
John A. Elliot, valuating |
$1.90 |
Provincial Treasurer, Department of Health, insulin rē H. A. Little |
$1.40 |
Walter Holm, remuneration as Relief Officer |
$75.00 |
John Martin, reward for destroying sheep-killing dog |
$5.00 |
Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, lights for Township Hall |
$5.56 |
Chester Schultz, 16 steel tanks for culverts, at 60 cents each |
$9.60 |
Brown Bros. Ltd., 1 Treasurer’s cash book |
$19.44 |
M. & G. McLean, relief for F. Hamilton, for November |
$5.71 |
L. E. Coulson, relief for Mrs. Wood & P. Doyle |
$18.35 |
L. J. Philpott, relief for E. Haynes & J. Skerritt |
$17.57 |
E. B. Webb, Secretary-Treasurer, S. S. No. 1, for poll booth at provincial election |
$8.00 |
T. S. Doyle, Secretary-Treasurer, S. S. No. 3, for poll booth |
$8.00 |
D. J. McLean, Secretary-Treasurer, S. S. No. 9, for poll booth |
$8.00 |
C. Tremain, Secretary-Treasurer, S. S. No. 11, for poll booth |
$8.00 |
Jas. McPherson, Secretary-Treasurer, S. S. No. 6, for poll booth |
$8.00 |
Duncan McLean, School Attendance Officer, fees for Sept., Oct,. & Nov. |
$6.50 |
Road Accounts ─ Voucher No. 23 |
Jas. A. McPherson, Superintendent’s salary |
$45.83 |
A. G. Laking, ½ ton of salt |
$5.30 |
National Sewer Pipe Company, 385 8-inch tiles |
$41.58 |
Bond Hardware Company, 1 dozen brush cutters & lock |
$25.28 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, 1 18-foot, 12-inch culvert |
$23.58 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, 1 18-foot, 10-inch culvert |
$21.06 |
Frank Byrne, pay sheet |
$12.00 |
Thos. Lynch, pay sheet |
$31.30 |
Joe Lynch, pay sheet |
$2.00 |
E. S. Baker, pay sheet |
$1.00 |
Jno. Conroy, pay sheet |
$29.40 |
D. J. McLean, pay sheet |
$7.00 |
Gordon McLean, pay sheet |
$8.00 |
Donald Simpson, pay sheet |
$7.00 |
Chester Schultz, pay sheet |
$7.80 |
Jacob Crowder, pay sheet |
$7.00 |
Gordon Fielding, pay sheet |
$7.60 |
McGregor Stewart, pay sheet |
$5.00 |
Leslie Greer, pay sheet |
$10.00 |
Joe W. Guy, pay sheet |
$6.40 |
J. S. Guy, pay sheet |
$11.20 |
Chris Bond, pay sheet |
$8.25 |
John Coburn, 24 yards of stone, at 25 cents per yard |
$6.00 |
D. M. Stewart, delivering 1116 yds. of crushed rock, at 24¢ per yard, plus mileage |
$345.12 |
A. J. Huether, delivering 680 yds. of crushed gravel, at 64¾¢ |
$440.30 |
Stewart Hume, pay sheet |
$2.60 |
Wm. Hume, pay sheet |
$3.20 |
Oliver Hume, pay sheet |
$3.60 |
Duncan McFarlane, pay sheet |
$2.60 |
A. Bast (Mast?), 40 yards of crushed gravel, at 60 cents per yard |
$24.00 |
2. |
Moved by Marshall Haines, seconded by Donald Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Wednesday, the 15th day of December 1937, at 1:00 o’ clock p.m., as per statute. |
(signed) Alex Ord ─ Clerk (signed) Walter Holm ─ Reeve |
December 15th, 1937 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter, from the Department of Highways, rē cutting brush and erecting advance warning signs at railway crossings, was read before the Council. The Clerk was instructed to
advertise in the |
1. |
Moved by George McGill, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that the Treasurer’s report be adopted and that he be instructed to have 200 copies printed for the use of the ratepayers. |
2. |
Moved by George McGill, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that the School Fund interest, amounting to $444.00, be paid to the School Sections as designated below: School Section No. 1, the sum of $37.00, S.S. No. 2, $37.00, S.S. No. 3, $37.00, S.S. No. 4, $37.00, S.S. No. 5, $37.00, S.S No. 6, $37.00, S.S. No. 7, $37.00, S.S. No. 8, $37.00, S.S. No. 9, $37.00, S.S. No. 10, $37.00, S.S. No. 11, $37.00, & School Section No. 12, the sum of $37.00, total $444.00. |
3. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by D. A. Stewart, that the Township Treasurer be authorized to pay the Treasurers of the following School Sections the amounts designated hereunder: |
School Section No. 1, Township grant & local levy |
$834.77 |
School Section No. 2, Twp. grant & local levy |
$874.20 |
School Section No. 3, Twp. grant & local levy |
$690.34 |
School Section No. 4, Twp. grant & local levy |
$904.05 |
School Section No. 5, Twp. grant & local levy |
$900.60 |
School Section No. 6, Twp. grant & local levy |
$671.37 |
School Section No. 7, Twp. grant & local levy |
$610.09 |
School Section No. 8, Twp. grant & local levy |
$1592.20 |
School Section No. 9, Twp. grant & local levy |
$777.03 |
School Section No. 10, Twp. grant & local levy |
695.13 |
School Section No. 11, Twp. grant & local levy |
$875.16 |
School Section No. 12, Twp. grant & local levy |
$825.98 |
$29.28 |
$15.48 |
4. |
Moved by D. A. Stewart, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Dr. J. H. King, services rendered as Medical Health Officer |
$101.00 |
Dr. J. H. King, remuneration as member of Board of Health |
$23.00 |
Walter Holm, remuneration as member of Board of Health |
$24.00 |
Wm. J. Little, remuneration as member of Board of Health |
$21.00 |
Alex Ord, remuneration as Secretary of Board of Health |
$15.00 |
James Leachman, services rendered as Sanitary Inspector, express postage, etc. |
$75.20 |
Dr. J. H. King, salary as M.H.O. (Medical Health Officer) |
$5.00 |
Alex Ord, postage, telephone, etc. |
$9.70 |
Wm. Crow, 2 sheep killed by dogs |
$20.00 |
Alex Tawse, valuating Crow’s sheep |
$1.90 |
Fred Roszell, Secretary, Puslinch Fire Insurance, 3rd instalment on Policy No. 183 |
$.60 |
Wilfred Crowder, 1 cord of wood for E. Haynes |
$5.00 |
L. E. Coulson, relief for P. Doyle |
$11.00 |
Andrew McGladrey, repairing shoes for P. Doyle |
$1.50 |