Minutes of Council Meetings January 9th 1928 ─ December 29th 1930. |
January 9th 1928. The The minutes of the December 15th meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Haines. A communication
from the Children’s Hospital, A deputation from the Aberfoyle Progressive Club waited on the Council to see what could be done toward putting a new floor in the Hall, the Council promising to find out what the cost would be and to report at a later date. Mr. John Hohenadel waited on the Council,
asking that they co-operate with the Guelph Township Council as regards the
case of the dog, shot by Mr. Thurtell, in Guelph
Township, in writing to the Sheep Breeders Association regarding this
case. The Clerk was instructed to find
out if the |
1. |
Moved by Duncan McDonald, seconded by N.
Stewart, that the Puslinch Council send five dollars to the |
2. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the bylaw, appointing auditors for the year 1927-28, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer, of the Township of Puslinch, to borrow money to meet the current ordinary expenditures of the Corporation during the year 1928, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D. McDonald, that the bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the Township of Puslinch for the year 1928, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
5. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by D. J.
Hesketh, that the bylaw, providing for the distribution of dog tags in the |
6. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by M. Haines, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the Board of Health, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
7. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by M.
Haines, that the bylaw, appointing a School Attendance Officer for the |
8. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D.
McDonald, that a bylaw, appointing a Weed Inspector for the |
In Committee of the Whole, the Reeve presiding, the following names were inserted in the blanks of the bylaws, viz., for auditors, D. A. McNaughton and Jno. Wilkinson, for Assessor, Duncan McLean, for member of the Board of Health, W. J. Little, for School Attendance Officer, Duncan McLean, and for Weed Inspector, Duncan McLean. |
9. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the bylaw, appointing auditors for the year 1927-1928, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
10. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and the Treasurer, of the Township of Puslinch, to borrow money to meet the current ordinary expenditures of the Corporation during the year 1928, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
11. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by M.
Haines, that the bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the |
12. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by M.
Haines, that the bylaw, providing for the distribution of dog tags in the |
13. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D. McDonald, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the Board of Health, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
14. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil
Stewart, that the bylaw, appointing a School Attendance Officer for the |
15. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D.
McDonald, that the bylaw, appointing a Weed Inspector for the |
16. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by D.
McDonald, that the Treasurer take the necessary steps to collect all
outstanding taxes against |
17. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by D. McDonald, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Louis Nigro ─ for work done on Division 113 |
$38.60 |
Louis Nigro ─ for work done on Division 113 (commuted labour) |
$10.50 |
Dave Parker ─ 55 yards of gravel, Division 113 |
$10.30 |
Wm. Forrest ─ work done digging a tile ditch & grading, Arkell Road |
$44.50 |
$41.79 |
Robert Kennedy ─ bonus for 40 rods of wire fence, Division 316 |
$9.00 |
Jno. D. Clark ─ bonus for 40 rods of wire fence, Division 426 |
$9.00 |
Lynn Lasby ─ 2 days of commuted labour, Division 203 |
$3.00 |
Philip Crimless ─ bonus for 40 rods of wire fence, Division 205 |
$9.00 |
Peter Patterson ─ 4 loads of gravel for tile |
$12.00 |
Jas. Leachman ─ repairing cement pounder |
$1.25 |
Jno. Pinkney ─ drawing & putting in tile, Division 407 |
$8.00 |
Mercury office ─ for nomination notices |
$5.00 |
Jas. M. Moffat ─ Nassagaweya Townline account |
$10.25 |
Wallace Printing Co. ─ nomination bills |
$4.16 |
John Neubauer ─ refund of statute labour, Division 32__ |
$6.00 |
Gummer Press ─ financial statements |
$49.92 |
T. W. Robertson ─ registration fees |
$18.50 |
S. S. Squire ─ Good Roads Association |
$5.00 |
18. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday February 13th at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve (signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk |
February 13th 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today. All the members were in attendance, Reeve Roszell presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Stewart. Mr. D. C. Campbell waited on the Council, asking for exemption of taxes on a wood lot. The Council promised to look this matter up and report to Mr. Campbell at a later date. Mr. Kerr and Mr. Ord, as a deputation from the Puslinch Horticultural Society, waited on the Council, asking for a grant for work done on the Hall grounds, for $20.00, which was granted them. The auditors presented their report of receipts and expenditures for 1927, showing a good balance in favour of the township. A letter from the Globe Indemnity Company, asking for insurance for 1928, was read, but, as the rate was considered too high, no action was taken. A letter from
the Secretary of the
1. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by M. Haines, that the auditors’ report of receipts and expenditures for 1927 be received and adopted. |
2. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by N. Stewart, that the Clerk call for tenders for three cords of green maple and beech, all body wood, cut in two-foot lengths, tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than March the 3rd 1928. |
3. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that a bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways and Winter Pathmasters, Pound-keepers, Fence-viewers, and Sheep Valuators, to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch for the current year, 1928-29, be now introduced and read a first and second time.
4. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D. McDonald, that the bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways and Winter Pathmasters, Pound-keepers, Fence-viewers, and Sheep Valuators, to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch for the current year, 1928-29, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
5. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by M.
Haines, that the Reeve be appointed a delegate to the annual meeting of the
6. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by D. McDonald, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
John Wilkinson, salary as auditor |
$20.00 |
D. A. McNaughton, salary as auditor |
$20.00 |
Municipal World, for supplies |
$55.45 |
Geo. Wingfield, commuted labour for work on Division 116, and 33 yards of gravel, Division 11__ |
$24.15 |
Geo. Metcalf, for 87 yards of gravel, Division 116 |
$1_____ |
L. T. Evans, cutting brush, Division 111 |
$9.90 |
Geo. Metcalf, work on Division 118 |
$19.70 |
P. Wilkinson, commuted labour, Division 321 |
$25.50 |
Peter Wilkinson, cutting brush, Division 321 |
$11.70 |
W. Quirk, repairs to Township Hall |
$10.38 |
Wm. Moore, table for Township Hall |
$1.50 |
Geo. Lewis, registration fees |
$3.50 |
Geo. Lewis, Inspector’s report |
$3.00 |
Mrs. Ames, overcharge of taxes, 1927 |
$2.00 |
Sheldon Trousdale, grant for Horticultural Society |
$25.00 |
7. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by N. Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday March the 5th, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
March 5th 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, today, at 1:30 p.m., all the members being present, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Haines and Hesketh. Mr. Ross Barber, of Guelph, waited on the Council, in regard to the road into his property at the Lake, the Council promising to look into this after the snow and ice was off the road. Mr. Pellatt, of the Global Indemnity Company, waited on the Council, asking the members to insure for 1928 again with his company. After discussion by the Council, |
1. |
it was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the Council re-insure with the Global Indemnity Company for 1928. |
A deputation from the Aberfoyle Progressive Club waited on the Council, offering the Council $250.00 and to dig out the cellar, towards repairs to the Hall. |
2. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Duncan McDonald, that the Council accept the Aberfoyle Progressive Club’s offer of $250.00 and the digging out of the cellar, in readiness for the cement wall and new floor, and that the Clerk be instructed to call for tenders for a new floor and supports, and also for the cement wall, the Clerk to have plans and specifications for the same, the tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by March 23rd. |
3. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the tender of Robt. Adams for three cords of hardwood, at $12.00 per cord, be accepted. |
4. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that we send the application fee to the Ontario School Trustees Association, and that the School Attendance Officer, Duncan McLean, be instructed to attend the convention at Toronto. |
5. |
Moved by Duncan McDonald, seconded by M. Haines, that the Treasurer take the necessary steps to collect all outstanding taxes against Cornelius Collins. |
6. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Duncan McDonald, that the Clerk advertise for tenders for the making of tile, all tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by April 2nd. |
7. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
John Fitton, for moving the grader from Arkell |
$2.75 |
W. D. McLean, cutting brush, Division 416 |
$5.00 |
Wm. Paddock, cutting brush, Division 321 |
$43.80 |
Globe Indemnity Company, for re-insurance |
$222.00 |
$2.00 |
8. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on April 2nd, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
March 23rd 1928. Special Meeting A special meeting of the Puslinch Municipal Council was held this evening, at 8:30 p.m., to open the tenders for work on the Township Hall. The Reeve presided. After all of the tenders were opened and carefully gone over, |
1. |
it was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that we accept the tender of John Cole for the cement work of the Township Hall, at two hundred and seventy-five dollars, $275.00, and the tender of Andrew McEdward for the wood work, at five hundred and eighty-nine dollars, $589.00.
2. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the Treasurer take the necessary steps to collect all outstanding taxes against Jas. Dickieson. Carried. |
The meeting then adjourned. (signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
April 2nd 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today, all the members being present, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the last meeting and of the special meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. D. J. Hesketh and D. McDonald. A communication from the Salvation Army was read, asking for a grant for their Rescue Home. No action was taken. |
1. |
The tenders for making tile were opened, and the tender of C. D. Lewis, at 35 cents per hour, was accepted, on motion of Messrs. D. J. Hesketh and Duncan McDonald. |
2. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Duncan McDonald, that the Clerk be instructed to put an advertisement in the Mercury for a dog that strayed onto the property of Roy Gordon. |
3. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
John Millard (or Willard), for 3 sheep killed by dogs |
$49.00 |
J. R. Gordon, sheep killed by dogs |
$86.00 |
Harry Barton, sheep killed or injured by dogs |
$124.00 |
Robert Hume, groceries for J. Smith at Arkell |
$6.48 |
J. Pinkney, cutting brush, Division 407 |
$18.30 |
A. McEdwards, raising platform and laying of floor |
$7.00 |
Neil Black, valuing sheep |
$4.00 |
Alex Tawse, valuing sheep |
$2.00 |
Robert Adams, 3 cords of wood and extra _____ (quarter, possibly) |
$39.00 |
Howitt & Howitt, collecting taxes |
$24.65 |
C. D. Lewis, cement and cartage, for Hall |
$118.80 |
M. or W. McMillan, putting in culvert, Division 303 |
$3.00 |
Geo. Overholt, supplies to John Eggert |
$36.12 |
Alex Stewart, disinfectant |
$5.82 |
Walter Holm, work for John Eggert |
$5.50 |
John Walsh, postage |
$10.22 |
Martin Quirk, cutting brush, 36 hours, Division 203 |
$10.80 |
4. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on May the 7th, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) F. Roszell ─ Reeve |
May 7th 1928. The A deputation from the Aberfoyle Progressive Club waited on the Council, asking for permission to wire the Hall for electric lights. |
1. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by M. Haines, that the Council accept the Progressive Club’s offer to wire the Hall for electric lights, free of charge, on condition that the Council pay all charges thereafter. |
2. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the Reeve renew the bonds of the Treasurer, for $8,000.00, in the Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company. |
Mr. Clare, of Preston, waited on the Council, to see about a furnace for the Hall, but no action was taken. |
3. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Municipal World, supplies |
$5.04 |
Peter Richardson, repairing the Corwhin Road |
$27.35 |
The Mercury, for advertising tenders for Hall |
$6.30 |
Dominion Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company |
$32.00 |
Wallace Printing Company account |
$4.16 |
The Canada Ingot Iron Company, culvert and grader repairs |
$30.90 |
Henry Erhardt, for work on Division 115 |
$12.20 |
D. J. McLean, grading, Division 412 |
$3.00 |
C. D. Lewis, cement for tile & Hall steps |
$63.22 |
D. G. Hanning, grading on Divisions 223, 413, 419, 421 |
$13.80 |
Geo. Clark, for grading |
$21.20 |
J. Wigwood, grading on Divisions 324, 404 |
$15.00 |
D. G. Hanning, repairing road, Division 223 |
$30.___ |
John Cole, contract and cement work at Hall |
$64.65 |
Geo. M. Fox, C. Treasurer, ˝ share of patient, Galt Hospital |
$26.00 |
Ross Barber, repairing road, Division 317 |
$55.00 |
Donald Stewart, for trucking pipe, and freight |
$4.45 |
Jas. Blake, grading Beverly Townline, Beverly pays ˝ |
$6.00 |
Angus McDonald, picking stones, Beverly Townline, Beverly pays ˝ |
$6.___ |
Geo. M. Paddock, grading Division 3 |
$34.50 |
McCormack & Robinson, pipes for Hall |
$2.75 |
Andrew Ord, drawing stones for Hall |
$4.00 |
Duncan McLean, expenses at education convention |
$15.00 |
Andy McEdwards, part payment of contract, Hall |
$400.00 |
4. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on May the 28th, at 10 a.m. as a Court of Revision, and for the transaction of regular business at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) F. Roszell ─ Reeve |
May 28th 1928. Court of Revision The members of the Puslinch Municipal Council met in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 10 a.m., on Monday May the 28th 1928 and, after taking the required declaration, were duly constituted a Court of Revision, to hear and decide appeals against the 1928 Assessment Roll. The following appeals were before the Court: |
a. |
Jacob Crowder, claim ─ assessed
$100 too high on |
b. |
Jas. McAllister, claim ─ assessed
$300 too high on |
c. |
Mr. D. C. Campbell, claim ─ assessed for wood land, which should be exempt. |
Mr. Crowder’s appeal, after careful consideration, was dismissed. |
1. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Duncan McDonald, that Jas. McAllister’s assessment be reduced $200.00. |
2. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by D. McDonald, that the assessment of D. C. Campbell be reduced $325 on account of thirteen acres of wood land being exempt from taxation. |
Mr. G. Lonsberry was added to the Roll as tenant of Lot 10, Front of Concession 1. Mr. Frank Ray (or Day) was struck off the
Roll and F. Moyer added as owner of |
3. |
It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by D. McDonald, that the Assessment Roll for 1928, as revised and amended, be confirmed. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
May 28th 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room at the close of the Court of Revision. All of the members were in attendance, Reeve Roszell presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Stewart. A communication
was read from the Amusement Branch, |
1. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by M. Haines, that Bylaw No. 8 be amended by adding the following as Pathmasters: on Division 322 ─ John Paddock, Division 405 ─ Frank Moyer, and Division 206 ─ Alfred Bruce. |
2. |
Moved by N. Stewart, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that a bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and the Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch to borrow up to four thousand dollars, $4,000, from the Bank of Toronto, Morriston, to meet the current ordinary expenditures of the Corporation during the year 1928, be now introduced and read a first and second time. Carried. |
3. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D. McDonald, that the bylaw, authorizing the reeve and the Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch to borrow up to four thousand dollars, $4,000, from the Bank of Toronto, Morriston, to meet the current ordinary expenditures of the Corporation during the year 1928, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
4. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by D. McDonald, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Joe Brockell, grading, Division 1 |
$45.00 |
A. G. Murray, bonus for 75 rods of wire fence |
$16.88 |
Chris Bond, sleepers for bridge, Division 317 |
$3.00 |
M (or W.) McMillan, grading, Division 303 |
$6.00 |
Jas. Leachman, repairs to Hall |
$9.50 |
Duncan McLean, postage and stationery |
$5.50 |
S. Philpot, repairing bridge, Division 409 |
$16.00 |
D. J. McLean, bonus, 40 rods of wire fence, Division 411 |
$9.00 |
Andrew Ord, bonus, 20 rods of wire fence, Division 406 |
$4.50 |
Duncan McLean, salary for Assessor |
$200.00 |
Jack Hohenadel, grading, Division 2 |
$34.37 |
Andy McEdwards, balance of contract and extras, Hall |
$214.40 |
Provincial Treasurer, Toronto, license for Hall |
$3.00 |
B. Watson, supplies to Jno. Smith, charity |
$4.00 |
A. Ord, levelling grounds around Hall |
$12.00 |
Mercury, advertising Court of Revision |
$4.20 |
Jno. McNulty, lamb killed by dogs |
$5.00 |
Alex Tawse, Sheep Valuator |
$2.00 |
Roy Gordon, cleaning out ditch, |
$8.50 |
Chas. Maddaugh, grading & picking stones, Beverly pays ˝ |
$27.00 |
A. McConnell, drawing stone & gravel, Beverly pays ˝ |
$4.50 |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet on July 3rd, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
July 3rd 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, today, at 1:30 p.m., all of the members being present, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read on motion of Messrs. Stewart and Haines. Mr. Ross Barber waited on the Council, to see what could be done towards the road leading into his place, but as considerable money has been spent on that part of the road this year, no action was taken. Mr. Thomas Maltby, Caretaker, was instructed to see that the weeds were cut on the Hall grounds. |
1. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by M.
Haines, that the Clerk write to the |
2. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Ed Baker, bonus on 60 rods of wire fence |
$13.50 |
Wm. Pinder, bonus on 40 rods of wire fence |
$9.00 |
Samuel Slater, bonus on 95 rods of wire fence |
$19.13 |
D. C. Campbell, bonus on 41 rods of wire fence |
$9.23 |
Walter Holm, grading & gravelling, Division 108 |
$85.00 |
Walter Holm, commuted labour, Division 109 |
$7.50 |
Thos. Jackson, grading & gravelling, Division 121 |
$24.75 |
Harry Leachman, gravelling on Division 218, commuted labour |
$18.00 |
Robert Armstrong, for work done on Division 202 |
$13.75 |
Wm. Deakin, for work done on Division 202 |
$16.50 |
Joe Clair, for work done on Division 202 |
$8.25 |
Thos. Phelan, for work done on Division 202 |
$24.75 |
Sam Hume, for work done on Division 202 |
$24.00 |
Sam Hume, commuted labour, Division 202 |
$27.00 |
Thomas Maltby Junior, grading on Division 202 |
$12.00 |
Thos. Allan, dragging & grading, Division 220 |
$32.70 |
Roy Harmer, gravelling on Division 429, commuted labour |
$10.05 |
W. |
$9.60 |
W. S. Maltby, bonus for 24 rods of wire fence |
$5.40 |
B. Watson, groceries for J. Smith, charity |
$6.54 |
Louis Nigro, commuted labour, Division 118 |
$5.40 |
Henry Ehrhardt, grading & gravelling, Division 115 |
$67.50 |
Henry Ehrhardt, commuted labour, Division 115 |
$7.50 |
Joe Brockel, gravelling, Division 120 |
$49.50 |
John Eggert, commuted labour, Division 110 |
$62.50 |
John Conroy, gravelling, Division 112 |
$27.47 |
D. T. Parker, shovelling gravel, Division 114 |
$3.00 |
John Conroy, commuted labour, Division 112 |
$6.00 |
$24.00 |
Geo. Steffler, drawing gravel, Division 101 |
$71.25 |
Jacob Wigood, grading, Division 404 |
$39.00 |
Silas Philpot, ditching, Division 408 |
$49.50 |
Andrew Scott, work on East Flamboro Townline, Flamboro pays ˝ |
$195.40 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, repairs to grader |
$8.85 |
Andrew McEdwards, lock for C. Room door |
$1.00 |
Clayton Haines, piling wood |
$2.00 |
Ernest Clark, gravelling, Division 430 |
$65.00 |
P. W. Richardson, repairing culvert, Division 430 |
$5.55 |
A. Scott, commuted labour, Division 305 |
$6.00 |
Robt. Burmaster, work on Division 308 |
$38.00 |
J. A. McPherson, gravel, Division 311 |
$16.75 |
Arch. Ramsay, work on Dumfries Townline, |
$24.00 |
J. McAllister, gravel, Division 325 |
$15.00 |
C. Bonds, gravelling, Division 317, commuted labour |
$50.00 |
R. Kearns, gravelling, Division 312 |
$57.50 |
W. Wilson, shovelling gravel, |
$7.50 |
R. Starkey, drawing gravel, Division 214 |
$9.65 |
R. Starkey, commuted labour, Division 214 |
$26.80 |
Crastor Scott, work done on Division 214 |
$29.75 |
John Tolton, work done on Division 214 |
$15.50 |
W. H. Wood, work done on Division 214 |
$8.25 |
A. Barnet, getting repair for grader |
$2.00 |
Raymond Tarzwell, 1 day’s work, Guelph Townline |
$3.00 |
Wilfred Crowder, sheep killed by dogs |
$15.00 |
H. B. Tolton, drawing gravel, Division 204 |
$35.00 |
Wm. Ritchie, drawing gravel, Division 227 |
$16.50 |
John McNulty, drawing gravel, Division 227 |
$33.00 |
Arthur Byrnes, drawing gravel, Division 227 |
$17.00 |
Geo. Wilson, work on Guelph Townline, |
$16.50 |
Arthur Plummer, work on Guelph Townline, |
16.50 |
John Tolton, work on Guelph Townline, |
$36.00 |
Alvin Ryder, work on Guelph Townline, |
$12.00 |
Dave Hume, shovelling gravel, Guelph
Townline, |
$6.00 |
Municipal World, supplies |
$16.56 |
C. D. Lewis, 3˝ barrels of cement, and cartage |
$9.95 |
Marshall Ferguson, valuing sheep killed by dogs |
$2.00 |
Wm. Crow, for commuted labour, Division 328 |
$6.00 |
Carl Ross, for commuted labour, Division 108 |
$7.50 |
Geo. Lewis, six months’ salary as Clerk |
$250.00 |
3. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by D. McDonald, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on August the 6th, at 1:30 p.m. (Carried.) |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
August 6th 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today, all of the members being present, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Stewart. A deputation from the Puslinch Agricultural Society, consisting of Messrs. Gordon Sault and Geo. Meldrum, waited on the Council, requesting a donation for the annual fall fair. The following resolutions were passed: |
1. |
Moved by Duncan McDonald, seconded by Marshall Haines, that a grant of fifty dollars, $50.00, be given to the Puslinch Agricultural Society. |
2. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the Reeve take the necessary steps to make Geo. Strome clean up all dead carcasses and anything that creates a nuisance. |
3. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
F. Blackstone, commuted labour, Division 122 |
$13.50 |
H. H. Harding, gravelling, Division 117 |
$38.50 |
H. H. Harding, gravel, Division 117 |
$9.45 |
Jno. Hohenadel, eaves-troughing on Hall |
$25.88 |
Len Maltby, cutting weeds, Hall grounds |
$7.00 |
Geo. Paddock, gravelling, 112˝ yds., Beverly Townline, Bev. pays ˝ |
$140.60 |
John Scott, grading & spreading gravel & cutting weeds, Bev. pays ˝ |
$53.40 |
Peter Angus, grading & gravelling, |
$34.35 |
W. S. Maltby, grading & cutting weeds, Division 203 |
$10.75 |
Municipal World, supplies |
$5.42 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, casting & bolts |
$5.42 |
Harry Leachman, work on Division 218 |
$6.00 |
Duncan McLean, services as weed inspector |
$117.20 |
Arthur Byrnes, 40 rods of wire fence, Arkell Road |
$9.00 |
Thos. Allen, dragging & work done on Division 220 |
$17.00 |
William Forrest, grading, picking stones, & cutting weeds, Arkell Road |
$53.75 |
William Forrest, shovelling snow, Arkell Road |
$7.15 |
William Forrest, drawing gravel, 4 men shovelling gravel, Arkell Road |
$17.50 |
John Tolton, repairing culvert, Guelph
Townline, |
$7.00 |
A____ Bowman, work done on Division 403 |
$10.00 |
Jno. Martin, grading & gravelling, Division 421 |
$61.25 |
Chas. Maddaugh, drawing gravel & grading, West Flamboro Townline, West Flam. Pays half |
$47.10 |
D. A. McNaughton, putting in culvert, Division 401 |
$4.50 |
Chester Schultz, drawing gravel, Beverly Townline, Bev. pays ˝ |
$79.05 |
Geo. E. Leslie, spreading gravel & cutting weeds, Beverly Townline, Beverly pays half |
$20.10 |
Jacob Wigwood, grading Beverly Townline, Bev. pays half |
$96.00 |
Jas. McMillan, grading, picking stones, & cutting weeds, Division 402 |
$13.00 |
Duncan McAllister, commuted labour, Division 316 |
$3.00 |
Ray (or Roy) Herman, commuted labour, |
$18.00 |
W. (or M.) Freosch, work on Division 313 |
$27.00 |
Don McCaig, work on Division 327 |
$23.75 |
W. Bond, grading & drawing gravel, Division 310 |
$54.00 |
H. Fixter, commuted labour, Division 309 |
$9.00 |
W. J. Little, commuted labour, Division 326 |
$7.50 |
Jno. Neubauer, grading & work on Division 324 |
$14.75 |
Ross Barber, gravelling & repairing bridge, Division 317 |
$106.50 |
P. Crimless, 80 rods of wire fence, Division 205 |
$18.00 |
Peter Hume, gravelling & grading, Division 216 |
$37.00 |
Gordon McLean, cutting weeds, Division 412 |
$3.60 |
Howitt McDonald, cutting weeds, Beverly Townline, Bev. pays ˝ |
$3.00 |
Donald Stewart, drawing tile, Division 401 |
$2.00 |
Alex McGinnes, cutting weeds, 2˝ days, Division 408 |
$7.50 |
D. G. Hanning, grading, Division 4 |
$8.25 |
Don Simpson, grading & picking stones, Division 420 |
$7.00 |
Silas Philpot, digging ditch, Division 408 |
$15.00 |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on September 4th, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
September 4th 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, today at 1:30 p.m., all of the members being present, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McDonald. The following resolutions were passed: |
1. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil
Stewart, that the |
2. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for County, School, and Municipal purposes for the year 1928 A.D. |
3. |
Moved by Duncan McDonald, seconded by Marshall Haines, that the bylaw providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for County, School, and Municipal purposes, for the year 1928, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
4. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Paddock Bros., floor for bridges, Divisions 328 & 405 |
$40.77 |
Alex Smith, sleepers for bridge, Division 328 |
$20.00 |
Gordon McKay, work and hardware on bridge, Division 328 |
$12.00 |
Stewart Hume, sheep killed by dogs |
$70.00 |
John Tolton, sheep killed by dogs |
$109.00 |
John McCaig, widening road with stones |
$6.25 |
Duncan McLean, weed inspector |
$23.50 |
Harry Barton, 225 yards of gravel, Divisions 223, 201, 227, & 204, and damage to road |
$38.75 |
W. Blair, 183 yards of gravel, Divisions 205, 202, 212 |
$27.45 |
Orme Sherwood, 220 yards of gravel, Divisions 214, 216, 21__ |
$33.00 |
John Holman, 83 yards of gravel, Guelph
Townline, and damage, |
$16.45 |
Mrs. R. J. McFarlane, 46 yards of gravel, Division 218 |
$6.90 |
James Thomas, 101 yards of gravel, Division 207 |
$15.15 |
Wm. Prettie, 65 yards of gravel, Division 202 |
$10.20 |
Wm. Steffler, 12 yds. of gravel, Div.
229, |
$1.80 |
D. A. McNaughton, grading, 18 ___ (hours possibly), ____, Division 401 |
$10.80 |
A. Bowman, cutting weeds & picking stones, Division 403 |
$6.00 |
Geo. Crane, lumber & repairing bridge, Division 123 |
$6.00 |
A. C. Woodward Printing Ltd., 200 voters’ lists |
$159.60 |
Alf Reid, cutting weeds, Division 312 |
$3.00 |
Jas. A. McPherson, cutting weeds, Division 311 |
$3.00 |
D. McAllister, cutting weeds, Division 316 |
$3.00 |
John H. Chester, drawing gravel, Division 106 |
$25.00 |
A. McEdwards, making stool(s), lumber for tables, for Hall |
$10.00 |
Alex Fleming, 21 yards of gravel, Division 210 |
$3.15 |
Samuel Darnel, repairing road & shovelling gravel, Division 201 |
$21.00 |
John Gallagher, cutting weeds |
$4.50 |
Thomas Maltby, grading & cutting weeds, Division 202 |
$4.50 |
Roy Carter, cutting weeds, Division 210 |
$4.50 |
Robert McConnell, refund of dog tax |
$2.00 |
Henry Beaver, cutting weeds, Divisions 413 & 404 |
$14.70 |
5. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on October 1st, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
October 1st 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, today at 1:30 p.m., all of the members of Council being present, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Haines. Mr. Fitzpatrick waited on the Council, asking that something be done towards opening the Steffler Drain, as the ditch, being filled up, was backing the water up on his property. |
1. |
On motion of Messrs. McDonald and Stewart, the Clerk was instructed to notify all parties interested in this ditch to meet on Darnell’s road on October 15th at 2 o’ clock p.m. |
A deputation from the Women’s Institute waited on the Council, asking for the use of the Township Hall for two weeks for a sewing class to commence on Monday November 5th. |
2. |
Moved by Duncan McDonald, seconded by Marshall Haines, that the Women’s Institute have the use of the Hall for two weeks in November free of charge. |
3. |
Moved by Duncan McDonald, seconded by Marshall Haines, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Duncan McLean, gravelling, Division 315 |
$25.00 |
Joseph Kreig, cutting brush, Division 318 |
$10.00 |
John Scott, cutting weeds, Beverly Townline, Beverly pays half |
$13.50 |
John M. Bond, bonus for 180 rods of wire fence |
$40.50 |
Milne Jamieson, 22 yards of gravel, Division 313 |
$3.30 |
Alf Reid, 90 yards of gravel, Division 312 |
$18.50 |
Samuel Alexander, 154 yards of gravel, Divisions 318, 325, 112 |
$24.60 |
William Steffler, 90 yards of gravel, Divisions 123, 124 |
$13.50 |
Mrs. Kay, 43 yards of gravel, Division 127 |
$6.45 |
R. G. Chester, 80 yards of gravel, Division 106 |
$12.00 |
Geo. Lewis, Clerk, postage & stationery |
$8.96 |
John Marshall, cutting weeds & repairing blind on Hall |
$4.50 |
C. D. Lewis, making tile & 2ľ barrels of cement |
$33.75 |
T. F. Ryder, one day grading on Division 213 |
$5.50 |
Orme Sherwood for cleaning out gravel pit |
$8.00 |
Fred Paddock, 329 yds. of gravel, Divs. 321, 303, 314, 327, 310, 309 |
$49.35 |
Wilfred Crowder, 155 yards of gravel, Divisions 310, 311 |
$23.25 |
Chris Bond, 170 yards of gravel, Division 317 |
$25.50 |
H. L. Dancy, for grading & gravelling, Division 221 |
$39.00 |
H. L. Dancy, 71 yards of gravel, Division 221 |
$10.65 |
H. L. Dancy, commuted labour, Division 221 |
$12.00 |
Wm. Schultz, 16 rods of wire fence, bonus |
$3.60 |
D. G. Hanning, 95 rods of wire fence, bonus, Division 421 |
$21.37 |
Thos. Beaton, for hauling stone & gravel, Division 421 |
$7.00 |
Jno. E. Simpson, 56 yards of gravel, Division 409 |
$8.40 |
A. Turner, 128 yards of gravel, Divisions 430, 429 |
$19.20 |
Thos. Beaton, 14 yards of gravel, Division 422 |
$2.10 |
W. J. Little, 34 yards of gravel, Division 326 |
$5.10 |
W. M. Schultz, 35 yards of gravel, Division 306 |
$6.25 |
Albert Irving, 16 yards of gravel, Division 316 |
$2.40 |
Samuel Smith, 46 yards of gravel, Division 328 |
$6.90 |
Duncan McLean, 70 yards of gravel, Division 315 |
$10.50 |
Archie A. Ramsay, 26 yards of gravel,
Dumfries Townline, |
$3.90 |
Fred Bartels, 46 yards of gravel,
Division 329, |
$6.90 |
Mrs. Stengel, 66 yards of gravel, Divisions 313, 302 |
$9.90 |
A. Irving, 27 yards of gravel, Division 403 |
$4.05 |
A. Scott, 45 yards of gravel, Division 411 |
$6.75 |
Wm. Prettie, 61 yards of gravel, Division 426 |
$9.15 |
D. McLean, 91 yards of gravel, Division 407, 412 |
$13.65 |
Geo. Hardy, 30 yards of gravel, Division 416 |
$4.50 |
C. Gregor, drawing gravel, Beverly Townline, Beverly pays ˝ |
$64.32 |
Geo. E. Leslie, spreading gravel, Beverly Townline, Beverly pays ˝ |
$12.00 |
D. J. McLean, cutting weeds, Division 412 |
$3.00 |
D. M. Stewart, drawing plank, Division 423 |
$3.50 |
Charles Laking, repairing road, Division 212 |
$8.00 |
A. W. Gamble, cutting weeds, 2 days, Division 119 |
$6.00 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, repairing No. 2 grader |
$20.20 |
Wallace Printing Company, tax notices & envelopes |
$12.62 |
J. P. Brockel, a day cutting weeds, Division 120 |
$6.00 |
H. Ehrhardt, gravelling & repairing, Division 115 |
$30.00 |
Jas. (or Jos.) Lynch, drawing gravel, Division 107 |
$29.75 |
H. H. Harding, repairing bridge, ˝ day with team |
$7.75 |
Frank J. Byrnes, grading on hill, 2 men & team, 10 hours |
$9.00 |
Geo. Metcalf, 174 yards of gravel, Divs. 115, 120, 121, 122, & 107 |
$26.10 |
Charles Borthwick, 21 yards of gravel, Division 126 |
$3.15 |
Wm. Crow, 100 yards of gravel, Divisions 126, 108 |
$15.00 |
D. T. Parker, 25 yards of gravel, Division 405 |
$2.10 |
Angus Murray, 85 yards of gravel, Division 115 |
$12.75 |
John Little, 12 yards of gravel, Division 102 |
$1.80 |
R. O’Donoghue, 115 yards of gravel, Divisions 112. 107 |
$17.25 |
Geo. Steffler, 212 yards of gravel, Division 101 |
$31.80 |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on November 5th, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
November 5th 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, today at 1:30 p.m., all the members being in attendance, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Haines. A letter was
read from the War Memorial Children’s Hospital, of |
1. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, for the year 1929, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D. McDonald, that the bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, for the year 1929, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
3. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Duncan McLean, commuted labour, Division 413 |
$91.00 |
Duncan McLean, 130 yards of gravel, Division 413 |
$19.50 |
Geo. Lewis, stamps for tax notices |
$15.00 |
Geo. Meldrum, grant to Agricultural Society |
$50.00 |
Wilson Robertson, grant to Ploughmen’s Association |
$25.00 |
Geo. Lewis, for selection of jurors |
$12.00 |
Pedlar Company Ltd., for culvert |
$29.40 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, bolts for grader |
$1.70 |
Neil Black, valuing sheep killed by dogs |
$4.00 |
Stewart Hume, bonus for 30 rods of wire fence, Division 217 |
$6.76 |
W. (or M.) S. Maltby, for repairing and grading Hall, Division 203 |
$48.00 |
David Sirett, commuted labour, Division 306 |
$46.00 |
Earl Carter, drawing gravel, Division 207 |
$6.50 |
John Tolton, 2 days spreading gravel, Division 207 |
$6.00 |
Robert Thomas. drawing & shovelling gravel, Division 207 |
$11.50 |
Geo. McAllister & Son, lumber for bridge |
$2.47 |
Chris Bond, grading, Division 317 |
$5.50 |
Wm. Schultz, 6 yards of gravel, Division 306 |
$.90 |
Duncan McLean, commuted labour, Division 315 |
$6.00 |
Dugald Campbell, commuted labour, Division 425 |
$18.00 |
Dugald Campbell, work done on Division 425 |
$33.30 |
John Walsh, work done on Arkell Road |
$6.00 |
William Forrest, grading, repairing, & cutting weeds, Arkell Road |
$69.65 |
James Thomas, 78 yards of gravel, on Division 207 |
$11.70 |
Robert McConnell, 60 yards of gravel, on Division 306 |
$9.00 |
Geo. Winfield, 18 hours cutting weeds, Division 116 |
$5.50 |
Geo. Winfield, commuted labour, Division 116 |
$5.00 |
Peter Patterson, drawing gravel for tile |
$15.00 |
Peter Patterson, 39 yards of gravel, Division 402 |
$5.85 |
Donald Stewart, drawing tile, Division 413 |
$3.50 |
D. J. McLean, work done on Division 408 |
$108.60 |
W. Broadhead, cutting weeds & drawing grader, Division 415 |
$5.75 |
Duncan McLean, correcting assessment roll |
$5.00 |
4. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on December the 3rd, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
December 3rd 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, today at 1:30 p.m., all of the members being in attendance, Reeve Roszell presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Haines and Hesketh. A communication was received from E. W. S____, Superintendent of Vimy Ridge Farm, returning their tax notice and drawing attention to the fact that the farm was now under the control of the Department of Agriculture and Colonization and Immigration Research. |
1. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
A. C. Mulloch,
Puslinch share of |
$31.75 |
Alex Nicoll, attendance at 5 court sittings |
$20.00 |
Jno. W. Paddock, plank for bridge |
$26.50 |
Andrew Scott, commuted labour, Divisions 416, 418 |
$15.00 |
Andrew Scott, grading, Divisions 415, 411 |
$12.00 |
Donald McDonald, 145 yards of gravel, Divisions 421, 423 |
$21.40 |
Donald McDonald, cleaning pit & damage to lane |
$14.25 |
Jno. A. McPherson, commuted labour, East Flamboro Townline, Flamboro pays half |
$40.11 |
Orme Sherwood, 115 yards of gravel, Divisions 215, 217 |
$17.25 |
John Fitton, commuted labour, Division 213 |
$74.40 |
John Fitton, 3 days grading, stones, commuted labour, Division 216 |
$22.00 |
Geo. Wilson, 4 days drawing stone &
gravel, Guelph Townline, |
$22.00 |
John Tolton, 5 days, one man for ˝ day
with team, Guelph Townline, |
$17.75 |
B. Addie, 18
yards of gravel, |
$2.70 |
Earl Carter, 15 yards of gravel, |
$2.25 |
Margaret Taylor, 25 yards of gravel, Division 308 |
$3.75 |
W. S. Ross, commuted labour, Division 318 |
$40.50 |
A. Fleming, 20 yards of gravel, 1 man ______, Division 210 |
$5.40 |
Canada Ingot Iron Company, repairs to grader |
$6.00 |
Wm. Watson, drawing tile, |
$5.00 |
John McNulty, 1 sheep killed by dogs |
$12.00 |
Alex Tawse, valuing sheep killed by dogs |
$2.00 |
Harry Leachman, 1 day shovelling gravel, Division 217 |
$3.00 |
Douglas Stewart, digging hole for drainage, Division 408 |
$11.50 |
C. D. Lewis, supplies for Hall |
$9.31 |
Roy Gordon, taking indigent to House of Refuge |
$6.00 |
Wm. Quirk, drawing plans for Hall |
$15.00 |
E. F. Eark (or East or …), furnace for Hall |
$307.00 |
John Marshall, salary as Caretaker for Hall |
$12.00 |
Thos. Maltby estate, salary as Caretaker for Hall |
$24.00 |
R. A. Snider, Clerk of Waterloo, Puslinch share of Townline work |
$169.18 |
Geo. Lewis, salary as Clerk |
$250.00 |
Jno. Walsh, salary as Treasurer |
$175.00 |
Fred Roszell, allowance as Reeve |
$125.00 |
Daniel Hesketh, allowance as Councillor |
$100.00 |
Neil Stewart, allowance as Councillor |
$100.00 |
Duncan McDonald, allowance as Councillor |
$100.00 |
M. Haines, allowance as Councillor |
$100.00 |
2. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Duncan McDonald, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on December 15th, at 1 p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
December 15th 1928. The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in final session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, today at 1 p.m., all of the members being present, Reeve Roszell presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Haines. The Clerk read the annual report of the Board of Health. The Treasurer submitted his report of receipts and expenditures for the year. The following resolutions were passed: |
1. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the Treasurer’s report be adopted and that he be instructed to have 200 copies printed for distribution. |
2. |
Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Donald Simpson, ditching on Division 420 |
$12.00 |
Peter McLean, ditching on Division 418 |
$22.75 |
Donald Stewart, drawing tile, Division 401 |
$3.00 |
L. Nigro, repairing and putting in tile, Division 113 |
$7.20 |
Jacob Wigood, gravelling, commuted labour, Division 404 |
$99.00 |
Wm. Crow, 38 yards of gravel, Division 404 |
$5.70 |
Wm. Moore, 49 yards of gravel, Division 404 |
$7.35 |
John Neubauer, 3 days gravelling, Division 324 |
$16.50 |
Wm. Crow, 20 yards of gravel, Division 324 |
$3.00 |
John Hanlon, 6 sheep and 3 lambs killed by dogs |
$141.00 |
Alex Tawse, for valuing sheep |
$2.00 |
D. McLean, 199 yards of gravel, Divisions 408 & 412 |
$29.85 |
John Marshall, Clerk of Nassagaweya, ˝ share of townline work |
$355.55 |
John Little, 35 yards of gravel, Division 102 |
$5.25 |
Sam Alexander, 22 yards of gravel, Division 318 |
$3.30 |
Thos. Aikens, filling hole & widening road, Division 318 |
$69.75 |
Dr. J. H. King, salary as Medical Health Officer |
$5.00 |
Albert Bruce, cutting weeds, Division 206 |
$1.00 |
John Scott, for work on Beverly Townline, Beverly pays ˝ |
$65.90 |
David Sirett, commuted labour, Division 306 |
$39.00 |
Robert McConnell, 90 yards of gravel, Division 306 |
$13.50 |
Fred Bartel, commuted labour, Division 307 |
$35.80 |
Sarah E. Stengel, 27 yards of gravel, Division 302 |
$4.05 |
Marshall Ferguson, commuted labour, Division 302 |
$30.00 |
Robt. T. Amos, work done on Division 426 |
$53.50 |
Wm. Prettie, for gravel, 118 yards, Division 426 |
$16.70 |
Robt. Burmaster, one man & team on Division 308 |
$8.50 |
Fred Ryder, repairing bridge abutment, Division 213 |
$6.00 |
Peter Angus, 3 days cutting weeds, 3 days ____ gravel, Beverly Townline, Beverly pays ˝ |
$15.00 |
Chester Schultz, drawing gravel, Beverly Townline, Beverly pays ˝ |
$81.90 |
Archie Ramsay, repairing Beverly Townline, Beverly pays ˝ |
$6.50 |
John M. Clark, one day’s work on Division 408 |
$3.00 |
John A. McPherson, for work done on East Flamboro Townline, commuted labour, Flamboro pays ˝ |
$50.25 |
Ormond Patton, repairing and gravelling, Division 424 |
$53.90 |
A. Byrne, work done on Arkell Road |
$38.50 |
Jas. McMillan, commuted labour, Division 402 |
$9.00 |
Wm. Forrest, drawing gravel on Arkell Road |
$41.25 |
M. McNulty, drawing gravel on Arkell Road |
$35.75 |
A. Thomas, shovelling gravel, Arkell Road |
$21.00 |
C. S. Kearns, for attending 5 court sittings |
$20.00 |
W. ________ (Williams, possibly),
spreading gravel, |
$15.00 |
W. Williams, spreading gravel, Arkell Road |
$4.50 |
Wm. Laidlaw, Puslinch share of |
$178.92 |
John McPhee, drawing gravel, Guelph
Townline, |
$53.60 |
William Steffler, 60 yards of gravel, |
$9.00 |
Wm. Scott, one day on grader |
$3.00 |
D. J. McLean, gravelling, Divisions 408 & 412 |
$225.15 |
Arthur Evans, over charge on dog tax |
$2.00 |
Jas. McCaig, overcharge on dog tax |
$2.00 |
M. Spruhan, overcharge on dog tax |
$2.00 |
John Neubauer, overcharge statute labour |
$9.00 |
Geo. Metcalf, work done on road, Division 118 |
$7.30 |
Geo. Metcalf, commuted labour, Division 118 |
$39.45 |
Geo. Metcalf, 82 yards of gravel, Division 118 |
$12.30 |
J. E. Thomas, 141 yards of gravel, Arkell Road |
$21.15 |
Jno. A. Ord, for 125 4-inch and 25 6-inch
tiles, |
$51.87 |
G. E. Leslie, work on Beverly Townline, Beverly pays half |
$83.35 |
At the close of business, the Reeve was requested to vacate the chair, and Mr. McDonald occupied the same. The Reeve made a short speech and signified his intention of again standing for re-election. All the members of the Council spoke of their work during the year and of the good feeling that had prevailed in the Council and of the very efficient leadership of the Reeve. The meeting adjourned, sine die. (signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
December 31st 1928. Nomination Meeting The annual nomination meeting was held, pursuant to statute, on December 31st at one o’ clock p.m., in the Township Hall, Aberfoyle. A very large attendance of ratepayers was present, and the following gentlemen were duly nominated for the offices of Reeve and Councillor: for Reeve, Wm. Crow and Fred Roszell, and for Councillor, Walter Holm, Marshall Haines, Daniel Hesketh, John McAllister, Hector McCaig, Duncan McDonald, Neil Black, Samuel Smith, and Neil Stewart. Mr. D. J. Hesketh failed to make the required Declaration of Qualification within the required limit of time, and his name was therefore withdrawn from the list. In consequence of the fact that the nominations for Reeve and Councillor exceeded the number of offices to be filled, the meeting was adjourned until Monday, January the 7th, 1929, to be decided by ballot at the polls, designated in the bylaw, prepared for that purpose. (signed) George Lewis ─ Returning Officer |
January 7th 1929. Election Returns *P.S.D.
= Polling Subdivision |
For Reeve |
For Councillors |
P.S.D. |
Crow |
Roszell |
Black |
Haines |
Holm |
McAllister |
McCaig |
McDonald |
Smith |
Stewart |
1 |
53 |
52 |
96 |
42 |
8 |
18 |
27 |
18 |
53 |
40 |
2 |
83 |
84 |
66 |
119 |
44 |
20 |
42 |
65 |
58 |
82 |
3 |
51 |
86 |
44 |
72 |
36 |
16 |
22 |
89 |
42 |
106 |
4 |
22 |
76 |
24 |
33 |
19 |
48 |
8 |
85 |
20 |
45 |
5 |
38 |
27 |
18 |
33 |
24 |
21 |
27 |
19 |
25 |
14 |
6 |
26 |
85 |
8 |
24 |
63 |
76 |
36 |
29 |
10 |
19 |
7 |
26 |
34 |
31 |
25 |
20 |
3 |
9 |
35 |
27 |
55 |
Total |
299 |
444 |
287 |
348 |
214 |
202 |
171 |
340 |
235 |
361 |
Pursuant to statute and the declaration of the Returning Officer at the Nomination Meeting of December 31st 1928, polls were opened at the several subdivisions in the township, and the above-tabulated summary of votes cast was returned by the respective Deputy-Returning Officers. Messrs. Roszell, for Reeve, and Stewart, Haines, McDonald, and Black, for Councillors, having received the largest number of votes, were duly declared elected, to comprise the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch for the year 1929 A.D. (signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Returning Officer |
January 14th 1929. The Municipal Council of 1928 met in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, today at 11 a.m., Reeve Roszell presiding. The minutes of the December 15th meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Haines and Stewart. The Clerk read reports of the Nomination Meeting, held on December 31st 1928, and of the Election, held on January 7th 1929. The resignation of Neil Black as Sheep Valuator was handed to the sitting Council. |
1. |
It was moved by Duncan McDonald, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the resignation of Neil Black as Sheep Valuator be accepted. |
2. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by Neil Stewart, that a bylaw, amending Bylaw No. 8 of 1928, be now read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Duncan McDonald, seconded by M. Haines, that the bylaw, amending Bylaw No. 8 of 1928, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
The 1928 Council then arose, and the members elect of the 1929 Council, consisting of Fred Roszell, Reeve, and Neil Stewart, M. Haines, Duncan McDonald, and Neil Black, Councillors, took their places. After taking the
required Declaration of Office, they were duly constituted the Municipal
Council of the |
The following resolutions were passed: |
1. |
Moved by Duncan McDonald, seconded by M. Haines, that the Clerk order 7 copies of the Municipal World 1929. |
2. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by D. McDonald, that the Clerk advertise for tenders for three cords of hardwood wood, cut in 16-inch lengths. |
3. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D. McDonald, that a bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and the Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch to borrow money from the Dominion Bank to meet the current, ordinary expenditures of the Corporation, during the year 1929, be now introduced and read a first and second time. Bylaw read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by Neil Stewart, that a bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and the Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch to borrow money from the Bank of Toronto to meet the current, ordinary expenditures of the Corporation, during the year 1929, be now introduced and read a first and second time. Bylaw read a first and second time. |
5. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D. McDonald, that a bylaw, appointing auditors for the years 1928 and 1929, be now introduced and read a first and second time. Read a first and second time. |
6. |
Moved by Duncan McDonald, seconded by Neil Black, that a bylaw, appointing a member of the local Board of Health, be now introduced and read a first and second time. Read a first and second time. |
7. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Neil
Black, that a bylaw, appointing a Weed Inspector for the |
8. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by M. Haines, that a bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the Township of Puslinch, for the year 1929, be now introduced and read a first and second time. Bylaw read a first and second time. |
9. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by M.
Haines, that a bylaw, providing for the distribution of dog tags in the |
10. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D.
McDonald, that a bylaw, appointing a School Attendance Officer for the |
In Committee of the Whole, the Reeve presiding, the following names were inserted in the blanks of the bylaws: for Auditors, D. A. McNaughton and John Wilkinson, Assessor, Duncan McLean, member of the Board of Health, W. J. Little, School Attendance Officer, D. McLean, and Weed Inspector, Duncan McLean. |
11. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by M. Haines, that the bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch to borrow money from the Dominion Bank, to meet the current ordinary expenditures of the Corporation during the year 1929, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. Bylaw read a third time. |
12. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Neil Black, that the bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch to borrow money from the Bank of Toronto, to meet the current ordinary expenditures of the Corporation during the year 1929, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. Bylaw read a third time. |
13. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D. McDonald, that the bylaw, appointing auditors for the year 1928-1929, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. Bylaw read a third time. |
14. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by M. Haines, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the local Board of Health, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. Bylaw read a third time. |
15. |
Moved by Neil Black, seconded by Neil
Stewart, that the bylaw, appointing a Weed Inspector for the |
16. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Neil
Black, that the bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the |
17. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Neil
Black, that the bylaw, providing for the distribution of dog tags in the |
18. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Neil
Black, that the bylaw, appointing a School Attendance Officer for the |
19. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by M. Haines, that the charges for the use of the Township Hall be as follows: |
For public dances |
$7.00 |
Concerts to non residents |
$7.00 |
Dances by Puslinch organization |
$7.00 |
Dances by local organization |
$5.00 |
Concerts by religious or any other organization |
$3.00 |
Concerts with lunch, religious or any other organization |
$4.00 |
Meeting held in the Council Chamber in winter |
$1.00 |
Meeting held in the Council Chamber in summer |
$.50 |
Caretaker’s fees: |
Concert and dance |
$3.00 |
Public dance |
$3.00 |
Public meeting |
$2.00 |
Council chamber |
$.50 |
20. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by Neil Black, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
D. J. McLean, gravelling, Division 408 |
$1.25 |
D. A. McNaughton, putting in culvert, Division 401 |
$5.25 |
J. Conroy, widening road, Division 112 |
$74.60 |
J. P. Brockel, grading & gravelling, Division 120 |
$9.00 |
Wallace Printing Company, ballots and bills |
$15.45 |
Geo. Lewis, for registering deaths and births |
$15.50 |
Geo. Lewis, Inspector’s report |
$3.00 |
Chas. Martin, gravelling, Division 323 |
$33.75 |
John Fraser, commuted labour, Division 322 |
$9.00 |
Municipal World, supplies |
$13.40 |
Guelph Mercury, for nomination notice |
$7.50 |
Wm. Wood, Clerk of Beverly, Puslinch share of Townline |
$55.81 |
Canada Crushed Stone Company, for crushed stone |
$17.75 |
Harold Tolton, commuted labour, Division 204 |
$3.00 |
W. (or M.) McMillan, grading & cutting weeds, Division 303 |
$10.25 |
Gummer Press, financial statements |
$49.84 |
Duncan McLean, commuted labour, Divisions 413 & 415 |
$179.00 |
Duncan McLean, 223 yards of gravel |
$33.45 |
Stone estate, two sheep killed by dogs |
$23.00 |
Neil Black, valuating sheep |
$2.00 |
Angus McPherson, election expenses |
$12.00 |
John Winer, election expenses |
$17.00 |
Stewart Hume, election expenses |
$15.00 |
M. Ferguson, election expenses |
$15.00 |
M. P. Lynch, election expenses |
$15.00 |
W. W. Robertson, election expenses |
$15.00 |
Peter C. McLean, election expenses |
$15.00 |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by M. Haines, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday February 11th, at one o’ clock p.m. |
(signed) Geo. Lewis ─ Clerk (signed) Fred Roszell ─ Reeve |
February 11th 1929. The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, today at one o’ clock, all of the members being in attendance, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the January meeting were read and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Haines and Stewart. Mr. Jno. W. Kerr waited on the Council, asking for a grant for the Horticultural Society, to be spent in improving the Hall grounds. Mr. Pellat, of the Globe Indemnity Insurance Company was present, asking the Council to re-insure the township against accident. The auditors presented their report of auditing the Treasurer’s books, and in auditing receipts and expenditures for the year 1928, and found them to be correct. A committee from the Aberfoyle Progressive Club waited on the Council, asking for a reduction on the Hall for dances held by their club. |
1. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the Horticultural Society receive a grant of $15.00. Carried. |
2. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by Neil Black, that this Council accept an insurance policy from the Global Indemnity Company on a five and ten policy for 1929. Carried. |
3. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Neil Black, that the auditors’ report of receipts and expenditures for 1928 be received and adopted. |
4. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by M. Haines, that the progressive Club be granted the following rates, for a public dance, $5.00, and for a club dance, $4.00. |
5. |
Moved by Neil Black, seconded by Neil
Stewart, that the tender of Robt. |
6. |
Moved by D. McDonald, seconded by M.
Haines, that this Council cut the brush on Division 317, provided that the
County take it on as a |
7. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D. McDonald, that the following resolution be passed, that no one of the Council spend more than the appropriation agreed upon by the Council from year to year, as the township will not be liable unless a further grant is sanctioned by the Council. Carried. |
8. |
Moved by Neil Stewart, seconded by Neil Black, that a bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways and Winter Pathmasters, Pound-keepers, Fence-Viewers, and Sheep Valuators, to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch, for the current year, 1929-1930, be now introduced and read a first and second time. Bylaw read a first and second time. |
9. |
Moved by M. Haines, seconded by D. McDonald, that the bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways and Winter Pathmasters, Pound-keepers, Fence-Viewers, and Sheep Valuators, to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch for the current year, 1929-1930, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. Bylaw read a third time. |
10. |
Moved by Neil Black, seconded by Neil Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
D. A. McNaughton, auditor |
$20.00 |
J. A. Wilkinson, auditing & typing statement |
$23.00 |
E. Kitching, removal of indigent to poor house |
$6.00 |
K. Cooper, 60 yards of cinders, Guelph
Townline, |
$30.00 |
J. P. Clark, commuted labour, Division 118 |
$16.50 |
Wallace printing Company, 200 letter heads |