Minutes of Council Meetings January 6th 1947 ─ December 6th 1948. |
January 6th 1947 A.D. The inaugural meeting of the
Municipal Council of the A number of communications were read and disposed of. A letter from the Deputy Minister of Health advised us that our M.O.H. has now exceeded the 70 year age limit, and that if it was desired to re-appoint him, it would be necessary to do so from year to year, and also to have the approval of the Department of Health. |
1. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Irwin Steffler, that the Clerk be instructed to apply to the Department of Health for approval to re-appoint Dr. J. H. King as Medical Officer of Health for the year 1947, it being deemed inadvisable to make a change at the present time as the County of Wellington is setting up a Public Health scheme for the entire county. |
A letter from the Engineering
Department of the H.E.P.C. (Hydro-Electric Power Commission) of |
2. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that Harold
J. Harrison receive a refund of $4.00, being dog tax charged against the
former owner of Part |
3. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the Reeve and Treasurer be hereby authorized to remove the School Fund Debentures and the Ronald McCormick Trust Fund Debenture from the safety deposit box in the Dominion Bank and to place the same with the Guelph and Ontario Investment and Saving Society, in charge of the same, and further that any debentures now matured be renewed for a term of 5 years at 2½% per annum. |
4. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the membership fee of $5.00 be forwarded to the Good Roads Association and that the Road Superintendent and all of the Councillors be delegates to attend the annual convention on February 25th & 26th 1947. |
5. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that
Wm. J. Hunter be delegated to represent the |
6. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the Township of Puslinch accept the Employees’ Liability Insurance offered by the Union Insurance Society of Canton, Jeffrey & Spence, agents, claims to be paid as awarded by the Workmen’s Compensation Board, and all Councillors to be included. |
7. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that a bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow the sum of $28,000.00 from the Bank of Toronto, Morriston, and/or the Dominion Bank, Guelph, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
8. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by W. J. Hunter, that the bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow the sum of $28,000.00 be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
9. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Alex Ord, registering births, deaths, and marriages |
$6.00 |
Alex Ord, completing Old Age Pension applications, 1946 |
$5.00 |
C. L. Kearns, attending 3 sittings of Division Court |
$12.00 |
James C. Faskens, renewal of Treasurer’s bond |
$40.00 |
Geo. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker |
$15.00 |
A. Finkbeiner, relief to Mrs. J. McLean |
$43.14 |
Mrs. Jarrett’s store, relief to Mrs. J. McLean |
$23.17 |
Loretta Academy, tuition fees to Dec. 31st/46, 6 pupils |
$60.00 |
H. J. Harrison, refund of dog tax charged to former owner |
$4.00 |
H. Cabeldu, refund of dog tax charged to former owner |
$8.00 |
Ontario Good Roads Association, membership fees |
$5.00 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No.1 |
Payroll No. 1, December 15th to 31st |
$277.70 |
C. Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Guelph Sand & Gravel, 12 yards of sand, at $.40 per yard |
$4.80 |
Bob Thompson, 1 chimney stack and two 7-inch stove pipes |
$2.00 |
J. W. Moffat, Nassagaweya Townline account |
$149.44 |
Denison & Britton, welding & bolts |
$10.19 |
J. Westlake, 1 gallon of Prestone |
$3.75 |
A. J. Huether, 2 gallons of Prestone & welding grader |
$11.00 |
A. G. Laking & Son, 1,000 pounds of salt, at $.75 cwt. |
$7.50 |
C. Schultz, envelopes |
$.64 |
Guelph Printing Service, 100 account forms |
$2.16 |
Oliver Monkhouse, use of car clearing brush |
$12.50 |
Chas. Maddaugh, use of car clearing brush |
$5.00 |
10. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by E. Steffler, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday February 3rd 1947, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
January 13th 1947 A.D. Special Session A special session of the Municipal Council and the ratepayers of the Village of Aberfoyle was held in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, this evening, for the purpose of considering the Estimate of the H.E.P.C. of Ontario, for installing a street lighting system in the Village of Aberfoyle. Alex Ord was appointed Chairman of the meeting. A letter from the Commission was read and also rules and regulations in regard to street lighting systems. |
1. |
After a thorough discussion, it was moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that the H.E.P.C. of Ontario be requested to install a street lighting system in the Village of Aberfoyle, and that the system be so installed that the number of lights may be added to as deemed advisable. Furthermore, the Council does hereby agree to all cost in connection with the installation, as well as the annual service charge, with the understanding that the assessed values of the properties in the said Village of Aberfoyle be increased sufficiently to cover the said service charge, as well as light renewals et cetera. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
February 3rd 1947 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter from the Ministry of
Health acknowledged and approved of the re-appointment of Dr. J. H. King as
Medical Officer of Health for the Requests for grants were received
from the The Treasurer reported receipt of the 1 mill provincial subsidy, amounting to $2180.22. Notice was received that the 14th
annual convention of the |
1. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the Road Superintendent be hereby instructed to petition the Minister of Highways for the statutory grant on 1946 road expenditures. |
2. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that the
membership fee of $5.00 be forwarded to the |
3. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that a
grant of $25.00 be given to the |
4. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that Oliver Monkhouse be paid $100.00 per month, commencing February 1st 1947, to operate the power grader and snow plough. |
The Clerk was instructed to
request permission from the Department of Highways of |
5. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Irwin Steffler, that the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities be requested to provide a period, at its convention, for an explanation and discussion of the amendments to the Municipal and Assessment Acts, as made by the Legislature in 1946, having reference particularly to the section of the Assessment Act providing for penalties and discounts chargeable to taxes. |
6. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that a bylaw, amending the School Sections Boundary Bylaw, being Bylaw No. 5 – 1919, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
7. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the bylaw, amending the School Sections Boundary Bylaw, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
8. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that a
bylaw, providing for the total 1947 expenditures on roads in the |
9. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by James Starkey, that the bylaw, providing for the total 1947 expenditures on township roads, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
10. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Municipal World, 9 subscriptions & supplies |
$22.36 |
H.E.P.C., of |
$6.30 |
J. Tully, stamps for Clerk |
$10.00 |
Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, membership |
$5.00 |
W. Alex Nicoll, attending one sitting of Division Court, as Clerk & Bailiff |
$8.00 |
$25.00 |
Salvation Army Rescue Home, in Hamilton, grant |
$25.00 |
Robert O. Quinnell, refund of dog tax, assessed in error |
$2.00 |
A. Finkbeiner, relief to Mrs. J. McLean |
$16.47 |
Jarrett’s General Store, relief to Mrs. J. McLean |
$21.62 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 2 |
Payroll No. 2, January 1st to 31st |
$548.90 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Bond Hardware, nails |
$.55 |
A. G. Laking & Son, 500 pounds of salt, at $.75 cwt. (per hundred weight) |
$3.75 |
Canadian Tire Corporation, 2 clear (or clean) vision sheets |
$.78 |
Hanna’s International Sales, heater and lamp |
$29.52 |
Imperial Oil Ltd., fuel & oil for grader |
$43.78 |
Department of Highways, tax on 350 gallons of fuel oil, at 8% |
$28.00 |
$1216.61 |
Chester Schultz, stamps |
$1.00 |
Len Ord, repairs & gas |
$26.86 |
R. M. Starkey, bolts and clamps |
$8.00 |
Hamilton Bridge Company, sales tax on steel beams |
$30.75 |
Robert Barnett, 60 hours of ploughing snow, at $3.50 per hour |
$210.00 |
11. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday March 3rd 1947, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
March 5th 1947 A.D. The regular session of the
Municipal Council of the Communications were read, discussed, and disposed of. |
1. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that the surety bonds of the municipal officials, having been examined and found in order, be placed in the municipally owned safe in the care of the Clerk. |
2. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the Clerk be instructed to call for tenders for painting and redecorating the interior of the Township Hall and Council Rooms, contract to be completed by June 1st, tenders to be in by April 5th/47, lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. |
3. |
Moved by |
4. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that a bylaw, authorizing the Corporation to enter into an agreement with the H.E.P.C. of Ontario, for street lighting in the Hamlet of Aberfoyle, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
5. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the bylaw, authorizing the Corporation to enter into an agreement with the H.E.P.C. of Ontario for street lighting in the Hamlet of Aberfoyle, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
6. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Wellington County, hospitalization of indigent patients, 1946 |
$578.00 |
Jeffrey & Spencer, Collector’s surety bond |
$56.25 |
James Starkey, expenses to convention |
$15.00 |
Edgar Boucher, milk for Mrs. J. McLean |
$20.67 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 3 |
Payroll, February 1st to 28th |
$514.70 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Chester Schultz, expenses to convention |
$15.00 |
Chester Schultz, freight, stationery, and phone |
$3.36 |
Guelph Township, Townline account, 1946 |
$79.61 |
Guelph Metal Company, cable for snow plough |
$35.00 |
Guelph Sand & Gravel, 44 yards of sand, at $.40 per yard |
$17.60 |
Hanna’s International Sales, filters & repairs |
$10.52 |
Britton’s Machine Shop, welding & repairs |
$5.94 |
Department of Highways, tax on 500 gallons of fuel oil, at 8 cents per gallon |
$40.00 |
Imperial Oil, 1 drum, grease, & 500 gallons of fuel oil |
$117.81 |
Bell Telephone Company, moving pole on Arkell Road |
$20.99 |
Armco Drainage, steel culverts |
$89.60 |
W. L. Ballentine Company, repair account |
$5.64 |
Robert Barnett, snow ploughing |
$1116.50 |
Leonard Ord, gas & repairs |
$30.05 |
7. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday April 7th, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
April 7th 1947 A.D. The Municipal Council of the Communications: Approval was received from the Department of Highways of our 1947 Road Expenditures Bylaw, appropriating an expenditure of $22,000.00. The Clerk reported the sale of 70
resident and 277 non-resident A list of pupils attending the A claim for damages to his car was received from Mr. T. G. M. Bryan. The Clerk was advised to forward this claim to our insurance company for adjustment. A list of lands liable to be sold for taxes
in the year 1947 was received from the |
1. |
Four tenders were received for re-decorating the interior of the Township Hall and Council Chamber. On motion of Wilfred Roszell and James Starkey, the tender of Bruce Smith was accepted, at the price of $425.00 for two coats. |
2. |
There were six tenders received for supplying, crushing, and delivering gravel. After careful consideration in regard to the type and condition of equipment and Council’s experience with the various contractors in the past, it was moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that the Township of Puslinch accept the tender of J. D. Gray & Son, of Carlisle, to crush, supply, and deliver 6,000 yards of gravel, more or less, as per tender call, at $.95 per yard, subject to the approval of the District Engineer. |
3. |
The Auditor submitted his report for the year 1946, and it
was moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by
4. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the Township of Puslinch grant the Albert Brett & Company $50.00 extra for additional work in auditing the 1946 accounts. |
5. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that we place our public liability insurance with the General Accident Insurance Company, J. C. Faskens, agent, with limits of $25,000, $50,000, and $5,000, at a premium rate of $188.00 per annum. |
6. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the Township of Puslinch purchase 20 rolls of snow fence and 150 steel posts from the Lundy Fence Company, Ira Jackson, agent. |
7. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by |
Geo. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker |
$15.00 |
W. Alex Nicoll, attending Division Court |
$8.00 |
Provincial Treasurer, Dept. of Health, insulin |
$.87 |
Albert Brett & Co., salary, extra expenses and supplies |
$256.76 |
Tully’s store, stamps for Collector |
$5.00 |
C. M. MacDonald, relief to Stanley McDonald |
$23.51 |
Wm. F. Huether, coke to Stanley McDonald |
$7.65 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 4 |
Payroll No. 4, March 1st to 31st |
$1077.50 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Imperial Oil Company, 200 gallons fuel oil |
$23.50 |
Imperial Oil Company, balance of account |
$20.20 |
Dept. of Highways, tax on 200 gallons of fuel oil |
$16.00 |
Pinders Welding, welding snow plough |
$17.50 |
Britton’s Machine Shop, welding & repairs |
$61.83 |
Hanna’s International Sales, repairs & labour |
$26.00 |
W. D. Beath, Invoice No. 2489 |
$25.23 |
W. L. Ballentine, Invoices Nos. 26454 & 26363 |
$23.14 |
J. D. Gray & Son, 72 hours ploughing snow, at $6.00 per hour |
$432.00 |
Dumfries Construction Co., 63 hours ploughing snow, at $10.00 |
$630.00 |
Dumfries Construction Co., 3 hours moving snow, at $7.00 |
$21.00 |
Robert B. Barnett, 316 hours ploughing snow, at $3.50 |
$1106.00 |
Robert B. Barnett, dismounting snow plough |
$10.50 |
Robert B. Barnett, hydraulic oil for plough |
$32.00 |
Chester Schultz, long distance phone |
$3.44 |
Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising gravel tenders |
$15.00 |
Mrs. G. Lewis, rent for machine shed |
$40.00 |
Cecil Schultz, lumber, nails, and poles for shed door |
$3.10 |
8. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 5th 1947, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
April 14th 1947 A.D. Special Meeting The Reeve called a special session of the Municipal Council to discuss the feasibility of passing a bylaw to regulate the erection, extension, repair, and removal of buildings in certain areas of the township. All of the members, the Clerk,
the Road Superintendent, and the Collector were present, as well as Mr. Wm.
Moore and Mr. Wm. Crow, representing the A very profitable discussion ensued. |
1. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by E. Steffler, that
Mr. Culham and Mr. Dryden be hereby authorized to draw
up, for a presentation to a future meeting of this Council and all interested
parties concerned, a zoning bylaw applicable to the |
2. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by James Starkey, that the Clerk be instructed to advertise in the Daily Commercial News, on insertion, the following: that the Road Superintendent will receive tenders up until April 30th for one diesel tractor, caterpillar type, approximately 70 horse power. State when delivery can be made. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
May 5th 1947 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter from J. A. Coombs, District Engineer, advised us that he could not give his approval to our acceptance of the tender of J. D. Gray to supply, crush, and deliver 6,000 yards of gravel, owing to the fact that there is a difference in the bid price of some $1380.00. |
1. |
As a result of the District Engineer’s decision, it was moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the Clerk be hereby instructed to advertise for tenders for 6,000 yards, more or less, of gravel, as per previous advertisements. |
Mr. Wm. Kerr and Donald Moffat, President and Secretary, respectively, of the Puslinch Branch of the Federation of Agriculture, petitioned the Council to levy and collect 1/5th of a mill on the assessment of all farmers in the Township of Puslinch, said levy, when collected, to be forwarded to the Federation, as a membership fee. After much discussion, it was deemed a rather difficult means of collecting the membership fees, entailing a great deal of work for our municipal officials. |
2. |
Therefore, it was moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that this Council grant the Puslinch Federation of Agriculture the sum of $250.00 for the year 1947, in lieu of the 1/5th of a mill, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. |
Tenders to supply a caterpillar type tractor were received from W. L. Ballentine Ltd., Sheridan Equipment Company, and Geo. W. Crothers (possibly Carruthers) Ltd. |
3. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that this Council accept the tender of W. L. Ballentine Co. Ltd., for one International Trac Tractor, Model TD-14, as per specifications submitted in their tender of April 28th/47, at the sum of $6750.00, delivery to be accepted in December 1947, payment to be made thirty days thereafter, and all subject to the approval of the District Engineer.
4. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that a bylaw, adopting the assessments for the Township of Puslinch, the Police Village of Morriston, and the Public School Sections in the said township, and to levy the rates and taxes payable in the said township, Police Village, and Public School Sections, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
5. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that the bylaw, adopting the assessments for the Township of Puslinch, the Police Village of Morriston, and the Public School Sections in the said township, and to levy the rates and taxes payable in the said township, Police Village, and Public School Sections, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
6. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that a
bylaw, appointing pound-keepers, fence-viewers, and livestock valuators, to
serve in and for the
7. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the bylaw, appointing pound-keepers, fence-viewers, and livestock valuators, to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch for the current year, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
8. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
James C. Faskens, liability insurance |
$188.37 |
C. M. MacDonald, relief to S. McDonald |
$16.02 |
H.E.P.C. of |
$6.07 |
H. B. Gibson, 3 months’ salary as Collector, Dec., Jan., Feb. |
$81.25 |
H. B. Gibson, School Attendance Officer, fees, March & April |
$10.80 |
Tully’s Post Office, stamps for Clerk-Treasurer |
$10.00 |
Bruce Smith, part payment rē decorating Hall |
$200.00 |
Russell Kerns, 1 month rent for S. McDonald, April |
$7.00 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 5 |
Payroll No. 5, April 1st to 30th |
$1157.70 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Cecil Schultz, 1 steel plate for culvert |
$2.00 |
Armco Drainage Ltd., 8 steel culverts |
$306.20 |
St. Jacobs tile yard, 6 12-inch tiles |
$9.07 |
Guelph Sand & Gravel, 18 yards of gravel, at $.90 per yard |
$16.20 |
James Watson, repairs to snow plough |
$5.25 |
Canada Culvert Co., 1 12-gauge culvert, 36 in. by 22 ft. |
$164.56 |
W. L. Ballentine Co., repairs & express |
$98.71 |
Westeel Products Ltd., 8 road signs & hat(?) |
$15.00 |
Chester Schultz, L.D. phone |
$4.76 |
Leonard Ord, gas & repairs |
$1.45 |
David Sirrett, 288 yards of gravel at 7 cents |
$20.16 |
Imperial Oil Ltd., 250 gallons of fuel oil, at 12¾ cents |
$31.88 |
Imperial Oil Ltd., 10 gallons of hydraulic oil |
$7.40 |
Dept. of Highways, tax on 250 gallons of fuel oil |
$27.50 |
Daily Commercial News, advertising tenders for tractor |
$3.75 |
9. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday June 2nd, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
May 19th 1947 A.D. Special Session A special session of the Puslinch Municipal Council was called, for this evening, to open and consider tenders to supply, crush, and deliver gravel, and also for several other important items of business. The members were all in attendance, Reeve McWilliams presiding. There was only one tender received, that of Holman Construction, of Rockwood. |
1. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the tender of Holman Construction, of Rockwood, to supply, crush, and deliver 6,000 yards of gravel, as per tender call, at $.84 per yard, be accepted, subject to the approval of the District Engineer. |
Mr. Holman, who was present, agreed to provide Council with a marked cheque, made out to the Township of Puslinch, as a guarantee bond, in place of the one attached to his tender, which was made out to himself and payable to the township only on his failure to fulfill his tender. |
2. |
Moved by |
3. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that the due date for payment of taxes in the Township of Puslinch be set for December 1st, and that the statutory penalty of one-half of one per cent for each period of thirty days in default be added thereto and that the discount allowable for payment of taxes in advance of the due date shall correspond in principle with the charges payable for non-payment of taxes on the due date, and that the Clerk be hereby instructed to prepare a bylaw to that effect for presentation at our next regular meeting. |
4. |
Moved by James Starkey,
seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that a leave of absence of six weeks be granted
to |
5. |
Moved by |
J. H. Pinder, dog tax ▬ $2.00, plus penalty $.21 |
Wm. Gilroy, dog tax ▬ $2.00, plus penalty $.09 |
Ivan Pearie, dog tax ▬ $2.00, plus penalty $.09 |
Harry Mittely, dog tax ▬ $2.00, plus penalty $.09 |
Geo. Morrow, property tax ▬ $1.12, plus penalty $.05 |
Chas. Inglis, error in property tax ▬ $3.83 |
Council then adjourned. (signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
June 2nd 1947 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter from the Hespeler Planning Board was read, recommending that Puslinch Council designate as an urban development area, that portion of the township included in the Hespeler Planning Area. The Clerk was instructed to refer this letter to Messrs. Culham and Dryden, Planning Consultants, who are drafting a zoning bylaw applicable to this township. Several other letters were read and ordered file. |
1. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that
the Council of the |
2. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that
a special meeting of the Council be held on Monday evening, June 9th,
and that the Clerk be instructed to request all Public School Boards in the
township to be present, to discuss the advisability of forming a |
Mr. Coughlin, Probation Officer of the Juvenile Court, advised Council that he or the Children’s Shelter had been visiting regularly at the home of Mr. Stanley McDonald and that living conditions there were very unsatisfactory for the children. He strongly recommended that the Council take action to have these children made wards of the Children’s Shelter. |
3. |
It was moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the Reeve and the Deputy-Reeve be delegated to meet with Miss Dauphinee, Superintendent of the Children’s Shelter, and take whatever action they felt advisable. |
4. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that Erwin Steffler and Wm. J. Hunter approach the Downey’s Women’s Institute for assistance in raising funds to paint the outside of the Township Hall. |
5. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that this Council place an order with John A. Ord, agent for the Frost Fence Company, for 2,000 feet of snow fence and 140 steel posts. |
6. |
Mr. Dick Buchanan and Mr. James Simpson approached the Council in regard to setting up some hospitalization scheme whereby residents of the township would obtain hospitalization free or at minimum cost. Council agreed to give the scheme further consideration. |
7. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that a bylaw to set, firstly, a due date for payment of taxes, and secondly, a penalty for non-payment of taxes on the due date, and thirdly, a discount allowable for taxes paid in advance of the due date, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
8. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that the bylaw to set, firstly, a due date for payment of taxes, and secondly, a penalty for non-payment of taxes on the due date, and thirdly, a discount allowable for taxes paid in advance of the due date, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.
9. |
Moved by |
Municipal World, Collector’s Roll & cash book |
$7.60 |
Provincial Treasurer, Dept. of Health, insulin for Theresa Haney |
$.87 |
W. Alex Nicholl, attending Division Court |
$8.00 |
$82.50 |
H. B. Gibson, 3 months’ salary as Tax Collector |
$81.25 |
N. B. Smith, balance for re-decorating Hall |
$225.00 |
N. B. Smith, material & labour, boarding up windows |
$12.00 |
N. B. Smith, sanding & oiling floors |
$62.00 |
N. B. Smith, extra trim & repairs |
$51.00 |
Alex Ord, Wilkinson wreath |
$10.00 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 6 |
Payroll, May 1st to 31st |
$713.80 |
W. L. Ballentine, clutch |
$195.00 |
W. L. Ballentine, repairs |
$13.92 |
W. L. Ballentine, bearing |
$8.04 |
St. Jacobs Tile Yard, tile |
$69.93 |
Guelph Mercury, advertising gravel tenders |
$8.75 |
Hanna’s International Sales, repairs |
$30.25 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Chester Schultz, tow chain |
$3.00 |
Chester Schultz, L.D. phone |
$2.53 |
David Sirett, 93 yards of gravel |
$6.51 |
Department of Highways, tax on 150 gallons of fuel oil |
$16.50 |
Imperial Oil Ltd., 150 gallons of fuel oil, at 12¾ cents per gallon |
$19.13 |
Imperial Oil Ltd., oil and grease |
$79.29 |
Oliver Monkhouse, express |
$.36 |
Marshall Tire Service, 2 heavy duty rims |
$66.80 |
James Gray, shovel & truck time |
$484.00 |
Schultz & Taylor, delivering fill & gravel |
$258.80 |
Ben Wyse, wire |
$.84 |
Denison & Britton, welding |
$6.00 |
Len Ord, gas & repairs |
$2.90 |
10. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday July 7th, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
June 9th 1947 A.D. Special Meeting A special session of the Puslinch Municipal Council, in conjunction with the members of the Public School Boards and Secretaries, was held in the Township Hall, Aberfoyle, this evening, for the purpose of acquainting all present with the operation of a Township School Area. All of the members of the Council were present and practically every Trustee and Secretary in the Township. For special speakers for the occasion, the Reeve had obtained the services of Mr. Royce, Chairman of the Guelph Township School Area, and Mr. Thomas, Secretary, and Mr. McConnell and Mr. Swanson, of the Eramosa School Board, and also Mr. J. Douglas Cleghorn, Reeve of Guelph Township. The above speakers explained briefly the operation of the system in their respective townships, and all seemed pleased with the way it operated. After considerable discussion, the Reeve, who acted as Chairman, requested all trustee boards to advise the Council by June 19th as to whether they wished the Council to set up a Township School Area, or not. |
1. |
Prior to this joint meeting, it was moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that Albert McWilliams be appointed to represent the Township of Puslinch to the Waterloo-Wellington Airport Commission. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
June 23rd 1947 A.D. Special Session A special session of the
Municipal Council was held this evening in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, to
consider setting up a |
1. |
School Sections Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11, having petitioned the Council to set up a Township School Area in the township of Puslinch, it was moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that a bylaw, setting apart a Township School Area in the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by James Starkey, that the
bylaw, setting apart a |
Messrs. Culham and Dryden, Planning Consultants, were present to further confirm the wishes of the Council in regard to the Zoning Bylaw, under preparation. |
Mr. Thompson, from the Welfare Department, at Toronto, advised the Reeve and the Clerk that an account of Russell Kerns for 5 months’ rent and supplies to Stanley McDonald should be paid and that the Department would pay 50% of the above amount and the Township of Mona, the balance. |
3. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that the above mentioned account be passed and ordered paid, that is to say: |
Russell Kerns, 5 months’ rent, Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb., March |
$35.00 |
Russell Kerns, 2 bags of potatoes, at $1.00 |
$2.00 |
Russell Kerns, 38 quarts of milk, at 10 cents |
$3.80 |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
July 7th 1947 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A number of communications were read and disposed of. Mr. C. M. MacDonald and Son, of Puslinch, requested a rebate in taxes on account of his general store having been destroyed by fire. Council agreed to refund him one year’s taxes, based on an assessment of $1500.00. |
1. |
Moved by Erwin Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that a bylaw, providing for the licensing and regulation of public halls, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the bylaw, providing for the licensing and regulation of public halls, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
3. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
C. Anderson & Co., 1 cash box for Collector |
$5.00 |
A. T. Coulson, stamps for Collector |
$13.00 |
Morriston Post Office, stamps for Collector |
$8.00 |
C. M. MacDonald, stamps for Collector |
$18.00 |
Kelso Printing Co., supplies for Collector |
$35.64 |
Toronto Stationery Supplies Ltd., Assessor’s supplies |
$51.20 |
Johnstone & Rumley, burial expenses rē John Peer |
$30.00 |
Alex Nicoll, attending Division Court |
$8.00 |
Geo. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker |
$15.00 |
Alex Ord, 6 months’ salary as Clerk- Treasurer |
$325.00 |
Braemar Cottage Nursing Home, board & nursing rē Mrs. Wilfred Campbell, June 16th to July 7th, 21 days, at $4.00 per day |
$84.00 |
J. Tully, stamps for Collector |
$4.00 |
John Campbell, moving McDonald family |
$30.00 |
H.E.P.C. of |
$4.32 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 7 |
Payroll, June 1st to 30th |
$506.35 |
W. L. Ballentine, repair account |
$63.49 |
W. D. Beath & Son, repairing snow plough |
$159.64 |
Armco Drainage Co., 1 corrugated culvert |
$59.69 |
St. Jacobs Tile Yard, 40 24-inch tiles for |
$151.20 |
St. Jacobs Tile Yard, 7 10-inch tiles for township |
$8.31 |
Henry Slater & Co., 500 feet of custom sawing |
$5.00 |
Hanna’s International Sales, repairs & labour |
$32.90 |
Fred Britton welding grader rims |
$4.75 |
Roofers Supply Co., 12 road signs |
$23.82 |
Lasby Sand & Gravel, 13 loads of crushed gravel, at $5.00 per load |
$65.00 |
David Sirrett, 300 yards of gravel, at 7 cents per yard |
$21.00 |
Cecil Schultz, 6 sign posts, at 40 cents per post |
$2.40 |
Orm Sherwood, bonus on 45 rods of wire fence |
$10.13 |
Chas. Scott, bonus on 35 rods of wire fence |
$7.88 |
Cecil Schultz, 39 hours cutting weeds, at $2.25 per hour |
$87.75 |
Gordon Crow, 33½ hours cutting weeds, at $2.50 per hour |
$83.75 |
Lundy Fence Co., 2,000 feet of snow fence, at 11½ cents per foot |
$230.00 |
Chester Schultz, 2 trips to |
$13.31 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Chester Schultz, 200 yards of fill & levelling, at Killean |
$150.00 |
John Clark, bonus on 60 rods of wire fence |
$13.50 |
Richard McMillan, bonus on 70 rods of wire fence |
$15.75 |
Jeffrey & Spence, employees’ liability insurance |
$100.00 |
4. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday August 4th, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
August 4th 1947 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter from the Department of
Education advised Council that the Minister has approved of our Bylaw No. 8,
setting apart the A letter from the Department of Transport, Ottawa, advised that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police had jurisdiction over the Minor Waters of Canada, and that any complaints in regard to the reckless driving of motor boats or otherwise, should be forwarded to the officer in charge in this district. |
1. |
Moved by |
Pat DeConno, dog tax |
$2.00 |
John Hanlon, dog tax, 1946 |
$2.00 |
2. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the following amounts of taxes be struck off the roll, as the cottage in question was removed from the township in October 1946. |
Dolph Little, property tax |
$8.25 |
Carl Heimbecker, dog tax |
$2.00 |
3. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
$250.00 |
Pat DeConno, refund of dog tax |
$2.00 |
John Hanlon, refund of dog tax, 1946 |
$2.00 |
W. G. Palmer, board & nursing rē Robert Rodger |
$182.00 |
Braemore Cottage Nursing Home, nursing Mrs. Campbell |
$120.00 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 8 |
Payroll, July 1st to 31st |
$572.15 |
Armco Drainage 1 ten-foot, 15-inch culvert |
$16.84 |
W. L. Ballentine, repairs to grader |
$98.89 |
Town of Hespeler, 5 bags of calcium, at $1.70 per bag |
$8.50 |
Fraser’s Hardware, repairs |
$.43 |
Hanna’s International Sales, repairs |
$15.05 |
Imperial Oil, grease & fuel oil |
$28.44 |
Leonard Ord, gas & repairs |
$5.25 |
Jas. W. Moffat, Township of Nassagaweya, ploughing snow |
$26.00 |
Fred Britton, repairs |
$4.05 |
Chester Schultz, mileage for repairs |
$10.20 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Chester Schultz, express & L. D. phone |
$3.05 |
Armco Drainage, 1 arch pipe culvert, 24 feet by 22 inches |
$64.49 |
Department of Highways, tax on 200 gallons of fuel oil |
$22.00 |
Aberfoyle Post Office, stamps for road cheques |
$10.00 |
Ritchies Sand & Gravel, 9 yards of mixed gravel |
$5.85 |
Leonard Ord, 15 bags of cement |
$16.50 |
4. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Tuesday September 2nd 1947, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
September 8th 1947 A.D. The regular meeting of the Puslinch Municipal Council, scheduled for September 2nd, was postponed until today, to allow members to take advantage of the fine weather to complete their harvesting operations. The members were all in attendance, Reeve Albert McWilliams presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Roszell and Starkey. A letter from Robert R. Barber called the attention of the Council to several exceptionally large patches of poison ivy on the 1st Concession. The Auditor reported that he had completed a half yearly audit of the books of the municipality and that all accounts were found in good order. |
1. |
The Road Superintendent had procured bids to place fill at the new culvert at Hanlon’s Creek. The tender of Robert B. Barnett, being the lowest, it was moved by Wilfred Roszell and seconded by James Starkey that the tender of Robert B. Barnett, at 50 cents per cubic yard, be accepted. |
2. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the Puslinch Agricultural Society be granted the sum of $75.00 |
3. |
Moved by |
Toronto Stamp & Stencil Works, 300 dog tags |
$11.55 |
Provincial Treasurer, Dept. of Health, insulin for Miss Haney |
$.87 |
Wm. Douglas, 20 sheep & lambs, killed & injured |
$170.00 |
Stewart Hume, 12 sheep & lambs, killed & injured |
$126.00 |
Wm. Tolton, valuating Hume & Douglas sheep |
$6.40 |
Mrs. Geo. Lewis, Caretaker’s supplies |
$16.37 |
Gordon McKay, 3 months’ rent, to Sept. 9th/47 |
$30.00 |
H. B. Gibson, 3 months’ salary as Collector |
$81.25 |
Puslinch Agricultural Society, grant |
$75.00 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 9 |
Payroll No. 9, August 1st to 31st |
$483.25 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Chester Schultz, mileage for repairs |
$5.40 |
Robert B. Barnett, 60 hours, tractor & scraper, at $3.50 per hr. |
$210.00 |
R. O. Barker, 45 bags of cement, at 80 cents per bag |
$36.00 |
R. O. Barker, 45 cotton bags, at 20 cents per bag |
$9.00 |
Armco Drainage Co., 1 24-foot multi-plate culvert |
$385.56 |
Roofer’s Supply Co., 4 road signs, at $1.95 |
$7.80 |
Imperial Oil Co., 10 gallons of oil, at 78 cents per gallon |
$7.80 |
Imperial Oil Co., 325 gallons of fuel oil, at 14¾ cents per gallon |
$47.94 |
Dept. of Highways, tax on 325 gallons of fuel oil, at 11 cents per gallon |
$35.75 |
Chester Schultz, express charges |
$.40 |
Town of Hespeler, 10 bags of calcium, at $1.70 per bag |
$17.00 |
Imperial Oil Co., 35 gallons of oil, at $1.06 |
$37.10 |
Owing to the large loss of sheep to dogs, the Clerk was instructed to notify, through the press, that any dog running at large, where livestock are habitually kept, and not under proper control, may be shot at any time. |
4. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday October 6th 1947, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
October 6th 1947 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter was received from W. R. McVittie, Public School Inspector, requesting that this
Council, at its last regular meeting, appoint 1 member to the new An account from |
1. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the reeve and Road Superintendent be hereby instructed to petition the Department of Highways for an interim subsidy on the 1947 Road Expenditures. |
2. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by James Starkey, that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a bylaw, providing for additional expenditures on roads in 1947. |
3. |
Moved by Erwin Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that this Council approve of an open season for hunting deer, provided that an additional $2.00 may be charged non-residents for their license, said fee to be retained by the Township of Puslinch. |
4. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for nominating a Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Councillors, and School Board, and for appointing Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, for 1947, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
5. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that the bylaw, determining the time and place for nominating a Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Councillors, and School Board, and for appointing Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
6. |
Moved by |
Postmaster, Morriston Post Office, stamps for Assessor |
$9.60 |
W. Alex Nicoll, attending Division Court |
$8.00 |
Geo. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker |
$15.00 |
Arthur Watson, 1 sheep killed by dogs (registered) |
$20.00 |
Wm. Tolton, valuating Watson sheep |
$2.00 |
Stuart Tawse, screen for Hall door |
$4.00 |
W. J. Denamore, 5 sheep killed & injured |
$90.00 |
Geo. McGill, valuating Denamore sheep |
$5.40 |
H.E.P.C. of |
$7.87 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 10 |
Payroll No. 10, September 1st to 30th |
$651.00 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Chester Schultz, express & L.D. phone |
$.80 |
Wm. Robinson, use of water pump |
$10.00 |
C. M. MacDonald, sacks, nails, envelopes |
$5.94 |
Fred Briton, welding & repairs |
$65.33 |
Doughty & McFarlane, 62 sacks, at 10 cents per sack |
$6.20 |
H. Hanlon, 25 sacks, at 10 cents each |
$2.50 |
H. Weir, 25 sacks, at 10 cents each |
$2.50 |
Robert B. Barnett, 570 yards of fill, at 50 cents per yard |
$285.00 |
Henry Holman, supply, crush, & deliver 1216 yards of gravel at $.84 cents per yard. |
$1021.84 |
David Sirrett, 24 yards of gravel, at 7 cents per yard |
$1.68 |
Leonard Ord, gas & repairs |
$5.45 |
Dick Gilmour, 8 sign posts, at 40 cents each |
$3.20 |
L. J. Philpott, 1 shovel & wire |
$4.93 |
S. W. Adams, bonus on 190 rods of wire fence |
$42.75 |
John A. Ord, 2,000 feet of snow fence, at 11½ cents per foot |
$230.00 |
John A. Ord, 150 7-foot steel posts, at 52 cents each |
$78.00 |
Hanna’s International Sales, oil filter |
$7.40 |
Imperial Oil Co., 350 gallons of fuel oil, at 14¾ cents per gallon |
$51.63 |
Department of Highways, tax on 350 gallons of fuel oil, at 11 cents per gallon |
$38.50 |
7. |
Moved by Irvin Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday November 3rd 1947, at 10 o’ clock a.m., as a Court of Revision, and at 2 o’ clock p.m., for general business. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
November 3rd 1947 A.D. Court of Revision The Municipal Council of the The only appeals before the Court were from Robert McRobbie, appealing that his assessment was too high on Lots 6 & 7, Front of Concession 4, and from the Trustees of School Section No. 1, asking that the dwelling house, in connection with the school property, be exempt from taxation. After comparing the assessments
on other properties in the immediate vicinity of Mr. McRobbie’s
property, his appeal was upheld, in that the assessment on the above
mentioned property was lowered from $6,000 to $5,700, the adjustment to apply
to The appeal of School Section No. 1 was considered. Portions of the Assessment Act, in connection therewith, were studied, and the Court came to the decision that dwelling houses in connection with educational and religious institutions were taxable. Therefore the appeal was dismissed. |
1. |
Moved by Erwin Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that the Assessment Roll for 1948, as revised and amended, be confirmed. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
November 3rd 1947 A.D. At 2 o’ clock p.m., the Council met in regular session, with all of the members present, Reeve McWilliams presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hunter and Starkey. A letter from the Department of Lands and Forests advised the Council that the Department was making it possible to obtain one day old pheasants next year. If the Council decides in favour of the plan, the cost of the brooder, feed, etc., would be borne by the township. This letter was referred to our next meeting. A letter from the H.E.P.C. of Mr. W, R. McVittie,
Public School Inspector, discussed with Council the referee’s report to the
Minister of Education on adjustment of assets and liabilities of the 8 school
sections forming the |
1. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that
a bylaw, providing for additional 1947 expenditures on roads in the |
2. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that the bylaw, providing for additional 1947 expenditures on roads in the Township of Puslinch, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered Bylaw No. 11, $5,000.00. |
3. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Albert McWilliams, selecting jurors |
$4.00 |
Alex Ord, selecting jurors |
$4.00 |
Wm. Crow, selecting jurors |
$4.00 |
Albert McWilliams, remuneration as Reeve |
$125.00 |
Wm. J. Hunter, remuneration as Deputy-Reeve |
$90.00 |
Wilfred Roszell, remuneration as Councillor |
$90.00 |
James Starkey, remuneration as Councillor |
$90.00 |
Erwin Steffler, remuneration as Councillor |
$90.00 |
Alex Ord, balance of salary as Clerk-Treasurer |
$325.00 |
Wm. Crow, balance of salary as Assessor |
$275.00 |
Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising Court of Revision |
$4.50 |
Leaman Printing Company, printing 200 copies of 1947 Voters List |
$53.00 |
John Tully, stamps for Clerk-Treasurer |
$10.00 |
Puslinch Mutual Fire Insurance Co., insurance on township buildings |
$10.00 |
Francis Mollison, 13 pullets killed by dogs |
$16.25 |
Fred Mollison, valuator’s fees |
$1.50 |
H. B. Gibson, School Attendance Officer fees |
$5.20 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 11 |
Payroll, October 1st to 31st |
$447.70 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Chester Schultz, express & stamps |
$1.84 |
Imperial Oil Ltd., gas, oil, & fuel |
$94.89 |
Department of Highways, tax on 300 gallons of fuel oil |
$33.00 |
Henry Holman, supply, crush, & deliver 4,064½ yards of gravel, at $.84 per yard |
$3414.18 |
Henry Holman, 156 yards of fill, at $.75 per yard |
$117.00 |
Robert B. Barnett, 235 yards of fill, at $.50 per yard |
$117.50 |
Robert B. Barnett, 4 hours at $3.50 per hour |
$14.00 |
W. L. Ballentine, drive gear for Maintainer |
$63.70 |
Jas. H. Leachman, repair account |
$20.25 |
Puslinch Fire Insurance Co., fire insurance on machinery |
$48.00 |
4. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Saturday November 15th, 1947, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
November 15th 1947 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter from the Department of Highways approved of our bylaw to provide for an additional $5,000.00 for this year’s highways expenditures. This makes a total approved appropriation of $27,000.00. The Treasurer reported having received, from the Provincial Treasurer, Department of Highways, a cheque to the amount of $6902.43, being an interim subsidy on the 1947road expenditures. |
1. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that
the |
2. |
The Treasurer submitted his annual report and it was moved by Erwin Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that the Treasurer’s report, as received, be adopted, and that he be instructed to have 200 copies printed for the use of ratepayers. |
3. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising Voters List |
$6.90 |
Provincial Treasurer, Dept. of Health, insulin for Theresa Haney |
$.87 |
Road Accounts- Voucher No. 12 |
Payroll No. 12, November 1st to 15th |
$193.80 |
Imperial Oil, 5 gallons of Marvelube |
$4.05 |
Imperial Oil, 2 gallons of Esso Rad |
$5.10 |
Hanna’s International Sales, 3 filters & 1 clutch |
$168.15 |
H. Holman Construction Co., supply, crush, & deliver 2248½ yards of gravel, at $.84 per yard |
$1888.74 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$12.50 |
Prior to adjournment, the Reeve
vacated the chair and Alex Ord was appointed to occupy the same. This being the last meeting before nomination,
the members of the Council were requested, by the Chairman, to state their
intentions for the forthcoming year.
Reeve McWilliams, in a few well chosen words, complimented the members
of the Council and the officials for the co-operation and good fellowship
that had existed among all during the entire year and expressed his intention
of seeking re-election as Reeve for another year. Deputy-Reeve Wm. J. Hunter intimated that
he would seek another term in that office.
Likewise, Councillors Starkey and Steffler stated that they would be
in the running again for Council.
Councillor Roszell intimated that if sufficient candidates were
nominated to make polling necessary he would allow his name to stand as a candidate
for Deputy-Reeve. Road Superintendent
4. |
On motion of Councillors Hunter and Steffler, the Council adjourned, to meet again on December 15th 1947, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
November 24th 1947 A.D. Nominations The annual
nomination meeting was held, pursuant to statute and municipal bylaw, in the Township
Hall, Aberfoyle, today, at 1 p.m.
Candidates were nominated for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and
Councillor and 5 Public School Trustees for the newly formed |
For Reeve: |
Albert McWilliams |
For Deputy-Reeve: |
Wm. J. Hunter & Wilfred Roszell |
For Councillors: |
Wilfred Roszell, James Starkey, & Erwin Steffler |
For School Trustees: |
James Simpson, Duncan Buchanan, Edgar Boucher, Charles Scott, & Clifford Tremaine |
Wilfred Roszell withdrew his name from the list of candidates for Deputy-Reeve. Although there were only sufficient candidates nominated to fill all offices, statutes in that behalf do not allow the Returning Officer to declare the candidates elected until the expiration of the time for filing the declaration of qualifications et cetera, that is, 9 o’ clock p.m. the following day, November 25th 1947, 9 p.m. |
The time for filing the necessary qualification papers having elapsed and no more candidates having filed their qualification papers than enough to fill their respective positions, I declare the following candidates duly elected to serve in the Municipality of the Township of Puslinch for the offices under which their names do appear, that is to say: |
For Reeve: |
Albert McWilliams |
For Deputy-Reeve: |
Wm. J. Hunter |
For Councillors: |
Wilfred Roszell, James Starkey, & Erwin Steffler |
For Trustees: |
James Simpson, Duncan Buchanan, Edgar Boucher, Chas. Scott, & Clifford Tremaine |
(signed) Alex Ord, Returning Officer |
December 15th 1947 A.D. The Municipal Council of the Mr. J. H. Stewart, of Morriston, made application for the usual $5.00 reward for killing a dog, captured killing chickens, according to his application, in the summer of 1946. According to those who are supposed to have knowledge of the affair, the molesting and capturing of the dog occurred in 1945. As there are very few members on the Council that were on in 1945, the Council decided that the claim for the reward was outdated. A letter from the Deputy Minister of Public Works advised that a meeting would be held in the City Hall, Galt, for the purpose of discussion and voting on the establishment of a Conservation Authority in the Grand River Valley, and requesting that this municipality appoint a delegate. As a similar meeting to this was
held on October 31st 1946, in |
1. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the contract bond, amounting to $250.00, be returned to Mr. Henry Holman, he having completed his contract to supply, crush, and deliver 6,000 yards of gravel, satisfactorily to all concerned. |
2. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that
the Treasurer of |
3. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that this
Council hereby appoints Gladwin Crow as a member of the |
4. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that tax refunds be made as follows: |
James Black, dog tax |
$2.00 |
Fred Langdon, dog tax |
$2.00 |
Wm. Tawse, dog tax |
$2.00 |
Chas. Farllhafer, dog tax - $2.00, property tax - $2.50 |
$4.50 |
C. M. MacDonald, on account of store destroyed by fire |
$37.50 |
5. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that Dr.
J. H. King be re-appointed Medical Officer of Health for the |
6. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by E. Steffler, that this Council favour and co-operate with the Department of Lands and Forests by re-stocking the township by ordering 500 day-old pheasants for delivery next summer. |
7. |
Moved by |
8. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
School Section No. |
Township Grant |
Trustee’s Levy |
School Fund Interest |
Total |
S.S. No. 1 |
$600.00 |
$591.78 |
$26.00 |
$1217.78 |
S.S. No. 2 |
$600.00 |
$654.56 |
$26.00 |
$1280.56 |
S.S. No. 3 |
$600.00 |
$586.95 |
$26.00 |
$1212.95 |
S.S. No. 4 |
$600.00 |
$771.20 |
$26.00 |
$1397.20 |
S.S. No. 5 |
$600.00 |
$405.75 |
$26.00 |
$1031.75 |
S.S. No. 6 |
$600.00 |
$721.70 |
$26.00 |
$1347.70 |
S.S. No. 7 |
$600.00 |
$587.08 |
$26.00 |
$1213.08 |
S.S. No. 8 |
$1,000.00 |
$1082.07 |
$26.00 |
$2108.07 |
S.S. No. 9 |
$600.00 |
$701.82 |
$26.00 |
$1327.82 |
S.S. No. 10 |
$600.00 |
$708.43 |
$26.00 |
$1334.43 |
S.S. No. 11 |
$600.00 |
$726.60 |
$26.00 |
$1352.60 |
S.S. No. 12 |
$600.00 |
$729.64 |
$26.00 |
$1355.64 |
Guelph Separate Schools |
$38.19 |
Hespeler Separate Schools |
$43.50 |
$20412.86 |
Dr. J. H. King, M.O.H. services rendered |
$194.00 |
J. H. Leachman, services rendered as Sanitary Inspector |
$75.95 |
Dr. J. H. King, remuneration as a member of Board of Health |
$15.40 |
Walter Holm, remuneration as a member of Board of Health |
$15.40 |
Albert McWilliams, remuneration as a member of Board of Health |
$12.60 |
Alex Ord, remuneration as Secretary of Board of Health |
$9.00 |
Dr. J. H. King, salary as M.O.H. |
$5.00 |
H. B. Gibson, 3 months’ salary as Collector |
$81.25 |
Henry Holman, contract bond |
$250.00 |
Wallace Printing Co., printing 30 Nomination Bills |
$4.86 |
Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising Nomination meeting |
$19.50 |
Leaman Printing Co., printing 200 copies of financial Statement |
$35.64 |
Brown Bros. Ltd., 1 Treasurer’s cash book |
$20.00 |
Municipal World, official supplies |
$4.25 |
Alex Nicoll, attending Division Court |
$8.00 |
C. M. MacDonald, refund of taxes on account of fire |
$37.50 |
James Black, refund of dog tax |
$2.00 |
Hungerford & Gamble, legal advice |
$5.00 |
Roy Wingrove, 4 lambs killed, 2 injured |
$50.00 |
Geo. McGill, valuating sheep killed by dogs |
$8.10 |
A. W. Moody, 1 lamb killed & 1 injured |
$16.00 |
Gordon McKay, 3 months’ rent, to Dec. 9th/47 |
$30.00 |
Fred Langdon, refund of dog tax |
$2.00 |
Wm. Tawse, refund of dog tax |
$2.00 |
Chas. Faulhafer, refund of dog tax & property tax |
$4.50 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 13 |
Payroll No. 13, Nov. 15th to Dec. 14th |
$436.75 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Chester Schultz, repairs & express |
$1.14 |
H. Holman Construction, supply, crush, & deliver 528 yards of gravel, at $.84 per yard |
$443.52 |
Lasby Sand & Gravel, 4 yards of crushed stone |
$4.00 |
Lundy Fence Company, 150 7-foot steel posts, at 60½ cents each |
$90.75 |
Fred Britton, welding oiler |
$2.25 |
St. Jacobs Tile Limited, 1 12-inch tile, at $1.40, 6 10-inch tiles, at $1.10, plus tax |
$8.64 |
$30.00 |
$87.00 |
Len Ord, gas & repairs |
$5.40 |
Imperial Oil Limited, 200 gallons of fuel oil, at 16 cents |
$32.00 |
Imperial Oil Limited, 200 pounds of gear oil at 14¼ cents |
$28.50 |
Imperial Oil Limited, 2 gallons of Esso Red, & other oil |
$13.30 |
Department of Highways, tax on 200 gallons of fuel oil |
$22.00 |
Miss M. Jeffrey, bonus on 40 rods of wire fence, at 22½ cents |
$9.00 |
J. A. Ord, 1 post driver - $2.00, 25 pounds of wire at 6 cents per pound, & 5 rolls of snow fence at $11.50 |
$61.00 |
Bond Hardware Company, 8 panes of glass & 1½ pounds of putty |
$1.29 |
9. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the first meeting of 1948 Council be held on Monday Jan. 5th at 1:30 p.m. Council then adjourned. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve & (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
January 5th 1948 A.D. The inaugural meeting of the
Puslinch Municipal Council was held in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today,
at 1:30 p.m. The members were all
present, Albert McWilliams, as Reeve, Wm. J. Hunter, as Deputy-Reeve, and
Wilfred Roszell, James Starkey, and Irvin Steffler, as Councillors. After subscribing to the statutory
Declaration of Office, these gentlemen were declared the duly constituted
Council for the Municipality of the A letter was received from the W. L. Ballentine Company, advising that they expected to be in a position to make delivery of the TP-14 Crawler Tractor, which we ordered last April, around the middle of January, and that there would be an increase in price of $730.00 from the price of $6750.00, quoted at that time, and they requested that we advise them immediately whether or not we were prepared to accept delivering on this new basis. Considerable discussion followed, but no definite action was taken, except that the Clerk was advised to contact the Division Engineer regarding the matter. A letter regarding “The Hours of Work and Vacations With Pay Act” was placed before the Council. This letter was ordered to be placed on file. A letter from the Crops, Weeds, and Seeds Branch was read and the accompanying questionnaire was completed. A letter from the |
The Caretaker presented to Council the sum of $43.50, being rent for the Township Hall, collected in 1947. |
1. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that this Council appoint Wilfred Roszell as the Puslinch member on the Hespeler Planning Board for the year 1948. |
2. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that
this Council appoint Wm. J. Hunter as |
Mr. James Gordon, Lot 1, Front of the 10th Concession, in person, requested that the Puslinch Council encourage and assist any move made by the townships of Eramosa and Nassagaweya to open a new road joining the Townline of Puslinch with the First Line of Eramosa, north of the stone church at Eden Mills. The Council promised favourable consideration. |
3. |
Moved by E. Steffler, seconded by Wm. J. Hunter, that a
bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow the sum of $28,000.00
from the Bank of |
4. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow the sum of $28,000.00, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
5. |
Moved by Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that Chester Schultz, Road Superintendent, receive 70 cents per hour, and that Oliver Monkhouse, Maintainer Operator, receive 60 cents per hour for all time so occupied in the above mentioned duties. |
6. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Geo. Lewis, 3 months salary as Caretaker |
$15.00 |
J. C. Faskens, Treasurer’s bond |
$40.00 |
Neil McDonald, refund of dog tax |
$2.00 |
Stan Adams, refund of dog tax |
$2.00 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 1 |
Payroll No. 1, December 15th to 31st |
$269.70 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$12.50 |
$1.30 |
Robert B. Barnett, 16½ hours with tractor & scraper, at $3.50 |
$57.75 |
Imperial Oil Limited, 300 gallons of fuel oil, at $.18 |
$54.00 |
Dept. of Highways, tax on 300 gallons of fuel oil, at $.11 |
$33.00 |
$195.25 |
East Flamboro Township, Townline account |
$39.25 |
$148.22 |
C. MacDonald, 2 shovels - $2.30, & envelopes - $.60 |
$2.90 |
Leonard Ord, battery, gas, & repairs |
$33.00 |
Stewart Hume, moving earth |
$17.00 |
January 15th, H.E.P.C. of Ontario, electrical service |
$6.07 |
7. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday February 2nd 1948, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Wm. J. Hunter, Acting Reeve (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
February 2nd 1948 A.D. The Municipal Council of the Notice was received from the Notice was also received that the annual convention of the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities would be held in the Rehabilitation Hall, Toronto, and the Good Roads Convention in the Royal York Hotel on February 23rd, 24th, & 25th. A letter from J. A. Coombs, District Engineer of Municipal Roads, intimated that the Department does not now favour the purchase of heavy equipment for townships at the increased prices demanded and that our order for a TD-14 Crawler Tractor should be cancelled. |
1. |
Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that, for the purpose of items (i) & (ii) of Part II of the First Schedule to the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1940, the following officials of the Township of Puslinch are, having regard to the normal practice of the employment, permanent in character: Alex Ord, Clerk- Treasurer, Wm. Crow – Assessor, H. B. Gibson – Collector, Chester Schultz – Road Superintendent, & Oliver Monkhouse – Maintainer Operator, those underlined being additions to the list of September 7th 1942. |
2. |
Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that copies of the Municipal World be supplied to all members of Council and to officials. |
3. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that this Council does not wish to enter into an agreement with the Town of Hespeler in regard to fire protection for residents of this municipality, and that the Clerk notify the Clerk of Hespeler to that effect. |
4. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that
the sum of $25.00 be granted to the Salvation Army
Rescue Home, |
5. |
Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that Wm. Hunter, Wilfred Roszell, James Starkey, and the Road Superintendent be delegated to attend the Rural Municipalities and Good Roads conventions, in Toronto, on February 23rd, 24th, and 25th, and that the Treasurer be instructed to forward the membership fees. |
6. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the Tax Collector be instructed to strike off the Roll the following amount of taxes as uncollectible: |
Wm. McCuen, dog tax & interest |
$2.48 |
7. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, that the 1947 dog tax, amounting to $2.00, be refunded to Boyd Hume. |
8. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that a bylaw, re-confirming the appointment of our Road Superintendent, and to adjust the salary of the said appointment, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
9. |
Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that the bylaw, re-confirming the appointment of Chester Schultz as Road Superintendent, and to adjust the salary of the said appointment to 70 cents per hour, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
10. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that
a bylaw, providing for the total 1948 expenditure on roads in the |
11. |
Moved by Irvin Steffler, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the bylaw, providing for the total 1948 expenditure on roads in the Township of Puslinch, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. |
12. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
A. W. Quarry, set of grates for furnace, installed |
$24.50 |
Alex Ord, registering births, marriages, & deaths |
$8.75 |
Alex Ord, completing old age pension applications, 1947 |
$40.00 |
Frank Daly, 2 sheep killed, 5 injured, by dogs |
$47.50 |
Walter Holm, valuating Daly sheep |
$2.00 |
Ernest Laing, 3 geese killed by dogs |
$19.00 |
Stewart Hume, 2 sheep killed, 13 injured, by dogs |
$220.00 |
Wm. Tolton, valuating Laing geese & Hume sheep |
$3.60 |
L. J. Philpott, relief for Jos. Lester, Dec. & Jan. |
$73.66 |
Gordon McKay, 1 month’s rent, to Jan. 10th - $10.00, damage to property - $10.00 |
$20.00 |
W. Alex Nicoll, attending Division Court, as Clerk & Bailiff |
$8.00 |
H. B. Gibson, School Attendance Officer, fees for January |
$4.00 |
Boyd Hume, refund of dog tax, 1947 |
$2.00 |
Salvation Army Rescue Home, Hamilton, grant |
$25.00 |
Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, membership fee |
$5.00 |
Ontario Good Roads Association, membership fee |
$5.00 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 2 |
Payroll No. 2, January 1st to 31st |
$616.80 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Chester Schultz, mileage & repairs |
$17.69 |
B. Wyse, 20 steel posts, at $.64 each |
$12.80 |
City |
$3.25 |
Tiny’s Garage, cutting blades |
$5.00 |
Marsh Tire Service, 1 tire & tube |
$149.94 |
Sawyer Massey Limited, 4 cutting blades, plus sales tax |
$30.88 |
Imperial Oil Limited, 525 gallons of fuel oil |
$94.50 |
Imperial Oil Limited, 25 gallons of Mobil oil, at $1.10 per gallon |
$27.50 |
Imperial Oil Limited, hydraulic oil |
$11.45 |
Department of Highways, tax on 525 gallons of fuel oil, at $.11 |
$57.75 |
Schultz & Taylor, 2 gallons of antifreeze, at $2.75 |
$5.50 |
Schultz & Taylor, ploughing snow – 13 hrs. at $7.00, 16½ hrs. at $6.00 |
$190.00 |
Schultz & Taylor, ploughing snow, 34 hours at $10.00 |
$340.00 |
Leonard Ord, battery & repairs |
$42.99 |
Jeffrey & Spence, employees’ liability insurance |
$100.00 |
13. |
Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday March 1st 1948, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve & (signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
February 26th 1948. |
Albert McWilliams, Esquire, Reeve of the Warden of the Honoured Sir: |
Your election to the high office
of Warden of the Your services to your native
township as Councillor for five years and as Reeve, now in your fourth term,
have been most outstanding. Your
recent election as Warden confirms our belief that your services to your
native county have been equally meritorious.
We anticipate, with confidence, that your year as Warden of the We regard it as a particularly
happy circumstance that you are a native son of |
This gathering tonight, representative of all of the people in the township, begs to request that you grant to the township the additional honour of permitting your photograph, framed and inscribed as here disclosed, to be placed prominently and permanently on the walls of the Township Hall, in commemoration of your present high office and of this happy occasion. As tokens of the high esteem in which we hold Mrs. McWilliams and you, we beg that you will each accept these small gifts, together with our sincere and earnest wishes that together you may continue to prosper in all ways for many years to come, in our midst. Signed on behalf of
the Harold Royce, James Starkey, Wm. J. Hunter, Erwin Steffler, Wm. Crow, Alex Ord, H. B. Gibson, Dick Buchanan, |
March 1st 1948 A.D. The Municipal Council of the Several letters were read and disposed of. |
1. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by James Starkey, that Wm.
J. Hunter be hereby appointed Relief Officer for the |
2. |
Moved by Erwin Steffler, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that this Council purchase one triple arch abutment culvert, 24 feet by 4 feet/ 3 eight-foot culverts, 10 gauge, at $59.70 per linear foot, with large headwall at both ends for an additional $300.00, from the Pedlar People Ltd., delivered to the job, and subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. |
3. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Wilfred Roszell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid: |
Provincial Treasurer, Department of Health, insulin for T. Hany |
$.87 |
Jeffrey & Spence, Collector’s fidelity bond |
$56.25 |
Albert McWilliams, Relief Officer’s expenses, 1946-47 |
$50.00 |
Wm. F. Huether, 530 pounds of coal & coke for Lester family |
$4.80 |
L. J. Philpot, relief to James Lester for February |
$24.91 |
C. Anderson & Co., repairs to adding machine |
$4.50 |
C. M. MacDonald, stamps for Collector |
$4.00 |
H. B. Gibson, 3 months’ salary as Collector |
$81.25 |
Canadian Office & School Furniture Ltd., 50 folding chairs for Township Hall |
$250.00 |
Road Accounts – Voucher No. 3 |
Pay Roll No. 3, February 1st to 29th |
$456.35 |
Chester Schultz, use of truck |
$25.00 |
Chester Schultz, express & L.D. phone |
$2.83 |
Chester Schultz, expenses to Good Roads convention |
$20.00 |
Len Ord, gas and road service |
$1.76 |
Canada Culvert Company, 1 arch culvert, 24 feet by 36 inches |
$156.72 |
Fred Britton, welding & repairs |
$27.28 |
Imperial Oil Ltd., 10 gallons of Marvelube, at $.82 |
$8.20 |
Imperial Oil Ltd., 300 gallons of fuel oil, at 18 cents |
$54.00 |
Department of Highways, tax on 300 gallons of fuel oil, at 11 cents |
$33.00 |
Guelph Sand & Gravel, 24 yards of sand, at 65 cents per yard |
$15.60 |
Bond Hardware, 16 machine bolts |
$1.50 |
Tully’s store, stamps for road cheques |
$10.00 |
Robert B. Barnett, 75 hours ploughing snow, at $4.00 per hour |
$300.00 |
4. |
Moved by James Starkey, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday April 5th 1948, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk (signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve |
March 8th 1948 A.D. Special Session A special meeting of the Council was held this afternoon, with all members present, to discuss the advisability of purchasing a truck for the township. |
1. |
Moved by Wilfred Roszell, seconded by Erwin Steffler, that
the Clerk be instructed to advertise in the |
(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk |
March 18th 1948 A.D. Special Session A special session of the Puslinch Municipal Council was held in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 1:30 p.m., to open and consider tenders submitted for a heavy duty dump truck. There were 5 tenders received: |
1. |
Hanna’s International Sales, Guelph |
1 K.B.R.-11 |
$8,000.00 |
1 Beath heavy duty dump & other accessories |
$1110.00 |
Total |
$9110.00 |
2. |
1 D.E.-9 Dodge, complete with dump |
$6698.00 |
3. |
Harrisons Motors, |
1 E.H.K. Mack Truck |
$6376.50 |
1 |
$743.35 |
Total |
$7119.85 |
4. |
Moss’ Garage, |
1 Model 2313 Reo Truck |
$5905.00 |
Dump Body |
$793.74 |
Total |
$6698.74 |
5. |
A. M. Kerr Equipment, Kitchener |
1 Model SV FWD |
$10,465.00 |
1 Model No. 432 Beath Dump |
$943.00 |
Total |
$11408.00 |
1. |
After serious consideration, it was moved by Wm. J.
Hunter, seconded by James Starkey, that this Council accept the tender of
Hanna’s International Sales, |
(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk (signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve |
April 5th 1948 A.D. The Municipal Council of the A letter from the Department of Lands and Forests advised that pheasants would not be released in townships if release pens were not provided and the gentle release system adopted. The Treasurer reported that
receipts from the sale of special The Department of Public Works
advised that it had approved of establishing an authority known as the Grand
Valley Conservation Authority and that arrangements had been made to hold the
first meeting of the authority in the City Hall, Kitchener, on Wednesday
April 7th 1948, at 2 p.m.
On motion of Wm. J. Hunter, seconded by Erwin Steffler, Reeve Albert
McWilliams was appointed to represent the |