Puslinch Township Council

 Minutes of Council Meetings

January 1943 ─ December 1944.







Municipality of Puslinch

January 11th 1943 A.D.


The inaugural meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch was held in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 11 o’ clock a.m., as per statute.  The members, those being, Donald A. Stewart, Reeve, and George McGill, Robert T. Amos, Daniel Hesketh, and Albert McWilliams, Councillors, were all present.


After subscribing the statutory Declaration of Office, these gentlemen were declared the duly constituted Municipal Council for the Township of Puslinch for the year 1943.


The minutes of the last regular meeting, as well as a report of the nomination meeting on December 28th 1942, were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McGill.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Robt. T. Amos, that the Clerk be hereby instructed to order 10 copies of the Municipal World for the members and officials, and also to apply for tenders on 3 cords of hardwood and 1 cord of cedar for the Township Hall, as per tenders of previous years.



Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that $10.00 be granted to the Salvation Army, Hamilton, and $5.00 to the Wellington County Federation of Agriculture.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Robt. T. Amos, that Walter Holm be re-engaged as Relief Officer for the year 1943, at a salary of sixty dollars.







Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the Council allot the employees liability insurance to Jeffrey & Spence at a rate of $2.75 per $100.00 of payroll.



Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that a bylaw, including poultry in the provisions of the Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that a bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and the Treasurer to borrow the sum of $28,000.00 from the Bank of Toronto, Morriston, and/or the Dominion Bank, Guelph, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by George McGill, seconded by Robt. T. Amos, that the bylaw, authorizing the Head and the Treasurer to borrow the sum of $28,000.00 from the Bank of Toronto, Morriston and/or the Dominion Bank, Guelph, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Robt. T. Amos, that a bylaw, appointing a member of the Local Board of Health for the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by George McGill, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the Local Board of Health, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.







Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


Fred Roszell, 2nd instalment on insurance policy No. 1169




Wallace Printing Company, nomination bills & notices of meetings




Alex Ord, completing old age pension applications, 1942




Alex Ord, registering births, marriages, & deaths, 1942




Geo. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker




Mrs. M. Elvin, 1 month’s hospitalization for Nellie Hewitt




Donald A. Stewart, to searching Registry Office




Salvation Army grant




Wellington County Federation of Agriculture grant




Guelph Printing Service, printing 200 copies of financial Statement




Joseph Hart, 26 ducks killed by dogs








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 1




Pay Roll No. 1




Jno. A. McPherson, stamps




Robt. Barnett, snow ploughing account








Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday February 8th 1943, at 10 o’ clock a.m., as a Court of Revision, and at 1:30 p.m., for general business.




(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

February 8th 1943 A.D.


Court of Revision


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met as a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all in attendance, and after subscribing the necessary declaration, were declared a duly constituted Court of Revision, to hear and determine appeals against the 1943 Assessment Roll.


The following appeals were placed before the Court for consideration:


Cotter, Edward

Assessment too high - Lot Part 4, Rear 7



Cook, Charles

Assessment too high - Lot 36, Rear 8



Daymond, Alfred

Assessment too high - Lots 9 & 10, Front 4



Karn, Philip

Assessment too high - Part Lot 6, Eagle Point



Maltby, Sidney

Assessment too high – Lot Part 7, Front 8



Rushton, William

Assessment too high – Part Lot 2, Rear 7



Smith, Joseph

Assessment too high, Lots 37 & 38, Rear 8



Watson, John

Assessment too high, Part Lot 7, Rear 9



Walsh, John

Assessment too high, Lot 20, Front 4



McRobbie, Robert

Assessment too high, Lot 9, Rear 4







After giving each appeal due consideration, the following decisions were arrived at:


Cotter, Edward

Assessment lowered from $1600 to $1500



Cook, Charles

Assessment lowered from $3300 to $3000



Daymond, Alfred

Assessment lowered from $7400 to $5000



Karn, Philip

Assessment lowered from $500 to $450



Maltby, Sidney

Assessment lowered from $3800 to $3400



Rushton, William

Assessment lowered from $1000 to $900



Smith, Joseph

Assessment lowered from $4200 to $3600



Watson, John

Assessment lowered from $1200 to $100



Walsh, John

Appeal dismissed



McRobbie, Robert

Appeal dismissed





Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the 1943 Assessment Roll, as revised and amended, be confirmed.


(signed) Donald A. Stewart (Chairman)

(signed) Alex Ord (Clerk)






The Municipality of Puslinch

February 8th 1943 A.D.


The Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 1:30 p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Councillors Hesketh and McWilliams.


The Clerk reported that there were no tenders received for supplying wood to the Township Hall, and there was no action taken to procure the same.


The Guelph & Wellington Humane Society tendered a request for a grant, and


It was moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Humane Society of Guelph and Wellington County receive a grant of $15.00.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the membership fee of $5.00 be sent to the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, and that R. T. Amos and Geo. McGill be delegates to the convention held on February 23rd and 24th.



The Auditor submitted his report for the year 1942, and


It was moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that this Council accept the Auditor’s statement, as submitted, and that he be authorized to send tax verifications to those in arrear of taxes.








Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that, all surety bonds and other insurance policies having been examined and found in order, we hereby instruct that they be placed in the municipally owned safe in the care of the Clerk.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Robt. T. Amos, that this Council accept the transfer of the snow ploughing contract from Alf Turner to Robert Barnett, providing Robert Barnett furnishes the necessary $100.00 bond.




Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that a bylaw, re-adjusting the salary of the Relief Officer, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the bylaw, re-adjusting the salary of the Relief Officer, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.




Moved by George McGill, seconded by Robt. T. Amos, that a bylaw, providing for the total 1943 expenditure on roads in the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, providing for the total 1943 expenditure on township roads, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.








Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising Court of Revision




Spegel’s Department Store, relief to A. Pharaoh




M. Elvin, care of Nellie Hewitt, January




Jno. A. Wilkinson, balance of Auditor’s salary, 1942




Jno. A. Wilkinson, supplies




Kelso Printing, notices rē tax arrears




Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, membership fee, 1943




Guelph & Wellington Humane Society, grant, 1943




Wm. Crow, Assessor’s salary, 1943




John Hamilton, refund of dog tax charged in error




Elizabeth McDonald, refund of dog tax charged in error








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 2




Pay Roll No. 2




Bond Hardware Company, bolts for snow plough




Jno. A. McPherson, long distance phone




Robert B. Barnett, snow ploughing account







Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday, March 1st 1943, at 1:30 p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

March 1st 1943.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met in regular session in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 1:30 p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Amos and McWilliams. 


The Clerk reported the sale of special hunting licenses in the Township of Puslinch for the season of 1942-1943, as follows:



Residents, 42 at 25 cents




Non Residents, 211 at $1.00




_________________, 1 at $2.00




The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. J. C. Faskens that our compensation insurance had been placed with another company and also to return, with thanks, the endorsement to the above mentioned policy.


A list of pupils who attend the G.C.V.I. was placed before the Council for verification purposes.



Moved by George McGill, seconded by Robt. T. Amos, that a bylaw, appointing pound-keepers, fence-viewers, and livestock valuators, be now introduced and read a first and second time.








Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the bylaw, appointing pound-keepers, fence-viewers, and livestock valuators, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.




Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the Reeve and the Clerk be named a committee to draft a bylaw, amending the present bylaw that stipulates the mode of payment of taxes in the Township of Puslinch, being Bylaw No. 4-1942.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for crushing and delivering 6,000 yards of gravel, more or less, crushed to ½ inch and delivered anywhere in the township, and also for maintenance work on the township roads, all machinery, and men to operate the same, to be provided by the contractor.  A $100.00 bond must accompany each tender.  All work and material to meet with the approval of the Road Superintendent.  Contractor to carry Workmen’s Compensation.  Tenders to be in by April 3rd 1942.  Contractor to supply gravel.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Wallace Printing Company, 600 letterheads for the Clerk




Alex Ord, issuing special hunting licenses, 1942-43




A. J. Huether, wood for Red Cross




George McGill, expenses for attending convention




R. T. Amos, expenses for attending convention




Guelph Printing Services, printing 421 cheques




Hydro-Electric Power Commission, lights for Town Hall









Road Accounts – Voucher No. 3




Pay Roll No. 3




Imperial Oil Ltd., 10 gallons of Imperial Polarine, at 49 cents per gallon




Jno. A. McPherson, expenses to conference




Jeffrey & Spence, Employer’s Liability Insurance




Robert B. Barnett, snow ploughing account







Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday April 5th 1943, at 1:30 p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

March 23rd 1943.


Assessment Appeals to the County Judge


The Judge of the County Court, County of Wellington, held a court in the Court House, Guelph, today, at 10 o’ clock a.m., to hear appeals against the Court of Revision, under Section 76 of the Assessment Act.


The appeals to the judge were filed by Robert McRobbie, concerning Lots 5 & 6, Front of the 4th Concession, and by John Walsh, Lot 20, Front of the 4th Concession.


Those present were R. L. McKinnon, Judge, Alex Ord, Clerk of the Court, Robert T. Amos, George McGill, Albert McWilliams, and Daniel J. Hesketh, members of the Court of Revision, Wm. Crow, Assessor, Robert McRobbie and John Walsh, Appellants,  L. W. Goetz, Solicitor for the Court of Revision, and C. L. McKinnon, Solicitor for the Appellants.


After hearing evidence submitted by John Walsh, C. L. McKinnon, and L. W. Goetz, the Judge gave a ruling that the selling price constituted the actual value, and as both these properties had been purchased recently for less than their assessments, the Court of Revision decided to withhold any further argument.   The judge therefore gave his decision in favour of the appellants, lowering the assessment on Lots 5 & 6, Front of the 4th Concession, owned by Robert McRobbie, from $6,300 to $5,000, and on Lot 20, Front of the 4th Concession, owned by John Walsh, from $2,600 to $2,100.


(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk of the Court






Municipality of Puslinch

April 5th 1943.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 1:30 p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McGill.


A letter was received from the Department of Highways, advising that the Department approves of a net expenditure of $13,000 on the township roads in 1943.


A letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs announced that the Province will again pay a one mill subsidy on the total municipal rateable assessment for the current year.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that this Council continue the public liability insurance on township roads with Messrs. Jeffrey & Spence, that is $20,000 public liability and $1,000 property damage, at the reduced rate of $175.23.




Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the tender of McGregor Stewart, to provide two cords of beech wood at $14.50 and 2 cords of elm at $10.50, per cord, cut 16 inches long, and that of John Ord, to provide 1 cord of cedar, cut 12 inches long, at $8.50 per cord, be accepted.







There were 3 tenders for crushing and delivering gravel and one for maintenance work, and after due consideration being given to all tenders, the following motion was carried.


Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council accept the tender of A. C. Turner for maintenance work on the township roads at $3.00 per hour, contractor to supply all machinery, and men to operate the same, and also the tender of Alex Smith, to supply, crush, and deliver, where required, 6,000 yards of gravel, more or less, at 68 cents per yard, subject to the approval of the District Engineer.



A memorandum was received from the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, soliciting the Council to enrol our assessor as a member of the organization for the year 1943.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the required membership fee of $10.00 be forwarded to the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, and that our Assessor be allowed his expenses to that convention, when held.




Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



R. L. McKinnon, Judge’s fee rē assessment appeal




Fred Roszell, fire insurance on snow plough




Municipal World, subscriptions to Municipal World, Collector’s Roll, and other supplies




Chas. Borthwick, 2 sheep killed by dogs




Sidney Maltby, valuating Borthwick sheep









George Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker




Duncan McLean, School Attendance Officer, fees, Dec., Jan., Feb., Mar.




Thomas Doyle, 6 months’ salary & supplies




M. Elvin, care & board, Nellie Hewitt, Feb. & March




Geo. M. Fox, County Treasurer, 50% hospitalization indigent patients, 1942




J. P. Coombe, Secretary, Association of Assessing Officers, membership fee, 1943




Jeffrey & Spence, road liability insurance




Jeffrey & Spence, Collector’s bond





Road Accounts – Voucher No. 4




Pay Roll No. 4




Jno. A. MacPherson, postage & welding snow plough




Bond Hardware, bolts & washers




Cooke & Dennison, welding snow plough




General Supply Company, repairs to snow plough




Marshall Lasby, 60½ yards of crushed stone, at 90 cents per yard




D. M. Stewart, 4 yards of crushed stone, at $1.00 per yard




Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising road tenders




Robt. B. Barnett, snow ploughing account




Robt. B. Barnett, 11 gallons of oil for the snow plough





Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 3rd 1943, at 8 o’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk





Municipality of Puslinch

May 3rd 1943 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McWilliams.


A letter was received from J. V. Ludgate (or Lindgate), District Engineer of Municipal Roads, signifying the approval of the Department in regards to the awarding of contracts for road work on the township roads.



Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the persons whose names appear below be hereby recommended as Deputy Game and Fishery Wardens for the Township of Puslinch for 1943, that is to say, Robt. T. Amos, Jno. A. McPherson, Alex Ord, Alex Nicoll, James McPhee, George McGill, Chas. Crawley, Martin Foster, Walter Holm, John Tawse, Matthew Hosford, J. M. Cockburn, Roy Allan, Walter Cook, Andrew Scott, Joseph Guy, Daniel Cudney, Clifford Tremain, Albert McWilliams, Daniel Hesketh, Herb Eltherington, Jacob Crowder.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that this Council authorize Miss Florence Walsh to sign all township cheques and do all other business usually transacted by her uncle, John Walsh, who is now very ill, until next council meeting on June 7th 1943.








Moved by George McGill, seconded by Robt. T. Amos, that a bylaw, covering, by way of assessments, the expenses of the Corporation of the Township of Puslinch for the current year, 1943-44, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the bylaw, covering, by way of assessment, the expenses of the Township of Puslinch in the County of Wellington, for the current year 1943-44, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that a bylaw, providing for the mode of payment of taxes in the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by Robert T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the bylaw, providing for the mode of payment of taxes in the Township of Puslinch, be now read a third time, passed and numbered.




Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



G. McLean, stamps for Clerk




Fred Roszell, fire insurance on Township Hall




City of Guelph, relief to Mrs. Trent, January & February




Township of Nassagaweya, relief to J. McIntyre, Dec., Jan., Feb., & Mar.




Jno. A. Ord, 112 cubic feet for Hall, at $8.50 per cord









Miss M. Elvin, care & board of Nellie Hewitt, to May 3rd




C. M. MacDonald, stamps for Collector




C. Whyte, stamps for Collector




G. McLean, stamps for Collector




John McNaughton, stamps for Collector








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 5




Pay Roll No. 5




Wm. Gilroy, 6yards of gravel at 15 cents per yard




Knight Lumber Company, 762 feet of 3-inch white pine, at $85.00 per thousand feet, plus tax




Jno. A. McPherson, phone - $1.78, envelopes - $.25, & pick handle - $.95




C. M. MacDonald, 30 pounds of spikes - $1.80, paint & brush - $2.05




King Calcium Products, 40 12-inch tiles, at $1.35 each, plus tax & cartage







The Clerk was instructed to make an appointment with Mr. J. V. Ludgate, District Engineer of Municipal Roads, to inspect the township roads, at some time suitable to him, in the latter part of May.



Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday, June 7th 1943, at 8 o’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

June 7th 1943 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McGill.



Owing to the continued illness of Mr. John Walsh, it was moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by George McGill, that this Council appoint Miss Florence Walsh as Deputy-Treasurer until the next meeting on July 7th.




Moved by R. T. Amos, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council award Wm. Ibell $5.00 for capturing 2 dogs injuring sheep owned by Wm. J. Little.




Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising rē trees




Guelph Police Dept., ambulance service rē Mrs. G. Evans




Henry Leachman Junior, 6 lambs killed by dogs




Wm. Tolton, valuating Leachman lambs




Chester Schultz, ten tanks for culverts




Guelph Printing Service, envelopes & printing




M. Elvin, care and board rē N. (or G.) Hewitt, to June 6th/43




Wilfred Roszell, valuating Wm. Little lambs




Wm. Ibell, reward for capturing 2 dogs worrying sheep











Road Accounts – Voucher No. 6




Payroll No. 6, May 1st to 31st




Jas. Watson, repairs to snow plough




Jno. A. McPherson, stamps




King Calcium Products, cement tiles







Moved by George McGill, seconded by Robt. Amos, that this Council adjourn to meet again on Monday June 7th, at 8 0’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve







Municipality of Puslinch

July 7th 1943 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McGill.


Mr. John Walsh is still unable to resume his duties as Treasurer and Miss Florence Walsh was appointed to carry on until August 2nd/43.


A discussion arose as to the advisability of diverting the roadway between the first and second concessions at a sink hole adjoining Puslinch Lake.  The Reeve was advised to confer with Mr. Christopher Bond, who owns the adjoining property, to find out what he would take for sufficient land to make a roadway.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



City of Guelph, relief to Mrs. Clara Jarman, April




The Community of Loretto, tuition to June, rē Helen & Louis Clair




Alex Ord, 6 months’ salary as Clerk




Geo. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker




M. Elvin, care of N. Hewitt, to July 5th




Geo. M. Fox, rē taxes on Barclay account




Hydro-Electric Power Commission, lights for Township Hall




Wm. Crow, expenses to Assessors’ convention









Road Accounts – Voucher No. 7




Pay Roll No.7




Marshall Lasby, 21 yards of stone, at 90 cents per yard








   Moved by R. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday August 2nd/43, at 8 o’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

August 2nd 1943 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Amos and McWilliams.


The auditor submitted his report for the second quarter of the year 1943. 



Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the auditor’s report, as submitted, be adopted.




Moved by George McGill, seconded by Robt. T. Amos, that the Collector be instructed to forward a copy of his monthly tax report, as submitted to the Council, to the Auditor, for filing purposes.



A number of property owners at Barber’s Beach petitioned the Council to have a fence moved off the right-of-way leading to Puslinch Lake.  George McGill and John A. MacPherson were instructed to interview the parties interested.


Stirton McNaughton , from the 1st Concession, requested the Council to take some action to improve the approach from his lane onto the roadway.  R. T. Amos was instructed to view the approach and to take any action necessary.







Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Donald McDonald, refund of dog tax, assessed in error




Geo. A. Paddock, 1 lamb killed by dogs




Wilfred Roszell, valuating Paddock lamb




Henry Ehrhardt, 2 sheep killed by dogs




Fred Mollison, valuating Ehrhardt sheep




Kelso Printing Company, supplies for Tax Collector




M. Elvin, care & board of N. Hewitt, to July 31st




Municipal World Ltd., 1 Collector’s cash book




Daniel J. Hesketh, 3 sheep killed by dogs




Wm. Tolton, valuating Hesketh sheep




J. A. Wilkinson, postage on tax verifications




J. A. Wilkinson, 6 months’ salary as auditor, 1943




Geo. Steffler, refund of dog tax, assessed in error








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 8




Pay Roll No. 8




Knight Lumber Company, 100 feet of 3-inch plank




John A. MacPherson, L.D. (long distance) phone







Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by Geo. McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday September 6th 1943, at 8 o’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

September 6th 1943 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Amos & Hesketh.



Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Thomas Hasson, 1 sheep killed by dogs




Fred Mollison, 1 lamb killed by dogs




Fred Mollison, valuating Hasson sheep




Mrs. Ada I. Smith, refund of taxes charged in error




M. Elvin, maintenance of N. Hewitt, to Aug. 31st




Henry Leachman, 3 sheep killed by dogs and 1 lamb injured




Wm. Tolton, valuating Leachman sheep




Hydro-Electric Power Commission, lights for Hall








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 9




Pay Roll No. 9




John A. MacPherson, L.D. phone




Richard F. Hewitt, bonus for 40 rods of wire fence





Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday Oct. 4th 1943, at 8 o’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

October 4th 1943 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McWilliams.


An offer, from W. V. Siegner (spelling very uncertain), to purchase an unopened road allowance between Lots 5 and 6, in the 1st Concession, was placed before Council.  After some discussion, the Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Siegner that this portion of road allowance was not for sale at the present time.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Puslinch Agricultural Society receive the usual grant of $75.00.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Municipal World, blank forms




M. Elvin, care & board of N. Hewitt, Sept. 1st to 30th




Duncan McLean, Student Attendance Officer, June to September




Thos. Doyle, 6 months’ salary as Collector, $162.50, supplies, $1.00




George Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker, $15.00, supplies, $8.00









Henry J. Leachman, 1 sheep killed by dogs




Wm. Tolton, valuating Leachman sheep




H. W. McWilliams, refund of dog tax charged in error




Wm. Crow, cartage on supplies




Puslinch Agricultural Society grant







Road Accounts – Voucher No. 10



Pay Roll No. 10




John A. MacPherson, L.D. phone




Bell Telephone Company, 50% of moving 7 poles on Road 1




Helen Phalen, bonus on 80 rods of wire fence




C. M. MacDonald, spikes & bolts







Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Robt. T. Amos, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday November 1st, at 8 o’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

November 1st 1943 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Amos and McGill.


A letter from Howitt & Howitt was read, advising the Council that Mr. Ralph Carter had entered a claim for damages against the township in regard to an accident at the bridge over the river on the 10th Concession.


A letter was received from J. V. Ludgate, advising the Council that he had been transferred to another district, and that he has been succeeded by Mr. J. A. Coombs, whose address will be Stratford, Ontario.


Miss Lydia Fahrner forwarded an account for $6.00 for cleaning the Penrice drain across the highway.  The Clerk was instructed to advise Miss Fahrner that the Council was not responsible for that portion crossing the Provincial Highway.


An account for $5.00, from the Humane Society, for picking up a dog at Puslinch Lake, and boarding the same at the shelter, was disallowed.



Moved by R. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that owing to the illness of Thos. Doyle, Tax Collector, Mrs. Thos. Doyle be and is hereby authorized to conduct all business pertaining to the said office of Township Tax Collector.








Moved by George McGill, seconded by R. T. Amos, that the Clerk be instructed to return the contract bond to Alex Smith.




Moved by R. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the Council purchase 4,00 feet of snow fence and 300 6 foot, six inch-posts from John A. Ord.




Moved by R. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for nominating a Reeve and Council and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1944, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, determining the time and place for nominating a Reeve and Council and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1944, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Wm. Crow, selecting jurors




Alex Ord, selecting jurors




Donald A. Stewart, selecting jurors




Donald A. Stewart, remuneration as Reeve




George McGill, remuneration as Councillor




R. T. Amos, remuneration as Councillor




Daniel J. Hesketh, remuneration as Councillor




Albert McWilliams, remuneration as Councillor









John Walsh, salary as Treasurer




Alex Ord, balance of salary as Clerk




Wm. Crow, salary as Weed Inspector




Leaman Printing Company, printing voters lists




G. McLean, stamps for Clerk




Edna I. Bell, cutting grass at monument




Toronto Stamp & Stencil Works, dog tags




Whillier & Company, Assessor’s supplies




Chester Schultz, one load of wood to Red Cross




G. McLean, stamps for Tax Collector




Alex Stewart, 1 gallon disinfectant, for toilets








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 11




Jno. A. MacPherson, nails - $1.59, postage - $.25, paper clips - $.50




Pay Roll No. 11




C. M. MacDonald, spikes




Knight Lumber Company, 2862 feet of pine, bridge plank




Gypsum, Lime & Alabastine, 148 yards of crushed stone, at $.35




O. A. Strome, delivering 348 yards of crushed stone, at $.35 per yard




O. A. Strome, delivering 60 yards of crushed stone, at $.43 per yard




Frank S. Cote, bonus on 100 yards of wire fence








Moved by George McGill, seconded by R. T. Amos, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday December 6th 1943, at 2 o’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

December 6th 1943 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. McWilliams and Amos.


A number of communications were read and disposed of.  A claim from Mr. J. C. Johnson, 12 Mitchell Street, Guelph, amounting to $2.00, being the amount he paid a farmer for pulling his car out of the new fill at Jeffreys’, was placed before the Council.  The Clerk was instructed to forward the claim to Jeffrey & Spence, insurance representatives.


Mr. Wilkinson, Municipal Auditor, submitted a report on the financial condition of the township from January 1st to October 20th 1943.  On motion of the Council, the Auditor’s report was accepted.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising




Provincial Treasurer, Dept. of Game & Fisheries, 300 hunting licenses




Mrs. Geo. Lewis, Caretaker’s supplies




Wm. Pinder, 1 sheep killed by dogs




Fred Mollison, valuating Pinder sheep




M. Elvin, maintenance rē N. Hewitt, November









Hydro-Electric Power Commission, lights for Township Hall




Nassagaweya Township, relief to J. MacIntyre, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov.








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 12




Pay Roll No. 12




Guelph Sand & Gravel, 364 yards of pit run gravel, at 37 cents per yard




Knight Lumber Co., 6843 feet of cedar timber & plank, at $86.40




Gypsum, Lime, & Alabastine, 428 yards of crushed rock, zt 35 cents per yard




County of Wellington, 1 ton of calcium chloride




C. M. MacDonald, 48 pounds of spikes




Jno. A. MacPherson, L. D. phone




R. E. McMillan, 20 yards of stone, at 25 cents per yard




D. M. Stewart, delivering 109 loads of pit run gravel




D. M. Stewart, delivering 80 yards of rock to Morriston, at 90 cents per yard




H. C. Elliott, North Dumfries border line account




O. A. Strome, delivering 208 yards of crushed stone, at 40 cents per yard, & 4 yards at 48 cents per yard







Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Wednesday, December 15th 1943, at 1 o’ clock p.m., as per statute.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1943 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the township of Puslinch met, in final session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today at one o’ clock p.m., as per statute.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Amos.


The Caretaker’s report of the monies collected for the rent of the Hall was presented to the Council.  This account amounted to $10.63, as the township’s share.



The Treasurer submitted his report for the year 1943, and it was moved by Robert T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the Treasurer’s report, as submitted, be adopted and that he be instructed to have 200 copies printed for the use of the ratepayers.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the employees’ liability insurance be renewed with the Union Insurance Society of Canton, Jeffrey & Spence agents, Guelph, Ontario, at the rate of $64.25 per annum.




Moved by R. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the following expenses of the local Board of Health be passed for payment:



Dr. J. H. King, medical services, inspection of schools, etc.




Dr. J. H. King, remuneration as a member of the Board




Walter Holm, remuneration as a member of the Board









D. A. Stewart, remuneration as a member of the Board




Alex Ord, remuneration as Secretary of the Board




James Leachman, services rendered as Sanitary Inspector, express, postage, etc.




Tamblyn Drug Store, disinfectants





Moved by Robt. T. Amos, seconded by George McGill, that the Treasurer be hereby instructed to divide the School Fund interest, amounting to $348.00, equally between the 12 school sections of the township, and that the township Treasurer be hereby authorized to pay the Treasurers of the following School Sections the amounts shown below:



S.S. No. 1, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ levy of $552.19




S.S. No. 2, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ levy of $403.40




S.S. No. 3, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ levy of $314.36




S.S. No. 4, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ levy of $573.45




S.S. No. 5, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ levy of $411.20




S.S. No. 6, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ levy of $551.78




S.S. No. 7, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ levy of $286.84




S.S. No. 8, township grant of $1000.00 & trustees’ grant of $1018.78




S.S. No. 9, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ grant of $453.33




S.S. No. 10, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ grant of $358.65




S.S. No. 11, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ grant of $675.93




S.S. No. 12, township grant of $600.00 & trustees’ grant of $405.57




Guelph Separate School




Hespeler Separate School









Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Dr. J. H. King, salary as M.O.H., 1943




Walter Holm, salary as Relief Officer




John Tawse, salary as Township Constable




J. H. Leachman, repairs to Township Hall doors




Mrs. T. S. Doyle, supplies




C. L. McKinnon, legal advice




G. McLean, stamps for Assessor








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 13




Pay Roll No. 13




Hydro-Electric Power Commission, moving hydro pole




Jno. A. MacPherson, postage & stamps




Guelph Sand & Gravel, 112 yards of pit run gravel, at 33½ cents per yard




D. M. Stewart, delivering 7 loads at $2.00, 25 loads at $3.00, & 45 yards of crushed gravel at 50 cents per yard




Hayward Construction Company, 43 yds. of crushed gravel, at 50¢ per yd.




Gordon Crow, 4 yards of pit run gravel, at 15 cents per yard




O. A. Strome, delivering 116 yds. crushed rock, at 40¢ per yd. plus mileage




T. J. Gilchrist, Guelph Town Line account









Jas. Leachman, blacksmith account




Jno. A. Ord, 4000 feet of snow fence, at 8 cents per foot, and 300 steel posts, at 42 cents each




Jeffrey & Spence, accident insurance




John Walsh, postage on cheques




At the close of business, the Reeve vacated the chair and George McGill was appointed to occupy the same.  After the usual felicitations were exchanged, the meeting adjourned, sine die.


(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

December 27th 1943 A.D.

Nomination Meeting


The annual nomination meeting was held, pursuant to statute, in the Township Hall, Aberfoyle, today, at 1 o’ clock p.m.  The following candidates were nominated for the offices of Reeve and Councillor:


For Reeve:

Donald A. Stewart, Robt. T. Amos, and Albert McWilliams

For Councillor:

George McGill, Robt. T. Amos, Daniel J. Hesketh, Albert McWilliams, William A. Galbraith, Robert H. Smith, and Richard Starkey


Albert McWilliams had his name withdrawn from the list of candidates for Reeve.  Robt. T. Amos withdrew his name from the list of candidates for Council and Richard Starkey failed to qualify by 9 o’ clock p.m. on the following day.


In consequence of the fact that the nominations for Reeve and Councillor exceeded the number of offices to be filled, the meeting was adjourned until Monday January 3rd 1944, to be decided by ballot at the polls, designated in the bylaw, prepared for that purpose.


Therefore the names to be placed on the ballots are as follows:

For Reeve:

Robert T. Amos and Donald A. Stewart

For Councillor:

William A. Galbraith, Daniel J. Hesketh, George McGill, Albert McWilliams, and Robert H. Smith


(signed) Alex Ord, Returning Officer






Municipality of Puslinch

January 3rd 1944 A.D.

Election Returns




For Reeve

For Councillor


Polling Subdivision

Robert T. Amos

Donald A. Stewart

William Galbraith

Daniel J. Hesketh

George A. McGill

Albert McWilliams

Robert H. Smith











No. 2









No. 3









No. 4









No. 5









No. 6









No. 7



















Pursuant to statute and the declaration of the Returning Officer at the Nomination Meeting of December 27th 1943, polls were opened at the severally designated subdivisions in the township and the above tabulated summary of votes cast was returned by the respective Deputy Returning Officers.


Messrs. Donald A. Stewart, for Reeve, and Messrs. William A. Galbraith, Albert McWilliams, Daniel J. Hesketh, and George McGill, for Councillors, having received the highest number of votes, were duly declared elected, to comprise the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch for the year 1944 A.D.


(signed) Alex Ord, Returning Officer






Municipality of Puslinch

January ____ 1944 A.D.


The inaugural meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch was held in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 11 a.m., as per statute.  All of the members were present, Donald A. Stewart, as Reeve, and George McGill, Daniel Hesketh, Albert McWilliams, and William Galbraith, as Councillors.  After subscribing the statutory Declaration of Office, these gentlemen were declared the duly constituted Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch for 1944 A.D.


The minutes of the last meeting in 1943 were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McWilliams.  A report of the Nomination Meeting, of December 27th, and the Election Returns, of January 3rd, was also given.


A number of communications were read and disposed of.  Grants were made to the Guelph & Wellington Humane Society and the Salvation Army Rescue Home, Hamilton, of $10.00 and $15.00 respectively.  Reeve Stewart was named to represent this municipality to consider any action taken in regards to forming a District Airport Committee, sponsored by the Kitchener-Waterloo Airport Commission.


Owing to the continued illness of Mr. Doyle, Tax Collector, Mrs. Doyle forwarded a report of the taxes outstanding and collected as of December 31st/43, outstanding taxes being reported as follows:  1940 - $245.07, 1941 - $1403.82, 1942 - $2540.04, and 1943 - $7278.73, making a total of  $11,467.66 uncollected.


No action was taken in regard to planning a post war construction programme on the township roads, as suggested by Mr. J. A. P. Marshall, Chief Municipal Engineer. 







Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Clerk be instructed to order 10 copies of the Municipal World, to be sent to the members and officials, and to advertise for tenders on 3 cords of hardwood for the Township Hall, as per tenders of previous years.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the Clerk be instructed to advise Mrs. Doyle to turn all books and other statements, in connection with the collection of taxes, over to the auditors as soon as convenient.



As there is no relief in the township at present, the Council decided to dispose of the services of the relief Officer.



Moved by William Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Dunbar, Goetz, & Dunbar, legal advice




James C. Faskens, Treasurer’s fidelity bond




Wallace Printing Company, nomination bills and ballots




Municipal World Ltd., election supplies, etc.




Alex Ord, completing old age pension applications, 1943




Alex Ord, registering births, marriages, & deaths




Geo. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker




Guelph Printing Service, printing financial statements & cheques




Puslinch Mutual Fire Insurance, premium on Policy No. 1169




M. Elvin, maintenance of N. Hewitt, December




Guelph & Wellington Humane Society grant




Salvation Army, Hamilton









Welch Coal Company, coke for Township Hall




Stewart Hume, election expenses at Polling Subdivision No. 1




Robert Adams, election expenses at P.S.D. No. 2




John Winer, election expenses at P.S.D. No. 3




Duncan McAllister, election expenses at P.S.D. No. 4




Michael Lynch, election expenses at P.S.D. No. 5




Robert Reeves, election expenses at P.S.D. No. 6




Peter C. McLean, election expenses at P.S.D. No. 7








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 1




Pay Roll No. 1




Jas. W. Moffat, Nassagaweya Town Line account




John Nicoll, West Flamboro Town Line account




A. E. Mullock, East Flamboro Town Line account




Guelph Sand & Gravel, 21 yards of sand, at 30 cents per yard




Doughty & McFarlane, ½ ton salt




Goodrich Refining Company, 10 gallons of motor oil for snow plough




General Supply Company of Canada, repairs for snow plough




Gypsum Lime Company, 160 yards of crushed stone, at 35 cents per yard




E. A. Snyder, Waterloo border line account




T. J. Gilchrist, Guelph border line account




Alex Crawford, brushing account





Moved by William Galbraith, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday February 14th, at 10 o’ clock a.m., as a Court of Revision, and at 1:30 p.m., for general business.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

February 14th 1944 A.D.

Court of Revision


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met as a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all in attendance and, after subscribing the necessary declarations, were declared a duly constituted Court of Revision, to hear and determine appeals against the 1944 Assessment Roll.


The following appeals were placed before the Court:


Lydia Fahrner, assessed too high, Lots 8 & 9, S. W. Brock(?) Rd., Morriston



John Mast, assessed too high, Lots 37 & 38, Front of 9th Concession



Ada Smith, assessed too high, Part Lot 32, Rear of the 7th Concession



John Watson, assessed too high, Part Lot 7, Rear of the 9th Concession



After giving due consideration to each appeal, the following decisions were arrived at:


Lydia Fahrner, assessment lowered from $1000 to $900



John Mast, assessment lowered from $4600 to $4500



Ada Smith, no grounds for appeal



John Watson, assessment lowered from $1300 to $1100






Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Assessment Roll, as revised and amended, be confirmed.



(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

February 14th 1944.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 1:30 p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McWilliams.


A letter was received from S. B. Stothers, District Agricultural Representative, advising Council that the Department was conducting a short course on farm mechanics in the Township Hall on February 29th and March 1st, and requesting the Council to provide the Hall for that occasion.



Notice of the annual convention of the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities was received and it was moved by Daniel J. Hesketh and seconded by George McGill, that Daniel Hesketh and William Galbraith be appointed delegates to the above named convention and that the membership fee of $5.00 be forwarded.




There was only one tender for supplying wood to the Township Hall received, and it was moved by Daniel Hesketh, seconded by W. A. Galbraith, that the tender of Calvin E. Evans for supplying 3 cords of hardwood, at $16.00 per cord, and 1 cord of cedar, at $12.00 per cord, cut in 16-inch lengths, delivered to the Township Hall, be accepted.








The auditor submitted his annual report for 1943, and it was moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the Auditor’s report, as presented, be adopted.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by George McGill, that the surety bonds of the township officials and all other insurance policies, having been examined and found in order, be placed in the municipally owned safe in the care of the Clerk.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by W. A. Galbraith, that owing to the advanced age of the Treasurer and fearing the inability to carry on, it is deemed advisable in the interest of the Treasurer himself and the municipality at large, that Mr. Walsh be relieved of his duties as Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch.  Therefore be it resolved that the Clerk be hereby instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Treasurer, requesting his resignation at an early date.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council instruct the Clerk to advertise for applications for the position of Tax Collector, at a salary of $325.00 per annum, applications to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before March 4th 1944. 








Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council instruct the Clerk to call for tenders for the crushing and hauling of approximately 6,000 cubic yards of gravel, to pass through a 7/8  inch screen, and delivered at a flat rate per yard, where wanted.  Gravel delivered and work done must be satisfactory to the Road Superintendent.  Each tender must be accompanied by a marked cheque for 5% of the estimated contract, contracts to be commenced as soon as the roads are in condition, and completed by October 15th 1944, gravel to be supplied by the contractor.  Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that a bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow the sum of $28,000 from the Bank of Toronto, Morriston and/or the Dominion Bank, Guelph, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow the sum of $28,000 from the Bank of Toronto, Morriston and/or the Dominion Bank, Guelph, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that a bylaw, repealing Bylaw No. 8-1939, being a bylaw appointing a Relief Officer for the Municipality of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, repealing Bylaw No. 8-1939, being a bylaw appointing a Relief Officer for the Township of Puslinch, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.








Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that a bylaw, providing for the total 1944 expenditures on roads in the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the bylaw, providing for the total 1944 expenditures on roads in the Township of Puslinch, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



J. A. Wilkinson, balance of 1943 Auditor’s salary




J. A. Wilkinson, supplies




Wm. Crow, Assessor’s salary




M. Elvin, maintenance of N. Howitt, January




Nassagaweya Township, relief payment, final account rē J. McIntyre




Chas. Whyte, stamps for Tax Collector




Community of Lorretto, tuition rē Louisa Clair, to Dec. 1943




W. Alex Nicoll, attending 1 sitting of the Divisional Court




Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising Court of Revision




Municipal World Ltd., Clerk’s supplies & subscriptions to Municipal World




Hydro-Electric Power Commission, power for Township Hall




Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, membership fee









Road Accounts – Voucher No. 2




Pay Roll No. 2




Tommy Green, repairing snow plough & parts




T. J. Gilchrist, balance of border line account




Jno. A. McPherson, cotter pins for snow plough




General Supply Company, express charges on repairs





Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday March 6th 1944, at 1:30 p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

March 6th 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 1:30 p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McWilliams.


A notice was received from the Hamilton General Hospital, advising the Council of the admittance to that hospital of an indigent patient, Mrs. Caroline Walker, supposedly a resident of this township.  The Clerk was instructed to notify the hospital that Mrs. Walker is not a resident of this municipality.


Mr. Doyle, Tax Collector, forwarded a report, advising the Council that taxes collected during the month of February amounted to $810.98.


A list of pupils, who attended the G.C.V.I. from this township, was placed before the Council, for verification purposes.






The Clerk reported on the sale of special Township of Puslinch hunting licenses for the season of 1943-44 as follows:


Received from the Department of Game & Fisheries:



Resident Hunting Licenses: 100



Non-Resident Hunting Licenses: 200



Resident Licenses sold: 34 x $.25 = $8.50



Resident Licenses on hand: 67



Resident Licenses issued complimentary: 2



Resident Licenses, in care of Ross Barber: 1






Non Resident Licenses sold 139 x $1.00 = $139.00



Non Resident licenses sold 1 x $2.00 = $2.00



Non Resident licenses on hand: 57



Non Resident licenses in care of Ross Barber: 3






Total Revenue from licenses: $149.50



Clerk’s commission @ 10% = $14.95






Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the Wellington Federation of Agriculture receive a grant of $5.00 for 1944.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that this Council recommend the re-appointment of the same Deputy Game & Fisheries Wardens as held office in 1943, with the addition of Donald A. Stewart and W. A. Galbraith.








Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council appoint Miss Florence Walsh as Deputy Treasurer, to act until such time as a new Treasurer is appointed and in a position to take over, her salary to be at the rate of $25.00 per month, commencing from January 1st 1944.




After considerable discussion, and owing to the fact that a new Treasurer and Tax Collector are being appointed, it was decided to commence the new system of bookkeeping, as recommended by the Department of Municipal Affairs, and so it was moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Auditor, Mr. Wilkinson, be instructed to order a new system of accounting books from the Municipal World, on approval of the Council.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that this Council instruct the Clerk to forward a letter of condolence to the family of the late John Walsh, expressing this township’s appreciation of the long and faithful service that he rendered this municipality.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the rate of wages paid by this township be as follows:



Day Labourer – 40 cents per hour



Man and team on grader – 70 cents per hour



Man and team, other work – 60 cents per hour








Applications for the position of Tax Collector were opened, there being 9 applications in all, and after considerable discussion and very careful consideration being given to each application, it was moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by George McGill, that this Council accept the application of H. B. Gibson for the position of Tax Collector, and that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a bylaw to that effect.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Clerk’s salary be increased from $325.00 to $400.00 per annum, commencing from January 1st 1944.




Gravelling and maintenance tenders were opened.  The tender of W. R. Greenly for supplying, crushing, and delivering, being the lowest, and that of Robt. B. Barnett, for maintenance, being the only one received, it was moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the tender of W. R. Greenly, for supplying, crushing, and delivering, anywhere in the township, at 80 cents per yard, and that of Robert B. Barnett, for maintenance work, at $3.00 per hour, be accepted, on approval of the Municipal District Engineer.




Moved by George McGill, seconded by W. A. Galbraith, that a bylaw, appointing Pound-keepers, Fence-viewers, and Livestock Valuators, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, appointing Pound-keepers, Fence-viewers, and Livestock Valuators, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.








Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Wallace Printing Company, 500 No. 8 envelopes, 500 No. 10 envelopes




Alex Ord, issuing hunting licenses, 1943-1944




Daniel J. Hesketh, expenses attending convention




Wellington County Federation of Agriculture grant




M. Elvin, care & board rē N. Howitt, to Feb. 29th








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 3




Pay Roll No. 3




Jno. A. MacPherson, L.D. phone




Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising gravel tenders




Daily Commercial News, advertising gravel tenders








Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by George McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on the 3rd day of April, at 1:30 p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

April 3rd 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 1:30 p.m.  The members were all present, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Galbraith and Hesketh.


Official notice was received from the Department of Highways, approving of our road expenditures bylaw, for $15,000, and also approving of the contracts for gravelling and maintenance, which were let at our last meeting.


A letter from the Department of Lands and Forests was received, stating that 2,000 evergreen trees were being sent to Puslinch Township.   



Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that Mr. Alfred Turner, having completed his maintenance contract of 1943 and snow ploughing contract for the winters of 1942-43 and 1943-44 satisfactorily, be it hereby resolved that the Clerk return his guarantee bonds, with thanks.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the road liability insurance for $20,000, the $20,000 public liability, and the $1,000 property damage and the Tax Collector’s bond, for $7,500, be renewed with Messrs. Jeffrey & Spence, Guelph, at the premium rates of $125.73 & $56.25, respectively. 








Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the offices of Clerk and Treasurer be combined and that Alex Ord be appointed to the said office at a salary of $575.00 per annum, duties to commence on the 1st day of May 1944.  be it also resolved that the Clerk have a bylaw prepared to that effect, to be presented at our next regular meeting.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that a bylaw, appointing a Tax Collector for the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by George McGill, that the bylaw, appointing a Tax Collector, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Geo. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker




Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising for Tax Collector




G. McLean, stamps for Clerk




Municipal World, Collector’s roll & supplies




Thos. S. Doyle, 6 months’ salary as Collector & supplies




W. Alex Nicoll, attending 1 sitting of Division Clerk




M. Elvin, maintenance rē N. Hewitt, to March 31st




Jeffrey & Spence, Collector’s fidelity bond




Jeffrey & Spence, road liability insurance








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 4




Pay Roll No. 4








Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 1st 1944, at 8 o’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

May 1st 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at (8) eight o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McWilliams.


A memorandum was received from the Department of Municipal Affairs, advising that the province is continuing the payment of the one mill subsidy, paid on the assessment of real property, upon which the general rate of taxation is determined and levied, and in addition, a further mill on this assessment for the purpose of reducing the burden of taxation levied for educational purposes.


A letter from J. C. Faskens was read, advising that the fidelity bond, covering the late Treasurer, would be transferred to the new appointee, at no extra cost.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Clerk write Mr. W. E. McGill, Superintendent of Canadian Pacific Railway, of Stratford Ontario, requesting that lights be placed at Puslinch Station, for the convenience of passengers boarding or arriving on the night trains.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that a bylaw, combining the offices of Clerk and Treasurer, and naming an appointee to the said office, be now introduced and read a first and second time.








Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the bylaw, combining the offices of Clerk and Treasurer, and naming an appointee to the said office, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that a bylaw, covering, by way of assessment, the expenses of the Corporation of the Township of Puslinch, for the current year, 1944-45, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by George McGill, that the bylaw, covering, by way of assessment, the expenses of the Corporation of the Township of Puslinch, for the current year, 1944-45, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by W. A. Galbraith, that a bylaw, naming an official to countersign all cheques, bills of exchange, and other negotiable instruments which require to be drawn, endorsed, or accepted by the Corporation, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the bylaw, naming an official to countersign all cheques, bills of exchange, and other negotiable instruments which require to be drawn by the Corporation, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.



The Auditor submitted his report for the 1st quarter of 1944.  This report, as submitted, was adopted.







Moved by George McGill, seconded by W. A. Galbraith, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Wilfred Roszell, fire insurance on the Township Hall




J. A. Wilkinson, Auditor’s & Collector’s supplies




Kelso Printing Company, Collector’s supplies




Welch Coal Company, 5,800 pounds of coke




M. Elvin, maintenance of N. Hewitt, to April 30th




Florence Walsh, 4 months’ salary as Treasurer




Florence Walsh, postage & revenue stamps, for 1944




John Walsh estate, postage & revenue stamps, for 1943




Donald Stewart, expenses attending conference




Daniel Hesketh, expenses attending conference




Albert McWilliams, expenses attending conference




Alex Ord, 4 months’ salary as Clerk








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 5




Pay Roll No. 5




C. M. MacDonald, ½ gallon of varnish for snow plough




J. Maltby, 21 loads of cinders, at $1.50




Florence Walsh, stamps for cheques




Jno. A. MacPherson, expenses attending conference








Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday June 5th 1944, at 8 o’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

June 5th 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. McWilliams and Hesketh.


A number of communications were read and disposed of.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the employment of the following persons, employed by the Township of Puslinch, is, having regard to the normal practice of the employment, permanent in character:

Alex Ord, R. R. #3, Guelph, - Clerk/Treasurer

H. B. Gibson, R.R. #1, Puslinch, - Collector

Jno. A. MacPherson, R.R. #1, Puslinch – Road Superintendent

Wm. Crow, Morriston Post Office – Assessor




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, lights for Township Hall




Municipal World, office supplies




G. McLean, stamps for Clerk-Treasurer




Geo. M. Fox, County Treasurer, hospitalization account, 1943









Mrs. Geo. Lewis, Caretaker’s supplies




M. Elvin, maintenance to N. Hewitt




H. B. Gibson, stove for Township Hall




D. A. Stewart, expenses to Toronto, rē post war planning




H. B. Gibson, stamps for Collector








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 6




Pay Roll No. 6




Jno. A. MacPherson, bolts for snow plough, L.D. phone




King Calcium Products, 27 8-inch tiles




W. R. Greenley, crushing & delivering 1008 yds. of gravel, at 80¢ per yd.




Wilfred Roszell, fire insurance on snow plough








Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by W. A. Galbraith, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday July 10th 1944, at 8 o’ clock p.m.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

June 8th 1944 A.D.

Special Session


A special meeting of the Puslinch Township Council was held in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, this evening, to consider tenders on cutting hills and widening fills on the Waterloo-Puslinch boundary line.


Tenders were received from Robert B. Barnett and the R. A. Blyth Company.  After due consideration, the following motion was carried:



Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the tender, to cut hills and widen fills on the town line between Waterloo and Puslinch, be awarded to Robert B. Barnett, at the rate of $3.00 per hour.


(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord,  Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

July 10th 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McGill.


A number of communications were read and disposed of. 



The Auditor submitted his report for the first 6 months of 1944, and it was moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the Auditor’s report, to the end of June 1944, be adopted as presented.



The Tax Collector presented a list of persons in arrears of dog and business tax for the years 1943 and previous, which appeared to be uncollectible, and recommended that authority be granted to have these arrears removed from the roll.


Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the following amounts of dog and business tax be struck from the roll, that is to say:



Ward Tweedle ─ $2.00 + penalty & interest ($.09)




W. H. Bowly ─ $2.00 + penalty & interest ($.09)




L. Greir ─ $2.00 + penalty & interest ($.21)




D. Livingstone ─ $2.00 + penalty & interest ($.09)




J. H. Bolton ─ $4.00 + penalty & interest ($.30)




Dr. H. A. Freeman ─ $4.17 + penalty & interest ($.43)




Geo. McIntosh ─ $4.00 + penalty & interest ($.30)




Frank Scapinello ─ $2.00 + penalty & interest ($.09)




Russell Hayden ─ $6.00 + penalty & interest ($.95)









Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by W. A. Galbraith, that tenders be called for crushing and delivering 4,000 yards, more or less, of quarry chips, crushed to ½ inch.  Tenders to be sent to the Road Superintendent or Clerk by July 22nd.  A bond for 5% of the estimated contract price ia required with each tender.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Kelso Printing Company, Collector’s supplies




W. Alex Nicoll, attending 1 sitting of Divisional Court, as Clerk & Bailiff




Wm. Loty, 4 sheep & 2 lambs killed by dogs




Sidney Maltby, valuating Loty sheep




Geo. Lewis, 3 months’ salary as Caretaker




Alex Ord, 2 months’ salary as Clerk-Treasurer




Duncan McLean, School Attendance Officer, fees, December to June




M. Elvin, maintenance of N. Hewitt, to June 30th




H. B. Gibson, stamps




G. McLean, stamps for Collector




Jno. McNaughton, stamps for Collector









Road Accounts – Voucher No. 7




W. R. Greenley, crushing & delivering 1500 yards of gravel, at $.80 per yard








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 8




Pay Roll No. 8




C. G. Riddle, truck & shovel time, Road 11, 22 hours shovel time, @ $5.00 per hour, 66 hours trucking, at $2.50 per hour




W. R. Greenley, crushing & delivering 1086 yards, at $.80 per yard




Canada Ingot Iron Company, galvanized iron culvert




James Barclay, bonus on 40 rods of wire fence




F. Blackstone, bonus on 40 rods of wire fence




Donald McDonald, 786 yards of fill for Road 11, at 5 cents per yard







Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by W. A. Galbraith, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday August 7th 1944, at 8 p.m.


(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

July 24th 1944 A.D.

Special Session


A special session of the Puslinch Municipal Council was held in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.



Tenders for crushing and delivering rock from the Canada Gypsum Lime & Alabastine plant, in Puslinch Township, were opened and it was moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams that the tender of Jas. D. Gray, Carlisle, for crushing and delivering 4,000 yards of quarried stone, be accepted at $1.00 per cubic yard, subject to the approval of the District Engineer of Municipal Roads.




Mr. A. J. Huether was present, seeking permission from the Council to purchase and wreck cars in the Police Village of Morriston.  It was moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that A. J. Huether be granted permission to purchase and wreck cars in the Police Village of Morriston, subject to the approval of the Trustees of the said Village of Morriston.



The meeting then adjourned.


(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

August 7th 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McGill.


A letter was read from the Minister of Highways, advising that application may be made for an interim payment of subsidy, under the Highway Improvement Act, on road expenditures incurred during the period January 1st to August 31st.


The Clerk was instructed to forward a letter of condolence to the next of kin of those, from this Township, who laid down their lives while on active service with the Canadian army.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Puslinch Agricultural Society be granted the sum of $75.00




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



J. A. Wilkinson,  6 months salary as Auditor, 1944




The Community of Loretta, tuition fees rē L. Clair, to June 1944




Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, lights for Township Hall




Office Outfitters Ltd., supplying & printing 5,000 cheques & binder




G. McLean, stamps for Clerk




M. Elvin, maintenance for N. Hewitt, to July 31st




Puslinch Agricultural Society, grant








Road Accounts – Voucher No.9




Pay Roll No. 9




D. M. MacPherson, 30 cedar posts delivered to Waterloo Townline




W. R. Greenley, crushing & delivering 1628 yards, at 80 cents per yard




Canada Ingot Iron Company, 1 culvert, 22 feet by 15 inches




Chester Schultz, grading Police Village of Morriston







Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Wednesday September 6th 1944, at 8 o’ clock p.m.


(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

September 6th 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McGill. 



Mr. W. R. Scott, of Galt, displayed framed portraits of the King, Queen, Churchill, and others, and it was moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams that this Council purchase framed portraits of the King, the Queen, and Prime Minister Churchill, from W. R. Scott, at $9.75 each.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the Road Superintendent be authorized to petition the Minister of Highways of the Province of Ontario for an interim payment of the statutory grant, under the Highways Improvement Act, on expenditures made in 1944.




Moved by George McGill, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



M. Elvin, maintenance of N. Hewitt




H. B. Gibson, 6 months salary as Collector




W. R. Scott, 3 framed portraits, at $9.75 each




Wm. Stallibrass, Fence-viewer’s expenses




Crastor Scott, Fence-viewer’s expenses




Robert Murray, Fence-viewer’s expenses








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 10




Pay Roll No. 10




W. R. Greenley, delivering 1733 yds. of crushed gravel, at 80¢ per yd.




Guelph Mercury, advertising gravel tenders




C. Lester, bonus on 26 rods of wire fence




Earl McGregor, bonus on 80 rods of wire fence





Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday October 2nd 1944, at 8 o’ clock p.m.


(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

October 2nd 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. McWilliams and McGill.



Mr. Ira Jackson interviewed the Council in regard to the purchase of snow fence.  Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the Township purchase 2,000 feet of snow fence and 150 7-foot posts, at 8 cents per foot for the fence, and 44½ cents per post, from the Lundy Fence Company, Ira Jackson, agent.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



W. Alex Nicoll, attending Division Court as Bailiff and Clerk




Leaman Printing Company, 200 copies of the Voters List




Thomas F. Jackson, 1 lamb killed by dogs




Matthew Hasson, 1 sheep & 2 geese killed by dogs




Fred Mollison, valuating Jackson, Hasson, Moody, & Barclay sheep




George Lewis, 3 months salary as Caretaker




Mrs. Geo. Lewis, Caretaker’s supplies




M. Elvin, maintenance of N. Hewitt, to September 30th/44




Whillier & Company, Assessor’s supplies









Road Accounts – Voucher No. 11




Pay Roll No. 11




T. J. Gilchrist, Guelph-Puslinch Townline account




P. A. Snider, Waterloo-Puslinch Townline account




J. W. Gray, 2869 yards of gravel, at 5 cents per yard




Roy Harmer, 1072 yards of gravel, at 5 cents per yard








Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on November 6th, at 8 p.m.



(signed) D. A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

November 6th 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 8 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McGill.


A letter was received from the Freeport Sanitarium, rē providing board and lodging to one, Irene McConnell, recently discharged from that institution.  This letter was referred to the local Board of Health.


Mr. Greenley waited upon the Council in regard to settlement of his gravelling contract.



Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council allow Mr. Greenley the gravel free of charge from the Township pit.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the Treasurer be hereby instructed to return the contract bond, of $100.00, to W. R. Greenley, he having completed his gravelling contract as per tender.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the township purchase 2,000 feet of snow fence, at 8 cents per foot, and 150 steel posts, at 44½ cents per post, from the Frost Steel & Wire Company, Jno. A. Ord, agent.








Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that an extra $2.00 be charged for the rent of the Township Hall for public dances when police protection is necessary, the same to be collected by the Caretaker and handed over to the Township Constable.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by W. A. Galbraith, that Robert B. Barnett be given the contract of snow ploughing the township roads, as per the previous contract, at a rate of $3.00 per hour.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1945, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1945, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Wm. Crow, selecting jurors




Alex Ord, selecting jurors




D. A. Stewart, selecting jurors




D. A. Stewart, remuneration as Reeve




George McGill, remuneration as Councillor









Daniel Hesketh, remuneration as Councillor




Albert McWilliams, remuneration as Councillor




W. A. Galbraith, remuneration as Councillor




Alex Ord, balance of salary as Clerk-Treasurer, 1944




Wm. Crow, salary as weed inspector




Gordon Crow, 4 lambs killed by dogs




James Barclay, 2 lambs killed by dogs




Geo. A. Paddock, 10 sheep & 5 lambs killed & injured by dogs




Sidney Maltby, valuating Crow lambs




Wilfred Roszell, valuating Paddock sheep, 2 trips




Guelph Daily Mercury, advertising Voters List & Notice to Hunters




Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, lights for Township Hall




M. Elvin, maintenance to N. Hewitt, to Oct. 18th/44




W. N. Barton, 1 load of wood for Red Cross rooms




John Tawse, salary as Township Constable








Road Accounts – Voucher No. 12




Pay Roll No. 12




Jno. A. MacPherson, stamps




W. R. Greenley, balance of gravel account





Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday December 4th 1944, at 1:30 o’ clock p.m.


(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

December 4th 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 1:30 p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McWilliams.


A letter was received from the Toronto General Hospital, notifying us that Margaret Bulger had been admitted to that institution as an indigent patient.


The Treasurer reported that the debentures of the Guelph & Ontario Investment & Savings Society are still in the possession of the John Walsh estate, and advised that arrangements be made with the Executors to have them turned over to the township authorities, and also instruct where they are to be placed for safe keeping.



Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the School Fund interest, amounting to $348.00, be divided equally between the 12 school sections of the township.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Township Treasurer be hereby authorized to pay the Treasurers of the following school section the amounts shown below:



School Section No.

Twp. grant

Trustees’ levy





















School Section No.

Twp. grant

Trustees’ levy
































































Guelph Separate Schools






Hespeler Separate Schools







Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Provincial Treasurer of Ontario, 300 hunting licenses




Alex Ord, 6½ cords of cedar, at $3.00 per cord




Murel or Murv Wakefield, material for & repairs to Hall




Edna Bell & D. E. Lewis, cutting grass on terrace




H. B. Gibson, 3 months salary as Tax Collector









Road Accounts – Voucher No. 13




Pay Roll No. 13




Jno. A. MacPherson, spikes - $1.00, postage - $.25




Jno. A. MacPherson, L. D. phone




J. Ivan Tolton, spikes for bridge




Geo. M. Fox, 1.5 tons of calcium chloride, at $28.23 per ton




Roy Dobbs, crushing & delivering 1196 yds. of gravel, at $1.00/yd.




Jas. D. Gray, crushing & delivering 424 yds. of rock, at $1.00/yd.




Frost Steel & Wire Company, 2,000 feet of snow fence, at 8¢/foot




Frost Steel & Wire Company, 150 7-foot posts, at 44½¢ per post




A. Barber, bonus on 80 rods of wire fence







Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Friday December 15th 1944, at 1 o’ clock p.m., as per statute.



(signed) Donald A. Stewart, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1944 A.D.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch held its final session in the Council Rooms, Aberfoyle, today, at 1 o’ clock p.m., as per statute.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Donald A. Stewart presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and McGill.


The Auditor submitted a report of the financial standing of the Municipality to November 30th 1944.  He also reported that he had been notified that Public and Separate School books must be audited by the Municipal Auditor, and requested that the Council notify all School Treasurers in the Township to bring their books to some central place for this purpose.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Clerk notify the Treasurer of each school section to take their books to John A. Wilkinson’s office on Douglas Street, Guelph, Ontario, on or before the 10th day of January 1945.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the Employees’ Liability Insurance policy be renewed with Messrs. Jeffrey & Spence, Guelph.




Moved by W. A. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following amounts of dog tax be struck off the Collector’s Roll as not collectable:



Frank Cotter




Harry Dunkie




Isobel Lynch




Clifford Swartz









Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the account of Howard Hood, for the maintenance of Irene McConnell, recently discharged form the Freeport Sanatorium, be paid to date, but that Howard Hood and Charles McConnell be notified that this relief is to be discontinued, as this Council is of the opinion that the said Charles McConnell is well able to support his own daughter.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the Reeve and the Treasurer be appointed as agents of the Township of Puslinch with full power and authority to have access to a safe deposit box at the Dominion Bank, Guelph, and be it also resolved that the bonds and debentures of the Guelph & Ontario Investment & Saving Society be placed in the said box for safe keeping.



Mr. John A. MacPherson handed in his resignation as the Road Superintendent of the Township of Puslinch.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that the Clerk be hereby instructed to advertise for applications for a Road Superintendent, applications to be in the hands of the Clerk by 12 o’ clock noon, January 8th 1945.




Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Albert McWilliams, that a bylaw, providing for additional 1944 expenditures on roads in the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.




Moved by Albert McWilliams, seconded by Daniel J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, providing for additional 1944 expenditures on roads, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.







The Board of Health reported, through its Secretary that, unless the toilet in the basement of the Township Hall was cleaned up and kept in a more sanitary condition, it would be necessary to instruct the Sanitary Inspector to lock it up.



Moved by Wm. Galbraith, seconded by George McGill, that the following accounts of the local Board of Health be passed for payment:



Dr. J. H. King, medical services, inspection of schools, et cetera




James Leachman, services rendered as Sanitary Inspector, postage, etc.




Dr. J. H. King, remuneration as a member




Walter Holm, remuneration as a member




D. A. Stewart, remuneration as a member




Alex Ord, remuneration as Secretary





Moved by George McGill, seconded by W. A. Galbraith, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:



Dr. J. H. King, salary as M.O.H.




William Hesse, 1 sheep killed by dogs




G. W. Paddock, Valuator’s fee




Wallace Printing Company, printing Nomination posters




Wm. Crow, 3 cords of wood, at $11.00 per cord




Wm. Crow, stamps




Howard Hood, board for Irene McConnell, to Dec. 15th/44, 8 weeks, at $6.00




James Leachman, Blacksmith’s account




Peter J. McLean, transporting Mr. Froman & family to Thomas’ Corners




J. A. Wilkinson, special audits, et cetera




H. B. Gibson, stamps & L.D. phone









Road Accounts – Voucher No. 14




Pay Roll No. 14




Jas. W. Moffat, Nassagaweya Townline account




John Nicoll, West Flamboro Townline account




A. E. Mullock, East Flamboro Townline account




Jas. D. Gray, crushing & delivering 1820 yds. of rock, at $1.00 per yd.




Jno. McLaren, crushing & delivering 52½ yards of gravel, at $1.00 yard, plus mileage




Imperial Oil Ltd., 10 gallons of oil for snow plough




Jno. A. MacPherson, postage & welding brace on snow plough




Michael French, bonus on 35 rods of wire fence




Wesley Kerns, bonus on 40 rods of wire fence




R. E. McMillan, bonus on 40 rods of wire fence




Grace McLean, stamps for Rd. (road?) cheques




P. A. Snider, Waterloo Townline account




R. E. McMillan, 5 yards of stone, at $.25 per yard




Jeffrey & Spence, Employees’ Liability Insurance




Mr. Ben Wyse, Secretary of the Police Village of Morriston Trustees, was present, and an agreement was reached, whereby the duly appointed Road Superintendent would supervise all work done on the streets in the Police Village, and at the end of the year, an account, less the amount of the Department of Highways subsidy, would be sent the Police Village trustees and, in return, the trustees would issue an order on the Treasurer to deduct this amount from the Police Village trustees’ account.






At the end of the business, the Reeve vacated the chair and Daniel J. Hesketh was delegated to occupy the same.  Reeve Stewart spoke briefly, declaring his intention of stepping out of the Council, after having enjoyed 5 years as Reeve and 4 years as Councillor.  Mr. Stewart spoke warmly of the co-operation accorded him in that time.  Councillor Albert McWilliams expressed his intention of seeking the Reeveship in 1945.  The other Councillors spoke briefly, but did not state what their intentions were for the forthcoming year.


(signed) Albert McWilliams, Reeve

(signed) Alex Ord, Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

December 22nd 1944 A.D.

Nomination Meeting


The annual nomination meeting was held, pursuant to statute, in the Township Hall, Aberfoyle, today, at one o’ clock p.m.  The following candidates were nominated for the offices of Reeve and Councillor:


For Reeve:

Albert McWilliams and Donald A. Stewart


For Councillor:

George McGill, Daniel J. Hesketh, Wm. Galbraith, and Wm. Hunter



Donald A. Stewart withdrew his name as a candidate for Reeve, and therefore the remaining candidates, that is, Albert McWilliams, for Reeve, and George McGill, Daniel J. Hesketh, Wm. Galbraith, and Wm. Hunter, for Councillors, being no more than enough to fill the required positions, were declared duly elected as the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch for the year 1945 A.D.


(signed) Alex Ord, Returning Officer







Puslinch Township Council

 Minutes of Council Meetings

January 1943 ─ December 1944.



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