Puslinch Township Council

Minutes of Council Meetings

January 13th 1919 ─ December 31st 1923.







Municipality of Puslinch

January 13th 1919.


The inaugural meeting of the Puslinch Municipal Council, for the year 1919, was held, pursuant to statute, at 11 a.m. today, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle.  The members elect, viz., Hugh Ross, Reeve, and J. A. Cockburn, G. J. Meldrum, A. McLean, and J. Walsh, Councillors, were all in attendance.  After subscribing to their declarations of qualification and of office, the members took their respective seats around the Council Board.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by Alex McLean, that a bylaw, appointing an Assessor and a Collector, to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch for the year 1919, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that a bylaw, appointing a member of the local Board of Health, for the current year, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by John Walsh, that a bylaw, appointing auditors for the Township of Puslinch, for the year 1918-19, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Clerk be instructed to notify the School Boards of S.S. Nos. 8 & 9 that Chas. Mast has applied to the Council to have his property transferred from S.S. No. 8 to S.S. No. 9, and that all persons interested be cited to appear before the Council, at the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on February 10th, at 2 p.m., when the said application will be considered.






On motion, the Council went into Committee of the Whole, the Reeve in the chair, for the purpose of filling the blanks in the bylaws.  The Committee arose and resumed Council, reporting the blanks in the bylaws filled as follows:


Assessor ─

Daniel McNaughton, at a salary of one hundred & fifty dollars per annum.

Collector ─

James Harmer, at a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum.

Member of the Board of Health ─

Mr. William J. Little

Auditors ─

John A. MacDonald and William Nicol



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the bylaw, appointing an Assessor and a Collector, for the year 1919, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 1-1919.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the local Board of Health, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 2-1919.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that the bylaw, appointing auditors for the year 1918-19, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 3-1919.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Robert Hume, bonus for 52 rods of wire fence




Geo. Ruber, bonus for 92 rods of wire fence




F. W. Stone Estate, bonus for 125 rods of wire fence









Peter Angus, gravel, gravelling, grading, Beverly pays half




Arch. A. Ramsay, opening winter road, 1917




Robt. Stewart Company Ltd., 650 feet of plank, elm, for bridge




William Swartzenberger, 1 sheep killed




Thos. S. Doyle, inspecting above referred sheep




Guelph Herald Printing Company, 200 financial statements, advertising Roll of ______. (Assessment, possibly)




A. B. Falconbridge, Clerk, compiling report to Public School Inspector ─ $2.00, and nomination meeting ─ $5.00





Moved by John Walsh, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that Messrs. Walsh and Cockburn be the Road & Bridge Committee for Divisions 1 and 2, and Messrs. McLean and Meldrum for Divisions 3 and 4, and that the Reeve be chairman of both committees, and also that each Division have an appropriation of two hundred dollars.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the report of the Collector be received, of taxes paid and outstanding, and that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to collect all outstanding taxes forthwith.  The Collector’s report of taxes collected shows $32, 049.54 received and $1041.41 outstanding.






The Clerk was instructed to have one copy of the Municipal World sent to his address.


Messrs. Dancy, Jefferson, and Howie waited on the Council in the matter of the Watt Drain contract.  The gentlemen were informed that the contractor’s time had elapsed under the contract, and that no extension of time had been requested.  The matter of re-letting the contract will be considered at a later date.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Council now adjourn, to meet on February 10th, at 1:30 p.m.



(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

February 10th 1919.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Walsh and McLean.


Representatives of the Bank of Toronto waited on the Council, suggesting the advisability of transferring the township banking account to their branch, about to open in Morriston.  The matter was laid over for further consideration.


The application of Mr. Charles Mast for the transfer of his property from School Section No. 8 to School Section No. 9 was discussed by the Council and representatives of the School Board interested.  Upon it being ascertained by the representatives of S.S. No. 8 that the transfer of the property in question was made from S.S. No. 9 to S.S. No. 8 in 1909, on the understanding that it was to be limited to the length of time in which Mr. Mast’s children were of school age, they, the representatives of S.S. No. 8, agreed that the property be now transferred back to S. S. No. 9, providing that Mr. Mast was willing to continue his payments in S.S. No. 8 on account of the special levy for the payment of the new school debenture.  Upon Mr. Mast acceding to this arrangement, the Clerk was instructed to prepare a bylaw for the alteration of the school section boundaries to this extent, providing nevertheless that this could be legally carried out, in view of the proviso in regard to the payment of the special rate in S.S. No. 8, and also in view of the effect on the bylaw authorizing the issue of the debentures in question, as per the following motion:







Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a bylaw to transfer the property of Charles Mast, being Lot 37-38, Front of Concession 9, from S.S. No. 8 to S.S. No. 9, but not relieving him of the rate for building the new schoolhouse in S.S. No. 8.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the Reeve and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign an agreement with the Trustees of the Police Village of Morriston, providing for the payment to the Police Village account of the amounts of refund to be used in lieu of the deduction from the general township rate, to which the Police Village was entitled for the years 1916-17-18, and which is an approximate equivalent of the pro-rate Police Village payment on account of Road & Bridge expenditure for such years, and for setting the future annual deduction, as aforesaid at approximately 60% of the rate struck for general township purposes.  The Inspecting Trustee and the Secretary of the Morriston Police Village Trustee Board being present, the agreement, above mentioned, was duly executed, and the Clerk was instructed to place same in the safety deposit box in the Bank of Commerce, Guelph.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that the auditors’ report be received and adopted, and that the auditors be each granted a $5.00 fee.



Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the following orders be drawn in favour of the Township Treasurer, who shall place accounts as specified to the credit of accounts indicated:


Township Treasurer for Puslinch Township account, Drain No. 1




Township Treasurer for Puslinch Township account, Drain No. 2




Township Treasurer for Puslinch Township account, Drain No. 3




Township Treasurer ─ Interest on $262.28 for 1 year at 3%, due Drain No. 3




Township Treasurer ─ Puslinch Twsp. Assessment, Drain No. 4








Moved by John Walsh, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the report of the Collector, of taxes received and outstanding, be received and that an order be issued for his salary, and for extra services, $15.00.



Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and paid, viz.,


Treasurer of Beverly Township, share of townline work




Municipal World, blank forms




Stone Stock Company, refund of statute labour, over charged




Guelph Mercury, 50 ½ bills, “nominations”




James Harmer, Collector, postage account





Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the fee of $5.00 be paid to the Rural Municipal Association, and that John Walsh and Arkell Falconbridge be delegates to the meeting, to be held in Toronto in the York County Chambers, Adelaide Street East, on the 19th and 20th of February.


The Clerk was instructed to reply to a communication from the Repatriation Committee, to the effect that the Council was considering the advisability of holding a general reception for returned soldiers at a future date.


A communication was received from the Stratford Good Roads Association, requesting that the Council sends delegates to a convention at Stratford, on the 11th instant, for the purpose of getting the support and co-operation of the municipalities contiguous to a proposed Provincial Highway from Toronto, via Guelph, Kitchener, Stratford, and St. Mary’s, to Sarnia, and with a view to suggesting to the Ontario Government that such a route would better serve central Ontario than the Toronto, Hamilton, London, and Windsor, lake shore road.  In this matter, the Council decided to take no action at the present time.






A communication was received from J. R. Howitt, of Guelph, informing the Council that the cheque, made payable to him for the Victory Loan advertising, had been endorsed over to the Mercury Printing Company on Nov. 5th/18, and that any error in this matter had occurred in their office.


A communication from the Guelph Mercury advised the Council that the Township of Puslinch cheque for Victory Loan advertising had inadvertently been credited to another account, and that the discrepancy of $5.00 in the bill rendered, was made up in a charge for cuts used in display, and which should have been rendered with the charge for advertising.


A communication from the Clerk of Beverly Township advised of the appointment of Messrs. Edgar McPhail, R.R. 3, Puslinch, and Wm. R. McQueen, R.R. 1, Galt, as Commissioners for the Beverly-Puslinch Townline for 1919.


Mr. John A. Wilkinson appeared before the Council, requesting the return of a certified cheque, which he had deposited as a guarantee of good faith in connection with his contract for the construction of Drain No. 3, and which he failed to fulfill.  After considerable discussion, the Clerk was instructed to endeavour to obtain legal advice as to whether or not the Council could be held liable in action by parties to the Drain Award in question, for negligence, in the event of such cheque being returned.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday March 10th 1919, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

March 10th 1919.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m., today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and McLean.


The committee appointed to attend the convention of the Rural Municipalities Association of Ontario, held in Toronto on the 19th and 20th of February, brought in its report of the proceedings.  It was pointed out that the object of the organization was to look after the interests of the rural municipalities in all municipal matters, and particularly to protect their interests as against the influence of urban municipalities.  The articles of the constitution were shown to provide that the membership fee of $10.00 for a county or $5.00 for a township entitled such municipalities to one delegate only, and that any ex-member of a municipal council may become a personal member, with all privileges, upon payment of a fee of $2.00.  Several resolutions, memorializing the Ontario and Dominion governments on such matters as the War Tax, Provincial Highways, et cetera were passed by the convention. ─ The Council moved a vote of thanks to the delegates for the report.


A number of ratepayers from the western portion of the township presented a petition to the Council, praying for better facilities for the payment of taxes, and suggesting that, if possible, arrangements be made for the payment of taxes in a Hespeler bank.  In this connection, Mr. Dewar, manager of the Guelph branch of the Merchant Bank, pointed out that such an arrangement could be made with his bank, providing the township account was transferred to the Guelph branch.  The petitioners were assured of every consideration, and Messrs. Ross & McLean were appointed a committee to make further inquiries & report to the next meeting of Council.





The following motions were made and passed:


Moved by John Walsh, seconded by Alex McLean, that an order be issued in favour of the Township Treasurer for the sum of $172.37, being the equivalent of the deduction from the township general rate, and interest, to which the Police Village of Morriston is entitled, as per an agreement of February 10th 1919 to this effect.



Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by G. J. Meldrum, that pursuant to motion No. 11, January 13/19, an order be issued in favour of the Township Treasurer for $336.60, for commuted statute labour for 1917 and 1918, and for accrued interest, due the Police Village of Morriston.



Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that a bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways & Winter Pathmasters, Fence-viewers, Pound-keepers, and Sheep Valuators, be now introduced and read a first and second time.


The Council was moved into Committee of the Whole, with the Reeve in the chair, for the purpose of filling the blanks in the bylaw.  Upon completion, the committee arose and resumed Council, reporting the blanks in the bylaw filled.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways & Winter Pathmasters, Fence-viewers, Pound-keepers, and Sheep Valuators, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the Reeve and Alex McLean be a committee to wait upon the different banks, (in view of changing bank accounts), to see what accommodation can be had for the ratepayers of the township, and report at next meeting.







Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Thos. Duffy, drawing tile, laying culvert, and repairing bridge




Chas. Laking, cutting brush, opposite Lots 19 & 20, Concession 9




Geo. Lewis, supplies for Hall, March to November 1918




Thos. S. Doyle, inspecting sheep killed




M. Ferguson, inspecting sheep killed




Guelph Herald, printing auditors’ report




Guelph Mercury, printing notices and advertisements




Beverly Township Treasurer, balance of account, in full




A. B. Falconbridge, registering births, marriages, and deaths




Neil Black, one lamb killed by dogs





Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by John Walsh, that the Reeve call a public meeting, to be held in the Township Hall, Aberfoyle, on Monday March 17th 1919, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of considering the action to be taken for the returned soldiers, and for those who have made the supreme sacrifice.



A communication was received from the Drainage Referee advising that with the consent of the contractor, he, the Referee, would take up the matter of Wilkinson, rē Drain No. 2, by correspondence, and advising the Council to take no other action without legal advice.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday April 7th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) Hugh Ross






Municipality of Puslinch

April 7th 1919.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m., today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Walsh and McLean.


Mr. McLean, on behalf of the committee appointed to investigate banking facilities, reported that it had ascertained that only two Guelph banks had similar branches in Hespeler, one of these, the Dominion Bank, was also able to arrange equal banking facilities at the Bank of Toronto, in Morriston.  The Council, being of the opinion that this latter was the ultimate that could be given the ratepayers for the payment of taxes, the cashing of cheques, et cetera, took action as per the following motion.



Motion 1, moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that, in consideration of the report of the Banking Committee, the Treasurer be hereby instructed to transfer the township account from the Bank of Nova Scotia to the Dominion Bank, Guelph, and that the Clerk be instructed to notify the Bank of Nova Scotia of the circumstances attending the change.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by John Walsh, that a bylaw, to consolidate the bylaw and various amendments thereto, as pertaining to the boundaries of the several School Sections of the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the School Section Boundaries Bylaw be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 5-1919.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that a bylaw to amend Bylaw 5-1919, being the School Section Boundaries Bylaw, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the bylaw, to amend Bylaw No. 5-1919, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 6-1919.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Reeve and the Clerk sign the petition to the House of Commons and the Senate, asking that Dominion Prohibition of the manufacture, importation, and sale of intoxicating liquors, for beverage purposes, be made permanent.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the Clerk advertise for tenders for the construction of the balance of Drain No. 4, tenders to be in the Clerk’s hands on or before May 20th 1919.



Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that James Harmer be the operator for the grader for 1911, at a salary of $2.75 per day.







Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Leslie Greer, 75 yards of gravel, used on A. E. Leslie’s contract, Beverly pays half.




Municipal World, supplies




Donald McCaig, 1 sheep killed




Grants to the General & St. Joseph’s Hospitals, $35.00 each




A. B. Falconbridge, expenses of delegates to the Rural Municipalities Association convention




In respect to Motions 5 and 6, it is to noted that the bylaw refers to the transfer of Front Lots 37 & 38, Concession 9, from S.S. No. 8 to S.S. No. 9, providing, nevertheless, that such property continues to be liable for and to pay its pro rata levy in the special rate for the new school in S.S. No. 8, taking effect December 25th next.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 26th, at 10 a.m., as a Court of Revision and afterwards, for general business.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

May 26th 1919.

Court of Revision


The members of the Municipal Council met in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 10 a.m. today, as per motion of adjournment, for the purpose of hearing and deciding appeals against the Assessment Roll of the Township of Puslinch for the year 1919.


Upon the members taking the required declaration of office, the Court was duly properly constituted, Reeve Ross presiding.  The Clerk read the list of appeals, which had been duly received, and the Court heard and decided each as follows:



George Butcher, to be assessed as owner of part Lot 37, Rear Gore, 1/5 acre ─  After Mr. Butcher had stated his case, and a letter read from Colonel MacDonald, acting for the Ironside estate, now assessed as owners of the property in question, a motion by Messrs. Cockburn and McLean, holding that the appeal be granted, was put to the Court, and lost.  The appeal was therefore dismissed.



Geo. McGill, that the property, of which he is tenant, is assessed $2000 too high, in comparison with fully 75% of the other property assessments.   Mr. McGill, in stating his case, convinced the Court that such was the case to some degree, at least, and he was allowed a deduction of $700 on the land on Lot 6, and $300 on the land and $500 on the buildings on Lot 7, making a total reduction in assessment of $1500.



Geo. McGill, against the assessments of John A. Cockburn, Alex McLean, John Walsh, and Geo. J. Meldrum, as being assessed 25% too high in comparison with his own assessment. ─  In receiving a reduction on his assessment, Mr. McGill then had no case and, in consequence, withdrew the appeal.






John Maloney, for over assessment and business tax ─ a reduction of $300 was allowed on buildings, and the business assessment of $500 was struck off.


John Cole, as being assessed $100 too high ─ reduced $50 on buildings.


John Fyfe, against dog tax ─ allowed.



Joseph Hewitt, against assessment of Edward Hewitt, bookkeeper, owner of Lots 13, 16, & 17, Puslinch Beach, being part of Lot 5, Rear Concession 1, as being in error, and should be assessed to Joseph A. Hewitt, Secretary, owner of Lots 13 & 16, Puslinch Beach ─ This claim was allowed, and the assessed value of Lot 17, viz., $25, struck off the assessment, Lot 17 being assessed to the “en block” owners, The Guelph Radial Railway Company.



Wm. Jackson, against dog tax ─ allowed


John N. Blair, against income tax ─ allowed


David Maltby, against income tax ─ allowed


Chas. Maltby, against dog tax ─ allowed


Wm. Crow, against dog tax ─ allowed


Thos. Heffernan, against dog tax ─ allowed


Apropos to the Butcher appeal, the decision of the Court was made on the contention that whereas the claim to ownership made by Mr. Butcher is under the Limitations Act, and whereas such claim is disputed by the Ironside Estate, now assessed as owners, it is therefore necessary for Mr. Butcher to establish his claim before a proper judicial court, before being assessed as owner.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Assessment Roll for 1919, as revised and amended, be confirmed.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

1:00 p.m., May 26th 1919.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met at the close of the Court of Revision for the transaction of general business.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. McLean and Walsh.


A communication was received from M. Ferguson, complaining that a culvert near his property was not carrying the water and in consequence flooding his property.  The matter was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee for Divisions 3 & 4.


The Clerk reported that no tenders had been received for the construction of Drain No. 4.  In this connection, the following motion was passed.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the time be extended to receive tenders for Municipal Drain No. 4 to June 13th 1919, and that the Clerk is hereby instructed to advertise to that extent.


Mr. Thos. Doyle waited on the Council, with a request for a grant toward the building of a shed at S.S. No. 3, to be used for the convenience of the public at election and other times.  The matter was disposed of by passing the following motion.



Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by G. J. Meldrum, that a grant of $50.00 be paid to Mr. Thos. Doyle, for the erection of a public shed, to be built in the school ground of S.S. No. 3, and to be the property of that school section for the accommodation of the public at Polling Subdivision No. 5.








Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Guelph Herald, advertising Drain tenders No. 4




Guelph Mercury, 200 Bills




Guelph Mercury, advertising No. 4 Drain tenders




D. A. Niven, 3 copies plan of Puslinch Township




Municipal World, legal advice




Thos. S. Doyle, 2 sheep valuations




A. B. Falconbridge, frame and glass for maps




James Harmer, constable services




James Harmer, for men and teams, on account, grading








The Clerk was instructed to post notices advertising for tenders for the Hall grounds’ pasturage for the present season.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on the 30th of June, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve


*sheep claim of J. K. Martin filed (under) Martin.






Municipality of Puslinch

June 30th 1919.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, as per adjournment, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Meldrum.


Report of Committees:


Mr. Meldrum reported that the committee appointed to investigate the culvert, complained of by Mr. M. Ferguson, found it to be in bad condition, and that Mr. Ferguson had been given the job of repairing same, under the supervision of the committee.


The Reeve reported that the Hall grounds’ pasturage had been let to Mr. Geo. Lewis, at $8.00 for the season.




Moved by John Walsh, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that an amount, sufficient to meet the expenditures on the Memorial Fund to the fallen and returned soldiers from Puslinch, in excess of that collected by voluntary subscriptions, be granted, and that a sum sufficient for that purpose be placed in the estimates for 1919 when striking the rates.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the Council, as a Committee of the Whole, meet and interview the contractor on Drain No. 3, in regard to the completion of this work, and report to a special meeting of Council, at the call of the Reeve.






Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by John Walsh, that the consideration of tenders for the construction of Drain No. 4 be laid over, pending the report of a committee to a special meeting, to be called by the Reeve.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that a bylaw, to amend Bylaw No. 1-1919, and having reference to a reduction in the salary of the Township Tax Collector, be now read a first and second time.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 1-1919, and having reference to a reduction in the salary of the Township Collector, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 7.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Wm. Crow, 49 yards of gravel




M. Neubauer, man shovelling, 2½ days on Division 324




W. J. Little, team, 9 days ─ $54.00, man shovelling, 8 days ─ $24.00, 40 yards of gravel ─ $6.00, staples and wire ─ $1.00




James Harmer, men and teams on grader




D. Maltby, 38 yards of gravel, Division 126




John Hewitt, 2 days work




Guelph Mercury, advertising rē Drain No. 4




James McPherson, 114 yards of gravel, Division 311




Wm. J. Little, 50 rods of wire fence at 22½ cents per rod




R. Harmer, 35 rods of wire fence at 22 ½ cents per rod




James Harmer, on account, grading









James McPherson, commuted labour, Division 311




James McPherson, grading




Chas. Maltby, grading




Roy D. Leslie, commuted labour, Division 404




John R. Pinkney, commuted labour, Division 407




A. B. Falconbridge, on account, salary




Wm. Foster, shovelling, 1 day




Ervin Steffler, 5½ days work with team, & ½ day shovelling gravel




James Hanlon, 6½ days with team, 4 days shovelling




Harry Hanlon, 13 days with team, 6½ days shovelling, and 297½ yards of gravel




Geo. Crane, 6 days with team, 6½ days shovelling




Ormond Patton, gravelling ─ $5.00, 27 yards of gravel ─ $5.55









Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Council now adjourn, to meet on August 18th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

August 18th 1919.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met in regular session in the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Walsh and McLean.


An account, for check forms, was received from the Dominion Bank, Guelph.  The matter was referred to the Reeve, to interview the manager, and report to next meeting.


Representatives from the Lake district brought to the attention of the Council the dangerous condition of the culvert on the Lake Road, near Mr. Reaman’s.  The matter was referred to a Committee of the Whole Council, with power to let a contract for the construction of a new concrete culvert at that point.  Mr. John McAllister was requested to place barricades and notices at the sideroad intersections on the said road, next the place indicated.


The same committee will inspect the culvert at Thos. Robertson’s on the 3rd Concession.


The Reeve reported having been served, by John R. Pinkney, with a notice, under the Ditches and Watercourses Act, requesting attendance at a meeting, called for Tuesday September 9th, with a view to reaching an agreement for the construction of an improved ditch along the road opposite Lots 25, 26, & 27, Front of Concession 8 and Rear Concession 7.


A Committee of the Whole Council was appointed to meet at the Watt Drain on Thursday August 21st, at 5:30 S.T., for the purpose of ascertaining the possibilities of securing the construction either by contract or by day work.








Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by G. J. Meldrum, that a bylaw, providing for the granting of money to the Monument Fund, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the bylaw, providing for the granting of money to the Monument Fund, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for County, School, and Township purposes for the year 1919 A.D.



Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the bylaw, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for County, School, and Township purposes, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 9.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by Alex McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Louis M. Hayes, judge’s fees on Butcher appeal




A. B. Falconbridge, Clerk’s fees on Butcher appeal




Treasurer of Waterloo Township, ½ cost of work by Shaw(?) on boundary line




Guelph Mercury, advertising Drain No. 4









Bond Hardware Company, iron for culverts




Alex McLean, freight charge on iron for culverts




W. S. Elliott, work, gravel, and material for culvert




Jos. Kloepfer, gravel for Divisions 324 & 403




J. A. Ord, 189 yards of gravel




Wm. H. Schultz, 50 yards of gravel




Thos. Taylor, 16 yards of gravel




Thos. Beaton, 108 yards of gravel




A. Buchanan, 44 yards of gravel




Dougald Campbell, 40 yards of gravel




P. Patterson, 37 yards of gravel




Thos. Francis, 54 yards of gravel




Geo. Hardie, 32 yards of gravel




Angus Martin, work on culvert, Lot 31, Concession 9




Peter Black, drawing lumber to bridge, Lot 25, Concession 9




P. Schultz & Son, constructing cement bridge, 9th Concession




J. Quilman, work on bridge, 9th Concession




L. Walker, work on bridge, 9th Concession




A. Laking, 13½ barrels of cement & teaming, for bridge




Wm. Martin, bonus for 30 rods of wire fence




Robt. Amos, bonus for 85 rods of wire fence




J. A. Ord, 6 days of commuted labour, Division 226




William Bell, shovelling & cutting weeds




Thos. Heffernan, shovelling gravel




John Clifford, shovelling gravel




Donald McMillan, commuted labour, Division 402 ─ 1919




James Harmer, grading









A. Pannabecker, 16 hours with team, Division 109




W. Wildfong, 18 hours with team, 8 hours with man, Division 109




W. Holm, 12 hours with team, 24 hours with man, Division 109




Thos. Evans, 2 men & team, grading, 1 day ─ $9.00, 3 men & team, drawing gravel, 1½ days ─ $18.00, Division 109




Richard Chester, 58 yards of gravel




Gordon Salt, 1 man & team, drawing gravel, 1½ days, Division 109




D. T. Parker, 50 yards of gravel




W. J. Little, surface damage, 1918-19 ─ $10.00, 87 yards of gravel, Divisions 320-326 ─ $13.05




James Jamieson, 26 yards of gravel, Division 322




Chris Bond, 107 yards of gravel, Divisions 317-18 ─ $16.05, 41 days commuted labour, Division 317- 1919 ─ $41.00




Duncan McLean, 116 yards of gravel, Divisions 310 & 315 ─ $17.40, 7 days commuted labour, Division 315 ─ $7.00




Isaac Wisener, 15 yards of gravel, Division 313




Alf. Reid, 72 yards of gravel, Divisions 312 & 305




Hugh Currie, 87 yards of gravel, Divisions 310 & 303




Wm. Scott Estate, 143 yards of gravel, Divisions 302-7-8-9




L. Maltby, 55 yards of gravel, Division 226




A. B. Falconbridge, extra service on voters’ list









Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that



the Dominion Bank be and is hereby appointed Bank to the Township of Puslinch, and is authorized to pay and honour all cheques and other negotiable instruments purporting to be signed by the Treasurer, and further, to accept for deposit all cheques, drafts, and bills purporting to be endorsed on behalf of the Township by the Treasurer.



the said bank be furnished with a list of the names of the Treasurer or other officers authorized to sign for the Township, together with their signatures, and that the said bank be, from time to time, informed in writing of any change of such officers.



this resolution be communicated to the bank and remain in force until notice in writing to the contrary be given to the said bank.



Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday September 29th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

August 30th 1919.

Special Meeting



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that the tender of H. L. Dancy be accepted for the construction of Municipal Drain No. 4, for sections no. 1, 2, 3, 4, at 42 cents, on condition of giving security of 10%, by note or cheque.







Municipality of Puslinch

September 29th 1919.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and McLean.


Mr. R. Kennedy suggested that the Council authorize a contract for the improvement of the course of the Mill Creek near his property. no action taken.


Mr. Limpert offered to purchase some small timber on the unopened road allowance between the two lakes, in Concession 1.  The matter was referred to Mr. Meldrum to investigate, and with power to negotiate.


Mr. Porter inquired of the Council as to the height et cetera for legal fences.  The Clerk was instructed to search the bylaws and advise Mr. Porter thereof, and also to report the same to the next meeting of Council.


A communication was received from the Dominion Bank, Guelph, requesting the Reeve and Treasurer to give an undertaking authorizing the Tax Collector to open an account in the said bank for the deposit of taxes until such time as the sum may be transferred to the Treasurer.  The desired writing was given under the corporate seal.







Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by G. J. Meldrum that the following accounts be passed and paid:


John Tolton, commuted labour, Division 214




W. J. Laing, shovelling gravel, Division 215




H. B. Tolton, commuted labour, Division 204




M. Wakefield, commuted labour, Division 222




Alex Tawse, 38 yards of gravel, 1918-19, Division 211




Wm. Martin, 24 yards of gravel, 1919, Division 211




F. McGladrey, 38 yards of gravel & damage to field




W. C. Laing, 33 yards of gravel




G. H. Laird, 42 yards of gravel




Wm. Wilson Jr., 28 yards of gravel, Division 215




John Rae, 14 yards of gravel, Division 214




Geo. Roberts, 16 yards of gravel




Thos. Carter, 25 yards of gravel




P. A. Fleming, 45 yards of gravel




D. Tarzwell, laying floor & repairs to bridge




Guelph Lumber Company, plank for Arkell bridge, delivered




Wm. J. Laing, teams and men gravelling opposite Lot 6, Conc. 10









Norman Hipel, lumber for bridge, Concession 1




Chas. Gregor, commuted labour, Division 312




A. J. Krueger, 40 rods of wire fence bonus




Guelph Mercury, advertising voters’ list ─ $4.20, ___ Drain No. 4 ─ $3.60




John A. McNulty, 80 rods of wire fence bonus




Alex Neubauer, men and teams putting in culvert, Front of Conc. 4




Robert Kennedy, 75 yards of gravel




Angus Stewart, work on bridge between Lots 20 & 21, Conc. 2




Guelph Herald, advertising & printing, $4.00 to Drain No. 4




D. A. Niven, inspection Drain No. 3 ─ $31.50, and No. 4 ─ $18.25




Frank Johnston, gravelling, Concession 2, Lot 25




Robt. Kennedy, gravelling, Concession 2, Lot 25




Harry Hanlon, 40 yards of gravel








Moved by John Walsh, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Council adjourn, to meet on October 27th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve

(dated) October 28th 1919.






Municipality of Puslinch

October 28th 1919.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Walsh.


Mr. F. Kistenmacher interviewed the Council in regard to certain damage that he is suffering through the flooding of his lot in Morriston.  Mr. Kistenmacher was advised that this was a private matter between the parties concerned.  The Clerk was instructed to informally interview the engineer in the matter and give Mr. Kistenmacher any information available.


Mr. C. Mast complained that the culvert across the East Flamboro Townline, opposite his property, was blocked and inefficient.  Mr. Mast was given an order to secure 7 10-inch tiles from Mr. Archer to replace the present culvert, Mr. Mast agreeing to take, deliver, and place the tiles.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that it is resolved that this Council heartily approves of the forthcoming Victory Loan, and in view of the necessity that exists for raising the amount sought, of the gilt-edged character of the investment, and of the great advantage to every citizen in having Canadian loans held by the Canadian people, strongly urges every inhabitant in the township to subscribe for bonds to the utmost of his financial ability.







Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by Alex McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Hugh Cassin, 12 yards of gravel




Donald McIntosh, work on the Killean bridge, nails




John McAllister, lighting lamp at bridge




Geo. Hunt, 47 yards of gravel




Dun. McEdwards, picking stones, East Flamboro pays half




H. A. Stewart, Constable fees and mileage




James Harmer, Constable fees and mileage




James Harmer, grading between Lots 15 & 16, Concession 10




Secretary-Treasurer Puslinch Agricultural Society, grant




Joseph Knigel & Sons, 30 feet of 30-inch tile ─ $52.50, hauling ─ $18.50




Guelph Mercury, 1000 tax notices




A. B. Falconbridge, for Selectors of Jurors





Moved by John Walsh, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that we adjourn, to meet on Monday November 17th at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross






Municipality of Puslinch

November 17th 1919.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Walsh and McLean.


The Hydro Electric Bylaw and agreement, in the matter of the Hamilton, Elmira, and Guelph system, were presented to the Board for consideration, and laid over until next meeting.



Moved by G. J. Meldrum, seconded by John Walsh, that the time for collecting the municipal taxes in the Township of Puslinch be extended to February 1st 1920.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that a bylaw to determine a time and place for receiving nominations for the offices of Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the Township of Puslinch for the year 1920, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


A. B. Falconbridge, for Councillors’ salaries




Wm. Watson Jr., error in gravel account, pd. Sept. 29/19




J. A. Wilkinson, 54 sacks of cement




H. A. Stewart, Constable services




Thos. Evans, drawing tile and putting in culvert




A. B. Falconbridge, postage, stationery, etc.




John C. Grieve, putting in culvert




Municipal World




Guelph Mercury, 200 bills




James Harmer, grading, Waterloo to pay half




Thos. Walsh, 38 rods of wire fence, opposite Lot 14, Conc. 9





Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by G. J. Meldrum, that the Councillors in each division confer with the owners of property, along which the Bell Telephone Company is desirous of cutting trees, along the highway, in order to make satisfactory settlement between the owners of such land, the municipality, and the company.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by Alex McLean, that Messrs. Geo. J. Meldrum and J. A. Cockburn be a committee, with power to act on the engineer’s report, respecting the maintenance of Municipal Drain No. 1. (Foley-McLean)







Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the bylaw to determine the time and place for receiving nominations for Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers for the Township of Puslinch, for the year 1920, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 10.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by G. J. Meldrum, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday December 1st, at 2 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve




Moved by A. McLean, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that a bylaw to re-adjust the salaries of the Township Treasurer and Clerk, respectively, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by John Walsh, that the bylaw, re-adjusting the salaries of the Township Treasurer and Clerk, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 11.


(Initialled) A.B.F.

(initialled) H.R.

(dated) December 1st 1919.






Municipality of Puslinch

December 1st 1919.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 2 p.m. today.  The following members were present: Reeve Ross and Councillors Cockburn, McLean, and Walsh, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Walsh and McLean.


A communication from the Township Engineer gave the following reports on the several Municipal Drains:


Drain No. 1:


Rē Foley-McLean complaint ─ Upon examination, find no impediment to the working of the drain more than the accumulation of some silt, etc.  Find no necessity for the repair of the drain under the act.  Advise diverting the waters of the creek, which leaves the sideroad about 800 feet north of the new culvert, where this drain leaves the road, down to this culvert and discharge it into this drain.  This would make a current the year round and prevent growth of grass, weeds, etc. in the bottom, and would also prevent waters from spreading over Lot 31, as at present.  Would advise Council to pass a bylaw providing for maintenance of all drains under Section 81 of the Municipal Drainage Act.


Drain No. 3


Contractor will get no further this season than the sideroad between D. A. and Alex McLean, leaving about 7500 feet yet to be done.






Drain No. 4


Contractor expects to finish this season, having about 4800 feet to do.  This work very satisfactory.  Advise construction of a railing along drain on sideroad from new to old culvert.  Advise prompt opening of new culvert, in such manner as to allow working of drain.


Owing to stress of business, the matter of this report was laid over until next meeting.


A telegram from the Fuel Administrator of Ontario advised the appointment of a fuel controller for the township.


On motion of Messrs. John Walsh and Alex McLean, that John A. Wilkinson be Fuel Controller for the Township of Puslinch.



Moved by John Walsh, seconded by J. A. Cockburn, that the following accounts be passed and paid, viz.,


G. H. Haugh, cleaning & repairing culvert between Lots 15 & 16, Concession 10




W. A. Pannabecker, work on culvert




W. J. Little, remuneration as fence-viewer (Porter)




Angus Stewart, remuneration as fence-viewer (Porter)




George McGill, remuneration as fence-viewer (Porter)




Henry Arkell, 1 sheep killed by dogs




Isaac U. Cober, 1 sheep killed by dogs and 1 injured




A. J. Kruger, 2 sheep killed by dogs









G. L. Metcalf, work on culvert & repairs to Sorby bridge




Geo. Lewis, 36 rods of wire fence, Lot 37, Concession 8




L. Walker, work on bridge, Lots 35 & 36, Concession 8




Peter McLean, inspecting sheep killed (Arkell)




Thos. S. Doyle, inspecting sheep killed (Kruger and Cober)




Thomas Robertson, gravel & gravelling, Waterloo Township to pay half




During discussion of the proposed Hydro Electric Bylaw and Agreement, Mr. Huich, of the Hydro Department, Toronto, gave a thorough explanation of the radial scheme and strongly urged the submitting of the bylaw at the forthcoming municipal election.  The Council decided to lay over the matter, pending information as to the probable action of Guelph City and Township.


Council adjourned.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve

(dated) December 15th 1919.






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1919.


Pursuant to statute, the Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 10 a.m. today.  The members in attendance were Reeve Ross and Councillors McLean, Meldrum, Cockburn, and Walsh, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. McLean and Cockburn.


A communication (was received) from the local Board of Health, in the form of a copy of a motion, recommending a substantial increase in the remuneration of the Sanitary Inspector, preferably on a time and mileage basis, and to take effect from January 1st 1919.


The following motions were made and passed:


Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Meldrum, that the time for the completion of Drain No. 3, under contract with Mr. Angus Martin, be extended until April 1st 1920.



Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Walsh, that the report of the engineer, of November 29th 1919, rē the Foley-McLean Drain, be referred forward to the Council of 1920, for their attention.



Moved by Messrs. Walsh and Cockburn, that a bylaw to provide for the maintenance of municipal drains in the Township of Puslinch, under Section 81 of the Municipal Drainage Act, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







Moved by Messrs. Meldrum and McLean, that the bylaw, providing for the maintenance of municipal drains in the Township of Puslinch, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 12.



Moved by Messrs. McLean and Walsh, that in the matter of John A. Wilkinson’s guarantee cheque of $200.00, held in default of his contract on Drain No. 3, no action be taken at this time, on the disposition of same, in view of the precedent affecting any guarantee or security vested in other drain contracts as yet unfinished.



Moved by Messrs. Walsh and Meldrum, that the Board of Health be and is hereby authorized to remunerate the Sanitary Inspector on a basis of $3.00 per day and 10 cents per mile one way, to take effect as from January 1st 1919.



Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Walsh, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


W. H. Martin, 55 yards of gravel, Beverly pays half




A. B. Falconbridge, report to P.S. (Public School) Inspector




Alex McGinnis, cutting weeds, Morriston pays half




Wm. Nicoll, 3 sittings of Division Court




John Ogg, 2 sittings, Division Court




W. A. Nicoll, 8 posts ─ $2.80, work at bridges ─ $4.00




Nassagaweya Township Treasurer, half share on Townline account




B. McPhatter, 25 yards of gravel, gravelling, Beverly pays half




W. Cook, 25 yards of gravel




Alex Tawse, refund of dog tax




John Patterson, refund of dog tax









Jas. Hollinger, refund of dog tax




John Scott, refund of statute labour tax




Mrs. Grace Starkey, 61½ rods of wire fence, bonus




Jno Walsh, for telephone




Wm. Crow, 17 hours cutting brush, Concession 2




Jno. Rae, insurance assessment




D. A. Niven, inspecting of work, Drains No. 1 ─ $7.50 & No. 4 ─ $7.50




H. Clark, postage, telephone, and receipt book




John R. Pinkney, cutting brush, Lots 25 & 26, Concession 8




Geo. Lewis, supplies for Hall




J. A. Ord, 14 yards of gravel




At the conclusion of business, Reeve Ross was asked to vacate the chair and Mr. McLean was moved thereto.  A vote of thanks was then moved and seconded, and most appropriately tendered to Mr. Ross for the courteous and efficient manner in which he had conducted the affairs of Council during the past year.  Mr. Ross replied, thanking the Council and officials for their hearty co-operation, and the splendid assistance given him at all times.  Others present spoke briefly, and the meeting then adjourned, sine die. 


(signed) ─ A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve

(dated) January 12th 1920.






Nomination Meeting

December 29th 1919.


Pursuant to statute, the Puslinch Township nominations were held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, at 1 p.m., this date.  The Clerk presided as Returning Officer, and received the following nominations for Council.


For Reeve:

Alex McLean and Hugh Ross

For Councillors:

Thos. S. Doyle, Daniel Hesketh, J. A. Cockburn, Geo. J. Meldrum, Wm. J. Marriott, Duncan McLean, Wm. H. Schultz, John Walsh, and John F. Penrice.


Messrs. Cockburn and Walsh withdrew, and the meeting was adjourned to January 5th 1920, for the purpose of taking a poll to elect the required members for the respective offices.  After the nominations, which were largely attended, the nominees, with their proposers and seconders, were heard on the different subjects affecting municipal affairs, a good and interesting discussion being provided.






Municipality of Puslinch

Election January 5th 1920.


Pursuant to statute and the declaration of the Returning Officer at the nomination meeting of the 29th ultimo, polls were opened at the several subdivisions in the township and the following summary of votes was returned by the respective deputies:












McLean, A.










Ross, H.




















Doyle, T. S.










Hesketh, D.










Marriott, W. J.










McLean, D.










Meldrum, G. J.










Penrice, J.










Schultz, W. J.










Messrs. McLean for Reeve and Messrs. Doyle, McLean, Schultz, and Meldrum for Councillors, receiving the largest number of votes, were therefore elected to compose the Municipal Council for the year 1920.


The returns were announced to a large and enthusiastic gathering, and at a meeting held subsequently, the candidates and others spoke on matters vital to the affairs of the township.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ R. O. (Returning Officer)






Municipality of Puslinch

January 12th 1920.

Special Meeting

10:00 a.m.


The members of the Municipal Council for 1919 met in special session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 10 a.m. today.  Those present were Reeve Ross, and Councillors Cockburn, McLean, and Meldrum.  The minutes of the December meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and McLean.


The resignations of Mr. Thos. S. Doyle, as Sheep Valuator, and Wm. H. Schultz, as Pathmaster for Division 401, were presented to Council.  Considering the fact that the two gentlemen named had been elected members of the Municipal Council for 1920, it was deemed expedient that their resignations should be accepted and new appointments made.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Alex McLean, that a bylaw, amending Bylaw No. 4-1919, be now introduced and read a first and second time.


The Council was moved into Committee of the Whole, Reeve Ross in the chair.  The bylaw, No. 1-1920, was given due consideration, the names of Geo. A. McGill, as Sheep Valuator, and D. A. McNaughton, as Pathmaster for Division No. 401, being inserted in lieu of those resigned.  The Committee arose.



Moved by J. A. Cockburn, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the bylaw, amending Bylaw 4-1919, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.


The Council then adjourned, giving place to the members elect for 1920.






Municipality of Puslinch

January 12th 1920.

 11:00 a.m.


The members elect of the Puslinch Municipal Council for 1920, viz., Alexander McLean, Reeve and Thos. S. Doyle, Duncan McLean, Wm. H. Schultz, and Geo. J. Meldrum, Councillors, after duly taking the required declaration of qualification and office, took their places around the Council Board, Reeve McLean presiding.


The Clerk read reports of the nomination meeting, held on December 29th 1919, and election, held on January 5th 1920, which reports are duly inscribed in the minutes book.


The Clerk was instructed to order seven copies of the Municipal World for the members of Council, the Assessor, and the Clerk.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that a bylaw, appointing auditors, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, appointing a member of the Board of Health, be now introduced and read a first and second time.


In Committee of the Whole, the names of Thos. J. Mahon and D. A. McNaughton were inserted as auditors, and Wm. J. Little as member of the Board of Health.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the bylaw, appointing auditors, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 2.







Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the Board of Health, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 3.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that this Council instruct the Clerk to write a letter of appreciation to the retiring auditors for the very valuable service rendered the township.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that Messrs. T. S. Doyle and Wm. H. Schultz be Road Commissioners for Divisions 1 and 3, and that Messrs. Duncan McLean and G. J. Meldrum be Road Commissioners for Divisions 2 and 4, and that the Reeve be chairman of both committees.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by G. J. Meldrum, that the Council hereby authorizes the Reeve to advertise for applications for caretaker of the Township Hall for 1920, the same to state salary and to be received by January 20th 1920.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. Schultz, that the Collector be instructed to collect all outstanding taxes and return the Roll to Council by February 2nd 1920.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum that a bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the year 1920, be now introduced and read a first and second time.


In Committee of the Whole, the name of Daniel McNaughton was inserted as Assessor, at a salary of two hundred dollars.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the year 1920, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 4.






Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Peter Angus, grading, gravelling, and gravel, Beverly to pay half




Police Village of Morriston, cutting weeds & P(placing) tile (Twp. Share)




Municipal World account




Guelph Herald account




M. Ferguson, commuted labour, Division 302, to date




D. Milroy, damages for 3 sheep injured




Jas. Harmer, storing road machinery,




T. S. Doyle, inspecting sheep claim (Milroy)




Stewart Hume, Deputy-Returning Officer, Poll No. 1




T. J. Mahon,  Deputy-Returning Officer, Poll No. 2




A. Marshall, Deputy-Returning Officer, Poll No. 3




M. Ferguson, Deputy-Returning Officer, Poll No. 4




M. P. Lynch, Deputy-Returning Officer, Poll No. 5




J. M. Eagle, Deputy-Returning Officer, Poll No. 6




Arch. Fraser, refund of statute labour, Division 310




A. B. Falconbridge, nomination and election expenses




The Collector reported taxes outstanding at $584.41.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday, February 2nd, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

February 2nd 1920.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all present, excepting Mr. Meldrum, who is confined to his house through illness.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. D. McLean and Schultz.


The question of the advisability of increasing the statute labour commutation rate was discussed, and the Clerk was instructed to draft an amending bylaw for the next meeting.


The Reeve reported receiving two applications for the position of caretaker of the Township Hall, C. J. Foster and Geo. Lewis, both at $36.00 per annum.  Mr. Foster was given the preference on account of being a “returned soldier”, and received the appointment for the balance of the year, as per the following motion:



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Dun. McLean, that this Council accept Mr. Foster’s application for Caretaker of the Township Hall.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the following orders be drawn in favour of the Township Treasurer, who is hereby instructed to place the amounts, as specified, to the credit of the accounts indicated: Township Treasurer, for commuted labour 1919, Police Village of Morriston ─ $159.00, Township Treasurer, for interest on $214.27 @ 3%, Police Village of Morriston ─ $6.43.







Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that this Council give a grant of ten dollars to the Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto, and thirty-five dollars each to the St. Joseph’s and General Hospitals, Guelph.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that the auditors’ report be passed by this Council, and that each be paid a sum of $5.00 for their services.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Guelph Mercury, 1000 ballots




Municipal World Ltd., supplies




P. A. Snider, Waterloo Township Clerk, for half share of expenditure on Townline




D. A. McNaughton, auditor’s salary




Thos. S. Mahon, auditor’s salary




James Harmer, Collector, postage account




Geo. Lewis, balance of Caretaker’s salary to date





Moved by Thos, S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that this Council extend the Collector’s time for the collection of taxes until March/01 next.






The matter of securing a number of road drags for use in the township was discussed, and the Clerk was instructed to get quotations.


The question of submitting the Hydro Radial Bylaw came up for discussion, and the Clerk was instructed to inquire as to whether the Hydro Radial Association would supply speakers to address a mass meeting, with a view to ascertaining the feeling of the ratepayers in this regard.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that this Council adjourn, to meet in the Council Chamber on Monday March 1st 1920, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve


Discussion ─ Following the request of the Provincial Attendance Officer, J. P. Cawles, to appoint a School Attendance Officer for the township, the Council discussed the matter and decided to defer action, on the supposition that the County Council would cover the requirement by appointing a number of such officers for the county.


(initialled) A.B. F. & A.M.






Municipality of Puslinch

March 1st 1920.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, as per adjournment, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and Schultz.


The Clerk read a copy of the letter of appreciation for services rendered, addressed to the retired auditors, and the Council instructed that the same be inscribed in the minute book.


A communication was received from T. J. Hannigan, Secretary of the Hydro-Electric Railway Association of Ontario, advising that speakers would be supplied to address a public meeting at Aberfoyle in connection with the Hydro-Electric Bylaw.


Mr. John Gilchrist advised that several valuable trees had been cut along the road near his property by N. W. Palframan, and suggested that steps be taken to protect the township’s interest in this regard.  The matter was referred to Councillor Doyle for investigation.


A representative of the Bell Telephone Company requested permission to trim trees interfering with the telephone lines.  The matter was laid over until next meeting.


A communication was received from Mr. Jas. Mason, requesting payment for a portion of certain work, expended on the side street abutted by his property in Aberfoyle.  As all village streets are under the supervision of the Pathmaster for Division No. 427, the matter was referred to him. Mr. Harmer, for adjustment.






The following motions were made and passed:


Moved by Thos. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that this Council hold a public meeting in Aberfoyle for the purpose of getting the feeling of the ratepayers in regard to submitting a bylaw, with reference to giving Bonds(?) to the Hamilton-Kitchener Electric Railway, at a date to be chosen by the Reeve.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that John Martin be and hereby is appointed School Attendance Officer for the Township of Puslinch.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the Western Ontario ______  Boards of Trade, Farmers’ Clubs, and Municipal Councils of Western Ontario, in conference assembled, desire to call the attention of the Provincial Government to the seriousness of the present labour scarcity in rural Ontario, to the necessity of taking immediate steps to procure additional desirable immigrants, settling on Ontario farms, and to the need of so modifying our school system that rural education will be properly emphasized and made accessible to boys and girls who desire to identify their lives with rural industry.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that a bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways & Winter Pathmasters, Fence-Viewers, Pound-Keepers, and Sheep Valuators, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, increasing the rate of commutation of the Statute Labour Tax, be now introduced and read a first and second time.


In Committee of the Whole, the blanks in the first bylaw were filled with the names of the persons appointed, while in the second, the rate of $1.50 per day was substituted for that of $1.00 per day, as in the old bylaw.






Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways & Winter Pathmasters, Fence-viewers, Pound-keepers, and Sheep Valuators, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 5-1920.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that the bylaw, increasing the rate of commutation of the Statute Labour Tax, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 6-1920.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Duncan McLean, that a grant of $50.00 be given to the Puslinch Agricultural Society, the same to be paid in October.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Thos. Amos, fixing crests to Victory Loan Flag




A. B. Falconbridge, registration of births, etc.




Thos. Aitken, 50 yards of gravel, Division 115




Thos. Doyle, expenses to Toronto, on Hamilton & Owen Sound Road




A. McLean, expenses to Toronto, on Hamilton & Owen Sound Road




A. B. Falconbridge, Clerk’s fees & bylaw expenses for Drain No. 3





Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the Clerk be instructed to purchase eight road drags from the Sarnia Bridge Company, at $25.00 each, F.O.B. Puslinch Station.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that this meeting adjourn, to meet again on April 5th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve





Copy of letter addressed to J. A. MacDonald and Wm. Nicol:


Dear Sir:


I am instructed by Council to express to you the deep appreciation of that body, as representing the ratepayers of Puslinch Township, for the many years of faithful public service you have rendered as auditor of the municipal accounts.


It was with sincere regret that the Council learned that you were unable to continue these responsible duties, in which your well known integrity and clerical ability have always given an assured sense of confidence and reliance to the municipal authorities, and indeed to the ratepayers as a whole, without exception.


I beg to assure you, Sir, that the memory and appreciation of these pleasant associations, now unfortunately severed, will long remain in Puslinch municipal circles as a monument to your earnest and faithful efforts in this behalf.   


Yours very truly,

A. B. Falconbridge






Municipality of Puslinch

April 5th 1920.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Meldrum and Schultz.


On invitation of Reeve Cameron of Guelph Township, the Council arranged to meet the Guelph Township Council at a demonstration of road grading and dragging on the Guelph-Puslinch Townline, on Wednesday next at 3 p.m. 


The Clerk was instructed to send out notices, announcing a public meeting of the ratepayers, to be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on April 14th, at 8 p.m., for the purpose of obtaining the feeling of the ratepayers in regard to submitting the Hydro Electric Bylaw.


A petition, signed by Robert Murray and others, requested that a snow fence be erected opposite Lots 11, 12, & 13, Concession 10, for a distance of 190 yards, the owners of the Lots mentioned, viz., John Rae, Stewart Hume, and Geo. Murray, to supply the posts, and the fence to be erected by Statute Labour.  The Council members expressed themselves as being favourably disposed toward the request, and referred the matter to Mr. Meldrum to carry out the details.


The Clerk was instructed to post notices calling for applications for operating the grader and making tile, and also for tenders for the Hall grounds’ pasturage for the season, all to be in the hands of the Reeve by May 1st next.


The advisability of allowing cattle to run at large under the tag system was _____, but no action taken.






Mr. D. Maltby approached the Council with a request to open the street south and parallel with the Brock Road and between Cockburn and Mill Street.  The Council deferred the matter, pending a consultation with the adjoining owners.


The Clerk was instructed to notify the East Flamboro Council that the Boundary Line Committee of the Puslinch Council would meet the East Flamboro Committee on April 14th, at 3 p.m. at Watson’s culvert.



Moved by Thos. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that permission be granted the Bell Telephone Company to trim trees along their service lines, subject nevertheless to the supervision of the Councillors for each division and the consent of the owners interested.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Treasurer, Guelph Township, ½ share of boundary account




Robt. Kennedy, work on 7th Concession line




Alex Smith, for wood





Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Thos. Doyle, that this Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 3rd, at 2 o’ clock.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve

(dated) May 3rd 1920.






Municipality of Puslinch

May 3rd 1920.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 2 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Meldrum and D. McLean.


The Road & Bridge Committee for Divisions 3 & 4 reported having met a committee of the East Flamboro Council in regard to boundary line work, and being of the opinion that the two boundary line culverts were of sufficient size to come under county jurisdiction, decided to refer the repair of such to their respective county authorities for their consideration.  Arrangements were made for Puslinch Township to do some grading.


Upon representation of Mr. J. A. Ord, the Council agreed to have the statute labour of Lots 19 & 20, Front of Concession 8, transferred from Division 211 to Division 226, and that of Lot pt. 2-3 R.T. G.M. Walsh, from Division 201 to Division 223.


Upon consideration of the tenders received, the Hall grounds’ pasturage was let to Mr. Jas. Boucher, at $15.10 for the season, the foreman of grading, let to Jas. Boucher at 40 cents per hour, and the making of tile, to John Marshall at 40 cents per hour.


The Clerk was instructed to prepare a bylaw for the appointment of an additional Township Constable, this action being taken on representation of Mr. Jno. Penrice, who recommended that Mr. Alex McGinnis be appointed.






The Clerk was instructed to insert advertisements for tenders for the construction of the uncompleted portions of Drain No. 4, not now under contract.


The following motions were made and passed:


Moved by Thos. Doyle and Duncan McLean, that the Council accept the tenders of Jas. Boucher for the Hall grounds’ pasturage, at $15.10, and for operating the grader, at 40 cents per hour, and also that of John S. Marshall for making tile at 40 cents per hour.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, authorizing the Head and Treasurer of Puslinch Township to borrow, from the Dominion Bank, the sum of six thousand dollars to meet the current ordinary expenditures of the Corporation during 1920, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 5-1917, in the matter of Drain No. 2, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, authorizing the Head and Treasurer of the Township to borrow from the Dominion Bank, to cover overdrafts during 1920, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 7.



Moved by G. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the bylaw, amending Bylaw No. 5-1917, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 8.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by G. J. Meldrum, that the Township Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to collect and receive any monies belonging to the Township of Puslinch, now in the hands of the County Treasurer.







Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the time for completion of work on Drain No. 3 be extended to October 1st 1920.



Moved by G. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


John A. Ord, erecting and removing snow fences




Guelph Herald, printing auditors’ report




Duncan McEdwards, work on the 10th Concession




W. J. Little, 30 yards of gravel, Division 103




A. B. Falconbridge, making industrial return




A. B. Falconbridge, fees, Drain No. 2, (original)




A. B. Falconbridge, fees, Drain No. 2, (amending)




Township Treasurer, Beverly, half share boundary line account




Wm. Foster, shovelling snow on Guelph Townline, Guelph Township to pay half




Lynn Lasby, 15 yards of gravel, Division 122




Gordon Salt, 103 rods of wire fence




Canada Ingot Iron Company, 8 road drags




Township of Nassagaweya, Treasurer, half share of boundary line account




James Mason, gravel on Cockburn Street









Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that this Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 31st, at 10 o’clock a.m. as a Court of Revision, and afterwards for general business.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve

(dated) May 31st 1920.





Township of Puslinch

Special Meeting


At a special meeting of Council, attended by Reeve McLean and Councillors D. McLean, T. S. Doyle, and Wm. H. Schultz, to consider the plan of a subdivision of part of Lot 6, Concession 1, and known as “Eagle Park”, the following motion was passed:



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the plan of “Eagle Park”, a subdivision of part of Lot 6, Concession 1, in the Township of Puslinch, be and hereby is approved for registration.


The meeting then adjourned.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Township of Puslinch

May 31st 1920.

Court of Revision


Pursuant to adjournment, the Puslinch Municipal Council met in the Council Room, at 10 a.m. today, as a Court of Revision, to hear and decide appeals against the Assessment Roll for 1920.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean occupying the chair.  After subscribing to the necessary declaration, the Court heard and decided, as set forth, the following appeals:



By John Walsh, that Ernest A. Hales be assessed as tenant of Lot 12, Front of Conc. 9, and that the statute labour for such property be adjusted accordingly. ─ allowed.


By Peter Iles, that George Ruber be assessed as tenant of the Episcopal Church lands, being part of Lot 6, Front of Concession 9. ─ allowed.


By Geo. J. Meldrum, that he be assessed jointly, as tenant, with D.A. McNaughton, owner, of Lot 33, Rear Gore. ─ allowed.


By Andrew Gilmour, that his assessment on part Lot 35, Front of Concession 10, be struck off, as house has been sold and removed, the Lot, ¼ acre, being a part of the property of D. G. Hanning. ─ allowed.


By Geo. Lewis, Roy Harmer, Geo. McGill. Joseph Clair, Alex Smith, Wm. Leslie, Thos. R. Paddock, Mrs. Geo. L. McPherson, and Robert Reeve, that their respective dog taxes be struck off, the dogs in question having been destroyed. ─ all allowed.


The following motion was then passed:


Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the Assessment Roll, as now revised, be confirmed.


The Court arose.



(signed) Alex McLean






Municipality of Puslinch

May 31st 1920.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, in regular session, at the close of the Court of Revision, held in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and D. McLean.


Mr. Robert Reeve requested that the grader be used on his division, and was referred to Mr. Schultz.


Mr. Jno. Cameron requested that the accrued statute labour commutation due Division 306, together with any general funds necessary, be used in cutting down a hill in this division.  The matter was referred to Mr. Schultz.


Mr. A. Wilkinson and R. Paddock interviewed the Council in regard to the condition of about half a mile of roadway, opposite Lots 14 & 15, Concession 2.  As the damage to this road was caused largely by county teaming, the Reeve promised to take the matter up with the county authorities, with a view to getting some assistance in the matter of repairing same.


Mr. Jas. McCartney asked that the two culverts, opposite Lot 25, Concession 9, be deepened.  This was referred to Mr. D. McLean.


The Clerk was instructed to secure 25 cards, containing the names of the township pound-keepers, sheep valuators, and fence-viewers, for distribution throughout the township.


The Council decided to charge a rate of $2.00 per hour for the private use of the grader.







Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, appointing an additional Constable for the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by G. J. Meldrum, that the bylaw, appointing an additional Constable for the Township of Puslinch, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 9.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the prices for cement tile, made by the Township, be as follows: 18-inch ─ $3.00, 12-inch ─ $1.75, 8-inch ─ $1.00, and 6-inch ─ $.75, and take effect forthwith.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the Road & Bridge Committee, for Divisions 2 & 4, investigate the possibility of constructing the uncompleted portions of Drain No. 4 by day labour, and that no action be taken in the matter of letting a contract, pending the report of the Committee, and that the tender received be not accepted.







Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Hugh Ross, on account, Memorial fund




Thos. Currie, repairs to culvert, Beverly pays ½




A. B. Falconbridge, for printing drainage circular




The Guelph Mercury, Hydro circulars




Jno. A. Wilkinson, iron for culverts, 10th & 3rd Concessions




Joseph Broeckel, 40 rods of wire fence, Lot 12, Concession 4




Mrs. Jno. Newall, 40 rods of wire fence, Lot 20, Concession 4




Daniel McNaughton, Assessor, postage account




John S. Marshall, making tile and drawing material




A. Wilkinson, commuted labour, Division 321




Jno. Ehrhardt, broken harrow






Moved, that the Council adjourn, to meet in the Council Chamber on Monday July 5th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Township of Puslinch

July 5th 1920.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting, including the Court of Revision, were adopted on the motion of Messrs. Doyle and Meldrum.


Messrs. D. Maltby, Kidd, and Smith met the Council on the matter of opening Mill Street, in Aberfoyle.  It was mutually agreed as satisfactory to all parties, that Mr. Kidd place a satisfactory gate where his fence crosses said street, and that Messrs. Smith and Maltby, as owner and tenant respectively, provide their own outlet from the Smith property to the street, having free access therefrom, through Mr. Kidd’s gate to the Brock Road.


Messrs. Scott and Tolton, of Arkell, presented a petition requesting that the Council gravel a portion of Road Division No. 214.  The matter was referred to the Road Committee of Divisions 2 & 4.


The matter of constructing the culvert on the Watt Ditch was referred to Mr. Meldrum.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the following accounts be paid:


Geo. M. Paddock, sheep claim




Jno. A. Ord, commuted labour, Division 226




Leonard Maltby, gravel, 24 yards, Division 226




Jno. A. Ord, 152 yards of gravel, Divisions 226, 404, & 407









A. Marshall, 22 rods of wire fence, bonus




P. A. Patterson, 53 rods of wire fence, bonus




Sam Smith, commuted labour, Division 108




Wm. Crow, 32 yards of gravel, Division 405




Richard Chester, 31 yards of gravel, Division 109




Walter Holm, 41 rods of wire fence




Wm. Crow, gravel, Divisions 105 & 327




H. Heller, commuted labour, Division 322




Municipal World, supplies




Donald McCaig, sheep claim, May 18th




Donald McCaig, sheep claim, June 19th




M. Ferguson, sheep claim, June 12th




Geo. A. McGill, two sheep inspections




A. Marshall, one sheep inspection




M. Ferguson, three sheep inspections




J. A. Wilkinson, bridge iron




A. B. Falconbridge, extra work on voters’ list




Jno. Eggert, 66 rods of wire fence




Jas. Boucher, on account, grading









Walter Cook, grant toward current bridge, Division 207A




Robt. Evans, 124 rods of wire fence




Jno. Ehrhardt, 60 rods of wire fence




Geo. Wingfield, 82 rod of wire fence




Wm. Crow, 60 yards of gravel, Division 104




Geo. Boucher, 42 yards of gravel, Division 101




R. O’Donoghue, work on Division 107




Jno. R. Little, 90 yards of gravel. Division 111,




Jno. S. Marshall, making tile & teaming cement




Dun. McLean, 40 rods of wire fence






Moved by G. Meldrum, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday August 23rd, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve

(dated) Aberfoyle, August 23rd/20.






Municipality of Puslinch

August 23rd 1920.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and Schultz.


Following the request of the Reeve, Messrs. Palframan and Robertson met the Council, in the matter of Mr. Robertson’s complaint that Mr. Palframan had cut valuable trees along the road without due permission.  After hearing the versions of both parties, the Council decided to visit the scene in question, as a Committee of the Whole, and to further interview the several parties concerned, on Friday September 3rd.


Mr. Meldrum reported that he had been unable to make progress in the matter of the Watt Ditch culvert, but that an effort would be made to construct the same at an early date.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by G. J. Meldrum, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for County, School, and Municipal purposes for the year 1920 A.D.


In Committee of the Whole, the following rates were struck: County ─ 5.4 mills, general township rate ─ 3 mills, general township rate for the Police Village of Morriston, as per agreement ─ 1.2 mills, general school rate ─ 3.5 mills, special school rates, S.S. No. 1 ─ 3.1 mills, S.S. No. 2 ─ 1 mill, No. 3 ─ 1.4 mills, No. 4 ─ 2.1 mills, No. 5 ─ 1.4 mills, No. 6 ─ 2.6 mills, No. 7 ─ 1.3 mills, No. 8 ─ 4.2 mills, No. 9 ─ 5 mills, No. 10 ─ 3.4 mills, No. 11 ─ 2 mills, and S.S. No. 12 ─ 2.1 mills.  S.S. No. 8 Debenture rate ─ 1.4 mills.







Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the bylaw, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for county, school, and municipal purposes, for the year 1920 A.D., be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 10.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by D. McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Frank McGladery, 83 yards of gravel, Divisions 202-4




P. A. Fleming, 50 yards of gravel, Division 210




Wm. Martin, 19 yards of gravel, Division 211




Alex Tawse, 18 yards of gravel, Division 211




Wm. Prettie, 107 yards of gravel, Divisions 220-2 & 426




Thos. Carter, 20 yards of gravel, Division 224




Mrs. Ellen Hamilton, 42 yards of gravel, Division 207




W. C. Cunnington, cutting weeds on show grounds




Peter Patterson, 22 yards of gravel, Division 428, and 114 yards of gravel, Divisions 401-9-10-28.




Angus Buchanan, 105 yards of gravel, Division 417




Andrew Scott, 104 yards of gravel, surface damage, Division 411




Chas. Kohl, cutting weeds, Division 322




Jno. Pinkney, commuted labour, Division 401 (1919)




R. D. Leslie, commuted labour, Division 404 (1919)




D. T. Parker, 44 yards of gravel on Division 113




Harry Hanlon, 40 yards of gravel, Division 124




Wm. Steffler, 42 yards of gravel, Division 123




W. J. Little, stoning and widening road, Division 326









John Marshall, making tile and drawing cement




Geo. Lewis, 12 barrels of cement




Jno. A. McPherson, work done on Division 410




Thos. Heffernan, shovelling gravel, Division 423




John Clifford, shovelling gravel, Division 423




Andrew Scott, shovelling gravel, Division 411




Thos. Evans, gravelling Division 111




Jos. Broeckel, opening winter road




Wm. Thompson, gravelling Division 112




Jas. Phalen, wire fence bonus, 40 rods




A. Neubauer, wire fence bonus, 85 rods




J. M. Eagle, gravelling, Division 318




Thos. Aitken, 78 yards of gravel & railing, Division 115




Guelph Herald, advertising voters’ list




Guelph Mercury Printing, 300 voters’ lists & advertising




Wm. Black, team on grader, 43½ days




Arch. McLean, team on grader, 41½ days




D. Simpson, team on grader, 2½ days




A. Gilmour, team on grader, 2½ days & 1 man 1 day




D. Hanning, team on grader, 1½ days




Jas. Boucher, 46 days grading




John Bryden, 30 yards of gravel, Division 301 & surface damage, (North Dumfries to pay half)




Jos. Kloepfer, 60 yards of gravel, Division 403




John Simpson, 37 yards of gravel, Division 420









Ormond Patton, 32 yards of gravel, Division 424




W. J. Little, 62 yards of gravel & surface damage, Division 320-6




Jas. A. McPherson, 60 yards of gravel, Division 311




Russell Kearns, 23 yards of gravel, Division 305




Robt. Harmon, gravel for Division 329




Hugh Currie, 162 yards of gravel, for Divisions 308-10-03




Dun. McLean, 60 yards of gravel, Division 315




Alf. Reid, 25 yards of gravel, Division 316




Alf. Boots, 45 yards of gravel, Divisions 310-25




Fred Paddock, 115 yards of gravel, Division 314, for 1918-19-20




Mrs. Geo. Taylor, 191 yards of gravel, Divisions 318-2-13, for 1919-20




Chris Bond, 182 yards of gravel, Divisions 317-18




Chris Bond, 40 days commuted labour & extra work, Division 317








Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday, the 27th of September, at 1: 30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve

(dated) September 27/20.






Municipality of Puslinch

September 27th 1920.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and D. McLean.


The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge receipt of the German trench mortar, received from the War Trophies Department.


Representatives of the Aberfoyle and Morriston Continuation School Board waited on the Council in an effort to get recognition of their requisitions for school moneys, which were delinquent to the extent that the assessment bylaw had been passed by the Council in August and that the compilation of the Collector’s roll was nearing completion.


Other points at variance with regular procedure were brought to view and the Clerk was instructed to write the Minister of Education and the Municipal World for advice in the matter.


Mr. Walter Holm was appointed a Township Constable under the following resolution, which was signed by the Reeve and the Clerk and stamped with the corporation seal.



Moved by Thos. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that Walter Holm be and is hereby appointed a Constable in the Township of Puslinch, during the pleasure of the Council and under the same terms and conditions as other Township Constables.







Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the Township Treasurer, Mr. Hugh Clark, be and is hereby authorized to collect and receipt for Grand Trunk Railway System Voucher No. 27733, for $3.00, made payable to J. C. Grieve and covering commutation of two days’ statute labour in Division No. 110, for the year 1920, in the Township of Puslinch. copy to Treasurer.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that a bylaw, providing for the distribution of tax notices by mail and to establish the mode and manner for the collection of taxes in the current year, 1920-21, in the township, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the bylaw, providing for the distribution of tax notices by mail and to establish the mode and manner for the collection of taxes in the current year, 1920-21, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 11.


Arrangements having been made for the payment of taxes at the authorized branches of the Dominion Bank in Guelph and Hespeler, and at the Bank of Toronto, in Morriston and Galt, the Treasurer was also authorized to receive taxes and empowered to collect, by distress or otherwise, in case of non payment.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the time for the completion of Drain No. 3 be extended to December 1st 1920.



Moved by G. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Wm. H. Martin, 177 yards of gravel, Beverly pays ½.




W. H. Martin, drawing 88½ yards of gravel, at 75 cents per yard, Beverly to pay ½.









A. E. Leslie, overseeing and spreading gravel ─ 6 days, and repairing culvert ─ ½ day, Beverly pays ½.




S. G. Leslie, drawing 88½ yards of gravel, at 75 cents per yard, Beverly pays half.




John Cameron, grading hill on Beverly Townline, Beverly pays half




John A. Wilkinson, cement bridge between Lots 15 & 16, Conc. 10




R. G. Chester, 33 yards of gravel, Division 106




J. R. Little, 140 yards of gravel, contract on 4th Conc.




Alfred Bootes, 41 rods of wire fence, at 22½ cents per rod




Gordon Auld, 320 rods of wire fence, at 22½ cents per rod




Dougald Campbell, 43 yards of gravel, Division 425




Geo. M. Paddock, 6 sheep killed & 1 injured




Thos. Francis, 48 yards of gravel, Division 423




Thos. Taylor, 9 yards of gravel, Division 422




Chas. Crawley, contract opposite Lot 4, Conc. 7 ─ 1919




John McGeachy, 40 rods of wire fence, at 22½ cents per rod




Duncan McLean, 4 days commuted labour, Division 3, 1920




Municipal World account




A. B. Falconbridge, stamps for tax notices




Dr. J. H. King, medical attendance & operation on Robt. Amos, indigent.




John Martin, digging grave for same.





Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that this Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday, 25th of October, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve

(dated) Oct. 25th/20






Municipality of Puslinch

October 5th 1920.

Special Meeting


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in special session, in Aberfoyle, at 4:30 p.m. today, for the purpose of considering the requisitions of the Aberfoyle and Morriston Continuation School Boards for 1920.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that whereas the general school rate of the Township of Puslinch, for the year 1920, had been provided for, by bylaw, and entered in the Collector’s Roll prior to the receipt of the requisitions, of the Continuation School Boards of Morriston and Aberfoyle, for salary and expenditure for the current year, this Council therefore deemed it inadvisable to alter the Collector’s Roll at this date, and hereby suggest and authorize that the general levy for the said continuation schools be not entered, levied, or collected during the present year, 1920 A.D.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, providing, by way of assessment, for the estimates of the Continuation School Boards of Morriston and Aberfoyle, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, providing, by way of assessment, for the estimates of the Continuation School Boards of Morriston and Aberfoyle, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 11A.


Council adjourned.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

October 25th 1920.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session, in Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all present, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. D. McLean and W. H. Schultz.


The Clerk reported that practically all of the tax notices were now ready for mailing, the delay having been caused by the re-arrangements of rates, necessary to provide for the continuation school requisitions, which were not received until the 11th instant.


Mr. John A. Wilkinson, contractor, reported the completion of the McFarlane bridge on Drain No. 4, and also the filling in of the old culvert, known as “The Dardanelles”.  Mr. Wilkinson has also completed the construction of  the Cober bridge on the 3rd Concession line, and opened the same for traffic today.  Mr. Wilkinson’s accounting shows a cost per yard, not including iron or filling, of about $12.00 for the McFarlane bridge, and $14.50 for the Cober bridge, water trouble and increased cost of cement accounting for the increase in the latter case.


Complaint was received from Mr. Robt. Watt respecting the non-completion of Drain No. 4, and also of the filling in of “The Dardanelles”.  In the first instance, the Council considered the labour situation as not yet favourable to the completion of the work, and in the second instance that, since the culvert in question was in need of repair, and in view of the engineer’s assurance that the award drain was quite sufficient for the purpose intended, it was quite advisable to fill in the old culvert.







Moved by Geo. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Martin Bulger, 1 sheep killed by dogs




John Sharp, 7 sheep killed by dogs




John Rae, insurance on Hall & shed




Crastor Scott, 3½ days use of tractor




John Marshall, making tile and cleaning moulds




Angus Martin, on account, Drain No. 3




James Boucher, grading




Duncan McDonald, work on boundary line, Beverly pays half




John Bailey, spreading gravel on boundary line, Beverly pays half




John Sawyer, work & gravelling on boundary line, Beverly pays ½




Guelph Mercury, printing and advertising




A. B. Falconbridge, selecting jurors




John Peer, gravelling




James Cook, gravel, Beverly pays half




Hugh Currie, gravel, Beverly pays half




Jno. Swartzenberger, cutting brush, 7th Concession




W. J. Little, work & gravel on Division 326




A. A. Stewart, work on boundary line, Beverly pays half




John Blake, cutting brush on boundary line, Beverly pays half




John Brydon, work on boundary line, North Dumfries pays half




A. G. Bootes, 40 yards of gravel, Division 101




Jno. Borthwick, 33 yards of gravel, Division 126









Fraser Auld, 1½ days use of tractor on grader, Guelph Twp. pays half




James Boucher, grading & team, Guelph Twp. Pays $7.50, Beverly pays $210.00




Geo. W. Paddock, 5 days with team, Beverly pays half




Jno. Tolton, 3 days’ work, Division 214




Robt. Scott, 1 day’s work, Division 214




James Flattery, 8 days work, Division 214




Jno. A. Wilkinson, iron & freight, Cober bridge




John A. Wilkinson, filling approaches at McFarlane bridge & filling in old culvert




John A. Wilkinson, building cement bridge at 3rd Conc. (Cober)




Geo. A. McGill, inspecting sheep killed




M. Ferguson, inspecting sheep (Paddock)




Geo. Hunt, 12 rods of wire fence





Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that this Council adjourn, to meet again in the Council Chamber on Monday, the 22nd of November, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Special Meeting

November 12th 1920.


A special meeting of Council was held on November 12th for the purpose of appointing a Township Road Superintendent and to estimate and authorize expenditures for road construction and maintenance in the Township of Puslinch, under the Ontario Highways Act, for 1920.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that a bylaw, authorizing expenditure for road construction and maintenance in the Township of Puslinch, under the Ontario Highways Act, for the year 1920, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, authorizing expenditure for road construction and maintenance in the Township of Puslinch, under the Ontario Highways Act, for 1920, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 12.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that a bylaw, appointing a Road Overseer for the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the bylaw, appointing a Road Overseer for the Township of Puslinch, for 1921, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 13.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

November 22nd 1920.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all present, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. D. McLean and W. H. Schultz.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, for the year 1921 A.D., be now introduced and read a first and second time.


In Committee of the Whole, the blanks in the bylaw were filled, and the Committee arose.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, for the year 1921 A.D., be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 14.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


J. A. McDermott, for burial and grave of Peter McGunnigle, an indigent




George Lewis, 4 barrels of cement, and looking after the tile




Peter Black, drawing gravel for tile




Michael Hart, refund of statute labour tax, 1920









Crastor Scott, error in payment for use of tractor




Wm. Eggert, cutting brush, Division 110




Geo. Butcher, work on Division 401, 2½ days




Angus Buchanan, 43 yards of gravel, Division 418




Donald Stewart, cutting brush, Division 304




Alex Wilkinson, refund of statute labour, Division 321




John Sharp, 8 sheep killed by dogs




David Milroy, 1 ewe killed and 1 lamb injured by dogs




James Boucher, grading (teams and men)




A. B. Falconbridge, extra work & making tax notices




A. B. Falconbridge, balance of salary




A. B. Falconbridge, remuneration of Council




Peter Iles, repairing bridge, Division 224




J. A. Wilkinson, filling approach, Cober’s bridge




J. A. Wilkinson, wire for ____ at A. Reid’s fill in




Complaint was received that certain persons in Morriston were making personal use of the public shed there, for the storage of vehicles, to the detriment of its intended use.  The Clerk was instructed to bring the matter before the parties, with a view to having the practice stopped.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that we adjourn, to meet on Wednesday December 15th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1920.


The Puslinch Municipal Council held its closing session of the year in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all present, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Doyle and McLean.


Mr. Hugh Ross, Chairman of the Monument Committee, brought in his report of the receipts and expenditures in connection with the fund.  The expenditures totalled $5233.20, made up as follows: the monument and foundation ─ $3,327.00, chains and lockets for the returned men $1,669.75, fence ─ $125.85, and the balance in expenses incidental to the unveiling ceremonies.  Receipts were provided by voluntary subscription, to the amount $2,177.90, and by municipal grant, $3055.30.


The Treasurer’s report of receipts and expenditures, for the year ending December 14th 1920, was received and adopted, and the Treasurer was instructed to have 200 copies printed for distribution.



Moved by Geo. J. Meldrum, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


W. C. Laing, 22 yards of gravel, Division 219




Thos. Beaton, 12 yards of gravel, Division 421




Thos. Taylor, 18 yards of gravel, Division 421




Geo. Elliott, work on Road Division 402




Geo. Elliott, work on Road Division 402




Donald McMillan, Lot 30, Front of 7th Conc., wire fence, 38 rods









Arch’d Ramsay & son, removing stone, cutting weeds & brush, Beverly pays half.




Peter Angus, drawing gravel, work & gravel, Beverly pay half




Wm. Aikens, railing & work, Division 103




Wm. Simms, drawing gravel, Beverly pays half




Leonard Maltby, refund of dog tax




J. W. Sawyer, work on Beverly Townline, Beverly pays half




W. Cook, gravel on Beverly Townline, Beverly pays half




H. Currie, gravel on Beverly Townline, Beverly pays half




Wm. Crow, gravelling & gravel, Division 328




James Gilmour, repairs to grader & plow




Jno. R. Little, 3 planks for bridge, Division 102




Wm. Paddock, refund of statute labour, Division 314




Wm. Paddock, repairs to bridge, Lot 20, Concession 2




Wm. Foster, refund of statute labour, Division 128




Walter McWilliams, 22 rods of wire fence, Division 127




Sid Maltby, 29 rods of wire fence




Chas. Holly, refund of statute labour, Division 128




M. Quirk, cutting brush between Lots 15 & 14, Conc. 2




H. Clark, stationery & postage account




H. L. Dancy, replacing culvert, D & W award No. 4




Dr. J. H. King, Medical Health Officer’s salary




W. S. Ross, refund of dog tax




A. B. Falconbridge, stationery & postage account




J. Jamieson, 25 yards of gravel, Division 321









Geo. Fielding, commuted statute labour, Division 401




Geo. Lewis, supplies for Township Hall and grader




Thos. Arkell Junior, repairs to bridge, & material, opposite Lot 2, Concession 10.




Guelph Mercury printing account




D. Alex Niven, inspection of Drain No. 4 ─ $11.30, Drain No. 3 ─ $12.65




Angus Martin, on account, Drain No. 3




H. L. Dancy, on account, Drain No. 4










Moved by Thos. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that this Council extend the time of the work on Drains No. 3 and No. 4 until April 1st 1921.



Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Geo. J. Meldrum, that the resignation of James Harmer, as Township Constable, be accepted.


(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Nomination Meeting

December 27th 1920.


At the annual nomination meeting, held in the Township Hall, Aberfoyle, at 1 p.m., December 27th 1920, for the selection of candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Puslinch, for the year 1921, the following nominations were made and seconded, viz.:



For Reeve: Alexander McLean


For Councillors:

Thos. S. Doyle, Daniel J. Hesketh, Peter Hume, Duncan McLean, Geo. J. Meldrum, & Wm. H. Schultz.


Mr. George J. Meldrum withdrew his name from the list, while Mr. Peter Hume failed to make the required “Declaration of Qualification” within the required limit of time, the whole Council being elected by acclamation as follows:



Reeve: Alexander McLean


Councillors: Thos. S. Doyle, Daniel Hesketh, Duncan McLean, & Wm. H. Schultz


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge

Returning Officer






Municipality of Puslinch

January 10th 1921.


The inaugural meeting of the Puslinch Municipal Council was held, pursuant to statute, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 11 a.m. today.  The members elect, viz., Alex McLean ─ Reeve, and Thos. Doyle, Duncan McLean, Wm. H. Schultz, and Daniel J. Hesketh ─ Councillors, were all in attendance, and after subscribing to the required “Declaration of Office”, they were duly constituted as the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch for 1921.


With Reeve McLean presiding, the minutes of the last meeting of Council were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and D. McLean.


The following motions were made and passed:


Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that a bylaw, appointing a member of the local Board of Health, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, appointing auditors for the year 1921, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that a bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the Township of Puslinch, for the year 1921, be now introduced and read a first and second time.


In Committee of the Whole, the blanks in the bylaws were filled as follows:


Member ─ Board of Health:

Wm. J. Little



Thomas J. Mahon & D. A. McNaughton



Daniel McNaughton, at a salary of two hundred dollars







Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the local Board of Health, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 1-1921.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that the bylaw, appointing auditors for the year 1921, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 2-1921.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean that the bylaw, appointing an Assessor for 1921, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 3-1921.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that John Martin be appointed School Attendance Officer for 1921.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw to number and designate the roads in the Township of Puslinch, to conform with the returns required under the Public Highways Act, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved, that the bylaw, numbering and designating the roads in the township of Puslinch to conform with the returns required under the Public Highways Act, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 4-1921.



Moved, that the resignation of Hugh Clark, Township Treasurer, to take effect after the auditors’ report has been adopted, be hereby accepted.







Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the Reeve and the Clerk be authorized to sign and submit to the Minister of Public Works and Highways, of the province of Ontario, the petition of the Corporation of the township of Puslinch, showing that, during the period January 1st/20 to December 31st/20, there had been expended on the township roads, the sum of $6318.99, and requesting the statutory grant on that amount, as provided by the Ontario Highways Act and amendments thereto.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that this Council advertise for applications for the office of Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch, applications to be sent to Reeve Alexander McLean, Puslinch, not later than the 4th of February 1921, and to be marked on envelope “Application for Treasurer”.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Andrew Ord, refund for taxes paid twice




John Martin, salary as Truancy Officer




A. Moody, conveying indigent to House of Industry




Municipal World, supplies




Guelph Herald, printing and advertising




Guelph Township Treasurer, for boundary line account




A. B. Falconbridge, for report to School Inspector & use of safety vault




Thos. Heffernan, cutting brush, Division 424




Charles Quick, drawing tile for culvert & digging ditch, Lot 25, Con. 2




James Harmer, drawing tile and laying culvert, Lot 20, Conc. 9




Sick Children’s Hospital, grant




Thos. Aitkens, refund of dog tax









Moved, that the resolution making the charges for the use of the Township Hall, as passed on July 20th 1914, be amended to make a charge of $2.00 per night for all meetings previously listed as free, excepting those for Municipal or Agricultural Society business or purely religious services, $1.50 per night from October 1st to March 31st, and $1.00 from April 1st to September 30th for community club meetings, rehearsals, etc., $1.00 for the Council Room, when heat and light used, and 50¢ otherwise, and further, that where the Caretaker’s percentage perquisite on any charge is less than 50¢, such sum shall be a minimum perquisite in each case.


The Clerk was instructed to address a letter to Mrs. Wm. Nicol, conveying the sympathies of the Council, and eulogizing the life of Lieut.-Colonel Nicol.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday February 7th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






January 20th 1921.

Mrs. Wm. Nicol,

Puslinch, Ontario.


Dear Madam:

I am instructed by Council to convey to yourself and family the sincere sympathy of the Board in your recent sad bereavement.


The fact that your late husband has for so many years been more or less closely connected with municipal affairs in Puslinch Township lends a particularly keen touch to the sense of loss felt by the municipality in his passing.


A gentleman of the old school, his opinions, always given with due consideration, were highly esteemed, not only in municipal affairs, but also in business and social life as well.


A man of soldierly bearing, with whom punctuality was a virtue, direct, but fair and considerate in speech, a model of integrity and faithfulness to duty, his life will long remain a monument of the ideal citizen in the minds of the present generation, a memory especially revered by those privileged to be numbered among his friends and acquaintances.


While feeling keenly the loss of so eminent and valued a citizen, Puslinch Township has every reason to be grateful to a kind Providence for the untold benefits of a life so full of public spirit and works.


I have the honour to be, Madam,

yours very truly,

A. B. Falconbridge,







Municipality of Puslinch

February 7th 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Schultz.


Mr. Alex Tawse was granted his request that the statute labour of the Wingrove farm, recently purchased by him, be transferred from Division 211 to ______ (left blank).


A deputation from the Morriston Public Library received a grant of $15.00 towards the purchase of new books.


The auditors’ report of receipts and expenditures, for the year 1920, was received and adopted, and their recommendation that the Council revert to the appointment of a Collector of Taxes was laid over for further consideration.


A deputation from the Aberfoyle Farmers Club and Community Club made strong pleas to Council for the free use of the Township Hall for their meetings.  It was pointed out to these gentlemen that the revision of rates, put through at the last meeting, covered only the cost of fuel, light, and caretaker’s fees, which all others Farmers Clubs in the township were under the necessity of paying in their respective localities, and that while the Council had no desire to discourage these meetings in any way, it was felt that no objection could be taken to the payment of the actual expenses incurred thereby.  The matter was laid over, however, for further consideration.






A deputation from the Puslinch Agricultural Society was granted $50.00, toward the Field Crop Competition, but the request for a special grant, toward the improvement of the race track was laid over.


The Clerk reported that a copy of a bylaw of the Police Village of Morriston, for the regulation and license of pool rooms, had been filed.


The following motions were duly passed:


Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the Public Library, at Morriston, be granted fifteen dollars for books.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that A. B. Falconbridge be and is hereby instructed and authorized to serve notices on delinquent taxpayers and take all necessary steps for the collection of same, collection to be made at the earliest possible moment, consistent with the legal steps necessary thereto.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. Schultz, that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign a petition to the Ontario Legislature for the purpose of securing more uniform rates and a more equitable distribution of Hydro Electric Power.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the auditors’ report be received and adopted, and that each be paid the sum of six dollars in remuneration, and further, that the auditors be hereby instructed to further audit the Treasurer’s books, up to the date of transfer to the new Treasurer.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, appointing a Township Treasurer, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the resignation of Peter Foster as Caretaker be accepted, and that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for applications for the position made vacant by his retirement.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Charles Kuhl, sheep killed by dogs




M. Ferguson, valuing above sheep




John Fahrner, grant to Morriston library




H. Heller, road repairs on 2nd Concession




Wm. Paddock, road repairs on 2nd Concession




John Jamieson, 252 yards of gravel




John A. Cockburn, expenses rē telephone rates




Alex Smith, five sheep killed




Geo. McGill, valuing above sheep




Insurance of Morriston shed




John Rae, insurance of township buildings




Municipal World, supplies




Duncan Ross, 50 rods of wire fence, Lot 21, Concession 10




W. C. Tiffin, gravel, Division 127




Dougald Campbell, gravelling Concession 10




Henry Steffler, 67 rods of fence




John Gallaher, refund of statute labour, Division 103




P. J. Meyers, Hespeler Separate School taxes




Peter Foster, Caretaker’s salary




Aaron Cober, refund of dog tax




Thos. Mahon, for 1920-21 audit




D. A. McNaughton, for 1920-21 audit








Before opening the applications for Treasurer, the Reeve requested that the members of Council be allowed to consider the applications in private.  Upon being recalled, the Clerk was informed by the Reeve that Mr. John Walsh had been unanimously chosen to fill the position.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing a Township Treasurer, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 5-1921.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the Council adjourn, to meet on Monday, the 28th of February, 1921, at 1:30 p.m.


The Clerk was instructed to present Mr. C. W. Barber, of Guelph, with an account of $5.00, to cover the value of tree he removed from road opposite his property.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

February 28th 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and Schultz.


A communication was received from the C.P.R. Company, intimating that it desires to change the name of “Leslie Station” to “Killean”.  The Clerk was instructed to reply that the Council had no objection to the change.


A report of the special audit, covering the period from January 1st/21 to February 25th/21, occasioned by the retirement of Mr. Hugh Clark as Treasurer, was presented to Council and adopted.  The auditors found Mr. Clark’s books correct in every particular, and reported having duly transferred the same to the custody of Mr. John Walsh, the newly appointed Treasurer.


A communication was received from the Wellington County Agricultural Representative, suggesting that the Council co-operate with the local farmers’ clubs, with a view to placing a team in the first Wellington County Livestock Judging contest.  After some discussion, the Council decided to meet committees from the several clubs, in the Council Room, on Tuesday March 8th at 8 p.m., when definite action will be taken.


 A communication was received from the Guelph Township Council, extending a cordial invitation to the Puslinch Council School Trustees, and others interested in school matters, to attend a meeting arranged to be held in the Court House on March 5th at 2 p.m., when Messrs. J. J. Craig, J. P. Cowles, and others will discuss school questions in general and recent legislation in particular.






The following motions were passed:


Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways and Winter Pathmasters, Fence-viewers, Pound-keepers, and Sheep Valuators, to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch, for the current year, 1921-22, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the application of Miss Sadie J. Foster for Caretaker of the Township Hall, for the current year, 1921, be accepted.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that a bylaw, providing for the distribution of dog tags, under the provisions of the Dog Tax and Sheep Protection Act of Ontario, as amended under Chapter 92, Section 2, O.S., 1920, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that the bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways and Winter Pathmasters, Fence-viewers, Pound-keepers, and Sheep Valuators, in and for the Township of Puslinch, for the current year, 1921-22, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 6-1921.



Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, providing for the distribution of dog tags in the Township of Puslinch, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 7-1921.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the Clerk be instructed to post notices, asking for tenders for making tile, and for operating the grader, for 1921.







Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Guelph Mercury, advertising




Hans Dall, refund of statute labour, Division 122




W. Tiffin, 31 yards of gravel, Division 122




R. Chester, 19 yards of gravel, Division 122




W. Holm, 11 hours on drag, Division 109




W. Holm, contract on Division 109




H. Fixter, 20 hours cutting brush




Geo. Lewis, stovepipes for chamber









Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday, the 28th day of March, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

March 28th 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all present, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Schultz.


Rē Judging Contest ─  The committee of Council reported that, in conference with representatives of the farmers’ clubs, it had been decided to enter a team in the Wellington County Livestock Judging Contest, with Mr. John A. Cockburn as coach, and recommended that a grant of $25.00 be made toward the expenses of the undertaking.


The Clerk was instructed to purchase the following tile mould equipment: 1 18-inch core and casing, with 2 bases, and 1 12-inch core and 2 bases.


Messrs. Holm, Cober, and others requested the Council to pass legislation to license or prohibit persons under 18 years of age from carrying unconcealed weapons, with a view to regulating or overcoming the indiscriminate practice of young boys with small rifles in sections surrounding nearby towns.


Representatives of the Women’s Institute waited on the Council, with reference to landscape improvements on the township grounds, and particularly in connection with beautifying the site of the soldiers’ monument.  Plans will be submitted at the next meeting.


The Clerk was instructed to supply the secretaries of the farmers’ clubs with forms for Hydro Power estimates.







Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that a grant of twenty-five dollars be made toward the expenses of the Puslinch Livestock Judging team for 1921.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the tender of James Boucher, for operating the grader for 1921, at 40 cents per hour, be accepted.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by D. McLean, that the application of John Marshall, for making tile for the township, at 40 cents per hour, be accepted.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Municipal World, supplies




A. B. Falconbridge, for registrations




Lewis Evans, cutting brush, Concession 4




W. Holm, gravelling, Division 111




T. J. Mahon, special audit and examining papers




D. A. McNaughton, special audit and examining papers




Hugh Clark, postage and _________ (freight rate, possibly)




Hugh Clark, salary for Jan. and Feb. 1921





Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the Treasurer, John Walsh, be and is hereby authorized to collect by distress all outstanding taxes against occupied property.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the Council adjourn, to meet on the 25th day of April, 1921, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

April 25th 1921.


The Municipal Council of Puslinch Township met, in regular session, at Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Schultz.


Alderman Evan MacDonald, of Guelph, and T. J. Mahon, Aberfoyle, appeared before the Council, with a request for a grant of $100, toward the establishment and furnishing of a farmers’ rest room in Guelph.  The gentlemen explained that it was proposed to secure a room in the Winter Fair Building, the construction and equipment, of which room, would cost about $1,000.  Two-thirds of this amount would be assured by the Chamber of Commerce, Guelph, and the balance by the surrounding townships.  The Council heartily endorsed the plan, and the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce and others, interested in providing this much-needed accommodation, and promised full support of funds to the extent requested, while required.


Mrs. Wm. Moore, Mrs. George Lewis, and Miss Christina McLean, of the Women’s Institute, and Mr. George Meldrum, representing the Agricultural Society, waited on the Council, to consider its plan for landscape improvement to the township grounds and soldiers’ monument site, as prepared by Mr. Tomlinson, of the O.A.C.  The plan, while considered rather too elaborate for present use, will nevertheless be retained, with a view to using some of its more salient features at a future date.  In the meantime, immediate steps will be taken for the erection of the fence, purchased to surround the monument.


The Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders for the construction of a portion of cement walk, extending from the front of the Township Hall to the sidewalk.






The Treasurer reported the receipt of a cheque for $1,184.40, from the Department of Public Highways, being the amount of grant to which the township is entitled, on road expenditure for 1920.


A communication was received from the Guelph Township Council, suggesting that statute labour be dispensed with, and that all work be done by contract, under mutual agreement.  The Council recognized the force of the suggestion, since no provincial grant is available for statute labour expenditure.  Messrs. Hesketh and Doyle were appointed to meet the Guelph committee on May 11th.


The following motions were passed:


Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that a bylaw, providing for expenditure on roads in the Township of Puslinch for the year 1921, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, providing for expenditure on roads in the Township of Puslinch for 1921, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 8-1921.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the Treasurer be authorized to rent a safety deposit box in a Guelph bank, for the deposit of all deeds, debentures, and other valuable papers belonging to the township.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


George Ruber, 60 rods of wire fence, Lot 6, Concession 9




Leonard Maltby, 30 rods of wire fence, Lot 20, Concession 7




A. W. Sawyer, dragging townline, Beverly pays half




J. Broeckel, 50 rods of wire fence, Lot 13, Concession 4









Wm. Forrest, dragging, Division 227, 2 days




James Boucher, grading & help




James Mahon, Puslinch share of Nassagaweya expenditure on boundary line




Geo. A. Tilt & Son, cedar posts for railing




London Concrete Mchy. Co., moulds for tile




Sawyer Massey Co., tile mould parts




Peter Foster, repairing benches & observing cleaning




A. B. Falconbridge, extra work rē provincial road lists





Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the following taxes be struck off the 1920 Collector’s Roll as uncollectible:


Walter Johnson, business tax & percentage




John Smith, dog tax and percentage




John Palframan, percentage on dog tax




Wm. Loker, dog tax and percentage




James Lynch, statute labour





Moved by Daniel Hesketh, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following taxes be struck off the 1920 Collector’s Roll as charged in error:


Mrs. Angus McDonald, 2% tax




John Berta, 2% tax




Wm. Foley, statute labour tax & 2%




Fred Gordier, statute labour tax & 2%





Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the following taxes be struck off the 1920 Collector’s Roll as indigent:


Mrs. Wm. Gilmour









Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the following taxes be credited to the 1920 Collector’s Roll and charged on the 1921 Collector’s Roll as 2% tax in arrears:


H. B. Tolton, cr.




Fred E. Beckett, cr.




Mrs. M. Taylor, cr.




J. H. Sherk, cr.




Irvin K. Martin, cr.




George Paddock, W., cr.




George M. Paddock, cr.




Richard G. Chester, cr.




John Scott, cr.




Arch. Benallick, cr.




A. Stewart, cr.




Fred. Paddock, cr.





Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday, the 30th of May, at 10 a.m., as a Court of Revision, and afterward, for general business.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Court of Revision

May 30th 1921.


The members of the Puslinch Municipal Council met in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 10 a.m. today, and after taking the required declaration, they were duly constituted as a Court of Revision, to hear and decide appeals against the 1921 assessment roll.


The only appeal made was that of Robert Herman, who, having disposed of his dog, desired the assessment struck off.  The Court decided that, as the custom of striking off dogs, after being properly assessed, is illegal, it would conform to the law regarding such cases in future, and therefore disallow the claim.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the 1921 assessment roll be confirmed as made.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

May 30th 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, at the close of the Court of Revision, in the Council Room, today.  The members were all present, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Schultz.


A deputation of Puslinch Beach owners requested that a portion, at least, of the statute labour, accruing from their properties, be expended on the private roadway fronting the survey.  The Council expressed itself as being favourable to same expenditure, as requested, provided that no liability for further upkeep was incurred.  The Clerk was instructed to consult with Crown Attorney Kearns in the matter, and report to Council.


A deputation from Lyons Park Survey requested same improvement on the Waterloo-Puslinch boundary line, near their property.  It was arranged that Messrs. Schultz and Doyle meet a committee of the Waterloo Township Council, in this matter, on Thursday next, at 2 p.m.


Mr. Schultz advised that Mr. M. Ferguson was complaining of the condition of a culvert on the Ferguson Drain, the maintenance of which was the responsibility of the Township.  The matter was placed in Mr. Schultz’ hands, and the Clerk was instructed to supply Mr Schultz with a copy of the award, for his guidance.


The Clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for the construction of the unfinished portion of the Watt Drain.






The Clerk was instructed to write the Beverly Township Council and arrange a date to meet the boundary line committee for the purpose of arranging the season’s work.


The Inspectors of the Public and Continuation Schools paid a short visit to the Council, and took the occasion to point out the prospective need for a centrally located high school in the township.  The Continuation School Inspector pointed out that the instruction and accommodation of the third year pupils would require an extension of the existing equipment, and accommodation in the Aberfoyle and Morriston Schools, and suggested that this could be most economically provided for by the erection of a modern, centrally located building for the whole township, and intimated that the Council would be approached in the matter, by the school boards, in the near future.


Inspector Craig advised that the accommodation for the 1921 entrance class, at Aberfoyle, was insufficient, and intimated that he would probably have Sections 6, 8, and 9 write at Morriston.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, providing for borrowing money from the Dominion Bank, Guelph, to cover overdrafts, for the year 1921, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, providing for the borrowing of money from the Dominion Bank, Guelph, to cover overdrafts for the year 1921, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 9-1921.







Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the statute labour, accruing from the Puslinch Beach survey, be commuted and that the new division, thus constituted, be known as Puslinch Beach Division, and that the expenditure of the money accruing be under the direct control of the Council.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


D. McNaughton, extra work on _________




James Boucher, grading account




John Marshall, for work making tile




Wm. Forrest, dragging, Divisions 204 & 227




Alex Fleming, commuted labour, Division 216




H. B. Tolton, commuted labour, Division 204




Geo. L. Metcalf, 35 rods of wire fence




D Galbraith, 100 rods of wire fence




Thos. S. Doyle, 60 rods of wire fence




London Concrete Machinery Co., tile




Albert McWilliams, grant toward construction of shed at Downey’s School





Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday June 27th 1921, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve

“dated June 27th 1921”






Municipality of Puslinch

June 27th 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and Schultz.


In regard to the replacing of a road drain in Arkell village, the Council decided to continue the obligation of a former Council and agreed to supply the tile necessary, providing the School Board, and others interested, would agree to take the responsibility of properly placing same.


Tenders received for the construction of a piece of cement walk, fronting the Township Hall, were considered too costly at the present time, and it was decided to fill the depression with screenings from the tile stock, and Mr. Marshall was instructed to place same.


No acceptable tenders having been received for the construction of the unfinished portion of Drain No.4, the Council instructed Mr. Hesketh to ascertain the possibilities of having the work finished by day work within a reasonable cost.


Mr. Schultz reported progress in the matter of the Ferguson culvert.


The Clerk read legal opinions in the matter of road expenditures in connection with the Puslinch Beach property.  The opinion confirmed the Council in its action of last meeting.







Moved by McLean and Doyle, that R. J. McFarlane, Chairman of the Sites Committee, and Hugh Ross, Chairman of the Monument Committee, employ someone to build the fence around the monument.



Moved by Duncan McLean and Thos. S. Doyle, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Geo. Fielding, repairing hill and gravelling, Concession 1




John McAllister, gravelling Lots 5-6, Conc. 2




Geo. McGill, gravelling, Conc. 7




Albert McWilliams, gravelling, Concession 7




Samuel Slater, gravelling, Concession 7




Richard Laird, gravelling, 7th Concession




Albert Bootes, gravel




Jno. S. Marshall, making tile & drawing cement




James Boucher, repairs to grader & Express




John Tolton, gravelling, Lots 6-7, Concession 10




Joseph Price, gravelling, Lots 6-7, Concession 10




Len Maltby, gravelling, Lots 6-7, Concession 10




Walter Cook, work on boundary line, Guelph Township pays half




Robt. Adams, shovelling gravel




J. A. Cockburn, wire fence bonus, 120 rods, Lot 18-19, Conc. 10




Helen Hamilton, bonus wire fence, 80 rods, Lot 1, Concession 9




John Rae, 105 yards of gravel, Lots 6-7, Concession 10




James Boucher, for grading




Wm. Crow, gravelling, Lots 20-21, Concession 2




Thos. Aikens, gravel









Len Evans, cutting hill & gravelling, Lots 6-7, Concession 4




Mr. Harding, gravelling, Lots 7-8, Concession 4




D. Milroy, grading Townline, Waterloo to pay half




Wm. Foster, repairing bridge, Concession 5




Robt. Kennedy, commuted labour, Division ____ (left blank)




Dan McDonald, commuted labour




Chester Schultz, delivering tile




Brock Sault, work on townline, Waterloo pays half




Robt. Herman, work on townline, Waterloo pays half




Alex Wilkinson, work on townline, Waterloo pays half




James Morgan, work on townline, Waterloo pays half




Guelph Trust Co., safety deposit box




Earl Frosch, work on townline, Waterloo pays half




Archibald Ramsay, work on townline, Waterloo pays half




Fred Schuman, work on townline, Waterloo pays half




Robt. Zimmerman, use of scraper




Brock Sault, operating grader on townline, Waterloo pays $1.30, Dumfries pays $1.30, & Puslinch pays $2.65




Walter Holm, work on hill, Lots 6-7, Concession 4




Robt. Herman, posting notices on Lake Road




Municipal World, supplies




Sawyer-Massey, grader blade and hub bar




Royal City Press, printing notices




A. B. Falconbridge, half of yearly salary








Mr. J. A. Cockburn gave a detailed report of the movements leading up to and also the results of the Wellington County Inter-Township Livestock Judging Contest, held at the O.A.C. on June 15th, and in which contest, the Puslinch team, coached by himself, won the well-merited honour of taking first place.  A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Cockburn on behalf of the team, and Mr. Cockburn was asked to present his expense account, of which the Council had agreed to pay $25.00.



Moved by Daniel J, Hesketh, seconded by Thos. Doyle, that this Council adjourn, to meet on July 25th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve

“Dated July 25th 1921”






Municipality of Puslinch

July 25th 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all present, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Schultz.


The following motions were passed:


Moved by D. McLean, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the number of tiles granted for the approach to private property from the roadway be restricted to 10 2½-foot tiles, and any number used over that amount be paid for by the property holder, and that all those who have already received more than that number for such purpose be billed for the excess, and that the Caretaker be instructed to give no tile, only on the order of the Councillor for the division in which they are to be used.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. Hesketh, that this Council agree to pay Mr. Hugh Clark in full of his account for extra work in connection with the collection of taxes and for long service as Treasurer for the Township of Puslinch, and that an order for the amount, viz. $75.00, be drawn and paid.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Duncan McDonald, gravelling Lots 25-26




J. S. Marshall, making tile and drawing cement




M. P. Lynch, drawing tile & building culvert, L.____, C._____ (blank)




H. H. Harding, gravelling, Concessions 3 & 4









Jas. McPherson, removing stone & cutting brush, Concession 1




R. D. Leslie, shovelling gravel, Con Lot 404




Thomas Buchanan, shovelling gravel, Lot 33




Thos. Heffernan, shovelling gravel




James Reid, repairing bridge between Lots 30 & 31




Charles Brown, cutting weeds, Morriston to pay half




Guelph Mercury, account to date, advertising




Robert Stewart Lumber Co., material for Sorby’s bridge




F. Bartels, grading, Concession 1, (Con Lot ____)




Andrew M. Ord, cutting weeds, Township grounds




J. Ehrhardt, wire fence & cutting brush, Lots 5-6, Concession 3-4





Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that this Council adjourn, to meet on the 22nd day of August, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve

(dated) August 22nd/21.






Municipality of Puslinch

August 22nd 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and McLean.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for County, School, and Municipal purposes for the year 1921 A.D.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that the bylaw, providing by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for county, school, and municipal purposes, for the year 1921, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 10.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the resignation of Mrs. W. Burns, the Caretaker, be accepted, and that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to post notices for applications for such position, to be considered at the next meeting.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Bond Hardware Co., cement for tile




Jno. Gordon, cleaning ditch & putting in culvert




B. Watson, nails for snow fence









Edgar Boucher, 97 yards of gravel




T. H. Bodendistel, work on Sorby’s bridge




T. H. Bodendistel, work on Sorby’s bridge, Waterloo pays half




Wm. Crow, for gravel




Wm. Bond, commuted labour, Division 329




Wm. Bond, widening road, Lot 17, Concession 1




Alex Tawse, inspecting sheep, McGill




Alfred Gitting, 6 yards of gravel




Alfred Reid, 53 yards of gravel




Hugh Currie, 59 yards of gravel




Wm. Ross, 30 yards of gravel




John Jamieson, 12 yards of gravel




Jos. Kloepfer, 73 yards of gravel




James A. McPherson, 41 yards of gravel




C. Bond, 80 yards of gravel




Albert Gittings, 2 yards of gravel, work ─ commuted labour, Division 306 ─ $15.00




Alfred Reid, picking stones, Concession 1




Walter Cook, gravel, Division 207




Alex Tawse. gravel




W. McNaughton, sheep killed by dogs




Thos. Allen, gravel & damage to crop




Thos. Carter




Jno. Rae




Geo. Butcher, commuted labour, Division 401




Geo. Butcher




F. Roszell, gravel




Mrs. M. Taylor, 167 yards of gravel









Jno. S. Marshall, making tile & drawing cement




H. Hanlon, repairing bridge, Concession 5




Jas. Boucher, grading and help




Jas. (or Jos.) Price, cutting brush, Concession 9, Lot 5




F. McGladery, gravel




John Ord, gravel




John Ord, shovelling gravel & picking stones




John Ord, snow fence




E. Hales, gravel




H. B. Tolton, commuted labour, Division 204




C. Bond, bridge repair & gravelling




C. Maddaugh, grading, West Flamborough pays half




Peter Patterson, gravel




W. H. Martin, gravel, West Flamborough pays half




W. H. Schultz




John Patterson, cutting brush & widening road




Geo. McGill, sheep valuator




Thos. E. J. Doyle, bonus for wire fence




H. Harding, 115 yards of gravel




Alex Tawse, sheep claim





Moved, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on September the 26th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge

(dated) Sept. 26th/21






Municipality of Puslinch

September 26th 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and Hesketh.


Engineer Rose, in charge of the Provincial Highway construction, requested the sanction of the Council to cutting down the hill on the Guelph Township boundary line at Stone’s corner.  A committee of Council was appointed to meet the engineer and Guelph Township Council at the place indicated.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that this Council instruct the Clerk to make arrangements to hold a public meeting in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, for the purpose of gaining some information in regard to Hydro Power for the township.



Moved by Daniel J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. Schultz, that John Marshall be appointed Caretaker of the Township Hall for the balance of the year, at the same rate as the previous caretaker, $35.00 per annum and perquisites.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, amounts of Puslinch Council meeting of September 26th:


George Meldrum, cementing, paint and painting at monument




Hilborn Milling Co., cement for monument




Guelph Lumber Co., lumber for monument




Jno. W. Sawyer, gravelling, Beverly pays half









Wm. Eustace, gravel & labour, Beverly pays half




John Tolton, commuted labour, Division 214 & gravel




Geo. Butcher, work with grader




Thomas Taylor, gravel, Divisions 432-433




Wm. Prittie, 10 yards of gravel




Duncan McLean, gravel




Wm. Colburn, gravel




Thomas Beaton, gravel, Divisions 418-421




Andrew Scott, gravel, Division 411




John E. Simpson, gravel & damage to field




Wm. H. Schultz, gravel




A. G. Bootes, gravel




Frank McGladery, gravel




Geo. Fielding, gravelling & work, Division 402




Peter Patterson, drawing and gravel for tile




Thos. Walsh, shovelling, Guelph Township pays half




Robert Watt, 70 rods of wire fence, Lot 10, Concession 11




David Maltby, work on grader




Geo. Ruber, drawing tile and placing culvert




A. J. King, work on grader




Delmar Tawse, work on grader




John Peer, gravelling, Division 475




Alex Fleming, gravel ─ $6.45, commuted labour, Division 210 ─ $6.00




Geo. Fielding, work on grader




Dougald Campbell, gravel, 43 yards & work, Division 425




James Reid, cutting brush, picking stones, etc.




James Reid, work with grader









Charles Maddaugh, grading, Beverly pays half




Jos. Kloepfer, hauling stone




O. Patton, widening road, Division 424




John Pinkney, commuted labour, Division 407




Charles Mast, placing culvert & drawing gravel




Walter Elliot, drawing gravel




H. Hanlon, gravel on Concessions 5 & 7




Jno. McCarron, gravel, Concession 7




David Parker, gravel, Concession 4




Wm. Steffler, gravel, Concession 7




Louis Nigro, gravel, Concession 4




Sam Bennet, work




Ed. Kineslla, 1½ days work




John Borthwick, gravel, Concession 7




Thomas Fitton, for gravel, Line 2




Leonard Evans, railing on hill, Concession 4




Thos. Hardie, work on Ditch No. 4 (Watt)




C. Wetherall, work on Ditch No. 4




John Rae, gravel




A. B. Falconbridge, extra, for voters’ list & stamps




John Jamieson, gravel, Concession 2




John Marshall, making tile & storing moulds





Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that this Council adjourn, to meet again on the 24th of October, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge

(signed) Alex McLean






Municipality of Puslinch

October 24th 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all present, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. McLean and Doyle.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Roy Carter, filling in stones, Lot 5, Concession 10




T. F. Rider, for filling in stones, Lot 5, Concession 10




Angus Martin, payment on Drain No. 3




John Patterson, 42 rods of wire fence




J. A. Cockburn, grant for stock judging competition




Treasurer, Town of Hespeler, repairs to grader




J. H. Westoby, Guelph, grant for Farmers’ Rest Room




Mrs. W. Burns, Caretaker’s salary




Hugh Ross, for lumber used around monument




Fred Schuman, 80 yards of gravel, Waterloo pays half




Fred Bartels, 72 yards of gravel, Waterloo pays half




Municipal World, for supplies




D. Alex Niven, inspection of Drain No. 4




H. L. Dancy, in full of contract, Drain No. 4




A. B. Falconbridge, selection & typing of lists of jurors









Charles Maddaugh, to replace lost cheque, Aug. 22/21




C. Richardson, for grading




Earl Clugston, 30 yards of gravel




Walter Elliot, work on Concession 9




Mr. Ford, 30 yards of gravel




Geo. Hunt, 20 yards of gravel




Clarence Lister, gravelling Concession 7




Michael Spruhan, cutting brush, Concession 4




H. L. Ott, repair of scraper




John Jamieson, 40 yards of gravel




David Milroy, gravelling, Waterloo pays half





Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that this Council adjourn, to meet on the 21st day of November, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge

(signed) Alex McLean






Municipality of Puslinch

November 21st 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, excepting Mr. Doyle, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and Hesketh.


Mr. Wm. Winer interviewed the Council in reference to the notice sent him to clear out his portion of Drain No. 2, and claimed that the obstruction was caused largely by the overflow from an insufficient drain above his property.  The matter was referred to the engineer as per the following motion:



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the notice given to Mr. Wm. Winer to clear out his portion of Drain No. 2 be countermanded pending the decision of the engineer as to the liability for such work.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, for the year 1922, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Wm. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, for the year 1922, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 11.







Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Geo. W. Paddock, refund of arrears of taxes, 2%, for 1920




Geo. M. Paddock, refund of arrears of taxes, 2%, for 1920




John Scott, refund of arrears of taxes, 2%, for 1920




Alex Stewart, refund of arrears of taxes, 2%, for 1920




A. A. Stewart, gravelling, Beverly pays half




Geo. M. Paddock, gravelling, Beverly pays half




Peter Hume, repairing culvert, Concession 10




Fred Bartels, commuted labour, 1920




Fred Bartels, 32 yards of gravel




Nassagaweya Township Treasurer, half of Townline expenditures




Robt. Stewart Co., lumber for bridge, Concession 1




Guelph Herald, printing & advertising




A. J. King, grading, Concession 9




Earl Carter, grading, Concession 9




J. E. Thomas, grading, Concession 9, and moving grader




Thos. Francis, gravel




D. Buchanan, gravelling, Lots 30 & 31, Concession 10




Thos. Foley, filling bridge, Concession 9




D. J. Hesketh, for services as Councillor




Wm. H. Schultz, for services as Councillor




Duncan McLean, for services as Councillor




Thos. S. Doyle, for services as Councillor




Alex McLean, for services as Reeve




A. B. Falconbridge, balance of salary as Clerk









Moved by D. McLean, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that in response to the request of the Provincial Secretary, the Council hereby places itself on record as being in favour of retaining the present extent of the municipal franchise, and as being in favour of using the assessment of a municipality wholly as a basis for county representation instead of the present basis.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the cheque of John Wilkinson for deposit on the Drain No. 3 contract be returned to him.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that this Council adjourn, to meet on December 15th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Alex McLean ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1921.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in final regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve McLean presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and McLean.


The following resolutions were passed:


Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that this Council suggest that the contract for the completion of Drain No. 4, and particularly that portion fronting Mr. Watt’s property, be let, as soon as practical, next year.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the report of John Martin, Truancy Officer, be received and adopted.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that the Treasurer’s report be adopted and that he be hereby instructed to have 200 copies printed for distribution.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. Hesketh, that the following accounts be passed:


A. Bowman, cutting hill, Concession 7, Lot 27




J. Kloepfer, cutting hill, Concession 7, Lot 27,




R. Gordon, 1½ ___ (days, possibly)  repairing road, Guelph Township pays half




M. Wakefield, building snow fence, Nassagaweya pays half









M. Ferguson, lumber & work on bridge, Concession 1




Peter Angus, gravelling, Beverly pays half




Michael J. French, drawing lumber & repairing bridge, Conc. 1




Jas. Gilmour, repairs to grader




A. Gilmour, shovelling snow




A. Niven, inspection of Drain No. 3




A. Martin, final payment, Drain No. 3




A. Niven, inspection of Drain No. 4




Guelph Mercury, printing account




Fred Schuman, 80 yards of gravel, balance of account, Waterloo pays half




D. Milroy, balance of account, gravelling




Robt. Evans, 33 rods of wire fence




Wm. S. Ross, refund of dog tax, charged in error




P. J. McLean, refund of statute labour




Mrs. E. J. Doyle, 35 rods of wire fence




Roy Carter, refund of dog tax, charged in error




Geo. Jefferson, refund of dog tax, charged in error




Herb Ott, repairs to grader, Waterloo pays half




N. Harrison, 12 yards of gravel, Concession 9




J. E. Thomas, gravel, Concession 9




H. Barton, 16 yards of gravel




A. B. Falconbridge, extra work on Collector’s roll ─ Continuation School rates




John Martin, services as Truancy Officer




John Marshall, Caretaker’s salary to December 31st/21




John Walsh, Treasurer’s salary to December 31st/21









A. McGinnis, collecting taxes, 1920




John Walsh, collecting taxes, 1920




Daniel McNaughton, gratuity for long service, over 21 years as Assessor




George Lewis, for looking after tile




Walter Elliott, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 420




Angus Martin, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 420




John E. Simpson, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 420




Donald Simpson, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 420




Angus Buchanan, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 417




Don (or Dou) Campbell, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 417




Thos. Foley, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 417




Wm. Foley, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 417, (entire line crossed out)




Alex Mc Lean, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 417




P. J. McLean, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 417




Brock Stephenson, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 207




N. Harrison, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 207




J. E. Thomas, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 207




G. H. Watson, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 207




E. Carter, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 207




A. Byrne, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 227




Wm. Forrest, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 227




Wm. Hamilton, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 227




J. A. McNulty, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 227




Jno. Walsh, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 227




H. Barton, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 227




R. Armstrong, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 202









Jno. Clair, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 202




Wm. Deakin, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 202




P. J. Hanlon, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 202




A. Moody, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 202




T. Phalen, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 202




Thos. Arkell, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 213




Jno. Arkell, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 213




Roy Carter, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 213




Jas. Nash, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 213




Thos. Ryder, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 213




Jno. Rae, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 213




D. Tarzwell, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 213




R. Tarzwell, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 213




T. S. Doyle, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 119




Geo. Loty, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 119




Jas. Crane, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 123




J. J. Hanlon, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 123




Jas. Howitt, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 123




Wm. Steffler, refund statute labour, 1921, Division 123




J. S. Beckett, refund 2% tax 1920, charged in error








At the close of business, the Reeve was requested to leave the chair, and Mr. Doyle occupied same.  On motion, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. McLean for his courteous and efficient leadership in Council.  Mr. McLean replied suitably.


The meeting adjourned, sine die.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve

“Dated Jan. 9/22”


Accounts omitted:


P. Patterson, gravel




J. McPherson, commuted statute labour, Division 410




C. Mast, work on road, East Flamboro pays half




J. E. Simpson, gravel




A. Buchanan, gravel




E. Clugston, gravel




P. J. McLean, commuted statute labour, Division _____ (left blank)




Jno. Marshall, work around Hall




George Lewis, supplies for grader & Hall








Municipality of Puslinch

December 26th 1921.

Special Meeting


A special meeting of Council was called at 12:30 p.m. today.  The members were all present, Reeve McLean presiding.


The following motion was passed:


Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by D. McLean, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise for applications for the office of Assessor for the Township of Puslinch.


The meeting adjourned.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

“Dated Jan. 9/21.”






Nomination Meeting

December 26th 1921.


The annual nomination meeting was held, pursuant to statute, on December 26th 1921, at 1:00 o’ clock p.m., in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle.


A large number of ratepayers were present and the following gentlemen were duly nominated for the offices of Reeve and Councillor: 


For Reeve:

Alex McLean and Hugh Ross


For Councillor:

Wm. Crow, Thos. S. Doyle, Daniel Hesketh, William Marriott, Duncan McLean, Duncan C. Ross, and Wm. H. Schultz.


In consequence of the fact that the nominations exceeded the number of offices to be filled, the meeting was adjourned until Monday January 2nd/22, to be decided by ballot at the polls, designated in the bylaw for that purpose.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Returning Officer






Municipality of Puslinch

January 2nd 1922.

Election Returns





For Reeve


For Councillors








Ross, D.









































































Pursuant to statute and the declaration of the Returning Officer at the nomination meeting of the 26th ultimo, polls were opened at the several subdivisions in the township and the above tabulated summary of votes cast was returned by the respective Deputy-Returning Officers.


Messrs. Ross for Reeve and Schultz, McLean, Doyle, and Crow for Councillors, having received the largest number of votes, were duly declared elected to constitute the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch for the year 1922 A.D.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Returning Officer





Municipality of Puslinch

January 9th 1922.


The inaugural meeting of the Puslinch Municipal Council was held, pursuant to statute, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 11 a.m. today.  The members elect, viz., Hugh Ross, Reeve, Wm. H. Schultz, Duncan McLean, Thos. S. Doyle, and Wm. Crow, Councillors, were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.


The minutes of the last meeting of the 1921 Council were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. McLean and Schultz.   



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, appointing a member of the Board of Health, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by Wm. Schultz, that a bylaw, appointing auditors for the year 1921-22, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that a bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the Township of Puslinch, for the year 1922, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that a bylaw, providing for the distribution of dog tags in the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, authorizing the Head and Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch to borrow money to meet the current ordinary expenditures of the corporation during the year 1922, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved, that John Marshall be and is hereby appointed Caretaker of the Township Hall for the year 1922.



Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by Wm. Schultz, that in any case where eatables are served in connection with meetings or entertainments held in the Township Hall, the Caretaker shall retain one half of the regular fee therefrom, and further, that all fees are to be collected by the Caretaker in advance.



Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and submit, to the Minister of Public Works and Highways of the Province of Ontario, the petition of the Corporation of the Township of Puslinch, showing that, during the period January 1st 1921 to December 31st 1921, there has been expended upon the township roads the sum of $______ (left blank), and requesting the statutory grant on that amount, as provided by the Ontario Highways Act and amendments thereto.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. Schultz, that D. A. McNaughton be appointed Pathmaster to replace George Fielding, deceased, for Division No. 401, and that Wm. Swartzenberger be Pathmaster for Division 328.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the Board of Health, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.






In Committee of the Whole, the Reeve presiding, the following names and figures were inserted in the blanks in the several bylaws, viz., for member of the Board of Health, William J. Little, for auditors, D. A. McNaughton and Thos. J. Mahon, and for Assessor, William M. Moore, at a salary of $225 per annum.



Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the bylaw, appointing auditors for the year 1921-22, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 1922-2.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the Township of Puslinch for the year 1922, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 1922-3.



Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the bylaw, providing for the distribution of dog tags in the Township of Puslinch for the year 1922, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 1922-4.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. Schultz, that the bylaw, authorizing the Head and Treasurer of the township of Puslinch to borrow money to meet the current ordinary expenditures of the corporation during the year 1922, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 5.



Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


H. Leachman, refund of statute labour, Division ____. (left blank)




S. Meek, refund of statute labour, Division 121.




J. Barclay, refund of statute labour, Division 121




Thos. Jackson, refund of statute labour, Division 121




Guelph Herald, printing financial statement, ballots, & advertising









S. Hume, election expenses




M. P. Lynch, election expenses




M. Ferguson, election expenses




G. Lewis, election expenses




J. Winer, election expenses




J. M. Eagle, election expenses




A. B. Falconbridge, service as Returning Officer




A. B. Falconbridge, service rē road expenditure accounting




A. B. Falconbridge, Clerk’s postage account, 1921




Several gentlemen waited on the Council in the interests of the proposed Rural Credits Association, and urged the Council to declare its attitude toward the required municipal investment.  The matter was laid over for further consideration.



Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the Council adjourn, to meet on Monday February 6th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

February 6th 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session, pursuant to adjournment, on Monday February 6th 1922, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and Schultz.


Mr. John A. Ord interviewed the Council in regard to a High School site.  On behalf of a committee of the Aberfoyle Continuation School Board, Mr. Ord requested the Council to grant or give a price on a sufficient site to be taken off the township grounds.  The matter was referred forward, and in the meantime, the Clerk was instructed to enquire into the proposition.


Messrs. Cockburn and Amos again approached the Council on the matter of inaugurating a Rural Credits System in Puslinch Township, but, after due consideration, the Council declined to take action, as per motion 3.


The following motions were put and carried:


Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that a bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways and Winter Pathmasters, Pound-Keepers, Fence-Viewers, and Sheep Valuators, to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch for the current year, 1922-23, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Thos. S. Doyle, that the grant of $50.00, promised to the Puslinch Agricultural Society for the 1921 Field Crop Competition, as verified by the minutes of February 7th 1921, the payment of which was overlooked, be now paid.



Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that this Council take no action as regards the Rural Credit System, at present.



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. Crow, that James Harmer be and is hereby appointed School Attendance Officer for the year 1922, the remuneration to be at the rate of 40 cents per hour and 1.0 cent per mile (one way), for time occupied and distance travelled.


(signed) Hugh Ross, Reeve



Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways and Winter Pathmasters, Pound-keepers, Fence-viewers, and Sheep Valuators, to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch for the current year, 1922-23, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 6.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that the auditors’ report of receipts and expenditures, for the year 1921, be received and adopted and that the Treasurer be instructed to have printed copies made for distribution.







Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Robert McCartney, 3½ cords of wood for the Hall, at $11.50 per cord




Geo. J. Meldrum, 1921 grant for Field Crop Competition




Samuel Meek, 12 hours cutting brush, Division 121




Angus Martin, contract, Watt D & W award




D. A. Niven, engineer fees rē Watt D & W award




Guelph Mercury, advertising




Municipal World, supplies




D. A. McNaughton, auditing 1921 accounts




T. J. Mahon, auditing 1921 accounts





Moved by W. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the Council adjourn, to meet on Monday March 6th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

March 6th 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. McLean and Doyle.


The following resolutions were moved and passed:


Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by T. Doyle, that we, the members of the Township Council of Puslinch, now assembled, earnestly desire that a new station and warehouse be constructed at Puslinch, our great shipping point.  We understand that the money has been appropriated and plans out for some time.  The patrons of this station extend in a radius of miles, and new buildings in the near future would be greatly appreciated by all.

The above is the form of a resolution, submitted to Council for approval and subsequent transmission to H. C. Grant, General Superintendent of the C.P.R., Toronto.



Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the time for the collection of taxes be extended to April 3rd next.



Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by Wm. Schultz, that the resignation of A. B. Falconbridge as Township Clerk, to take effect not later than May 1st next, be accepted, and that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for applications for such office, to be received by April 1st next, and also to advertise for tenders for the position of foreman and operator on the road grader, and also to post notices for a man to make tiles.







Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Henry Fixter, 12 hours cutting brush, Division 309




Municipal World, for supplies




Wm. Wood, Treasurer of Beverly Township, for boundary line account




Oliver Bennett, cutting brush, Concession 4




Wm. Bell, cutting brush, Division 226




A. B. Falconbridge, registration of births, marriages, deaths




A. B. Falconbridge, report to school inspector




John Walsh, Treasurer, postage account




A. B. Falconbridge, for collection of taxes





Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the Council adjourn, to meet on Monday April 3rd, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve

“dated April 3rd/22”






Municipality of Puslinch

April 3rd 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and McLean.


Mr. Jackson, of the Canada Ingot Iron Company, of Guelph, interviewed the Council on the matter of purchasing some of the company’s one team road graders, and offered to give free trials on any number desired.  No action was taken in the matter.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that the time for collection of resident taxes be extended to May 1st next.


Following advertisements calling for tenders for the operation of the road grader and for making tile, the following motions were passed:


Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. H. Schultz, that James Harmer be and is hereby appointed to be operator and foreman of the Township road grader for the year 1922, at a rate of 34 cents per hour.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Thos. Doyle, that John Marshall be and is hereby appointed to make the township tile for the season 1922, at a rate of 40 cents per hour.







Moved by Thos. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


A. B. Falconbridge, cost of affidavits




A. W. Bootes, gravel




M. P. Lynch, cutting brush, Road 4




M. __ (possibly T.) Lynch, cutting brush, Road 4




In connection with the applications for the position of township clerk, the following motion was introduced and passed:


Moved by D. McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, appointing a township clerk, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the Council meet, in special session, on Monday April 10th at 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of considering the applications for township clerk.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by W. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday, the first day of May, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

April 10th 1922.

Special Meeting


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in special session, as per resolution No. 6 of April 3rd 1922, for the purpose of considering applications for the position of township clerk.  The members were all present, Reeve Ross presiding.


The Council was moved into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Doyle in the chair.


Upon resuming Council, Mr. Doyle reported that, by a majority vote, Mr. T. W. Robertson had been selected for the appointment. 



It was moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, and carried unanimously that the bylaw, appointing the Clerk for the Township of Puslinch, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.


The Council adjourned.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

May 1st 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and Crow.


Mr. Wilson and Reverend Mr. Woods attended and interviewed the Council in connection with a grant for the Morriston Public Library.  No action was taken in the matter, at present.


A letter from H. C. Grant, General Superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Ontario Division, was read, with regard to the erection of a new station and warehouse at Puslinch.  Owing to the depression in business, all expenditure of this kind have been curtailed, but, as soon as conditions warrant, the requirements at Puslinch will be attended to.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that D. A. Niven, Engineer, be and is hereby instructed to hear and decide the dispute between H. A. Stewart and Wm. Winer, regarding the maintenance of Drain No. 3, the Penrice Drain.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that a bylaw, amending Bylaw No. 8-1916, known as the Foley-McLean Drain Bylaw, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, amending Bylaw 8-1916, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered. (No. 8)



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for the construction of the unfinished portion of Drain No. 4.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that this Council instruct the Clerk to get in communication with the Clerk of Beverly Township in connection with a meeting at Sawyer’s corner, any time between the 20th of May and the 1st of June.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by D. McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Jno. Marshall, making tile and fixing Hall




G. W. Paddock, dragging & repairing road, Beverly Townline




W. H. Martin, picking stones & trimming trees, Beverly Townline




Jas. Harmer, cleaning sidewalk, Aberfoyle




Alex McGinnis, cutting brush, 9th Concession




Alex Smith, filling hole & gravelling, 3rd Concession




Wm. Foster, cleaning ditch, 7th Concession




Walter Holm, cleaning ditch, 4th Concession









Guelph Mercury, advertising for Clerk




Jas. Simpson, Treasurer, Nassagaweya, statute labour & gravelling on Nassagaweya Townline




A. B. Falconbridge, amending bylaw, Foley-McLean Drain




A. B. Falconbridge, postage & telephone expenses




Jas. Laidlaw, (Guelph Township, boundary account, 1921)

$131. 79



Jno. Martin, digging grave





Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. Crow, that this Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday, the fifth day of June, at 10:00 a.m., as a Court of Revision, and afterwards, for general business.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

June 5th 1922.

Court of Revision


The members of the Puslinch Municipal Council met in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 10 a.m., on Monday, June 5th, and after taking the required declarations, were duly constituted a Court of Revision, to hear and decide appeals against the 1922 Assessment Roll.


The Court heard and decided the following appeals:


John Blair ─ account too high assessment ─ dismissed.


Wm. G. Blair ─ account too high assessment ─ dismissed


Arthur Byrnes ─ account too high assessment ─ dismissed


Duncan Clark, account too high assessment ─ reduced $100


John Cole ─ account, too high assessment ─ reduced $50


Philip Crimless ─ account, too high assessment on Lot 15 Front Concession 8 ─ reduced $100


John Flynn ─ rē school assessment ─ changed to separate school supporter


Lester Greer ─ account, too high assessment ─ reduced $900


Marshall Haines ─ account, too high assessment ─ reduced $150


James Harmer ─ account, too high assessment ─ dismissed


F. P. Holman ─ account, income tax ─ allowed


John Jamieson ─ account, assessment too high ─ reduced $100


Burton C. Keyes ─ account, income tax ─ allowed







C. M. MacDonald ─ account, general assessment and business tax being too high ─ assessment lowered $200 and business tax reduced $475


James Mason ─ account, overcharge on buildings and business tax ─ building assessment reduced $150, but business tax sustained.


J. J. McCarron ─ rē school assessment ─ changed to separate school supporter


Wm. Quirk ─ account, too high assessment ─ dismissed


Geo. J. Steffler ─ rē school assessment ─ changed to separate school supporter


John Westlake ─ account, business assessment being too high ─ reduced $100


John A. Wilkinson ─ against business and income tax ─ allowed



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the Assessment Roll for 1922, as revised and amended, be confirmed.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Appeal from Court of Revision

June 27th 1922.


The appeal of Mr. John Cole, against the decision of the Court of Revision, was heard by Judge Spotton at the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on Tuesday June 27th 1922, at 10 a.m., the Assessor and the Clerk being in attendance.


Mr. Cole’s assessment on buildings was lowered $100.00 by the judge.






Municipality of Puslinch

June 5th 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session, at the close of the Court of Revision, in the Council Room, today.  The members were all in attendance, excepting Mr. Doyle, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and Crow.


The following resolutions were passed:


Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Ames, Mr. Finkbeiner, the Foresters’ Hall, and Miss Fahrner to have obstructions in Drain No. 2, the Penrice Drain, removed.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. Crow, that resolutions be forwarded to the Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, and to Mr. Howard G. Kelly, President of the Grand Trunk Railway, Montreal, requesting that an additional passenger train be put on, leaving Guelph for the north, about 3 p.m. each day.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Jos. Broeckel, 40 rods of wire fence




Samuel Meek, fixing culvert, 5th Concession




Ed Kinsella, work on the 4th Concession




Gladwyn Crow, drawing sand for tile, & for sand




A. B. Falconbridge, registering births, etc.




Thos. Maltby, man & team grading, 16 days









Wm. Black, man & team grading, 12 days




Wm. Black, man & team grading, 4 days




Jas. Harmer, operating grader, 17 days




Jas. Harmer, express on repairs for grader




Wm. M. Moore, Assessor’s salary




Wm. M. Moore, stamps & stationery




Sawyer-Massey Company, repairs to grader




Municipal World, supplies




Guelph Herald, printing, etc.




L. Maltby, dragging road, Division 226




A. B. Falconbridge, Clerk’s salary to May 1st




Duncan McDonald, dragging & picking stones, Beverly Townline




J. W. Sawyer, dragging & picking stones, Beverly Townline




Fred Roszell, gravelling, 2nd Concession




Jno. Marshall, making tile, building fence, & drawing cement




Robt. McCartney, lumber & drawing gravel




J. M. Eagle, repairs to sink-hole, 2nd Concession





Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday July 3rd, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

July 3rd 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and McLean.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


A. G. Bootes, 70 yards of gravel, Divisions 101 & 325




M. Byrne, work on Division 226




Jas. W. Smith, 46 yards of gravel, Division 405




N. Harrison, 76 yards of gravel, Division 207




G. Crow, drawing gravel for tile




J. H. Chester, 98 yards of crushed stone




J. C. Grieve, 20 rods of wire fence




Guelph Trust Company, 1 year’s rent of safety deposit box




Jos. Broeckel, gravelling Divisions 119 & 120




Henry Huck (or Hick), gravelling Division 112




Geo. McGill, gravelling Division 124




Jas. Lester, gravelling Division 125




Leonard Evans, fixing hill, 4th Concession




Jos. Lynch, gravelling Division 117




Alex Neaubauer, fixing hill, Division 115




Jno. A. McPherson, gravelling Division 410, (commuted labour)




Angus Martin, repairing bridge, Division 425




Wm. Sim, putting in tile, Beverly Townline









Chas. Gregor, filling in washout, Division 312




Alfred Leslie, repairing culvert, Beverly Townline




Roy Herman, repairing hill, Division 317




Roy Herman, gravelling Waterloo Townline




Robt. Herman, gravelling Waterloo Townline




Jno. Seajohn, gravelling Waterloo Townline




Alex Wilkinson, gravelling Waterloo Townline




Richard Cudney, gravelling Waterloo Townline




Jno. Seajohn, 6 yards of gravel, North Dumfries Townline




Jas. Morgan, 27 yards of gravel, North Dumfries Townline




Harry Leachman, filling sinkhole, Division 210




Fred Bartels, 75 yards of gravel, Waterloo Townline




Jno. Seajohn, 44 yards of gravel, Waterloo Townline




Guelph Mercury, advertising Drain No. 4 ─ $4.48, Court of Revision




D. Alex Niven, specifications, etc. ─  Drain No. 4




Bond Hardware Company, cement




Jno. Marshall, making tile




Jno. Marshall, delivering tile, Beverly Townline




Wm. Black, grading 16 days




Thos. Maltby, grading, 16 days




Jas. Harmer, grading, 16½ days




Jas. Harmer, repairing grader





Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday, August 7th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

August 7th 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and Crow.


The following resolutions were passed:


Moved by Mr. Schultz, seconded by Mr. Crow, that the tender of Angus Martin for the construction of the unfinished portion of Drain No. 4, the Watt Drain, for the sum of $840, be accepted.



Moved by Mr. Schultz, seconded by Mr. Crow, that a grant of $25.00 be given to the Puslinch Agricultural Society, for the purpose of helping to put the track of the show grounds in shape.



Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Doyle, that a grant of $25.00 be given to the Puslinch Lake branch of the Ontario Ploughmen’s Association.



Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Doyle, that the amount of money to be expended by the Councillors in the various Divisions is to not exceed $600.



Moved by Mr. Schultz, seconded by Mr. McLean, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for County, School, and Municipal purposes, for the year 1922.







Moved by Mr. Schultz, seconded by Mr. Crow, that the bylaw, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for County, School, and Municipal purposes, for the year 1922, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 9.



Moved by Mr. Crow, seconded by Mr. Schultz, that the following amounts of 1921 arrears of taxes, with percentage, be struck off: No. 144 ─ Jno. Swartzenberg ─ $4.00, No. 244 ─ M. Friedman ─ $2.00, No. 640 ─ Jas. McGraw ─ $4.00, No. 696 ─ R. McEdwards ─ $1.50, and No. 895 ─ T. Covil ─ $1.50. Total ─ $13.00, plus 2% = $13.26.



Moved by Mr. Doyle, seconded by Mr. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Sydney Maltby, cutting weeds, Township grounds




Sawyer-Massey Company, moulds for tile




Geo. Crane, gravelling 7th Concession




Ervin Steffler, 128 yards of gravel




Municipal World, supplies




J. S. Quillman, clearing stones & shovelling gravel, Divisions 409, 412, 420, & 421.




P. A. Fleming, 72 yards of gravel ─ $10.80 & filling sinkhole, Division 210.




Martin Clifford, 70 loads of stone, Division 226




Jno. Parker, shovelling gravel, 5th Concession




D. McCaig, grading, gravelling 3rd Conc., commuted labour




D. McFarlane, 85 rods of wire fence at 22½ cents per rod




A. S. Robertson, operating grader, Div. 305, commuted labour









Wm. Bill., cutting weeds, Division 226




Jno. Marshall, making tile and drawing cement




Fred Bartels, drawing tile & putting in same, Division 307




Geo. Butcher, cutting weeds, 7th Concession




Jas. Harmer, grading, 2 days, 2 teams




Jno. Marshall, express charges on mould




Puslinch Agricultural Society grant




Puslinch Lake Branch, Ontario Ploughmen’s Association




Jas. Reid, cutting weeds, Morriston pays half




Judge Spotton, expenses, Cole appeal




Chris Bond, commuted labour




Chester Schultz, gravel for tile




P. A. Fleming, plough broken, 1921




A notice from Mr. Fox, County Treasurer, was read, concerning a Treasurer’s sale of lands for taxes in the Township of Puslinch, of part Lot 1, Concession 3, one-twentieth of an acre, arrears and costs amounting to $4.76.  This land will be sold by public auction at the Court House, Guelph, at 11 a.m., September 14th, unless the arrears and costs are paid before that date.



Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Doyle, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday, September 4th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

September 4th 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and Crow.



Moved by Mr. Doyle, seconded by Mr. Doyle, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Geo. Paddock, 33¾ yards of gravel, Beverly Townline




Jas. McMillan, 48¾ yards of gravel,




M. Byrne, gravelling, Division 226




Jno. Rae, 41 yards of gravel, Division 213




Frank McGladery, gravel, Divisions 202, 204, & 227, & damage to field




Alex Tawse, 43 yards of gravel, Division 212




Harry Barton, 23 yards of gravel, Division 201




Wm. Crow, 228 yards of gravel, Divisions 104, 126, & 328




Wm. Schultz, gravel, Division 410




Thos. Allen, 60 yards of gravel, Division 222




Fred Paddock, 115 yards of gravel, Divisions 310 & 322




Mrs. Geo. Taylor, 113 yards of gravel, Divisions 308 & 309




Jos. Kloepfer, 19 yards of gravel, Division 324




Alfred Reid, 34 yards of gravel, Divisions 305 & 311




Jno. Jamieson, 27 yards of gravel, Division 321









Wm. Stengel, 20 yards of gravel, Division 313




Fred Bartels, 25 yards of gravel, Division 307




Jno. Seajohn, 12 yards of gravel, Waterloo Townline




Harry Hanlon, 63 yards of gravel, Divisions 124 & 127




Samuel Smith, widening road, Division 113




Louis Nigro, 36 yards of gravel, Division 113




Geo. Elliott, 8 rods of wire fence, S.S. No. 11




R. O’Donoghue, 134 yards of gravel, Division 103




R. O’Donoghue, gravelling, Division 103




Angus Martin, cutting & widening hills, 10th Concession




J. S. Quillman, clearing stone of hills




Jno. Marshall, making tile & drawing cement





Moved by Mr. Crow, seconded by Mr. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday October 2nd, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

October 2nd 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and McLean.


Mr. Robert Watt interviewed the Council concerning Drain No. 4.  He wished to have that part of the drain running through his property attended to first.


Mr. William Huether interviewed the Council regarding the coal situation and asking to have a fuel controller appointed.  The matter was laid over until the next Council meeting, when Mr. Huether promised to have more definite information concerning the situation.  He also spoke on the dangerous condition of the road at the C.P.R. crossing at Puslinch Station, and requested that the matter be taken up with the Department of Public Highways in order to prevent any serious accident.


Mr. A. G. Bootes also interviewed the Council, in connection with the condition of his gravel pit.  Mr. Doyle agree to look after this matter, and to try to use some of the stone from Mr. Bootes’ pit in order to widen the 3rd Concession.


The following resolutions were passed:


Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the County Treasurer pay Mr. Walsh, the Township Treasurer, the money due this township for arrears of taxes for non-resident property.







Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the Clerk be instructed to draw up a bylaw, providing for changing the remuneration of the members of the Board of Health.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, providing for an estimated expenditure for construction and maintenance of roads for 1922.



Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the bylaw, providing for an estimated expenditure for construction and maintenance of roads, for 1922, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 10.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Alex Smith, gravelling and widening 3rd Concession




N. Harrison, 90 yards of gravel, 9th Concession




O. Patton, widening road, Division 424




W. Easton, bridge & work on Beverly Townline




Angus Martin, grading and widening road, 10th Concession




W. J. Little, repairing road, Division 326




Duncan McLean, commuted labour, Division 315




Wm. Crow, 98 yards of gravel, Division 105




Thos. Beaton, 108 yards of gravel, Divisions 419, 420, 421




Dugald Campbell, 54 yds. of gravel, 1 day ─ man & team, Div. 425




Jos. Kloepfer, 50 yards of gravel, Division 404




P. A. Patterson, 30 yards of gravel, Division 410




W. H. Martin, 34 yards of gravel, Division 428, W. Flam.









Jno. Inglis, 45 yards of gravel, Division 422




Guelph Herald, supplies ─ stationery




J. A. Wilkinson, payment in full, Little’s Bridge, 3rd Conc.




T. W. Robertson, postage for tax notices




Mrs. Geo. Lewis, mending flag




J. S. Marshall, making tile, 110 hours at 40 cents per hour




J. S. Marshall, drawing cement & cleaning shed





Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday November 6th, at 1:30 p-m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

November 6th 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:00 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and Crow. 


The Clerk was instructed to write Engineer Rose, of the Department of Provincial Highways, regarding his workmen cutting into the road allowance on the 1st Concession, at the government pit, and also regarding the dangerous condition of the railway crossing at Puslinch Station.


A report of the inspection of Municipal Drain No. 2, the Penrice Drain, from D. A. Niven, Township Engineer, was read.  In connection with this, Reeve Ross and Mr. McLean were appointed a committee to interview Mr. Niven.


The resignation of Mr. John Marshall, Caretaker of the Township Hall, was handed in, the same to take effect at the end of the year.


The following resolutions were passed:


Moved by T.S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that the Clerk be instructed to post up notices in the Village of Aberfoyle, asking for applications for the position of Caretaker of the Township Hall, such applications to be in the hands of the Reeve before December 15th, applicants to state salary.







Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, authorizing the Puslinch Board of Health to increase the remuneration of the members of such Board, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the bylaw, authorizing the Puslinch Board of Health to increase the remuneration of the members of such Board, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 12.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the salary of the Reeve and Councillors be raised twenty-five dollars, making it $100.00 per year.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the nomination of candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors, for the Township of Puslinch for the year 1923, shall be held in the Township Hall, at Aberfoyle, on Friday, the 22nd day of December, at 1:00 o’ clock in the afternoon.



Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council and to appoint Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1923, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council, and to appoint Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1923, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 11.







Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Duncan McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Geo. Lamb, putting in culvert, Gore Line




Jno. A. Ord, refund of statute labour, Division 226




Jno. A. Ord, gravel & fixing culvert, Division 226




Robt. Adams, refund of statute labour, Division 226




M. Clifford, refund of statute labour, Division 226




L. Maltby, refund of statute labour, Division 226




Jas. Thornton, refund of statute labour, Division 226




Wm. Bell, shovelling gravel, 16 hours




Roy Wingrove, 200 rods of wire fence




J. A. Wilkinson, building Ord culvert, Division 406




Roy Carter, commuted labour




Roy Carter, gravelling & cutting brush, Conc. 10




Jas. Harmer, operating grader, Division 226




Wm. Crow, 25 yards of gravel




M. Spruhan, work at Little’s Bridge, Conc. 3




Jno. Parker, work at Little’s Bridge, Conc. 3




Jos. Broeckel, work at Little’s Bridge, Conc. 3




Geo. Ford, replacing lost cheque




Wm. Prettie, 90 yards of gravel ─ $13.50, surface damage ─ $1.00, Division 426




Wm. Leslie, spreading gravel, Beverly Townline




Geo. Paddock, opening pit & gravel, Beverly Townline




Chris Bond, repairing road, Concession 2




Chris Bond, 275 yards of gravel, Concession 2









Robt. Herman, 10 yards of gravel




Fred Roszell, 179 yards of gravel, Divisions 316, 322, 323, & 328




Fred Roszell, gravelling, Division 328




Angus McCormick, refund of statute labour, Division 310




Guelph Herald, printing voters’ lists & tax notices




Municipal World, supplies




T. W. Robertson, selection of jurors




Jas. Harmer, Constable’s expenses




D. Maltby, filling approach, Ord’s Bridge




Bond hardware Company, cement & oil




Jno. Marshall, making tile ─ 47 hours & drawing cement




Angus Martin, part payment, Drain No. 4




Hugh Ross, service as Reeve




Duncan McLean, service as Councillor




Wm. H. Schultz, service as Councillor




Wm. Crow, service as Councillor




Thos. S. Doyle, service as Councillor




T. W. Robertson, Clerk’s salary from May 1st





Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet, in final session, on Friday December 15th, at 1:00 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1922.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in final session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Crow and Schultz.


A communication from Mr. W. H. Alderson, Chairman of the Northern Ontario Fire Relief Committee, was read, requesting a contribution towards the relief of the fire sufferers in Northern Ontario.  The matter was laid over.


Mr. Jas. Parker interviewed the Council, requesting a refund of his dog tax.  The refund was refused.


The following resolutions were passed:


Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that a grant of $50.00 be given for the Field Crop Competition of 1922.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the account of A. W. Peacock, of Hamilton, for damages to auto truck, be laid over until the first meeting of the 1923 Council, in order to enable the Council to further investigate the matter.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the Treasurer’s salary be increased to $160.00 per annum.







Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the tender of Thos. Maltby Senior for caretaking of the Hall for 1923, at $35.00, be accepted.



Moved by Duncan McLean, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the Treasurer’s report be adopted, and that he be hereby instructed to have 200 copies printed for distribution.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Donald Stewart, commuted labour, Division 304




Don. J. McLean, gravelling, Division 424




Jno. A. Wilkinson, iron for bridges, Little’s & Ord’s




Jas. Gilmour, repairs on township machinery




Jno. McNaughton, work on sideline, Morr. pay half




Guelph Township, half share of townline account




Duncan McDonald, work at Crieff corner




Jas. McPherson, 27 yards of gravel, Crieff corner




Geo. Lewis, supplies for Hall




Roy Carter, grading




F. W. Stone Stock Company, refund of statute labour, Div. 223




Robt. Watt, refund of statute labour, Division 221




Thos. Carter, 20 yds. of gravel, Div. 214, 63 yds. of gravel, Div. 207




Walter Cook, gravelling, Division 207A




N. Harrison, commuted labour




Peter Hume, 2 culverts, Division 217









Harold Tolton, refund of statute labour




Thos. Francis, 51 yards of gravel




J. E. Simpson, 75 yards of gravel, Divisions 409 & 420




Geo. Hardie, 23 yards of gravel, Division 416




A. Scott, 88 yards of gravel, Division 424




Duncan McLean, 100 yards of gravel, Division 413




R. Kennedy, work on drain between Lots 30 & 31, Morr. pay ½




W. H. Martin, work on Beverly Townline




J. A. McPherson, work on Division 410




Jas. Reid, shovelling gravel, Division 413




J. M. Clark, drawing gravel, Division 413, commuted labour




Ormond Patton, drawing gravel, Division 424




W. A. Elliott, work on Divisions 411 & 420




Guelph Mercury, advertising rē voters’ lists




J. R. Little, 120 yards of gravel, 4th Concession




Jos. Broeckel, work on Little’s Bridge




M. Spruhan, 9 days’ work on Little’s Bridge




Geo. Meldrum, Field Crop Competition 1922




Cecil Metcalf, 2 days’ work on Little’s Bridge




Arthur Evans, work on Little’s Bridge




C. M. Crawley, refund of statute labour, Division 125




D. Maltby, filling Ord’s Bridge




Thos. Aitken, 70 rods of wire fence




Henry Hanck, work on the 4th Concession




H. Harding, 26 yards of gravel




Alex Smith, digging ditch, 3rd Concession









Mrs. E. J. Doyle, refund of statute labour, Division 109




Geo. Wingfield, commuted labour, 5th Concession




Jas. Harmer, services as Attendance Officer




Alex Nicol, 2 sittings of Division Court




F. Blackstone, refund of dog tax charged in error




Henry Prang, 129 rods of wire fence




Fred Paddock, commuted labour, 2nd Concession




Fred Paddock, gravelling & putting in tile, 2nd Concession




Jno. Marshall, making tile




Jno. Marshall, Caretaker’s salary




A. Stewart, work on Beverly Townline (“cancelled” written in left hand margin)




Chas. Gregor, banking wall, 1st Concession




Chester Schultz, drawing gravel & delivering tile




A. Beattie, 90 yards of gravel, Beverly Townline (“cancelled” written in left hand margin)




T. W. Robertson, postage account to date




Jno. Walsh, salary as Treasurer




Geo. Lewis, looking after tile




D. A. Niven, examination of Drain No. 2




At the close of business, the Reeve was requested to leave the chair, and Mr. McLean occupied the same.  On motion, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Ross for his courteous and efficient leadership in Council.  Mr. Ross replied suitably.


The meeting adjourned, sine die.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

December 22nd 1922.

Nomination Meeting


The annual nomination meeting was held, pursuant to statute, on December 22nd, at one o’ clock p.m., in the Township Hall, Aberfoyle.


A good number of ratepayers were present, and the following gentlemen were duly nominated for the offices of Reeve and Councillors:

For Reeve:

Alex McLean and Hugh Ross.

For Councillors:

Wm. Crow, Thos. S. Doyle, Daniel Hesketh, Duncan McLean, and Wm. H. Schultz.


Mr. Alex McLean failed to make the required “Declaration of Qualification” within the required limit of time, and Mr. Duncan McLean withdrew his name from the list.  Therefore the whole Council was elected by acclamation, as follows:


Hugh Ross


Wm. Crow, Thos. S. Doyle, Daniel Hesketh, and Wm. H. Schultz.


(signed) T. W. Robertson

Returning Officer






Municipality of Puslinch

January 8th 1923.


The inaugural meeting of the Puslinch Municipal Council was held, pursuant to statute, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 11 a.m. today.  The members elect, viz., Hugh Ross, Reeve, and Wm. Crow, Thos. S. Doyle, Daniel J. Hesketh, and Wm. H. Schultz, Councillors, were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.


The minutes of the last meeting of the 1922 Council were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and Doyle.


The following resolutions were passed:


Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, appointing a member of the Board of Health, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that a bylaw, appointing auditors for the year 1922-23, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw, providing for the distribution of dog tags in the Township of Puslinch, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that a bylaw, authorizing the Head and Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch to borrow money to meet the current, ordinary expenditures of the Corporation during the year 1923, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and submit, to the Minister of Public Works and Highways of the Province of Ontario, the petition of the Corporation of the Township of Puslinch, showing that, during the period January 1st 1922 to December 31st 1922, there has been expended on the township roads the sum of $5480.38, and requesting the statutory grant on that amount, as provided by the Ontario Highways Act and amendments thereto.


In Committee of the Whole, the Reeve presiding, the following names were inserted in the blanks in the bylaws, viz., for member of the Board of Health, William J. Little, and for auditors, Thos. J. Mahon and D. A. McNaughton.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the Board of Health, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 1.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, appointing auditors for the year 1922-23, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 2.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the bylaw, providing for the distribution of dog tags in the Township of Puslinch, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 3.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the bylaw, authorizing the Head and Treasurer of the Township of Puslinch to borrow money, to meet the current ordinary expenditures of the Corporation during the year 1923, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 4.






A letter from Wm. M. Moore, Assessor for 1922, was read, in which, he declined to accept the position as Assessor for this year, and on motion of Messrs. Crow and Doyle, it was decided to advertise for applications for this position, same to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before January 20th.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


Guelph Herald ─ printing




Municipal World ─ supplies




Jno. Gilchrist ─ wreath




M. Ferguson ─ commuted labour, Division 302




Wm. Stengel ─ 65 yards of gravel




Jas. Simpson, Treasurer of Nassagaweya, boundary line account




Andrew Scott ─ 173 yards of gravel, Division 411




D. Campbell ─ 105 yards of gravel, Division 417




Thos. Beaton ─ 78 yards of gravel, Divisions 418 & 419




Thos. Taylor ─ 15 yards of gravel, Division 423




Thos. Francis ─ 32 yards of gravel, Division 423




D. Campbell ─ commuted labour, Division 417




Andrew Scott, commuted labour, Division 411




D. Buchanan ─ gravelling, Division 423




D. McEdward ─ gravelling, etc., Division 418




Jas. Harmer ─ for putting grader away




C. M. Crawley ─ refund of statute labour, Division 125





Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday February 12th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) “T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk”

&  “Hugh Ross ─ Reeve”






Municipality of Puslinch

January 22nd 1923.

Special Meeting


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in special session, at 2 p.m. today, for the purpose of considering applications for the position of Assessor of the township, for 1923.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.



It was moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that a bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the Township of Puslinch, for the year 1923, be now introduced and read a first and second time.


In Committee of the Whole, the Reeve presiding, the name of Mr. W. W. Robertson was inserted in the blank of the bylaw, at a salary of $225 per annum.



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing an Assessor for the Township of Puslinch, for the year 1923, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 5.


The Council adjourned.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

February 12th 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members, with the exception of Mr. Crow, wee in attendance, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting and the special meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and Hesketh.


Mr. Haines and Mr. Penrice interviewed the Council in connection with a grant towards the school fair.  The matter was laid over until the next meeting.


The following resolutions were passed:


Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that this Council give the usual grant of $25.00 for the Stock Judging Competition of 1922, and that some definite arrangement be come to by the different clubs before the Council commits itself any further financially.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the auditors’ report of receipts and expenditures for the year 1922 be received and adopted, and that the Treasurer be instructed to have printed copies made for distribution.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that tenders be received on or before the 5th of March for 3 cords of maple and beech wood and 1 cord of cedar, for the use of the Township Hall, the same to be cut in two-foot lengths.







Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the time for the collection of taxes be extended until March 1st.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


P. J. McLean ─ for sheep injured by dogs




Guelph Mercury ─ advertising for Assessor




Municipal World ─ supplies, etc.




D. A. Niven ─ inspection of Drain No. 4




Wallace Printing Company ─ stationery




City of Guelph ─ 37 yards of gravel, Division 213




D. A. McNaughton ─ auditing 1922 accounts




Thos. J. Mahon ─ auditing 1922 accounts




J. A. Cockburn ─ stock judging grant, 1922





Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday March 5th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

March 5th 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and Schultz.


After the reading of the minutes and the submitting of accounts, the Council members adjourned, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hugh Clark.


On their return, the following resolutions were passed:


Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the tender of Robert McCartney, for 3 cords of maple wood at $12.25 per cord, and 1 cord of cedar rails at $6.75 per cord, all cut in two-foot lengths, be accepted.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that the Council take no action in the matter of a grant to the School Fair, at present, nor until the officers of the School Fair Association show just how they are going to raise the money to pay for the prizes, et cetera.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that a bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways and Winter Pathmasters, Pound-keepers, Fence-viewers, and Sheep Valuators to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch, for the current year, 1923-24, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the bylaw, appointing Overseers of Highways and Winter Pathmasters, Pound-keepers, Fence-Viewers, and Sheep Valuators to serve in and for the Township of Puslinch, for the current year, 1923-24, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 6.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that tenders be received for the position as foreman and operator of the road grader, and for the making of tile, same to be in the hands of the Reeve or Clerk on or before April 2nd.



Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Wallace Printing Company ─ auditors’ statements




Municipal World ─ supplies




Dr. J. H. King ─ M. H. O. (Medical Health Officer) salary 1921-22




Jno. Walsh ─ postage, etc.




Arch. Marshall ─ services as sheep valuator




Alex Nicol ─ Division Court Clerk’s fees




Wm. Foster ─ 1½ days shovelling snow, Guelph pays half




The Clerk was instructed to write to the Secretary of the Puslinch Women’s Institute, requesting that a committee from the institute meet the Council at its next meeting in order that the matter of renovating the Hall be gone into thoroughly.



Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday April 2nd, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

April 2nd 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Crow and Schultz.


A letter from W. W. Dunlop, Inspector of Prisons & Public Charities, was read, requesting that the forms in connection with Thomas Fallon be filled in and returned to him.


A committee from the Puslinch Women’s Institute was present and interviewed the Council regarding the fixing up of the Township Hall.


Mr. Haines again interviewed the Council in connection with a grant towards the School Fair.



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a grant of $25 be given to the School Fair, but the Council desires that the schools in the township finance the School Fair in future.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the outbuildings on the township grounds be put in good repair immediately, or as soon as possible.







Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the tender of J. S. Marshall, at 40 cents per hour, for making tile, be accepted.



Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the tender of James Harmer, at 34 cents per hour, as foreman and operator of the grader, be accepted.



Moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that a bylaw be now introduced, and read a first and second time, providing for an estimated expenditure for construction and maintenance of roads for 1923.



Moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the bylaw, providing for an estimated expenditure for construction and maintenance of roads for 1923, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 7.



Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that, owing to the illness of the Assessor, Mr. Robertson, and whereas it is deemed expedient to have the 1923 assessment completed as soon as possible, it be hereby resolved that Daniel McNaughton be appointed Assistant Assessor, and that the time for the completion of the roll be extended until May 10th.







Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


P. J. McLean ─ 3 days cutting brush, Concession 10




Cecil Metcalf ─ 1 day shovelling snow




T. W. Robertson ─ registration of births, etc.




Guelph Mercury ─ advertising




Wallace Printing Company ─ printing letterheads




Robt. McCartney ─ wood for Hall




Carl Ross ─ cutting brush, Division 108




The Council then adjourned, to meet on Monday May 7th at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

May 7th 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and Hesketh.


A letter, from the Department of Public Highways, was read, advising that a grant of $1156.68, on account of road expenditure in 1922, had been passed for payment and that a cheque would be forwarded for same shortly.


Mr. Watt again interviewed the Council regarding the completion of Drain No. 4.


The Clerk was instructed to get in communication with the Clerk of Beverly Township, in connection with a meeting between representatives of the two councils, at Sawyer’s Corner, anytime between the 20th of May and the 1st of June.



It was moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that we extend the time for the return of the Assessment Roll until May 24th.







Moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


Municipal World ─ supplies




Guelph Herald ─ printing voters’ lists ─ Part 3




Duncan McEdward ─ opening hill, Concession 10




T. W. Robertson ─ Constable’s badge




Guelph Trust Co. ─ year’s rent of safety deposit box




J. W. Sawyer ─ dragging Beverly Townline




G. W. Paddock ─ dragging Beverly Townline




Jos. Price ─ cutting hill, 9th Concession




Alex Fleming ─ shovelling snow, Division 210




Robt. Black ─ work on cutting hill, 9th Concession




Sam Smith ─ opening roads, Division 108




J. S. Marshall ─ making tile, 36 hours at 40 cents per hour




J. S. Marshall ─ drawing cement





Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that this Council now adjourn, to meet at the call of the Reeve.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

May 22nd 1923.

Special Meeting


At the call of the Reeve, the Puslinch Municipal Council met in special session at 7:30 p.m. today.  The members were all in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.


Mr. John A. Wilkinson was present and gave his opinion in regard to the Elliot and McLean bridges.  Mr. Wilkinson was awarded the contract for the building of the Elliot bridge at _______, plus the cost of removing the concrete.


The matter of the McLean bridge was laid over until the next regular meeting.


Mr. Hesketh agreed to see about having the walls of the Hall kalsomined and the ceiling white-washed.


The Council adjourned.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

June 5th 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 12:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting and the special meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and Crow.


  A letter from Mrs. Plumptre, President of the Canadian Red Cross Society, was read, in connection with an appeal for help for the town of Cochrane, to combat the outbreak of typhoid fever in that municipality.  The matter was laid over until the next meeting.


Mr. W. J. Marriott was present and interviewed the Council regarding the condition of McAlister’s sideroad.  The Council decided to go over and look into the condition of the road.



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the amount of money to be expended by Councillors in the various divisions not exceed $600 to each Councillor.



It was moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that J. A. Wilkinson’s tender for the Hogg Bridge, at $775, be accepted, (4 wing walls, buttress, cement floor, and railing), the same to be completed by August 10th.



Mr. George Lewis was appointed to look after delivery of tile for the year.







It was moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by T.S. Doyle, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


Wm. Leslie ─ grading & raking stones, Beverly pays half




C. Schultz ─ gravel ─ drawing gravel for tile




Municipal World ─ supplies




Donald Simpson ─ dragging & picking stones, Division 420




Alex Smith ─ lumber for culvert, Division 328 (“28” may be crossed out)





Jos. Broeckel ─ dragging & picking stones, Division 120




A. Aitchison ─ repairs to pick plow




T. S. Doyle ─ 60 rods of wire fence




T. W. Robertson ─ half year’s salary




Miss Petty ─ refund of dog tax, charged in error




Robt. Adams ─ work on hill, Division 214




Jas. Thornton ─ work on hill, Division 214




Wm. Prettie ─ work on hill, Division 214




W. Ryder ─ work on hill, Division 214




Wm. Tolton ─ work on hill, Division 214




I. Tolton ─ work on hill, Division 214




Thos. Carter ─ work on hill, Division 214









Peter Hume ─ work on hill, Division 214




W. Burns ─ repairs to machinery




Jas. Harmer ─ work on hill, Division 214




Bond Hardware Company ─ cement




J. S. Marshall ─ making tile, 73½ hours




J. S. Marshall ─ drawing cement





It was moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday July 2nd, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

June 15th 1923.

Court of Revision


The members of the Puslinch Municipal Council met in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 10 a.m. on Friday June 15th and, after taking the required declarations, were duly constituted a Court of Revision, to hear and decide appeals against the 1923 Assessment Roll.


The Court heard and decided the following appeals:


Geo. Butcher ─ against P. Patterson, on account of non-ownership of property on Lot 37, Rear Gore ─ dismissed.


J. M. Henderson ─ account, too high assessment ─ reduced $1,000 on land and $4,000 on buildings.


Wm. F. Huether ─ account, too high assessment ─ dismissed.


Francis MacDonald ─ account, too high assessment ─ dismissed.


Jas. McMillan ─ account, too high assessment ─ reduced $400 on land.


John Gallagher ─ account, dog tax ─ struck off


Norton Harrison ─ account, dog tax ─ struck off


Samuel Smith ─ account, dog tax ─ struck off




It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the Assessment Roll for 1923, as revised and amended, be confirmed.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

July 2nd 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting and the Court of Revision were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and Hesketh.


A letter from Mr. Lincoln Goldie, M.P.P., was read, asking the Council to inform him of the damage done by the wind storm in Puslinch, and if the farmers required any help from the government.


The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. H. C. Grant, General Superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Ontario District, regarding the culvert, crossing the railroad between Lots 30 and 31, 7th Concession, being blocked and the water being forced back on the road and land adjoining the railway.



It was moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the Reeve, the Clerk, and Mr. Hesketh be a committee to investigate the losses sustained by the wind storm and forward all the information possible to Mr. Goldie, M.P.P.



It was moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


Guelph Mercury ─ advertising rē Court of Revision




Jno. Ehrhardt ─ work on road, Division 115




Garnet Salt ─ work on road, Division 115









Alex Neubauer ─ work on road, Division 115




Jos. Broeckel ─ gravelling, Division 120




W. S. Elliott ─ work on bridge, Division 419




D. Campbell ─ cover for bridge, Division 419




D. G. Hanning ─ cleaning ditch, Division 418




Sam Smith ─ gravelling 4th Concession




Miss Cabeldu ─ Township share of election expenses




D. Simpson ─ repairing road, Division 420




United Farmers of Ontario ─ 20 rods of wire fence & sundries, Div. 214




N. Harrison ─ repairing road, 9th Concession




J. E. Thomas ─ repairing road, 9th Concession




Thos. Carter ─ repairing road, 9th Concession




Jno. Tolton ─ repairing road, 9th Concession




F. W. Stone Stock Company ─ 70 rods of wire fence




W. Black ─ commuted labour, Division 404




J. L. Clark ─ lamb killed by dogs




Geo. McGill ─ for services as sheep valuator




Fred Bartels ─ commuted labour, 1st Concession




Gladwyn Crow ─ gravelling & repairing culverts, Division 328




Dunc. McDonald ─ dragging Beverly Townline




Dunc. McDonald ─ repairs to road, 1st Concession




Fred Roszell ─ gravelling & putting in culvert, 2nd Concession




Duncan McLean ─ commuted labour, Division 315









J. S. Marshall ─ repairing outbuildings




J. S. Marshall ─ making tile, 79½ hours




J. S. Marshall ─ drawing cement




Jas. Thornton ─ team on grader




Robt. Adams ─ team on grader




Wm. Prettie ─ team on grader




Jas. Harmer ─ operating grader




Wilson Robertson ─ Assessor’s salary




Wilson Robertson ─ postage account




Angus Martin ─ cleaning ditches, Division 420




L. Maltby ─ cutting weeds on township grounds





It was moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday August 6th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

July 23rd 1923.

Appeal from the Court of Revision


The appeal of Mr. Wm. F. Huether, against the decision of the Court of Revision, was heard by Judge Spotton at the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on Monday July 23rd 1923, at 8 p.m.


  Mr. Huether’s assessment on land was lowered $175 by the Judge.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

August 6th 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Schultz and Crow.


The following resolutions were passed:


It was moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for county, school, and municipal purposes for the year 1923 A.D.



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the Township of Puslinch, for the raising of funds for county, school, and municipal purposes for the year 1923, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 8.



It was moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the following amounts of 1922 arrears of taxes, with percentage, be struck off: No. 155, Wm. J. Walker ─ $4.00, No. 166, Jno. J. Doyle ─ $5.67, No. 459, Frank Meiers ─ $2.00, No. 876, Fred Gordier ─ $4.52, No. 877, Milton Gordier ─ $4.52, No. 366, Eli Holtzhauer ─ $2.00, No. 762 Soldier Settlement Board ─ $43.65, No. 884, Jno. Kineger ─ $3.00.

Total ─ $69.36 plus 2% ─ $71.23.







It was moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


B. Swartzenberger ─ cleaning Hall




J. A. Wilkinson ─ Elliott’s bridge




A. Clemens ─ School Fair grant




H. B. Tolton ─ 80 rods of wire fence




C. Scott ─ 19 cedar posts, Division 214




E. Leslie ─ repairing bridge, Beverly Townline




Geo. Schultz ─ raking stones, cutting weeds, Concession 7




C. Schultz ─ gravel for tile, delivering




Robt. Kennedy ─ gravelling Division 316




A. Wilkinson ─ commuted labour, Division 321




M. J. Lynch ─ gravelling 4th Concession




A. Ryder ─ commuted labour, Division 213




J. M. Eagle ─ commuted labour, Division 318




Wm. Easton ─ 39 yards of gravel, Division 304




Wm. Crow ─ 186 yds. of gravel, Divisions 104, 108, 126, 328, & 405




Municipal World ─ supplies









Jno. Conroy ─ 5 days gravelling, Concession 4




F. Jackson ─ 5 days gravelling, Concession 4




Henry Huck ─ 5 days gravelling, Concession 4




Victor Meek ─ shovelling gravel, Concession 4




Jno. Jamieson ─ 65 yards of gravel, Division 321




Jos. Broeckel ─ work on 4th Concession




Bond Hardware Co. ─ cement




J. S. Marshall ─ making tile, 81½ hours




J. S. Marshall ─ drawing tile and painting _____ (gun, possibly)





Moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by D. J. Hesketh, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Tuesday September 4th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

September 4th 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Crow and Schultz.


The following resolutions were passed:


It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. Crow, that a grant of $25 be given to the Puslinch Township Branch of the Ontario Ploughman’s Association.



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, providing for a penalty tax of 5% on all taxes not paid by January 31st, in any year.



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, providing for a penalty tax of 5% on all taxes not paid by January 31st, in any year, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 9.



It was moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


Geo. Crane ─ 50 rods of wire fence, Division 123




Geo. Wingfield ─ work on Division 116




Jos. Broeckel ─ work on Concession 4









Roy Harmer ─ work on culvert, Concession 9, commuted labour




A. G. Bootes ─ 95 yards of gravel, Division 101 ─ 46 yards,  Division 102, commuted labour, Division 325 ─ 33.




Canada Ingot Iron Co. ─ 2 culverts, Concession 9




Dan McIntyre ─ drawing gravel, Division 421




Thos. Buchanan ─ putting in culverts, Division 423




O. Patton ─ fixing culvert, drawing gravel, Division 424




Mrs. Geo. Taylor ─ 20 yards of gravel, Division 312




Alex McGregor ─ 26 yards of gravel, Division 320




Chris Bond ─ 45 yards of gravel, Division 317




Arch. Ramsay ─ 30 yards of gravel, North Dumfries Townline




Chester Schultz ─ drawing gravel for tile




R. Stewart Co. ─ lumber for Patton’s bridge




Jas. Harmer ─ fixing culverts, Division 423




Gladwyn Crow ─ teaming lumber for bridges




Judge Spotton ─ township share of by-election expenses




Judge Spotton ─ costs rē Huether appeal




F. McGladery ─ 74 yards of gravel, Division 202 ─ 40, Division 204 ─ 20, Division 227 ─ 14




Alex Tawse ─ 30 yards of gravel, Division 212




R. J. McFarlane ─ 30 yards of gravel, Division 218




Earl Carter ─ 20 yards of gravel, Division 224




Chas. Gregor ─ dragging & picking stones, commuted labour, Div. 312




Fred Bartels ─ 81 yards of gravel, Division 307 ─ 67 yards, Division 329 ─ 14 yards









Fred Paddock ─ 183 yards of gravel, Division 309 ─ 58 yards, Division 310 ─ 75 yards, Division 322 ─ 50




Jno. Jamieson ─ 65 yards of gravel, Div. 318 ─ 57, Div. 326 ─ 8




Jas. Kloepfer ─ 26 yards of gravel ─ Div. 324, 35 yards ─ Div. 403




Wm. Stengel ─ 67 yards of gravel, Division 302




Thos. Heffernan ─ shovelling gravel, Division 423




Jno. Inglis ─ 30 yards of gravel, Division 422




Wm. Prettie ─ 59 yards of gravel, Division 426




Thos. Beaton ─ 43 yards of gravel, Div. 421, 71 yds., Div. 418




Jno. E. Simpson ─ 40 yards of gravel, Division 409




W. H. Martin ─ 18 yards of gravel, Division 428




Thos. Francis ─ 65 yards of gravel, Div. 423, 25 yds., Div. 424




Mrs. Jno. Hewitt ─ 50 rods of wire fence




T. W. Robertson ─ postage for tax notices




J. A. Wilkinson ─ Hogg’s Bridge, in full




J. S. Marshall ─ 75 hours making tile




J. S. Marshall ─ gallon of oil & drawing cement





It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday October 1st, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

October 1st 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met in regular session in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Doyle and Crow.


Messrs. John McAllister and Geo. Reaman interviewed the Council regarding the condition of Road Division 325.  They were promised an expenditure of $75 for gravelling on this division.



It was moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, appointing an engineer for the Township of Puslinch, for the balance of the year 1923.



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, appointing an engineer for the township of Puslinch for the balance of the year 1923, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 10.



It was moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


Wallace Printing Company ─ tax notices and envelopes




A. G. Bootes ─ cleaning pit and repairs to 3rd Concession




J. A. Wilkinson ─ iron for Hogg’s Bridge




R. O’Donoghue ─ cutting brush & gravelling, Division 103









P. Kinsella ─ shovelling gravel, Division 103




B. Swartzenberger ─ painting township hall




W. S. Elliot ─ filling in bridge & gravelling




D. G. Hanning ─ timber & fixing bridge




D. G. Hanning ─ 70 rods of wire fence




Peter McLean ─ 80 rods of wire fence




C. Schultz ─ gravelling & cleaning pit, Beverly pays half




Wm. Leslie ─ spreading gravel, Beverly pays half




C. Schultz ─ delivering tile, Beverly pays ¼ (one quarter)




Earl Carter ─ shovelling gravel, Division 207




Miss Hamilton ─ 106 yards of gravel, Division 207




Harry Barton ─ 22 yards of gravel, Division 201




Robt. Rodger ─ dragging, Division 215




Jas. Herbert ─ cutting brush, 5 days, Division 213




Jas. Harmer ─ repairs to bridge, Conc. 10, & grading, Div. 218









Jno. Rae ─ 151 yards of gravel, Divisions 213 & 215




J. W. Sawyer ─ gravelling & raking stones, Beverly pays half




Wm. Easton ─ 8 yards of gravel, Beverly pays half




Fred Roszell ─ filling approach, Hogg’s Bridge




Fred Roszell ─ gravelling between Lots 20 & 21




Fred Roszell ─ gravelling, 2nd Concession




Fred Roszell ─ 189 yards of gravel




Wm. Stengel ─ 30 yards of gravel, Division 313




Wilson Robertson ─ grant to ploughing association




Jno. Marshall ─ making tile, 27½ hours




Bond Hardware Company ─ cement





It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday November 5th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

November 5th 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, Reeve Ross presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Schultz.


Mr. John A. Ord interviewed the Council regarding a grant towards the Field Crop Competition of 1923. 



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by Wm. Crow, that George Meldrum prepare a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Field Crop Competition, and send it to the Clerk as soon as possible.



It was moved by Wm. Schultz, seconded by Wm. Crow, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1924, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of candidates for Council and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1924, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 11.







It was moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


J. W. Sawyer ─ gravelling, Beverly pays half




Angus Martin ─ final payment, Watt Drain




R. O’Donoghue ─ 128 yards of gravel, Division 103




Jas. Barclay ─ gravelling, Division 121




R. G. Chester ─ 43 yards of gravel, Division 106




Thos. Parker ─ 60 yards of gravel, Division 120




Wm. Steffler ─ 40 yards of gravel, Division 123




C. Schultz, gravelling, Beverly pays half




Geo. Hunt ─ 15 yards of gravel, Division 415




Wm. Leslie ─ spreading gravel, Beverly pays half




W. H. Martin ─ gravel & repairs, Beverly pays half




Jas. Harmer ─ grading, East Flamborough pays half




Geo. Ford ─ 25 yds. of gravel, Div. 211, 80 yards, 211, 9th Conc.




A. Evans ─ gravelling, Division 115




Jas. Harmer ─ commuted labour, Division 211




A. Phalen ─ gravelling, Division 202




F. McGladery ─ 90 yards of gravel, Division 202




Jno. Ehrhardt ─ gravelling, Division 115




Garnet Salt ─ gravelling, Division 115




Jas. Herbert ─ 2 days shovelling gravel, Division 213




C. Schultz ─ delivering tile, Division 308




R. Burmaster ─ commuted labour, Division 308




R. Burmaster ─ repairs to road, Division 308









Mrs. Geo. Taylor ─ 39 yards of gravel, Division 308




Geo. Metcalf ─ 36 yards of gravel - Div. 107 (R 2), 29 yards – Div. 119 (R 5), 30 yards – Div. 117 (R 4½), 36 yards ─ Div. 124 (R 7), & 50 yds. – Div. 121 (R 5).




Guelph Mercury ─ advertising rē voters’ lists




Guelph Herald ─ printing voters’ list




T. W. Robertson ─ for selection of jurors




Hugh Ross ─ salary




Wm. H. Schultz ─ salary




Thos. S. Doyle ─ salary




Wm. Crow ─ salary




D. J. Hesketh ─ salary




T. W. Robertson ─ balance of year’s salary




Jno. Walsh ─ salary





It was moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Monday December 3rd. at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

December 3rd 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Crow and Hesketh.


The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Wood, the Clerk of Beverly Township, and inform him that a committee from the Puslinch Council would like to meet the Beverly Road Commissioners on Monday December 10th, at 2 p.m., at Maloney’s quarry, in connection with a culvert there that is badly in need of repair.



It was moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid:


Alex Smith ─ work on Division 105




N. Harrison ─ repairing culvert, Division 207




N. Harrison ─ repairing Guelph Townline




Wm. Crow ─ 30 yards of gravel, Division 105




P. Patterson ─ 65 yards of gravel, Division 410




Jos. Kloepfer ─ 115 yards of gravel, Division 403




A. Bowman, gravelling, Division 403




Dugald Campbell ─ widening road, Division 425




Dugald Campbell ─ commuted labour, Division 425




Jno. Peer ─ gravelling, Division 425




Dugald Campbell ─ 69 yards of gravel, Division 425




O. Patton ─ repairing culvert, Division 423









McArthur Construction Company ─ inspecting Drain No. 4




C. Maddaugh ─ 17 hours of work, West Flamborough Townline




Wm. Bell ─ cutting weeds & picking stones, Division 226




W. H. Martin ─ gravel, Beverly Townline




Fred Roszell ─ gravelling, Division 328




Fred Roszell ─ gravelling, Division 315




Fred Roszell ─ 40 yards of gravel, Division 328




Jno. Robertson ─ gravelling, Division 325




A. G. Bootes ─ 90 yards of gravel, Division 325




Alex Stewart ─ spreading gravel & repairing culverts, Beverly T.L.




P. Angus ─ gravelling & repairs, Beverly Townline




P. Angus ─ 65 yards of gravel




Arch. Ramsay ─ cutting hill & widening road, North Dumfries T.L.




Arch. Ramsay ─ gravelling & repairs, Beverly Townline




Arch. Ramsay ─ 73 yards of gravel, Beverly Townline




Guelph Mercury ─ advertising ─ Court (or count) rē voters’ lists




T. W. Robertson ─ extra work on voters’ lists





It was moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that this Council now adjourn, to meet on Saturday December 15th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1923.


The Puslinch Municipal Council met, in final regular session, in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m. today.  All the members were in attendance, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and adopted on motion of Messrs. Hesketh and Schultz.


The Clerk laid, before the Council, an account from Dr. Stuart, of Morriston, for $155, for attendance on the late James Black; also communications from the Clerk of Beverly Township regarding the same.


Mr. Geo. Meldrum was present and interviewed the Council regarding the grant towards the Field Crop Competition.



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the grant of $50.00 be given for the Field Crop Competition of 1923.



It was moved by W. H. Schultz, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the Reeve, the Clerk, and Mr. Hesketh be appointed a committee to interview a lawyer regarding Dr. Stuart’s account.



It was moved by Wm. Crow, seconded by W. H. Schultz, that the Clerk report, at the first Council meeting in 1924, all the taxpayers who paid their taxes on December 16th 1922, and the amounts of percentage tax that they paid.



It was moved by D. J. Hesketh, seconded by T. S. Doyle, that the Treasurer’s report be adopted, and that he be hereby instructed to have 200 copies printed for distribution.







It was moved by T. S. Doyle, seconded by Wm. Crow, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid:


Geo. Wingfield ─ commuted labour, 5th Concession




D. Parker ─ gravel, Division 113 & repairs to fence




F. Jackson ─ commuted labour, Division 112




Bond Hardware Company ─ wire & staples, Division 421




D. Simpson ─ widening road & picking stones, Division 420




J. A. McPherson ─ commuted labour, Division 410




Geo. Lewis ─ looking after tile




Jos. Broeckel ─ gravelling, Division 118




Crastor Scott ─ putting in culvert, Division 214




H. B. Tolton ─ commuted labour, Division 204




Robt. Adams ─ commuted labour, Division 226




M. Clifford ─ commuted labour, Division 226




J. A. Ord ─ commuted labour, Division 226




J. P. Little ─ commuted labour, Division 219




Alex Fleming ─ gravelling, Division 210




Harry Haugh ─ gravelling, Division 210




Angus Martin ─ digging ditch, Division 421




Thos. Foley ─ 33 cedar posts, Division 421




Andrew Scott ─ 96 yards of gravel, Division 411




Jas. Harmer ─ services as School Attendance Officer




J. A. Cockburn ─ commuted labour, Division 211




W. C. Laing ─ commuted labour, Division 219




J. E. Laing ─ commuted labour, Division 219




Chas. Wetherall ─ commuted labour, Division




E. Shantz ─ repairs on townline, Waterloo pays half









G. M. Paddock ─ hauling tile & putting in culvert, Div. 309




Chas. Gregor ─ commuted labour, Div. 306, & 375 yards of gravel




Jas. Riddick ─ commuted labour, spreading gravel, Div. 306




Robt. Borthwick ─ shovelling snow, breaking road, 7th Conc.




Alex Fleming ─ 84 yards of gravel, Division 210




Alex Fleming ─ drawing & putting in tile, Division 210




J. E. Simpson ─ 112 yds. of gravel, East Flamborough pays half




Chas. Mast Senior ─ gravelling, East Flamborough pays half




Geo. Metcalf ─ commuted labour, Division 118




Geo. Metcalf ─ 70 rods of wire fence




Geo. Metcalf ─ 193 yards of gravel, Divisions 118 & 119




Geo. Lewis ─ supplies for Hall




Alex Nicol ─ Division Court Clerk’s fees




Municipal World ─ supplies




Jno. Conroy ─ gravelling & widening road, Division 113




Geo. Meldrum ─ Field Crop Competition 1923




T. W. Robertson ─ postage account to date




Thos. Maltby Senior ─ Caretaker’s salary




Thos. Maltby Senior ─ share of proceeds from polling place




At the close of business, the Reeve was requested to leave the chair, and Mr. Schultz occupied same.  On motion, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Ross for his courteous and efficient leadership in Council.  Mr. Ross replied suitably.


The meeting adjourned, sine die.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Clerk

(signed) Hugh Ross ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

December 31st 1923.


Nomination Meeting


The annual nomination meeting was held, pursuant to statute, on December 31st 1923, at one o’ clock p.m., in the Township Hall, Aberfoyle.


A large attendance of ratepayers was present, and the following gentlemen were duly nominated for the offices of Reeve and Councillors:


For Reeve:

Hugh Ross and William H. Schultz.


For Councillors:

Wm. Crow, Thos. S. Doyle, Marshall Haines, Donald G. Hanning, Daniel J. Hesketh, Peter A. Patterson, & Fred Roszell.


Mr. Hugh Ross failed to make the required “Declaration of Qualification” within the required limit of time; therefore Mr. Wm. H. Schultz was elected Reeve by acclamation.


In consequence of the fact that the nominations for Councillors exceeded the number of offices to be filled, the meeting was adjourned until Monday January 7th 1924, to be decided by ballot at the polls designated in the bylaw prepared for that purpose.


(signed) T. W. Robertson ─ Returning Officer







Puslinch Township Council

Minutes of Council Meetings

January 13th 1919 ─ December 31st 1923.


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