Puslinch Township Council

 Minutes of Council Meetings

January 13th 1913 ─  December 16th 1918.







Municipality of Puslinch

January 13th 1913.


The inaugural meeting of the Puslinch Township Council was held at Aberfoyle, in the Council Room, at 11 a.m. today.  The members were all present and subscribed their declarations of ownership and office.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.


The account of Mr. Angus McPherson, for work performed on the sideroad between Lots 20 & 21, Concession 1, was referred to Mr. Stewart.


The Ord Ditch Award was received from the township engineer, with plans, specifications, et cetera to follow in a few days.


The Clerk presented the following comparative report of Registration returns:






















The Collector reported taxes paid to the amount of $17280.05, and unpaid, $1053.27.






The following motions were duly passed:


By Messrs. McFarlane and Cockburn, that a bylaw, appointing municipal auditors for the year 1912-1913, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



By Messrs. McFarlane and Metcalf, that a bylaw, appointing an Assessor and a Collector for the year 1913, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, appointing a member of the local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector.



By Messrs. Stewart and Cockburn, that the Clerk be instructed to procure the usual number of copies of the “Municipal World” for the members of the Council and officials.


In Committee of the Whole, the following names were inserted in the several bylaws:

Auditors ─ Messrs. Wm. Nicoll and J. A. McDonald, Assessor ─ Daniel McNaughton, Collector ─ James Harmer, Sanitary Inspector ─ John Martin, and member of the Board of Health ─ Wm. J. Little.



By Messrs. Stewart and McFarlane, that a bylaw, appointing municipal auditors for the year 1912-13, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 3.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McFarlane, that a bylaw, appointing an Assessor and a Collector, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 2.



By Messrs. Stewart and McFarlane, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered one.







By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the trustees of the public shed in Morriston be refunded the taxes, $3.43, on the property for 1912.



By Messrs. McFarlane and Metcalf, that a grant of $35.00 each be given to the General and St. Joseph’s Hospital.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart, that the Reeve be and is hereby instructed to confer with the township engineer in regard to the award rē the Reverend Robt. Watt drain, and endeavour to have said award completed as soon as possible.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the following accounts be passed and paid: R. J. McFarlane, 11 yards of gravel on Concession 10 ─ $1.10, Municipal World account, for supplies ─ $8.89, McCormick and Robinson, for ballot box ─ $1.50, Ed Crawley, refund of statute labour ─ $2.25, and 30 rods of wire fence at 22½ cents per rod ─ $6.75, D. C. Campbell, refund of statute labour ─ $6.75, W. C. Laing, refund of statute labour ─ $6.00, Jas. E. Laing, refund of statute labour ─ $2.25, D. C. Ross, refund of statute labour ─ $6.75, Alex McPherson, 46 yards of gravel, Division 3 ─ $4.60, Guelph Herald, printing account ─ $38.00, A. M. Berry, filling approach at Sorby’s Bridge ─ $23.20, and 46 yards of gravel ─ $4.4, Arch’d Scott, refund of statute labour, 3 days ─ $2.25, Malcolm and Rudd, services rē culvert at Sorby’s Bridge ─ $13.65, Geo. Marshall, 7 yards of gravel from A. Munroe, 1st, ─ $.70 cents, making a total of $128.78.



By Messrs. Metcalf and Stewart, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday February 3rd, at 1 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) John Walsh ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

February 3rd 1913.


The Township Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, at 1 p.m., today, for the transaction of general business.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  On motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.


Mr. Stewart reported making a satisfactory settlement in the matter of Mr. Angus McPherson’s account.


Mr. Walsh reported interviewing the township engineer rē the Watt ditch award, and exacted a promise from the engineer to prepare same within 30 days.


A complaint of drain stoppage on the Brock Road, near the 1st Concession, was taken up, and as it was claimed that a telephone pole had been planted through the drain, the Reeve was instructed to interview the telephone company in regard to the matter.


The following motions were duly passed:


By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the report of the auditors be received and accepted, and that the Reeve issue his order for payment of five ($5.00) dollars to each for their services.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McFarlane, that the Clerk request a statement for the past year from the caretaker of the Hall, and also that he receive applications up to March 3rd for the office of caretaker for the ensuing year.







By Messrs. Metcalf and Cockburn, that the Reeve be and hereby is instructed to obtain the services of the township engineer to survey the road allowance between Lots 25 & 26 in the 9th Concession.



By Messrs. McFarlane and Stewart, that the A.A.C. (Aberfoyle Amusement Club) be charged the sum of 25 cents per night’s use of the Hall, to cover the cost of fuel, providing they make satisfactory settlement with the caretaker for his work.



By Messrs. Cockburn and McFarlane, that the following accounts be passed and paid, viz.,

A. B. Falconbridge, registration fees


Bond Hardware account, cement et cetera


Municipal World, supplies, subs.


Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto


Peter Angus, tile ─ $2.50, gravel ─ $.60, Beverly


J. Harmer, postage ─ $3.47, extra services as Collector ─ $5.00



Mr. John A. Ord requested the Council to get information of the Tile, Stone, and Timber Act, in view of anticipated loan requisitions under this act.



Motion by Messrs. McFarlane and Cockburn, that this Council do now adjourn, to meet again on Monday March 3rd, at 10 a.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) John Walsh ─ Reeve

March 3rd 1913.






Municipality of Puslinch

March 3rd 1913.


The Council of the Municipality of Puslinch met in the Town Hall, at Aberfoyle, at 10 a.m., today.  The members were all present and the Reeve occupied the chair.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, on motion of Messrs. Stewart and McFarlane. 


The Clerk was instructed to bill the County Road Department (J. M. Young, Superintendent) for 16 12-inch tiles at 80 cents each, used on the Brock Road, near Morriston.


The Council accepted Mr. P. Black’s offer to supply screened sand and gravel at 75 cents per cubic yard, for use in making cement tile.


In view of the possible passing of the Good Roads Bylaw, and at the suggestion of the County Clerk, the Council recommended that the following portions of roadway be made County Roads: (1.) continuing present county road between Lots 15 & 16, south for 2½ miles and (b) north for 1 mile, and (2.) from Arkell Village to Brock Road, 2¼ miles.


Messrs. Mollison and Porter interviewed the Council in regard to draining the roadway at their properties, and it was decided to get the advice of an engineer on the matter.






The following motions were passed:


By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the report of the caretaker for the past year be received and adopted, and the Reeve is hereby instructed to issue his order to Mr. E. L. Taylor, caretaker, for the sum of $22.50, being his salary, in full, to February 28th 1913.



By Messrs. McFarlane and Stewart, that J. M. Frey be and is hereby appointed caretaker of the Township Hall for one year, duties to commence March 1st 1913, at a salary of $22.50.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, appointing overseers of highways, winter pathmasters, pound-keepers, fence-viewers, and sheep valuators.



By Messrs. Stewart and McFarlane, that the bylaw, appointing overseers of highways and winter pathmasters, pound-keepers, fence-viewers, and sheep valuators, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered four.



By Messrs. McFarlane and Stewart, that Geo. L. Metcalf and J. A. Cockburn be road commissioners for Divisions 1 & 2, Donald Stewart and Daniel McFarlane, for Divisions 3 & 4, and that an appropriation of $200 be granted to Divisions 1, 2, & 4, and $225 to Division 3, and that the Reeve be chairman of both committees.



By Messrs. McFarlane and Cockburn, that the report of the Tax Collector, showing the amount of taxes collected for 1912, be received and accepted as final.







By Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and paid:

Wm. J. Pinkney, 1 cord of wood for Hall


James Hutcheon, Engineer, rē Beverly & Puslinch townline, May 26th 1911.


James Hutcheon, C. Eng., rē Eramosa & Puslinch townline,  Oct. 3rd 1912.


James Hutcheon, C. Eng., rē Ord Drain Award, Feb. 1st 1913.


A. B. Falconbridge, Clerk, Ord Drain Award


Treasurer, Beverly Township, on account, Townline


The Pedlar People Ltd., 2 culverts


S. & G. Penfold, 3 barrels of cement


Mrs. Cath. Boyle, 132 yards of gravel


Dan McMillan, teaming corrugated culvert






By Messrs. Metcalf and McFarlane, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday April 7th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) John Walsh ─ Reeve

“adopted April 7th 1913”






Municipality of Puslinch

April 7th 1913.


The Council of the Municipality of Puslinch met in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m., today, for the transaction of business and pursuant to adjournment.  Present, all members, Mr. Walsh, Reeve, presiding, the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted on motion of Messrs. Metcalf and McFarlane.


In discussion of the Reeve’s report rē the account rendered by East Flamboro in the matter of the Winder Drain Award, the action of the Reeve, in taking legal advice on the matter, was heartily commended by the Council.


The Clerk was instructed to write North Dumfries Township, calling attention to the condition of the culvert opposite Mr. Geo. Elvin, on the Townline, and request a meeting with the Puslinch Commissioner, in an endeavour to improve the culvert to the mutual satisfaction of the parties interested.


Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf were appointed a committee to secure an operator and teams to work the grader, and the several commissioners were requested to give this committee an estimated statement of their grading requirements by May 1st.


The Reeve and Mr. McFarlane were appointed a committee to engage men to make sufficient tile for the coming season.






The following motions were passed:


By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, amending Bylaw No. 280, passed in Council on January 19th 1903, and repealing Bylaw No. 303, passed in 1905.



By Messrs. McFarlane and Stewart, that a bylaw, amending Bylaw No. 280 of 1903, and affecting the commutation of the statute labour tax, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered five (5.)



By Messrs. Metcalf and Stewart, that the Reeve, Mr. Cockburn, and the Clerk be a committee to interview the engineers (Malcolm and Rudd), and advertise for tenders for the construction of a concrete bridge at Sorby’s, and also, that this motion empower the said committee to open the tenders and confer with the engineers rē the same, reporting at the next regular meeting.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the following accounts be passed and paid:

John Reid, conveying Arch. McGruery to House of Industry, Fergus.


Guelph Herald, printing auditors’ report, 1912






By Messrs. Stewart and McFarlane, that the Council do now adjourn, to meet on Monday May 5th 1913, at 6 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) John Walsh ─ Reeve

“dated May 5th 1913”






Municipality of Puslinch

May 5th 1913.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met, as per adjournment, in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, at 6 p.m., today.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  On motion of Messrs. Stewart and Cockburn, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.


Committee reports:


Mr. McFarlane has secured the services of Mr. Hugh Clark, to make the tile at 20 cents per hour.



Mr. Cockburn has secured the services of Mr. James Harmer to operate the grader.




Mr. Thos. Mahon, requesting permission to perform a part of his statute labour on Cockburn Street, this year.  Referred to Messrs. Cockburn and McFarlane, commissioners for the divisions affected.



Mr. Attridge, Reeve of East Flamboro, requesting a committee of the Puslinch Council to meet their Council at next session, May 7th, in reference to the Winder Drain Award matter ─ disposed of by motion.



C. P. Railway Company, enclosing plans, specifications, et cetera of the proposed new station at Corwhin for the consideration of the Council ─ referred forward.






The following motions were passed:


By Messrs. Stewart and Metcalf, that Messrs. Cockburn and McFarlane be and are hereby appointed a committee, to investigate the claim of Mrs. C. Keleher, and report at the next meeting.



By Messrs. McFarlane and Stewart, that the tender of H. E. Craft, at $425, for the erection of a _____ span culvert, north of Sorby’s Bridge, be accepted, and that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to sign the contract agreement.



By Messrs. McFarlane and Stewart, that, to meet the request of the Reeve of East Flamboro for a conference on the matter of the Winder Drain Award, the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to meet the East Flamboro Council at their next session, in an effort to reach an understanding in this matter.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the following accounts be passed and paid:

Sawyer-Massey Company, repairs for grader


Walter Cook, bonus on 40 rods of wire fence


Mrs. J. Boyle, bonus on 21½ rods of wire fence


Jas. Harmer, painting and repairing grader






By Messrs. McFarlane and Metcalf, that this Council do now adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 26th, at 10 a.m., as a Court of Revision, and afterward for general business.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) John Walsh ─ Reeve

dated May 26th 1913.”


Note: H. R. Craft’s signed tender and O.K. enclosed.





Court of Revision

May 26th 1913.


As per motion in Council, the members of the Puslinch Municipal Board met in the Town Hall at 10 a.m., today, and on affirming to the required oath, constituted a Court of Revision, for the hearing and disposal of appeals against the assessment roll of 1913.


The Reeve, Mr. Walsh, occupied the chair, and the following appeals were disposed of, as hereunder set:

Chas. H. Haugh, R9, L17:

over assessment

─ reduced $150 on land & $150 on buildings.

Richard Holman, R10, L1:

over assessment ─ confirmed.

Richard Holman,  R10, L2:

over assessment ─ reduced $100 on land & $100 on buildings.

Robt. Williamson,  F5, L7-8:

over assessment ─ reduced $200 on land & $100 on buildings.

James Murphy,

R7 & F8, pt. 22-23:

over assessment ─ reduced $1000 on land, & $300 on business tax.

J. C. Blair, W. Dundas 5-6-7:

property change ─ assessed to Mrs. P. G. Sinclair, Aberfoyle, and business tax struck off.

J. C. Blair, F8, L14:

for joint assessment as tenant and MF ─ allowed.

T. S. Doyle, R4, L13:

error in property description ─ confirmed.

John Gallagher, R10, pt. ___:

 (appeal) against dog tax ─ allowed.






Donald J. McLean F9, L31:

(appeal) against dog tax ─ allowed.

James Tawse, R7 L27-28:

against dog tax ─ allowed.

George L. McPherson, F7 L26:

against dog tax ─ confirmed.

Patrick Kehoe, F8 pt. 21:

property change ─ assessed as tenant and MF.

H. W. Ironside, R Gore, pt. 37:

property change ─ reduced assessment $1500.

C. M. MacDonald, R Gore, pt. 37:

1¼ acres, property change ─ assessed $1300,

F & MF

F. G. Murdock, F7, pt. 1:

over assessment ─ confirmed.

Daniel Fisher, R Gore, L. 35-36:

for joint assessment as tenant and MF on estate of Chas. Martin ─ allowed.

Wm. Sim, R Gore, pt. 30:

property exchange ─ reduced 40 acres and $500.

Norman Pettit, R Gore, pt. 30:

property change ─ assessed 40 acres and $500, as tenant and MF.


On motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart, the assessment roll was confirmed, as revised and amended.


(signed) A.B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) John Walsh ─ Reeve (June 30th 1913.)






Municipality of Puslinch

May 26th 1913.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Puslinch Municipal Board met in Council at the close of the Court of Revision, held at Aberfoyle, today.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart.


Committee reports:


Mr. Walsh, rē interview with East Flamboro Council, in matter of Winder Drain Award ─ referred forward.


Mr. Cockburn, rē Mrs. C. Keleher claim ─ referred to Mr. Cockburn.




By Messrs. McFarlane and Metcalf, that Thos. Mahon be allowed to transfer the performance of his statute labour, of five days in subdivision No. 212 and 3 days in subdivision No. 206, to Cockburn Street, Aberfoyle, for the year 1913.



By Messrs. McFarlane and Stewart, that D. McNaughton be paid $150, his salary as Assessor for the year 1913.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the account of the Guelph Herald, for printing the statement of County Road expenditures, be paid, $2.25.







By Messrs. Stewart and Metcalf, that the Reeve, Mr. Cockburn, and the Clerk be and are hereby appointed a committee to rebuild the fence on the Hall grounds.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the application of Mr. J. M. Frey for the pasturage of the Township Hall grounds be accepted, the rent therefore to be $8.00 for the season.



By Messrs. Stewart and Cockburn, that the Council meet at Lot 16, Concession 1, on Monday June the 9th, to inspect Paddock’s Bridge at 7 p.m.



By Messrs. Metcalf and Stewart, that this meeting adjourn, to meet on Monday June 20th, at 2 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) John Walsh ─ Reeve

June 30th 1913.






Municipality of Puslinch

June 30th 1913.


Pursuant to adjournment, the members of the Puslinch Council met at the Town Hall, at 2 p.m. for the transaction of general business.  Reeve Walsh occupied the chair, and proceeded by hearing the minutes of the previous meeting, which were adopted as read, by motion of Messrs. Metcalf and Cockburn.


Messrs. Stewart and McFarlane were appointed a committee to wait on Mr. Dan McLean regarding a proposed ditch at Lot 18, Concession 2.


The rebuilding of the culvert between Lots 20 & 21, Concession 7, as ordered by the Ord Ditch Award, was referred to the R & B (Road & Bridge) Committee of Divisions No. 1 & 2.


Mr. Rannie interviewed the Council in connection with the opening of the Eramosa Townline.  The matter was referred to the R & B Committee of Divisions 1 & 3, with instructions to confer with the Eramosa Council rē same.


The following motions were duly passed:


By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the Reeve and Mr. Stewart be a committee to confer with the engineer rē the plans of the bridge at Paddocks, and to advertise for tenders for a 24-foot span bridge over Mill Creek.


By Messrs. McFarlane & Cockburn, that the following accounts be passed & paid:

Bond Hardware account, cement et cetera ─


Hugh Clark, making tile and drawing cement ─


Guelph Herald, advertising Court of Revision ─







Municipal World, supply account ─


A. B. Falconbridge account, Hall supplies ─


A. B. Falconbridge, Clerk’s postage account ─


John A. Ord, 110 yards of gravel, Division No. 226 ─


Mrs. P. McLaren, 49 yards of gravel, Division No. 206 ─


R. Ballagh, 35 yards of gravel, Division No. 206 ─


Wm. Crow, 200 yards of gravel ─


D. McCaig, refund of statute labour, Division No. 104 ─


Robt. Herman, bonus for 37½ rods of wire fence at 22½ cents/rod ─


Chas. Barrett, bonus for 45 rods wire fence at 22½ cents/rod ─


Don McDonald, bonus for 150 rods of wire fence at 15½ cents/rod ─


Alex McLean, bonus for 80 rods of wire fence at 20 cents/rod ─


Guthrie, Guthrie & Kerwin account ─






By Messrs. Metcalf and McFarlane, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to prepare a bylaw, appointing an engineer under the Ditches and Watercourses Act, said bylaw to receive the usual readings at the meeting of Council to be held on Monday July 21st.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McFarlane, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday July 21st, at 6 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) John Walsh ─ Reeve

July 21st 1913.






Municipality of Puslinch

July 21st 1913.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Puslinch Municipal Council met in the Town Hall, at 6 p.m., today.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The Clerk read the minutes of the last meeting, and on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart, they were adopted as read.


Mr. Walsh reported receiving plans et cetera for the construction of the proposed “Paddocks Bridge”, and having advertised for tenders.  The contract will possibly be let at a special meeting called for that purpose.


The following motions were duly passed:


By Messrs. McFarlane and Stewart, that the Reeve and Mr. Cockburn be a committee to attend to the interests of the municipality in the matter of the crossings of the Toronto Suburban Railway in the 9th & 10th Concessions and Townline.



By Messrs. Metcalf and Cockburn, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time to revoke the appointment of the present engineer, acting under the Ditches and Watercourses Act.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the following accounts be passed & paid:

C. Richardson, plow broken (while) grading ─


Ed Kinsella, gravel and surface damage ─


Don McCaig, gravel ─







Murray Crawford, plank ─


Municipal World account ─


Guelph Herald, printing notice to contractors ─


J. M. Frey, repairing fence on Hall grounds ─


John McCormick, repair to brush hook ─






By Messrs. Stewart and McFarlane, that the bylaw, revoking the appointment of the present engineer, under the Ditches and Watercourses Act, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered six.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, appointing an engineer, under the Ditches and Watercourses Act, for the Municipality of the Township of Puslinch.



By Messrs. Metcalf and Stewart, that the bylaw, appointing an engineer under the Ditches and Watercourses Act, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered seven.



By Messrs. Stewart and McFarlane, that the Council do now adjourn, to meet on Monday August 18th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) John Walsh ─ Reeve

“dated August 18th 1913”






Municipality of Puslinch

August 18th 1913.


The original Council minutes for this date were not available.








Puslinch Township Council Meeting

August 18th 1913.

(Guelph Mercury newspaper report)


The Puslinch Council met at Aberfoyle at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday.  Mr. Cockburn was the only absentee, he, with Mrs. Cockburn, being away on an extended trip through the west.  After hearing the minutes of the last meeting, the board put through the following business:


Mr. Walsh reported attending the hearing of the Toronto Suburban Railway Company’s application to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board for approval of their plans for highway crossings and a road diversion as affecting this township.  Mr. Walsh received every consideration at the hands of the Board, and was assured of a first class road to replace the road in question, and also that the same would be built before grading commenced at that place.  The action of the committee in this matter was commended by motion of Council.


A copy of the approved plans of the C.P.R. Station location at Corwhin was received by the township and placed on file in the Clerk’s office.  The order contains a proviso that in the event of the highway traffic being blocked for more than five minutes, at any one time, by reason of the station location, the Board of Railway Commissioners of Canada shall be at liberty to relocate the station.


A communication was received from East Flamboro, complaining that Puslinch was not doing its share of road work on the Townline.  The matter was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee of Divisions 3 & 4.






Since no applications were received for the contract of Paddocks Bridge, and since it has been ascertained that contractors cannot be secured before fall, the Council decided to make such temporary repairs as are necessary to keep the bridge in good condition until the contract is let.


To make the township tax rates more intelligible, it was decided to separate the township and general school rates, and the Clerk was instructed to change the assessment bylaw accordingly, and prepare the same for the next meeting.


Accounts, to the amount of $456.24, including a payment on account of the Sorby culvert contract, were passed and ordered paid.


The Council adjourned, to meet on Monday September 15th 1913, at 1:30 p.m.


A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

September 15th 1913.


The original Council minutes for this date were not available.








Puslinch Township Council

September 15th 1913.

(from the Guelph Mercury newspaper)


The Puslinch Municipal Council held its regular meeting, at Aberfoyle, on the 15th instant.


A deputation from the hamlet of Morriston recommended the appointment of Mr. John Hingleman as Commissioner for the said hamlet.  A bylaw, rescinding the appointment of the former Commissioner and appointing Mr. Hingleman to the position, was duly passed, and an order for $31, being the amount of refund statute tax due the hamlet to the end of 1912, was drawn to his favour.


Several of the Puslinch ratepayers, who are interested in the Winder drain award of East Flamboro, waited on the Council, with a view to keeping them in touch with the more recent developments in the matter.


A bylaw, providing for the assessment of the township for the current year, 1913-14, was given its several readings and passed.  The rates struck are as follows:  County ─ 2.6 mills, township ─ 1.4 mills, general school ─ 1.7 mills, S.S. No. 1 ─ 1.6 mills, S.S. No. 2 ─ 1 mill, S.S. No. 3 ─ 2 mills, and debentures ─ 3 mills, S.S. No. 4 ─ 2.1 mills, S.S. Nos. 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 ─ 2 mills, S.S. No. 7 ─ 1.3 mills, S.S. No. 8 ─ 4.4 mills, and debentures ─ 1.2 mills, and S.S. No. 12 ─ 1.9 mills.  The total assessment of the township is $2,189,221.  Unperformed statute labour is counted at $1.00 per day.


Under motion No. 5, the Road & Bridge Committee was authorized to sell the timber on the road allowance between Lots 20 & 21, on Concession 1.


Accounts, to the amount of $496.27, were passed and ordered paid.


The Council adjourned, to meet on Monday October 13th next, at 2 p.m.


A.B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk.






Municipality of Puslinch

October 13th 1913.


The Puslinch Council met, as per adjournment, in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, today.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Stewart and McFarlane.


Mr. Iles, a contractor of Waterloo Township, interviewed the Council in regard to the letting of the contract for Paddocks Bridge.  It was arranged that a committee of the Council meet Mr. Iles at the said bridge on Tuesday, the 14th instant, and receive his tender for the contract.


A committee of ratepayers waited on the Council, praying them to submit to the electorate of the municipality, without the formality of a petition, a bylaw, known as the “Local Option Bylaw”.  Referred to motion of Council.


Mr. Jno. Kerr asked the Council to rebate the amount of taxes charged against the public shed in Morriston.  Referred to motion of Council.


The following motions were passed:


By Messrs. Cockburn and McFarlane, that whereas a deputation of ratepayers has asked the Council of the Township of Puslinch to submit to the electors a bylaw, known as the “Local Option Bylaw”, to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquor in the township.  This Council does grant the request, and moves that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to prepare the necessary bylaw for consideration at the next meeting of Council.  Vote: Yea’s ─ John Walsh, John A. Cockburn, Geo. Metcalf, & Daniel McFarlane. Nay’s ─ Donald Stewart.







By Messrs. McFarlane and Metcalf, that the taxes on the public shed in Morriston for 1913, amounting to four and 26/100 dollars ($4.26), be refunded. Vote: Yea’s ─ J. A. Cockburn, G. L. Metcalf, D. McFarlane, & J. Walsh. Nay’s ─ D. Stewart.



By Donald Stewart and J. A. Cockburn, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to overdraw on the township account at the Metropolitan Bank, Guelph, if necessary to do so, to meet payments ordered by Council.



By Messrs. Metcalf and Stewart, that the following accounts be passed & paid:


The Guelph Herald, advertising voters’ list




Judges’ court costs, rē voters’ list




John Blake, insurance assessment, 1913




Wm. Moran, filling approaches at Sorby’s bridge




H. Clark, work on tile, and cement




A. B. Falconbridge, Clerk’s postage account




Russell Cober, material and repair to bridge at Lot 2, Conc. 3




J. D. Clark, refund of statute labour, 1912




John Borthwick, 25 yards of gravel




J. R. Little, 46 yards of gravel




Moses Byrne, 19 yards of gravel




Geo. Boucher, 22 yards of gravel




S. & G. Penfold account, nails for bridge





By Messrs. McFarlane and Stewart, that this Council do now adjourn, to meet again on November 17th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) John Walsh ─ Reeve

“Dated November 17th 1913”






Municipality of Puslinch

November 17th 1913.


A regular meeting of the Puslinch Council was held in the Council Chamber, at 10 a.m., today.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Metcalf and McFarlane.


The following communications were read and disposed of, as indicated:


A request by the Clerk of East Flamboro for a remittance of the amount of the Winder Drain Award account.  Referred forward.



A claim for damages from L. Kunsenhauser, for losses sustained in an accident on the 3rd Concession.  Matter referred back to Mr. Kunsenhauser, as lying between himself and Mrs. Forbes, whose motor caused the accident, and from whom, it is understood, he accepted recompense.



A reply from C. D. Bowman, township engineer, in regard to a request from the Council to survey the sideroad between Lots 25 & 26 in the 9th Concession, and setting November 19th as the date for such work.



From Mr. Neil Campbell rē statute labour tax of the A. Gillies property.  Referred to Mr. McFarlane, to interview Mr. Campbell with a view to getting particulars.



Mr. Angus McPherson’s request for railings along a portion of the 1st Concession Road, just west of Crieff, was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee for Divisions 3 & 4.






A deputation from Guelph, consisting of his Worship, Mayor Carter, W. J. Lyons, Mr. Simmers, and T. J. Hannigan, and introduced by the lattermost  gentleman, requested the Council to pass a motion, as required by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission, to enable them to take proceedings under the Hydro-Electric Railway Act of 1913.  The deputation presented a scheme for an electric railway from Hespeler to Puslinch Lake, and through Guelph to a point on the Georgian Bay.  After adding a rider that included a line from Puslinch Station to Guelph, the Council passed the motion that requests the Hydro-Electric Commission for a report on the estimated cost of construction and operation, also probable revenue and general financially of the whole scheme.  The Council is indebted to the deputation for much information on Hydro matters.


Mr. H. W. Ironside presented a petition, of some forty signatures, requesting the Council to countenance their requisition to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission for an estimate on cost of installation and operation of a proposed light and power line from Guelph to Puslinch Station.  As in the case of the Guelph deputation, the required motion was duly passed.


The following motions were passed in Council:


By Messrs. McFarlane and Stewart, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for nomination of Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year 1914, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



By Messrs. Stewart and Cockburn, that the time for the Collector to return the Collector’s Roll to the Treasurer be extended to the first day of February 1914.







By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that Mr. James Blake be refunded $6.00 for statute labour tax, the same having been performed.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario be requested, on behalf of the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch, to enquire into, examine, investigate, and report upon the cost of constructing and operating an electric railway from Hespeler, connecting with Puslinch Lake, through Guelph, to Elora, Fergus, and Arthur, and from Guelph to Puslinch Station, through Aberfoyle and Morriston to Puslinch Station, and also from Arthur connecting with Mount Forest and through the Beaver Valley to Meaford and Thornbury, the municipalities, the inhabitants of which will be served by such a railway, the populations of each of such municipalities as shown by the last enumeration thereof by the Assessor, an estimate of the probable revenue from the railway, and the practicality of the undertaking and its economic value to the localities to be served by it, as provided for in Section 3 of the Hydro-Electric Railway Act of 1913.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart, that, whereas a petition has been presented to the Council by Messrs. Maloney and Ironside and 27 others, asking that the Hydro-Electric Commission be asked for estimates to supply light and power to subscribers, the Clerk be and hereby is instructed to forward said petition to the Commission.



By Messrs. Cockburn and McFarlane, that a bylaw to provide for taking the votes of electors on the proposed “Local Option Bylaw”, entitled Bylaw No. 11, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







By Messrs. Metcalf and Cockburn, that, whereas a motion in Council has been passed, granting the request of a deputation of ratepayers for the submission of a Local Option Bylaw at the ensuing municipal election, the said bylaw be now introduced and read a first & second time, and that it be entitled Bylaw No. 11.


The Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, the Reeve presiding, and filled blanks in bylaws.  Committee arose and resumed Council.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McFarlane, that the bylaw, determining the time and place for nominating a Reeve and Councillors for 1914, and appointing Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 10.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McFarlane, that the bylaw to provide for taking the votes of electors on the proposed bylaw, entitled Bylaw No. 11, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 12.



By Messrs. Stewart and Cockburn, that the use of the Township Hall be given free of charge to the “Ladies’ Aid” of the township on the twenty-sixth of November 1913.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart, that the Reeve be and is hereby appointed to attend at the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday December 19th 1913, at 2 p.m., to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places on Monday January 5th 1914, and also to attend at the same places on Tuesday January 6th 1914, at the final summing up of the votes, according to Bylaw No. 12 of the municipality.







By Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and paid:

Treasurer of Nassagaweya Township, Townline account


Canadian Ingot Iron Co., 18-foot, 30-inch culvert, Beverly pays half


George Roberts, 30 yards of gravel


D. McMillan, repairing culvert, Beverly Townline, Beverly pays half


C. Bond, 150 rods of wire fence at 21½ cents per rod


Geo. Boucher, 11 yards of gravel


P. Phalen, 112½ rods of wire fence


Geo. H. Laird, 42½ rods of wire fence


E. Crawley Jr., 34 rods of wire fence


M. P. Lynch, 107 rods of wire fence


H. Ironside, repairs to wheel scrapers (covered by contract account for use of grader)


Moses Byrnes, work on 7th Concession


John Ord, 37 yards of gravel


Jas. Phalen, 38½ rods of wire fence


A. B. Falconbridge, selection of jurors


Treasurer of North Dumfries Township (share culvert)



Council adjourned, to meet on December 15th, at 10 a.m.


(signed)A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) John Walsh ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1913.


Pursuant to statute, the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch met at 10 a.m., today.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding. 


Considerable time was taken up in finishing the routine business of the different divisions for the year.  Also, a large number of accounts received due consideration.


The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf.


The Clerk reported receiving and filing the “oath of office” of C. D. Bowman, who was appointed Township Engineer, under the Ditches and Watercourses Act, by Bylaw No. 7, of 1913.


The Clerk presented the report of the Secretary of the local Board of Health for the year 1913.  This report contained also the annual reports of the Chairman and the Medical Health Officer, and also the Sanitary Inspector’s account.  The Council received the matter and highly commended the Board.






The following motions were made and passed:


By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that a grant of thirty-five ($35.00) each be made to the St. Joseph’s and General hospitals, of Guelph.



By Messrs. Stewart and McFarlane, that the Treasurer’s statement of receipts and expenditures, from the 15th of December 1912 to the 14th of December 1913, be received, and that the Treasurer be requested to have 200 copies printed for distribution.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Stewart, that the following accounts be passed & paid:

George McAllister, 775 feet of 3-inch elm, dl’d, at 2.5 cents per ft.


Guelph Mercury, printing voters list advertisement & tax motion


Joseph May, 16 rods of wire fence at 20 cents per rod


Allan Shoemaker, concrete tile


Treasurer of Waterloo Township, ½ cost of culverts (2), Townline


John E. Simpson, removing stone, etc. for winter road


N. Leichman, 60 rods of wire fence at 16½ cents per rod


Peter Hume, 30 yards of gravel


Fraser Hardie, 40 rods of wire fence


J. W. Alderson, 75 rods of wire fence


Robt. Hume, 41 rods of wire fence


Crastor Scott, 43 rods of wire fence


John Arkell, 205 yards of gravel


George Wallace, 69 yards of gravel


William Forrest, 60 rods of wire fence


D. Campbell, 500 feet of lumber dl’d







A. Gillies, 31 yards of gravel


James Clark, 40 rods of wire fence


Robert Kennedy, 55 rods of wire fence


George Wingfield, 70 rods of wire fence


A. M. Berry, 80 yards of gravel


Mrs. Cath. Boyle, 75 yards of gravel


Alex McPherson, 72 yards of gravel


Alex McGregor, 110 yards of gravel


E. S. Shantz, laying culvert, material, & rail


S. Harrison, refund of dog tax, surcharge


W. Watson, refund of dog tax, surcharge


H. L. Dancy, 21 yards of gravel


Wm. Barker, labour and material on sidewalks, Aberfoyle


Jno. Hanlon, men and teams, gravelling, sideline, 4th Concession







(Please note: The final page of the original Council minutes for December 15th 1913 was not available. The following text, on the nomination meeting of December 29th, taken from the Guelph Mercury newspaper report of the December 15th Council meeting, has been added as a partial substitute.)


Nominations for Reeve & Councillors will be taken on Monday December 29th, at 1 p.m., and the following officials will have charge of the polling booths on election day:


Polling subdivision No. 1

(School House S.S. No. 1)

Henry Arkell ─ Deputy-Returning Officer (D.R.O.)

Stewart Hume ─ Poll Clerk (P.C.)


Polling subdivision No. 2

(Town Hall, Aberfoyle)

J. C. Blair (D.R.O.)

Thos. C. Mahon (P.C.)


Polling subdivision No. 3

(Foresters’ Hall, Morriston)

Archie Marshall (D.R.O.)

D. A. McNaughton (P.C.)


Polling subdivision No. 4

(School House S.S. No. 6)

Marshall Ferguson (D.R.O.)

Alex McPherson (P.C.)


Polling subdivision No. 5

(School House S.S. No. 3)

M. P. Lynch (D.R.O.)

T. S. Doyle (P.C.)


Polling subdivision No. 6

(School House S.S. No. 11)

J. M. Eagle (D.R.O.)

Elias Holm (P.C.)






Nomination Meeting

December 29th 1913.


At the nomination meeting held at the Town Hall, at 1 p.m. today, the following gentlemen were nominated for Reeve and Councillors.


For Reeve ─ John Walsh and Daniel McFarlane.


For Councillors ─

John A. Cockburn, Hugh Ross, Alexander McLean, George Meldrum, George Metcalf, Donald Stewart, and John Penrice.






Election ─ January 5th 1914.


At the election on January 5th 1914, the following gentlemen were elected for the respective offices: Reeve ─ Daniel McFarlane, and Councillors ─ Hugh Ross, Alex McLean, John A. Cockburn, and George Metcalf.


The “Local Option Bylaw” was carried by a majority of 39 over the required 3/5  vote.  The figures from the different polling subdivisions follow:

Polling Station:

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6



For Reeve:









Daniel McFarlane









John Walsh









For Councillors:









Hugh Ross









Alexander McLean









John A. Cockburn









George Metcalf









Donald Stewart









George Meldrum









John Penrice









Local Option Bylaw






























Number of Local Option Ballots Counted:



Rejected Ballots:



Total deemed to have voted:



3/5 of votes required to carry bylaw








Municipality of Puslinch

January 12th 1914.


Pursuant to statute, the inaugural meeting of the Puslinch Township Council was held in the Council Room, at 11 a.m., today.


The members elect were all present, and after subscribing to the declarations of qualification and of office, in the form prescribed by the Municipal Institutions Act of 1913, the gentlemen took their respective places at the Council Board.


The minutes of the last meeting were adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf.


As required by statute, the Clerk presented to Council a certified report of the bylaw vote, as taken in the recent election.


A committee of the whole Council, with ex-Reeves Walsh and Wilkinson, was appointed to attend the public sittings of the Public Roads and Highways Commission, to be held in the county buildings, at Guelph, on January 20th, at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.


The Beverly Township boundary line account was referred to Reeve McFarlane and Councillor Ross, for verification, and to report on same at the next meeting.


   The Collector reported a balance, to date, of unpaid taxes to the amount of $420.81, and was instructed by Council to collect the same at once.


H. E. Croft (or Craft) presented an account for the balance of the contract price on the culvert, near Sorby’s, and received payment for the same.






The following motions were duly made and passed:


By Messrs. Metcalf and Ross, that a bylaw, appointing municipal auditors for the year 1914, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



By Messrs. Ross and McLean, that a bylaw, appointing a Sanitary Inspector for the municipality, be now introduced and given a first and second reading.



By Messrs. McLean and Cockburn, that a bylaw, appointing a resident ratepayer as a member of the local Board of Health, for the year 1914, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



By Messrs. Ross and Cockburn, that a bylaw, appointing a Medical Health Officer for the municipality, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



By Messrs. McLean and Ross, that a bylaw, appointing an Assessor and a Collector, for the year 1914, be now introduced and read a first and second time.


At this juncture, the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, the Reeve presiding, for the purpose of filling the blanks in the various bylaws.


The Committee arose and resumed Council, reporting having filled the blanks in the bylaws as follows:


John A. McDonald and Wm. Nicoll

Sanitary Inspector:

John Martin

member of the Board of Health:

William J. Little

Medical Health Officer:

James H. King


Daniel McFarlane


James Harmer







By Messrs. Metcalf and McLean, that the bylaw, appointing municipal auditors for the year 1914, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered one.



By Messrs. Ross and McLean, that the bylaw, appointing a Sanitary Inspector, be read a third time, passed, and numbered two.



By Messrs. Cockburn and McLean, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the local Board of Health, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered three.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Ross, that the bylaw, appointing a Medical Health Officer for the municipality, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered four.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the bylaw, appointing an Assessor and a Collector for the year 1914, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered five.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McLean, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to procure the usual number of copies of the Municipal World for the members of the Council and officials for 1914.



By Messrs. Cockburn and McLean, that the Council attend in a body, and invite ex-Reeves Walsh and Wilkinson to attend with them, at the sittings of the Public Roads and Highways Commission, to be held in the City of Guelph on Tuesday January 20th 1914.







By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the following accounts be passed & paid:


Guthrie, Guthrie & Kerwin, account rē Winder Drain Award




Township of East Flamboro, for Winder Drain Award, in full




Municipal World account, election forms et cetera




Alf. Crane, damage taking out gravel




Rich’d Hewitt, refund of statute labour, 3 days




John Galaher, refund statute labour, 1 day




M. P. Lynch, screen at Polling Booth No. 5




J. M. Eagle, screen at Polling Booth No. 6




A. B. Falconbridge, election expenses




Peter Hume, gravelling & gravel, Nassagaweya pays half




H. E. Croft, balance of contract Sorby’s Bridge




Secretary-Treasurer of S.S. No. 1, for use of school for election




Secretary-Treasurer of S.S. No. 6, for use of school for election




C. A. Binkley, for use of Foresters’ Hall, Morriston, for election




Secretary-Treasurer of S.S. No. 3, for use of school for election




Secretary-Treasurer of S.S. No. 11, for use of school for election





By Messrs. Metcalf and Ross, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday February 9th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) D. MacFarlane ─ Reeve

Dated February 9th 1914.






Municipality of Puslinch

February 9th 1914.


The Puslinch Council met, as per adjournment, in the Council Room, at 1:30 p.m., today.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and McLean.


A petition by E. Shantz and others was presented by W. J. Little, and backed by a deputation of gentlemen from the vicinity of Puslinch Lake.  The petition requested the Council to buy a strip of land to widen the given road, between the 2nd and 3rd Concessions, from Lots 1 to 6, and also to cut the brush and generally improve the said road.  The deputation also suggested that the Reeve use his influence to have the road in question made a county road.  The Council took a favourable view of the matter and, after some discussion, referred it to motion.


Mr. Wm. Aikens asked that the given road, between Lots 12 and 13, on Concession 3, be given some attention this year.  This matter was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee of Divisions 1 and 3.


Messrs. Laking and Tawse requested that the given road, from the Brock Road, between Lots 17 and 18, be given more statute labour, and suggested that Mr. Tawse’s statute labour be transferred from Division 205 to 211.  The matter was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee of Divisions 2 and 4.


Reverend Mr. Lawrence appeared before the Council, on behalf of the Morriston Public Library Board, and made a request for the usual grant for the purchase of new books.  The request received favourable consideration and was referred to motion.






Messrs. McDonald, McEdwards, McIntyre, and Beaton interviewed the Council in regard to the payment of their assessments in the matter of the Winder Drain Award, and their suggestion for payment of same was quite agreeable to Council, viz., twenty equal annual payments with an interest rate of 4%.  The Clerk was instructed to look into the matter.


Messrs. John Ord, Neil Black, and others recommended to Council the consideration and passing of the Tile, Stone, and Timber Drainage Bylaw, used for the purpose of borrowing government money, set aside for that purpose, at a low rate of interest, for under-draining.  This was referred forward for further consideration at next sitting.


A list of lands liable to be sold for taxes was received from the County Treasurer, and the party interested notified thereof.


The Clerk reported receiving the “Declaration of Office” of the Assessor, Collector, and Auditors.


A report of the alarming increase of disease among the children of rural schools was forwarded to Council by the local Women’s Institute, and a resolution, embodied in same and recommending a provincial system of medical and dental supervision, was passed, signed, and sealed.


Mr. J. M. Frey tendered his resignation as Caretaker of the Township Hall, and applications for the position will be considered at next meeting.






The following motions were made and passed.


By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the petition, signed by Mr. E. Shantz and 85 others, be received and placed on file, and that the Council meet on Wednesday, the 11th instant, at 2:30 p.m., at the place in question, viz., on the given road between the 2nd and 3rd Concessions, east of Waterloo Townline, to inspect said road.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McLean, that John A. Cockburn and Alex McLean, be Road Commissioners for Divisions 2 and 4, and George L. Metcalf and Hugh Ross for Divisions 1 and 3, and that an appropriation of $200 be granted to Divisions 1, 2, & 4, and $225 to Division 3, and that the Reeve be Chairman of both committees.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Ross, that a grant of fifteen dollars ($15.00) be made to the Morriston Public Library; this amount to be used for the purchase of new books.



By Messrs. Cockburn and McLean, that whereas Bylaw No. 11 of 1912, entitled “Local Option Bylaw” was submitted to vote on January 5th 1914, and approved by the required 3/5  vote of the electors, as evidenced by the certified report of the Clerk, and whereas the allotted time of one month has elapsed since its first publication on December 4th 1913, be it therefore read a third time and passed.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McLean, that a grant of $5.00 be given to the Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto.







By Messrs. Metcalf and Ross, that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to issue his order on the Treasurer for the payment of all grants, accounts, and claims passed by resolution of Council, and also all payments ordered by the several road and bridge commissioners, up to the amount of their appropriations, and that the Reeve do sign this resolution and attach the corporation seal thereto, for the purpose of authenticating the same.



By Messrs. Metcalf and Cockburn, that the final report of the Collector of taxes, for 1913, be received and that the Reeve issue his order for $125.00, in payment of his salary.



By Messrs. Ross and McLean, that the report of the Treasurer of his receipts and expenditures, to February 3rd, together with the auditors’ report, be received and approved, and that the Reeve issue his order for $5.00 to each auditor.



By Messrs. Ross and McLean, that the Aberfoyle Amusement Club get the use of the Hall for the year 1914 at 25¢ (cents) a night.







By Messrs, Cockburn & McLean, that the following accounts be passed & paid, viz.,


Alex McPherson, 15 yards of gravel




A. B. Falconbridge, screening for Poll Booth No. 1




Arch. Marshall, screening for Poll Booth No. 3




A. B. Falconbridge, registering births, marriages, and deaths




Municipal World account supplies




Mercury printing account, bills, ballots, etc.




Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto




James Harmer, postage account




James Harmer, work storing grader, etc.




John Hingleman, Morriston Division statute labour account





By Messrs. Ross and Metcalf, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday March 9th, at 10 a.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge  Clerk

D. MacFarlane ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

March 9th 1914.


The regular meeting of the Puslinch Council met at the Town Hall, at 10 a.m. today.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and McLean.


A communication from J. W. Lyon, Secretary-Treasurer of the Great Waterways Union, recommending that a representation, from this municipality, accompany the joint delegation to Ottawa to interview the government in support of the Great Waterways movement and the Hydro-Electric interests, was read and discussed, and finally referred to motion.


Mr. H. W. Ironside, with several other prominent gentlemen, waited on the Council, with a request for the appointment of a township constable, the remuneration to be partly from salary and partly from fees.  Mr. Ironside recounted the fact that, up to a year or so ago, several constables were under appointment in this vicinity and throughout the township, on fee remuneration only.  These men either removed or, finding the remuneration unsatisfactory, resigned, leaving the township without adequate police protection.  Pointing out that with the increasing and frequently dangerous automobile traffic, protection under authorized authority, both for the individual and the roadway, was even more necessary now than formerly, and that the Council was in duty bound to furnish this protection, regardless of the changed conditions in reference to remuneration.  Mr. Ironside recommended the appointment of Mr. James Harmer as a proper and fit person, willing to accept the position under satisfactory conditions.  Others also spoke in corroboration, and the Council laid the matter over for further consideration.






Mr. Angus McPherson again approached the Council on the subject of a grant toward the construction of cement walks fronting the township property in Aberfoyle.  The Council recommended that Mr. McPherson get an estimate of the cost of the proposed work, and that he confer with the Road & Bridge Committee of Divisions 2 & 4.


The consideration of the Tile, Stone, and Timber Act, laid over from last meeting, was referred forward, as subject matter for a special meeting, to be held in the Council Room on Monday evening, March 23rd, at 8:00 p.m.  Those interested in this project are invited to attend.


The Clerk advised the receipt of the estimates of the proposed Hydro Light and Power line from Guelph to Puslinch Station.  As Mr. Ironside wished to confer with the engineer rē this matter, the Clerk was instructed to take advice from him as to a later date for calling same.


The following motions were duly put and passed.


By Messrs. Cockburn and McLean, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, appointing Overseers of highways, Winter Pathmasters, Fence-Viewers, Pound-Keepers, and Sheep Valuators for the Township of Puslinch for 1914, and until their successors are appointed.


In Committee of the Whole, the blanks in this bylaw were filled, and on resumption of Council, the Committee duly reported same.



By Messrs. McLean and Metcalf, that the bylaw, appointing Overseers of highways, Winter Pathmasters, Fence-Viewers, Pound-keepers, and sheep valuators, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 6.







That the Road and Bridge Committee of Divisions 2 & 4 confer with the ratepayers and others interested in building sidewalks in Aberfoyle, with a view to ascertain the cost of same and arrange as to method of building and paying for same, and report at next meeting.



By Messrs. Metcalf and Cockburn, that Mr. Geo. W. Marshall be and is hereby appointed Caretaker for the Township Hall and grounds, at a salary of $22.50 per annum.



By Messrs. Ross and Cockburn, that Messrs. H. W. Ironside, A. B. Falconbridge, and the members of Council be a deputation to join the Great Waterways Union, to wait on the Federal Government at Ottawa, to urge the importance of federal assistance to building of electric lines through Ontario.



By Messrs. Alex McLean and Hugh Ross, that James Harmer will operate the grader for this year at a salary of $2.25 per day, and that he get the grader put in good repair.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McLean, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday April 6th, at 1:30 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed and dated) D. MacFarlane ─ Reeve

“Dated April 6th 1914”






Special Meeting ─ March 23rd 1914.


A special meeting, called for the purpose of considering the Tile, Stone, and Timber Act and other business, was held at the Town Hall, at 8 p.m. tonight.  The members were all present, as also was a large deputation of Aberfoyle ratepayers.


The matter of sidewalks was first discussed, and as only partial estimates were given, the action of the Council was covered by the following motion.


By Messrs. Cockburn and McLean, that a grant be made toward the building of a sidewalk, and that the municipality advance sufficient money to complete the work, this advance to be repaid from the statute labour annually until all is paid.


The Tile, Stone, and Timber Act came under discussion next, and it was finally decided to take action, the following motion speaking for itself.


By Messrs. McLean and Ross, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise in the Guelph Mercury newspaper of the 25th instant, that a bylaw for raising of money under the Tile, Stone, and Timber Act will be taken into consideration by the Council at a special meeting called for that purpose on Monday April 27th, at 8 p.m.


The Council recommended that the following committee of ratepayers, viz., Jas. Harmer, Jas. Mason, and Wm. Quirk, do act with the Pathmaster, Wm. Barber, in the construction of this work.


The meeting then adjourned.


(signed) D. MacFarlane

(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk






Municipality of Puslinch

April 6th 1914.


A regular session of the Puslinch Council was held at the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, at 1:30 p.m., today.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last regular meeting and of the special meeting were read and adopted, on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Ross.


A deputation from the Aberfoyle Amusement Club waited on the Council and offered to spend $50.00 on renewing the floor and providing new seats for the Township Hall, on condition that the Council spend a like sum.  The matter was referred forward and a committee will report at next meeting.


The following motions were duly passed:


By Messrs. Cockburn and McLean, that the statute labour of Lot 17, Front of Concession 8 be transferred from Road Division 205 to Division 211, and that of Lot 22, Front of Concession 7 from Division 226 to Division 405.



By Messrs. Cockburn and McLean, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, prohibiting the discharge of firearms upon the public highways of the municipality.



By Messrs. McLean and Metcalf, that the Reeve, Mr. Cockburn, and Mr. Ross be a committee to act with a committee of the Amusement and Literary clubs to enquire into the price of chairs, flooring the Hall, and cost of placing same.







By Messrs. Ross and Metcalf, that the bylaw, regulating and prohibiting the discharge of firearms on the public highways, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 7.



By Messrs. Metcalf and Ross, that the following accounts be passed & paid:


Guelph Herald, printing auditors’ report




Municipal World, blank forms (3 ____)






By Messrs. Metcalf and McLean, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Tuesday May 26th, at 10 o’ clock a.m., as a Court of Revision and then for other business.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) Daniel McFarlane ─ Reeve

“Dated May 26th 1914”






Municipality of Puslinch

Special Meeting ─ April 27th 1914.


A special meeting of Council was held at 7:30 p.m., according to appointment, members all present, Reeve in the chair.  J. A. Cockburn was appointed Clerk pro tempore.


The purpose of the meeting was for consideration of a bylaw to borrow money under the Tile, Stone, & Timber Drainage Act.  The necessary publications and formalities having been complied with according to the act,


it was moved by Geo. L. Metcalf and seconded by Hugh Ross that the bylaw, purporting to borrow money under the Tile, Stone, & Timber Drainage Act, be now introduced and read a first and second time.


The Council went into Committee of the Whole to consider the bylaw and fill the blanks.  The Committee rose and reported blanks filled.



Moved by Alex McLean and seconded by Geo. L. Metcalf that the bylaw, authorizing the issue of debentures to raise money under the Tile Drainage Act, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 8.



Moved by Hugh Ross, seconded by Geo. L. Metcalf, that a copy of the “Tile Drainage Bylaw”, with the required appended notice, be published in the Guelph Weekly Mercury for three successive issues, commencing April 29th 1914.


The Council then adjourned.


(signed) J. A. Cockburn ─ Clerk pro tempore

(signed) Daniel MacFarlane ─ Reeve

“Dated May 26th 1914”






Municipality of Puslinch

May 26th 1914.


Court of Revision


Pursuant to statute, the Court of Revision was held at 10 a.m., today, in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, for the purpose of hearing and disposing of appeals against the Assessment Roll for 1914.


The members of Council were all present, and after taking the oath, resolved the Board into a Court of Revision.  The small number of appeals speak highly of the satisfactory work of Assessor McNaughton.  The following were the changes authorized:


Joseph Wayper ─ business tax struck off.


James F. Murphy ─ business tax reduced $250, statute labour reduced 1 day.


Mrs. I. S. Lehman ─ Lot pt. 21, Front 8, Aberfoyle ─ assessed to H. G. Cockburn and D. D. Christie.


Angus Martin, Lot 38, Rear 9 ─ assessed to Mrs. R. Burdon.


Sydney Maltby, Lot 16, Rear 7 ─ assessed as tenant.


Jno. Westlake ─ dog tax struck off.


Mrs. Jas. B. Graham ─ for reduced assessment, sustained.



Motion by Messrs. Cockburn and McLean that the Assessment Roll for 1914, as now revised and amended, be confirmed.



The regular business of Council was then proceed with.


(signed) Daniel MacFarlane ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

May 26th 1914.


Pursuant to adjournment and following the proceedings of the Court of Revision, the regular meeting of the Puslinch Council was held in the Council Room at Aberfoyle.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, on motion of Messrs. McLean and Ross.


A petition was received from Messrs. A. McDonald, A. McEdwards, Thos. Beaton, and James P. Martin, the same being ratepayers in Puslinch and parties to the Winder Drain Award of East Flamboro, praying the Council to pass a bylaw to provide for the payment of their assessments under said award, in twenty equal instalments of principal and interest.  The necessary bylaw having been provided, the following motions covered its course through Council.



By Messrs. Ross and McLean, that a bylaw to impose and levy certain special rates upon lands, in the matter of the Winder Drain Award assessment, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



By Messrs. Metcalf and Cockburn, that the bylaw to impose and levy special rates on certain lands, in the matter of the Winder Drain Award assessment, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 9.






The committee, appointed to inquire into the request for a new floor and seating for the Township Hall, made a full and written report of their findings, and recommended that no action be taken in regard to placing a new floor, but that the present floor be planed and repaired where necessary, and that the committee be continued, with instructions to confer with the A.A.C. (Aberfoyle Amusement Club) as to its offer of $50 toward new seating.  After a short discussion, the following motion was passed. 



By Messrs. McLean and Metcalf, that the committee report on a new floor in the Hall be received and placed on file.



The following accounts were passed and ordered paid, on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, viz.,


James Harmer and man, erecting railing et cetera, opposite Lot 14, Conc. 9.




A. B. Falconbridge, Hall supplies




A. B. Falconbridge, postage ─ $6.60, stationery & exp. ─ $2.30




D. McNaughton, postage account




A. E. Rudd, plans, specifications, etc. ─ Paddocks Bridge




A. E. Rudd, plans, specifications, etc. ─ culvert bridge




W. J. Pinkney, 4½ cords of wood @ $3.50




M. Lynch, 63 rods of wire fence




J. W. Lyon, hydro-electric assessment





By Messrs. Ross and Metcalf, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday June 22nd, at 2 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed & dated) Daniel MacFarlane ─ Reeve

June 22nd 1914.






Municipality of Puslinch

June 22nd 1914.


A regular meeting of the Puslinch Council was held, pursuant to adjournment, at 2 p.m. today, in the Council Room at Aberfoyle.  The members were all present, Reeve MacFarlane presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Ross.


Tenders for the building of Paddocks Bridge were considered, and the contract finally awarded to Mr. H. E. Croft, at $575, and $7.00 per yard for possible extras on abutment.  Mr. Croft made the required deposit, of $25.00, with the Clerk, and will complete the structure by September 1st.


The business of the day was principally of a routine character.


The following motions were passed:


By Messrs. Cockburn and McLean, that the tender of Mr. H. E. Croft  for the erection of a steel and concrete bridge, between Lots 15 and 16, Rear of Concession 1, known as Paddocks, be accepted.



By Messrs. Cockburn and McLean, that the following accounts be passed & paid:


J. Hanlon, moving crusher and drawing coal




Wm. Crow, 128 yards of gravel




Jas. Cantwell, 60 yards of gravel




Jno. A. Ord, 242 yards of gravel




Sam’l Smith, commuted (statute) labour, Division 108




W. J. Pinkney, work with grader









Wm. Bell, shovelling gravel




A. McPherson, shovelling gravel




Peter Black and team, grading




A. Robertson, grading, 2 days




Edwin Shantz, grading, ½ day




Jas. Harmer, work on grader




J. M. Eagle, commutated (statute) labour, Division 318




Thos. Aitkens, commuted labour, Division 115




Jas. Broeckel, commuted labour, Division 112




Goody Bros., coal for crusher





By Messrs. Metcalf and Ross, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, authorizing the Township Treasurer to overdraw the Township account in the Metropolitan Bank, from time to time, as he may require to meet current expenses, up to the amount of $1,000.00.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the bylaw authorizing an overdraft on the Township account in the Metropolitan Bank, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered ten.


The Council also gave the Metropolitan Bank an agreement, covering the repayment of overdrafts and the rate of interest thereon.



By Messrs. Ross and Metcalf, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday July 20th, at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed) Daniel MacFarlane ─ Reeve

(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

July 20th 1914.






Municipality of Puslinch

July 20th 1914.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Puslinch Council held its regular session in the Council Room at Aberfoyle, at 2 p.m., today.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf.


Mr. C. Rannie interviewed the Council in regard to opening a portion of the Eramosa Townline opposite his property.  The Council intimated a disposition to expend equal shares with Eramosa Township in building a diverted roadway, in view of the Townline.  Mr. Rannie will meet the Eramosa Council and arrange for a conference at the place in question.



Moved by Messrs. McLean & Metcalf, that the following accounts be passed & paid.


George Hunt, 44 yards of gravel




W. J. Pinkney, team on grader




Peter Black, team on grader




Jas. Harmer, work with grader




Tolton Bros., grinding grader blade




F. G. Murdoch, 30 rods of wire fence




M. J. Lynch, 30 rods of wire fence




M. J. Lynch, refund of statute labour




J. A. Ord, 18 yards of gravel




Peter Black, 59 yards of gravel




P. J. McLean and men, burning brush









J. W. Kerr, 25 rods of wire fence




D. Campbell, 79 yards of gravel




Dan McLean, commuted labour 1912, Division 322




J. I. McIntosh, printing account




Guthrie, Guthrie & Kerwin, legal




W. J. Barker, commuted labour, Aberfoyle Division





Moved by Messrs. Ross and McLean, that:



a caretaker shall be engaged by the Council, at such a salary as may be agreed upon from time to time.



The duties of the caretaker shall be:




to hold the keys of the township buildings.




to keep or to see that the said buildings and the gates are kept closed and locked when not in use.




to keep all floors swept and clean, and scrubbed when necessary.




to keep all lamps, benches, et cetera in repair and provide oil, wood, etc. at the expense of the township




to see that no rough conduct or profanity of any kind is indulged in, on, or about the premises.




to open the building for any meeting or gathering of any kind, about to be held, and when needed, to see that the rooms are comfortably warmed.



The caretaker may require from persons desiring the use of the Hall, or any township property under his care, sufficient notice of such requirement as to enable him to make the necessary and suitable preparations, and shall reserve the right to refuse the use of said property until satisfied as to the reputation and intentions of the party applying, subject never the less to the decisions of the head of Council.








Any person or persons guilty of defacing or injuring township property, such as fences, buildings, or contents, shall be liable to repair or replace such damage under instruction of the caretaker or Council, or shall pay the cost of such repair or replacement.



The caretaker shall retain 25% of all fees collected, in and above his regular salary, and shall render to the Council an annual statement of all money collected and payments made.



The caretaker shall not be responsible for cutting the weeds on the township grounds.



The following shall be the charges for the use of the Hall:




All meetings on township business ─ free




All religious services ─ free




All agricultural, insurance, Board of Health, political, temperance, or religious business meetings ─ free




Any charitable or other beneficiary meetings ─ free, or as may be agreed upon by Council.




For public dances (to responsible parties only) ─ $5.00




For concert by non-resident person or company ─ $4.00




For concert and dance by any organization in township ─ $5.00




For entertainment by local religious bodies ─ $2.00




For entertainment by any local secular organization ─ $2.00




When the Council Room is used for refreshments or for any purpose in connection with an entertainment or dance, the charge shall be $1.00 in addition to the fee for the Hall.








The Hall shall not be rented for a dance to any party or company outside the township.



The Council may at any time change the above rates or grant the free use of the Hall when it so desires.




By Messrs. Metcalf and Ross, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday August 24th, at 10 a.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) D. MacFarlane ─ Reeve






Certificate Delivery of Voters Lists


I, A. B. Falconbridge, Clerk of the Municipality of Puslinch, do hereby certify that I posted up a copy of the Puslinch Voters List of 1914, in my office, on the 28th day of July 1914, and that I transmitted by registered post the number of copies of said list to the several parties as specified in Ontario Statute, Chapter 6, Section 9, on the 28th and 30th day of July 1914.

(signed) A. B. Falconbridge






Certificate of Service of Notice of Court of Revision


I, A. B. Falconbridge, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Puslinch, hereby certify that I served and delivered the required notices in connection with the Court of Revision, held this 21st day of September 1914 A.D., at Aberfoyle, and that I travelled a necessary distance of approximately eighty miles in the execution of such service, incurring thereby a livery charge of $3.20 (16 hours at 20¢ per hour).


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge






Municipality of Puslinch

August 24th 1914.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Puslinch Municipal Council met in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, at 10 a.m., today.  The members were all present, Reeve MacFarlane presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, on motion of Messrs. McLean and Ross.


On behalf of the Agricultural Society, Mr. Mahon asked the Council to have the broken window lights in the Root Shed replaced, and also to remove the contents, preparatory for the show.  A committee will look after the matter.


Messrs. Ross, Cockburn, and the Reeve were appointed a committee to have the fences, enclosing the Township grounds, repaired or replaced, as may be found advisable.


Mr. D. G. Hanning presented a claim for sheep worried by dogs.  The claim was settled on the usual basis, and in accordance with the inspector’s report.


The following motions were duly presented and passed:


That a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, appointing constables for the township ─ Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf.



That the bylaw, appointing three constables for the township, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 11 ─ Messrs. McLean and Ross.







That whereas the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch has this day appointed, by bylaw, Messrs. James Harmer, R.R. 3 Guelph, Harvey A. Stewart, Morriston P.O., and Thomas Robertson, R.R. 2 Hespeler to act in the capacity of constables for the township, this Council, duly assembled, does hereby recommend the county judge to have these gentlemen appointed county constables ─ Messrs. Cockburn and McLean.



That a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, providing, by assessment on the rateable property of the township, a means for raising funds for county, school, and township purposes for 1914-15 ─ Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf.



That a bylaw, providing, by way of assessment on the rateable property of the township, a means for raising funds for county, school, and township purposes for the year 1914-15, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 12 ─ Messrs. McLean and Ross.



That the following accounts be passed and paid:


Hugh Cassin, commuted (statute) labour, Division 203




George Crane, commuted labour, 1912-13




John H. Chester, commuted labour, 1912-13




George Boucher, 108 yards of gravel




Thos. Aitkens, 12 yards of gravel




Benj. Chester, 130 yards of gravel




Edw. Doyle, 134 yards of gravel




Don McCaig, 108 yards of gravel









William Steffler, 100 yards of gravel, 1913-14




John Borthwick, 29 yards of gravel




John Arkell, 60 yards of gravel




R. Holman, 28 yards of gravel




Thos. Carter, 119 yards of gravel




George Wallace, 85 yards of gravel




John Rae, 30 yards of gravel




Don McCaig, commuted labour 1913, Division 104




John Flynn, steam coal




Wm. Scott, gravel, Divisions 307-8




Hugh Currie, gravel, Divisions 303 & 309




D. C. Ross, shovelling gravel




Alex McPherson, 194 yards of gravel




Donald McMillan, commuted labour, 1913, Division 303




D. G. Hanning, 5 sheep killed and injured, 3/5 value




Frederick Paddock, 86 yards of gravel, Division 314




Wm. Bond, gravel, Division 310




J. Worthington, 57 yards of gravel






By Messrs. McLean and Metcalf, that this Council do now adjourn, to meet on Monday September 21st, at 2 p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge

(signed) Dan McFarlane






Municipality of Puslinch

September 21st 1914.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch held its regular meeting, pursuant to adjournment, on Monday September 21st, at 2 p.m., in the Council Room at Aberfoyle.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, on motion of Messrs. Metcalf and Ross.


A committee of the Puslinch Agricultural Society waited on the Council and presented thereto a copy of a resolution, passed by the said society, advising that they had entered into negotiations with Mr. John Ord for the purchase of a strip of land adjoining the township grounds and containing about 3½ acres, at a price of $222.50, plus deed transfer and registration expenses, and agreeing on behalf of the society to pay thereon the sum of two hundred and ten dollars, providing the Council would meet the balance, the property to be deeded to the township.   Referred forward as item 1.


Mr. James Harmer, Constable, presented his quarterly report and account.  The report was received without discussion and placed on file with the Clerk, and the account was referred forward to “Bills and Accounts”.


The Reeve reported having participated in a movement to inaugurate a “Farmers Patriotic Fund”, for the collection of oats and cash from the rural districts, for National Aid and Relief in the present war crisis.  It was decided to hold a public meeting in the Town Hall, at Aberfoyle, on Monday evening, September 28th, at 8 p.m., with a view to furthering the project in the township.






The following motions were duly passed:


By Messrs. McLean and Metcalf, that whereas the Agricultural Society proposes purchasing an addition to the present Township grounds, to be deeded on like terms to the Township, and have passed a resolution agreeing to pay the purchase price, provided the Council pays the sum of $10.00, being a portion of the Ord Ditch Award assessed against this property, and also the expense of transfer and registration, be it therefore resolved that this Council, duly assembled, does hereby agree to this proposal and accepts the responsibilities entailed, all conditions above stated.  Refer item 1.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Ross, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, authorizing the Township Treasurer to overdraw the Township account to the amount of two thousand dollars, to meet current expenses.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McLean, that the bylaw, authorizing the Township Treasurer to overdraw the Township account in the Metropolitan Bank, to the amount of two thousand dollars, to meet current expenses, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered 13-1914.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


George H. Laird, 88 yards of gravel




W. H. Forrest, 63 yards of gravel & man shovelling ─ $1.00




A. B. Falconbridge, expenses Court of Revision




J. Harmer, cutting weeds on Hall grounds




Henry Arkell, sheep killed by dogs









Mercury printing account, voters list et cetera




Thomas Beaton, 164 yards of gravel, 1913-14




R. Coulan, guard rail, Lots 10 & 11, Concession 5




R. F. Scott, hardware




John R. Little, 184 yards of gravel




James Harmer, time as constable to Sept 10th 1914




Albert Warner, 38 yards of gravel, (Flamboro to pay ½)




John Rae, inspecting sheep killed




Peter J. McLean, inspecting sheep killed




Charles Irvine, commuted labour, Division 316




D. McNaughton, overseer, Paddocks Bridge





The committee from the Agricultural Society again waited on the Council, with Mr. John Ord, from whom an agreement of sale was secured.  A payment was requested, and the following motion covers the transaction.


By Messrs. Ross and McLean, that, whereas the Agricultural Society committee, referred to in Item 1, has obtained an agreement from Mr. John A. Ord for the purchase of the property at the price stated, and has placed the same on file with the Clerk, an order be drawn on the Treasurer for the sum of twelve dollars, fifty cents, in favour of John A. Ord, as per motion 1.



By Messrs. Ross and Metcalf, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday October 19th, at 10 a.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) D. MacFarlane ─ Reeve

“Dated October 19th 1914”






Municipality of Puslinch

October 19th 1914.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch held its regular meeting, pursuant to adjournment, on Monday October 19th, at 10 a.m., in the Council Room at Aberfoyle.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. McLean and Ross.


The deed of that portion of land, recently purchased from Mr. John A. Ord, was filed with the Clerk, the same having been duly registered.


The Council was favoured by an unusually light docket, and after the routine business had been completed and several matters discussed in a general way, the following motion was put and passed:


By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the following accounts be passed & paid:


A. B. Falconbridge, selecting jurors




Henry Bender, digging and placing posts




Geo. J. Meldrum, drawing deed and register




Geo. L. McPherson, teaming ─ $2.00, stretching fence ─ $3.75




D. J. Mclean, men and teams, cleaning ditch




William Martin, posts for township fence




John Jeffrey, 30 rods of wire fence at 18 cents per rod




John W. Kerr, pulling brush, Concession 10




Stewart Bruce, rebuilding bridge, Concession 11, Lots 30 & 31









Thomas Beaton, 26 yards of gravel




J. E. Simpson, 14 yards of gravel




Wm. Crow, filling approach at Paddocks Bridge




F. Roszell, filling approach at Paddocks Bridge




J. C. Blair, repairing windows in Hall and root shed




Robert Burmaster, commuted labour




John Ehrhardt, commuted labour




Wm. Quirk, on account, sidewalks Aberfoyle




Edward Crawley, commuted labour








By Messrs. McLean and Cockburn, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday November 16th, at 10 a.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) D. MacFarlane ─ Reeve

“Dated November 16th 1914”






Municipality of Puslinch

November 16th 1914.


The Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch held its regular meeting on Monday November 16th, at 10 a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and McLean.


The following business was transacted:


Moved by Messrs. Metcalf and Ross, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, for 1915, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



The Council resolved into a Committee of the Whole, with the Reeve in the chair, and filled in the blanks in the aforementioned bylaw, with the names of the gentlemen who served in the respective positions last year.


The Council then resumed business.



Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Ross, that the bylaw, determining the time and place for the nomination of Reeve and Councillors, and appointing Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, for the year 1915, be read a third time, passed, and numbered fourteen.



Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Ross, that the time for the Collector to return his Roll be extended to February 1st 1915.







Moved by Messrs. Ross and Cockburn, that the following accounts be passed & paid, viz.,


R. J. McFarlane, 33 yards of gravel




Bond Hardware ____ account, wire fence




Guelph Mercury account, printing tax notices etc.




G. McAllister, posts and lumber for a railing




Municipal World account, supplies




Arch. Scott, work on sideline, between Lots 25-26, Concession 9




Peter Angus, gravelling & ditching, Beverly to pay half




Alfred Leslie, culvert, Beverly to pay half




Angus Martin, picking stones, East Flamboro to pay half




William Gilmour, cutting stumps, Lots 25 & 26, Concession 9




William Carton, 30 yards of gravel




William Crow, railing & material




William Crow, teaming




Donald McCaig, superintending bridge & work




John Blake, insurance assessment




Duncan Campbell, timber for culvert




Mrs. J. Boyle, 80  yards of gravel




John Ord, cleaning ditch on sideroad




H. W. Ironside, 149¼ barrels of cement




John N. Smith, refund of dog tax




T. J. Mahon, team and 2 men gravelling




James Dickinson, gravel, Divisions 313-321




John Jamieson, gravel, Divisions 327-321




James Boucher, team drawing stones and posts




Wm. Quirk, on account, sidewalks, Aberfoyle




A. B. Falconbridge, remuneration to Councillors








Orders to the amount of $8375.70 were issued to cover the school taxes for the current year.  The twelve schools also received $40.00 each, on account of school fund interest.  These, with the payments of salaries, amounting to $605.00 and accounts, $932.67, combined to make an exceedingly heavy expenditure.


The Council arose, to meet, pursuant to statute, on December 15th (Tuesday), at 10 a.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) D. MacFarlane ─ Reeve

“Dated December 15th 1914”






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1914.


The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Puslinch held its last regular meeting of the year, pursuant to statute, in the Council Room at Aberfoyle, at 10 a.m. today, present, all the members, Daniel McFarlane, Esq., Reeve, presiding.  The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Clerk, and confirmed on motion of Messrs. McLean and Ross.


The following communications, accounts, et cetera were presented and disposed of as below noted.


The combined quarterly report and account of Constable Stewart ─ Referred to “bills and accounts”.


A resolution, passed by the committee owning the public shed at Morriston, and presented by Messrs. Mahon and Lewis ─ Discussed and disposed of by the following motion:


Moved by Messrs. Metcalf and Cockburn, that whereas, by public subscription, an open shed has been built in the village of Morriston, and whereas, at a meeting of subscribers, held on Monday December 14th 1914, it was unanimously agreed to present said shed to the municipality, upon condition that the Council of the Township agree, for themselves and their successors in office, to maintain it in good condition for at least 25 years, for the use of the public, it is hereby resolved that we accept the offer, and that the Reeve and Clerk be a committee to complete the transfer thereof from the (shed) committee.






A report was received from the Collector, giving the amount collected on account of taxes, to date, at $14,763.83, leaving a balance of $4629.33 outstanding.  This amount will be reduced by at least one half by the payments of the 14th and 15th instants, made at the bank, which do not show in these totals.  For the last two years, nearly 90% of the taxes have been paid by December 15th.  This, we believe, to be a record and is, at least, a circumstance worthy of note.


The annual report of the Secretary of the Board of Health, embodying the reports of the Chairman, the Medical Health Officer, and the Sanitary Inspector, was presented and read by the Clerk, and received as per the following motion:


Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Ross, that the report of the Secretary of the Board of Health, embodying the report of the Chairman of the Board, the Medical Health Officer, and the Sanitary Inspector, as read, be received and adopted.


A communication from the Canada Suffrage Association, requesting a referendum on the question of votes for married women, was placed before the Council ─ no action taken.



Moved by Mr. Alex McLean, and seconded by Mr. Hugh Ross, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


Jas. Harmer & assistant, work on culvert, Nassagaweya to pay $3.75




Nassagaweya Township Treasurer, for Townline account




H. Schaumberg, 60 rods of wire fence




Geo. H. Laird, 30 yards of gravel









Wm. G. Blair, 5 yards of gravel




M. Eagle, widening road at Lake




Wm. Nicoll, Div. Court Clerk, 1914 sittings




Andrew Scott, gravel and damage to field




Alex McGregor, 35 yards of gravel




Wm. Carton, 24 yards of gravel




W. Schuman, 30 yards of gravel, Waterloo to pay half




Dougald Campbell, 41 yards of gravel




F. Paddock, 30 yard of gravel




James Gilmour, repairs to grader and plow




A. M. Berry, 75 yards of gravel




Chas. Currie, gravel




Duncan McLean, gravel




F. & N. Paddock, refund of statute labour, 1914




Wm. Paddock, refund of statute labour, Division 314, 1914




Mrs. Jno. & Geo. Paddock, refund of statute labour,




H. E. Croft, balance of account, Paddocks Bridge




C. D. Bowman, C.E., (civil engineer) account rē awards




A. B. Falconbridge, postage and telephone




Stewart Bruce, drawing tile ─ $4.00, and placing culvert, at Lot 33, Concession 11 ─ $3.00




H. A. Stewart, constable’s account




M. Neubauer, 79 yards of gravel, 1913-14




J. A. Ord, gravel and tile for sidewalks, Aberfoyle




A. C. Binkley, refund tax on L. Haskell business assessment




H. Clark, Treasurer, postage and stationery account









E. Kinsella, gravel




George Lewis, account, Hall supplies




J. A. Ord, 11 yards of gravel




Wm. McLaren, 16 yards of gravel




George Lewis, delivering tile




J. A. McFarlane, conveying indigent to Fergus




John Linderman, culvert, opposite Lot 32, 11th Concession




A. Ramsey, cutting brush on Townline, Beverly to pay half




John Walsh, expenses to Toronto and Waterdown, 1913




Wm. Quirk, balance of sidewalk account, Aberfoyle




At the completion of business, the Reeve was asked to vacate the chair, and Mr. Cockburn was moved thereto.  Mr. McLean then moved a vote of thanks to the Reeve for the business-like and courteous manner in which he had conducted the affairs of Council throughout the year.  Mr. McLean also remarked on the efficient service given by the different township officials.  Mr. Metcalf ably seconded the motion and corroborated the sentiments expressed by the mover, as did also Mr. Cockburn, in tendering the vote to the Reeve. 


Mr. MacFarlane replied suitably, thanking the members and officials for the hearty co-operation given him in all township work and matters.  Others present spoke in commending terms of the efficiency of the Council, and expressed the hope that there would be no changes in the personnel of the Board during the ensuing year.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

D. MacFarlane ─ Reeve






The Nomination Report

December 28th 1914.


Pursuant to statute, the annual meeting for the nomination of Reeve and four councillors, to serve for the ensuing year, was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, from 1 to 2 p.m., on Monday December 28th 1914.  The nominations of Mr. Daniel MacFarlane for Reeve and Messrs. Hugh Ross, John A. Cockburn, George L. Metcalf, and Alexander McLean for Councillors, were duly received, and since these are the exact number required to fill the respective offices, the gentlemen named were declared elected.


At the customary meeting following the nomination, the Reeve and Councillors addressed the ratepayers present and, to some extent, reviewed the work of the past year.  The Reeve gave a full account of the county work performed in the township, the outstanding feature of which was the 2/4 miles of roadway put down just below Puslinch Station.  This work cost about $1200 and was considered a permanent and reasonably priced job, especially in view of the requirements and the difficulties encountered.  The Councillors gave testimony to the benefit derived from the use of the county stone crusher.  It was claimed that the cost per yard was lower and the piles more satisfactory than gravelling. 






The building of Paddocks Bridge and the laying of Aberfoyle concrete walks were also noted.  Other gentlemen spoke also and several matters, of more or less importance, were brought up, such as statute labour, stone crusher, votes for married women, et cetera.  The usual pros and cons were forthcoming, and the usual decisions arrived at. 


One matter, worthy of note, advanced by Mr. T. J. Mahon, was the advisability, if possible, of having the financial statement in the hands of or at the disposal of the ratepayers some time previous to the nomination meeting.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge

Returning Officer and Chairman






Municipality of Puslinch

January 11th 1915.


The inaugural meeting of the Puslinch Council was held, pursuant to statute, at 11 a.m. today, in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle.  After subscribing to the required “Declaration of Qualification and Office”, the members, all of whom were present, took their respective seats at the Council Board, Daniel MacFarlane, Esq., Reeve, presiding.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk, and adopted, on motion of Messrs. Metcalf and McLean.


The following items of business were disposed of, as below noted:


The question of having the 1915 Assessment Roll returned in School Sections was brought up by the Clerk, and received favourable consideration, being referred to motion.


The Deed, transferring the property, on which is situated the Public Shed at Morriston, to the Corporation, was formally presented to Council, and the Clerk was instructed to have the same duly registered.



Moved by Messrs. McLean and Ross, that a bylaw, appointing Municipal Auditors for the year 1915, be now introduced and given a first and second reading.



Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that a bylaw, appointing a resident ratepayer as a member of the local Board of Health, for the current year, 1915-16, be now introduced and read a first and second time.







Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that a bylaw, appointing an Assessor and a Collector, for the year 1915, be now introduced and read a first and second time.


At this juncture, the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, with the Reeve in the chair, for the purpose of filling in the blanks in the bylaws.


The Council arose and resumed business, reporting the blanks in the bylaw filled as follows:


John A. MacDonald and William Nicoll


Daniel McNaughton, at a salary of on hundred & fifty dollars per annum


James Harmer, at a salary of one hundred & twenty-five dollars per annum

Member of Board of Health:

Wm. J. Little



Moved by Messrs. McLean and Metcalf, that the bylaw, appointing an Assessor and Collector, for the year 1915, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.



Moved by Messrs. Metcalf and Ross, that the bylaw, appointing municipal auditors, for the year 1915, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.



Moved by Messrs. Ross and Metcalf, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the local Board of Health, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.



Moved by Messrs. Metcalf and McLean, that this Council donate the sum of five dollars to the Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto.







Moved by Messrs. Ross and McLean, that the statement of the Guelph boundary line account for work performed thereon by Guelph Township, for the year 1914, and amounting to $41.63, be passed and credited to this account.


The Waterloo boundary line account for 1914 was presented, and referred to the Clerk for inquiry as to its correctness.



Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Ross, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to procure the usual number of copies of the Municipal World for the members of Council and officers for 1915.



Moved by Messrs. Ross and McLean, that the Assessor is hereby instructed to arrange the 1915 Assessment Roll in School Sections.



Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the Collector’s report of taxes collected be received, and that the Collector is hereby instructed to collect the balance outstanding at once.


Forms of agreement, by law, to provide for a possible overdraft in the bank account, were presented to Council.  Objection was taken to the rate of interest charged and also to compounding the interest monthly.  The Reeve and the Clerk were instructed to interview several banks and report, at next meeting, the terms offered by each.







Moved by Messrs. McLean and Cockburn, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


John A. MacDonald, drawing of Deed for Morriston ( public shed?)




R. Ballagh, 51 yards of gravel




A. Crane, damage to field and fence




John Ogg, Bailiff fees, attending court at Aberfoyle




Guelph Herald printing, financial statement




Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto




A. B. Falconbridge, ______(belt draw?) ─ $5.00 & drafting S.S. (School Section) map ─ $3.00




J. Linderman, refund of statute labour, _____(Harrison?) 1914




Geo. M. Fax (or Fox), use of county crusher, 12 days




Wm. Moore, cedar for Hall






Moved by Messrs. Metcalf and McLean, that this Council adjourn, to meet on Monday February 8th, at one p.m.


(signed) A. B. Falconbridge ─ Clerk

(signed) D. MacFarlane ─ Reeve

“Dated February 8th 1915”






Municipality of Puslinch

February 8th 1915.


The Municipal Council of the township met, as per adjournment, in the Council Room at Aberfoyle, at 1 p.m., today.  The members were all present, the Reeve presiding.  The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were adopted on motion of Messrs. Cockburn and McLean.


A communication was received from the Clerk of East Flamboro Township rē the adjustment of a small boundary line account, and claiming an agreement whereby stated portions of the boundary line road were to be kept up by each township.  None of the present members of Council had any knowledge of such an agreement, and the Clerk was instructed to reply to this effect, and request information as to the date and other particulars of such an agreement.


The Clerk reported the due receipt of the “Declarations of Office” from the several officers appointed at the last meeting.


The interim receipt, “H No. 18441”, for the payment of a $2.50 premium on a Waterloo Mutual Insurance policy, covering insurance on the Public Shed at Morriston, was placed on file with the Clerk.


A communication from Chas. Currie claiming damages for the removal of gravel from the front of his property at Lot 24, Rear Gore 1, was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for Divisions 2 & 4.






A communication from the Clerk of Beverly Township, advising that Reeve James Thompson, of Orkney, Stephen Moffat, of R.R. 6, Galt, and Wm. R. McQueen, of R.R. 1, Galt, had been appointed Commissioners for Puslinch Townline work for 1915, and also requesting a settlement of the 1914 boundary line account as rendered January 8th 1915.  The Clerk reported a contra account, and also the preparation of a detailed statement, including the disputed account of 1911, which he would forward to the Beverly Clerk at an early date.


The Clerk reported the receipt from the county Treasurer of the “List of Lands” liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in 1915, and that the same is filed with these records.  Removed to file marked “List of Lands”.


A statement of arrears of percentage on taxes was presented to the Clerk by Collector Harmer, the several charges to be added to this year’s taxes.


The Clerk was instructed by the Council to procure two copies of the “Constable’s Manual”, for the use of Constables Harmer and Stewart, at the pleasure of Council.


The following motions were made and passed:


By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the necessary equipment of batons, bracelets, and badges for two Township Constables be procured forthwith.



By Messrs. Ross and McLean, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, authorizing the Township Treasurer to overdraw the township account at the Bank of Nova Scotia, Guelph, to the amount of three thousand dollars, to meet current expenses.  After the first and second reading, a companion agreement, to the above named bylaw, was made with the 2nd bank, and placed on file with the Clerk.







By Messrs. Cockburn and Metcalf, that the bylaw, authorizing the Treasurer to overdraw the township account at the Bank of Nova Scotia, be now read a third time, passed, and numbered.



By Messrs. Cockburn and Ross, that the final report of taxes collected and outstanding for the year 1914, as made under date of February 1st, and this day presented by the Collector, be received and adopted, and that an order for $125.00 be issued in payment of his salary.



By Messrs. Metcalf and McLean, that the Treasurer’s report of receipts and expenditures, to February 8th, together with the auditors’ report, be received and approved, and that the Reeve issue his order for $5.00 to each auditor.



By Messrs. McLean and Ross, that John A. Cockburn and Alexander McLean be Road Commissioners for Divisions 2 & 4, and George L. Metcalf and Hugh Ross, for Divisions 1 & 3, and that an appropriation of $200.00 be apportioned to each division, and also that the Reeve be chairman of each committee.







By Messrs. Ross and McLean, that the following accounts be passed and paid:


A. B. Falconbridge, registration returns




A. B. Falconbridge, for registering Deed for Public Shed




Mercury printing account, nomination bills




J. Harmer, Collector, postage and expenses for account, 1914




J. W. Kerr, refund of taxes on Morriston Shed




Waterloo Insurance Company (J. H. Ames, Agent), premium for Morriston Shed policy