Minutes of Council Meetings January 8th 1900 ─ December 28th 1909. |
The A.D. 1900, January 8th. The inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 8th, at 11 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, namely, Messrs. James Scott ─ Reeve, and John Gilchrist, George J. Meldrum, Archibald McKenzie, and John Welsh ─ Councillors, and having made and having subscribed the declarations of qualification and of office, took their respective seats at the Council Table. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Hugh Clark for $1.00 dog tax. The dog was lost immediately after assessment and not recovered. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that a bylaw to appoint municipal auditors for the past and current year be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that a bylaw to appoint a Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the bylaw to appoint a Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be numbered 260, read a third time, and passed. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr.
Gilchrist, that the application of Edward Kinsella, and Patrick and Robert
Moran for refund of the statute labour tax be referred to the |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the bylaw to appoint municipal auditors be numbered 261, read a third time, and passed.
7. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that Messrs. McKenzie and Welsh be and are hereby appointed the Standing Road and Bridge Committee for that portion of the township north of the 3rd Concession and of the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 across the Old Survey, and that Messrs. Gilchrist and Meldrum be and are hereby appointed the Standing Road and Bridge Committee for that portion of the township south of the described line, and that the Reeve act as chairman for both committees. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Thomas Evans for $1.00 dog tax. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of T. J. Day for Collector’s receipts ─ $4.00, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $14.50, Joseph Roach for repairing chairs ─ $1.60, Donald McKenzie for repairing Hall grounds fence ─ $11.40, John M. Bond for sewer pipe ─ $8.56, Thomas Bedford for 136 yards of gravel ─ $6.80, and Wm. Brown for building culvert in Morriston ─ $__.50. |
10. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that in regard to the communication received from Mr. Wrigley, Clerk of North Dumfries, rē more effective cattle guards, be it resolved that the said communication be received and the Clerk instructed to state in reply that the Council of the Township of Puslinch heartily endorses the sentiments of the resolution passed at the conference held at Frazer’s Hall, Galt, on December 12th, ultimo, and that we are quite willing to bear a proportionate share of the expenses with the other municipalities interested in the matter, provided that not less than fifty municipalities respond in a like manner. |
11. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr.
Meldrum, that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to re-invest the
maturing debentures in the |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 12th at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) James Scott ─ Reeve Feb. 12th 1900. |
The February 12th 1900. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 12th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the Collector be and is hereby authorized to continue collecting the arrears of taxes of 1899, if need be, by warrant and distress. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that Edward Kinsella be refunded $3.00, the amount paid to the Collector for statute labour for 1899, which labour had been performed, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same.
3. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the caretaker be and is hereby instructed to lend the I.O.F., of Morriston, as many of the Hall benches as may be required for their entertainment, on condition that the same be promptly returned in good condition. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that Daniel McLean be refunded $3.00 statute labour tax, he having, with consent of Council, performed his labour on the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 2nd Concession, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the annual report of the auditors, for the year ending December 31st 1899, be received and adopted, and that the Reeve issue his order for $5.00 to each of them for their services. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that Archibald McKenzie and George J. Meldrum be and are hereby appointed a committee to audit the Collector’s Roll for the year 1899. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Municipal World for blank stationery ─ $9.50, and William Anderson for 42 yards of gravel ─ $2.10. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the account from Nassagaweya Council be referred to Messrs. McKenzie and Meldrum for adjustment, and that the account from Beverly Council be referred to Mr. Gilchrist for adjustment. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 26th at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve March 26th 1900. |
The March 26th 1900. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that a bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers, for the current year, be now introduced and read a first and second time.
2. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the report of the committee appointed to examine the Collector’s Roll be received, adopted, and engrossed on the minutes. Report: Aberfoyle, February 19th 1900. This is to certify that we have, this day, examined the Collector’s Roll and find that, in so far as the individual ratepayer is concerned, the tax has been correctly levied and collected, although there are a few minor errors in addition and copying. As to the Collector’s payments to the Treasurer, we find that he held none in his own hands, and that he had, at times, deposited considerable in advance of collection. (signed by) George J. Meldrum & Archibald McKenzie, committee. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the bylaw, for appointing overseers for highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers, be numbered 262, read a third time, and passed. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that, after an interview with a delegation of the Fat Stock Club, of Guelph, soliciting a grant for the erection of suitable buildings in Guelph for the reception of the Provincial Fat Stock Show, as an inducement to the government to establish the same permanently in Guelph, and whereas the Township of Puslinch has, in the past, liberally supported similar enterprises in the City of Guelph, we wish to assure the delegation that, in the event of their success, they may depend upon such assistance from this Council as will uphold the past record of this municipality. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that James Campbell be and is hereby re-appointed caretaker of the township Hall and grounds, and that his duties in regard to cleaning, lighting, and heating, and tariff charges be the same as last year, and that he shall quarterly present to the Reeve a detailed statement of all monies received by him during the term of his office. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the request of the Patriotic Committee, for the free use of the Hall for a concert on March 29th, be granted. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the Reeve issue his order for $7.00, in favour of Joseph Wrigley, Galt Secretary of the committee appointed by the meeting held at Galt in December 1899, rē cattle guards, being the amount apportioned to this municipality by said committee to defray necessary expenses in this matter. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the Clerk be instructed to write to Messrs. James Irvine, Reeve, James Strang, and John Kitchen, Councillors, of Nassagaweya, requesting them to meet a committee of this Council, at Guelph, on Saturday March 31st, to adjust municipal accounts. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Mrs. N. Tovel for funeral expenses of the late Joseph Honor ─ $15.00, L. Picket for shell ─ $2.50, P. W. Laing for digging grave ─ $2.50, James Campbell for balance of salary for 1899 ─ $10.00, and John Kennedy for sewer pipe ─ $3.35. |
10. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, and resolved that all appeals against assessment must be given to the Clerk on or before the 14th day of May in order to be adjusted at the Court of Revision, for the Council will not entertain any appeal after the assessment roll is confirmed. |
11. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Saturday May 26th at 10 o’ clock a.m., as a Court of Revision, and after Revision, for general business. |
(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve May 26th 1900. |
May 26th 1900. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Saturday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present and, being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Reeve in the chair. The following list of appeals was heard and determined, namely, the appeal of Messrs. M. & D. McNaughton for over assessment of their property ─ assessment confirmed as it stands on the Roll, the appeal of Mrs. Ann and G. Lamb for over assessment of their property ─ assessment reduced $50.00, Mr. John Cook’s appeal for over assessment of his property ─ assessment, as on the Roll, confirmed, Mr. J. D. Jeffrey’s appeal for over assessment of rented property ─ assessment confirmed as on the Roll, and Mr. William Schultz’s appeal against the assessment of his village property ─ assessment, as on the Roll, confirmed. Mr. Matthew Martin’s application, to have his name entered on the assessment Roll as the owner of the front half of Lot 16 in the 8th Concession, was granted. Mr. Joseph Smith’s application, to get out of the dog assessed to him (and have it) transferred to the assessment of Mr. William Hume, was granted. The Court adjourned, to meet again on Tuesday May 29th at 6:00 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve May 29th 1900. |
In the afternoon, Council resumed ordinary business. Instructions were issued to Pathmasters who were present, and mailed to absent ones. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Angus Stewart, Pathmaster, for $3.60, unperformed statute labour, collected for Road Division No. 36. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that the oversight of the approaches to the Guelph C.P.R., Junction Railway, and the matter of public protection at the crossing of the C.P.R. at Schaw be turned over to the Standing Road & Bridge Committee of the southern division.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the following petitions be referred to the respective Standing Road & Bridge committees, namely, the petitions of William McAllister and others, Thomas Robertson and others, Alexander Wilkinson and others, John W. Gilchrist and others, John McRobbie and others, Capel Reeve and others, D. C. Campbell and others, Edward Keenan and others, Hugh Ross and others, Samuel Smith and others, Peter A. Hume and others, Benjamin Chester and others, George Lamb and others, and Joseph Little and others. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the tender of Mr. Allan McDiarmid for the season’s pasture of the Hall grounds, five dollars cash, be accepted. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a bylaw, continuing in force Bylaw No. 249, dated February 6th 1882, imposing a tax on dogs, and declaring that such tax shall be levied, but that it shall not be used as a fund for payment of such damages as may arise in any year from dogs killing or injuring sheep in the municipality, but shall form and be a part of the general fund. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of The Municipal World for blank forms ─ 33 cents, W. R. Foster for repairing Council Room ─ $1.50, Peter Laing for shovelling snow ─ $4.00, James Carruthers for removing stone at Lots 19 & 20 in the 4th Concession ─ $1.50, John Swartzenberger for shovelling snow ─ $2.50, Samuel Smith for shovelling snow ─ $2.50, and Henry Milson for shovelling snow ─ $1.00. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 9th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve May 29th 1900. |
A.D. 1900, May 29th. Pursuant to
adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Tuesday
May 29th at 6:00 o’ clock p.m. The members
were all present and constituted first as a Court of Revision, and after
revision, for ordinary business, the Reeve in the chair. On application, the name of John Black was
substituted for the name of John W. Parks, as owner of Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the assessment Roll, as now revised and corrected, be passed and confirmed. After revision, the minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the following amendments be made in Bylaw No. 262, appointing overseers of highways, namely, that the name of William Bond be substituted for Angus McCormick, the name of William Frazer for John Martin, the name of John Black for Wm. A. Wright, and the name of Michael McNulty for Peter Orme. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr.
McKenzie, that the reports of the |
The Committee of the Southern Division begs leave to report that they have inspected all the places in the southern division for which petitions have been received and recommend that the following sums be expended for road improvement at the under-noted places, namely, at Lots 4 & 5 in the 2nd Concession, the accommodation road ─ $20.00, at Lot 7 in the 2nd Concession ─ $20.00, at sideline, Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 12 in the 2nd Concession ─ $30.00, at Lot 6, Townline ─ $10.00, Beverly to grant an equivalent sum of $10.00, on sideline, Lots 25 & 26 in the 1st Concession ─ $25.00, on sideline, Lots 25 7 26, Gore ─ $25.00, on sideline, Lots 30 & 31, Gore ─ $25.00, on sideline, Lots 30 & 31 in the 7th Concession ─ $25.00, on sideroad, Lots 30 & 31 in the 8th Concession ─ $50.00, on sideline, Lots 15 & 16 in 2nd Concession ─ $10.00, and on sideline, Lots 20 & 21 in the 2nd Concession ─ $25.00.
The Committee of the Northern Division begs leave to report that they have inspected all the places for which petitions were received and recommend that the following sums be expended for road improvement at the under-noted places, namely, at Lot 19 in the 4th Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 19 in the 3rd Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 10 in the 3rd Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 8 in the 4th Concession ─ $30.00, at Lot 6 in the 4th Concession ─ $10.00, at Lot 4 in the 4th Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 1 in the 8th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 8 in the 9th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 15 in the 10th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 13 in the 11th Concession ─ $15.00, at Lot 20 in the 10th Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 16 in the 9th Concession ─ $30.00, and at Lot 14 in the 9th Concession ─ $10.00. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr.
Welsh, rē Edward Crawley versus
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that Chas. L. Holley, Lot 16 in the 7th Concession, Mathias McNulty, Lot 10 in the 8th Concession, Thos. Mercer, Lot 12 in the 7th Concession, John Graves, Lot 1 in the 8th Concession, Robt. Crawley, Lot 13 in the 7th Concession, Michael Foley, Lot 5 in the 4th Concession, and John McFarlane, Badenoch Street, Morriston be added to the assessment Roll as manhood franchise voters. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 9th, at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve July 9th 1900. |
July 9th 1900. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 9th at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr.
Welsh, that the municipality grant $35.00 each to the General and |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that a bylaw regarding sheep and dogs be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the sum of $1.00 dog tax be refunded to Mr. Wm. Pinder. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John R. Clark for building two culverts in Division 10 ─ $5.00, Robert Ord for shovelling gravel in Division 78 ─ $4.00, John Ord for 72 yards of gravel in Division 78 and 83 yards in Division 70 ─ $7.75, John Ord for shovelling gravel ─ $3.00, R. Robertson for overseeing contract in Division 99 ─ $5.62, John Bell for shovelling gravel, Divisions 74 & 84 ─ $3.00, Edward Keenan for overseeing contract on boundary line ─ $3.10, Angus McPherson for 100 yards of gravel in Division 46 ─ $5.00, Benjamin Chester for overseeing contract in Division 49, removing logs, and 60 yards of gravel ─ $9.00, |
4. |
McIntosh & Galbraith for printing and advertising ─ $35.00, Joseph Little for 220 yards of gravel, overseeing contract, and damage to crop ─ $16.50, ___ Brickel for repairing scraper ─ 50 cents, John Swartzenberger for overseeing in Division 86 and repairing railing ─ $5.00, Robert Neubauer for shovelling gravel in Division 37 ─ $2.00, Joseph Smith for 22 yards of gravel in Division 37 ─ $1.10, Fred Brickel for 2 shares broken at statute labour ─ 70 cents, James Starkey for 85 yards of gravel in Division 97 ─ $4.25, Thomas Clark for 50 yards of gravel in Division 114 ─ $2.50, and John McRobbie for overseeing contract in Division 10 ─ $4.00. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr.
McKenzie, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify Mr. John
Hurley, of Marden, to cut the thistles and noxious weeds on his unoccupied
property, |
6. |
Moved by Mr. John Welsh, seconded by Mr. John Gilchrist, that the bylaw regarding sheep and dogs be numbered 263, read a third time, and passed. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that Messrs. John Gilchrist and George Meldrum, Road & Bridge Committee for the Southern Division, be empowered to instruct, Mr. Guthrie, Township Solicitor, of our difficulty with the C.P.R. Company, and engage him to secure, if possible, a satisfactory settlement with the company in regard to adequate protection at the Schaw Railway crossing, and also the putting in shape those crossings that have not now the proper legal grade. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday August 27th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) James Scott ─ Reeve August 27th 1900. |
August 27th 1900. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 27th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that a bylaw, taxing the township for county, school, and municipal purposes, be now introduced and read a first and second time.
2. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Reeve issue his order for $1.20 in favour of Robert and Patrick Moran for work performed on Road Division No. 43. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the bylaw, taxing the township for county, school, and municipal purposes, be numbered 264, read a third time, and passed. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr.
McKenzie, that the Reeve issue his order for $2.88 in favour of James
Campbell for expenditure on |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to remit to the Treasurer of Beverly Township the sum of $16.08, that being the Puslinch share of expenditures on the boundary line in 1899. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Simpson for three days shovelling gravel on Road Division No. 114 ─ $3.00, James McRobbie for 1˝ days shovelling gravel on Road Division No. 114 ─ $1.50, John Laing for 50 yards of gravel ─ $2.50 and for surface damage ─ $1.00, J. R. Ball for spreading gravel, Road Division 47˝ ─ $2.25, John Sanderson for care of Robt. Hutchison, an indigent ─ $8.25, Robert McConnell for removing Robert Hutchison to the House of Industry ─ $5.00, Edward Rudd for shovelling gravel, Division 96, 2˝ days ─ $2.50, William Elvin for shovelling gravel, 3 days, Division 74 ─ $3.00, George Ruber for shovelling gravel, 1 day, Division 74 ─ $1.00, John Tapping for shovelling gravel, 2 days, Division 82 ─ $2.00, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $2.40, McIntosh & Galbraith for advertising ─ $3.00, James Laird for 110 yards of gravel ─ $5.50, Alexr. Wilkinson for building culvert, Division 32 ─ $2.00, and Neil Stewart for spreading gravel, 4 days, Division 53 ─ $4.50. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Oct. 1st, at 1:00 p.m. (signed & dated) James Scott ─ Reeve October 1st 1900. |
The October 1st 1900. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 1st, at 1:00 p.m., the Reeve in the chair, the members all present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Reeve issue his order on the Treasurer for the sum of one hundred dollars in favour of the Treasurer of the Guelph Fat Stock Club as a grant from the Township of Puslinch for building purposes. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Cameron for cutting hill on sideline between Lots 30 & 31 in the Gore ─ $9.00, James Campbell, in part payment of his salary as caretaker ─ $8.00, David Gordon for building culvert in Road Division 83 ─ $4.00, Thos. H. Hutchison for overseeing 6˝ days in Road Division 54 ─ $7.31, Jas. A. Black for gravel supplied to Road Divisions 15 & 81 ─ $3.05, Hugh Currie for 80 yards of gravel supplied to Road Divisions 6, 22, & 23 ─ $4.00, John Herbert for cutting weeds on Hall grounds ─ $5.00, Hugh Clark for 157 yards of gravel supplied to Road Divisions 93 & 94 ─ $7.85, Thomas Beaton for 42 yards of gravel supplied to Road Division 108 ─ $2.10, and Alexr. Fleming for overseeing contract in Road Division 87 ─ $5.62. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Clerk be and hereby is instructed to prepare a bylaw, changing the hour of meeting for the nomination of Reeve and Councillors from 12 o’ clock noon to 1 o’ clock p.m. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Nov. 19th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) James Scott ─ Reeve November 19th 1900. |
The November 19th 1900. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 19th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that a bylaw, to determine the time and place to nominate and elect Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy Returning Officers, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the bylaw to determine the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Returning Officers be numbered 265, read a third time, and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of James Kellacher for 310 yards of gravel ─ $15.50, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $6.40, McIntosh & Galbraith for advertising ─ $7.00, Thomas Clark for 79 yards of gravel ─ $3.95, J. Roach for cutting firewood at Hall ─ 75 cents, Charles Mast for overseeing contract ─ $3.38, Wm. Reid for 1˝ cords of firewood ─ $4.50, Thomas Welsh for 58 yards of gravel on Guelph Townline ─ $2.90, Alexander McPherson for 30 yards of gravel and for building culvert ─ $3.50, B. Falconbridge for postage and sundries supplied to Hall ─ $15.46, James Reddick for 200 yards of stones and overseeing contract ─ $17.31, George Metcalf for overseeing, 14 days on Division 55 ─ $15.75, Thomas Bedford for 101 yards of gravel and 99 yards of stone ─ $29.80, F. G. Elvin for contract on boundary line of Dumfries ─ $19.00, and D. Milroy for overseeing contract ─ $1.50. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Municipal Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township to the Secretary-Treasurer of each school board, and that the Reeve place his order for payment of the increment of the Municipal Loan Fund, amounting to $40.00 to each school section except Section No. 3, which has two schools, in which case $20.00 is allotted to each school.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr.
Meldrum, that with regard to the communication from the Clerk of Brantford
Township, asking co-operation of this Council in the matter of obtaining
Legislation for taxing and restraining dogs from running at large. This Council’s members extend their
sympathies with the movement, and do hereby instruct the Clerk to forward a
copy of the resolution to the Clerk of |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Saturday Dec. 15th at 10 o’ clock. (signed and dated by) James Scott ─ Reeve December 15th 1900. |
The December 15th 1900. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Saturday December 15th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. All the members were present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the time for collecting municipal taxes be and is hereby extended until the 1st day of February 1901. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the annual financial statement of the Treasurer be received and adopted, and that 200 copies thereof be printed, according to law, for distribution to ratepayers. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the caretaker be and hereby is instructed to lend as many Hall benches as the A.O.U.W., of Morriston, may require for their entertainment on the 28th instant, on condition that the same be promptly returned safe and sound. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of James Mason, for $13.80, being partly a refund of statute labour taxes and partly over expenditure in Aberfoyle Division. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of James McGregor for $1.00, dog tax, erroneously charged to him. |
6. |
Moved by Mr.
Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the Clerk be and hereby is
instructed to render an account for $10.25 to the Council of North Dumfries,
being one half of the expenditure on the boundary line between Puslinch and |
7. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Ames for 77 yards of gravel ─ $3.85, Hugh Clark for 143 yards of gravel and surface damage to crop ─ $9.15, Neil Campbell for 62 yards of gravel and 4 days shovelling ─ $7.10, Ben Jacobs for teaming sewer pipe for Division 72 ─ $1.50, Walter Elliott for 2 days grading on Division 79 and for 60 yards of gravel on Division 95 ─ $10.00, J. M. Bond for sewer pipe on Divisions 24, 25, & 26 ─ $28.78, Nassagaweya Council for sewer pipe on Divisions 83 & 108 ─ $12.60, Duncan McAllister for overseeing contract, 2 days ─ $2.00, Henry Cusick for under-brushing on boundary line between Puslinch and Nassagaweya ─ $15.38, Thomas Clark for surface damage to crop ─ $3.00, Wm. Mahon for 25 yards of gravel on Division 89 ─ $1.25, Joseph Smith for 40 yards of gravel ─ $2.00, John Clark for 2 days shovelling gravel ─ $2.00, James Clark for 11 days overseeing contract ─ $12.37, Michael Neubauer for balance of contract ─ $1.20, Puslinch Insurance Company for insurance of Township Hall et cetera ─ $2.20, Henry Foster for under-brushing on Divisions 6 &b 63 ─ $12.00, John Rappolt for building retaining wall, Division 79 ─$39.00, and Guthrie, Watt, and Guthrie for law expenses ─ $13.27, |
On motion, the Reeve vacated and Mr. McKenzie occupied the chair. Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that a cordial vote of thanks be now tendered to the Reeve for the able and courteous manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of the Council during the current year, coupling therewith the Clerk and the Treasurer for their careful attention to their respective duties. The Reeve responded briefly, referring to the labours of the year, and thanking Council members for the agreeable manner in which all their duties were performed. The Clerk returned thanks, for himself and the Treasurer. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve January 14th 1901. |
Municipal Election held January 7th 1901. Statement at the close of the Poll |
For Councillor |
Polling Division No. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Total |
Laird, George H. |
72 |
105 |
57 |
33 |
61 |
328 |
Meldrum, George J. |
21 |
70 |
152 |
53 |
13 |
309 |
McKenzie, Archibald |
43 |
108 |
111 |
23 |
20 |
305 |
McPherson, Angus |
39 |
108 |
96 |
72 |
58 |
373 |
Welsh, John |
70 |
81 |
29 |
22 |
60 |
212 |
Messrs. Laird, McKenzie, Meldrum, and McPherson were declared elect municipal councillors for the current year, 1901. Mr. John Gilchrist was elected Reeve by acclamation. Aberfoyle, January 8th 1901. James McLean ─ Clerk |
January 11th 1901. The inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 11th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, namely, John Gilchrist, Reeve, George H. Laird, George J. Meldrum, Archibald McKenzie, and Angus McPherson, and having made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and of office, took their respective seats at the Council Table. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that a bylaw to appoint municipal auditors for the current year be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the bylaw to appoint a member of the Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the names of R. B. Morison and John A. McDonald be inserted in the bylaw to appoint township auditors, and that it be numbered 267, read a third time, and passed. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the name of Joseph Little, as member of the Board of Health, and the name of Andrew Munroe, as Sanitary Inspector, be inserted in the bylaw appointing said officers, and that it be numbered 266, read a third time, and passed. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of John Blake, for $1.11, surcharge in his taxes. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that after hearing a delegation from the Puslinch Agricultural Society, as to the advisability of increasing our grant to the Winter Fair Building, in the City of Guelph, we, the Council of the Township of Puslinch, hereby grant one hundred and fifty dollars to the same, and the Reeve is authorized to issue an order for that amount to the credit of the Committee of the Winter Fair Building. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $10.00, W. R. Foster for 3˝ cords of firewood ─ $17.15, Thomas Beaton for 65 yards of gravel and surface damage ─ $5.25, Election expenses ─ $43.00, John Blake, surcharge in his taxes ─ $1.11, Wm. Brown, refund of statute labour taxes ─ $10.20, and Peter Patterson for contract on 7th Concession ─ $15.00. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that Messrs. McKenzie and Meldrum be and are hereby appointed the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township east of the Brock Road from the north, to Morriston, and east of the 7th Concession line, south to Beverly Townline, and that Messrs. McPherson and Laird be are hereby appointed the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township being west from that line, and that the eastern committee attend to the part of the dividing line that is not on the Brock Road. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that we accept the resignation of Jas. E. McLean, the Assessor, and in doing so, this Council wishes to express sincere regret at losing the services of so efficient an official. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on February 11th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve February 11th 1901. |
The February 11th 1901. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 11th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the auditors report be received and adopted, and that the Reeve issue his order in favour of the auditors, for $5.00 to each auditor. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that a bylaw to appoint a Municipal Assessor be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that in reference to the communication from the Township of Blenheim, enclosing petition to the Legislative Assembly, concerning the proposed establishment of a system of county roads throughout the province, the Council members are in hearty sympathy with the sentiments of said communication, and authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign the said petition and forward it to Mr. Mutrie for presentation to the Legislature. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the name of Daniel McNaughton be inserted in the bylaw to appoint a Municipal Assessor, and that the bylaw be numbered 268, read a third time, and passed. |
5. |
Messrs. McKenzie and Laird moved, in amendment to the motion, that the name of John A. Cockburn be inserted in the bylaw to appoint a Municipal Assessor. The motion carried and the bylaw was passed.
6. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the report of James Campbell, caretaker of the township hall, be accepted, and that he be re-appointed caretaker, and his duties, in regard to cleaning, lighting and heating, and tariff charges, be the same as last year, and that he shall render a detailed statement, of all monies received by him, to the Council, and that his salary shall be $20.00 and perquisites, per annum. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Collector be and hereby is authorized to continue collecting the arrears of taxes for the year 1900, if need be, by levy and distress. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of J. M. Bond for tile in Division 67 ─ $1.76, R. B. Morison, auditor ─ $5.00, John A. McDonald, auditor ─ $5.00, Municipal World for blank stationery ─ $11.70, and James Campbell, caretaker, balance of salary ─ $12.00.
9. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Reeve and George J. Meldrum be a committee, together with the Clerk, to examine the bylaws of the township, with a view to their amendment and revision. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 25th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve March 25th 1901. |
March 25th 1901. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 25th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that a bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers for the current year, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the bylaw, appointing overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers, be numbered 269, read a third time, and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that in regard to Dr. McQueen’s account, rē Hutchison, that no action be taken. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of James McLean for express and stage charges ─ $1.10, and John Swartzenberger for opening road in Divisions 84, 85, & 86 ─ $3.00. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that Messrs. McKenzie and McPherson be a committee to attend to repairing the Hall door and to erect a suitable flag staff on the Hall. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the report of the committee of Council, appointed to examine the bylaws of the township, be received. |
7. |
Report: We, the members of the undersigned committee of the Council of the Municipality of Puslinch, beg leave to recommend that the statute labour bylaw be amended in reference to the number of days to be performed, as follows, ratepayers, if not assessed at more than $600.00, be liable for two days statute labour, at more than $600.00 but not more than $1100.00, for three days statute labour, and for every $540.00 and fractional parts of $540.00, over and above $1100.00, one additional day. Also, we recommend that clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, Bylaw No. 282, be repealed.
8. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that Bylaw No. 312, which is a bylaw to modify the scale for imposing statute labour, be amended in reference to the number of days to be performed, as follows, ratepayers, if not assessed at more than $600, be liable for two days statute labour, at more than $600 but not more than $1100, for three days statute labour, and for every $540 or fractional part of $540 over and above $1100, one additional day. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that whereas there is considerable dissatisfaction with the manner in which the statute labour schedules are distributed and returned, it is hereby resolved that all overseers of highways are required to apply personally for their schedule on or immediately after the twentieth day of May and make the declaration of office and to indemnify them, therefore they shall be allowed one day of their statute labour, and that the Council will have the schedule collected by the 15th day of August. |
10. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 27th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m., as a Court of Revision, and after Revision, for general business. |
(signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve May 27th 1901. |
April 15th 1901. By order of the Reeve, a special meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday April 15th, at 6:30 p.m., to modify the scale for imposing statute labour. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that Bylaw No. 270, in reference to the scale of statute labour, be read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that Bylaw No. 270, in reference to the scale of statute labour, be read a third time and passed. |
(signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve May 27th 1901. |
May 27th 1901. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday May 27th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, and being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Reeve in the chair. The following list of appeals was heard and determined, namely,
the appeal of A. F. H. Jones to have his name substituted as owner of part of
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the assessment Roll, as now revised and corrected, be and is hereby confirmed. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve May 27th 1901. |
Immediately after Revision, the Council resumed ordinary business and instructions were issued to the Pathmasters, who were present, to make the necessary declaration of office. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Angus Stewart, Overseer of Road Division No. 36, for $3.60, committed statute labour. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that four days of Mrs. Mahon’s statute labour be transferred from Road Division No. 77 to Aberfoyle Division. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the under-noted changes be made in the appointment of overseers of highways, namely, that the name of William Frazer be substituted for John Martin, Road Division No. 34, the name of James Steele in place of John Smith, Division No. 69, the name of W. J. Little in place of J. W. Gilchrist, in Division No. 31˝, the name of Robert Hursie in place of Ralph Rudd, in Division No. 96, the name of John McNulty instead of John Welsh in Division Nos. 84 & 85, and the name of R. Harmon instead of John Black in Division No. 28. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following petitions be referred to the respective Standing Road & Bridge Committees, namely, the petition of D. J. McLean and others, Wm. C. Laing and others, Thos. Evans and others, John R. Clark and others, John Ord and others, Kenneth McKenzie and others, James Harmer and others, Robert Watt and others, Donald Grant and others, William Anderson and others, Alexander Mclean and others, James Clark and others, Anthony Bowman and others, Donald McPherson and others, John Fyfe and others, Alexr. Neubauer and others, Alexr. Wilkinson and others, John Rappolt and others, John McNaughton and others, Arthur Byrne and others, Marshall Ferguson and others, Alexr. McPherson and others, and D. Milroy and others. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the tender of B. Falconbridge, $7.30, for the pasture of the Hall grounds, be accepted, on the understanding that no cattle be allowed on the ground for one week before the Fall Show, and that the cutting of the weeds be given to D. J. McLean, to cut them before going to seed, and also within two weeks of the Fall Show, for the sum of $5.00. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Daniel McNaughton, Assessor, his salary ─ $100.00, Arthur Byrnes for opening road in Division 74 ─ $3.00, Angus Stewart, Overseer, Road Division No. 36, refund for committed statute labour ─ $3.60, and McIntosh and Galbraith for printing ─ $12.90. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Tuesday May 28th, at 6 o’ clock p.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve May 28th 1901. |
May 28th 1901. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Tuesday May 28th 1901, at 6:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr.
Meldrum, that the reports of the respective |
Eastern Division:
The members of the Committee of the Eastern Division beg leave to report that they have inspected all the places for which petitions were received and recommend that the following sums be expended for road improvements at the under noted places, namely, at Lot 30 in the 8th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 33 in the 7th Concession ─ $30.00, at Lot 35 in the 11th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 32 in the 10th Concession ─ $10.00, at Lot 30 in the 9th Concession ─ $50.00, at Lot 30 in the 8th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 23 in the 8th Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 5 in the 8th Concession ─ $30.00, at Lot 10 in the 10th Concession ─ $15.00, at Lot 16 in the 11th Concession ─ $30.00, at Lot 20 in the 10th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 15 in the 10th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 25 in the 10th Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 20 in the 9th Concession ─ $20.00, and at Lot 20 in the 8th Concession ─ $50.00. All of which is respectively submitted. (signed by) Archibald McKenzie & G. J. Meldrum ─ committee |
Western Division:
The committee members for the Western Division beg leave to report that they have inspected all the places for which petitions were received and recommend that the following sums be expended for road improvements at the under noted places, namely, at Lot 23 in the 3rd Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 29 in the 7th Concession ─ $40.00, between Lots 25 & 26 in the 2nd Concession ─ $15.00, at Lot 30 in the 1st Concession ─ $50.00, at Lot 12 in the 2nd Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 10 in the 2nd Concession ─ $15.00, at Lot 9 in the 2nd Concession ─ $15.00, between Lots 14 & 15 in the 4th Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 12 in the 4th Concession ─ $12.00, at Lot 9 in the 4th Concession ─ $15.00, between Lots 5 & 6 in the 4th Concession ─ $20.00, at Lots 17 & 18 in the 5th Concession ─ $20.00, at Lot 8 in the 1st Concession ─ $15.00, and at Lot 2 in the 2nd Concession ─ $20.00. All of which is respectively submitted. (signed by) Angus McPherson and George H. Laird ─ committee |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 8th at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve July 8th 1901. |
July 8th 1901. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 8th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum,
seconded by Mr. Laird, that Thomas Amos, Overseer, be refunded $1.80 statute
labour tax, collected in 1900 from Division 86, for |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Donald Grant for 3 days overseeing on Road Division 77 ─ $3.00, Thos. Carter for 1˝ overseeing on Road Division 82 ─ $1.87, Hugh Ross for 4˝ days overseeing on Road Division 45 ─ $5.07, James F. McPherson for 13˝ days overseeing on Road Division 26 ─ $15.19, James Moran for 4˝ days for overseeing Road Divisions 43 & 51 ─ $5.07, James Keleher for 95 yards of gravel supplied to Road Divisions 88, 89, & 90 ─ $4.75, Thomas Welsh for 80 yards of gravel supplied to Road Division 82 ─ $4.00, D. Murray Lumber for culvert on Waterloo Townline ─ $1.20, Angus McPherson for 243 yards of gravel supplied to Road Divisions 44, 45, & 46 ─ $12.15, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $11.50, McIntosh & Galbraith for advertising ─ $11.00, Jas. Laird for 63 yards of gravel supplied to Road Divisions 58, 63, & 64 ─ $3.15, John Pinkney for 1 day shovelling on Road Division 37 ─ $1.00, and Robert Neubauer for 1˝ days shovelling on Road Division ─ $1.50.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the reeve be and hereby is empowered to make settlement with J. W. Robertson rē damages sustained on sideroad between Lots 30 & 31 in the Gore. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Aug. 26th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve August 26th 1901. |
The August 26th 1901. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr.
McKenzie, that a bylaw to repeal Bylaw No. 235, authorizing and establishing
a separate
2. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that James Mason be and hereby is appointed as Pathmaster, in place of Richard Barry, on Road Division No. 70. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the statute labour tax of Mrs. John McLean, of Road Division No. 27, be remitted and not charged to her. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that a bylaw to provide for the expenses of the current year be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr.
McKenzie, that a grant of $35.00 each be made to the |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the bylaw, to provide by way of assessment, to defray the expenses of the current year be numbered 271, read a third time, and passed. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr.
Laird, that the bylaw to repeal Bylaw No. 235, establishing a separate
8. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Thomas Welsh for 35 yards of gravel for Division 74 ─ $1.75, W. C. Laing for 144 yards of gravel, supplied to Divisions 103, 105, & 114 and for 4˝ days of shovelling ─ $11.70, Arthur Byrns for 3 days shovelling ─ $3.00, Robert Ord for 4 days with grader in Divisions 101 & 102 ─ $12.00, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing and advertising ─ $29.00, Thomas Barrett for 110 yards of gravel ─ $5.50, Wm. Scott for gravel supplied to Divisions 4, 18, & 19 ─ $7.86, Neil Stewart for repairing road and railing at Lot 17 in the 4th Concession ─ $5.00, James Smith for overseeing contract in Division 37 ─ $2.25, Corporation of Hespeler for 3 days use of grader ─ $10.50, William Little for 3˝ days overseeing contract in Division 40 ─ $3.04, Thos. Ellis for 77 yards of gravel supplied to Divisions 32 & 33 ─ $3.85, Walter Elliott for 188 yards of gravel supplied to Divisions 93, 94, & 96 and for 1 day with grader in Division 27 ─ $12.40, Treasurer of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Guelph, grant to hospital ─ $35.00, Treasurer of General Hospital, Guelph, grant to hospital ─ $35.00, and E. Robertson claim for damages ─ $1.75. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Sept. 30th, at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve September 30th 1901. |
September 30th 1901. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday September 30th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Neil Campbell for 56 yards of gravel, damage to crop, and 3 days shovelling ─ $7.30, James Starkey for 20 yards of gravel on Division 97 ─ $1.00, J. & G. Roberts for 20 yards of gravel on Division 110 ─ $1.00, Jas. Black for 40 yards of gravel on Division 15 ─ $2.00, Chas. Mast for repairing bridge on Division 81 ─ $5.00, Frank Steffler for filling culvert on Division 53 ─ $1.00, James Boucher for 3 days overseeing on Division 66 ─ $3.38, D. R. Clark for 116 yards of gravel on Division 92 ─ $5.80, Wm. Jackson for cutting hill on Division 66 ─ $21.75, John Ord for 90 yards of gravel on Division 70 ─ $4.50, Edward Hewitt for digging ditch and repairing culvert on Divisions 58 & 63 ─ $6.50, Turnbull & Wright Company for printing Bill heads ─ $1.50, Municipal World for Jurors’ lists and 6 copies of Public Health Act ─ $1.57, Hugh Currie for 61 yards of gravel supplied to Divisions 6, 22, & 23 ─ $3.05, Wm. Anderson for gravelling on Division 109 ─ $11.00, Joseph Brickel for railing sinkhole on Division 43 ─ $16.75, William Amos for 2 days shovelling on Division 70 ─ $2.25, James Mason for 3 days overseeing on Division 70 ─ $3.38, D. J. McLean for cutting weeds on Hall grounds ─ $5.00, and James Mason refund of commuted statute labour ─ $7.80, overdrafts ─ $2.20, and overseeing ─ $2.00. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Nov. 18th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve November 18th 1901. |
November 18th 1901. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 18th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that a bylaw to determine the time and place to nominate and elect Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the bylaw to determine the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers for the year 1902, be numbered 273, read a third time, and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Municipal Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary-Treasurer of each School Board, and that the Reeve place his order for payment of the increments of the Municipal Loan Fund, amounting to $40.00 to each School Section. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the petition of Alexander McCaig and others in reference to a wire fence on south-east side of given road, across the corner of Lot 25, in the 3rd Concession, be granted, and that the township furnish the wire to build a fence similar to the one on the opposite side of the road, if Mr. James Patterson, on his part, erects the fence, supplies the posts, and widens the road to 45 feet. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that in reference to the communication from the Guelph Board of Trade rē beet sugar factory in the City of Guelph, and the Provincial Government willingness to provide seed and instructions to parties who will cultivate experimental plots throughout the township, the Council is in sympathy with the movement and would like to see the industry established in the city, and does hereby authorize the Clerk to receive applications from farmers of the township for the establishment of such plots and to forward them to the Agriculture College. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of the Council of Guelph Township for one half of contract on the Townline ─ $14.44, D. McKenzie for repairing bridge on sideline, Lots 20 & 21, in 8th Concession, and 2 culverts ─ $28.00, James Harmer for tile drain across the 9th Concession at Lot 20 ─ $2.00, C. McLaren for overseeing contract at Lot 6 in the 9th Concession ─ $5.62, Wm. Anderson for repairing bridge on sideline, Lots 35 & 36 in the 11th Concession ─ $7.25, Wm. G. McNaughton for overseeing contract sideline, Lots 20 & 21 in the 2nd Concession ─ $16.32, James Campbell for part payment of salary ─ $12.00, Thos. Robertson for overseeing contract at Lot 10 in the 2nd Concession, and railing said contract ─ $11.18, Edward Hewitt for contract on the 7th Concession and removing stones ─ $8.75, Robert Ord for contract cutting hill in the 8th Concession and for 38 yards of gravel ─ $30.90, Archibald Currie for 140 yards of gravel to Road Divisions 27 & 80 ─ $7.00, Wm. Steffler for 80 yards of gravel to Road Division 61 ─ $4.00, John Hanlon for overseeing contract at Lots 15 & 16 in the 6th Concession ─ $5.62, B. Falconbridge for postage and sundries supplied to Township Hall ─ $13.10, and yearly remuneration to Councillors ─ $200.00. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Dec. 16th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve Aberfoyle, December 16th 1901. |
December 16th 1901. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 16th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the annual financial statement of the Treasurer be received and adopted and that 200 copies thereof be printed for distribution to ratepayers. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the time for collecting municipal taxes be and hereby is extended to the first day of February 1902. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Beverly Council, for $5.00, being a balance due them for expenditure on the Townline.
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr.
Laird, that the communication from |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that Thomas Clark be refunded $1.00 dog tax, wrongfully collected from him in 1900. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Collector strike off the dog taxes of Maurice McPhee, George Ruber, and Frank Mollison, levied against them by error. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Robert McFarlane for 215 yards of gravel and for 4 days overseeing contract ─ $15.25, Thos. Beaton for 133 yards of gravel, supplied to Pathmaster, and for surface damage ─ $8.65, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing and advertising ─ $8.00, George Metcalf for 2 days overseeing contract ─ $2.25, Joseph Little for culvert and cleaning ditch ─ $2.00, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $8.00, John Smith for 2 days shovelling gravel, Division 69, $2.00, E. A. Panabecker for building culvert at Lot 4 in the 4th Concession ─ $11.00, Wm. Mahon for grading in Aberfoyle Division ─ $2.40, Wm. Quirk for repairing Town Hall, erecting flagstaff, and 2 ladders ─ $30.00, and Thos. Clark refund of dog tax ─ $1.00. |
On motion, the Reeve vacated and Mr. Meldrum occupied the chair. Messrs. McKenzie and Laird moved that a cordial vote of thanks be now tendered to the Reeve for the able and courteous manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of the Council during the current year, coupling therewith the Clerk and the Treasurer for their careful attention to their respective duties. The Reeve and the Clerk responded, and the Council adjourned, sine die. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve Aberfoyle, January 13th 1902. |
December 30th 1901. Nomination of Reeve and Councillors
for 1902. Elected by acclamation John Gilchrist, Esq., Reeve ─ Killean P.O. Mr.
George Laird, Councillor, Mr. George J. Meldrum, Councillor, Morriston. Mr. Angus McPherson, Councillor, Aberfoyle. Mr.
John Welsh, Councillor, James McLean ─ Returning Officer |
January 13th 1902. Pursuant to statutory appointment, the Council elect met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 13th at 11:00 o’ clock a.m. All of the members elect were present, namely, Messrs. John Gilchrist, Reeve, George H. Laird, George J. Meldrum, Angus McPherson, and John Welsh, Councillors, and having made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and of office, resumed their respective seats at the Council table. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that a bylaw to appoint municipal auditors be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the blank in the bylaw be filled by appointing R. B. Morison, of Morriston, and John A. McDonald, of Puslinch, as municipal auditors, and that the bylaw be numbered 275, read a third time, and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that a bylaw to appoint a Local Board of Health be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the names of John Iles, as a member of the Board of Health, and Andrew Munroe, as Sanitary Inspector, be inserted in the bylaw, and that the bylaw be numbered 274, read a third time, and passed.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that the Clerk be instructed to order a copy of the Municipal World to each member of the Council and to the Clerk and Treasurer. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that Messrs. Walsh and Laird be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township lying and being north of the 3rd Concession and of the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 across the old survey, and that Messrs. Meldrum and McPherson be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township lying and being south of the said described line, and that the Reeve be chairman for both committees. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Reeve be authorized to make inquiries concerning road graders’ prices et cetera, with the view of purchasing, and that he report at next meeting of council.
8. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr.
Laird, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Thos. Evans for $2.00, as
part payment of contract on |
9. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that George J. Meldrum be and hereby is appointed to represent the Council rē West Flamboro Townline, at any time and place appointed by the Flamboro Council, and that the Clerk notify the Flamboro Council of this motion. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 10th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve Aberfoyle, February 10th 1902. |
February 10th 1902. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 10th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Collector be and hereby is instructed and authorized to continue collecting the arrears of taxes for 1901, until the whole is collected. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the auditors’ report for 1901, now received, be adopted, and that the Reeve issue his order for $5.00, in favour of each of the auditors.
3. |
Moved By Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that owing to the prevalence of small pox in the municipality, the Board of Health requires ready money to meet necessary expenditures; the Reeve is hereby authorized to issue his orders for all necessary expenditures until the next meeting of Council, and to issue his order now for $32.70, expenditures reported to date hereof. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that a bylaw to appoint a Medical Health Officer be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr.
Walsh, that the Treasurer be and hereby is instructed and authorized to
invest all maturing debentures in the |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the bylaw appointing a Medical Health Officer for the municipality, be numbered 276, read a third time, and passed. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the report of James Campbell, Caretaker, be received and adopted, and that he be and hereby is re-appointed caretaker, at a yearly salary of $25.00 and perquisites, his duties in regard to cleaning, lighting, heating, and tariff charges to be the same as last year, and that he shall render a detailed statement of all monies received by him annually to the Council. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that whereas the caretaker had considerable extra work in connection with his office during the past year, and to remunerate him for the extra service, the Reeve issue his order in his favour for $5.00.
9. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Wm. Anderson for 43 yards of gravel ─ $2.15, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $10.00, The Municipal World for stationery and subscriptions ─ $15.80, James Campbell, Caretaker, balance of salary ─ $13.00, and Archibald Ramsay for cutting brush on Beverly Townline ─ $4.00. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 24th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve Aberfoyle, March 24th 1902. |
The March 24th 1902. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 24th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that a bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the bylaw appointing overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers be numbered 276, read a third time, and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Mrs. John Hewitt for $3.00 refund of statute labour tax, Mrs. Hewitt having performed her labour after the tax was collected. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the Council deems it advisable to hold a joint meeting of the Council and the Local Board of Health to investigate some discrepancies appearing in the small pox accounts rendered to the Board; that the Clerk be instructed to notify the parties concerned that a joint meeting of the Council and the Board will be held in the Council Room on Monday March 31st at 2:00 o’ clock p.m., to adjust said discrepancies.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Council meet with those interested in opening the 2nd Concession line at Lots two and three, on May 24th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of J. M. Bond & Co. for sewer pipe for Road Divisions No. 44 & 116 ─ $3.84, J. Kennedy for sewer pipe for Road Divisions No. 42 & 117 ─ $4.25, Jos. Smith for 90 yards of gravel supplied to Pathmaster ─ $4.50, J. & H. Harding for opening Divisions 84 & 86 ─ $5.40, and Andrew Munroe for railroad fare and expenses connected with conveying Donald McDonald to the House of Industry ─ $9.00. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 26th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m., as a Court of Revision, and after revision, for general business. |
(signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve Aberfoyle, May 26th 1902. |
The May 26th 1902. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, and being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Reeve in the chair. The following list of appeals was heard and determined, viz., the appeal of A. F. H. Jones for over assessment of part of Lot 1, front of the 9th Concession, 15 9/100 acres, assessed at $600.00, assessment confirmed, the appeal of John Porter for over assessment of Lot 14, front of the 4th Concession, 100 acres assessed for $2750, assessment reduced to $2550.00, the assessment of George Hanning for Lots 29, front and rear of the 10th Concession, 200 acres, assessed at $3900.00, assessment reduced to $3700.00, and the appeal of Gilbert McEachern for part of Lot 8, front of the 5th Concession, 63 4/5 acres, assessed at $1300.00, assessment reduced to $1190.00. Prince W. Laing and Ignatius Lehman had a dog struck off the assessment of each. Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Assessment Roll, as now revised and corrected, be and is hereby confirmed. |
after revision, the Council resumed ordinary business. A deputation from Galt, Preston, and
Hespeler Street Railway Company appeared before the Council, asking
permission to extend their railway from Hespeler to |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the Council of the Municipality of the Township of Puslinch, being aware of the application made by the Galt, Preston, and Hespeler Street railway Company to the Lieutenant Governor in Council for further powers, permitting the company to extend its line of railway from its terminus in the town of Hespeler through the Township of Waterloo and the Township of Puslinch in the County of Wellington, to some place at or near Puslinch Lake, is not opposed to such application. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that having tested the working of the road grader invented and patented by Mr. Benjamin Strome, and its having, in everything, proved highly satisfactory, we would invite any Pathmaster requiring the use of the same to apply to their nearest Councillor. We also feel justified in recommending this grader to any other municipality. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that the Reeve and Angus McPherson be a committee to look after repairing the fence of the Township grounds. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr.
Laird, that William Brown be granted permission to erect a fence across the
side street leading from the |
5. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the tender of John Smith, $8.50, for the season’s pasture of the Hall grounds, be accepted. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following petitions be received and referred to the respective Standing Road & Bridge Committees, namely, the petition of Peter Iles and others, John Kennedy and others, James Hogg and others, Evan J. Gilchrist and others, Isaac U. Cober and others, Hugh Ross and others, Neil McPherson and others, Anthony Bowman and others, James Starkey and others, M. P. Lynch and others, William Moran and others, James McPherson and others, Thomas Evans and others, D. J. McLean and others, James Clark and others, and John McNaughton. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Marshall Ferguson, Overseer, for $2.40, commuted statute labour. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Angus Stewart, for $3.60, commuted statute labour. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Edward Currie for material and building culvert at Lot 2 in the 1st Concession ─ $3.00, McIntosh & Galbraith for Pathmasters’ schedules and advertising ─ $5.60, John Kennedy balance of sewer pipe as per statement ─ $3.60, and Dr. King for vaccination supplies ─ $26.35.
10. |
Moved by Messrs. Walsh and McPherson that the Council now adjourn until Tuesday May 27th, at 5 o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve Aberfoyle, July 14th 1902. |
May 27th 1902. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Tuesday May 27th, at 5:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ Southern Division begs leave to report as follows, that we have inspected the several portions of road, petitioned for as requiring improvements, and would recommend the following expenditures: for grading and gravelling at Lots 2 & 3 in the 3rd Concession ─ $30.00, cutting hill between Lots 15 & 16, Gore ─ $10.00, cutting hill at Lot 14 in the 3rd Concession ─ $25.00, gravelling between Lots 15 & 16 in the 2nd Concession ─ $15.00, gravelling at Lot 20 in the 2nd Concession ─ $30.00, cutting hill and widening road at Lot 28 in the 7th Concession ─ $40.00, cutting hill at Lot 31 in the 7th Concession ─ $40.00, cutting hill between Lots 35 & 36 in the 9th Concession ─ $50.00, cutting brush at Lot 30 in the 11th Concession ─ $4.00, gravelling between Lots 30 & 31 in the 9th Concession ─ $ 25.00, cutting hill at Lot 24 in the 10th Concession ─ $25.00, and gravelling at Lots 3 & 4 in the 2nd Concession ─ $10.00. (signed) George J. Meldrum & Angus McPherson ─ committee |
The Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ Northern Division begs leave to report as follows, that we have inspected the several portions of road, petitioned for as requiring improvement, and would recommend the following expenditures: for grading between Lots 10 & 11 in the 11th Concession ─ $20.00, grading between Lots 6 & 7 in the 10th Concession ─ $40.00, grading hill on Guelph Townline ─ $20.00, gravelling between Lots 20 & 21 in the 7th Concession ─ $50.00, cutting hill between Lots 20 & 21 in the 3rd Concession ─ $50.00, grading and gravelling between Lots 12 & 13 in the 3rd Concession ─ $30.00, cutting brush at Lots 7 & 8 in the 4th Concession ─ $20.00, cutting hill and grading between Lots 10 & 11 in the 4th Concession ─ $30.00, grading between Lots 14 & 15 in the 4th Concession ─ $15.00, and repairing bridge between Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession ─ $100.00. (signed) George H. Laird & John Walsh ─ committee |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr.
Walsh, that the reports of the respective |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to mail all Pathmaster instructions, not called for, by the first day of June 1902. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 14th, at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed and dated) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve Aberfoyle, July 14th 1902. |
July 14th 1902. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 14th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Jas. Reddick, Overseer of Road Division 25, for $3.60, commuted statute labour. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the caretaker be instructed to allow the Ladies Guild of Duff’s Church to have as many of the Hall benches as they require for their lawn social on Thursday July 17th, provided they return the same in good condition. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr.
Walsh, that the Council of the |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the tender of John Linderman, $5.50, for cutting weeds on the Hall grounds, be accepted, the first cutting to be completed before the 20th day of July, and the second cutting, one week before the Fall Show. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Linderman for 2 days shovelling ─ $2.00, James McPherson for 1 day overseeing ─ $1.25, John Ord for material and repairing culvert ─ $4.33, also 80 yards of gravel for Road Division 78˝ ─ $4.00, and for 2 days shovelling ─ $2.00, and for 23 yards of gravel on Road Division 78 ─ $1.15, Robert Ord for 2 days with grader and team on Road Division 102 ─ $6.00, James Laird for 48 yards of gravel supplied to Road Divisions 58 & 63 ─ $2.40, and for 64 yards supplied to Division 51 ─ $3.20, Chas. Mast, material for and repairing culvert ─ $3.00, also for 60 yards of gravel supplied to Division 81 ─ $3.00, Joseph Smith for 146 yards of gravel supplied to Road Division 68 ─ $7.30, Mathias McNulty for shovelling gravel on Road Divisions 74, 84 & 85 ─ $4.68, John Herbert for finding wire and nails and 3˝ days repairing the Hall grounds fence ─ $6.18, John Rudell Senior for 65 yards of gravel supplied to Road Division 49 ─ $3.25, Jas. Scott for insurance assessment ─ $2.16, P. A. Hume for 45 yards of gravel supplied to Road Division 99 ─ $2.25, and D. McLean for 25 yards of gravel supplied to Division 34 ─ $1.25. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday August 25th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve August 25th 1902. |
The August 25th 1902. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 25th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that a bylaw to provide, by way of assessment, a means to defray the expenses of the current year, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that sufficient money be granted to the southern Road & Bridge Committee to complete county contracts of cutting hill between Lots 30 & 31 in the 8th Concession. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the petitions of Hugh McNally and others, Ed Taylor and others, and William Watson and others be referred to the northern Road & Bridge Committee for investigation and action as they think advisable. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that the bylaw to provide, by way of assessment, a means to defray the expenses of the current year be numbered 278, read a third time, and passed. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Charles Mast for material for covering bridge, 830 feet cedar ─ $12.45, Hugh Currie for 45 yards of gravel supplied to Road Division 6 ─ $2.25, John Linderman for cedar culvert on Road Division 117 ─ $6.00, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing and advertising ─ $32.00, John Linderman for cedar culvert on Road Division 116 ─ $5.00, Wm. J. Little for 156 yards of gravel supplied to Road Divisions 32 & 33 ─ $7.80, and for railing on Road Division 31˝ ─ $2.50, James Keleher for gravel on Road Division 89 and damage to crop ─ $2.75, and Israel Adams for work performed on Road Division 52 ─ $4.75. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday September 29th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve Aberfoyle, September 29th 1902. |
September 29th 1902. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday September 29th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the account received from Nassagaweya Council be referred to Messrs. Meldrum and Walsh for investigation before payment. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the petitions of John D. Clark and Wm. Schultz and others be laid over until next meeting of Council. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of J. Linderman for cutting weeds on the Hall grounds ─ $5.50, John Cook for repairing bridge in Division 96 ─ $1.00, John Herbert for repairing culvert in Division 101 ─ $1.25, George Ruber for 1ľ days of shovelling ─ $2.18, D. Milroy for 79 yards of gravel for Waterloo Townline ─ $3.95, Ben Strome for 8 days work with grader ─ $12.00, Benjamin Strome for one road grader ─ $25.00, E. U. Panabaker for balance of account for building culvert ─ $4.00, W. C. Laing for spreading gravel ─ $2.00, for gravel and damage to crop ─ $3.90, James Campbell, Caretaker, salary to Oct. 15th ─ $16.75, James Leith, Secretary of I.O.F., for Hall as Poll Booth on May 29th ─ $2.00, John M. Bond for 18 feet, 6 inches of sewer pipe ─ $2.16, James Devine for one half of 25 yards of gravel ─ 63 cents, W. C. Laing for 50 yards of gravel supplied to Division 104 ─ $2.50, and Wm. Scott for gravel supplied to Divisions 4, 18, & 20 ─ $5.46. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday November 17th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve Aberfoyle, Nov. 17th 1902. |
November 17th 1902. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 17th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr.
Laird, that the sum of thirty-five dollars be granted to the
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that a bylaw to fix the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Returning Officers for the year nineteen hundred and three, be now introduced and read a first and second time.
3. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that the Reeve issue his order for $2.00 in favour of each Secretary Treasurer of School Sections One, Three, and Six, for the use of their schoolhouses for polling booths on the 29th day of May 1902. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the bylaw to determine the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Returning Officers, be numbered 279, read a third time, and passed. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr.
Laird, that the account received from the Council of |
6. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that a bylaw to commute the Statute Labour of the Municipality be now introduced and read a first and second time, and printed for submission to the ratepayers. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Hugh Currie for 43 yards of gravel ─ $2.15, John Ord for 90 yards of gravel and two days shovelling ─ $6.50, H. Gummer, Guelph Herald, for advertising ─ $19.50, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing and advertising ─ $11.20, John Reid for repairing plough broken at statute labour ─ $2.50, Edward Keenan for 2 culverts on Guelph Townline ─ $4.00, Thomas Clark for gravel supplied to Road Divisions 107, 114, 115, and 116, and damage to surface and crop ─ $17.75, Neil Campbell for shovelling gravel on Road Division 115 ─ $3.50, James Mason for remission of labour tax ─ $7.20, and for extra expenditure on Aberfoyle Division ─ $5.30, and for remission of statute labour on Road Division 70 ─ 80 cents, and B. Falconbridge for postage and supplies for Hall ─ $12.92. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Dec. 15th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed and dated by) John Gilchrist ─ Reeve Aberfoyle, December 15th 1902.
The December 15th 1902. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 15th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Collector be and hereby is authorized to remit $2.00 dog tax to Walter Cook. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Caretaker be authorized to lend as many of the Hall benches as required by the I.O.F., of Morriston, on condition that the same be promptly and safely returned after use thereof.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the petition of Mr. Schultz and others in regard to Mr. Andrew McIntyre, who suffered almost a total loss of his crop in the hailstorm of last harvest, asking for the remission of his taxes, be granted, and that the Collector be authorized to remit the same.
4. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Municipal Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general fund of the township, to the Secretary-Treasurer of each school board, and that the Reeve issue his order for the payment of the increment of the Municipal Loan Fund, amounting to $35.00 to each school section. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the annual financial statement of the Treasurer be received and adopted, and that two hundred copies thereof be printed for distribution to the ratepayers. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Reeve issue his order for $200.00, payable to Joseph Little, as payment on account of services rendered by Dr. Howitt rē small pox cases in the house of John W. Roach, Lot 13, front of 2nd Concession.
7. |
Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of John Linderman for 60 cents, refund of statute labour. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the statute labour of Wm. Mahon, $4.00, be remitted, he having performed the same by permission of Council. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Walsh, that the time for collecting municipal taxes be and hereby is extended to the first day of February 1903. |
10. |
Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Robert Maddaugh for 60 yards of gravel ─ $3.00, J. O. Boyle (perhaps O’Boyle) for eighty yards of gravel ─ $4.00, and for surface damage ─ $2.00, Michael Welsh, part payment for cutting brush on Road Division 82 ─ $10.00, Wm. Gilmour for material and building culvert on Road Division 90 ─ $5.50, and Thomas Beaton for gravel supplied to Road Divisions 117 & 119 ─ $5.00, and for surface damage ─ $2.00. |
On motion, the Reeve vacated, and Mr. Walsh occupied the chair. Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that a cordial vote of thanks be tendered to the Reeve for the able and courteous manner in which he has discharged the duties of the chairman of the Council and of the Reeve of the township for the current year, and also that the Clerk and Treasurer be commended in the same connection. The Reeve and Clerk responded. Short addresses were made by Messrs. Meldrum, McPherson, and Laird. The Council adjourned, sine die. (signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve January 19th 1903. |
Election of Township and County Council ─ January 5th 1903. Statement at Close of Poll: |
Electoral Division |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Total |
Meldrum |
40 |
42 |
144 |
37 |
21 |
284 |
McPherson |
46 |
105 |
25 |
63 |
74 |
313 |
50 |
70 |
164 |
61 |
87 |
332 |
Cameron |
20 |
90 |
153 |
87 |
28 |
378 |
Cockburn |
54 |
122 |
101 |
21 |
25 |
323 |
Laird |
55 |
87 |
78 |
44 |
54 |
316 |
Walsh |
66 |
92 |
96 |
20 |
37 |
311 |
Bylaw (Yes) |
25 |
75 |
81 |
35 |
24 |
240 |
Bylaw (No) |
30 |
45 |
43 |
37 |
30 |
185 |
Majority for bylaw |
55 |
For |
Electoral Division |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Total |
Gilchrist |
26 |
81 |
191 |
139 |
89 |
526 |
Laidlaw |
30 |
16 |
13 |
3 |
26 |
88 |
Scott |
12 |
206 |
135 |
55 |
61 |
582 |
January 12th 1903. The inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 12th, at 11:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, namely, Messrs. Angus McPherson, Reeve, Thomas Bedford, John Cameron, John A. Cockburn, and George H. Laird, Councillors. Messrs. McPherson, Cameron, and Laird made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and office, and took their seats. Messrs. Bedford and Cockburn handed in their resignations, awaiting release from their trusteeship. The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Jan. 19th, at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve January 19th 1903. |
January 19th 1903. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 19th, at 2:00 o' clock p.m. The members were all present. Messrs. Bradford and Cockburn made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and of office, and took their seats at the Council Board, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Puslinch Literary and Debating Society may use the Council Room for its evening meeting during the winter, at 25 cents for the Room, and 50 cents for the Hall, to pay for lights and fuel used. The society is to provide its own caretaker. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the bylaw to appoint municipal auditors be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the bylaw to appoint a member of the Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the names of Archibald Marshall, as member of the Board of Health, and Andrew Munroe, as Sanitary Inspector, be inserted in the blanks of the bylaw to appoint said officers, that the bylaw be numbered 281, read a third time, and passed.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Clerk be and hereby is instructed to order eight copies of the Municipal World for the members and officers of the Council. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the names of R. B. Morison and John A. McDonald, as auditors, be inserted in the bylaw to appoint said officers, that the bylaw be numbered 282, read a third time, and passed. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that Messrs. Cockburn and Laird be and are hereby appointed the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township being north of the 3rd Concession line and of the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 across the old survey, and that Messrs. Bedford and Cameron be and are hereby appointed the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for the portion of the township south of the described line, and that the Reeve be chairman of both committees.
8. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Collector be authorized to refund $1.00 surcharge dog tax to James Keleher. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the Clerk’s account for municipal election expenses ─ $44.00, Poll booth for referendum election, I.O.F. Hall, Morriston ─ $2.00, Schoolhouse, Crieff ─ $2.00, Schoolhouse, Downey ─ $2.00, Schoolhouse, Arkell ─ $2.00, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $16.50, J. M. Bond for 32 feet of sewer pipe ─ $10.40, Municipal World for blank forms ─ $2.79, W. S. Elliott for gravel supplied to Road Divisions No. 80, 93, 94, & 95 ─ $9.15, John Cameron for overseeing contract, Lots 30 & 31, Gore ─ $2.00, Wm. Munch for hauling gravel, Lots 30 & 31, Gore ─ $7.76, and the Treasurer, Waterloo, balance for work on Townline ─ $1.25.
10. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that Bylaw No. 280, for commuting statute labour, having been submitted to the ratepayers and passed by them, be now read a third time and passed. |
11. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday February 9th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve February 9th 1903. |
February 9th 1903. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 9th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the annual report of the auditors be received and adopted, and that the Reeve issue his order for $5.00 to each auditor. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the application of William Amos, for appointment as Caretaker of the Township Hall and grounds, be accepted, and that he be and hereby is appointed Caretaker, at an annual salary of $20.00 and perquisites, until his successor is appointed. The Caretaker’s duties are cleaning, lighting, and heating the Hall and Council Room for all municipal purposes such as Council, Board of Health, agricultural, judicial, and political meetings. The Caretaker may grant the use of the Hall to any Christian denomination for religious services. To parties requiring the use of the Hall for concerts, lectures, or socials, he shall let it for $2.00 per day or night, as the case may be, and for parties requiring the Hall for self interest or gain, for $4.00 per day or night. The Caretaker shall be entitled to retain 25 per cent of all monies received for Hall hire for his own benefit; the balance, he shall, at the time being, deposit with the Treasurer.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the petition of Don McLean and others, regarding the opening of the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 1st Concession, be referred to the southern Road & Bridge Committee. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that whereas, in the past, the township, through the Board of Health, has paid certain accounts for provisions et cetera, for parties while under quarantine and afflicted with small pox, and whereas the township is not legally bound for said expenditure, it is hereby resolved that in the future this Council will collect from all parties, so provided for, all such sums paid by the local Board of Health.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the Municipal World for eight copies of “The World” ─ $6.50, and for minute book and stationery ─ $11.60, and Joseph Roach, balance of salary ─ $8.25. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday March 9th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve March 9th 1903. |
March 9th 1903. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 9th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that a bylaw to appoint Road Commissioners be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the bylaw appointing Road Commissioners be numbered 283, read a third time, and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that a bylaw to appoint fence-viewers and pound-keepers be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the bylaw appointing fence-viewers and pound-keepers be numbered 284, read a third time and passed. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the matter submitted to the Council, by the Trustees of School Section No. 8, be laid over until the next meeting of Council for further consideration. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Reeve be and hereby is authorized to procure such machinery and tools as may be required by the Road Commissioners for their work. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the accounts presented by the Galt & Hespeler Boards of Health be referred to the local Board of Health, and that the Nassagaweya Council’s account, $26.50, for work on the boundary line be passed and ordered to be paid. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron,
that the Reeve and Messrs. Bedford and Cameron be a
committee to confer with the |
9. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that whereas there exists at present an unjust inequality of taxation between Railroad and other Corporation property as compared with farming land, we, the members of the Municipal Council of Puslinch, do hereby declare ourselves in favour of a more equal system of taxation in the Province of Ontario, and respectively ask our representative in the Legislative Assembly, Mr. J. P. Downey, to support any movement in that direction, the Clerk to forward a copy of this resolution to Mr. Downey.
10. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that whereas the Municipality of Puslinch has commuted its statute labour system, we recommend that joint estimates and appropriations of improvements required on the boundary line be made, and the work let by contract. |
11. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Council adjourn, to meet again at 1:00 o’ clock p.m., Monday April 6th. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve April 6th 1903. |
April 6th 1903. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday April 6th, at 1:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that in the matter of work on the boundary line between Nassagaweya and Puslinch, the Council agrees to pay three days commuted labour at 50 cents per day for every five days statute labour performed by Nassagaweya, and that the Road Commissioners meet the Nassagaweya Council when contract work is to be let, the Township to pay half thereof.
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr.
Cockburn, that the Council approve of the |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the sum of $200 be appropriated to each of the road divisions for road improvements, in addition to the commuted statute labour money in each division, to be expended by the Commissioners. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely the account of William Clay for work performed on Road Division No. 62 ─ $3.00, M. Bulger for gravelling sinkhole on Road Division No. 43 ─ $4.25, Frank Mollison for work performed on Road Division No. 57 ─ $5.00, and Dr. J. H. King, balance of account as Medical Health Officer for 1902 ─ $15.00.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Tuesday May 26th, at 10 o’ clock a.m., and constitute as a Court of Revision. |
James McLean, Clerk. Aberfoyle, April 7th, 1903. |
May 26th 1903. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Tuesday May 26th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present and, being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Reeve in the chair. The appeal of
John P. Walker, for over assessment of The appeal of Edward Crawley, for erroneous assessment for bitch, was struck off. The appeal of Henry Keleher, for over assessment of bitch, was struck off. The appeal of Albert Watson, for assessment of destroyed dog, was struck off, and the appeal of James Harmer, for assessment of destroyed dog, was struck off. Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the assessment roll, as now revised and corrected, be and is hereby confirmed. |
At two o’ clock p.m., the Council resumed regular business. A deputation of members of the Municipal Agricultural Society waited on the Council, asking for a grant, to be offered in prizes at their Fall Exhibition, said prizes to be competed for by municipal residents only. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Council grant thirty dollars to the society, to be offered in prizes at their Fall Exhibition. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that parties desirous of obtaining the use of a township road grader, can obtain the same, at ten cents per hour, providing they employ one of the road commissioners to operate the grader. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that in regard to the communication from Gotleib Stenns and… (missing text)….. wait on them to arrange for the same. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the Reeve be and hereby is instructed to procure the necessary amounts of cement concrete tile for culverts. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the tender of John Smith, $10.50, be accepted for the season’s pasture of the Hall grounds. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr.
Cameron, that the Treasurer be and hereby is instructed to reinvest $400 of the Municipal
Loan Fund in the |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of T. J. Day for 4 ledgers ─ $3.20, Wm. Steffler for 40 yards of gravel delivered in 1902 ─ $2.00, Daniel McNaughton for overseeing contract in 1902, 6 days, ─ $7.50, and James Barclay for work performed on Lots 15 & 16 in the 4th Concession ─ $1.50. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 13th, at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve July 13th 1903. |
The July 13th 1903. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 13th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the sum of $1.20 be refunded to Mr. Charles Richardson, being a surcharge on his taxes for 1901. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of McIntosh & Galbraith for printing and advertising ─ $45.60, James Laird for 130 yards of gravel supplied to Road Division No. 2 ─ $6.50, Jas. Keleher for 114 yards of gravel supplied to Road Division No. 2, and for surface damage ─ $1.50, John Eggert for damage to wheat ─ $3.00, Gotleib Stunns for damage to wheat and work on road ─ $4.00, and George McGill for 4 days overseeing ─ $6.00
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday August 24th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve August 20th 1903. |
The August 20th 1903. His Honour, Judge Jamieson, having appointed Monday August 24th for revising the voters’ list, the Council was called to meet on Thursday August 20th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that a bylaw to tax the township for County, School, and Municipal expenses be now introduced and read a first and second time.
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the bylaw, to provide by way of assessment, a means to defray the expenses of the current year, be numbered 285, read a third time, and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of M. P. Lynch for work on the road and damage to field ─ $14.06, George McGill for work on Road Division No. 1 ─ $10.80, Ed. Hewitt for work on Road Division No. 1 ─ 75 cents, J. Wheeler for 630 feet of cedar timber for drain ─ $10.80, Martin Quirk for 52 yards of gravel ─ $2.60, Archibald Currie for 60 yards of gravel ─ $3.00, and Michael Walsh, balance of account for cutting and burning brush at Lot 5 in the 9th Concession ─ $8.00.
4. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that with regard to the communication from John Harding, a claim for opening road, that no action be taken. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday October 19th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve October 19th 1903. |
October 19th 1903. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 19th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr.
Cameron, that a bylaw for stopping up part of an original allowance for road
between the townships of Puslinch and
2. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the communication received from Mrs. K. Boyle, rē damage to fence, be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee for the north division. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr.
Bedford, that the sum of $35.00 each be donated to the General and |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the petition of Mrs. John McLean, praying for remission of her statute labour tax, $1.80, be granted. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the communication of Mr. Munroe, rē paying the accounts of two women who attended Mary Heffernan when she was accidentally disabled, be laid over. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of James Keleher for 201 yards of gravel ─ $10.05, and 3 days work with team on Road Division No. 2 ─ $9.00, Peter Laing for 106 yards of gravel ─ $5.30, and for surface damage ─ $5.00, John Gordon for cutting thistles on Guelph Townline ─ $1.75, Barrett estate for 100 yards of gravel ─ $5.00, H. Gummer for printing and advertising ─ $28.50, John Mulroney for 45 yards of gravel ─ $2.25, James Scott for insurance assessment ─ $1.80, and Allan Shoemaker and Co. for 230 feet of concrete tile ─ $60.74.
7. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday November 16th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve November 16th 1903. |
November 16th 1903. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 16th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members present were Messrs. Angus McPherson, Reeve, and Thos. Bedford, John A. Cockburn, and George H. Laird, Councillors. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that a bylaw, fixing the time and place for the nomination of Reeve and Councillors for the year 1904, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the Puslinch Literary and Debating Society be granted the use of the Township Hall for holding its meetings, on the same terms as last season. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the bylaw, fixing the time and place for nominating Reeve and Councillors, be numbered 286, read a third time, and passed.
4. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that a bylaw, determining the time and place for nominating Reeve and Councillors and for appointing returning officers for the year 1904, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the bylaw, fixing the time and place for nominating Reeve and Councillors and for appointing returning officers, be numbered 287, read a third time and passed. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the bylaw, stopping up part of the original allowance for road between the townships of Puslinch and Guelph and selling the same, be numbered 288, read a third time, and passed. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the resignation of Isaac Roszell, as Commissioner for Road Division No. 3, be and is hereby accepted. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Municipal Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general fund of the township, to the Secretary-Treasurer of each school board. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Wm. G. Blair for gravel supplied to Road Division No. 2, and for surface damage ─ $5.20, Wm. C. Laing for gravel supplied to Road Division No. 2, and for surface damage ─ $5.35, Alexr. McAllister for work on Road Division No. 3 ─ $1.50, and B. Falconbridge for postage and sundries ─ $12.87. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Dec. 15th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve |
The December 15th 1903. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 15th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that, on the recommendation of the Sanitary Inspector, the sum of $2.50 be paid to Mrs. Reid, and $2.00 to Mrs. Bott, for attendance on Mary Heffernan, an indigent, prior to her removal to the hospital.
2. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, apportioning the increment from the Municipal Loan Fund equally to the schools of the township. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the bylaw to apportion the increment from the Municipal Loan Fund to the public schools, be numbered 290, read a third time, and passed. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the annual financial statement of the Treasurer be received and adopted, and that 200 copies thereof be printed for distribution to the ratepayers. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pay to the Secretary-Treasurer of each school board $35.00 from the Municipal Loan Fund, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that a bylaw be now introduced, and read a first and second time, to appoint a Commissioner for Road Division No. 3. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to refund $3.00, a surcharge in his taxes, to Mr. John Walsh. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the time for payment of municipal taxes be and is hereby extended until the first day of February 1904. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the bylaw appointing a Commissioner for Road Division No. 3, be numbered 289, read a third time, and passed. |
10. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that for extra work in collecting commuted statute labour taxes, the sum of $15.00 be added to the Collector’s salary. |
On motion, the Reeve vacated the chair, and Mr. Cockburn occupied it. A cordial vote of thanks was tendered to the Reeve, and to the Clerk, to which both briefly responded, and the Council adjourned, sine die. (signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve January 11th 1904. |
Nomination Day December 28th 1903. The nomination of Reeve and four Councillors, to serve in the Municipal Council of Puslinch, was held in the Township Hall, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 28th 1903. The members of the present Council were duly nominated and seconded, and no opposition being offered, were elected by acclamation, namely, Messrs. Angus McPherson, Reeve, and Thomas Bedford, John A. Cockburn, John Cameron, and George H. Laird, Councillors. James McLean Clerk. |
January 11th 1904. Pursuant to statutory appointment, the Council Elect met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 11th at 11:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, viz., Messrs. Angus McPherson, Reeve, and Thomas Bedford, John A. Cockburn, John Cameron, and George H. Laird, Councillors, and having made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and of office, they took their respective seats at the Council Board. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that a bylaw to appoint municipal auditors be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Clerk be and hereby is instructed to order eight copies of the Municipal World for the members and officers of the Council. |
3. |
That the bylaw appointing municipal auditors be numbered 291, read a third time, and passed. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that a bylaw, appointing a member of the Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Clerk be and hereby is instructed to render to the Council of Beverly a detailed account of the expenditure on the boundary line between Beverly and Puslinch, amounting in the aggregate to $174.76, for one half of which Beverly is responsible. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the bylaw appointing a member of the Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be numbered 292, read a third time, and passed. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that $1.00 each be remitted to John Hohenadel, Oliver Cober, and Wm. Aikens, being overcharge in dog tax, and that the Collector be instructed to strike off $1.00 dog tax from the bill of Alex Wilkinson, and $2.00 from the bill of Angus Stewart, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr.
Cockburn, that the Treasurer be and hereby is instructed to invest the
portion of the Municipal Loan Fund on hand in the |
9. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of the Municipal World for blank forms ─ $1.92, Wm. Clay for repairing culvert in Road Division No. 1 ─ $2.27, and Mrs. K. Boyle for gravel supplied to Road Division No. 1 ─ $5.90. |
10. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday February 8th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve February 8th 1904. |
The February 8th 1904. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 8th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Treasurer be instructed to refund to Andrew Munroe $1.00 surcharge in his taxes for 1903, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same. |
2. |
Moved by Thomas Bedford, seconded by John A. Cockburn, that regarding the account of S. E. Charlton, M.D., the Council take no action. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the resignation of Benjamin Strome as Road Commissioner for Division No. 1 be and is hereby accepted. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the auditors report be received and adopted, and that the Reeve issue his order for payment of $5.00 to each auditor. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that Messrs. Cockburn and Laird be and are hereby appointed to the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township north of the 3rd Concession Line and of the sideline between Lots 20 & 21, across the old survey, and that Messrs. Bedford and Cameron be and are hereby appointed to the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township south of the described line, and that the Reeve be chairman of both committees. |
6. |
Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Cameron that, whereas it is mutually agreed by and between mortgagor and the mortgagee, the Treasurer receive the interest on the annualized mortgage, payable annually on the first day of June every year, together with any instalment, not less than $100, payable at the same time.
7. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of S. & G. Penfold for shovels and tools for Road Commissioners ─ $15.60, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $20.50, Municipal World for stationery et cetera ─ $17.05, and Wm. Amos, Caretaker, his salary ─ $20.00.
8. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday March 14th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve March 14th 1904. |
March 14th 1904. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 14th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the communication received from the Council of Nelson, covering a petition to the Legislative Assembly, asking that the term of municipal councillors be extended to two years, be approved, and that the Reeve and Clerk sign and forward the same to Mr. Downey, for presentation. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr.
Cameron, that the Treasurer be and hereby is instructed to invest the
Municipal Loan Fund money, on hand, in the |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Laird, that a bylaw, appointing fence-viewers and pound-keepers for the current year, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the bylaw appointing fence-viewers and pound-keepers, as now filled, be numbered 294, read a third time, and passed. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that whereas parties have been cutting timber off certain road allowances from time to time, notice is hereby given that no timbers be removed pr cut without the permission of the Council, and parties, so cutting and removing any trees or timber without the permission of the Council, shall liable for damage.
6. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the Township of Nassagaweya for work on the Townline ─ $33.88, and Benjamin Strome for 2 graders, 1903, ─ $50.00. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday April 4th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. |
(signed by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve |
The April 4th 1904. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday April 4th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the Council pay only such accounts for shovelling snow on the highways of the township as the Commissioners of each road division will recommend. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that for the communication and account of R. A. Biscoe, Merchant, of Galt, rē of a suit of clothes given to Dr. Howitt, no action be take, as the same has been rejected by the local Board of Health. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time to appoint a Commissioner for road Division No. 1, in place of B. Strome, resigned.
4. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the blank in the bylaw to appoint a road Commissioner be filled by inserting the name of Ephraim A. Panabaker, as Commissioner of road Division No. 1, that the bylaw be numbered 293, read a third time, and passed. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the petition from residents of Aberfoyle, rē work to be performed on the village sidewalks, be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee and the Commissioner of Road Division No. 4. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the account of B. Falconbridge, for postage and supplies to the Township Hall, be passed and ordered to be paid. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Thursday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m., as a Court of Revision, and after revision, for general business. |
(signed by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve |
April 21st 1904. A special meeting of the Council convened in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Thursday April 21st, at 6:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the sum of $275.00, in addition to the amount of commuted statute labour, be granted to the Commissioner for road division No. 3, and $250.00 to each commissioner of road divisions Nos. 1, 2, & 4. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Reeve and Mr. Cockburn are hereby appointed a committee to advertise for tenders for the season’s pasture of the Township Hall grounds, and to let the same. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve May 26th 1904. |
May 26th 1904. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Thursday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, and being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Reeve in the chair. The following list of appeals was submitted, namely, the Aberfoyle estate of the late James Mason was transferred to Robert McCartney, and the assessment thereof reduced $50.00; an error in the numbering of John C. Crane’s property was rectified; dog taxes were struck off the assessment of Prince W. Laing, John Swartzenberger, John Walsh, George Hunt, and John R. Dickson. Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the assessment Roll, as now revised and corrected, be and is hereby confirmed. In the afternoon, the Council resumed ordinary business. The minutes of the last regular and of the special meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the tender of John Smith, $11.10, for the season’s pasture of the Hall grounds, be accepted. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Reeve and the Road & Bridge Committee of the northern division of the township be and are hereby authorized to procure legal advice as to the liability of the township in the case of Mr. Wm. Watson’s horse having a leg broken on the road. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the communication from Messrs. Guthrie & Guthrie, covering detailed statement of the expenses for closing up and selling a portion of the original allowance for road between Guelph and Puslinch, and a cheque for $25.93, being the balance due to Puslinch from the proceeds of said sale, be received and accepted as satisfactory. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that for the petition presented by Mr. Charles Rennie, signed by sixty-nine ratepayers of Eramosa, Nassagaweya, and Puslinch, asking that the portion of the townline between the three townships be opened for travel, it was agreed that this Council meet with the Councils of Eramosa and Nassagaweya, at Mr. Rennie’s, on Monday June 20th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m., the Clerk to notify the clerks of Eramosa and Nassagaweya. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the Reeve be and hereby is authorized to procure the service of the county rock crusher for two or three days on each road division of the township. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Robert Stewart for lumber supplied for sidewalks ─ $40.35, and James McLean for assistance to Donald McDonald to enable him to return to the House of Industry ─ $1.00. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday July 4th, at 1:00 o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve July 4th 1904. |
The July 4th 1904. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 4th, at 1:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
At their first meeting after the sudden
decease of James Scott, at the City of
2. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Road Commissioners for each division be instructed to notify all occupants of land that according to the amendment of the Noxious Weeds Act by the Ontario Legislature, 1904, all owners or occupants of land are required to cut down and destroy all of the thistles and noxious weeds growing on any highway adjoining such land, to the centre of the roadway, the work to be completed not later than July 25th 1904. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that in answer to the petition of Mr. Charles Rennie and others, the Council has examined the portion of the townline referred to in the petition, and while recognizing Mr. Rennie’s claim and the advantage to him, owing to the heavy expenditure necessary, we recommend that no action be taken this year. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of H. Gummer for advertising ─ $8.00, Thomas Marshall for working the stone crusher ─ $52.00, and George McAllister for lumber for bridge and culvert ─ $25.00, and for opening road ─ $5.00. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday August 22nd, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve August 22nd 1904. |
August 22nd 1904. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 22nd. At 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that a bylaw be introduced and read a first and second time, granting the petition of the trustees of School Section No. 2, to join the Consolidated School at the O.A.C. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the bylaw granting the request of the trustees of School Section No. 2, to join the Consolidated School at the O.A.C., Guelph, be numbered 296, read a third time, and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Laird, that a bylaw to provide, by way of assessment, a means to defray the expenses of the current year, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the managers of Duff’s Church have the use of the Township Hall benches for the lawn social to be held on the Manse grounds, provided the same be returned in good repair. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the bylaw, taxing the township for county, school, and municipal purposes, be numbered 295, read a third time, and passed. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the Guelph Mercury for printing and advertising ─ $36.50, J. M. Bond & Co. for sewer pipe ─ $34.35, and Christopher McBeath, teaming sewer pipe from Guelph ─ $5.00.
7. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday October 17th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve October 17th 1904. |
October 17th 1904. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 17th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. All the members were present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Council approve of the suggestion that a meeting of the adjoining Councils be held in some central place for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the work of Municipal Councils, and recommend that the members of the Council attend the meeting in the Guelph Township Council Room on Saturday November 5th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
2. |
Moved by Mr.
Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that $35.00 each be donated to the General
and |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the Clerk be instructed to place on the Collector’s Roll the following arrears of taxes for 1903, namely, Mrs. Wm. Haines ─ $1.30, Mary Heffernan ─ $1.97, and David Ross ─ $1.24. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Municipal World for blank forms ─ $1.21, Wm. Rae insurance assessment for Township Hall ─ $3.12, and Massey Harris Company for Pick Plough ─ $29.00. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday November 21st, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve November 21st 1904. |
November 21st 1904. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 21st, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. Members present were Messrs. Bedford, Cockburn, Laird, & McPherson, the Reeve, in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that a bylaw, fixing the time and place to nominate candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint deputy-returning officers for the year 1905, be now read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Laird, that the bylaw, fixing the time and place to nominate candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint returning officers for the year 1905, be numbered 297, read a third time and passed.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the commuted statute labour tax of John Welsh, being a surcharge of $3.00, the tax of David Evans for School Section No. 5, $8.30, being, by mistake, charged with his school tax for School Section No. 11, and the dog tax of R. Dickson, $1.00, be and are hereby remitted. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the report of the Sanitary Inspector be received and adopted, that his account, $59.00, be passed and ordered to be paid, and that the Reeve confer with him rē the disinfecting of houses where contagious diseases may exist. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr.
Laird, that the Clerk be instructed to confer with the managers of |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that owing to an error in the accounts of Allan Shoemaker & Co., the Clerk return it to the company for correction before payment is made. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $6.50, and B. Falconbridge for postage and sundries supplied to Township Hall ─ $11.46. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Thursday Dec. 15th, pursuant to statutory appointment. (signed and dated by) Angus McPherson ─ Reeve December 15th 1904. |
December 15th 1904. Pursuant to statutory appointment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Thursday December 15th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the taxes of Mrs. Ochs, Morriston, for 1904, be remitted. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the annual financial statement of the Treasurer be received and adopted, and that 200 copies thereof be printed, for distribution to ratepayers. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr.
Cockburn, that the Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to pay $40.00 from
the accrued interest of the Municipal Loan Fund to the Secretary-Treasurer of
each |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the statement of the Reeve rē the burial of the late Henry Pearce, an indigent, be received and adopted, and that he hereby be and is authorized to pay the several accounts connected therewith, amounting to $25.25. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Cockburn, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of J. M. Bond for sewer pipe ─ $15.60, Allan Shoemaker & Co. for concrete tile ─ $51.57, the Municipal World for blank forms ─ 78 cents, and Sager & Co. for funeral expenses of the late Henry Pearce ─ $25.25. |
6. |
(omitted) |
7. |
Moved by Messrs. Cockburn and Bedford, that the Reeve vacate and that Mr. Laird occupy the chair. Mr. Cockburn, in a brief speech, eulogized the Reeve for his fair and impartial conduct in the chair, and especially for his diligent attention to Township affairs outside the Council Board. Brief speeches on municipal affairs were made by members of Council and by other citizens who were present. |
The Council adjourned, sine die. (signed and dated by) Geo. J. Meldrum ─ Reeve January 9th 1905. |
The December 26th 1904. The nomination of Reeve and Councillors, to serve in the Municipal Council of Puslinch for the year 1905, was held in the Township Hall, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 26th 1904, between one and two o’ clock in the afternoon. Messrs. Thomas Bedford, John Cameron, Alexr. McLean, and John Wilkinson were duly nominated for Councillors, and no opposition being offered, were duly elected by acclamation. Messrs. John A. Cockburn, George H. Laird, and George J. Meldrum were duly nominated for Reeve, and went to the vote. Election held on Monday January 2nd 1905. |
Poll Number |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Total |
Cockburn, John A. |
29 |
90 |
41 |
22 |
24 |
206 |
Laird, George H. |
51 |
15 |
2 |
20 |
45 |
133 |
Meldrum, George J. |
18 |
53 |
117 |
65 |
11 |
264 |
Mr. Meldrum was duly declared elected, by 58 majority. James McLean Returning Officer. |
The January 9th 1905. Pursuant to statutory appointment, the inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 9th, at 11:00 o’ clock a.m. The members elect were all present, namely, Messrs. George J. Meldrum, Reeve, and Thomas Bedford, John Cameron, Alexander McLean, and John Wilkinson, Councillors, and have severally made and subscribed the Declaration of Qualification and of Office, they took their respective seats at the Council Board. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to order eight copies of the Municipal World for the members and officers of the Council. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to procure one copy of the Canadian Almanac for the use of the Council. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to render an account of $21.15, the expenditure on the boundary line between Guelph and Puslinch, Guelph to pay one half. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the taxes of Mary Heffernan for the years 1903 and 1904, amounting to $3.85 be and are hereby remitted. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that a bylaw to appoint municipal auditors be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. McLean, that a bylaw to appoint a member of the local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Clerk be instructed to render an account of expenditure, in the year 1904, on the boundary line between Beverly and Puslinch, amounting to $4.09. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the bylaw to appoint municipal auditors be numbered 298, read a third time, and passed. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the bylaw to appoint a member of the local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be numbered 299, read a third time, and passed. |
10. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that in consideration of the Collector, John Smith, having to collect commuted statute labour rates in addition to general rates, his salary be raised from $95.00 to $115.00 per annum. |
11. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the petition rē appointment of Commissioner for Road Division No. 2 be laid over until the next meeting of Council. |
12. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that Messrs. Cameron and McLean be and hereby are appointed the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for Divisions two and four, and that Messrs. Bedford and Wilkinson be the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for Road Divisions one and three, and that the Reeve be chairman for both committees. |
13. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that the following accounts be passed and that the Reeve issue his orders for the same, namely, Municipal World for Poll book and postage ─ $1.16, Robert Stewart, in full, to date ─ $2.43, and James McLean, Clerk, for election expenses ─ $45.00. |
14. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday February 13th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) George J. Meldrum ─ Reeve February 13th 1905. |
The February 13th 1905. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 13th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr.
McLean, that the Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to invest maturing
debentures and other funds pertaining to the Municipal Loan Fund in
debentures of the |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that a bylaw to regulate the removal and rebuilding of snow fences be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that with regard to the Treasurer’s application for an increase in his salary, no action be taken. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the bylaw, regulating the removal and rebuilding of snow fences, be numbered 300, read a third time, and passed.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that since it appears that, by mistake, an island in Puslinch Lake has been assessed to Mr. Robert Harris, who is not the owner thereof, his name be struck off the Assessment Roll, and his assessment, amounting to $1.14, be erased from the Collector’s Roll.
6. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the commuted statute labour of F. W. Stone Company, being a surcharge of $13.50, and an excess of $1.00 in the addition of the Collector’s Roll, be and are hereby struck off the roll.
7. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that whereas the Council has passed a bylaw to regulate the building of snow fences under the said bylaw, and by virtue of the same, the Council deems it expedient to encourage the building of wire fences on certain portions of the road that are liable to be blocked by snow storms, that a bonus of 30 cents per rod be granted where the Council approves. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that William Amos be and hereby is re-appointed Caretaker of the Township Hall and grounds, and that his duties and salary be the same as last year. |
9. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the petition rē appointment of Commissioner for Road Division No. 2 be laid over for consideration. |
10. |
Moved by Mr. |
11. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of D. McKenzie for repairing Hall benches ─ $5.00, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $13.25, Municipal World yearly subscription ─ $6.50, Beverly Council for one half of expenditure on boundary line ─ $66.58, the Mercury for printing and advertising ─ $18.50, Penfold for nails for repairing bridge ─ $1.16, and the Caretaker, his salary ─ $20.00. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday March 20th, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed and dated by) George J. Meldrum ─ Reeve March 20th 1905. |
The March 20th 1905. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 20th, at 1:30 p.m. Members present were Messrs. George J. Meldrum, Reeve, John Cameron, Alexander McLean, and John Wilkinson, Councillors. The Reeve in the chair, the minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the sum of $2.00 each be paid to the trustees of School Sections 1, 3, & 6, and to the Foresters’ Hall, at Morriston, for the use of their buildings as polling booths for the provincial election on the 25th day of January 1905. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. McLean, that a bylaw, appointing fence-viewers and pound-keepers, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that, the blanks of the bylaw appointing fence-viewers and pound-keepers, being now filled, the bylaw be numbered 301, read a third time, and passed. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the report of the committee appointed to survey the original allowance for road between Lots 5 & 6 in the Gore, and to advertise and sell the timber thereon, be received and adopted. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, The Municipal World for stationery ─ $11.70, John Davidson for chair and table for Council Room ─ $11.00, J. Hutheon for surveying sideline ─ $11.00, and Donald McIntosh and others for assisting surveyor ─ $9.65. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday April 10th, at 1:30 p.m. |
(signed and dated by) George J. Meldrum ─ Reeve April 10th 1905. |
April 10th 1905. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday April 10th, at 1:30 p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the sum of two hundred dollars, together with the commuted statute labour money, be allotted to each road division for road improvement. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that the resignation of E. A. Panabaker, as Road Commissioner for Division No. 1, be and is hereby accepted, and that John McLaren be and is hereby appointed in his room and stead, from and after the passing of this motion. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that Messrs. Meldrum and McLean be authorized to purchase two wheeled scrapers for the use of the township. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that the offer of Mr. John Smith, $11.00, for the season’s pasture of the Township Hall grounds, be accepted. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that the account of James Quirk for repairing a bridge in Road Division No. 1, amounting to $7.66, be passed and ordered to be paid.
6. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Friday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m., and sit as a Court of Revision to hear and determine assessment appeals, and after close of court, to transact general business. |
(signed and dated by) George J. Meldrum ─ Reeve May 26th 1905. |
May 26th 1905. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Friday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present and, being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision. The following list of appeals was submitted and duly heard and determined, namely, the appeal of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for exorbitant and illegal taxation of their railway property; the assessment was confirmed as it stood on the Assessment Roll, the appeal of Duncan Clark, of Aberfoyle, for over assessment of his property; the assessment was confirmed as it stood on the Assessment Roll, the joint appeal of J. Maloney, of Toronto, and Louis Nigro, of Puslinch, for over assessment of their property; the assessment was confirmed as it stood on the Assessment Roll, the appeal of Philip Cassin, of Aberfoyle, for illegal assessment of personal income and over assessment of real property; the income assessment was struck off the Roll, and a rebate of $200.00 granted on the assessment of the real property, the appeal of David Evans, of Hespeler, assessed for dog; dog struck off the Roll, the appeal of John P. Walker, of Arkell, for over assessment of his property; the assessment was confirmed as it stood on the Roll, the appeal of N. H. Howard to transfer part of Lot 6, Rear Gore, to William H. Wallington, was granted, and the appeal of Alexander McCaig, of Aberfoyle, to transfer Lot 18, front of the 2nd Concession to his son, John, was granted. Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the Assessment Roll, as now revised and corrected, be and is hereby confirmed. |
After revision, the Council resumed ordinary business, and Messrs. Meldrum and McLean reported that they had inspected the portion of the boundary line, between Eramosa and Puslinch, sought to be opened for public traffic, and submit that the necessary expenditure to make the said portion of boundary safe for public traffic would be very great. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the report of the committee be received and in consideration thereof, no immediate action be taken. |
2. |
Moved by Messrs. Bedford and McLean that Messrs. Wilkinson and Cameron be a committee to ascertain the price of moulds to manufacture concrete tile for culverts, and to purchase one for the township. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the auditors report be received and adopted, and that each auditor be paid the sum of five dollars.
4. |
A communication from Mr. John McPhee, claiming $200.00 damages for the loss of his horse and injury to his vehicle, on the 9th Concession at Halligan’s Pond, on the 16th of April.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. McLean, that Mr. D. McNaughton, in addition to his annual salary, be granted $25.00 for extra work imposed under the new Assessment Act. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. McLean, that a deputation from this Council be authorized to communicate with the Corporation of the Canadian Pacific Railway, for the purpose of bringing before the said railway company, notice and objection regarding the serious and dangerous condition of getting over of public highway crossings in this township, which, in their present condition, are considered to be a hindrance, obstruction, and impediment to the people of this municipality, and a great danger and obstruction to the travelling public, the said deputation to consist of Messrs. George J. Meldrum, Reeve, John Cameron, and the mover, John Wilkinson, Councillors.
7. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that in regard to Mr. McPhee’s claim for damages, for loss of his horse et cetera, that the Reeve and Road Commissioners for the eastern division be and hereby are authorized to procure legal advice as to the liability of the township in the case.
8. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on July 3rd at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve July 3rd 1905. |
June 12th 1905. A special meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber, at Aberfoyle, on June 12th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m., at the request of the Clerk, Mr. Jas. McLean, to receive his resignation and appoint a successor to the office. Mr. Jas. McLean’s resignation was submitted to the Council, stating that, owing to ill health, it was impossible for him to perform the duties of his office. |
1. |
Moved by Thomas Bedford, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the resignation of Jas. McLean, who, owing to ill health, was no longer able to continue his duties as Clerk of this township, be accepted. |
2. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alexr. McLean, that Geo. J. Meldrum be appointed to succeed Mr. McLean as Clerk of the municipality. As the feeling was unanimous that the Reeve should accept the position, he withdrew, presenting his resignation of the office of Reeve. |
3. |
Moved by Alexr.
4. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Jno. Wilkinson, that the resignation of Geo. J. Meldrum as Reeve of this township, be accepted. |
5. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the bylaw, appointing a municipal Clerk, be introduced and read a 1st and 2nd time. |
6. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alex McLean, that the name of Geo. J. Meldrum be inserted, the bylaw numbered 302, read a third time, and passed. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve July 3rd 1905. |
June 28th 1905. A special meeting of the electors was called for today, at one o’ clock p.m., to nominate candidates for the office of Reeve, rendered vacant by the resignation of Geo. J. Meldrum, who had been appointed Clerk. The meeting was called in response to a warrant issued by Thos. Bedford, Reeve pro tempore, and Alex McLean, Councillor. The names of John A. Cockburn and George H. Laird were duly put in nomination, but Mr. Laird, expressing himself as unwilling to bring on an election at this season, retired from the nominations, and Mr. John A. Cockburn was declared elected Reeve by acclamation. Geo. J. Meldrum Returning Officer |
The July 3rd 1905. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, at Aberfoyle, on July 3rd, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present and after the Reeve elect, Mr. Jno. A. Cockburn, had signed the Declaration of Qualification and of Office, he took his seat in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting and special meeting were read and adopted. The Council was waited upon by Reverend Wm. Robertson and Messrs. Jno. Gilchrist and Angus McPherson, who had been appointed a deputation for the purpose, by the meeting of electors on Wednesday last, and presented the following resolution, to which each spoke. Moved by the Reverend Wm. Robertson, seconded by Mr. John Gilchrist, that in acknowledgement of the long, faithful, and efficient service rendered the township by our late Clerk, Mr. James McLean, the electors assembled recommend the Council to pay him this year’s salary in full and that a committee be appointed to present this recommendation to the Council at the next regular meeting. After consideration, it was moved by Alex McLean, seconded by John Cameron, and resolved that at this, the first regular meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch since the resignation of our esteemed and faithful Clerk, Mr. James McLean, we desire to place on record our appreciation of the valuable service rendered the township during the 33 years that he has held the position. |
Regular and prompt in his attendance at the Board meetings, faithful in the discharge of every duty, watchful in the interests of the township, accurate in the keeping of his books, beautiful in his penmanship, firm in his decisions and counsel, Mr. McLean has enjoyed the confidence of not only the representatives of the people but also of the ratepayers of the whole township. Now that declining years and failing health have compelled him to retire from the position that he has so honourably held for so long a time, we trust he may enjoy a well earned rest for years to come, and feel assured that although laid aside from the activities of public life, that his memory will long be cherished by those whom he so faithfully and conscientiously served. Resolved also, that as an expression of our appreciation of his valuable services and in accordance with the resolution passed at the meeting of ratepayers, held in the Town Hall on Wednesday June 28th 1905, we pay his salary in full to the end of this year. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Clerk be and hereby is instructed to communicate with the Sawyer & Massey Co., regarding exchange of road plow, and that upon receiving new pick-plow, the Reeve be authorized to issue an order to the above company in payment of account in full.
3. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Reeve and Councillors Bedford and Wilkinson be a committee for the purpose of considering the claim of Mr. Jno. McPhee, for the purpose of allowing him compensation for the loss of his horse. |
4. |
Moved by John Wilkinson, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that whereas the price of labour has increased and that the commutation tax is not sufficient to maintain the roads in a proper condition, be it resolved that bylaw No. 280 be and hereby is amended, in that all commutation of statute labour, to which any person in this municipality is liable, be increased to seventy-five cents per day. |
5. |
Moved by Thos. Bedford, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that whereas by Chapter 27, R.S.O., 1904, the owners
or occupants of land are constrained to cut all thistles and noxious weeds on
the public highway adjacent to their property, be it resolved that this
should be done on or before the 21st of July, after which date, the Road
Commissioners are empowered, by statute, to do the work and have it charged
to the delinquents in their taxes. (R.S.O. - Revised
Statutes of
6. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the Reeve and Mr. McLean be a committee to ascertain the cost of erecting a fire-proof vault, to be used for the safe-keeping of the township documents and records. |
7. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and that the Reeve issue orders in payment of the same, viz., George Lane, 45 rods of wire fence at 50 cents per rod ─ $13.50, also for 57 yards of gravel at 5 cents per yard ─ $2.85, Dr. King for vaccinations done in the year 1902 and salary as Medical Health Officer to date ─ $38.00, and B. Falconbridge, on Treasurer’s account, for postage and Hall supplies to date ─ $6.68. |
Moved by John Cameron, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on August 21st, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve August 21st 1905. |
July 14th 1905. A special meeting of the Council was held in the Council chamber, at Aberfoyle, on July 14th, at 6:00 o’ clock p.m., at the request of the Reeve, to consider an intimation and demand for settlement from Mr. McPhee’s solicitor, Mr. Mowat, for damages sustained in the loss of his horse through drowning in Halligan’s Pond. All the members except Mr. Wilkinson were present, the Reeve in the chair. |
1. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that whereas the municipality is threatened with legal proceedings in regard to damages, for loss of horse et cetera, by Jno. McPhee, that a committee is hereby appointed, consisting of the Reeve and Mr. Bedford, to consult with Mr. Guthrie, and defend the township in court, against such action, provided Mr. McPhee does not accept a reasonable amount. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve August 21st 1905. |
The August 21st 1905. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, at Aberfoyle, on August 21st, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. All the members were present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. The committee, appointed at the special meeting, to attend to Mr. McPhee’s claim for damages, reported. We, your committee, beg leave to report, that upon the advice of our solicitor, Mr. Guthrie, we have made settlement with Mr. Jno. McPhee, rē his claim for damages, amounting to $200 for the loss of his horse, for the sum of $165.00. (signed) Jno. A. Cockburn & Thos. Bedford |
1. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alex McLean, that the report of the committee, authorized for the purpose of adjusting Mr. McPhee’s claim, be received and its action confirmed. |
2. |
Moved by John Wilkinson, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that a bylaw to amend bylaw No. 280, in respect to the commutation of statute labour, be read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that a bylaw to tax the township for county, municipal, and school purposes be read a first and second time. |
After the reading of the bylaws, the Council went into Committee of the Whole, and the blanks in the bylaws were filled.
The statute labour commutation being raised to seventy-five cents per day and the general rate on the assessable property of the township fixed at five mills on the dollar, while the school rate was fixed as follows: No. 1 S.S. ─ a rate of 32/10 mills on the dollar. No. 2 S.S. ─ a rate of 16/10 mills on the dollar. No. 3 S.S. ─ a rate of 18/10 mills on the dollar. No. 4 S.S. ─ a rate of 28/10 mills on the dollar. No. 5 S.S. ─ a rate of 21/10 mills on the dollar. No. 6 S.S. ─ a rate of 2 mills on the dollar. No. 7 S.S. ─ a rate of 16/10 mills on the dollar. No. 8 S.S. ─ a rate of 38/10 mills on the dollar. No. 9 S.S. ─ a rate of 39/10 mills on the dollar. No. 10 S.S. ─ a rate of 12/10 mills on the dollar. No. 11 S.S. ─ a rate of 41/10 mills on the dollar. No. 12 S.S. ─ a rate of 3 mills on the dollar. |
The Council was then reconstituted. |
4. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Jno. Wilkinson, that the bylaw, amending Bylaw No. 280 in respect to the commutation of statute labour, be numbered 303, read a third time, and passed. |
5. |
Moved by Thos. Bedford, seconded by Jno. Wilkinson, that the bylaw providing, by way of taxation, a means to defray the expenses incurred for county, municipal, and school purposes, be read a third time and passed. |
6. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Wilkinson, that, owing to a disposition shown in the villages of Aberfoyle and Morriston to have permanent sidewalks, a public meeting with those interested, with the County Commissioners and members of the Township Council to consider the feasibility of the question, will be held in the Township Hall, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 28th, at 7:30 o’ clock. |
7. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Thomas Bedford, that the following accounts be passed and ordered paid, viz., M. E. Lynch for harrows repaired ─ $1.00, Massey & Sawyer for cement moulds ─ $23.50, McIntosh & Galbraith printing account ─ $52.00, and Sawyer & Massey for carriage on plow ─ $1.00.
8. |
Moved by Thos. Bedford, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday October 16th, at one o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn October 16th 1905. |
The September 18th 1905. A special meeting of the Council was called for this afternoon, at three o’ clock, to appoint a Collector, in room of John Smith, deceased. All the members of the Council were present, the Reeve in the chair. |
1. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the bylaw to appoint a municipal collector be introduced and read a first and second time. |
In committee, it was decided to fill the blank with the name of Edward Taylor, of Aberfoyle. |
2. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the bylaw, appointing a municipal collector, be numbered 305, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Blair Falconbridge, the Municipal Treasurer, presented his resignation of that office. |
3. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alex McLean, that the resignation of the Treasurer, Mr. Falconbridge, be accepted, but that he retain his position until his successor is appointed, and that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for applications for the office of Municipal Treasurer.
The Council adjourned, to meet on Monday September 25th, at 3 o’ clock p.m., to consider applications for the office, and appoint a Municipal Treasurer. (signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve September 25th 1905. |
September 25th 1905. Pursuant to the adjournment of the last special meeting, the Council met in the Council chamber, at Aberfoyle, at three o’ clock this afternoon, all the members present. |
1. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alex McLean, that a bylaw be introduced for the purpose of appointing a Municipal Treasurer, and that the same be now read a first and second time. |
In committee, the blank in the bylaw was filled by inserting the name of Hugh Clark. |
2. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Thos. |
3. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that hereafter the Treasurer attend all Council meetings and be prepared to settle all accounts presented for payment on such occasions, and that he shall not retain or hold in his possession, as cash on hand, over six hundred dollars of Municipal Funds. |
4. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the Collector shall pay all sums of Municipal Funds of five hundred dollars and over into the bank, and that he shall not pay any amount of over five hundred or less than one hundred dollars to the Treasurer on any one day, and that he shall not hold in his possession more than the sum of one thousand dollars of Township Funds at any one time. |
Adjourned. (signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve October 16th 1905. |
The October 16th 1905. Pursuant to the adjournment of the last regular meeting, the Council Chamber, at Aberfoyle, on October 16th, at one o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and sustained. Communications were received from the Honourable Nelson Monteith, rē alteration in the County Council Act, and from the Canada Law Book Co., rē a work on the Assessment Act, but no action was taken on either. The bonds of the Treasurer and Collector were presented, pronounced satisfactory, and placed in the Reeve’s hands for safekeeping. |
1. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that whereas in the death of the late John Smith, the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch has sustained the loss of a valued and faithful servant, we hereby do express our deep regret in losing one who for the long period of 38 years had honourably and faithfully performed the duties of tax collector in the township. We desire also to convey to the widow and children of the deceased our heartfelt sympathy with them, in the loss of a kind husband and loving father, trusting that they may be sustained by an all-wise Providence, in this, the time of their sore bereavement. Resolved also, that the Clerk send a copy of this resolution to Mrs. Smith and her family. |
2. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alexr. McLean, and resolved that whereas this Council and Municipality have been shocked by the sudden death of Mr. Peter McLean, of Badenoch, who has filled the several offices of Councillor, Deputy-Reeve, and County Commissioner, in all of which, his ability has been recognized, and his good common sense exercised, in the proper maintenance of the public service, and with much credit to himself. Open-hearted, generous, affable, and doing all things with honesty of purpose, he was generally beloved by all with whom he came in contact, and all feel as though they have lost a friend upon whom they could rely in any time of difficulty. We would wish to express our sincere sympathy with Mr. McLean’s widow and family in their sudden terrible affliction, and hope that the God of the widow and the fatherless will be their stay and comfort, and uphold them, in this, their hour of trial. Resolved also, that the Clerk be hereby instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the bereaved family.
The report of the auditors on the late Treasurer’s books was submitted for inspection, certifying that the same were correct up to September 25th, and showing a balance due the Trader’s Bank of $50.79. |
3. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the auditors report be received and adopted.
4. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and paid, viz., the Guthrie & Guthrie account ─ $45.00, Wm. Davidson for cutting weeds on the Hall grounds ─ $6.00, Marriott & Co. for wreath for the casket of the late Jno. Smith, Collector ─ $6.00, Jno. Bond for 171 rods of wire fence ─ $51.30, Hammil and Moore for 10˝ barrels of cement for the manufacture of concrete tile ─ $19.43, Walter Cowan for 25 rods of wire fence ─ $7.50, Jno Wilkinson for freight on cement moulds ─ $1.70, S. & G. Penfold for shovel and pick handle ─ $.95, Robt. Ord for ditching and opening new road between Lots 30 & 31, 11th Concession, and Wm. Reid for 2 shovels ─ $1.30. |
5. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alex. McLean, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on November 20th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve November 20th 1905. |
The November 20th 1905. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on November 20th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. A communication was received from Mr. Jas. Laird rē assessment, but no action was taken. The Clerk was instructed to intimate to Mr. Laird the reasons. |
1. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alex McLean, that a bylaw be introduced and read a first and second time to fix a time and place to nominate candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers for the year 1906. |
In committee, the blanks were filled in by appointing the following as Deputy-Returning Officers for their respective Polling Subdivisions, viz., for No. 1 subdivision ─ Henry Arkell, No. 2 ─ Geo. J. Meldrum, No. 3 ─ Arch. Marshall, No. 4 ─ Donald Stewart, and No. 5 ─ Edward J. Doyle. |
2. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the bylaw, introduced for fixing a time and place for the nomination of Reeve and Councillors and the appointment of Deputy-Returning Officers, be numbered 307, read a third time, and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Thomas Bedford, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that $35 be granted to
each of the |
4. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that any person, resident in the township, wishing to use concrete cement tile for private purposes, may purchase the same at the following prices, viz., 8 inch tile at 17 cents per foot, and 6 inch tile at 12 cents per foot. |
5. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the Municipal Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory allowances from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary-Treasurers of each school board. |
6. |
Moved by Thomas Bedford, seconded by Alex McLean, that whereas our late esteemed Clerk, Mr. Jas. McLean, whose demise took place on Thursday November 15th, has been a faithful servant of this municipality, and that this council and township at large have felt sincere sympathy with him in his continued illness, we hereby wish to place on record our appreciation of the services he has rendered in the past, and on the excellent judgement he brought to bear on the municipal affairs of the township, and while regretting his loss, we would condole with his family, in this, their hour of bereavement. The Clerk is also hereby instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to Mr. McLean’s family.
7. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and paid, H. Gummer for advertising, Court of Revision & Voters’ List ─ $8.00, Nassagaweya, balance of account, work done on Townline ─ $3.15, Wm. Paddock, making cement tile ─ $17.46, Thos. Paddock, 20 cedar posts ─ $2.50, J. A. Cockburn, cedar for bridge ─ $.75, W. J. Laing, 20 rods of wire fence ─ $6.00, Jas. Tawse for gravel ─ $1.55, Thos. Warren for gravel ─ $2.25, Jas. Fulton for gravel ─ $.30, and expenses of Clerk, postage and stationery ─ $5.00. |
Council adjourned, to meet again on Dec. 15th, according to statutory enactment. (signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve December 15th 1905. |
December 15th 1905. According to statutory appointment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on December 15th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Board of Health reported that the present sanitary condition of the township was satisfactory, and that the township was free from contagious disease. Also subjoined was the report of the Sanitary Inspector, giving an account of his work for the year. Included with the report was an account for $82.41, covering all of the expenses of the Board for the current year. |
1. |
Wilkinson, Bedford, that the report of the Board of Health and Sanitary Inspector, as submitted, be received and adopted, and that the expenses of the Board for the year, viz., $82.41, be appropriated.
2. |
McLean, Cameron, rē communication from East Flamboro in regard to Townline work, that no action be taken, and that the Clerk is hereby instructed to notify them to that effect.
3. |
Moved by Thos. Bedford, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that $2.00 dog tax be refunded to Wm. L_____, being a surcharge on the Roll. |
4. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alex McLean, that the annual financial statement, as presented by the Treasurer, extending from the 14th day of December 1904 to the 14th day of December 1905, be received and adopted, and that 200 copies thereof be printed for distribution to ratepayers.
5. |
Moved by Thomas Bedford, seconded by
6. |
Moved by Thos. Bedford, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the sum of $5.00 be granted to the Ontario Rural Municipalities Association. |
7. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson,
seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the Clerk be
instructed to render an account to the Treasurers of the following townships
for their half share of boundary line work, viz., Beverly ─ $94.28,
Dumfries ─ $41.43, and
8. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the following accounts be paid, viz., Thos. Duffy for 81 rods of wire fence ─ $24.30, material for snow fence on Lot 20, Front 10th Concession ─ $18.15, teaming for the same ─ $5.55, timber for bridge at Cook’s Mill ─ $8.15, rods for bridge between Lots 15 & 16 in the 10th Concession ─ $.90, Elias Pannabecker for 78 rods of wire fence ─ $24.30, 61 yards of gravel Wm. Scott ─ $3.36, Hugh Currie for 130 yards of gravel ─ $6.50, Arch. Cochrane for 81 yards of gravel ─ $4.05, work done on Townline between West Flamboro and Puslinch ─ $19.17, to Jas. R. Buchanan for timber for culvert between Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession & damage to field ─ $14.90, to Thomas Clark for gravel & damage to field and crop ─ $20.20, Dr. King as medical health officer for 1904 ─ $5.00, Andrew Scott for damage to wheat ─ $3.00, George S. McPherson for breaking rails and damage to field ─ $3.00, to Hammel & Moore for 5 barrels of cement for concrete tile ─ $11.00, and Jas. Gilmour for repairing plow and shovel for road ─ $1.65.
9. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that whereas a petition from a number of ratepayers has been received, asking for a vote to be taken on the bylaw commuting statute labour, and whereas owing to the short duration of time before election, it would be impossible to formulate a bylaw improving the present system for submission to the ratepayers, and the fact that the government is considering the advisability of entirely abolishing statute labour, leads us to recommend that the present system be continued, and that the electors assembled at the nomination meeting be requested to fully discuss the various schemes of road improvement by which the bylaw may be amended, as a guide to the Council of 1906. |
On motion of Wilkinson & McLean, the Reeve vacated the chair and Jno. Cameron was appointed chairman. Then, Mr. Wilkinson, in a very neat speech, eulogized the splendid and business-like manner in which Mr. Cockburn had filled the office of Reeve, and the courtesy he had shown to the members of the Council, and moved that a vote of thanks be tendered him. This was ably seconded by Mr. Bedford, who had great satisfaction in all his dealings with Mr. Cockburn. In reply, Mr. Cockburn expressed his satisfaction with the way in which the business of the Council had been carried out during his term of office, and also his pleasure with the courteous treatment and assistance that he had received from the Council, and concluded by wishing all a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year. The Clerk and other citizens present briefly expressed themselves in like manner. Adjourned. (signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve January 8th 1906. |
The December 22nd 1905. The nomination meeting was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on December 22nd, according to Provincial Statute. There were put in nomination: |
For Reeve: |
Jno. A. Cockburn and George H. Laird. |
For Councillors: |
Jno. A. Wilkinson, Alexander McLean, Jno. Cameron, Thos. Bedford, and Jno. Welsh. |
Mr. Geo. Laird and Mr. Jno. Welsh withdrew, leaving the remainder elected by acclamation for the year 1906, viz., for Reeve, Jno. A. Cockburn, and for Councillors, Alexander McLean, Jno. Cameron, Jno. Wilkinson, and Thos Bedford. Geo. J. Meldrum Returning Officer. |
The January 8th 1906. Pursuant to statute, the Council met in the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on Monday January 8th, at 11:00 o’ clock a.m. The members elect were all present, viz., Jno. A. Cockburn, Reeve, and Alex McLean, Jno. Cameron, Thos. Bedford, and Jno. Wilkinson, Councillors, and after each had made and subscribed the Declaration of Qualification and Office, they took their seats at the Council Board. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Jno. Wilkinson, that a bylaw to appoint municipal auditors be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that a bylaw be now introduced for the purpose of appointing an Assessor and Collector for the municipality, and that the same be now read a first and second time. |
3. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that a bylaw to appoint a member of the local Board of Health and Sanitary Inspector be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by Thos. Bedford, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the Clerk be instructed to order nine copies of the Municipal World for the members and officers of the Council. |
In Committee of the Whole, the blanks in the bylaws were filled as follows: member of the Board of Health ─ Archibald Marshall, Sanitary Inspector ─ Andrew Munro, Auditors ─ R. B. Morison and Jno. A. McDonald, Assessor ─ Daniel McNaughton, and Collector ─ Edward Taylor. |
5. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the bylaws introduced be numbered respectively 1, 2, & 3, viz., the appointment of a member of the local Board of Health, No. 1, appointment of municipal auditors, No. 2, and appointment of an Assessor and Collector, No. 3, and that they be now read a third time and passed. |
6. |
A deputation from S.S. No. 4 and the
Trustees of S.S. No. 8 waited on the Council, regarding the establishment of
a continuation class in the township in connection with the public
school. After hearing the deputation,
also Mr. McPherson, the |
7. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the taxes of Mrs. Ochs, of Morriston, for the year 1905, be refunded.
8. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Jno. Wilkinson, that the Caretaker’s report be received and that the Reeve issue an order for his salary for 1905, viz., $20.00. |
9. |
Moved by Thos. Bedford, seconded by Jno. Wilkinson, that Messrs. Cameron and McLean be and are hereby appointed the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for Road Divisions 2 & 4, and that Messrs. Bedford and Wilkinson be the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for Road Divisions 1 & 3, and that the Reeve be chairman of both committees. |
10. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the amount of ten dollars be granted to the Hospital for Sick Children, which institution receives and cares for all sick and crippled children within the province whose parents are financially unable to procure the proper and necessary medical advice and attendance, and the Reeve is hereby authorized to issue an order on the Treasurer for the same.
11. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and paid, James Boucher for 3 cords of wood, at $6.00 per cord ─ $18.00, Blair Bros. account ─ $3.10, Mr. Rennie’s work on the Townline between Puslinch and Nassagaweya in 1905, Puslinch share ─ $20.00, and Wm. McGowan damage to fields in 1904 ─ $3.70.
12. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Alex McLean, and resolved rē opening of winter roads, we recommend that the ratepayers avail themselves of the bonus paid for wire fence, where approved, and also that the parties opening roads on their own responsibility, without being authorized by a road commissioner or member of the Council, will not be paid for such work, the rate for opening winter roads, where authorized, will be ten cents per hour, and any parties sustaining damages to fields during winter must present their claim to Council on or before the 15th of April next. |
13. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Council adjourn, to meet on February 12th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve February 12th 1906. |
January 23rd 1906. A special meeting of the Council was held on January 23rd, at 7:30 p.m., to appoint an auditor in place of R. B. Morison, who was unable to perform the duties of the office. The members present were the Reeve and Messrs. McLean and Cameron. |
1. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Alex McLean, that the bylaw, appointing a municipal auditor in the room of R. B. Morison, be introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the blank in the bylaw appointing a municipal auditor be filled with the name of Wm. Nicoll, that the bylaw be numbered 4, and now read a third time, and passed. |
Adjourned. (signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve February 12th 1906. |
The February 12th 1906. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on February 12th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting and the special meeting were read and adopted. Jno. A. Cockburn, the Reeve, reported for the continuation class committee, that some progress had been made in collecting information, but that no definite action had been taken. Jno. A. Wilkinson reported that he had investigated
concerning the settlement of the Mr. Calder, a
representative of the Sawyer Massey |
1. |
Moved by Jno. A. Wilkinson, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the request of the Board of Health for an appropriation of $150, upon which the Board may draw for necessary expenditures, be granted. |
2. |
Moved by Thos. Bedford, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the Reeve be instructed, on behalf of the municipality, to sign a petition, received from the Ontario Municipal Association, requesting that section 606 of the Municipal Act be amended, and that the Clerk forward the same to Mr. J. P. Downey, M.P.P., for presentation to the Legislature. |
3. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the account of Guthrie & Guthrie, rē railway assessment, be laid over, with instructions to the Reeve to confer with the other municipalities interested. |
The Gentlemen ─ We, your committee members beg to report that we have interviewed a number of ratepayers residing on Concession 3 regarding certain timber growing on the above concession. The ratepayers in question maintained that, owing to the superfluous amount of timber on the highway adjoining their farms, they were inconvenienced and were also losing the use of a portion of their land every year, and also that the timber was a hindrance and a nuisance to the keeping of the road in good condition. To adjust this grievance, we decided to take out the timber, still leaving abundant trees for shade. We advertised and sold the above timber on January 24th. Purchasers were allowed 3 months from date of sale for removal of timber, stumps not to be left more than 12 inches high, all brush and rubbish to be burned, and the road left in a clean condition, the same to be inspected by a commissioner or a member of the Road & Bridge Committee when timber is removed. Amount realized from sale of timber is $71.75. Expenses incurred, advertising help, et cetera ─ $2.85, leaving net proceeds ─ $68.90. (signed) Jno. Wilkinson and Thos. Bedford
4. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by John
Cameron, that the report of the |
5. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that Wm. Amos be and hereby is appointed Caretaker of the Township Hall and grounds, and that his duties and salary be the same as formerly. |
The Collector presented a statement showing the amount of taxes collected, which was pronounced satisfactory to the Council. |
6. |
Moved by Jno. Wilkinson, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the auditors report, as received, be adopted, and that the Reeve issue orders to Messrs. Nicoll and McDonald for five dollars each, and also five dollars to R. B. Morison for special audit.
7. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Jno. Cameron, that the following accounts be paid, Blair Falconbridge balance of salary account for the year 1905 ─ $9.17, Wm. Amos for Hall supplies ─ $.80, Municipal World account ─ $15.15, Blair Bros. account, coal oil et cetera to Nov. 20th ─ $1.68, and the Treasurer of Nassagaweya for work done on Nass. Townline ─ $15.00. |
8. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Council adjourn, to meet on March 12th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve March 12th 1906. |
March 12th 1906. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, at Aberfoyle, on March 12th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. |
1. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that whereas the bridge across the River Speed, north of Arkell, has now become very dangerous for public traffic, and to put it in any reasonable temporary repair would cost considerable, be it therefore resolved that a new steel bridge be erected there this season. |
2. |
Wilkinson, Cameron, that the bylaw, for the purpose of appointing municipal fence-viewers and pound-keepers, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
3. |
Bedford, McLean, that the blanks in the bylaw, appointing fence-viewers and pound-keepers, be filled in the same as last year, numbered 5, read a third time, and passed. |
4. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Alex McLean, that the tender for a steel bridge over the River Speed, north of Arkell, given by A. Hill & Co., of Mitchell, be accepted, and that the Reeve be authorized to sign the contract for the same. |
5. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Thos. Bedford, that the following accounts be passed and that the Reeve issue orders for the same, viz., J. I. McIntosh, Mercury account ─ $25.00, and Sawyer & Massey Co. account, concrete moulds, bottoms, freight, et cetera ─ $24.35. |
Moved by Jno. Cameron, seconded by Alex McLean, that the Council adjourn, to meet on Monday April 9th, at one o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve April 9th 1906. |
The April 9th 1906. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, at Aberfoyle, on Monday April 9th, at 1:00 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the tender of Mrs. Smith, $15.00, for the pasturage of the Township Hall grounds, be accepted. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the requisition of the Trustees of S.S. No. 8, asking for a loan of five thousand dollars, for the purpose of erecting a new schoolhouse at Morriston, and the petition presented, which was signed by a number of ratepayers, asking that the above request be not granted, be laid over until the next meeting of the Council, for further consideration.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that the Reeve and Mr. McLean be and are hereby appointed a committee to formulate laws and specifications for the erection of abutments for the steel bridge to be erected over the river, north of Arkell, to advertise and receive tenders for the same, and also to correspond with A. Hill & Co., when necessary, in connection therewith. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that whereas the power of Niagara is natural wealth, and, as such, should be enjoyed by the largest possible number, and whereas cheap power is essential to the success of factories and industries of almost every kind, particularly in Ontario, where coal is expensive, and whereas experience shows that this great natural and national asset would be practically worthless if controlled by private capital, and whereas, in our opinion, there is no regulation sufficiently effective or possible to be framed whereby power can be obtained at reasonable rates, therefore, be it resolved that the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch urgently desires and respectfully asks the Government of Ontario to at once, themselves, establish a power plant at Niagara Falls or secure power from existing franchises for distribution to the reachable municipalities of Ontario, and further, that they devise plans to carry the same into effect at the earliest possible moment, this Council pledging itself to do everything reasonable, within its power, to render such action effective, and further, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to our local member, Mr. J. P. Downey, for presentation to the Government. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the account of Guthrie & Guthrie, rē railway assessment, of $35.00, be passed and that the Reeve issue an order in payment of the same. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 28th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m., to sit as a Court of Revision, to hear and determine assessment appeals, and afterwards, for the transaction of general business. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve May 28th 1906. |
May 28th 1906. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, at Aberfoyle, on Monday May 28th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, and after being sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision. The following list of appeals was submitted and determined as follows: Wm. Loker, dog to be struck off ─ granted, J. J. Hackney, for Guelph Radial Railway on Puslinch Lake, hotel too highly assessed ─ appeal granted and assessment reduced from $2500 to $1700, John Fahrner, transfer of property to R. Butchar, and to be assessed as tenant in conjunction with Geo. Elfner ─ appeal granted, Joseph Atkins, reduction of assessment of property on Badenoch Street, Morriston ─ assessment confirmed, and Fred P. Schultz, reduction of business assessment ─ appeal granted and business assessment reduced to $250. Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Thos. Bedford that the Assessment Roll, as now revised and corrected, be and is hereby confirmed.
After revision, the Council took up the ordinary business. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Several unimportant communications were read. The Reeve and Mr. McLean reported the letting of the contract for building of cement abutments for the steel bridge, north of Arkell, to the Rappolt Bros. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the following accounts be passed and paid, viz., Hammil & Moore for 10 barrels of cement ─ $21.00, 3 shovels for Road Divisions 1 & 3 ─ $2.00, A. Cochrane for gravel ─ $3.95, James Barclay for 80 rods of wire fence ─ $24.00, Jeremiah Cober for 60 rods of wire fence ─ $18.00, Anthony Robertson for hauling cement and gravel ─ $4.50, Wm. Scott for gravel ─ $4.92, and Wm. Paddock for making cement tiles ─ $19.62. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on June 25th, at one o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve June 25th 1906. |
June 25th 1906. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on June 25th, at one o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by John Cameron, that the Clerk be and hereby is instructed to have 100 copies printed of Bylaw No. 205, as amended by Bylaw No. 297, restraining the running at large of certain animals, and defining the duties of pound-keepers therein, and that a copy be forwarded to each pound-keeper. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that whereas by Chapter 27, R.S.O. 1904, the owners or occupants of land are compelled to cut all thistles and noxious weeds on the public highway adjacent to their property, be it resolved that this work be done on or before the 21st day of July, after which date, the road commissioners are instructed to do the work, and have the same charged against the delinquents in their taxes.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that whereas gravel and earth have been removed from the highway for private purposes, thereby injuring newly made embankments and gravel pits and interfering with the fences of private owners and also damaging railings and leaving them in an unsafe and dangerous condition, be it resolved that, in future, no gravel or earth must be removed from the road allowance for private use without first obtaining permission from the road commissioner. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the following accounts be passed and paid, viz., Alex McEdward for 101 rods of wire fence ─ $30.30, Thomas Arkell for 48 rods of wire fence ─ $14.40, James Hume for 58 rods of wire fence ─ $17.40, James Harmer, men’s wages filling approaches (with stone) of Arkell bridge ─ $113.94, H. A. Clemmens, lumber for snow fence erected at Lot 10, rear of the 7th Concession ─ $14.22, Murray Crawford, timber for culvert between Lots 30 & 35, 9th Concession ─ $9.00, Blair Bros., Hall supplies ─ $2.92, John A. Ord, 145 yards of gravel ─ $7.25, painting and material for Killean bridge ─ $6.31, John Welsh, 66 rods of wire fence ─ $19.80, and Donald Hanning, 40 rods of wire fence ─ $12.00. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on July 23rd, at 1:30 o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve July 23rd 1906. |
July 23rd 1906. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on July 23rd, at 1:30 o’ clock p.m. All the members were present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Road Commissioners reported that a considerable number have not, as yet, cut the weeds alongside their premises, and according to the instructions given at the last meeting, they will proceed to do the work themselves and have the same charged to the delinquents. A communication was received from C. L. Dunbar, asking information rē taxes on the Mary Heffernan property, Morriston. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Clerk be instructed to inform Mr. Dunbar, of Guelph, that the taxes of the said property, for 1903 and 1904, had been refunded, and that the taxes for 1905 be and are hereby remitted.
2. |
Moved by Alex McLean, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the following accounts be passed and paid, for gravel, James Tawse ─ $4.50, M. Quirk ─ $1.95, Wm. Blair ─ $3.84, Beattie estate ─ $7.00, R. J. McFarlane ─ $4.10, James Laird ─ $2.60, Geo. Lane ─ $1.40, John Cook ─ $1.20, & Geo. McAllister ─ $6.35, J. I. McIntosh, Mercury account to June 12th ─ $40.40, Geo. J. Meldrum, Clerk’s expenses to date ─ $9.60, and Wm. Davidson, cutting weeds on Hall grounds ─ $6.25.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on August 20th at 1:30 o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve August 20th 1906. |
August 20th 1906. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on August 20th, at 1:30 p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the bylaw, taxing the township for county, township, and school purposes, be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
After the first and second reading, the Council went into Committee of the Whole, and the blanks in the bylaw were filled as follows: |
For county purposes, a rate of 21/3 mills was struck to raise $3425.39. |
For township and general school purposes a rate of 45/10 mills was struck to raise six thousand, six hundred and twelve dollars and thirty-three cents ($6612.33). |
and for the several schools, as required by the respective trustees thereof, in addition to the grant from the general township funds, as under: |
S.S. No. 1, a rate of 21/10 mills on the $ (dollar). |
No. 2, a rate of 8/10 of one mill on the $. |
No. 3, a rate of 5/10 of one mill. |
No. 4, a rate of 15/10 mills. |
No. 5, a rate of 0. |
No. 6, a rate of 11/10 mills. |
No. 7, a rate of 4/10 of one mill. |
No. 8, a rate of 28/10 mills. |
No. 9, a rate of 36/10 mills. |
No. 10, a rate of 5/10 of one mill. |
No. 11, a rate of 25/10 mills. |
No. 12, a rate of 16/10 mills. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the bylaw, taxing the township for county, township, and school purposes, for the year 1906, be numbered 6, read a third time, and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Bedford, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the account of Peter J. McLean for 72 rods of wire fence, amounting to $21.60, be paid. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that the Council now adjourn, to meet again on Monday October 8th, at one o’ clock p.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve October 8th 1906. |
The October 8th 1906. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on October 8th, at one o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. A communication
was received from Mr. Lyon, Secretary of the A petition from D. C. Campbell and others, rē a bylaw for payment of sheep killed by dogs, was received and read and laid over for consideration at next meeting of Council. The committee on the Arkell bridge reported that it was now complete, and desired the Council to arrange for its inspection. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that after the inspection of the steel bridge, north of Arkell, by a competent engineer and members of the Council, if satisfactory, the Reeve be and hereby is authorized to issue his order on the Treasurer in payment of bridge, abutments, and any other expenditures in connection with the same. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that the following accounts be passed an paid, viz., John Clair for 116˝ rods of wire fence ─ $34.95, John Clair for work on snow fence and nails for same ─ $3.20, Robert Stewart account, lumber for sidewalks ─ $21.60, lumber for Arkell bridge ─ $10.42, H. Gummer printing account ─ $9.00, Elias Pannabecker for 73 rods of wire fence ─ $21.90, John Ord for cedar stringers for bridge between Lots 35 & 36, in the 10th Concession ─ $12.25, Wm. Watson for 30 rods of wire fence ─ $9.00, James Harmer, filling approaches to Arkell bridge ─ $115.24, Geo. Fielding for hauling lumber for Arkell bridge ─ $3.00, Charles Laing, 111 yards of gravel ─ $5.55, William Paddock, repairing road tools ─ $2.70, and Wm. Paddock for making concrete tiles ─ $7.80.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the Council adjourn, to meet on Nov. 19th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. |
(signed and dated by) Jno. A. Cockburn ─ Reeve Nov. 19th 1906. |
The November 19th 1906. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Chamber, Aberfoyle, on November 19th, at 10 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. The Reeve reported in regard to a drain on the Beverly Townline, opposite Lot 11, Front Gore, that he had attended the engineer’s survey, and although the engineer’s award had not yet been filed, we may expect to do some of the work. A communication
was read from W. Clark, Relief Officer of the City of |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that a bylaw be introduced and read a first and second time to fix the time and place for the nomination and election of candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors, to serve in the Council of the Municipality of Puslinch, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the year nineteen hundred and seven. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Bedford, that, whereas it is expedient and necessary to appoint an engineer for the township, a bylaw for that purpose be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
In Committee of the Whole, the blanks in the bylaw appointing deputy-returning officers and poll clerks for 1907 were filled as follows: |
No. 1 Subdivision: |
Henry Arkell ─ D.R.O. & Stewart Hume ─ Poll Clerk |
No. 2 Subdivision: |
Herbert T. Hammersley ─ D.R.O.
& Robt. |
No. 3 Subdivision: |
Arch. Marshall ─ D.R.O. & D. A. McNaughton ─ Poll Clerk |
No. 4 Subdivision: |
Donald Stewart ─ D.R.O. & Marshall Ferguson ─ Poll Clerk |