Minutes of Council Meetings June 3rd 1892 ─ December 15th 1899. |
A.D. 1892, June 3rd. After Revision, the Council resumed ordinary business. Instructions to Pathmasters, who were present, were issued, and posted to those who were absent. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Municipal Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to deposit the Municipal funds in one of the chartered banks in the City of Guelph, namely the Dominion Bank, the Bank of Commerce, the Trader’s Bank, or the Bank of Montreal.
2. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, namely the accounts of Allan McIntyre for 2½ cords of hardwood ─ $10.00, the Wilkinson Plough Company for 6 road scrapers ─ $51.00, and William Nicoll for freight on scrapers ─ $1.14. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the reports of the respective standing Road and Bridge committees be received, adopted, and engrossed. The standing committee members for the south eastern division report that they have inspected the defects in roads and bridges, for which, aid has been solicited, and recommend the following expenditures, namely, for gravelling sideline between Lots 25 & 26 in the Gore ─ $35.00, for gravelling between Lots 15 & 16 in the 2nd Concession ─ $30.00, for cutting hill on the 2nd Concession at Lot 12 ─ $30.00, for cutting the hill in sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession ─ $30.00, for filling sinkhole at Lot 3 in the 2nd Concession on lake outlet ─ $30.00, for cutting and grading hill on the 3rd Concession at Lot 3 ─ $50.00, for cutting hill in the 3rd Concession at Lot 8 ─ $40.00, for cutting and grading hill in the sideline Lots 30 & 31, 8th Concession ─ $125.00, and for grading in the 10th Concession at Lots 33 & 34 ─ the sum of $50.00. Your committee recommends an expenditure of $50.00 on the Beverly Townline, on condition that the Beverly Council grants an equivalent sum. For a culvert in the sideline between Lots 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $8.00, for culverts in the 9th Concession in sideline between Lots 30 & 31 ─ $8.00. In the meantime, your committee recommends that no action be taken in regard to the petition of Andrew Munroe and others, Duncan Martin and others, and Mr. Martin and others. That the Clerk be instructed to notify the Beverly Council of the appropriation and the unsafe condition of three certain bridges at Lots 21 & 23 Gore. That your committee be empowered to proceed with grading and gravelling the sideline between Lots 25 & 26 in the 8th Concession. For gravelling the south half of the sideline between Lots 25 and 26 in the 2nd Concession. All of which is respectively submitted by the committee. (signed) Allan Stewart & James M. Ellis |
3. |
The members of the standing committee for
the north west division reported their inspection of roads and bridges in
their division and recommend the following expenditures, namely, for
gravelling the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession ─
$50.00, for gravelling on the Townline, near Krib’s
Mill, ─ $25.00, providing that Council of Waterloo grants an equivalent
sum for the same purpose, for cutting hill in the sideline between Lots 15
& 16 in the 4th Concession ─ $20.00, for cutting hill in the
sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 4th Concession ─ $30.00, for
ditching, grading, and gravelling the sideline between Lots 10 & 11
across the 3rd Concession ─ $250.00.
For gravelling the 9th Concession at Lots 19 & 20 ─ the sum
of $35.00. Cutting hill in the 9th
Concession at All of which is respectively submitted, (signed) James Scott & James Hume |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 18th at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
July 18th 1892. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, Monday July 18th at 2 o’clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petition of Wellwood Cowan and others, and Allan McDonald and others be referred to the Roads and Bridges committee for the south eastern division. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of T. J. Day, for minute book ─ $1.25, the account of Lewis Kribs for 160 yards of gravel supplied to the Pathmaster on the 4th Concession ─ $8.00, the account of Hugh Reid for 50 yards of gravel ─ $2.50, and the account of James Patterson for repairing culverts on the 3rd Concession at Lot 23 ─ $2.00. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Reeve issue his order for $5.00 in favour of Thos. Aikens for extra work performed on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that whereas the Methodist Church, situate on the front half of Lot 9 in the 2nd Concession, has been erroneously assessed to a non resident private party who allowed the taxes to fall into arrears, and to be in due time returned to the County Treasurer, who in due course advertised the said lot for sale to pay the said arrear of taxes, that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to release the said lot for the proper owners thereof. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Aug. 22nd at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
August 22nd 1892. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 22nd at 2 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the lat meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the tender of Thos. Matherly for painting the Roots House and fence on the agricultural grounds at Aberfoyle, according to specifications, for $44.00, be accepted, and that the Clerk notify Mr. Matherly to have the painting finished on or before the 24th day of September next, under the supervision of the committee Messrs. Scott and Falconbridge. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that to the account of Edward Taylor, for placing five stops on gates on the agricultural grounds, $4.00 be paid, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that a bylaw be now introduced to tax the township for County, School, and Municipal purposes, and that it be read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the bylaw taxing the township for County, School, and Municipal purposes be now read a third time, and passed. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that $30.00 be apportioned to gravel parts of the sideline between Lots 30 & 31 in the 10th Concession, and $30.00 for gravelling the 11th Concession at Lot 34, that the standing Road & Bridge Committee for the western division be instructed to have the sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 4th Concession put in a proper state of repair, that a sum of $30.00 be apportioned to open a connection between the sideline of Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession and the accommodation road, and $20.00 for gravelling parts of the sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the Gore. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday October 10th at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
Collector’s Roll for 1892 September 22nd 1892. |
Amounts for County, School, & Municipal purposes: |
$7620.53 |
Amounts for public schools: |
$4290.51 |
Total: |
$11910.04 |
October 10th 1892. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 10th at 2 o’clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
A large and influential delegation, representing the provisional directors of the Hamilton, Waterdown, and Guelph Electric Railway Company Limited, appeared before the Council members, soliciting their consent to obtaining a charter for building an electric railway on some direct line through the municipality, hereafter to be located, to the City of Guelph. The provisional directors purpose applying at once to the Lieutenant Governor in Council for a charter to build the said railway, and as the Legislative Assembly is not in session, they require the assents of the municipalities through which the railway passes as an appendix to their application. The Council viewed the enterprise presented by the delegation favourably, and on motion of Mr. James M. Ellis, seconded by Mr. James Scott, the request of the delegation be and is hereby granted, that the Council members do approve of the proposed electric railway passing through the Municipality of Puslinch, and give their sanction for procuring a charter therefor to the provisional directors of the Hamilton, Waterdown, and Guelph Electric Railway Company Limited, and that a copy of this motion be forwarded to the Lieutenant Governor in Council. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Peter Stewart, for ninety cents, for cutting thistles on the 4th Concession between Lots 16 & 22. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Nov. 21st at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve. |
November 21st 1892. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 21st at 2 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time to fix the time and place for nominating and voting for the election of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors, and to appoint Deputy Returning officers for the year 1893. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of Charles Martin for 32 yards of gravel ─ $1.60, Norman Sparks for removing dead horse ─ $1.00, Innes and Davidson for printing and advertising ─ $42.45, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $5.95, Peter Mahon for supplying plank and repairing culverts on the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Concession ─ $1.00, Allan McDiarmid for 95 yards of gravel ─ $4.75, Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Corporation assessment ─ $8.75, B. Falconbridge for postage and sundries ─ $16.12, George Gunther for coffin and shell for Mrs. Pearce ─ $16.00, L. McMaster for digging grave ─ $1.50, and Archibald McAlister for repairing bridge on sideline between Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession ─ 50 cents. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw fixing the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors, and for appointing Deputy Returning officers be now read a third time and passed.
4. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that no action be taken on the application of the Hamilton Radial Electric Railway Corporation Limited in regard to obtaining a charter to extend their railway system through the municipality of Puslinch. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the caretaker be and is hereby instructed to procure half size curtains for the windows of the township hall. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Thursday Dec. 15th at 2 o’clock p.m. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
December 15th 1892. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle on Thursday December 15th at 2 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, except Mr. James Scott, and the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the municipal treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay all monies collected by law for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary Treasurer of each Board of School Trustees, and that the Reeve place his orders for payment of the increment of the Municipal Loan Fund, $40.00, to each school section in the Treasurer’s hands. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, Andrew Scott account for gravel ─ $5.25, P. Falconbridge for piling wood and teaming ─ $1.25, John Smith for repairing plough broken at statute labour ─ $2.50, Joseph Atkins for cutting hill at Morriston ─ $3.50, Board of Health yearly expenses ─ $20.00, and Sanitary Inspector’s salary ─ $38.50. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Treasurer’s annual financial statements be received and adopted, and that 200 copies thereof be printed for distribution to ratepayers. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to allow Mr. Thomas Welsh $1.00 on account of his dog tax. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the following petition be adopted and a copy thereof prepared and given to Mr. Guthrie, M.P.P, for presentation at the next meeting of the Legislative Assembly. |
To the Honourable Legislative Assembly of
The Petition of
the Municipal Council of the |
On motion of Mr. Hume, the Reeve vacated and the Deputy-Reeve occupied the chair. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the thanks of the Council be tendered to the Reeve for the able, courteous, and efficient manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of the Council during the past year. The Reeve responded in a brief felicitous speech and the Council adjourned sine die. |
(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
Town Hall, Aberfoyle Nomination of Reeve and Councillors December 26th 1892. Mr. Joseph Little, seconded by Mr. John A. Cockburn, nominated Mr. William Nicoll for Reeve. Mr. John Worthington, seconded by Mr. John McPhee, nominated Mr. Allan Stewart for Deputy-Reeve. The Reeve and Deputy-Reeve were elected by acclamation. Mr. Joseph Little, seconded by Mr. Peter Mahon, nominated Mr. James H. Ellis for Councillor. Mr. John A. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. John Murray, nominated Mr. James Hume for Councillor. Mr. Edward Taylor, seconded by Mr. M. P. Doyle, nominated Mr. James Scott for Councillor. Mr. John Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Chas. Campbell, nominated Mr. Daniel McNaughton for Councillor. Other nominations made were withdrawn and four candidates for the Council were referred to the Poll. |
Election of Councillors January 2nd 1893. Statements at the close of the Poll: |
Polling Subdivisions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Totals |
James H. Ellis |
16 |
53 |
42 |
8 |
100 |
219 |
James Hume |
74 |
72 |
47 |
6 |
23 |
222 |
Daniel McNaughton |
8 |
50 |
63 |
58 |
2 |
181 |
James Scott |
59 |
94 |
65 |
13 |
38 |
269 |
Messrs. Ellis, Hume, and Scott declared elected. |
January 16th 1893. The inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 16th at 11 o’ clock a.m. The members elect were all present, namely, Messrs. William Nicoll, Reeve, Allan Stewart, Deputy-Reeve, James H. Ellis, James Hume, and James Scott, Councillors. And having made and subscribed the “Declaration of Office and Qualification”, resumed their respective seats at the Council Board. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
The Reeve nominated and appointed Mr. R. B. Morrison, and the Council, Mr. John A. McDonald, auditors for the current year. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. James Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the Clerk’s accounts for municipal election expenses ─ $43.75, and the account of McKay Bros., of Hamilton, for window curtains for the Township Hall ─ $10.00. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, to appoint a local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector for the current year. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw appointing a local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector for the current year be now read a third time and passed. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 6th at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
February 6th 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 6th at 2 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Council does not deem it advisable to take any action in regard to the petition of the Dominion Alliance, as the County Council has taken action in the matter, and that the Clerk be instructed to report no action to the Secretary of the Dominion Alliance. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the Auditors’ Report be received and adopted, and that the Reeve issue his orders for payment of $5.00 each to the auditors. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the sum of two dollars and forty cents be paid to John Swartzenberger for four days statute labour, performed on the 9th Concession at Lot 12, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of Hart and Riddle for blank stationery ─ $12.29, the account of Lewis Kribs for plank supplied for foot way and bridge ─ $4.60. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that Pelham Falconbridge be and is hereby appointed caretaker of the Township Hall for the current year at a salary of $20.00 and perquisites as heretofore. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 13th at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
B. Falconbridge,
Treasurer, re accounts with the |
A.D. 1892. |
Receipts |
Jan. 1st |
Balance on hand per auditors’ report |
$768.63 |
Jan. 2nd |
John Smith - Collector on accounts of taxes for 1891 |
$1380.00 |
Jan. 11th |
John Smith - Collector on accounts of taxes for 1891 |
$1500.00 |
Jan. 30th |
John Smith - Collector on accounts of taxes for 1891 |
$212.00 |
Feb. 8th |
B. Falconbridge – rents of Town Hall to date |
$14.44 |
Feb. 25th |
John Smith - Collector on accounts of taxes for 1891 |
$200.93 |
May 31st |
W. S. Cowan – on a/c of license fund 1892-1893 |
$112.00 |
May 31st |
Bank of Commerce interest on special deposit |
$36.84 |
May 31st |
Bank of Commerce interest on open account |
$20.54 |
June 16th |
W. S. Cowan final distribution license fund for 1892 |
$23.65 |
June 18th |
Bank of Commerce interest on special deposit |
$3.87 |
June 18th |
Amount of special deposits to date |
$2111.44 |
July 18th |
Robert Douglas for tree on road – 3rd Concession |
$2.00 |
July 18th |
Wm. Reynolds – Legislative grant to schools 1892 |
$418.00 |
July 28th |
Wm. Nicoll grant to |
$50.00 |
To amount carried forward |
$6854.34 |
Receipts (continued) |
A.D. 1892 |
To amount brought forward |
$6854.34 |
July 28th |
Wm. Nicoll – County grant to Beverly Town line |
$100.00 |
Oct. 11th |
Traders Bank for Township purposes |
$1000.00 |
Oct. 25th |
Wm. Reynolds – non residents land taxes |
$40.25 |
Nov. 3rd |
$28.50 |
Nov. 3rd |
John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892 |
$300.00 |
Nov. 16th |
John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892 |
$285.00 |
Nov. 26th |
John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892 |
$370.00 |
Dec. 1st |
Traders Bank – interest on special deposit |
$36.73 |
Dec. 1st |
Traders Bank – interest on open account |
$12.03 |
Dec. 8th |
John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892 |
$1840.00 |
Dec. 12th |
John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892 |
$160.00 |
Dec. 12th |
John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892 |
$1444.00 |
Dec. 14th |
John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892 |
$437.00 |
Total |
$12907.85 |
A.D. 1892. |
Payments |
Jan. 6th |
Wm. Reynolds on account of County rates |
$1380.00 |
Jan. 15th |
Wm. Reynolds in full of |
$60.66 |
Jan. 19th |
Innes & Davidson - for printing |
$21.50 |
Jan. 19th |
Bank of Commerce – a deposit |
$1000.00 |
Jan. 19th |
B. Falconbridge – two lamps for Hall |
$14.50 |
Jan. 22nd |
James McLean – election expenses |
$43.60 |
Jan. 23rd |
R. G. Strachan – refund of taxes equivalent to G. Grant (G. may be abbreviation for
Government.) |
$25.00 |
Feb. 8th |
P. Falconbridge caretaker – his salary |
$20.00 |
Feb. 8th |
John Smith – Collector – Collector’s receipts |
$4.00 |
Feb. 8th |
John Smith – Collector – for 130 yards of gravel |
$6.50 |
Feb. 8th |
Messrs. Morison & McDonald - auditors |
$10.00 |
Feb. 13th |
Hart & Co., Toronto, for stationery |
$10.50 |
Feb. 24th |
E. Newton – grant to General Hospital |
$60.00 |
Feb. 24th |
Jas. May – grant to St. Joseph’s Hospital |
$40.00 |
Feb. 25th |
John Smith – Collector – his salary |
$95.00 |
Feb. 25th |
Trustees of 11 schools – Municipal grants |
$575.60 |
Feb. 25th |
Trustees of S.S. #7 – Municipal grant |
$24.40 |
To amount carried forward |
$3391.26 |
Payments (continued) |
A.D. 1892 |
To amount brought forward |
$3391.26 |
Feb. 25th |
James McLean – Clerk – for registration |
$12.00 |
Mar. 7th |
Treasurer of Nassagaweya – a half contract on Townline |
$25.00 |
Mar. 7th |
John Blake – for 25 yards of gravel |
$1.25 |
Apr. 18th |
Wm. Laur – repairs on Killean bridge |
$103.94 |
Apr. 26th |
James McLean – new fence at Township Hall |
$54.60 |
May 27th |
James E. McLean – Assessor – his salary |
$105.00 |
May 28th |
Wm. Leslie – building culvert at Lot 6, 10th Conc. |
$3.00 |
June 3rd |
M. P. Doyle –repairs to road scraper |
0.75 |
June 3rd |
Wm. Nicoll – freight on road scraper |
$1.14 |
June 4th |
A. McIntyre - 2½ cords of wood for Town Hall |
$10.00 |
June 16th |
Wilkinson Plough Company – for six scrapers |
$51.00 |
June 18th |
Traders Bank deposit to credit of township |
$2115.31 |
July 4th |
D. Kennedy – building culvert, Lot 30, 9th Concession |
$13.00 |
July 8th |
Joseph Foster – gravelling at Lots 10 & 11, 5th Con. |
$46.20 |
July 8th |
N. Thompson – superintending at Lots 10 & 11, 5th Con. |
$6.20 |
July 9th |
J. A. Ord – cutting hill at Lot 8, 3rd Concession |
$36.67 |
Payments (continued) |
July 13th |
A. McPherson gravelling sideline at Lots 25 & 26, 2nd Con. |
$26.60 |
July 18th |
D. Holm for gravel and surface damage |
$4.65 |
July 18th |
Thos. Barrett – 180 yards of gravel on the given road |
$9.00 |
July 18th |
Lewis Kribs – 160 yards of gravel for township purposes |
$8.00 |
July 18th |
Hugh Reid – 50 yards of gravel at Lots 23 & 24 in the 8th Con. |
$2.50 |
July 18th |
Robert Douglas – 80 yards of gravel on the 3rd Concession |
$4.00 |
July 18th |
J. F. McPherson – gravelling sideline at Lots 25 & 26, Gore |
$30.00 |
July 18th |
Wellington Ellis – repairs on sink hole at Lot 6 in the 2nd Con. |
$3.75 |
July 18th |
Wm. Ross – filling sink hole at Lot 6 in the 2nd Concession |
$17.00 |
July 18th |
Joseph Little superintending grading hill, 3rd Concession |
$5.00 |
July 18th |
John McDonald – removing stumps, sideline Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Con. |
$2.00 |
July 18th |
C. Zimmerman – putting timber in sink hole in 2nd Con. |
$13.75 |
July 18th |
S. Panabecker – superintending gravelling Waterloo Townline |
$4.50 |
July 18th |
Jas. Moran – spreading gravel, sideline at Lots 15 & 16, 4th Con. |
$2.88 |
July 18th |
Wm. Moran – cutting hill at Lot 16 in the 4th Concession |
$8.00 |
July 18th |
Thos. Aikens – gravelling Waterloo Townline |
$46.20 |
July 18th |
Thos. Aikens – cutting hill on the sideline at Lots 15 & 16 in the 4th Concession |
$36.96 |
To amount carried forward |
$6201.11 |
Payments (continued) |
A.D. 1892 |
To amounts brought forward |
$6201.11 |
July 18th |
James Patterson – repairing culvert at Lot 23, 3rd Concession |
$2.00 |
July 18th |
J. F. McPherson – grading at Lot 35 in the 10th Concession |
$9.50 |
July 18th |
Duncan Martin – building culvert, sideline at Lots 35 & 36, 10th Concession. |
$10.00 |
July 18th |
Wm. Paddock – gravelling at sinkhole in 2nd Concession |
$7.36 |
July 18th |
Wm. Paddock – grading at Lot 12 in the 2nd Concession |
$21.00 |
July 18th |
J. A. Ord – grading at Lots 33 & 34 in the 10th Concession |
$21.25 |
July 18th |
John Bell – cutting hill & building culvert, Lot 14, 10th Con. |
$48.00 |
July 18th |
John Bell – gravelling at Lot 13, 11th Concession |
$13.20 |
July 18th |
Isaac Hume – spreading gravel, Lot 13, 11th Concession |
$2.25 |
July 18th |
Thomas Aikens – cutting hill on sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Con. |
$15.00 |
July 18th |
Thomas Aikens – grading at Lot 3, 3rd Concession |
$23.50 |
July 18th |
Thos. Aikens – extra work on sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Con. |
$5.00 |
July 18th |
James McLean – Clerk – new minute book |
$1.25 |
Payments (continued) |
Aug. 6th |
D. Stewart – superintending cutting hill, sideline Lots 30 & 31, 8th Concession. |
$11.81 |
Aug. 22nd |
A. McPhatter – cutting hill, Beverly line, County grant (half share) |
$7.50 |
Aug. 22nd |
J. F. McPherson – building culvert, Lot 30, 10th Concession |
$11.50 |
Aug. 22nd |
Robert Sim – building bridge, Beverly line, County grant (half share) |
$7.50 |
Aug. 22nd |
J. F. McPherson – building bridge, Beverly line, County grant |
$6.20 |
Aug. 22nd |
A. Ord, cutting hill, sideline Lots 30 & 31, 8th Concession |
$13.10 |
Aug. 22nd |
$1.00 |
Sept. 16th |
Thos. Matherly – painting fence, roots shed, & extras |
$45.00 |
Sept. 21st |
J. F. McPherson – gravelling sideline, Lots 15 & 16, 2nd Con. |
$21.50 |
Sept. 21st |
Trustees Legislative grant to schools |
$418.00 |
Sept. 28th |
W. Reid – gravelling at Lots 19 & 20, 9th Concession |
$33.57 |
Oct. 4th |
John Bell – gravelling at Lot 7 in the 10th Concession |
$50.00 |
Oct. 4th |
Walter Cook – spreading gravel at Lot 7 in the 10th Con. |
$5.63 |
Oct. 10th |
A. Ord – cutting hill, sideline Lots 15 & 16, 9th Concession |
$25.00 |
Oct 10th |
A. Ord – cutting hill at Lot 15, 9th Concession |
$16.00 |
Oct. 10th |
Thos. Clark – gravel at Lot 25 in the 11th Concession |
$4.00 |
Oct. 10th |
D. McFarlane – spreading gravel, Lots 25 & 26 in the 2nd Con. |
$3.38 |
Oct. 10th |
Joseph Little – building bridge, sideline at Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Con. |
$20.00 |
To amount carried forward |
$7274.99 |
Payments (continued) |
A.D. 1892 |
To amount carried forward |
$7274.99 |
Oct. 10th |
Joseph Little – grading & gravelling, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Con. |
$7.00 |
Oct 10th |
Peter Stewart – spreading gravel on the 4th Concession |
$3.94 |
Oct. 10th |
Peter Stewart – cutting thistles, Lots 16 to 22, 4th Con. |
$0.90 |
Oct. 10th |
C. Zimmerman – cutting & grading sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Concession. |
$22.50 |
Oct. 10th |
C. Henderson – spreading gravel, sideline, Lots 25 & 26, Gore |
$6.25 |
Oct. 10th |
Neil Campbell – stoning & gravelling, Lot 28, 11th Concession |
$22.50 |
Oct. 10th |
Ed. Murphy – spreading gravel, sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Con |
$19.70 |
Oct. 10th |
Jas. Aikens – spreading gravel, sideline, Lots 15 & 16, 2nd Concession |
$7.88 |
Oct. 10th |
Thos. Aikens, cutting hill, sideline, Lots 15 & 16, 4th Con. |
$24.00 |
Oct. 10th |
Thos. Aikens – grading sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Con. ($4.00
seems more likely.) |
$400.00 |
Oct 10th |
J. Worthington – spreading gravel, Lot 20, 9th Con. |
$3.38 |
Oct. 15th |
J. Milroy - gravel for Waterloo Townline |
$1.38 |
Oct. 15th |
D. McMillan – gravelling on sideline, Lots 15 & 16 Gore |
$20.00 |
Oct. 15th |
Jas. McDonald – repairing Killean bridge |
$4.00 |
Oct. 15th |
Hugh Currie – 50 yards of gravel for 1st
Concession, |
$2.50 |
Oct 21st |
James McLean – selecting jury lists |
$12.00 |
Oct. 25th |
R. Sims – 397 yards gravel, Beverly line, County grant, (half order) |
$39.70 |
Payments (continued) |
Oct. 25th |
Jas. McPherson, superintending gravelling, Beverly line, County grant, (half order) |
$7.31 |
Nov. 4th |
D. Martin – superintending gravelling, sideline Lots 30 & 31, 10th Concession |
$8.44 |
Nov. 4th |
D. Kennedy – gravelling sideline, Lots 30 & 31, 10th Con. |
$40.00 |
Nov. 11th |
A. Ord – ditching Lots 25 & 26, 8th Concession |
$50.00 |
Nov. 18th |
E. Ramsay – gravelling |
$15.50 |
Nov. 21st |
Thos. Aikens – gravelling sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Con. |
$76.00 |
Nov. 21st |
Joseph Mason – superintending gravelling. Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Concession |
$5.63 |
Nov. 21st |
Chas. Martin – 32 yards of gravel supplied township |
$1.60 |
Nov. 21st |
Norman Sparks – removing dead horse off highway |
$1.00 |
Nov. 21st |
D. McGeachy – building culvert Beverly line, County grant, (half) |
$2.00 |
Nov. 21st |
D. Milroy – superintending building culverts, Beverly line |
$1.50 |
Nov. 21st |
Allan McDiarmid – 95 yards gravel supplied township |
$4.75 |
Nov. 21st |
G. Guenther – coffin & shell for Mrs. Pearce (an indigent) |
$16.00 |
Nov. 21st |
L. McMaster – digging grave for Mrs. Pearce |
$1.50 |
Nov. 21st |
A. McAllister – repairing bridge, sideline Lots 5 & 6, 2nd Con. |
$0.50 |
Nov. 21st |
J. Worthington – spreading gravel at Lot 20 in the 9th Con. |
$0.57 |
To amount carried forward |
$8104.92 |
Payments (continued) |
A.D. 1892 |
To amount brought forward |
$8104.92 |
Nov. 21st |
J. McLean – to pay Councillors |
$200.00 |
Nov. 21st |
P. Mahon – plank & repair culvert, Lots 20 & 21, 8th Con. |
$1.00 |
Nov. 21st |
B. Falconbridge – coal oil, postage, etcetera |
$16.12 |
Nov. 26th |
Chas. Dandson – insurance assessment |
$8.75 |
Nov. 26th |
Innes & Davidson Municipal printing |
$42.45 |
Nov. 26th |
H. Gummer Municipal printing |
$5.95 |
Nov. 30th |
A. Ord – ditching – logging – building culvert, etcetera at Lots 25 & 26, 8th Concession |
$150.50 |
Dec. 1st |
Traders Bank saving a deposit |
$36.73 |
Dec. 7th |
J. F. McPherson – gravelling at Lot 34, 11th Con. |
Dec. 12th |
A. McKenzie – Public School taxes and grant for S.S. No. 10 |
$256.17 |
Dec. 13th |
A. McCaig – Public School taxes and grant for S.S. No. 5 |
$389.03 |
Dec. 13th |
James McLean – his salary |
$220.00 |
Dec. 13th |
B. Falconbridge – his salary |
$110.00 |
Dec.14th |
A. Marshall – Public School taxes and grant for S.S. No. 8 |
$770.98 |
Dec. 14th |
Balance on hand |
$2561.65 |
$12907.85 |
Abstract Statement of Financial Account, Up to and Including December 14th 1892. |
Balance on hand per auditors’ report |
$768.63 |
Taxes in full for 1891 |
$3292.93 |
Rents for hall |
$14.44 |
Licenses |
$135.65 |
Interest |
$110.01 |
Tree sold |
$2.00 |
Legislative grant to schools |
$418.00 |
County grants to township lines |
$150.00 |
Bank of Commerce funds withdrawn |
$2111.44 |
Traders Bank township purposes |
$1000.00 |
Non residents taxes |
$40.25 |
$2_.50 |
Taxes on a/c of 1892 |
$4836.00 |
Total |
$12907.85 |
Payments |
A.D. 1892 |
Dec. 15th |
County in full for 1891 |
$1440.66 |
Printing |
$69.90 |
Bank of Commerce saving |
$1000.00 |
Town Hall lamps, fencing, painting, etcetera |
$125.10 |
Election expenses |
$43.60 |
Taxes refunded P.S. S.S. No. 3 |
$25.00 |
Salaries |
$784.00 |
Stationery |
$31.87 |
Roads and bridges |
$2113.60 |
Grant to General Hospital Guelph |
$60.00 |
Grant to St. Joseph’s Hospital Guelph |
$40.00 |
Municipal grant to schools |
$600.00 |
Traders Saving Bank |
$2152.04 |
Legislative grant to schools |
$418.00 |
Relief or burial of indigents |
$17.50 |
Insurance |
$8.75 |
Public School rates & Statutory grant |
$1416.18 |
Balance on hand |
$2561.65 |
Total |
$12907.85 |
and Liabilities of the On the 14th 0f December 1892. |
Land, buildings, furniture, etcetera |
$2500.00 |
Cash in Traders Bank drawing interest |
$1152.04 |
Cash on hand |
$2561.65 |
Taxes outstanding |
$7075.04 |
Total |
$13288.73 |
Total amount of rolls |
$11911.04 |
Cash received from Collector |
$4836.00 |
$7075.04 |
Statement from the 15th to the 31st
of December 1892. |
A.D. 1892 |
Dec. 31st |
Balance on hand as per statement Dec. 15th 1892. |
$2561.65 |
Dec. 19th |
John Smith – Collector – on a/c of taxes for 1892 |
$1855.00 |
Dec. 26th |
John Smith – Collector – on a/c of taxes for 1892 |
$1560.00 |
Dec. 30th |
John Smith – Collector – on a/c of taxes for 1892 |
$250.00 |
$6226.65 |
Payments |
Dec. 15th |
A. Scott – gravel for use of municipality |
$5.25 |
Dec. 15th |
J. Aikens – cutting hill at Morriston |
$3.50 |
Dec. 15th |
Wellwood Cowan – spreading gravel at Lot 34, 11th Con. |
$3.94 |
Dec. 15th |
John Smith – repairing plough broken at statute labour |
$2.50 |
Dec. 15th |
M. Elliott – building culvert on the |
$3.00 |
Dec. 15th |
A. Mason – for pulling stumps |
$21.00 |
Dec. 15th |
P. Falconbridge – piling wood and teaming |
$1.25 |
Dec. 15th |
James McLean – expenses of Board of Health |
$58.50 |
Dec. 15th |
J. McRobbie – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 6 |
$290.32 |
Dec. 15th |
W. G. Leslie taxes and grant for S.S. No. 1 |
$403.50 |
Dec. 17th |
M. P. Doyle – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 3 |
$301.82 |
Dec. 17th |
D. |
$610.03 |
Dec. 17th |
Capel Reeve – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 11 |
$350.48 |
Dec. 17th |
R. McLean – taxes and grant for P.S. S.S. No. 3 |
$260.11 |
Dec. 17th |
R. Yates – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 2 |
$827.57 |
Dec. 19th |
J. Blair – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 4 |
$436.44 |
Dec. 19th |
E. Panabecker – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 12 |
$349.01 |
Dec. 26th |
J. Scott – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 4 |
$295.05 |
Dec. 26th |
Jas. McCartney – spreading gravel at Lot 25, 8th Concession |
$19.12 |
Dec. 26th |
W. A. Borthwick – gravelling at Lot 25, 8th Concession |
$147.75 |
Dec. 28th |
Wm. Reynolds – County rates |
$1000.00 |
Dec. 28th |
Wm. Reynolds – County rates |
$500.00 |
Dec. 31st |
Balance on hand |
$336.51 |
$6226.65 |
Abstract Statement from the 15th to the 31st of December 1892 |
A.D. 1892 |
Receipts |
Dec. 31st |
Balance per statement to Council |
$2561.65 |
Taxes on account for 1892 |
$3665.00 |
$6226.65 |
Payments |
Roads and bridges |
$206.06 |
Town Hall – piling wood, etcetera |
$1.25 |
Board of Health |
$58.50 |
Public schools rates and grants |
$4124.33 |
County rates |
$1500.00 |
Balance on hand |
$336.51 |
$6226.65 |
Assets & Liabilities of the Township - Dec. 31st 1892. |
Assets |
Lands, buildings, furniture, etcetera |
$2500.00 |
Cash in Traders Bank |
$1152.04 |
Cash on hand |
$336.51 |
Taxes outstanding |
$3410.04 |
$7398.59 |
Total amount of rolls |
$11911.04 |
Cash received from Collector |
$8501.00 |
$3410.04 |
Liabilities |
Municipal grant to schools |
$600.00 |
County rates (balance) |
$1841.79 |
Collector’s salary 1892 |
$95.00 |
Excess |
$4861.80 |
$7398.59 |
A.D. 1892. |
Municipal Loan or School Fund to Dec. 14th 1892 |
Receipts |
Jan. 1st |
Balance on hand per auditors’ report |
$434.00 |
Jan. 5th |
$122.15 |
Jan. 15th |
Interest on certain mortgages |
$132.28 |
Apr. 2nd |
Interest on certain mortgages |
$32.40 |
July 8th |
Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Society - interest |
$130.14 |
$850.97 |
Payments |
Jan. 19th |
Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Society debenture |
$390.00 |
Dec. 14th |
Balance on hand |
$460.97 |
$850.97 |
Assets & Liabilities of Loan Fund to Dec. 14th |
Two mortgages - $540 & $2200 |
$2740.00 |
Two debentures – S.S. No. 2 |
$800.00 |
One debenture – S.S. No. 9 |
$1190.00 |
Eight debentures – Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Soc. |
$5275.80 |
Interest on debenture – S.S. No. 9 |
$119.40 |
Cash on hand |
$460.97 |
$10586.17 |
Liabilities |
Thirteen schools to pay |
$480.00 |
Excess |
$10106.17 |
$10586.17 |
A.D. 1892 |
Municipal Loan Fund from the 15th to the 31st of December |
Receipts |
Dec. 15th |
Balance on hand per statement to Council |
$460.97 |
Dec. 17th |
D. |
$170.00 |
Dec. 17th |
D. Campbell – interest on Debenture No. 4, S.S. No. 9 |
$71.40 |
Dec. 17th |
R. Yates – interest on Debentures No. 3 & 4, S.S. No. 2 |
$48.00 |
$750.37 |
A. D. 1892 |
Payments |
Dec. 16th |
W. G. Leslie – surplus to S.S. No. 1 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 16th |
A. McKenzie – surplus to S.S. No. 10 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 17th |
M. P. Doyle – surplus to S.S. No. 3 |
$20.00 |
Dec. 17th |
Robert McLean – surplus to P.S. No. 3 |
$20.00 |
Dec. 17th |
D. |
$40.00 |
Dec. 17th |
R. Yates – surplus to S.S. No. 2 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 17th |
Capel Reeve – surplus to S. S. No. 11 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 19th |
Jas. Blair – surplus to S.S. No. 4 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 19th |
A. McCaig – surplus to S.S. No. 5 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 19th |
E. Panabecker – surplus for S.S. No. 12 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 24th |
J. McRobbie – surplus for S.S. No. 6 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 26th |
J. Scott – surplus for S.S. No. 7 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 26th |
A. Marshall – surplus for S.S. No. 8 |
$40.00 |
Cash on hand |
$270.37 |
$750.37 |
Assets & Liabilities of the Municipal Loan Fund |
Assets |
Two mortgages - $540 & $2200 |
$2740.00 |
Debentures - S.S. No. 2 |
$800.00 |
One debenture – S.S. No. 9 |
$1020.00 |
Eight debentures – Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Soc. |
$5275.80 |
Cash on hand |
$270.37 |
$10106.17 |
Liabilities ─ Nil |
Municipal Council of the This is to certify that we have, this day, audited the accounts of the Township of Puslinch, up to December 31st 1892, have compared the vouchers with the payments made, and examined the different assets, and found the same quite correct, as per the Treasurer’s statement. (signed by) John A. McDonald & R. B. Morison (auditors) Aberfoyle, Feb. 3rd 1893. |
March 13th 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 13th at 10 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that whereas the Hamilton, Waterdown and Guelph Electric Railway Company (Limited) and the Hamilton Radial Electric Railway Company Limited are both applying for incorporation for the purpose of building an electric railway from Hamilton to Guelph, and whereas we believe that it would not be beneficial to this township that both the said companies should be incorporated, be it therefore, and the same is hereby resolved that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Puslinch is opposed to the incorporation of the Hamilton Radial Electric Railway Company Limited, either by letters patent or by any Acts or Bill of the Ontario Legislature. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr.
Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, to
appoint overseers of highways, fence viewers and
pound-keepers, to serve in and for the |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Bylaw No. 325, to appoint Pathmasters, Fence Viewers, and Pound-keepers for the Municipality of Puslinch for the current year be now read a third time and passed. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the portion of taxes levied and collected as an equivalent to the government grants to schools has been paid by the ratepayers of Protestant Separate School Section No. 3, amounting in the aggregate to $25.00, and as the said Protestant Separate School is debarred from receiving a share of the Municipal School Fund, it is expedient and necessary to refund to the Board of School Trustees, of the said school, the sum of $25.00, to be expended for school purposes as the law directs.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of Innes and Davidson, for printing and advertising ─ $13.50, Joseph Mason, for repairing roadway on sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession ─ $1.13, Archibald Ramsay, for building culvert on Beverly Townline at Lot 3 ─ $5.00, Beverly Council to pay one half thereof, and the account of John Smith, Collector, for blank receipts ─ $1.50. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday May 29th at 10 o’ clock a.m., and constitute as a Court of revision, and after Revision, for general business. (signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Deputy-Reeve |
May 29th 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday May 29th at 10 o’ clock a.m., members present Messrs. Allan Stewart, Deputy-Reeve, and James H. Ellis, James Hume, and James Scott, Councillors, and being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Deputy-Reeve in the chair. The following appeals were heard and determined, namely, the appeal of Mrs. Mary Kinsella, assessed for dog, which was returned to its owner ─ struck of the Roll, George Howard, assessed for dog, dog destroyed ─ struck off the Roll, Thomas Warren, assessed for dog, dog lost and cannot be found ─ struck off the Roll, Conrad Swartzenberg, assessed for dog, dog destroyed ─ struck off Roll, Thomas Clark, assessed for dog, dog shot ─ struck off the Roll, Thomas Petty, assessed for dog, dog destroyed ─ struck of the Roll, Neil McPhatter, assessed for dog, dog shot ─ struck off the Roll, Blair Falconbridge, assessed for dog, dog destroyed ─ struck off the Roll, Jacob Schultz, over assessment ─ assessment reduced $200.00 Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Assessment Roll, as now revised, be confirmed. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve June 5th 1893. |
May 29th 1893. |
1. |
Immediately after revision, the Council resumed ordinary business. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. Instructions were issued to Pathmasters who were present and mailed to the absent ones. On motion of Messrs. Scott and Hume, an order was given to the Assessor for $105.00, being his yearly salary. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the name of James Ross be substituted for the name of Wm. Ross as Pathmaster on Road Division No. 30, that the name of Ronald McCormick be substituted for the name of Robert McCormick as Pathmaster on Road Division No. 18, and that John W. Gilchrist be appointed Pathmaster on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11, being Road Division No. 31, and that the statute labour of Robert Little, Wm. Jas. Little, John W. Gilchrist, James Devine, John L. Devine, and James E. Devine be transferred from Road Division No. 32 to Road Division No. 31. |
3. |
Moved by James H. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the tender of J. S. Lehman, $6.25 for the season’s pasture of the Town Hall grounds, be accepted, the Lessee to cut and keep under all noxious weeds, in accordance with the Act to prevent the spread of noxious weeds, and that Messrs James Scott and Pelham Falconbridge be and are hereby appointed a committee to let and oversee necessary repair to the Hall ground fence. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the several petitions now read be referred to the respective Standing Road & Bridge Committees, namely the petitions of John A. Cockburn and others, James L____ (possibly Lennie) and others, Archibald McCormick and others, Moses Burns and others, John C. Smith and others, James Starkey and others, John Iles and others, Peter Laing and others, Archibald McKenzie and others, Donald McCormick and others, George Collins and others, Archibald McAllister and others, Charles Schaumberg and others, and William Anderson and others. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that Messrs. Allan Stewart, James Scott, and Pelham Falconbridge be and are hereby appointed a committee to advertise for and receive tenders for shingling the Township Hall and Council Room, tenders to be received and submitted to the Council at its next meeting. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday June 5th, at 6 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve 5th June 1893. |
June 5th 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday June 5th, at 6 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Scott,
that the Reeve issue his order for $3.00 in favour of John Bell for repairing
culverts in the 10th Concession at |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that George G. Lamb be and is hereby appointed Overseer for Road Division No. 110. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr.
Scott, that the report of the All of which is respectively submitted, (signed) Allan Stewart & James H. Ellis (committee) |
3. |
The report of the Road & Bridge
Committee for the western division recommends the following expenditures, for
cutting two hills at Lots 15 & 17 in the 7th Concession ─ the sum
of $50.00, for gravelling between Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession ─
the sum of $40.00, that is, to say, apart from the portion of the road known
as Moran’s sinkhole, which swallows 240 yards of gravel per annum. Your committee recommends that the surveyor
be instructed to take levels and locate a drain to carry off the water, which
is now about twelve feet deep on the west side of the road. For gravelling between Lots 15 & 16 in
the 5th Concession ─ the sum of $50.00, for building another bridge on
the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession, near Glennie’s
bridge, ─ the sum of $100.00. At
present, the road in this quarter is unsafe for traffic, and at high water,
dangerous. For repairing culverts and
gravelling at All of which is respectfully submitted, (signed) James Scott & James Hume (committee) |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petition of Robert Little and others and the petition of Martin Spruhan and others be referred to the western Road & Bridge Committee. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the account of Donald McKenzie for repairing the show ground fence, $2.75, be paid and that the Reeve issue his order for the same. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the tender of Donald McKenzie for shingling the Township Hall and Council Room, with cedar shingles, according to specification, be accepted. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 17th at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
July 17th 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 17th, at 2 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Daniel Holmes for 53 loads of gravel ─ $2.65, Andrew Scott, 194 yards of gravel ─ $9.70, Peter McLean, 1550 feet cedar at $16.00 per ___ (1,000 feet, possibly) ─ $24.80, H. Gummer for advertising Court of Revision and voters lists ─ $5.95, Innes & Davidson, Pathmasters’ schedules printing and advertising ─ $44.40, E. Taylor, repairing statute labour plough for Mr. Mason ─ $1.00, Amos Bickley, for repairing statute labour plough for Mr. Cassin ─ $3.50, The Wilkinson Plough Company, for six road scrapers ─ $51.00, John Laing, for 38 loads of gravel ─ $1.90, and for surface damage ─ $1.50, William Smith, for repairing culvert at Lot 7 in the 5th Concession ─ $8.00, J. Swartzenberg, for six days statute labour ─ $3.60, and Pelham Falconbridge, for freight and teaming ─ $1.85. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Martin Spruhan be paid $9.00 for building culverts between Lots 12 & 13 in the 3rd Concession, and John McGeachy, the sum of $12.00, for cutting hill and filling on sideline between Lots 30 & 31, in the Gore.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the request from the delegation from the Puslinch Agricultural Society be granted, that the Council agree to purchase three acres of land adjoining the Township grounds on the south and southwest side, from the executor of the Black estate, and that a bylaw for that purpose be introduced at the next meeting of Council. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that D. McKenzie be paid the sum of $80.00 for shingling the Township Hall and Council Room, and $5.00 for extras in connection therewith, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same.
5. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the account of Mr. Wright for 21 yards of gravel, $1.05, be paid, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 24th, at 6 o’ clock p.m. (signed) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
July 24th 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 24th, at 6 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the account of Hugh Reid for 90 yards of gravel, $4.50, be passed and ordered to be paid. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Council, having passed a resolution at its regular meeting on the 17th instant, authorizing the purchase of three acres of land to extend the Township Hall grounds, finds, after surveying the grounds, that three acres is not sufficient for the contemplated improvements, and now authorizes an addition of .57 acres thereto, thus making the quantity of land, purchased from the executors of the Black estate, 3.57 acres, more or less, and that as soon as the executors furnish a description of the land, a bylaw be prepared to give effect to the purchase. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr.
Hume, that the Reeve be authorized to issue his order in favour of Mrs.
Catharine Bechtel for $37.50, being one half the amount assessed for damage
sustained by her on the |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday August 28th, at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
August 28th 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 28th at 2 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time to tax the township for county, school, and municipal purposes.
2. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that bylaw No. 327, to provide by assessment a way to defray the expenses of the current year, be now read a third time and passed. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that bylaw No. 328, to provide for purchasing from the heir and executors of the late John Black, 3.57 acres of land, to enlarge and extend the Township Hall grounds, be now read a first and second time. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw to enlarge the Township Hall grounds be now read a third time and passed. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that a bylaw be prepared and read a first and second time, at the next meeting of Council, to abolish the present system of performing Statute Labour, and in lieu thereof, a rate equivalent to and not to exceed the aggregate of the statute labour, commuted at the rate of sixty cents per day, together with the average amounts of money yearly expended upon roads and bridges, commutation to take effect on and after the first day of January 1894, and the abolition of Statute Labour on and after the 31st day of December 1894. The new system is to be inaugurated under the direction and control of the Council in January 1895, and to continue in force for five consecutive years to test its efficiency. The bylaw is to be published and submitted to the ratepayers at the election on the first Monday of January 1894.
6. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Douglas, for 88 yards of gravel ─ $4.40, Michael Neubauer, for repairing wagon and plough, broken at Statute Labour ─ $3.40, and Thomas Paddock, for repairing bridge on sideline Lots 15 & 16 in the 1st Concession ─ $2.50. |
7. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the application of the Patrons of Industry for the free use of the Township Hall for their monthly meetings be granted. |
8. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the request of Mr. James Scott, Councillor, for a leave of absence of one month be and is hereby granted. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Oct. 9th at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Deputy Reeve |
October 9th 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 9th, at 2 o’ clock p.m. Members present were A. Stewart ─ Deputy-Reeve, James Hume and James Ellis, Councillors, the Deputy-Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Thomas Barrett, for 128 yards of gravel supplied at Holm’s ─ $6.40, Wm. Young, for repairing bridge over the Speed on sideline between Lots 10 & 11 ─ $2.66, Jas. Black, for 160 yards of gravel supplied to Pathmasters ─ $8.00, Neil Campbell, for 45 yards of gravel ─ $2.25, and Patrick Moran, for 150 feet of railing, 10 posts, and repairing railing at Moran’s sinkhole ─ $4.00. |
2. |
Moved by James Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the petition of Isaac U. Cober and others be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee of the Eastern Division to report at next meeting of Council. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday October 23rd at 2 o’ clock p.m. (signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
October 23rd 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 23rd at 2 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that, an error having occurred in the estimated expenditure of School Section No. 11, the trustees request, to have the assessment reduced and the School Roll re-cast, be granted, and that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to return his Roll to the Clerk for that purpose. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr.
Hume, that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to remit $1.00 dog tax
each to Angus Stewart, Lot 23, Rear of the 1st Concession and Patrick Moran, |
The Road & Bridge Committee for the eastern division, to whom the petition of Isaac U. Cober and others was referred, reports, that having inspected the portion of the road referred to by the petitioners, that it cannot recommend any action this fall, in consideration of the large expenditure already incurred.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Cook, for repairing bridge at Lot 2, Concession 10 ─ $2.50, David Milroy for 44 yards of gravel on Waterloo Townline ─ $2.20, Peter McLaren, for 90 yards of gravel on the 10th Concession ─ $4.50, Peter Stewart, for cutting thistles on the 4th Concession ─ $1.50, and Hugh Currie for gravel on Road Division No. 20 ─ $2.00. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Stewart,
that the report of the Road & Bridge Committee for the eastern division
in re hill in the 3rd Concession, |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the petitions of James Laird and others and Thomas Arkell and others be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee for the western division, and that the said committee be and is hereby authorized to have the bridges at Lot 2 in the 10th Concession and on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession repaired. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the bylaw to abolish Statute Labour be now read a first and second time, and that the clerk be instructed to have 500 copies thereof printed for distribution to ratepayers. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Nov. 13th at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
November 13th 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 13th at 10 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, to determine the time and place for nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning officers. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Road & Bridge Committee, to whom the petition of James Laird and others was referred, recommends that no action be taken on said petition in the meantime. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that bylaw No. 329, fixing the time and place for nomination, and for appointing Deputy Returning Officers for the year 1894 be now read a third time and passed. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Municipal Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary Treasurer of each Board of School Trustees, and the Reeve shall place his order for payment of the increment of the Municipal Loan Fund, $40.00, to each School Section, except School Section No. 3, which has two schools, to which the $40.00 shall be equally divided. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Edward Keenan, for tile and labour ─ $3.42, Allan McIntyre, for plank, spikes, and labour, repairing bridge ─ $10.25, D. McLean, for repairing bridge on 2nd Concession ─ $5.00, James Leith, for levelling bank between the road and his house ─ $2.50, Wellington Mutual Insurance Company assessment ─ $8.75, B. Falconbridge, for postage and sundries ─ $14.62, Andrew Munroe, Sanitary Inspector, his salary for 1893 ─ $36.00 |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Friday Dec. 15th at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
December 15th 1893. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Friday December 15th at 10 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Hart & Riddle, for blank forms and ballots box ─ $4.23, H. Eveleigh, for conveying Hannah Stewart to the House of Industry ─ $2.50, Local Board of Health, for yearly expenses ─ $16.00, Nassagaweya Council, half the cost of gravel used on the Townline ─ 81 cents, John Rudel, for 63 yards of gravel, taken by John Salt for his road division ─ $3.15, and James Barclay, for tile drain across the road in the 5th Concession ─ $5.00.
2. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Reeve issue his order for $5.00 in favour of Mr. Hume, for extra service on Nassagaweya Townline.
3. |
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the annual financial statement of the Treasurer be received and adopted, and that 200 copies thereof be printed for distribution to ratepayers. |
4. |
On motion of Mr. Ellis, the Reeve vacated the chair and the Deputy-Reeve occupied it. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the thanks of the Council be tendered to the Reeve for the able, courteous, and efficient manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of the Council during the past year. The Reeve responded, commending the Council members for their active intelligence and faithful co-operation in attending to and promoting the best interests of the municipality. Reeve Nicoll continued, “I was elected a member of the Council when comparatively young and sat continuously at the Council Board during the best part of my life. During that time, there have been many changes at the Council Board, and I may add that amidst all of the changes, I have nothing but a most agreeable recollection of the amicable, business-like intercourse that characterized the members of the Municipal Council of Puslinch during the past twenty-five or twenty-six years. I may also state that I do not intend to be a candidate for re-election, but will yield up the office, so long entrusted to my care, to the electors on nomination day.” |
The Council adjourned, sine die. (signed) A. Stewart ─ Reeve January 15th 1894. |
December 22nd 1893. The nomination of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors, to serve in the Municipal Council of Puslinch, was held in the Township Hall, at Aberfoyle, on Friday December 22nd at noon. The under-named parties were duly elected by acclamation to compose the Municipal Council of Puslinch for the year 1894, namely, |
Reeve: |
Allan Stewart |
Deputy-Reeve |
James Scott |
Councillors: |
James Ellis James Hume Peter McKenzie |
The plebiscite on the bylaw to abolish Statute Labour stood at the close of the poll: |
For the bylaw, yes: |
106 |
Against the bylaw, no: |
333 |
Majority, against the bylaw: |
227 |
January 15th 1894. Pursuant to statutory appointments, the inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 15th at 11 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, Messrs. Allan Stewart ─ Reeve, James Scott ─ Deputy-Reeve, James H. Ellis, James Hume, & Peter McKenzie ─ Councillors. The members, having respectively made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and of office, took their seats at the Council Table. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that a bylaw to appoint a local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now introduced and read a first and second time. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw to appoint a local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now read a third time and passed. |
3. |
The Reeve nominated and appointed Mr. R. B. Morison for auditor, and the Council, on motion, nominated and appointed Mr. John A. McDonald for auditor. |
4. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Messrs. James Scott and James H. Ellis be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township lying and being west of the line of the 7th Concession and the sideline between Lots 30 & 31 across the Gore, and that Messrs Hume and McKenzie be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township lying and being east of the said described line. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Innes & Davidson, for printing ─ $21.50, Field & McMillan, for legal advice and writing letters to Messrs. Buchanan and Myres, in re jam in the River Speed ─ $5.00, James McLean, Clerk, for election expenses ─ $43.90, Lewis Kribs, for plank supplied to W. Ellis, Pathmaster ─ $4.32, John Cooper, for repairing dangerous roadway in the 2nd Concession, at Lot 11 ─ $2.00, Moses Burns, for building culvert at Lot 19 in the 7th Concession ─ $5.00, John Nicklin, for glazing Hall windows ─ $1.50, Blair Falconbridge, Treasurer, for cash book ─ $2.00, and John Smith, for eight quires Collector receipts ─ $4.00. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Collector be authorized to accept the overseer’s receipts for two days statute labour performed for Allan McIntyre on the 10th Concession. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 5th at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve Feb. 5th 1894. |
February 5th 1894. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 5th at 10 o’ clock a.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. |
1. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the auditor’s report for 1893 be received and adopted and engrossed on the minutes, and that the Reeve issue his order for payment of $5.00 to each auditor. |
2. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Hart & Riddle, for Municipal Stationery ─ $10.20, and Archibald Currie, for 90 yards of gravel supplied to Pathmasters ─ $4.50. |
3. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr.
McKenzie, that the report of the |
4. |
Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify Malcolm Kennedy, Lot 36, front of the 10th Concession, to remove his fence from off the road allowance on the sideline between Lots 35 & 36, front of the 10th Concession. |
5. |
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that Pelham Falconbridge be and is hereby appointed caretaker of the Township Hall for the current year, 1894, at a salary of $20.00 and perquisites as heretofore. |
6. |
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that John Worthington, Pathmaster, be paid the sum of $4.20, for statute labour entered on the Collector’s Roll for 1893, and expended by him on the village sidewalks. |
The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 12th at 10 o’ clock a.m. (signed) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve March 12th 1894. |
Township Accounts for the Year
1893. Blair Falconbridge ─ Treasurer |
Receipts |
Jan. 2nd |
Balance on hand per auditors report |
$336.51 |
Jan. 14th |
John Smith on a/c of taxes |
$2770.00 |
Jan. 21st |
John Smith on a/c of taxes |
$500.00 |
Feb. 6th |
P. Falconbridge ─ rent of hall to date |
$24.00 |
April 5th |
A. Marshall, Secretary-Treasurer of S.S. No. 8, refund of school taxes for 1892 |
$17.81 |
April 29th |
John Smith, Collector, in full of taxes for 1892 |
$101.84 |
May 19th |
$2.50 |
May 29th |
James H. Ellis ─ fines imposed on McGinnis, Sullivan, Dalson, Campbell, and Murphy |
$8.25 |
May 29th |
James Hume ─ wood sold of road
allowance between Concessions 10 & 11, at |
$18.50 |
May 29th |
James Mason ─ pasture of Hall grounds 1892 |
$6.00 |
June 8th |
W. S. Cowan Inspector License fund 1892-93 |
$102.00 |
Amount carried forward |
$3887.41 |
1893 |
To amount brought forward |
$3887.41 |
June 29th |
Traders Bank ─ interest on open account |
$28.06 |
June 29th |
Traders Bank ─ interest on special accounts |
$23.04 |
June 17th |
James Hume ─ wood sold of road allowance |
$6.75 |
Aug. 1st |
W. S. Cowan, Inspector License fund 1892-93 |
$45.54 |
Aug. 1st |
Legislative grants to schools |
$411.00 |
Nov. 11th |
John Smith, Collector, on account of taxes 1893 |
$200.00 |
Dec. 1st |
John Smith, Collector, on account of taxes 1893 |
$150.00 |
Dec. 4th |
John Smith, Collector, on account of taxes 1893 |
$550.00 |
Dec. 4th |
Traders Bank interest on open account |
$17.78 |
Dec. 6th |
Traders Bank interest on special account |
$27.40 |
Dec. 9th |
John Smith, Collector, on account of taxes 1893 |
$1926.00 |
Dec. 10th |
John Smith, Collector, on account of taxes 1893 |
$1506.00 |
$8778.98 |
1893 |
Payments |
Jan. 16th |
Thos. Aikens ─ repair culverts in Con. 3, Lots 12 & 13 |
$5.50 |
Jan. 16th |
McKay Bros. ─ 10 curtains for Town Hall |
$10.00 |
Jan. 16th |
James McLean ─ election expenses |
$43.75 |
Jan. 17th |
Wm. Reynolds ─ for county rates 1892 |
$1841.79 |
Feb. 1st |
James McLean ─ registration of births, et cetera |
$13.00 |
Feb. 6th |
John A. McDonald, auditor |
$5.00 |
Feb. 6th |
R. B. Morison, auditor |
$5.00 |
Feb. 6th |
Lewis Kribs ─ plank for sinkhole |
$2.80 |
Feb. 6th |
Lewis Kribs ─ plank for bridge |
$1.80 |
Feb. 14th |
J. Swartzenberger ─ 4 days statute labour, Lot 12 in the 9th Concession |
$2.40 |
Feb. 22nd |
P. Falconbridge, caretaker, his salary |
$20.00 |
Feb. 28th |
Hart & Riddle ─ municipal stationery |
$12.29 |
Feb. 28th |
Trustees of 9 schools ─ municipal grants |
$427.80 |
Mar. 8th |
Trustees of S.S. No. 8 ─ municipal grant |
$96.60 |
Mar. 11th |
Trustees of S.S. No. 11 ─ municipal grant |
$58.50 |
Mar. 13th |
A. Ramsay ─ building culvert on Townline |
$5.00 |
Mar. 13th |
John Smith ─ for 3 quires of Collector’s receipts |
$1.50 |
Mar. 18th |
Innes & Davidson for municipal printing |
$13.50 |
Mar. 18th |
James Lennie(?) ─ an equivalent to the government grant |
$25.00 |
Amount carried forward |
$2591.23 |
1893 |
To amount brought forward |
$2591.23 |
Mar. 24th |
Joseph Mason ─ superintended gravelling of Lots 10 & 11 in the 3rd Concession |
$1.13 |
April 3rd |
M. P. Doyle, Trustee of S.S. No. 3 ─ municipal grant |
$17.60 |
April 29th |
John Smith, Collector ─ his salary |
$95.00 |
May 20th |
George Evans ─ building culvert Lot 28 in the 10th Con. |
$9.00 |
June 8th |
Traders Bank ─ a deposit |
$23.00 |
June 8th |
James E. McLean ─ his salary |
$105.00 |
June 8th |
John Bell ─ repair culvert in 10th
Concession, |
$3.00 |
June 8th |
D. McKenzie ─ repair fence on Hall Grounds |
$2.75 |
July 4th |
J. Linderman ─ repair culvert sideline 35 & 36 in the 11th Concession |
$5.00 |
July 5th |
John Bell ─ gravelling and grading at Lot 11 in the 11th Concession |
$17.50 |
July 5th |
John Bell ─ repair 2 culverts at Lot 10 in the 10th Concession |
$9.00 |
July 6th |
R. Kennedy ─ sideline 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession |
$40.00 |
July 6th |
William Anderson ─ spreading gravel, 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession |
$7.88 |
July 10th |
Andrew Ord ─ gravelling at Lot 16 in the 9th Concession |
$37.00 |
July 10th |
Andrew Ord ─ cutting hill at Lot 19 in the 10th Concession |
$24.50 |
July 10th |
Andrew Ord ─ culvert, Lot 16 in the 10th Concession |
$8.40 |
July 10th |
Andrew Ord ─ railing at Lot 20 in the 10th Concession |
$3.50 |
July 10th |
P. R. Stewart ─ superintended gravelling Lot 16 in the 9th Concession |
$4.22 |
July 17th |
Jas. Aikens ─ overseeing gravelling Lots 15 & 16 in the 2nd Concession |
$2.82 |
July 17th |
A. Borthwick ─ gravelling sideline 10 & 11 in Gore |
$22.50 |
July 17 |
Thos. Aitkins ─ gravelling at Lots 8, 9, & 10 in the 4th Concession |
$55.95 |
July 17th |
Thos. Aitkins ─ cutting hill sideline Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession |
$40.30 |
July 17th |
Mrs. Wright ─ gravel supplied to Pathmaster |
$1.05 |
July 17th |
P. Moran ─ spreading gravel Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession |
$2.25 |
July 17th |
P. Moran ─ repairing sideline Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession |
$6.00 |
July 17th |
Angus McPherson ─ gravelling Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession |
$20.00 |
July 17th |
Peter McLean ─ 1,550 feet of cedar for bridge Lots 30 & 3(?) in the 9th Concession. |
$24.80 |
July 17th |
J. F. McPherson ─ gravelling sideline Lots 10 & 11 in the Gore |
$22.50 |
July 17th |
Andrew Scott ─ gravel for use of township |
$9.70 |
July 17th |
Martin Spruhan ─ spreading gravel Lots 8, 9, & 10 in the 4th Concession |
$6.95 |
July 17th |
Martin Spruhan ─ building culvert on given road Lots 12 & 13 in the 3rd Concession |
$9.00 |
July 17th |
John McGeachy ─ cutting hill and filling at Lot 30 Gore |
$12.00 |
July 17th |
John Laing ─ gravel foe Township, also surface damage |
$3.40 |
Amount carried forward (blank) |
1893 |
To amount brought forward (blank) |
July 17th |
Isaac Hume ─ spreading gravel Lot 11 in the 11th Conc. |
$1.25 |
July 17th |
Chas. Zimmerman ─ cutting 2 hills Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession |
$43.00 |
July 17th |
Daniel Holm ─ gravel for sideline Lots 5 & 6 in the 3rd Concession |
$2.65 |
July 17th |
Jas. Ross ─ gravelling sinkhole Lot 6 in the 2nd Concession |
$4.00 |
July 17th |
A. McAllister ─ overseeing cutting hill Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession |
$6.75 |
July 17th |
Angus McPherson ─ gravelling Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession |
$9.78 |
July 17th |
P. Falconbridge ─ freight on scrapers & teaming |
$1.85 |
July 17th |
Amos Bickley ─ repair plough broken on statute labour |
$3.50 |
July 17th |
Ed. Taylor ─ repair plough broken on statute labour |
$1.00 |
July 22nd |
J. Swartzenberger ─ refund of statute labour money |
$3.60 |
July 22nd |
D. McKenzie ─ shingling Hall & Council Room |
$85.00 |
July 25th |
Wm. Smith ─ repairing culvert at Lot 7 in the 5th Conc. |
$8.00 |
July 25th |
Hugh Reid ─ 40 yards of gravel for sideline Lots 23, 24 in the 8th Concession |
$2.00 |
July 25th |
Hugh Reid ─ 50 yards of gravel for sideline 25, 26 in the 7th Concession |
$2.50 |
July 25th |
John Bell ─ grading and gravelling
at |
$30.38 |
Aug. 12th |
The Wilkinson Plough Co. ─ for 6 road scrapers |
$51.00 |
Aug. 12th |
H. Gummer for municipal printing |
$5.95 |
Aug. 12th |
Innes & Davidson ─ municipal printing |
$44.40 |
Aug. 28th |
Mrs. C. Bechtel ─ injuries received
driving on |
$37.50 |
Aug. 28th |
Thos. Paddock ─ repairing bridge at Lots 15 & 16 in the 1st Concession |
$2.50 |
Aug. 28th |
M. Elliott ─ building culvert & grading Beverly Townline |
$12.50 |
Aug. 28th |
Geo. Scott ─ built 2 culverts & superintended cutting hill Lots 10 & 11 Gore |
$15.32 |
Aug. 28th |
M. Neubauer ─ repairs to wagon & plough, broken at statute labour |
$3.40 |
Aug. 30th |
John Douglas ─ 88 yards of gravel for township |
$4.40 |
Aug. 31st |
Trustee Legislative grants to schools |
$411.00 |
Sept. 5th |
J. F. McPherson ─ grading at Lot 2 in the 3rd Concession |
$17.36 |
Sept. 19th |
Angus McPherson ─ gravelling Lots 15 & 16 in the 5th Concession |
$50.80 |
Oct. 2nd |
A. Ord ─ gravelling sideline Lots 25 & 26 in the 8th Concession |
$80.60 |
Oct. 2nd |
A. Ord ─ cutting hill at Lot 15 in the 7th Concession |
$19.00 |
Oct. 3rd |
Angus McPherson ─ cutting & grading at Lot 8 in the 7th Concession |
$24.75 |
Oct. 9th |
Wm. Paddock ─ building culvert at Lot 16 in the 1st Concession |
$13.00 |
Oct. 9th |
P. R. Stewart ─ grading sideline Lots 25 & 26 in the 8th Concession |
$32.00 |
Oct. 9th |
James Black ─ 100 yards of gravel for road |
$8.00 |
Amount carried forward (blank) |
1893 |
Amount brought forward (blank) |
Oct. 9th |
P. Moran ─ 150 feet of railing at Moran’s sinkhole |
$4.00 |
Oct. 9th |
Thos. Moran ─ cutting brush on the 4th Concession |
$4.75 |
Oct. 9th |
Thos. Aikens ─ 310 yards of gravel for Moran’s sinkhole |
$35.60 |
Oct. 12th |
Wm. Moran ─ repairing culvert Lots 10 & 11 in the 4th Concession |
$4.00 |
Oct. 18th |
James McLean ─ for selection of jurors |
$12.00 |
Oct. 23rd |
P. Moran ─ for spreading gravel at Moran sinkhole |
$13.50 |
Oct. 23rd |
A. Ord ─ for work on Nassagaweya Townline |
$.90 |
Oct 23rd |
A. Ord ─ gravelling at Lot 6 in the 9th Concession |
$44.22 |
Oct. 23rd |
A. Ord ─ cutting hill at Lot 19 in the 10th Concession |
$4.00 |
Oct. 23rd |
P. McLaren ─ 90 yards of gravel for township |
$4.50 |
Oct. 23rd |
John Cook ─ repairing bridge at Lot 2 in the 10th Con. |
$2.50 |
Oct. 23rd |
John Isles ─ 5 days spreading gravel Lot 6 in the 9th Con. |
$5.63 |
Oct. 23rd |
Thos. Barrett ─ 128 loads of gravel for township |
$6.40 |
Oct. 23rd |
C. Schamberg (?) ─ spreading gravel Lots 14, 15 in the 2nd Concession. |
$3.38 |
Oct. 23rd |
Thos. Aikens ─ widening road at Lot 10 in 2nd Conc. |
$18.00 |
Oct. 23rd |
Thos. Aikens ─ grading & building culvert Lots 10 & 11 in the 3rd Concession |
$17.00 |
Oct. 23rd |
Thos. Aikens ─ gravelling at Lots 14 & 15 in the 2nd Con. |
$13.65 |
Oct. 23rd |
Thos. Aikens ─ gravelling sideline Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession |
$28.00 |
Oct. 23rd |
James Lennie ─ spreading gravel Lots 15 & 16 in the 5th Concession |
$7.88 |
Oct. 23rd |
Peter Stewart ─ cutting thistles at Lot 22 in the 4th Con. |
$1.50 |
Oct. 23rd |
Wm. Paddock ─ spreading gravel Lots 17 & 18 in the 1st Concession |
$2.82 |
Oct. 28th |
Neil Campbell ─ 45 yards of gravel for the township |
$2.25 |
Oct. 28th |
Hugh Currie ─ 40 yards of gravel for Road Division No. 6 |
$2.00 |
Oct. 28th |
D. Milroy ─ 44 yards of gravel for |
$2.20 |
Oct. 28th |
D. McMillan ─ gravelling Lots 17 & 18 in the 1st Conc. |
$24.20 |
Nov. 13th |
D. McLean ─ repairing bridge at Lot 20 in the 2nd Conc. |
$5.00 |
Nov. 13th |
P. R. Stewart ─ cutting hill at Lot 18 in the 11th Conc. |
$27.75 |
Nov. 13th |
Thos. Aikens ─ ditching at Lot 10 in the 3rd Concession |
$8.00 |
Nov. 13th |
James McLean ─ member’s (?) pay |
$200.00 |
Nov. 13th |
B. Falconbridge ─ postage and sundries |
$14.62 |
Nov. 13th |
Jas. Leith ─ grading entrance between his house and the road |
$2.50 |
Nov. 17th |
James McLean ─ expenses of Board of Health |
$16.00 |
Nov. 20th |
Andrew Munroe ─ Inspector ─ his salary |
$36.00 |
To amount carried forward (blank) |
1893 |
To amount brought forward (blank) |
Dec. 4th |
Wellington Fire Insurance Co. assessment |
$8.75 |
Dec. 4th |
E. Keenan ─ building drain across
9th Con. at |
$3.42 |
Dec. 4th |
John A. Ord ─ railing at Lot 15 in the 7th Concession |
$5.00 |
Dec. 6th |
John Young ─ repairing bridge Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession |
$167.00 |
Dec. 6th |
John Young ─ repairing bridge at Lot 2 in the 10th Conc. |
$73.00 |
Dec. 6th |
Traders Bank savings deposit |
$27.40 |
Dec. 9th |
Allan McIntyre ─ repairing bridge Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Concession |
$10.25 |
Dec. 12th |
A. |
$721.17 |
Dec. 13th |
James McLean ─ clerk ─ his salary |
$220.00 |
Dec. 13th |
B. Falconbridge ─ treasurer ─ his salary |
$110.00 |
Dec. 14th |
C. H. Barrett ─ school taxes & grants, per assessment |
$360.21 |
Dec. 14th |
A. McCaig ─ school taxes & grants, per assessment |
$339.29 |
Dec. 14th |
Balance on hand |
$1876.67 |
$8778.98 |
Abstract of Financial Statement |
Receipts |
Balance on hand per auditors’ report |
$336.51 |
Taxes in full for 1892 |
$3371.84 |
Rent of Hall |
$24.00 |
Refund S.S. No. 8 |
$17.81 |
$2.50 |
Fines |
$8.25 |
Wood sold |
$25.25 |
Pasturage |
$6.00 |
Licenses |
$147.54 |
Interest |
$96.00 |
Legislative grants to schools |
$411.00 |
$8778.98 |
Payments |
Roads and bridges |
$1425.48 |
Town Hall, repairing fence and Hall |
$97.75 |
To amount carried forward |
$1523.23 |
1893 |
To amount brought forward |
$1523.23 |
Dec.14th |
Election expenses |
$43.75 |
County rates in full for 1892 |
$1841.79 |
Salaries |
$785.00 |
Refund of statute labour |
$6.00 |
Stationery et cetera |
$28.41 |
Municipal grants to schools |
$600.00 |
Printing |
$63.85 |
Taxes refunded Pro. (Protestant) Separate School No. 3 |
$25.00 |
Traders Bank |
$50.44 |
Personal injuries |
$37.50 |
Legislative grants to schools |
$411.00 |
Cutting thistles |
$1.50 |
Board of Health |
$52.00 |
Tile drain |
$3.42 |
Insurance |
$8.75 |
Public school rates & grants |
$1420.67 |
Balance on hand |
$1876.67 |
$8778.98 |
Township Assets |
Lands, buildings, furniture, et cetera |
$2500.00 |
Cash in Traders bank, drawing interest |
$1202.48 |
Cash on hand |
$1876.67 |
Taxes outstanding |
$7245.85 |
$12825.00 |
Township Liabilities |
Municipal grant to schools |
$600.00 |
County rates total amount |
$3579.32 |
Collector’s salary |
$95.00 |
Ten schools to pay |
$3799.28 |
Excess |
$4751.40 |
$12825.00 |
B. Falconbridge ─ Treasurer Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve |
1893 |
Municipal Loan or School Fund |
Dec. 14th |
Receipts |
Balance on hand per auditors’ report |
$270.37 |
Jan. 20th |
Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Society interest |
$130.93 |
Mar. 20th |
Interest on certain mortgage |
$132.00 |
Apr. 3rd |
Interest on certain mortgage |
$32.40 |
July 14th |
Guelph & Ont. Investment Saving Society interest |
$133.74 |
$699.44 |
1893 |
Payments |
Feb. 15th |
$170.00 |
Dec. 14th |
C. H. Barrett ─ surplus S.S. No. 11 for 1893 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 14th |
A. McCaig ─ surplus for S.S. No. 5 for 1893 |
$40.00 |
Dec. 14th |
Balance on hand |
$449.44 |
$699.44 |
Assets |
Two mortgages ─ $540 and $2200 |
$2740.00 |
Two debentures ─ S.S. No. 2 |
$800.00 |
One debenture ─ S.S. No. 9 balance |
$1020.00 |
Nine debentures ─ Guelph & Ont. Savings Society |
$5445.80 |
Interest on debentures ─ S.S. No. 2 & S.S. No. 9 |
$109.20 |
Cash on hand |
$449.44 |
$10564.44 |
Liabilities |
11 schools to pay |
$400.00 |