The Morriston Concert

Saturday July 5th 1873.


A concert for the benefit of Mr. Fischer, cabinetmaker of Morriston, whose late loss by fire will be in the recollection of our readers, took place there on Friday evening, and was successful in every respect.  The Drill Shed, fitted up and decorated for the occasion, was filled to its utmost capacity.  Many were present from a distance, among them, a number of our towns-people, not a few of whom possess much-admired specimens of Mr. Fischer’s workmanship.  A good deal of preparatory labour must have devolved on Miss Leslie, the promoter of the concert, who deserves all praise and to whom, as well as to Mr. Fischer’s other friends, its success must be very gratifying, in view of the handsome return realized.  The entertainment was select, and many of the songs were rendered with so much taste and sweetness on the part of the ladies, and on that of the gentlemen with such effect, as to call forth repeated encores.  The piano, a fine instrument, was kindly furnished by Messrs. Rainer & Co., of Guelph.  At the close of the concert, it was intimated that an opportunity would then be afforded those desirous of joining in a dance, which was responded to by a large number present, and kept up until a late hour, or rather, an early hour in the morning.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper