Social and Presentation in Killean

March 6th 1897.


The event of the season, at least in this locality, was the social tendered Mr. R. G. Struthers and other friends from Galt who have kindly assisted in carrying on the weekly services held in the schoolhouse here for the last seven years.  Mr. Gilchrist, our worthy township councillor, acted as chairman, and in a neat speech, eulogized the good work done by Mr. Struthers here, finally calling upon Mr. MacKellar and Mr. Ferguson to present Mr. Struthers with a fur coat and robe, accompanied by a complimentary address, thanking him for his long services as leader of the mission.


Mr. Struthers, although taken by surprise, suitably expressed his thanks and referred to the pleasure it gave him to labour among them without any remuneration except that good might be done. 


The presentation over, all sat down to a bountiful repast prepared by the ladies of the congregation, which after being fully discussed, was followed by a programme of songs by Miss Scott and R. S. Ferguson and addresses by Messrs. Dr. Cameron, G. MacCallum, James Cavers, and S. E. Charlton.  Miss MacCallum, the talented elocutionist of Galt, gave several readings, and fairly captivated the audience by her pleasant, natural manner.  The Killean choir, which is rapidly budding under the tutorship of Prof. Grey of Morriston, appeared for the first time and were well received.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper