Social at Killean

from the Galt Evening Reporter newspaper for March 27th 1885.


The annual social in connection with the West Presbyterian Church of Puslinch was held at Killean schoolhouse on Friday evening last.  Notwithstanding the severity of the night, a very great gathering enjoyed themselves during the evening.  The meeting was organized by the appointment of Mr. Duncan Ferguson as chairman, and after the playing of a martial strain from the bagpipes of Mr. McLellan, the Killean piper, the entertainment was opened by very interesting speeches from Messrs. Thomas Cowan of Galt, Dickie and Cunningham of Hespeler, Gilchrist of Killean, and Archibald Marshall of Morriston.  These gentlemen acquitted themselves with great satisfaction to the audience.  The Hespeler choir with their elegant organ, at intervals, contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the evening.  The local and vocal young ladies, Misses Gilchrist, Bond, Scott, and McCormick, along with Messrs. Valick and Scott, from Morriston, made the meeting a very pleasant night indeed.  Killean has ever been famous for the culinary supplies furnished by its lady contributors, and this occasion was no exception.


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