John W. Gilchrist Addresses Puslinch Township Council



The following is a copy of a letter sent to Puslinch Township Council, written by John W. Gilchrist in Puslinch on May 24th 1890.  It was jointly signed by John W. Gilchrist, William Zimmerman, John McDonald, William J. Little, and Peter Gilchrist.




To the Reeve and honourable Council of the Township of Puslinch, in council assembled:


We, your humble petitioners, most respectfully direct the attention of your august body to an embankment on side road between lots 10 and 11 about 150 yards north of the 2nd concession.  This embankment, though several feet high and nearly 50 feet in length, is unrailed and in places scarcely 7 feet in width.  Thanks to the care of a benign Providence, we have so far escaped personal injury.  And, though we most firmly believe that your united supplications for the protection of Providence in our behalf would result in our being guided over this embankment by a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night, yet a moderate grant to widen and rail that said embankment would be sufficient for our personal safety and would also be the exercise of those functions of magnanimity and fostering care with which your honourable body has so long been associated.  And further, in our humble opinion, such action would furnish our esteemed commissioners another opportunity to display to the travelling public that administrative ability and constructive skill which has been so marked a feature of their service in this locality.


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