Auction Shorthorn Stock of the late George Lasby

from the Guelph Mercury newspaper for October 3rd 1961.


A dispersal auction sale of the Laslynnturn Shorthorn stock from the estate of the late George Lasby saw a total of $32,000 in bids for 66 Shorthorn lots from one of Canada’s top Shorthorn herds.


The sale, held at the Lasby farm at Arkell, saw bidders attend from five states in the United States, South Dakota, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and New York, in addition to bidders from Quebec and Ontario.  Some 500 bidders and spectators attended the auction under the management of Hays Farms Ltd. of Brantford.  Don Smock of Whiteland, Indiana was auctioneer.


The top bid registered was $1,350, by H. Norris of Norfolk Farms, Hudson, Quebec, for Louada Poppy Queen and a white bull calf.


The Lasby herd was established 25 years ago and Mr. Lasby took great pride in selecting females of high individual merit and best pedigree strength which he obtained through purchase of leading Canadian and Scottish stock.


Laslynnturn stock had achieved notable success at the Canadian National Exhibition, the Royal Winter Fair, the Western Fair in London, and in the United States.


Among Laslynnturn stock achieving success were Ransom Junior, Grand Champion bull at the C.N.E. and senior and reserve grand champion at the Royal Winter Fair, Garguston Grand Finale, twice senior champion at the Royal Winter Fair and Cruggleton Bayard by Calrossie Welcome, a top breeding bull purchased for $4,100 in the Sale of Stars in 1953.


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