The Badenoch Women’s Institute






South Wellington Women’s Institute Forms New Branch Institute

Badenoch Junior Women’s Institute Started

─ Miss Margaret McLean Named President

August 8th 1934.


 At a well attended meeting, held yesterday at the Badenoch schoolhouse, Puslinch Township, a branch of the South Wellington Women’s Institute was formed, to be named the Badenoch Junior Women’s Institute.


In the absence, on vacation, of the District Officers, the immediate past district president and secretary, Mrs. J. A. Carleton and Mrs. G. B. Richards, were asked to officiate.  The chairman, Mrs. Carleton, gave a concise account of the aims, objects, origin, and history of the Women’s Institutes, and Mrs. Richards read the official plan of the organization and the constitution for Junior Institutes.


The following officers were elected:

President ─ Miss Margaret McLean

Vice-Presidents ─ Miss Velma Beaton & Miss Penelope McLean

Secretary-Treasurer ─ Miss Florence Elliot

Assistant Secretary ─ Miss Mary Hanning

Directors ─

Miss Margaret MacEdward, Mrs, Donald Simpson,

& Mrs. Angus Buchanan

Press Reporter ─ Miss Mary Hanning

Auditors ─ Miss Olive Beaton and Miss D. Clark

District Director ─ Miss Margaret McLean


Miss Jessie Jeffrey, a former district president, in a few well chosen words, offered on behalf of the branches and District of South Wellington, congratulations and good wishes for the future of the new branch.


It was arranged that the regular date of the meeting be the last Tuesday of each month, and that the next meeting be held at the schoolhouse.


Miss Annie McLean extended the thanks of the gathering to Mrs. Carleton, Mrs. Richards, and Miss Jeffrey for their assistance in organizing the new branch.






Badenoch Junior Institute Holds Annual Meeting

May 29th 1936.


The Badenoch Junior Women’s Institute held its second annual meeting at the home of Miss Margaret McLean, the President.  The Secretary-Treasurer, Iola Clark, gave the financial report for the year.  Miss Helen MacEdward gave an interesting report on the conference held at the O.A.C., which she attended.  A recipe was given by Mrs. P. C. McLean.  The election of officers resulted as follows:

President ─ Miss Velma Beaton

First Vice-President ─ Miss Mary Hanning

Second Vice-President ─ Mrs. W. Campbell

Secretary-Treasurer ─ Miss Helen MacEdward

Assistant Secretary ─ Mrs. Archie Scott

District Director ─ Miss Iola Clark

Flower Committee ─ Mrs. P. J. McLean, Mrs. J. A. Elliot

Pianist ─ Miss Margaret McLean

Auditors ─ Miss Jessie Elliot, Miss Rachael McIntosh

Branch Directors ─ Mrs. J. G. McLean, Mrs. F. Mast, Miss Annabel McLean

Representatives to District Annual ─

Miss Velma Beaton, Miss Helen MacEdward, Miss Jessie McLean,

& Miss Iola Clark.


At the close of the election of officers, Mrs. F. Mast moved a vote of thanks to the past President and Secretary for the services that they have rendered in the past year.


Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by the lunch committee, Mrs. A. Scott, Miss Jessie Elliot, and Miss Margaret McLean.






Badenoch Junior Women’s Institute

July 3rd 1936.


The regular monthly meeting of the Badenoch Junior Branch of the Women’s Institute was held at the home of Miss Mary Hanning, about thirty-five being present.  The President, Miss Velma Beaton, was in the chair.  The roll call was answered by “suggestions for a picnic”, to be held in July, after which, the minutes, business, and correspondence were dealt with.  Several piano solos by Jessie Stallibrass were much enjoyed, as was an interesting report of the conference held at the O.A.C. recently, given by Miss Margaret McLean.  Mrs. D. MacEdwards gave a seasonal recipe and the meeting was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem.  The refreshment committee, Mrs. F. Mast, Mrs. D. Simpson, Miss Jessie Elliot, and the hostess served a dainty tea, and a social half hour was spent.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

May 11th 1937.


Miss Louise Hystead was hostess to the April meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute at the home of Mr. Thomas Foley.  Mrs. J. G. McLean gave the current events, followed by readings by little Miss Gladys Hystead and Miss Margaret Martin.  Miss Iola Clark, District Director, gave her report of the meeting held in Guelph recently.  The meeting closed with the National Anthem, and a social half hour followed, refreshments being served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Douglas McLean, Mrs. Fred Mast, and Miss Jessie Elliot.





Women’s Institute at Badenoch Elects Officers for Ensuing Year

May 27th 1937.


The annual meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Miss Velma Beaton.  The election of new officers resulted as follows:

President ─ Miss Mary Hanning

First Vice-President ─ Mrs. W. Campbell

Second Vice-President ─ Miss Donalda McLean

Secretary-Treasurer ─ Mrs. A. M. Scott

Assistant Secretary and Press Reporter ─ Mrs. Fred Mast

Directors ─ Mrs. Geo McIntosh, Mrs. P. C. McLean, Mrs. J. A. Elliot

Auditors ─ Mrs. J. Martin, Mrs. Wm. Hanning

 Pianist ─ Miss Annabel McLean

District Director ─ Miss Helen McEdward

Flower Committee ─ Mrs. J. G. McLean, Miss Jessie Elliot


Miss Audrey McEdward favoured with an organ solo.  Mrs. W. Campbell gave a splendid report of the district annual and Miss Velma Beaton gave a violin solo, accompanied by Miss Anna Gilmour.  All were very much enjoyed.  At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Geo. Rollins, Miss Margaret McLean, and Mrs. J. A. Elliot.






Delegate Reports on Meat Project at Badenoch Women’s Institute

February 28th 1938.


The February meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home Miss Chrissie McLean, with an attendance of twenty-six members.  Current events for the month were given by Mrs. Peter C. McLean.  It was decided to have a speaker come from the Institute for the Blind, also to have the play, “Sunshine Lane” put on by the Rebekah Lodge, of Guelph, in the I.O.F. (Independent Order of Foresters) Hall, in Morriston, in March.  There was also a report of the meat project, held in Guelph, given by Miss L. Hystead, who was one of the delegates.


Following the business was a piano solo by Miss Margaret McLean, and a three-minute speech by several institute members, under the headings of “Recreation” by Mrs. W. Campbell, “Gardening” by Mrs. P. J. McLean, “Good Magazines” by Miss Iola Clark, “Home Nursing” by Mrs. Leachman, and “Pieced Quilts” by Mrs. H. McEdward.  These were most instructive and interesting.


The meeting closed with the National Anthem.  Refreshments were served by the committee to close a busy afternoon.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

July 16th 1938.


The Badenoch Women’s Institute met at the home of Miss Jessie Nicoll.  A letter of thanks was received from Mrs. Mary Martin for flowers received when in hospital and also a note of thanks from Mr. James Martin for a card of sympathy received after the death of his brother. 


It was decided that Institute meetings be held, in future, on the first Tuesday of the month.  Miss Mary Hanning was appointed to the executive committee.  Miss Velma Beaton and Miss Margaret McLean favoured with an instrumental duet.  Current events were given by Miss Margaret Martin.  Miss Jessie McLean gave a splendid report of the district annual.  Congratulations were extended to Miss Mary Hanning for winning the prize for the history of Badenoch at the district annual.  Miss Mary Hanning favoured with a vocal solo.  A spelling match was enjoyed, Miss Louise Hystead being the winner.  Tea was served and a social hour enjoyed.    






Badenoch Branch Members Guests

 of the Utoka Women’s Institute

July 23rd 1938.


The July meeting of the Utoka Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. Fleming, with the Badenoch Women’s Institute as guests.


Mrs. Robert Williamson, President of the Utoka Institute, occupied the chair for the business part of the meeting, during which, it was decided to give the usual donation of two dollars to the Eramosa plowing match.  A picnic is to be held in the near future.  The slogan, “A Link With the Past”, was given by Mrs. Williamson.


Mrs. Campbell, President of the visiting branch, took the chair and the following program was enjoyed, a vocal solo by Miss Jessie Nicol, readings, which proved to be very interesting, by Miss Mary Hanning, a little impromptu song by Barbara Campbell, enjoyed by all, readings by Miss Iola Clark and Miss Margaret Mclean, and a solo by Miss Louise Hystead.  Following this was a “cake contest”, the winner being Mrs. McLean of Badenoch and Mrs Robson of Utoka.


A number of other prizes were given as follows, oldest lady present, Mrs. Mitchell, youngest person present, little Betty O’Hara, lady present with the most grandchildren, Mrs. Mitchell, and person with a birthday that day, Mrs. Atkinson.


A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the guests for accepting the invitation and their most splendid program, after which, the serving of refreshments, including ice cream, brought a very pleasant afternoon to a close.


The garden party, held under the auspices of the Utoka Women’s Institute, proved to be a very successful event, four institutes competing in the program, the prizes going to, first, Riverside W. I., second West End W.I., third, Badenoch W.I., and fourth, Rockalong Women’s Institute.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

August 4th 1938.


The Badenoch Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. G. McIntosh, on Tuesday, with a large attendance of members and visitors.  A letter of thanks was received from Mr. Edward Scott for a plant sent him, also a letter from Mrs. Donald McDonald thanking the institute for a plant sent her.  The President, Mrs. W. Campbell, thanked those who helped put on the program at the Utoka garden party, where the Institute received third prize.


It was decided that the Institute buy material and make up clothing for the relief fund.  Mrs. P. C. McLean and Miss Jessie Nicoll were appointed to look after this work.  It was also decided to get five frames made for screen for windows in Badenoch School.


Miss Mary Hanning favoured with a vocal solo, “Lassie O’ Mine”.  Current events were given by Miss Jessie McLean.  A reading was given by Miss Rachael McIntosh entitled “Trust”, and a reading by Miss Louise Hystead entitled “Experience”.  Miss Jessie Nicoll gave a recipe for summer salad.  Miss Margaret Martin favoured with a reading entitled “The Last Hymn”. Refreshments were served.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

December 10th 1938.


The Badenoch Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Campbell.  There were twenty-four members present and one visitor.  A letter of thanks was received from Mr. John McIntosh for fruit sent him.  Mrs. Douglas Mclean thanked the Institute for the opportunity of being delegate to the Provincial Women’s Institute, held in Toronto.


Some Christmas carols were sung, after which, Mrs. Wilfred Campbell, who was the delegate to the 37th annual Provincial Women’s Institute, gave a splendid paper on the meeting in Toronto.  A game was played and the Christmas presents distributed.


“God Save the King” was sung, and refreshments were served by the committee.





Badenoch Women’s Institute

April 22nd 1939.


The April meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. James Martin, with an attendance of 25 members and 2 visitors.


The improvement plan was discussed and several decided to enter the contest.  A paper was read about reforestation and it was decided to send an order for trees.  It was moved by Miss Louise Hystead and seconded by Mrs. John Elliott, that Miss Jean McLean and Miss Margaret Martin be delegates to the girls’ conference, and as alternatives, Miss Jessie McLean and Miss Alexandra McLean.  It was decided to take as choice of subjects for the project, first, table setting and home service, then, finishing furniture and glove-making.


Miss Velma Beaton favoured with a violin solo, which was much appreciated.  Mrs. A. M. Scott gave a splendid report of the district annual.  It was moved and seconded that the convention be held in Guelph.  Miss Chrissie McLean gave a recipe for rhubarb marmalade.  Miss Barber favoured with a paper on education and the new curriculum.  Mrs. J. G. McLean read a short paper on “Robin Red Breast”.


Refreshments were served and a social half hour spent.





Badenoch Women’s Institute

June 10th 1939.


The monthly meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Elliot, on Thursday June 8th, in the evening.  The meeting began in the usual way with the opening exercises.  The roll call was answered by twenty members, or more.  As each name was called, the member was supposed to hand in a written question.  Later, each one drew a question and answered it.


Miss Louise Hystead gave an excellent report on the district annual, at which, she was the main delegate.  A poem, “She Nodded to Me”, in Scottish dialect, was recited by Miss Jessie Nicol, which was much enjoyed.  The next meeting is to be held at Miss Nicol’s home, and is to be at 1:30 p.m., which is one hour earlier than our usual opening.


The members were in favour of donating a small sum to the Badenoch Mission Band.  “The Road that Brought You to Me” was then sung by Miss Mary Hanning.  Owing to the resignation of our former President, Mrs. W. Campbell, Miss Margaret McLean will now occupy that position.  Mrs. J. G. McLean presided until our new president was chosen.  The National Anthem was sung and lunch was served by the committee.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

August 4th 1939.


The August meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Black, of Moffat, some twenty members being in attendance.  Miss Velma Beaton thanked the committee in charge for the card of sympathy, received after her recent bereavement.


The meeting then decide to have a Plunkett dinner at Aberfoyle Town Hall, Mrs. P. J. McLean to take charge of the arrangements.  It was also decided to have a garden party about the middle of the month.  Current events were read by Miss Chrissie McLean.  Two able and instructive papers were read, one on “Canadian Agricultural Industries”, prepared by Miss Louise Hystead, and the other on “Soap Making” prepared by Iola Clark and read by Jean McLean.


A kitchen contest was won by Mrs. Thomas Amos.  A dumbbell contest was given and enjoyed by everyone.  Collection was taken up in aid of the blind, after which, the meeting closed in the usual manner.  Tea was served by the committee and a social half hour spent.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

September 12th 1939.


The September meeting of Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of the Misses Donalda and Jessie McLean recently, with twenty members answering the roll.  Letters of thanks were read for fruit and flowers sent and for sympathy cards to Mrs. D. A. MacLean and Mr. and Mrs. R. Clark, who had been recently bereaved.


It was announced that the annual convention, which up to this year had been held in Toronto, would be held in Memorial Hall, in Guelph, opening today.


The program for the meeting was held under the direction of Mrs. H. Leachman, health and child welfare convener.  Current events were taken by Miss Mary Hanning.  Misses Eleanor and Norma Sutton gave a much enjoyed duet, followed by a paper on “Drink Milk for Health”, read by Miss Audrey McEdwards, and a piano solo by Miss Florence Black.  A paper on preventative medicine was read by Mrs. H. Leachman.  Refreshments were served by the committee during a social half hour, and the meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. 






Badenoch Women’s Institute

October 12th 1939.


The monthly meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. D. MacEdward.  After the opening exercises, the roll call was answered by about fifteen members.  The program was in the form of a children’s day program.  Mrs. J. G. McLean read a bedtime story, which was enjoyed.  A lullaby was sung by Miss Mary Hanning.  The members then took part in some children’s games.  Miss Helen Gilmour was the winner of the pie contest.


Tea was served and a social half hour spent.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

May 18th 1940.


The annual meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held recently at the home of Miss Jessie Elliot.  After the opening exercises, about twenty-two members answered the roll call by paying their yearly institute fee.


The officers presiding for the year 1940-41 are as follows:

President ─ Mrs. J. G. McLean

First Vice-President ─ Mrs. J. A. Elliot

Second Vice-President ─ Miss Velma Beaton

Secretary ─ Miss Iola Clark

Assistant Secretary and Press Reporter ─ Miss Mary Hanning

Organist ─ Miss Stella McLean

Assistant Organist ─ Miss Jean McLean

Directors ─ Mrs. P. J. McLean, Mrs. D. MacEdwards, Miss Donalda McLean

District Director ─ Miss Jean McLean

Auditors ─ Miss Jessie McLean, Mrs. D. Simpson

Flower Committee ─ Mrs. Douglas McLean, Miss Alexandria McLean.


The members were very fortunate in having Miss Celia Synott at the meeting.  In her talk, she explained the Chamber of Agriculture, and gave a very interesting paper on “Tact”.


“The Old Dutch Garden” was sung by Miss M. Hanning.  Reports were given by last year’s secretary, Mrs. A. Scott, by auditor, Mrs. D. Simpson, and for both the Flower Committee and District Director, by Miss Jean McLean.  Different phases of the yearly project were discussed.  Miss Helen Gilmour is to be the extra delegate to the District Annual, which is to be held in Memorial Hall, O.A.C., Guelph, on June 6th.  The ladies of Badenoch branch are to be the hostesses on this occasion.  The meeting ended with the National Anthem.  Tea was served and a social hour was enjoyed.






Badenoch Joins Agriculture Chamber

June 22nd 1940.


The monthly meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hanning and Miss Mary Hanning, with an attendance of about twenty-three ladies.  Mrs. J. G. Mclean, the new president, presided.


The members of our Red Cross committee are attending the reorganization meeting of the Red Cross in Morriston this week.  It was decide to join the Chamber of Agriculture, which is for the benefit of the farmer.  The Institute is not having a short course this year on account of war work.


The report of the Girls’ Conference was given by Miss Margaret McLean and Miss Stella McLean.  Miss Margaret McLean read Miss Jessie McLean’s report.  Miss Jessie Nicol gave a very much enjoyed reading.  Following this, all present joined in some patriotic community singing.  Miss Jean McLean gave the report on the District Annual, which was held in Memorial Hall on June 6th.


The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Douglas McLean.  The National Anthem was sung.  Tea was served and a social half hour was enjoyed.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

September 10th 1940.


The monthly meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held recently at the home of Mrs. Thomas Amos, of Moffat.  After the opening exercises, some 16 members answered to the roll call with “some item women should know about civics”.  Letters of thanks were read for sympathy cards, fruit, and flowers.


Miss Iola Clark is to be asked to be the delegate to the convention in Guelph.  Miss Velma Beaton was appointed new assistant secretary and press secretary.


At the August meeting the Institute quilted a quilt that was given to them by Mrs. Martin and Miss M. Campbell.  This quilt is to be sold in aid of the Red Cross.  The meeting was under the direction of Miss J. Nicol, the convener of legislation.  A very interesting paper containing a great many facts that everyone should know about legislation was read by Miss J. Nicol.  Current events were given by Miss A. MacEdward.  Miss M. MacLean read part of the essay that took first place at the district annual on “The Synopsis of the War Up to Date”.


The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. George McIntosh, on October 1st.  The National Anthem was sung, followed by lunch and a social half hour.






Badenoch Women’s Institute Packs Boxes for Overseas

November 7th 1940.


The regular meeting of Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Elliott, with a fairly good attendance.  A report of the Red Cross Committee was read by Mrs. D. McEdward, convener, which showed a large amount of sewing for war work and knitting for the red Cross being done.


Mrs. A. M. Scott, District Director, gave a splendid report of the officers’ rally, recently held in Memorial Hall, Guelph.  Many points were brought to the notice of the members regarding the proper procedure used in conducting meetings.  The topic, “Historical Research”, prepared by Miss Annie McLean, and read by Mrs. Scott, was interesting, comparing Aberfoyle Fair, 100 years ago and now.  Another interesting feature was a paper prepared by Mrs. Elliott, and read by Miss Jessie Elliott, giving the history of the farm and home in which we were gathered.


During the afternoon, a quilt for war work was quilted, and boxes for the boys who are overseas were packed.  There was some discussion on means of raising money, and the meeting was closed by the singing of “God Save the King”, after which, tea was served by the committee.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

January 11th 1941.


The January meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Donald Simpson, with twelve members and one visitor present.  Owing to the absence of the President, through illness, the chair was ably taken by Vice-President, Mrs. John Elliott, assisted by Mrs. William Hanning, who acted as Secretary.


After the opening exercise and “O Canada”, the business part of the meeting was discussed.  Mrs. J. Elliott was appointed to fill Miss Jessie Nicol’s place as a director of the Puslinch Red Cross.  $3.50 was also donated to the Puslinch Red Cross, and arrangements made to hold a euchre on February 7th, at the home of Mrs. Elliott, for funds for the Red Cross.


Two very interesting papers were given, one, “A Quarter for House-keeping”, read by Miss Jessie Elliott, and the other, “Being a Lady”, read by Miss Margaret McLean.  A letter from England was read by Mrs. Wilfred Campbell.


At the close of the meeting, “God Save the King” was sung, and a social hour enjoyed.





Mrs. J. Elliott President of Badenoch Women’s Institute

May 10th 1941.


The annual meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held in the Badenoch School on Tuesday evening.  The nominating committee for new officers presented their report and the result was as follows.

President ─ Mrs. J. Elliott

First Vice-President ─ Miss Velma Beaton

Second Vice-President ─ Miss Margaret McLean

Secretary ─ Mrs. Peter C. McLean

Treasurer ─ Mrs. P. J. McLean

Press Reporter and Assistant Secretary ─ Mrs. Wilfred Campbell

District Director ─ Mrs. J. G. McLean

Directors ─ Mrs. D. McEdward, Mrs. G. McIntosh, Miss Jessie Elliot

Pianist ─ Miss Margaret McLean

Assistant pianist ─ Miss Ann McLean

Flower Committee ─ Mrs. Douglas McLean, Mrs. J. Martin

Auditors ─ Miss Annie McLean, Mrs. D. Simpson

Red Cross Committee ─

Mrs. D. McEdward, Mrs A. Buchanan, Mrs. D. Simpson,

with Mrs. Buchanan as Secretary of the Red Cross Committee.


Mrs. Fred Mast, Mrs. J. G. McLean, Mrs. John Elliot, and Mrs. W. Campbell were named delegates to the District Annual at Rockwood.  Mrs. W. Hanning was appointed as representative to help in the selling of candy and home baking at the District Annual.  It was decided to sell tickets on the quilt that was quilted at the home of Mrs. John Elliot.  The proceeds are for the Red Cross.


A pleasant time was enjoyed and supper served by the refreshment committee.  The June meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. W. Campbell.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

June 10th 1941.


The Badenoch Women’s Institute met at the home of Miss Jessie Nicol, with seventeen members and three visitors present.  After the opening exercises, the business discussion followed, including the election of standing committees, which resulted as follows: Home Economics ─ Miss Margaret McLean, Agriculture and Canadian Industries ─ Mrs. Jack McLean, Health and Child Welfare ─ Mrs. Fred Mast, Flower Committee ─ Miss Margaret McLean.


While the ladies were busy quilting, Mrs. Fred Mast, a delegate to the District Annual at Rockwood, gave her report.  An interesting paper on “A Country Woman and Her Problems”, written by Mrs. Donald Hanning, was read by Mrs. W. Hanning.  Mrs. Campbell sang “An Old Fashioned Town”, accompanied by Miss McLean.  A number of pretty little girls’ dresses were displayed.  They were made by some of the members to be sent overseas.  Tea was served and a pleasant time enjoyed.






Badenoch Women’s Institute Concert Splendid Success

June 1941.


A splendid concert, under the auspices of the Badenoch Women’s Institute, was held at the Badenoch School.  The program was as follows: “Blue Bells of Scotland” by the school children, duet by Lois McPhee and Mildred Buttenham, musical selections by Mrs. Earl Gregor, readings by Mrs. Lorne Newell, mouth organ selection by the Leachman brothers, a trio by Misses Helen, Ruth, and Mary Greer, musical number by Jessie and Barclay Stallibrass, trio by Grace Buttenham, Mary Hanning and Bob Hanning, Scotch dance by Helen Scott, violin and piano selection by Velma Beaton and Margaret McLean, and guitar selection by Mercia Westlake.


 Mr. Jack McLean was chairman and made some inspiring remarks.  Mr. Donald Hanning also spoke a few words.  Mrs. John Elliot, President of the Institute, moved a vote of thanks to all who helped make the evening such a success.  Supper was served and a social time spent.






Badenoch Women’s Institute Holds Tea and Quilting

July 12th 1941.


Miss Jessie Nicol was hostess for the July meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute, which took the form of a quilting and a tea, with a good attendance of members and visitors.  The President, Mrs. John Elliot, conducted the business part of the meeting.  It was decided to hold a picnic later in July.  Mrs. Angus Buchanan and Mrs. D. MacEdwards, of the Red Cross Committee, gave their reports, which showed much accomplished for war work.  A quilting was held at the home of Miss Jessie Elliot, and another is to be held at the home of Mrs. Peter. C. McLean, later in the month. 


A table of useful articles, which were donated by the members, was on display.  They were later sold, the proceeds for the flower fund.  Current events were given by Betty McLean.  Two lovely solos were sung, one by Mrs. John Cockburn, “The Sweetest Story Ever Told”, and the other by Miss Eleanor C. McBean, “The Songs My Mother Used to Sing”, accompanied by Mrs. Bruce Smith.  Mrs. Bert Huether gave a humorous reading entitled “Digesting the Newspaper”, which caused much laughter.  Miss Florence Elliot rendered a piano solo, “The Old Oaken Bucket”, which was much enjoyed.  A social time was spent. 


The committee for the very successful tea was Mrs. F. Mast, Mrs. Peter C. McLean, Mrs. John Elliot, Mrs. Peter J. McLean, Miss Jessie Elliot, and Mrs. D. McEdwards.  A goodly sum was realized for the general fund.  Quite a lot of articles have been collected for salvage.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

September 5th 1941.


The September meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Angus Buchanan.  Mrs. John Elliot, President, conducted the business, while the members and visitors quilted a warm quilt for overseas.


Mrs. Angus Buchanan was appointed delegate to the Institute convention at Chesley, on September 10th and 11th.  Mrs. John Elliot and Mrs. Duncan McEdwards were appointed as local leaders to the cheese project to be held in Guelph at the Y.W.C.A., in the near future.  It was decided to donate $5 for sugar for jam for overseas, also $10 to the Puslinch Red Cross boxes to be sent to the local soldier boys in England.  Miss Jessie Nicol explained the course on “First Aid”, and several ladies plan to attend the lectures.


A very interesting and inspiring talk was given by Mrs. Burgess, of Morriston, who spoke on “Thoughts on Our Home”, which was much enjoyed.  Mrs. Fred Mast, convener of health and child welfare, gave an interesting paper.  Miss Velma Beaton favoured with a violin solo, “Loch Lomond”.  Lunch was served by the hostess and committee, Miss Velma Beaton and Mrs. Wilfred Campbell.  A quilting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Archie Scott in the near future.






Badenoch Women’s Institute Does Red Cross Work and Quilting

October 3rd 1941.


A pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. Fred Mast when the Badenoch Women’s Institute gathered fro their October meeting.  After the opening exercises and general business, Mrs. D. McEdwards gave her report on work accomplished for the Red Cross.  Mrs. P. J. McLean, treasurer, gave her report and kindly offered her home for a quilting and to receive donations for boxes for overseas soldiers.  The committee appointed to pack the boxes was Mrs. H. Scott, Miss Margaret McLean, and Mrs. P. J. McLean.


Mrs. Orrin Buttenham read a very interesting paper on “Progressive Education”, written by Miss Jean McCaig.  Mrs. Jack McLean read a clipping from the Guelph Mercury, “New Ideas”, which dealt with text books and education.  Miss Margaret McLean rendered a piano solo, “On to Victory”, and Miss Jessie Nicol recited “To Help Them Over There”.  These were much enjoyed.  Mrs. Wilfred Campbell read two letters from England.  A clipping was enclosed that contained a short item of interest about Miss Dorothy Thompson, the noted American journalist, being present at the handing over to the Mayor of Jarrow, of a mobile canteen, presented to the town by the Guelph newspaper.


After the program, the ladies quilted and refreshments were served by the hostess and refreshment committee, Mrs. D. Simpson and Mrs. A. Scott, and a social time enjoyed.  During the absence of the president, the vice-president, Miss Velma Beaton, occupied the chair.


The Badenoch Women’s Institute gratefully acknowledges the donation of flannelette for quilts, also blocks, 18 inches by 22 inches, of print patches, that ladies, interested in Red Cross work, made and gave to the B.W.I. to quilt.  Mrs. Archie Scott was hostess at a quilting in September.






Badenoch Women’s Institute to Aid Red Cross at Puslinch

November 8th 1941.


A very pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. P. J. McLean when the Badenoch Women’s Institute met for their November meeting, with a good attendance of members and guests.  The President, Mrs. John Elliott, conducted the business.


Reports were heard from Mrs. P. J. McLean, treasurer, Mrs. Angus Buchanan, Red Cross Secretary, and Mrs. Douglas McLean, Secretary of the flower committee.  It was decided to eliminate sending boxes of flowers for the duration of the war and to have a visiting committee instead.  Four dollars is to be sent to the Puslinch Red Cross for blankets, also $5 each month.


Mrs. J. A. McLean, convener of Agriculture and Canadian Industries, had prepared three very interesting papers, but was unable to present, through illness.  “Wool, the finest fabrics processed from Canadian wool” was read by Mrs. Archie Scott, “Apple Juice, the newest Canadian beverage”, by Miss Margaret McLean, and “Youth, the most valuable crop of a Canadian farmer”, by Mrs. Wilfred Campbell.


Betty McLean favoured with a piano solo, “Marching Through Georgia”.  Lois McPhee and Mildred Buttenham sang very sweetly, a duet, “Music in the Air”.


A splendid report was given by Mrs. Weir of the Riverside Women’s Institute, of the recent convention in Chesley.  A great deal of worthwhile and interesting material was gained from this.  We were happy to have Mrs. Pearl and Mrs. Fleming and little son, who accompanied Mrs. Weir.


Tea was served by the hostess and committee, Mrs. Wm. Hanning and Mrs. James Martin, after which, the ladies quilted.  A quilt was made at the home of Mrs. P. J. McLean in October.






Badenoch Institute Aids the Red Cross

February 9th 1942.


A busy afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. John Elliot, when the Badenoch Women’s Institute held their February meeting, with a good attendance of members and visitors.  Miss Velma Beaton conducted the business while the ladies quilted.


A donation of $1 is to go toward refreshments for the bingo at Aberfoyle.  The Secretary-Treasurer and the Red Cross Secretary gave their reports, which showed a good balance on hand.  Mrs. D. MacEdwards gave her report on work accomplished for the Red Cross.  Miss Margaret McLean is to be on the executive of the Puslinch Red Cross, as the Badenoch representative, in place of Miss Jessie Nicol, who is in Toronto.  Boxes are to be sent to the soldiers in the community who are overseas.  An old-time dance was planned for the near future, proceeds for war work.


A splendid paper on “Should Parents Influence their Children in Marriage?”, was given by Mrs. Douglas McLean, and much enjoyed.  Current events were given by Miss Jessie Elliot.


An interesting talk and demonstration on the use of honey in cooking was given by Mrs. Sheldon Trousdale, of Corwhin.  This was much enjoyed and a good deal of useful information regarding honey, gathered.  Tasty samples were enjoyed.


Mrs. Frank Elliot sang “Rose O’ Day”, accompanied by Mrs. Murray Mahon.  Refreshments were served.  Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Duncan McEdwards and Mrs. Frank Elliot.  A quilt was quilted at the home of Mrs. P. J. McLean in January.


Work turned in to the Puslinch Red Cross by the Badenoch Women’s Institute is as follows:


Knitting ─ 42 pairs of socks, 4 pairs of mitts, 17 scarves, 1 sweater, 1 pair of wristlets, 15 quilts.


Sewing ─ 12 girls’ dresses, 4 pairs of pyjamas, 14 pairs of men’s pyjamas, 16 boys’ sweaters, 14 boys’ shirts, 1 girl’s coat, 3 sheets, 2 pairs of bloomers, 108 diapers.






Badenoch Women’s Institute to Make Donation to Red Cross Society

April 9th 1942.


Mrs. George Rollins, of Campbellville, was hostess for the April meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute.  Reports were heard from the Secretary, Treasurer, and Red Cross treasurer.  Thirty-five dollars from the general fund is to be added to the Badenoch Red Cross fund, and a $1.00 donation made for maple sugar to the Navy League.  Miss Margaret McLean read the bulletin from the Puslinch Red Cross and also current events.  Mrs. Orrin Buttenham was named auditor, to replace Mrs. George Wilson.  The nominating committee was named as follows, Mrs. Duncan McEdwards, Mrs. Fred Mast, and Mrs. Wilfred Campbell.


Mrs. J. G. McLean, district director, gave a very interesting account of the officers’ rally and district directors’ meetings.


Boxes were packed last month for the soldiers overseas.  Also, “The Old Tyme Fiddlers” gave a concert and dance, sponsored by the B.W. I.


A splendid paper, prepared by Mrs. Frank Elliott and read by Mrs. Wilfred Campbell, on music, “Instruments of the Modern Orchestra, Musical Rudiments, and Life Histories of Composers”, was much enjoyed.  Refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. John Elliott, assisted by Miss Velma Beaton, Mrs. H. McCaig, and Miss Margaret McLean.


The Badenoch Institute is very grateful to Mrs. Angus Martin and Miss M. Campbell, who have given beautiful quilts and many useful articles to the Badenoch Red Cross.  A quilting was held at the home of Miss Jessie Elliot in March.






Badenoch Women’s Institute Plans Varied Salvage Drive

July 10th 1942.


The July meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. George McIntosh.


It was decide to gather more salvage and take it to the local school in two weeks’ time, also to take a collection of toilet articles to headquarters in Morriston, to be sent to boys overseas.  A quilting was planned for two weeks from now in the local school.


For the program, Miss Velma Beaton played “Bonnie Dundee” as a violin selection, accompanied by Margaret McLean.  Current events were given by Mrs. Margaret MacEdward, and as guest speaker, Mrs. Richardson, from Utoka, represented the Federation of Agriculture.  A Scotch dance by Helen Scott was enjoyed.  This program was much enjoyed.






Puslinch Branch Members Guests of Badenoch Women’s Institute

August 7th 1942.


At the home of Mrs. A. M. Scott, on Tuesday afternoon, the Badenoch Women’s Institute gathered for its August meeting, with Puslinch Institute as guests.  About forty-five ladies were present.  Owing to the absence of the President, Miss Margaret McLean took the chair for the business part of the meeting.  The Secretary, Mrs. W. Campbell, reported on the sale of salvage, proceeds of which amounted to $16.14, credit for a large share of it going to Mr. Richard Buchanan.  It was decided to have the next quilting bee at the home of Mrs. G. McIntosh.  The chair was taken by Mrs. H. Bell for the program given by the Puslinch ladies.  Musical selections were given by little Miss Norma Hall, Mrs. Roy Wingrove and Phyllis, Mrs. Don Smith, and Mrs. Earl Gregor, readings by Miss Dorothy Lewis and Mrs. A. J. Huether, and a vocal solo by Miss E. Hall.


A splendid talk was given by Mrs. Moffat, who took as her opening remarks the quotation from Henry Van Dyke, “Life is an arrow, find your mark, make sure of your aim, and let it go.”  She stressed the point of having a definite mark to aim at, that a life span was not measured by long years, but rather by how we spent the time given us.  A contest was conducted by Mrs. McCaig and Mrs. B. Smith.


A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her conveners.  Mrs. O. Buttenham moved a vote of thanks to those taking part, Mrs. E. Gregor responding.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

January 9th, 1943.


The January meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Fred A. Mast.  The President, Mrs. J. A. Elliott, was in the chair.  The secretary reported the proceeds of the dance and euchre, held in the Aberfoyle Hall, amounted to $39.50.  Very interesting letters of thanks from local boys, Bill McIntosh and Donald “Mickey” Hanning, were read.  Mrs. F. Mast, convenor of social welfare, spoke well on this subject.  After the ladies made a quilt, the hostess served tea.


The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Angus Buchanan.





Badenoch Women’s Institute Plans for June Salvage Drive

June 5th 1943.


A busy afternoon was spent at the home of Miss Velma Beaton, when Badenoch Women’s Institute held their June meeting, with a good attendance.  Mrs. J. A. Elliott, President, conducted the business while the ladies quilted.


It was decided to have a salvage drive early in June.  The election of standing committees was held, which resulted as follows: Social welfare ─ Mrs. Orrin Buttenham, Publicity ─ Mrs. P. J. McLean, Agriculture and Canadian industries ─ Mrs. J. G. McLean, Home Economics ─ Mrs. Edward Gray.


A paper on “Good Housekeeping” was read by Mrs. Jas. Kitchen.  Mrs. O. Buttenham read a short poem, followed with current events by Miss Jean McLean.  An interesting letter from England, telling of the rations over there, was read by Mrs. A. Buchanan.  Miss Mildred Buttenham sang very sweetly “Come In On a Wing and a Prayer”.  Miss Madelaine Zimmerman favoured with an organ solo.


Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting.  The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George McIntosh, of Hespeler.


The Guelph Mercury





Former Member Presented with Vase by Institute

July 10th 1943.


A pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. George McIntosh, of Hespeler, when the Badenoch Women’s Institute met for their July meeting, with a good attendance of members and visitors.  It was decided to accept the invitation to be the guests of the Puslinch Branch in September.  Roll call was answered by “What I desire in a man”.


The following program was much enjoyed:  A paper, “Thoughts by the Way”, was read by Mrs. Peter J. Mclean.  Reports of the district annual by Mrs. Douglas McLean.  Mrs. Frank Elliott sang very sweetly “Mexicalli Rose”.  Miss Margaret Mclean read the Red Cross bulletin.


Mrs. John Mast, a former member, who has moved from the community, was presented with a lovely vase.  Mrs. Archie Scott read the address and Mrs. James Kitchen presented the gift.


The hostess served a very dainty lunch at the close of the meeting.  Mrs. T. C. Amos, of Moffat, will be the hostess for the August meeting.


Guelph Mercury newspaper





Badenoch Women’s Institute to Pack Boxes for Boys

August 10th 1943.


Mrs. T. C. Amos was hostess for the Badenoch Women’s Institute when they met for their August meeting.  The president, Mrs. John A. Elliot, was in the chair.


It was decided to pack boxes in September for the local boys overseas.  A salvage drive is planned for the latter part of August.  Two very interesting letters were read from Donald Simpson, serving with the armed forces overseas.  A paper on social welfare was read by the convener, Mrs. Orrin Buttenham, and Miss Margaret McLean played a piano solo, “The Gondolier”.


Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. John A. Elliot and Miss Jessie Elliot.


from the Guelph Mercury newspaper





Badenoch Women’s Institute Plans Social

October 15th 1943


Mrs. J. S. McCullough, district president, and Mrs. D. Hume, district secretary, were the guests of the Badenoch Women’s Institute for their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Duncan McEdward.


Mrs. McCullough gave an interesting talk on “Current topics of what we hear today” and “Homemaking and Citizenship”.  Mrs. Hume also spoke briefly.  A paper on agriculture, “Steel as servant of the farmer”, prepared by Mrs. J. G. McLean, was read by Mrs. Archie Scott.  Mrs. Frank Elliott sang very sweetly “God Bless the Shores of England”.  Miss Velma Beaton rendered a very enjoyable violin solo, “Star Spangled Banner”.


It was decided to have the November meeting as a social evening in the local school.  Roll call was answered by your idea of publicity.  A delicious lunch was served at the close of the meeting by the hostess and Miss Velma Beaton.


Guelph Mercury newspaper





Badenoch Women’s Institute Donates Money to the Red Cross

December 14th 1943.


The December meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Miss Jessie Elliot.  The president, Mrs. John Elliot, was in the chair.


The Badenoch ways and means committee sent $1.85 to the Puslinch Red Cross.  A meeting will be held in the school in December regarding farm forum.  Mrs. R. C. Moffat, guest speaker, gave a very interesting talk on “Reconstructed World”.  A solo was sung by Mrs. Frank Elliot, “Bermuda Stream”.


Mrs. Fred Mast played Santa Claus for the exchange of Christmas gifts.  Christmas carols were sung, followed by a delicious lunch served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. J. Kitchen and Mrs. F. Mast.


The Guelph Mercury





Badenoch Women’s Institute

Makes 7 Quilts, Socks in Month

February 5th 1944.


Mrs. Peter J. McLean was hostess for the Badenoch Women’s Institute when they met for their February meeting, with Mrs. J. A. Elliot in the chair.  Mrs. O. Buttenham, Red Cross work convener, reported that seven quilts and several pairs of socks had been made in the past month.  A progressive euchre will be held this month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. McLean.


The following program was much enjoyed:  Mrs. A. Buchanan read an interesting paper, “Diary of Domesticity”, written by Gladys Taber.  “Johnnie Doughboy” was sung by Miss Mildred Buttenham, and Miss Marjorie McLean played “Pistol Packin’ Mama”.  The current events were read by Miss Jessie Elliott.  The roll call was answered by “How to stretch your sugar ration”.


Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by the hostess, assisted by Miss Margaret McLean and Mrs. P. C. McLean.  The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Clark.


from the Guelph Mercury newspaper





Badenoch Women’s Institute Donates to Fund

April 21st 1944.


Mrs. A. Buchanan was hostess for the Badenoch Women’s Institute when they met for their April meeting, with a good attendance of members and visitors.  Roll call, a question drawer, proved to be very interesting, with Mrs. A. J. Huether, of Morriston, answering the questions.


The nominating committee was named as follows: Mrs. P. C. McLean, Mrs. Wm. Hanning, Mrs. T. C. Amos, and Miss Jessie Elliot.


A donation of $10 is to be given to the blind, $5 to the cancer fund, $10 to the Puslinch Red Cross, $10 to the Greek fund, and $5 to the Mercury Distress Fund.


Reverend Mr. Bryan, of Morriston, was guest speaker, and gave an interesting talk on the life of Madame Chiang Kai-Shek.  Mrs. T. Amos thanked Mr. Bryan for his kindness in coming to the Badenoch Institute.  The current events were read by Mrs. F. Mast.


At the close of the meeting, Mrs. E. Gray conducted a quiz contest, after which, everyone present retired to the dining room, where tea was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. P. J. McLean, Mrs. Wm. Black, Mrs. A. Scott, and Mrs. W. D. McLean.  The tea netted the sum of $6.


The Guelph Mercury





Mrs. J. McLean, Women’s Institute President

May 6th 1944.


Badenoch Women’s Institute held its annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Orrin Buttenham, with a good attendance of members and visitors.  The president, Mrs. John A. Elliott, conducted the meeting.


Mrs. Fred Mast, treasurer, reported that $222.46 was raised during the year.  The auditors’ report was given by Miss Jessie Elliot.  A salvage drive is planned for the middle of May.


Mrs. Orrin Buttenham, work convener, reported that the following work had been accomplished during the year: Quilting ─ 21 large quilts and 2 crib quilts, sewing ─ 6 girls’ dresses, 2 girls’ slips, and 1 pair of child’s sleepers, knitting ─ 31 pairs of stockings, 19 pairs of seaman’s socks, 4 pairs of mitts, and 1 scarf.


Mrs. Archie Scott gave an interesting paper on war services.  Mrs. Frank Elliot sang “The Marines’ Hymn”, and Miss Mildred Buttenham played “Don’t Sweetheart Me”.  These were much enjoyed.


New Officers ─

The nominating committee’s report, which was read by Mrs. Peter C. McLean, follows:  President ─ Mrs. John G. McLean, 1st Vice-President ─ Miss Velma Beaton, 2nd Vice-President ─ Mrs. Peter J. McLean, Secretary ─ Mrs. A. Buchanan, Treasurer ─ Mrs. John A. Elliot, Assistant Secretary and Press Reporter ─ Miss Jean McLean, District Director ─ Miss Margaret McLean, Branch Directors ─ Mrs. William Hanning, Mrs. Douglas McLean, Miss Jessie Elliot, Auditors ─ Mrs. Frank Elliot and Mrs. Fred Mast, Pianist ─ Miss Margaret McLean, Assistant Pianist ─ Miss Marjorie McLean, Flower Committee ─ Mrs. Duncan McEdward and Mrs. Peter C. McLean, Courtesy Committee ─ Mrs. James Kitchen and Mrs. William Hanning, Red Cross Secretary ─ Mrs. Archie Scott, Red Cross Work Secretary ─ Mrs. Orrin Buttenham, Soldier’s Box Fund ─ Mrs. Peter J. McLean.


A vote of thanks was extended to the retiring officers.  At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Edward Gray and Mrs. John McLean.


from the Guelph Mercury newspaper





Mrs. Archie Scott Speaks at Badenoch

October 24th 1944.


Mrs. A. Buchanan was hostess for the October meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute, with the president, Mrs. J. G. McLean, in the chair.  Miss Margaret McLean and Mrs. A. Buchanan were appointed delegates to attend the convention to be held in Guelph on November 9th and 10th.  The November meeting is a social evening in the school, the program supplied by a committee of men, with Mr. Robert Hanning as convener. 


Roll call was answered with an “Agricultural implement”.  The meeting was then turned over to the convener of Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Archie Scott, who gave a very interesting paper on “Tobacco”.  Readings were given by Miss Marjorie McLean and Mrs. A. Buchanan.  A contest was conducted by Mrs. A. Scott.  Refreshments were served by the Misses Margaret McLean and Marjorie McLean.


The Guelph Mercury newspaper





Badenoch Women’s Institute Gives Donation

December 13th 1944.


Mrs. Douglas McLean was hostess for the December meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute, at which there was a good attendance of members and friends.  Mrs. J. G. McLean presided for the meeting, which was opened with the Institute Ode and “O Canada”.  Roll call was answered with a favourite Christmas carol.


It was voted to give $2 to the central fund, $5 to the Hospital for Sick Children, and $5 to the Canadian tuberculosis fund.  Mrs. Hanlon, district president, was present and gave a worthwhile talk.  Miss Mildred Buttenham favoured with a solo, and Mrs. F. Pinder, of Downey’s Women’s Institute, spoke a few words.


The members joined in the singing of Christmas carols, followed by the exchange of Christmas gifts.  Mrs. J. A. Elliot moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Hanlon and to all those who took part in the meeting.  The meeting was brought to a close with the singing of “God Save the King”.  Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. A. Scott and Miss J. McLean, and a social time enjoyed.


The Guelph Mercury newspaper





Badenoch Women’s Institute Hears Mrs. F. Mast

February 13th 1945.


Miss Jessie Elliot was hostess for the February meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute.  Attendance was very small owing to the condition of the roads.


Among the correspondence were several thank you letters from the boys overseas who received Christmas parcels.


Delegates elected to attend the officers’ rally on March 1st were Mrs. D. McLean and Mrs. A. Buchanan.


Mrs. Fred Mast read a very interesting paper on “Historical Badenoch”, giving the history of one of the first farms of the district to be settled.


Reports of the area convention were prepared by Miss Margaret McLean and Mrs. A. Buchanan, and read at the meeting.  A committee was appointed to pack boxes for overseas boys, and cigarettes will be sent immediately.


The Guelph Mercury newspaper





Election Held at Badenoch

May 15th 1946.


Miss Velma Beaton was hostess for the May and annual meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute, at which Mrs. A. Buchanan presided.  The roll call was answered by the payment of the membership fees for the coming year.  Complete reports for the past year were given by the committees.  Mrs. Kitchen and Mrs. MacEdward were appointed to close the Red Cross fund in a suitable manner.  Twenty dollars is to be sent to the Institute for the Blind.  Miss Jessie Nichol favoured with a vocal solo, and Miss Lyla Cairns, with instrumentals.


The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President ─ Mrs. A. Buchanan, First Vice-President ─ Mrs. P. J. McLean, Second Vice-President, Mrs. E. Gray, Secretary ─ Miss Jean McLean, Treasurer ─ Mrs. J. G. McLean, Assistant  Secretary and Press Reporter ─ Mrs. J. Kitchen, Branch Directors ─ Miss J. Elliott, Mrs. W. D. McLean, Mrs. W. Hanning, District Director ─ Mrs. J. Elliott, Pianist ─ Miss Margaret McLean, Assistant Pianist ─ Miss Marjory McLean, Sick and Shut-ins ─ Mrs. Duncan McEdward and Mrs. W. Hanning, Auditors ─ Mrs. Fred Mast, Miss Velma Beaton, Finance Committee ─ Mrs. J. Kitchen and Mrs. J. G. McLean.  


The Guelph Mercury





Badenoch Women’s Institute Held October Meeting

October 18th 1946.


The Badenoch Women’s Institute held their October meeting at the home of Miss Margaret McLean.  With the president in the chair, the meeting opened in the usual manner, with the Institute ode, followed by the roll call, answered by a short poem.  It was decided to send $1 per member to the Adelaide Hoodless Fund.  The delegate to go to the convention in Guelph is to be Mrs. A. M. Scott.  Committees were appointed for a social to be held in Badenoch School in November.  A donation of $100 is to be given to the Badenoch ball team.


Mrs. Hume, the district president, gave an inspiring talk on the aims of the Institute.  Miss Wylda Gilmore gave a tap dance.  Miss Dewar, from the Red Cross, talked of the work of the Red Cross, and gave a demonstration on the different things, such as wheel-chairs, crutches, clothes, et cetera that the Red Cross will lend to people who need them in a community.


The meeting closed with the National Anthem and lunch was served by the hostess and committee.


The Guelph Mercury





Badenoch Women’s Institute Observes Founding of Institute

March 24th 1947.


The Badenoch Women’s Institute held a fowl supper at the school to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Women’s Institute in Canada.  The section and all past members of the Institute were invited.


Although the night was cold and stormy around 80 members and their friends turned out for the hot supper that the ladies had prepared.  Tables were decorated in the blue and yellow colours of the Institute, and yellow daffodils, lending a touch of spring, were set among plates of homemade rolls and butter, celery and radishes, together with cookies and tarts.  Steaming plates of mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dressing and fowl, were served.


Following the first course, Mrs. Buchanan, President of the Badenoch Women’s Institute, introduced Mrs. Hume, the guest of honour, who is the district President of the Institute.  She spoke briefly on the organization of the Institute 50 years ago, and then cut the beautifully decorated three-tier birthday cake.


Following the banquet, the tables were cleared and progressive euchre was played, Mrs. Duncan McEdward and Miss Barbara Campbell winning top scores, and Mrs. Gravelle and Mr. John Elliott, consolation prizes.


Everyone went home feeling that a very enjoyable evening had been spent, and many thanks are extended to those ladies who made it possible.


From the Guelph Mercury newspaper





Badenoch Women’s Institute

February 21st 1950.


The January-February meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held in the home of Mrs. Donald J. McLean recently.


The meeting opened in the usual way, with the president, Mrs. G. Buchanan, in the chair.  There was a fair attendance of members and visitors.  Roll call, “My Funniest Failure of the Year”, was well answered.


The minutes were adopted as read and the treasurer’s report given.  A donation of $10 was given to “The Canadian March of Dimes”.  Membership fees will be paid to the Federation of Agriculture and Historical Research.  A report of a district directors’ meeting was given by Mrs. A. Scott.  Mrs. James Kitchen, Miss Jessie Elliott, and Miss Jean McLean were committee appointees to see about the play “Always in Trouble”.  Mrs. Kitchen, convenor of home economics and health, read a paper, “The Family at Home”.  Mrs. Donald McLean read papers on “Calcium” and “Carbohydrates”.  A contest conducted by the hostess was won by Mrs. Peter J. McLean.


Lunch conveners, Miss Margaret McLean and Mrs. Peter J. McLean, assisted by the hostess, served dainty refreshments.  Miss Jessie Elliot, as courtesy convener, thanked all those taking part in the activities of the day.


Guelph Mercury newspaper





Badenoch Women’s Institute

April 4th 1950.


Mrs. Donald MacDonald was hostess to the Badenoch Women’s Institute.  The meeting was opened in the usual manner with the President, Mrs. Buchanan, presiding.  There was an attendance of thirteen.  Roll call, a helpful verse, was answered by the members present.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, and correspondence dealt with, including thank you notes for remembrances.


Donations of $10 were made to the Cancer Fund and the Institute for the Blind, and $8 to the Federation of Agriculture.  The nominating committee was appointed, including Mrs. Donald MacDonald and Mrs. Elizabeth Grey.


Mrs. Donald McLean, convener of Historical Research, read a paper on Puslinch Township.  Papers on Agriculture and Canadian Industries, prepared by Mrs. John Elliott, were read by Mrs. Donald MacDonald and Miss Velma Beaton.


Owing to the illness of conveners Mrs. Scott and Mrs. May, refreshments were served by Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. MacDonald.  The National Anthem brought the meeting to a close.  Miss Margaret McLean thanked all those taking part in the activities of the day.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

May 23rd 1950.


The May meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. D. MacEdward, which was attractive with bouquets of spring flowers.  The roll call, “a Guelph industry and what it manufactures”, was well answered by all members.


The members decided to contact another institute to enable them to take advantage of Mr. Alfred Hales’ offer of a demonstration in preparing and packaging food for the freezer, to be held in Mr. Hales’ reception rooms on Wyndham Street, when convenient.


Mrs. A. Scott gave the financial report as well as a report of the Directors’ Meeting, held recently in Guelph.  Miss Jean McLean, Treasurer of the Red Cross Branch in Morriston, gave some interesting facts about the “Loan Cupboard”, and thanked members for the generous response to the recent canvas for funds for the Red Cross.


Miss Velma Beaton then favoured with a violin solo.  The conveners of the standing committees were as follows:

Agriculture & Canadian Industry ─ Mrs. J. Elliot & Mrs. D. MacDonald

Historical Research & Current Events ─ Mrs. E. Gravelle & Mrs. P. J. McLean

Citizenship & Education ─ Mrs. Buchanan & Mrs. May

Home Economics & Health ─ Mrs. D. MacEdward & Mrs. P. C. McLean

Community Activities & Public Relations ─ Margaret McLean & Mrs. J. McLean.


The meeting adjourned and refreshments were served by Mrs. Scott and Mrs. May, assisted by the hostess, and a social hour enjoyed.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

July 21st 1950.


The Badenoch Women’s Institute spent a pleasant afternoon recently as the guests of Miss Marjorie McLean, of Morriston, for their July meeting.  Following the opening exercises, the roll call was answered by giving a profitable way for children to spend their holidays.  A letter was received from the department of Women’s Institutes, in Toronto, acknowledging the history of the Badenoch Branch.  A donation is being given to the Puslinch Agricultural Society, and Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. John McLean were appointed to look after the Institute’s exhibit at the Fair.


After a discussion on the coming garden party, a very interesting and informative paper was given by Mrs. Buchanan, convener of citizenship and education.  The paper was based on the history of “Our Flag” and traced the origin of the use of the flag from the beginning to our present day “Union Jack”.  Most of us know how the “Union Jack” was put together, with red standing for courage, zeal, and fervency, white for purity, cleanness of life, and rectitude of conduct, and blue for loyalty, friendship, justice, and truth.  It is a reminder to meet bravely what difficulties may come to us.


A contest, “Salt and Fresh Water”, was won by Miss Margaret MacEdwards.  The President thanked the hostess for her hospitality, and all joined in singing the National Anthem.  Refreshments were served by Mrs. Peter C. McLean and Miss Velma Beaton, and a social hour enjoyed.  The August meeting will be at the school, in the form of a picnic.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

October 21st 1950.


Members of the Badenoch Women’s Institute enjoyed an imaginary trip across the prairies, over the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Coast, when Mrs. E. Gravelle told of her motor trip taken last summer.  The home of Mrs. D. MacDonald was the setting for the tour, which all were able to enjoy by looking at the many cards, photographs, and souvenirs, as well as listening to Mrs. Gravelle’s description of the highlights of the trip.  Mrs. Buchanan, in thanking the speaker, expressed appreciation at being able to take such an inexpensive trip.


Miss Jean McLean gave a reading.  The roll call “My favourite column in the newspaper” was well answered, with many newspapers and columns mentioned.  The money received from the booth at the Centennial is to be put in the Building Fund.


The Institute will hold a social in November, when they expect to entertain two neighbouring institutes.  There is to be a “Touch and Take” table at this occasion and members, and anyone else wishing to do so, are being asked to donate articles.


An interesting contest, prepared by Mrs. John McLean, on “Who’s who in Dominion, Provincial, and Municipal Government and the Women’s Institute” was won by Miss Jean McLean.


The hostess, assisted by the lunch committee, Mrs. A. Scott and Mrs. May, served refreshments, and a social hour was enjoyed over the tea cups.






Miss Jean McLean

 Heads Badenoch Women’s Institute Officers

May 25th 1951.


The May meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the century old home of Mrs. Maier, with the new President, Miss Jean McLean, in the chair.  The roll call took the form of a garden exchange, with many slips of plants and perennials.


The standing committee conveners were appointed and the full list of officers is as follows:

President ─ Miss Jean McLean

Vice-Presidents ─ Mrs. Donald MacDonald & Mrs. Jas. Kitchen

Secretary ─ Mrs. John McLean

Treasurer ─ Mrs. Archie Scott

Pianists ─ Miss Margaret McLean & Miss Velma Beaton

District Director ─ Mrs. Buchanan

Branch Directors ─ Mrs. P. J. McLean, Mrs. Wm. May, & Miss Velma Beaton

Flower Committee ─ Mrs. Gray & Mrs. Hanning

Auditors ─ Mrs. F. Elliot & Miss M. MacEdwards

Press Reporter ─ Miss Margaret McLean


Standing Committee Conveners:

Home Economics & Health ─ Mrs. P. C. McLean & Mrs. MacEdward

Agriculture & Canadian Industry─ Mrs. D. MacDonald & Mrs. May

Historical Research ─ Mrs. P. J. McLean & Mrs. D. McLean

Citizenship & Education ─ Mrs. Buchanan & Mrs. Maier

Community Activities & Public Relations ─ Mrs. J. McLean & Miss Margaret McLean


The co-operative program was discussed, and subjects chosen, as well as a short course for the branch.   The topic, summer activities, was talked over, and the annual garden party is to be held again this year.  A baking sale is to be held in the market building soon, to raise funds for the radio in the school.  Mrs. Maier delighted all with a short poem, after which, the National Anthem was sung.  Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Black and Mrs. Kitchen.  Mrs. Kitchen will be hostess for the June meeting.






Badenoch Institute Planning for Picnic

July 27th 1951.


Mrs. William Black, of Moffat, entertained for the July meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute, with the President, Miss Jean McLean, presiding.  There was a fair attendance of members and visitors.  Mrs. Donald McDonald gave a splendid report of the district annual.  A recipe for strawberry jam was given by Mrs. Wm. May.  Mrs. G. Buchanan conducted a quiz on the handbook.


Receipts from recent garden parties will not be as large as usual owing to the very wet weather.  The next meeting will be held at the school and will be in the form of a picnic, with Mrs. G. Buchanan, Mrs. P. J. McLean, Mrs. D. McEdwards, and Mrs. A. Scott, the committee in charge.  All ladies and children in the community are expected to attend.


Mrs. D. Maier, courtesy convener, thanked those helping with the afternoon’s activities.  Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Buchanan assisted the hostess in serving delicious refreshments, with children present being served on the lawn.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

July 18th 1952.


The Badenoch Women’s Institute held their regular meeting last week at the home of Mrs. D. Maier, with historical research as the topic for the day.  The roll call was “something old and its history”.  Reports were given by the card convener and treasurer.  A good sum was realized from the baking sale, held recently.


Mrs. Peter J. McLean, historical research convener, in a very interesting paper on “Tradition”, said that “if a man gives his best every day, then he is giving his family a tradition”.  She suggested that every family should make a family tree to record and preserve stories and happenings of members of the family.  It has been said that one of the greatest contributions that Canada has made to Great Britain is the Women’s Institute.


Mrs. D. MacDonald gave the current events, after which, Jan and Keith Maier delighted with piano solos.


A pleasant event of the day was the presence of several members of the Badenoch Belles Girls Club, who gave a splendid demonstration and talk on giving first aid.  Mary Small showed how to apply a tourniquet, Emily MacDonald dressed a head wound, and Muriel Bruce bandaged a broken collar bone.  Thanks were expressed by Mrs. May to the girls and to Mrs. Maier and her two sons for their part in the program.


The meeting closed with refreshments, served by the hostess and Mrs. May and Mrs. J. Martin.


A picnic will be held at Mrs. C. Wigood’s in August.






Mrs. P. McLean Hostess

To Badenoch Women’s  Institute Meeting

February 24th 1953.


Mrs. Peter J. McLean was hostess for the February meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute.  Community activities and public relations were the topics of the meeting.  The motto “the smallest good deed done is better than the greatest intentions” was given by Mrs. Douglas McLean.  Mrs. James, in speaking of public relations, stated that intelligent public relations is based on good knowledge with good manners, humour and patience also being needed.  She felt that one must be able to listen to both sides of the question, with good relations consisting mainly of nine-tenths doing and one-tenth talking.


A paper on “Neighbours” was read by Mrs. C. Wigood, in which some of the fences needed to make good neighbours and good will, such as understanding, tolerance, kindliness, and above all, privacy, were mentioned.


“Community activities” was the title of the paper by Miss M. McLean, who asked that all take as a motto, “Go Right on Working”, the first letters of which, spell “Grow”.


A donation is to be sent to the South Wellington Federation of Agriculture, and the members decided to take part in the penny drive for Mental Health.  The roll call, “What I consider great in a woman”, was well responded to.  Mrs. C. Wigood conducted a contest on things done in the kitchen.


Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Gray and Miss Jessie Elliot.  Prize for the lucky cup went to Mr. H. Wigood, and birthday prize to Mrs. D. McDonald.  The March meeting will be at the home of Miss Jessie Elliot, when the District President is expected to be present.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

February 11th 1954.


Mrs. Sheldon Trousdale was the guest speaker at the February meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute when the members met in the home of Mrs. William May.  The topics were historical research and current events, with Mrs. D. MacEdwards and Mrs. James Kitchen as conveners.


Mrs. Trousdale spoke on “Our Heritage”, and she stated that a sure cure for the blues is to read history books and learn of the struggle of mankind for bread.  As short a time ago as one hundred and fifty years, two-thirds of the people of the western world were starving.  As nations became better fed and became free, more progress was made.  Mrs. Trousdale felt that money is being made, the standard for living today is higher, and that more spiritual life is needed.


Mrs. MacEdwards brought out the latest current events in the news and the roll call was answered by “something my grandmother taught me”.  Mrs. William Black offered her home for another euchre in the near future, which was gladly accepted.


An interesting letter of thanks was read, received from a boy in the navy, who had benefited from a donation which the members had made to the Navy League of Canada.  Several “thank you” notes were also read.


Mrs. John McLean expressed thanks to Mrs. Trousdale and to everyone else taking part in the meeting.  At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served by the committee, Mrs. William Black, Miss Jean McLean, and their assistants.  A social hour was enjoyed and the lucky cup prize was won by Mrs. Martin.






Badenoch Women’s Institute Plans

To Aid Scout Paper Drive

September 18th 1954.


Plans were made to hold a paper and basket drive in aid of the Boy Scout movement, which is being held in Guelph on September 25th, when the women of the Badenoch Institute met at the home of Miss Jessie McLean.  Mrs. W. D. Kennedy, of Nassagaweya, who is interested in the Scout movement, will collect the papers and baskets a week before this drive and thereby aid the work that the scout movement does.


The amount that has not been paid to the South Wellington scholarship fund will be paid at this time it was announced at the meeting.  It was also brought to the attention of the members that Mrs. James Kitchen will pour tea in the Women’s Institute tent that will be set up at the ploughing match next month.


The services given by the Department of Agriculture brings to mind the many services given by the staff of this department to rural folk.


Miss Gladys Hanning delighted all with a piano solo during the program, after which, an interesting paper on the growing of fuchsias outdoors was read by Mrs. James Kitchen.


Delegates to the Institute convention to be held at the O.A.C. in October were announced, namely, Mrs. Maier and Mrs. D. MacDonald.  Mrs. J. Kitchen and Mrs. G. Clark were appointed as local leaders for the girls’ club.


Congratulations were extended to the President, Mrs. Maier, on her entry of goats at the Canadian National Exhibition, which were successful in winning several prizes.  Mrs. Gray occupied the chair in the absence of the president.  Miss Jessie Elliott was the winner of a contest conducted by Mrs. Gray.


At the conclusion of the meeting, refreshments were served by the hostess and her committee, Miss Jean McLean and Miss Margaret McLean, and a social half hour was then enjoyed.  The hostess for the October meeting will be Mrs. Betty Gray.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

March 16th 1955.


Citizenship and education were the themes for the March meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute held at the home of Mrs. Buchanan.  Mrs. C. Wigood gave a splendid paper on education in which she stated that as well as school attendance, the need for church attendance is just as great, and noted that only 50% of Canadians attend church.


In an inspiring talk on citizenship, Miss Jessie Elliot said that citizenship is actually being a member of Canada, regardless of religion, but besides the privileges, we also have duties, one being to study party politics.  She ended her talk by saying that in this country we have something good, let us appreciate and advertise it.


Miss Marion May delighted all with a vocal solo, “Irish Lullaby”, accompanied by her mother.


Being the month of St. Patrick, Mrs. S. Trousdale, guest speaker, gave a very interesting paper on him.  Contrary to popular belief, St. Patrick was born in Scotland, but was called to Ireland to spread the Gospel.


Mrs. Grey and Mrs. D. McLean are to distribute bags for the mental health penny roundup.  Mrs. W. May volunteered to go to a meeting of the mentally retarded that is to be held in Guelph.  Mrs. Buchanan and Miss Jean McLean were appointed to see about having a Minstrel Show in the near future.


A very pleasing feature of the meeting was the presence of four Dutch ladies, three of whom sang trios in their native language as well as in English.  They were Mrs. de Boer, Mrs. de Yacks, and Mrs. Jean Jans.


Community singing of several Irish songs was followed by refreshments served by hostesses Mrs. Wigood and Mrs. Gray.  Mrs. May thanked the hostesses and all who had contributed to the meeting.  The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. MacDonald.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

March 4th 1956.


The members of the Badenoch Women’s Institute met at the home of Miss Margaret McLean.  The meeting opened with nine members and four visitors present.  The Institute ode was sung and the Mary Stewart collect repeated.  Miss Jean McLean, Secretary-Treasurer gave the minutes of the last meeting, and various reports and correspondence.


The nominating committee for 1956 was made up of Mrs. Grace Buchanan and Mrs. Wm. Hanning.  Miss Margaret McLean introduced the speaker, Mrs. Lancefield, who spoke on historical research, current events, and showed various antiques.  Miss Margaret McLean gave a very enjoyable reading. 


Mrs. James Martin thanked the speaker and all who had taken part in the meeting and the hostess for the use of her home.  Refreshments were served by the hostess and the lunch committee, Mrs. Calvin Wigood and Mrs. I. Bousefield.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

1956 Officers Elected

April 17th 1956.


The annual meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Peter C. McLean, with fifteen members and one visitor present.  The President, Miss Margaret McLean was in the chair, and the meeting opened by singing the institute ode and repeating the Mary Stewart collect.


The Secretary-Treasurer read the minutes of the last meeting and various reports were dealt with.  Cards of thanks were read from people who received cards and boxes while in the hospital.  The institute was pleased to receive three new members.  Roll call was answered by the paying of fees.


A committee was nominated to look after the penny roundup.  There is to be a paper drive in late April.  Miss Jean McLean gave the secretary’s report.  Miss Jessie Elliot gave the card and flower committee report.  Mrs. Wm. Hanning gave the auditor’s report.  Mrs. Grace Buchanan gave a report on agriculture and Canadian industry, and Mrs. Donald MacDonald, on community activities and public relations.


Mrs. W. D. McLean gave a report on home economics and health.  Mrs. George Clark gave a report on citizenship and education and Mrs. Donald MacDonald gave the nominating committee’s report.  Officers for 1956 are as follows:

President ─ Miss Margaret McLean

First Vice-President ─ Mrs. Donald MacDonald

Second Vice-President ─ Mrs. John G. McLean

Secretary-Treasurer ─ Miss Jean McLean

Assistant Secretary and Press Reporter ─ Mrs. George Clark

District Director ─ Mrs. William May

Branch Directors ─

Mrs. P. J. McLean, Mrs. Grace Buchanan, Mrs. Douglas McLean

Flower & Card Committee ─ Miss Jessie Elliot and Mrs. James Martin

Pianist ─ Mrs. Peter McLean

Auditors ─ Mrs. Wm. Hanning and Mrs. R. Hunter

Courtesy Convener ─ Miss Jessie Elliot


Miss Jessie Nichol favoured all with a solo.  Miss Jessie Elliot thanked the hostess for the use of her home and all who had taken part in the meeting.  Refreshments were served by the hostess and the committee in charge, Mrs. D. McLean and Mrs. William Black.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

October 11th 1956.


The Quebec meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Duncan MacEdwards, with twelve members present.  The President, Miss Margaret McLean, was in the chair and the meeting opened with the singing of the Institute ode and the reciting of the Mary Stewart collect.


The Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Jean McLean, gave the minutes of the last meeting and various reports were dealt with.  The roll call was answered by “Don’ts for the sick room”.  The members are holding a euchre party in the school on October 18th, and it was decided that a bale of clothing be packed for Unitarian Services, alter this month.


Mrs. W. D. McLean introduced Dr. F. Little, who gave a splendid report on home economics and health.  Miss Margaret McLean thanked Dr. Little.  Mrs. James Martin gave a good report on the area convention and a demonstration on making fancy sandwiches was given by Mrs. Donald MacDonald and Mrs. Grace Buchanan.


A short course will be held at the home of Mrs. W. D. Mclean, later this month.  A contest was conducted by Dr. M. McCready, which ended in a draw.


Miss Jessie Elliot thanked the hostess for the use of her home and also those who had taken part in the meeting.  The meeting was brought to a close with the singing of “God save the Queen”.


Refreshments were served by the hostess and the committee, Mrs. Grace Buchanan and Mrs. Donald MacDonald.  There will be a social in the Badenoch school, when the ladies will entertain the Eden Mills ladies and their escorts.    






Badenoch Women’s Institute

December 20th 1956.


The Christmas meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Gray, with fourteen members and six visitors present.  The President, Miss Margaret McLean, was in the chair and the meeting opened with the singing of the Institute ode and the repeating of the Mary Stewart collect.


The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the correspondence was dealt with.  Roll call was answered by a Christmas thought.  Mrs. Grace Buchanan read a Christmas poem.  Mrs. Mervin Tolton sang two Christmas carols.


The President then called upon Mrs. McCartney, who spoke on the “Seven Wonders of the World”.  Mrs. Fair told a Christmas story.  Program conveners were Mrs. John G. McLean and Mrs. P. J. McLean.  Miss Jessie Elliot thanked the speaker and hostess for the use of her home and all those who had taken part in the meeting.


Two members of the institute acted as Santa Claus and distributed gifts from a gaily decorated Christmas tree.  Refreshments were served by the hostess and the committee in charge, Mrs. D. McEdwards and Mrs. George Rollins.






Badenoch Women’s Institute

May 11th 1957.


Mrs. William Hanning was hostess for the May meeting of the Badenoch Women’s Institute, with a good attendance of members and guests.  The new president, Mrs. Grace Buchanan, presided, opening the meeting with the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart collect.  The roll call was answered by “how to keep your vim and vigour”.


The minutes were read and correspondence dealt with, followed by a business session during which summer activities were planned.  Mrs. Peter J. McLean, Miss Margaret McLean, and Mrs. Johnston were appointed conveners for a proposed bus trip, in September, to the Collinwood – Midland area.


The pie, coffee, and hot dog booth at the auction sale proved successful and plans were made to have a similar booth at the John McLean sale in June.  Instead of sending a leader to the training school, it was decided to ask the Badenoch Girls’ Club to put on a supper demonstration.


A motion was passed to send for the “study kit” on furniture refinishing, made available by the Home Economics Service of the Department of Agriculture.  Miss Margaret McLean gave the district director’s report.  The standing committees for the coming year were elected as follows:

Home Economics & Health ─ Mrs. William May & Mrs. Douglas McLean

Citizenship & Education ─ Mrs. Peter J. McLean & Miss Jessie Elliot

Historical Research & Current Events ─ Miss Margaret McLean & Mrs. James Martin

Community Activities & Public Relations ─ Mrs. Wm. Hanning & Mrs. John McLean

Agriculture & Canadian Industries ─ Mrs. Elizabeth Gray & Mrs. Gordon McLean


A solo by Mrs. Frank Elliot, accompanied by Miss Margaret McLean, was much enjoyed.  The meeting closed with the singing of “God Save the Queen”.  Refreshments were served by the hostess and committee, Mrs. Calvin Wigood and Mrs. William Black.  An exchange of perennials and flower slips took place.  The June meeting will be held in the evening in the Badenoch school.






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