The Badenoch Farm Forum




The National Farm Radio Forum was an educational CBC radio program, which was developed slowly, in stages, in the late 1930’s, and launched officially in the fall of 1941, and, being quite popular, continued until 1965.  The purpose of the program was to provide farmers from all across Canada with an opportunity to come together, locally, in small groups called farm forums, and nationally, via the radio program itself, to discuss the very complex business of farming. 


It was an ambitious project.  The half-hour radio programs, about twenty or twenty-one each year, ran every Monday night from November to March.  In addition to the radio programs, written background material on the topics to be discussed on the weekly programs was mailed out to the individual farm forums.  Each farm forum was expected to write up its conclusions on the weekly topic discussed and then mail those conclusions back to the CBC.  The conclusions were then reviewed in subsequent radio programs.


  Canadian farmers did a marvellous job of making the program a success, with as many as 27,000 joining in simultaneously, at one point.  In fact, the program achieved international recognition, with other countries following Canada’s example by establishing their own farm forum programs.






The Badenoch Farm Forum

February 1948.


On February 9th, the Badenoch Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. McLean.  As this was the first, and an organization meeting, a good deal of time was spent in the election of officers.  Mr. D. G. Hanning acted as chairman for the evening and called the meeting to order, after which, Mr. Claude Inglis capably explained how they carried on their forum.


The members were then divided into groups for further discussions relating to farm problems.  After these group discussions the final reports were handed in to Miss Ethel Simpson, the newly elected Secretary-Treasurer.  With the election of Mr. D. G. Hanning as President and Mr. P. C. McLean as 1st Vice-President, the business part of the meeting was brought to a close.


Mr. James Kitchen was appointed as chairman and Mrs. A. Scott and Mrs. P. J. McLean as a lunch committee for next week’s meeting, which will also be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. McLean.  The remainder of the evening was spent in playing progressive euchre, after which, refreshments were served. 


from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Badenoch Forum Well Attended

February 20th 1948.


On Monday February 16th, the Badenoch Farm Forum met again at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. McLean, with 26 members present.  Mrs. Jas. Kitchen, chairman for the evening, immediately took charge and divided the members into three groups for discussion on the topic “Are farmers businessmen?”.  After these separate discussions, the groups were brought together again to form their final decision which was unanimously in favour of the affirmative.  Mr. A. Scott was appointed chairman and Miss Margaret McLean and Mrs. Donald McLean as lunch committee, for the following week.


The remainder of the evening was spent in playing progressive euchre and crokinole.  The prizes for the euchre were awarded as follows: ladies’ high, Mrs. Jas. Kitchen, men’s high, Mr. P. J. McLean, ladies’ lone hands, Mrs. P. C. McLean, men’s lone hands, Mr. Donald McLean, ladies’ low, Mrs. D. McEdwards, men’s low, Ivan Bousefield.  Refreshments were then served and the meeting adjourned, to meet next at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott.


The Guelph Mercury newspaper






Men of Badenoch Farm Forum

Take Charge of Final Meeting

March 25th 1948.


The Badenoch Farm Forum met for the final meeting of the season on Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean, with 33 members present, under the leadership of the President, Mr. D. G. Hanning.  The meeting was in the form of a general discussion pertaining to the income tax.


Following this discussion, the gentlemen, in charge for the evening, assisted by the host, took charge and arranged for six tables of euchre and others of crokinole and Chinese checkers.  The prizes were awarded as follows: ladies’ high, Mrs. A. Scott, men’s high, Mr. Robert Hanning, ladies’ lone hands, Mrs. Jas. Kitchen, men’s lone hands, Mr. Ken McLean, ladies’ low, Mrs. E. Simpson, men’s low, Mr. D. McEdward.


The men, after distributing their prizes, retired to the kitchen, and emerged with caps and aprons, and served a delicious supper.  A new relay then followed up and washed the dishes.  With all credit to the gentlemen, and a suggestion that they do it more often, the evening was brought to a close.


from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Badenoch Forum

November 23rd 1948.


Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McLean entertained the Badenoch Farm Forum on November 22nd, when a review of the three previous weeks’ topics were heard.  Headquarters has asked for a fee of twenty-five cents per family per month.  It was decided to remember one of the members, James Kitchen, who recently underwent an operation and is at present in hospital.  Bob Hanning was elected chairman for the next meeting, which is to be held at the same home, the social committee being Mrs. P. C. McLean and Mrs. J. McLean.  Progressive euchre was enjoyed, prizes going to Bob Hanning and Mrs. Archie Scott, high scores, and Donald McLean, lone hands.


Guelph Mercury newspaper






Badenoch Forum

December 20th 1948.


The Badenoch Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McLean for the discussion of “Let’s go to the movies”.  In the absence of the chairman, Bob Hanning, the President, divided the gathering into two groups.  Progressive euchre followed, with draws having to be made to decide the winners.  High scores went to Miss Margaret McLean and P. J. McLean, and lone hands to Mrs. D. McLean.  Lunch was served by the committee, Mrs. P. C. McLean and Mrs. J. G. McLean.


The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McLean, with Miss Margaret McLean and Archie Scott as committee.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Badenoch Forum

December 27th 1948.


Members of the Badenoch Farm Forum met recently in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McLean, to listen to the Review program for December.  P. J. McLean was appointed chairman for the next meeting, to be held on January 3rd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Scott.  Wellington County Medical Association benefits were discussed at some length, and, after further consideration, will be brought up at a future meeting.


Christmas music by Miss M. McLean was much enjoyed.  Progressive euchre followed, prizes going to Mrs. P. C. McLean and Alex McLean for high score, and to Miss M. McLean for lone hands.  Lunch was served by the committee, Miss M. McLean and Mrs. Archie Scott.  The Committee for the next meeting is Miss Grace Buchanan and Mrs. Donald McLean.


The Guelph Mercury newspaper.






Badenoch Forum

January 12th 1949.


Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean entertained the members of the Badenoch Farm Forum on January 10th, with Mr. Wilfred Campbell as chairman.


After listening to the topic “A Matter of Policy”, the members were divided into two groups, and lively discussions followed, with one decision being that car insurance should be compulsory.  Plans were made for review night later this month when the remainder of the section will be invited as guests of the Badenoch Forum in the Badenoch Schoolhouse.  The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. McLean, with Mrs. J. G. McLean and Mrs. Peter C. McLean as a committee, and Mr. J. G. McLean as chairman.


Progressive euchre was enjoyed, high scores going to Mrs. J. G. McLean and Mr. Archie Scott, and to Mrs. Archie Scott for lone hands.  Refreshments were served by Mrs. Kitchen and Mrs. P. J. McLean.



Courtesy of the Guelph Mercury newspaper.






Badenoch Forum

January 19th 1949.


The Badenoch Farm Forum met on January 17th in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. McLean, discussing the topic “In Time of Need”, a social security discussion.  It was agreed that the trend toward social security measures is a good thing, and that the old age pension should begin at the age of sixty-five.


Flowers were sent to Mr. Peter J. McLean, one of the members, who is at present confined to St. Joseph’s Hospital.


At the next meeting it is planned to entertain the section in the Badenoch Schoolhouse.  A social evening will be held and the committee is to be Mrs. J. Kitchen, Mrs. Donald McLean, Mr. Dick Buchanan, and Mr. Wilfred Campbell.


Cards were played and the high score was won by Mr. P. C. McLean and Mrs. Archie Scott, and lone hands by Mr. Donald McLean.  Refreshments were then served by the social committee, Mrs. Peter C. McLean and Mrs. J. G. McLean.

Guelph Mercury newspaper






Badenoch Forum

January 27th 1949.


On Monday, January 24th, the Badenoch Farm Forum entertained the section in the Badenoch Schoolhouse, with a goodly number present.


In the absence of the President, Mr. P. C. McLean, the Vice-President, Mr. J. Kitchen, took charge of the meeting.  Mr. Alex McLean was appointed chairman for the next meeting, which is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanning, with Margaret McLean and Mrs. William Hanning as social committee.


Progressive euchre was enjoyed, high scores going to Mrs. Wyse and Mr. Kenneth McLean, lone hands to Mr. W. Campbell and Mrs. Archie Scott.  Supper was served by the committee, Mrs. J. Kitchen, Mrs. Donald McLean, Mrs. Archie Scott, Mr. Wilfred Campbell, and Mr. Dick Buchanan.


from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Badenoch Forum

February 9th 1949.


The Badenoch Farm Forum met for the February 7th meeting in the Badenoch Schoolhouse.  The topic “Food in Sales Clothing” was discussed, with Mr. Dick Buchanan as chairman, and it was agreed that advertising is to the best interests of both the producer and the consumer, with the producer being responsible for the quality of his goods, and depending on the producers’ organization or co-operative for the big scale advertising.


Mr. Ken McLean was appointed chairman for the next meeting, at the home of Mrs. Grace Buchanan, with Mrs. P. C. McLean and Mrs. Archie Scott as committee.


Progressive euchre was enjoyed, high scores going to Mr. Donald McLean and Mrs. Archie Scott, and lone hands to Mr. Archie Scott.


Refreshments were served by the committee, Mrs. Grace Buchanan, Miss Ethel Simpson, and Mrs. J. G. McLean.


The Guelph Mercury newspaper






The Badenoch Forum

February 19th 1949.


Mrs. Grace Buchanan was hostess for the February 14th meeting of the Badenoch Farm Forum.  The topic was “Food Takes a Ride”.  The chairman, Ken McLean, divided the gathering into two groups, and discussion followed.  The next meeting, which is review night, will be held at the Badenoch Schoolhouse, with Mrs. Jim Kitchen and Mrs. P. C. McLean, a social committee.  Progressive euchre was enjoyed, high scores going to Mrs. Jim Kitchen and Mr. Archie Scott, and to Mr. Jim Kitchen, for lone hands.  Refreshments were served by the committee, Mrs. Donald McLean and Mrs. Archie Scott.


Guelph Mercury newspaper






The Badenoch Forum

March 16th 1949.


The Badenoch Farm Forum met for the March 14th meeting at the home of Mr. Alex McLean.  “Many Happy Returns” was the topic in the current series on taxation.  In the absence of the appointed chairman, the duties were performed by Mr. Donald Hanning, and the gathering was divided into three groups.


A petition was signed by those present, urging the delivery of “The Mercury” on the day of publication.  The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean, which is review night, with Miss Jessie Elliott and Mrs. Archie Scott as social committee.


Euchre prizes went to Mrs. Donald McLean and Mr. Peter C. McLean for high score and to Miss Ethel Simpson for lone hands.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






The Badenoch Forum

April 11th 1949.


The last meeting of the season of the Badenoch Farm Forum was held in the Badenoch Schoolhouse, with a good attendance.  The review of views and ideas of farm forums all across the Dominion were heard.  A showing of films and a euchre will be held in April.


Euchre was enjoyed, high scores going to Mrs. P. C. McLean and Mr. D. McLean, most lone hands to Mrs. D. McLean and Mr. J. G. McLean, and consolation to Mrs. J. G. McLean and Mr. George Scott.


Recognition was given those attending all meetings of the forum for the season.


Thanks is due Mr. Ben Wyse for making it possible for this group to enjoy the programs in the schoolhouse.


A sumptuous supper was served by the social committee, Messrs. Alex McLean, Ed. Scott, Mac Elliott, W. Campbell, and D. Buchanan.


The forum wishes at this time to thank The Mercury staff for their co-operation in publishing these weekly articles.






Badenoch Forum Elects Officers

November 2nd 1949.


The first meeting of the farm forum for this season was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kitchen on October 31st, with sixteen members present.  New officers elected were: President ─ John McLean, Secretary ─ Mrs. Donald McLean, and Press Reporter ─ Mrs. A. Buchanan.


After the discussion and business session, a short recreation period was enjoyed, followed by tempting refreshments, served by Mrs. Kitchen and Mrs. Donald McLean.


The next meeting will be held in the same home, with Mr. Archie Scott acting as chairman, and the lunch committee being Mrs. John McLean, Miss Margaret McLean, and Mrs. A. Buchanan.


Guelph Mercury newspaper






The Badenoch Farm Forum

November 17th 1949.


The second meeting of the Badenoch Farm Forum was held in the home of the President, Mr. Jas. Kitchen, with twenty-nine in attendance.  There were three groups for the discussion period, and it was generally felt that federal aid would help to defer our costs of education and that education should be standardized across the Dominion, and so, facilitate the movement of teachers from one province to another without writing exams in each province.


Euchre was played, with the ladies’ prize going to Miss Jean McLean, ladies’ lone hands, to Mrs. Peter C. McLean, gentleman’s high score to Mr. Duncan McEdward, and lone hands to Mr. Donald McLean.


Refreshments were served by the hostess and committee, assisted by Miss Patsy Kitchen and Miss Wylda Gilmour.


Your reporter wishes to make a correction in the list of officers, as stated last week.  Mr. Jas. Kitchen is acting President, with Mr. John McLean, Vice-President.


 From The Guelph Mercury newspaper






Badenoch Farm Forum Convenes

 December 3rd 1949.


The fourth and fifth meetings of the Badenoch Farm Forum were held on their respective nights in the Badenoch School.  Members of the Badenoch Hockey Club were entertained at the fourth meeting, which was social night.


Plans for a community skating rink have been shelved, as the project was thought too expensive.  Members and guests numbered about forty, and euchre was enjoyed after the discussion period, with prizes for lone hands and high score.  Lunch was served.


Attendance at the fifth meeting was 22 members.  All groups agreed that a good farmer is not recognized for his financial success alone, but also for his methods of management, diligence, consideration of others, and co-operation in the community affairs.  Chairman was Mr. Ken McLean.


Five tables of cards were in play, the prizes going to Mrs. Sandy Martin, Mrs. A. Scott, Mr. Bob Hanning, and Mr. Ken McLean.  The lunch committee was Mrs. A. Scott and Mrs. Wm. Scott.


The next meeting will be held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean.  D. Buchanan will be the chairman.  The lunch committee will be Mrs. P. C. McLean and Mrs. Sandy Martin.


The Guelph Mercury






Badenoch Farm Forum

December 21st 1949.


Badenoch Farm Forum met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Scott on December 12th, with thirty-nine members present.  Discussion followed the broadcast and stencils for mailboxes were ordered for the group.


Fruit and flowers were sent to two members in the hospital.  Cards were played, with prizes going to Mrs. Jas. Kitchen for high score, Mrs. Sandy Martin for lone hands, and for the gentlemen, prizes went to Robt. Hanning and Andrew Gilmour.  Robt. Hanning acted as chairman for the evening.  Mrs. Sandy Martin and Mrs. P. C. McLean were convenors of the lunch committee.


The last meeting of the year of the Badenoch Farm Forum met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott on December 19th, with an attendance of thirty-one.  This was review night and the president acted as chairman.  There were no group discussions and very little business, so a social evening was enjoyed.  Euchre prizes were won by Mrs. P. C. McLean and Mr. Donald McLean for lone hands.  Refreshments were served by the hostess and her committee, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Bousfield, and Mrs. Buchanan.


We extend to our neighbouring forums and many friends, the compliments of the season and wish for a happy and prosperous New Year. 


From The Guelph Mercury newspaper






Badenoch Farm Forum Report

January 18th 1950.


The Badenoch Farm Forum began the New Year with a record attendance of forty-eight members, when it met on January 9th in the home of Mr. D. Buchanan.  After the Secretary’s reports, Mr. Douglas Gilmour divided the gathering into four groups for the discussion period.  All were agreed that it is not advisable to change the line of production to suit the whim of the markets because of cost, supply, and demand, but rather to concentrate on producing better quality produce.


Name stencils for mail boxes were distributed and boxes are to be painted white with black letters.  Nine tables of progressive euchre were played.  Prize winners were Mrs. Sandy Martin, Mrs. D. McLean, Mr. Donald Bruce, and Mr. C. Cook.  Lunch was served.

The Guelph Mercury






Badenoch Forum

February 3rd 1950.


Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gilmour were hosts to the Badenoch Farm Forum recently, with the usual good attendance.  Result of the discussion was that everyone favoured free trade, especially with Great Britain, but that the trade barriers between us and the United States and Great Britain should be removed gradually so as to permit the demand to take care of any surplus which might be caused by the removal of such barriers.


The social part of the evening was spent in playing euchre and ping pong.  Refreshments were served by Mrs. Gilmour, Mrs. Roy Winer, Mrs. Sandy Martin, and Mrs. P. C. McLean.


On January 30th, the Badenoch Farm Forum was held in the home of Mr. MacMillan Elliott and Miss Jessie Elliott.  A good attendance was recorded and the meeting took the usual form, with prizes going to Mrs. James Kitchen, Mrs. Doug Gilmour, Mr. A. Scott, and Mr. George Scott.


from The Guelph Mercury Newspaper






Badenoch Forum

February 18th 1950.


The first two meetings for the month of February were held in the home of Mr. Alex McLean.  The first meeting was largely attended and took the usual pattern.  Mr. Bousfield acted as Chairman.  The Social Committee consisted of Mrs. Peter J. McLean, Mrs. Kitchen, and Mrs. Donald McLean, who assisted Miss Margaret McLean in serving refreshments.  Due to the very stormy weather, the attendance dropped to sixteen for the second meeting.  Results from the Forum dance were gratifying and all members present voted in favour of another one.  Proceeds are to be given for a worthy cause.


A short session of euchre was enjoyed, prizes going to Mrs. Donald McLean, Mrs. Douglas Gilmour, Mr. A. Scott, and Mr. K. McLean.  Refreshments were served by the hostess and social committee.  The next meeting will be held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanning, with Donald McLean as Chairman.


from the Guelph Mercury






J. McLean Heads Badenoch Forum

November 3rd 1950.


“How can we farm on shorter hours?” was the topic of a lively discussion, held at the season’s first meeting of the Badenoch Farm Forum.  Twenty-nine members attended the meeting, held in the Badenoch School on Monday evening.


Mr. D. G. Hanning was chairman for the evening and officers for the season were elected as follows: President ─ J. G. McLean, Vice-President ─ D. Buchanan, Secretary ─ Mrs. Donald McLean,  Assistant Secretary ─ Mrs. James Kitchen, Press Reporter ─ Mrs. P. C. McLean.


It was decided to hold all meetings in the Schoolhouse.  Mr. James Kitchen was named chairman for next Monday night, with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cook as committee.


The remainder of the evening was spent playing euchre, with prizes going to Mrs. Frank Elliott and Donald McLean for high scores, and to Mrs. Garnet Law and Wm. Hanning for lone hands.  The committee in charge consisted of Miss Margaret McLean, Alex McLean, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanning.


The Guelph Mercury newspaper






Lively Discussions at Badenoch Forum

January 25th 1951.


“Marketing Quality Products” was the topic for discussion at a recent Badenoch Farm Forum meeting.  Mr. Wm. Hanning was chairman for the evening.  Members agreed that everyone should strive to have high quality products, and that low quality should be either processed or used for cattle feed.  They felt unable to do without the middleman, as they sell and receive a lot of goods through him.


The Forum thought that if there were fewer commercial travellers then there would not be such a price spread between producer and consumer.  They favoured buying through the Co-operatives.


A lively discussion took place on township and school assessment rates.


Euchre was enjoyed, with prizes going to Mrs. P. C. McLean, Jean McLean, Charles Cook Senior, and James Kitchen.  Refreshments were served by the committee, consisting of Mrs. Wm. Hanning, Mrs. Archie Scott, and Mrs. Chas. Cook.


The Guelph Mercury newspaper







January 26th 1951.


The Badenoch Farm Forum met on Monday night with thirty-four present.  The topic “What can Marketing Boards Accomplish?” was discussed, with Andrew Gilmour as chairman.  Forum members thought that there should be Federal legislation and government supervision and that each province should have a member on a Dominion council.  Producers’ marketing schemes resemble trade unions, as both are trying to better the financial condition of their members.  Each member is asked to pay so much into their organization.


Euchre was enjoyed, with prizes going to Mrs. J. G. McLean, Jean McLean, Bob McLean, and Peter C. McLean.  The committee in charge members were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kitchen and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gilmour.


There will be no Badenoch Farm Forum meeting on January 29th, as the members are going to Aberfoyle to a meeting of the Puslinch Township Federation of Agriculture.  The next Forum meeting will be held on February 5th at the Badenoch School, with the young men as a committee. 


From The Guelph Mercury Newspaper







March 1st 1951.


Badenoch Farm Forum met on Monday night at the school for a review night, with twenty-two present.  The President, John G. McLean, conducted a short business meeting.  The members are accepting the invitation of the Puslinch Station Farm Forum to a social evening in Morriston Hall on Friday night, with our Forum being asked to take sandwiches.


Progressive euchre followed, with prizes going to Mrs. Peter J. McLean, Jean McLean, Arnold McLean, and George Scott.  The committee in charge included Miss Margaret McLean, Mrs. Ingle Bousfield, and Mrs. Peter C. McLean.


The Guelph Mercury







March 8th 1951.


Badenoch Farm Forum met on Monday night.  The topic “Can the curriculum be improved for rural schools?” was discussed, with George Scott as chairman.  The members agreed that all public school children, rural and urban, should receive the same course of study.  We also thought that instruction should be given in farming to rural boys of high school age in a school where a choice is offered between academic and vocational subjects, including agriculture.


There were thirty-five members present.  Prize winners for the progressive euchre that followed were Mrs. John G. McLean, Betty McLean, Arnold McLean, and Peter C. McLean.  The committee members in charge were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanning.


The Guelph Mercury newspaper







March 30th 1951.


The Badenoch Farm Forum held its closing meeting at the Badenoch School, with fifty-three members present.  The President, John G. McLean thanked all for their co-operation during this past year, and also Mrs. Donald McLean for her work as Secretary during the past two years.  Thanks also go to Mrs. C. Cook for her help during the year with the lunch, and to Ingle Bousfield, timekeeper for the euchre.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliot and Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McLean were named a committee to start the Forum next season.  Mrs. John G. McLean was appointed convenor for Badenoch, to help with the Wellington County Chest Clinic, which will be coming to Puslinch shortly.


 Prizes for the progressive euchre, which followed the meeting, went to Audrey MacEdward, Mr. and Mrs. James Martin, and Peter C. McLean.  Hot dogs, coffee, pie, and ice cream were served by the committee, Duncan Buchanan, Arnold McLean, Bob Hanning, Kenneth McLean, and Ingle Bousfield.


From The Guelph Mercury Newspaper






The Badenoch Farm Forum

November 5th 1951.


The Badenoch Farm Forum held its first meeting of the 1951-52 season at the Badenoch Schoolhouse on October 29th, with some 45 members in attendance.  The entire membership listened to a radio broadcast and then divided into smaller groups and discussed the formation of a co-operative and how to operate it to make it a success.  The officers for the coming year were elected as follows, President ─ R. Buchanan, Vice-President ─ M. Elliott, Secretary-Treasurer ─ Mrs. Mary Elliott, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer ─ Florence Martin, and Press Reporter ─ Charles Cook.


Refreshments were served by Mrs. P. J. McLean and Mrs. F. Elliott.


The Guelph Mercury Newspaper







January 1952.


The first meeting of the Badenoch Farm Forum after the Christmas recess was held at the Badenoch School on January 7th, with an attendance of 32.


After the business session, euchre was played at seven tables, with the following winners, Mr. P. C. McLean, Mrs. William Scott, and Mr. P. J. McLean.


The evening closed with a very enjoyable lunch, served by Mrs. Frank Elliott and Mrs. P. J. McLean.


Guelph Mercury newspaper






The Badenoch Farm Forum

February 27th 1952.


The regular meeting of the Badenoch Farm Forum was held at the Badenoch School on February 18th, at 8:30 p.m., with an attendance of 62.  The Forum had as its guests, 16 young people from the Wellington County Folk School, which is being held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. McLean, and is under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Griesbach, of Toronto.


 After listening to the forum broadcast, Mr. James Cook divided those in attendance into six groups for the discussion of the subject “the effect of high transportation costs on what the farmer has to sell”.


After the business session, euchre was played at fourteen tables, the prizes being awarded as follows, ladies’ high score, Miss Jessie Elliott, ladies’ lone hands, Mrs. Mary Elliott, men’s high score, Mr. William Courtney, men’s lone hands, Mr. Archie Scott.


The evening closed with lunch served by Mrs. Beulah Kitchen, Mrs. Gladys Hanning, and Miss Janet Scott.


from The Guelph Mercury newspaper







End of file.